Particle Manual

3 Texture Keywords

3.1 texture <texturename>

	Specifies to use an image named texturename for this effect.

3.2 material <materialname>

	Specifies to use a named material.
	This overrides blendmodes, as no new material will need to be created.

3.3 tcoords <s1> <t1> <s2> <t2> [tscale] [rsmax] [rsstep]

	Specifies to use a subsection of the image.

	If 'tscale' is set, all units are divided by this. it is the virtual size of
	your texture.
	So a value of 1 means that your texture coords must be between 0 and 1.
	But if it properly matches your texture's size, the coords are in pixels.

	If 'rsmax' is present, each particle will use a random image.
	These images must be on a single row in your particle font.

	'rsstep' specifies the stride (gap from one to the next) in your particle
	font, and is only needed if 'rsmax' is present and greater than 1.

3.4 atlas count_in_each_axis firstidx [last]

	An alternative to tcoords.
	The specified texture (or material) is to be considered as a grid of sprites (x*x, where x is specified in that first arg).
	'firstidx' specifies the first image to use (horizontal THEN vertical).
	'last' specifies the last image to use (inclusive). The engine will pick one at random. They should not span multiple rows.

3.5 rotation <startmin> <startmax> <speedmin> <speedmax>

	The particle will start with a rotation rotated between 'startmin' and 'startmax'.
	It will then rotate with some per-particle value randomly picked between the 'speedmin' + 'speedmax' values.
	Should NOT be used on beam particles.

3.6 beamtexstep <value>

	Only valid if the effect is a beam.
	Specifies the number of quake units per beam texture repitition.

3.7 beamtexspeed <value>

	Only valid if the effect is type 'beam'.
	Controls how fast the texture scrolls on the beam.

3.8 scale <min> [max]

	Particles will start with a diameter of this many quake units.
	Actual scale will be randomly chosen between 'min' and 'max' ('max' defaults to equal if 'min' is missing)

3.9 scalefactor <frac>

	Controls how the particle scales with distance.
	1 makes the particle scale the same as anything else
	0 makes the particle not change size no matter how far it is

3.10 stretchfactor <factor>

	Controls how spark particles stretch according to their velocity.
	Negative values give fixed length sparks.

3.11 scaledelta <value>

	Controls how the particle scales over time
	Specifies the change in the particle scale per second.

3.12 step <min> <max>

	Trails/beams only
	Specifies the distance between each particle in the trail (or beam).

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