Particle Manual

4 Color Keywords

4.1 alpha <value>

	Specifies the initial alpha value of the effect

4.2 alpharand <value>

	Specifies a randomized additonal value added to each particle's initial alpha.

4.3 alphadelta <value>

	Specifies how much the alpha value of the effect changes per second (subtracted)

4.4 rgbdeltatime <value>

	Specifies for how long the particle may change colours for.
	After this many seconds, the particle may no longer change colours (delta becomes 0).

4.5 rampmode <mode>

	Mode may be one of:
	none: uses rgb+rand+sync+delta+scale+scaledelta values.
	nearest(or absolute): the ramp overrides all colour+scale values. The effect moves from one absolute ramp index to the next.
	lerp: smoothly interpolates from one value to the next.
	delta: uses rgb+rand+sync+scale, but not delta values. All delta values come from the colour ramp instead.

	If not none, the ramp index used is based upon the particle's age, its lifetime, and how many ramp elements there are.

4.6 rampindexlist <idx1> [<idx2> [idx3 ...]]

	Scale used is the currently set scale value.
	Specifies a set of palette index values to use for the effect as part of the effect's colour ramp.

4.7 rampindex <idx> <scale>

	Specifies an individual palette index value and particle scale to use for the effect as part of the effect's colour ramp

4.8 ramp <red> <green> <blue> [alpha] [scale]

	Specifies a ramp index in rgb terms, regardless of palette.

4.9 blend <mode>

	If the texture used is actually a material then that material's blend mode will take precidence.
	As a general rule you should try to use only the premul blend modes (as well as atlasing).

	Mode may be one of:

4.10 stains <value>

	How much the effect discolours the wall upon impact.
	The stained colour is based upon the colour of the particle upon impact.

4.11 spawnstain <radius> <r> <g> <b>

	Controls whether a stain will be created at the same time as any particles
	(instead of depending upon impacts).

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