Particle Manual

2 General Keywords

2.1 type <mode>

	How the particles look.

	Mode may be:
		beam: valid only for trails. Particles form a single textured beam acting as nodes along it.
		spark: particles are lines, their length depending upon their speed.
		sparkfan: particles are non-planar triangle fans, their length depending upon their speed.
		texturedspark: textured particles are aligned along their direction of movement, their length depending upon their speed, width equal to their scale.
		cdecal/decal: particles are spawned only upon bsp geometry. They are clipped by it.
		udecal: unclipped decal. exact semantics are subject to change.
		normal/*default*: Particles are regular, rotating, 2d images.

2.2 count <min> <max>

	Point/box effects only (not trails or beams)
	Specifies how many particles are spawned per effect (some classic effects contain an extra scaler which is multiplied by the resulting value)

2.3 assoc <effectname>

	Specifies another effect to spawn at the same time that this effect is spawned.
	Thus allowing two sets of particles from one effect.

2.4 die <maximum age> <minimum age>

	Specifies the maximum age of the particle, in seconds.

2.5 spawnmode <mode> [arg1] [arg2]

	This affects how particles are positioned when they first spawn, and their initial velocities.

	For point effects, mode may be one of:
		box: simple axially aligned box of particles.
		circle: particles spawn within a ball with uniform distance from the center. none will appear in the middle.
			arg1: percentage of the circle to cover. a value of 5 will go around the circle 5 separate times. this can be used for weird beam effects.
			areaspread: the radius of the ball
			areaspreadvert: the height of the ball. if 0, will be a flat circle
		ball: particles spawn randomly within a ball.
			areaspread: the radius of the ball
			areaspreadvert: the height of the ball. if 0, will be a flat circle.
		telebox: matches quake's telebox
		lavasplash: like chthon's lava splash
		uniformcircle: particles are spawned in a circle with uniform distance between and from the center. z=0.
		syncfield: particles spawn at predictable locations based upon time within a rough sphere. Only useful for effects that are regenerated+replaced every frame.
		*default*: regular box. particles are spawned inside an axially aligned box.

	For trail effects, mode may be one of:
		spiral: particles are given velocities perpendicular to the direction based on the distance moved.
		tracer: particles spawn with alternating horizontal velocities (a wake effect).
		*default*: particles spawn as a regular trail.

2.6 clippeddecal <mask> [match]

	Implies 'type decal'.
	The two extra args allow you to spawn these decals ONLY on surfaces with matching surfaceflags.
	Separation of mask+match allows you to create many descrete surface types instead of being limited to 32 bits/types.

2.7 spawntime <value>

2.8 spawnchance <value>

2.9 emit <effectname>

	Specifies the effect to periodically emit.

2.10 emitinterval <min>

	Particles will not emit additional effects for this duration after emitting one.

2.11 emitintervalrand <extra>

	FIXME: fold into emitinterval

2.12 emitstart <seconds>

	Prevents the particle from emitting anything for this duration when it first spawns.

2.13 perframe

	Apply inverse frametime to count (causes emits to be per frame).

2.14 averageout

	Average trail points from start to end, useful with t_lightning, etc

2.15 nostate

	Causes the particle system to ignore all state information.

2.16 sound <name> [options]

	Plays a sound when the effect is spawned.
	Only ONE sound will be used, picked randomly from the included sounds according to their weights.

	Options are:

2.17 model <name> [options]

	Spawns sprites or models that fly away with random angles and run through
	some frame sequence. handy for simple gib effects.

	Options are:

2.18 viewspace [frac]

	Specifies that this particle type should move relative to the camera.
	Should not normally be used in combination with clipping/bouncing.
	Not compatible with most splitscreen games.

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