
578 lines
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//TAGGG - NEW. Header file for gamemod player
class CTSWorldGun;
// NOTE-
// even on the "Press Fire To Play!" text, that shows up after the spawn countdown
// finishes (shown on trying to spawn too early), there is actually 1 second left
// until clicking to spawn does anything. Kindof odd, probably an oversight.
// State of the player for whether they're ingame, thirdperson recently on death,
// or in fake-spectator (buy menu).
// Players enter the server in the NOCLIP state.
// Nothing special. Collision, gravity, equips things.
// Like a third-person view of the player's most recent position, unsure
// if it follows the corpse, try dying while moving in TS to see.
// Slowly zooms out to a point.
// Changes to DEAD_NOCLIP (aka "Fake Spectator") on clicking between 1
// and 2.5 seconds, or waiting out the 2.5 seconds (happens anyway)
// Starts at the exact point where the dead player was.
// Would probably be better to just leave the camera where it is insead of
// jumping to the player's old point, unnecessary to do that and kinda jarring.
#define ATTR_CHANGED_ARY(ary, i) (ary ##_net[i] != ary[i])
#define PREDICTED_ARY_INT(ary, size) int ary[size]; int ary ##_net[size]
#define ROLL_BACK_ARY(ary, i) ary[i] = ary ##_net[i]
#define SAVE_STATE_ARY(ary, i) ary ##_net[i] = ary[i]
#define PREDICTED_CUSTOM(arg_t, x) arg_t x; arg_t x ##_net
#define ROLL_BACK_ARRAY_MEMBER(ary, i, sub) ary[i].sub = ary ##_net[i].sub
#define SAVE_STATE_ARRAY_MEMBER(ary, i, sub) x ##_net = x // did not do
class player:base_player
#ifdef CLIENT
int custom_sequence;
// On death, the player cannot change the camera to fake-specator until at least 1 second
// has passed.
// On death, set this to 2.5. If it is less than 1.5,
float deathCameraChangeTime;
BOOL completeInventorySend;
//TAGGG - I'm not messing around with that memory issue from last time.
// But try again with this removed whenever it turns out ok, see if this is needed
// anymore.
//virtual void (void)dummyBufferMethod;
/* animation */
//TAGGG - tons of new vars.
//TAGGG - TODO! Put the PREDICTED_INT/FLOAT/whatever stuff on what needs it.
#ifdef SERVER
int money;
//int voted;
//int ingame;
// Keep a record of the most recently seen viewmodel frame for this player for sendoffs.
// That way, if the server/client go out-of-synch in the middle of an animation, or
// something that should have started playing according to the server doesn't at
// clientside, clientside can receive the frame (really sequence, or animation choice)
// it should be and correct that.
// UNUSED FOR NOW, just an idea.
int flViewModelFrame;
// who's team am I on? may not matter depending on gamemode.
TS_Team iTeam;
// Should this be predicted? Unsure, I doubt it.
float maxspeed_raw;
// Don't use viewzoom, that's used by Nucldie to enforce the real zoom.
// The closest thing is flZoomCurrent further down, the raw value even after the current
// state of lerp to be given to viewzoom.
// The current choice of zoom of some incremental number offered by the current weapon.
// 0 is the default (no zoom). There is no standard for what zoom value there is for each
// zoom level in general, that is up to the equipped weapon's secondaryfire method to fill
// on right-clicking to change the zoom level.
// Set this (or the setZoom method) to tap into the lerp system properly.
// When noticed (client/view.qc), the current zoom value goes to flZoomStart and
// flZoomTarget goes to flZoomEnd. The lerp goes from Start to End for a smooth transition.
// TODO - soon, no longer serverside, not even involved there anymore at all.
// This can still be on server and clientside, since determining it from iZoomLevel
// given a weapon is possible (ak47's zoom #1 is this, barrett's zoom #1 is that, etc.)
float flZoomTarget;
#ifdef CLIENT
float flZoomEnd;
float flZoomStart;
float flZoomLerp;
float flZoomCurrent;
float flZoomTarget;
float iZoomLevelPrev; // for clientside to detect a change
#ifdef CLIENT
BOOL equippedWeaponWaitingForCallback;
int equippedWeaponWaitingForCallback_ID;
float equippedWeaponWaitingForCallback_maxWaitTime;
// For telling how long it's been since I've been on the ground.
// Don't oscillate the view model bob on going down short steps.
float flRecentGroundTime;
BOOL recentLaserHitPosSet;
vector recentLaserHitPos;
vector recentLaserHitPos2;
int recentLaserDistanceDisplay;
// does anything use this?
BOOL forceViewModelUpdate;
// NOTICE - individual dynamic weapons have "iForceBodygroup1Submodel".
// "prev_iForceBodygroup1Submodel" is player-wide (here) instead because we only need to
// keep track of changes in a weapon's iForceBodygroup1Submodel while that weapon is
// equipped. Not that it could ever change while not equipped anyway.
int prev_iForceBodygroup1Submodel;
// same as below for muzzleflash.
int iMuzzleFlashType;
// and akimbo support
int iMuzzleFlashAkimboChoice;
// During a shell-eject event, what member of aryShellEjectData do I use for the model
// and hitsound script file to use? Set on setting up the event so that it is only
// called once, clientside weapons can be strange.
// Must be stored as a var to be preserved for the event (which does not take any params,
// and is called very shortly after being set in a separate stream of execution).
int iShellEjectType;
// And, for which weapon? Default is LEFT (attachment #0)
int iShellEjectAkimboChoice;
// Not involved in setting up the shell-eject event. Rather, it is set BY the shell-eject
// event to ensure this only happens once per fire animation.
// When seen TRUE in TS_View_DrawCustom, the shell ejection actually happens for the
// most accurate position.
BOOL bShellEjectScheduled;
// Way it works is a little different from the average (Half-Life and Counterstrike).
// We do have a crosshair that can grow with repeated fire to show increased inaccuracy
// with firing too often (this is not related to the offset of the camera from firing
// recently, but often just happens at the same time)
// ANYWAY. Base (HL / CS) kickback behavior for firing is to throw the player camera
// off seemingly by a small angle in any direction quickly (slightly upward-biased?,
// unsure), but it will return to the default position on its own over time, more quickly
// the further away it is from the intended aim angle.
// In TS, it's similar but instead lerps quickly to a new position somewhere between
// +- 45 degrees (maybe more?) from the very top. Continuous firing likely adds to the
// new angle to lerp to.
// So you over time get closer to looking at the very top with continuous firing without
// moving the mouse, and then further firing will just start rotating left/right a tiny
// bit once it's at the very top.
// Way this works is, it's vector(0,0,0) by default, and on firing, it gets a constant
// amount added, like (-0.1, 0.1, 0). Next frame we will move the view angle by 40% of
// what's left: (-0.04, 0.04, 0) and subtract that from the OffsetTarget, leaving it
// (-0.06, 0.06, 0).
// Repeat until OffsetTarget gets so low we just 0 it out.
// Firing further only adds to OffsetTarget as it is, so we approach the 0 point in
// neglibly more time / the angle moves faster during that time to reach the increased
// offset.
// ...also, this variable will be shared. Serverside since it must be presistent
// (not just something to step away from after it happens the first frame), and
// clientside to keep track of how to behave in case the connection is broken since.
//vector vViewAngleOffsetTarget;
// should be better networked when it's better understood what the block feature
// (reload with karate out, I assume?) is supposed to do.
float flKarateBlockCooldown;
vector vViewAngleOffsetTarget;
// The client can keep its own in mind as prediction between frames if needed. Server
// time and client time aren't really compatible to send like this.
// not networked, set by the player individually client and serverside on picking
// the weapon. Might not even be necessary to do this.
float fMoveBlockCapSpeed;
//These will be shared and help with slowdown logic.
//They are all 0 to 1.0 (normal) unless there are further restrictions.
float flBaseSpeedMulti; //How should miscelaneous things be affected (client animation)?
float flMoveSpeedMulti; //how is move speed affected?
float flSoundSpeedMulti; //can range from 0.5 to 1.
float flFireDelayMulti; //How is fire delay impacted?
// Will be taken to the -1 power, so that a fireDelay of 0.5
// actually doubles the time between firing.
float flBulletSpeedMulti; //how is bullet speed affected?
float flProjectileSpeedMulti; //how are non-projectiles (grenades, knives, etc.) affected?
//TODO - see how to handle saving / loadig these on the client's end.
//Server probably dosen't need to store config stuff at all.
#ifdef CLIENT
// record the time of the previous frame.
// TODO - could this be done once globally clientside for all players?
// Significance: split-screen? Why re-compute for 4 splitscreen players.
// Come to think of it this might bring up a lot of other questions.
float clientTime_prev;
// IDEA: should lasersightUnlockTime be networked? No idea,
// same for w_freeze_idle_next.
BOOL lasersightUnlockTime;
// When should the viewmodel anim switch to the frozen idle anim?
float w_freeze_idle_next;
//In the weapon select menu, what is currently being highlighted & picked if fire is
// pressed? Also used as a base for finding the "previous" or "next" weapon while mouse
// wheeling through
int weaponSelectHighlightID;
//This var gets a chance to turn on after the player goes through all weapons in slots
// 1-4 to see if any weapons have akimbo. If so, weaponSelectHighlightID goes to that
// weapon (the first with akimbo) and this variable turns on. Going to the next/previous
// weapon goes through all weapons to see the next akimbo one until there are no other
// choices in that direction (like last akimb weapon --> next goes back to akimbo-less
// slot 1's first weapon... and so on if empty). Note that slot 5 is imaginary; it is
// only made of weapons from slots 1-4 with akimbo choices.
//Then, selecting a next weapon looks for the next
BOOL weaponSelectHighlightAkimbo;
// used for telling what the most recently equipped weapon's akimbo status was - no or
// yes.
BOOL flag_lastWeaponAkimbo;
float flViewShake;
float nextUseCooldown;
// Should this even be networked? Seems to work on a very short timeframe
BOOL switchToRecentlyAddedWeapon;
// TODO - reset in server and client respawn calls/notices.
int inputPrimaryTapFrameCount;
int inputSecondaryTapFrameCount;
BOOL inputPrimaryReleasedQueue;
BOOL inputSecondaryReleasedQueue;
// Shared, but don't network! I think?
int aryNextBurstShotTime_softLength;
float aryNextBurstShotTime[5];
int aryNextBurstShotTime_listenIndex;
//shotgun stuff
//NOTICE - all networked now, testing.
// serverside
// What animation is the shotgun in?
// -1 = not reloading
// 0 = doing reload1 (start)
// 1 = doing reload2 (intermediate; ammo loading)
// 2 = doing reload3 (end)
// ALSO! Call Byte vars 'floats' because FTE makes 'readbyte' give a float.
// do these even need to be networked in the end? Works now as it is,
// anything involving networking in even the most remote sense do be a finicky beast at times
#ifdef CLIENT
// This time must pass before re-setting the shotgunAddAmmoTime/shotgunAddAmmoSoundTime counters is allowed.
// Why do we need to do this? Ask FTE.
// NEVERMIND. Canned
//float shotgunAddAmmoTime_cooldownSetTime;
// What ary_shotgunExtra element to use for extra reload-reloated information in
// the shotgun. Not networked, set on draw or right before a reload in the case
// of ironsight weapons. Might be better ways of handling this but this is better
// than setting seven vars every time.
int iShotgunExtraDataID;
// was BOOL (a test, not even networked though)
//Grenade stuff
// -1 = nothing special, holding grenade normally. Pressing primary/secondary
// starts the next phase.
// 0 = pull-pin animation, and stays this way until the animation finishes and
// neither input is held down. Then the next phase starts.
// 1 = throw or throw-slide anim picked, based on primary or secondary being
// pressed the most recently. Jumps to phase 2.
// 2 = throw/slide anim playing. Grenade spawns very soon. After the anim
// finishes, decide whether to bring another grenade up (has ammo), other-
// wise, discard the weapon and pick another.
// at what time do I throw the grenade after starting the throw/toss anim?
float grenadeSpawnTime;
float grenadeHeldDuration;
PREDICTED_FLOAT(bGrenadeToss); //set to FALSE if it's a typical throw instead.
// shared
// for custom pmove to set
// TODO: these should probably be gflags constants as bitflags instead
BOOL bOnGround;
BOOL bViewAboveWater;
//TODO - could this just be an entity flag just as well? Unfortunately I don't know for
// sure what flags are guaranteed open / nonconflicting with anything else.
// was BOOL
// was BOOL
int akimboTest;
int akimboFirePrev;
// What is the next way I want to try firing if only primary is supposed to be used?
// Only used for certain firemode(s).
// Only used by akimbo to tell something about a recently chosen attack.
// Pending a rename to make that more clear
BOOL recentAttackHadAmmo;
//What particular choice of "ary_myWeapons" is equipped?
// NOPE! Rely on the nuclide-provided activeweapon "float".
// ...not quite though, use a new var in its place instead.
// 'activeweapon' is used by Nuclide to access info about a weapon in g_weapons (list of
// weapons in the Nuclide weapon_t format). It can't be used to access inventory places
// in our own system, so just use another var for that completely. On changing the
// currently equipped weapon, set 'activeweapon' to the type of weapon in that inventory
// space to let Nuclide tap into weapon info as needed, best of both worlds.
//int activeweapon;
// for akimbo weapons, the ID of the singular version for easy reference.
float activeweapon_singular;
// which one was equipped previously? For easily swapping back/forth weapons by some
// hotkey or console handle linked to a key, I forget.
// I think this is redundant with pSeat->m_iOldWeapon or something similar to that,
// try using that instead. Remove this if so.
int inventoryEquippedIndex_previous;
//This will tell us whether we intend to equip the akimbo version of hte currently
// equipped weapon. This is done since akimso variants, although selected separately in222222222222
// weapon select, are still tied to the exact same element in ary_myWeapons.
// was BOOL.
weapondynamic_t ary_myWeapons[ary_myWeapons_length];
// Have one space for each type of ammo available.
// If there were a large number of ammunitions and a low likelihood that all/most were
// going to be used in most loadouts, this could similarly store a list of the max number
// of ammunitions expected and keep track of which one an index (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) refers
// to. Sounds like a lot of extra work for a single ammo counter per type of ammo which
// is all this is.
//int ary_ammoTotal[AMMO_ID::LAST_ID];
// Provided for quick reference. How many slots does the current loadout take?
// There is a record of how much money has been spent, similar to config, but that isn't
// too important.
// The attached "money" (variable) is much more important (only pay attention to it serverside, fetch it from clientside: GetStatF(...) or something.
int iTotalSlots;
int iTotalPrice;
// from FreeHL, probaby good to use here too then?
//TAGGG - TODO. See if these need other lines to be supported & actually used, remove
// if not needed at all for what TS does.
#ifdef CLIENT
/* External model */
entity p_model;
int p_hand_bone;
int p_model_bone;
// nothing uses this? Whoops
//float lastweapon;
float ignoreFiremodeReceiveTime;
void(void) player;
virtual void(void) preThink;
virtual void(void) postThink;
virtual void(void) preThinkShared;
virtual void(BOOL resetInventory) reset;
virtual vector(vector vecInputAngles)View_approachAngleOffsetTarget;
virtual void (void)updateTimers;
virtual void(int arg_iZoomLevel) setZoomLevel;
virtual void(void) resetZoom;
virtual void(void) resetZoomSoft;
virtual void(int arg_newIndex) setInventoryEquippedIndex;
virtual void(int arg_newIndex, BOOL useAkimbo) setInventoryEquippedIndex_Akimbo;
virtual weapondata_basic_t*(void) getEquippedWeaponData;
virtual weapondata_basic_t*(void) getEquippedWeaponData_Singular;
virtual weapondata_basic_t*(int arg_invID, BOOL arg_preferAkimbo) getInventoryWeaponData;
virtual void(void) updateSlotCountsForEquippedWeapon;
virtual BOOL(void) equippedWeaponDeleteCheck;
virtual BOOL(int arg_invID) inventoryWeaponDeleteCheck;
virtual void(void) callWeaponThink;
virtual BOOL(void) shotgunAddAmmoTime_canSet;
virtual void(void) shotgunAddAmmoTime_setCooldownSetTime;
// overriding Nuclide player physics method!
// If any ever get renamed, this needs to be kept up-to-date with that!
// At least the ones actually beying used beyond straight-redirects.
virtual void(float flDownforce) Physics_Fall;
virtual void(void) Physics_Crouch;
virtual void(void) Physics_Jump;
virtual void(float premove) Physics_CheckJump;
virtual void(void) Physics_SetViewParms;
virtual void(void) Physics_WaterJump;
virtual void(void) Physics_WaterMove;
virtual float(void) Physics_MaxSpeed;
virtual void(void) Physics_InputPreMove;
virtual void(void) Physics_InputPostMove;
virtual void(void) Physics_Run;
#ifdef SERVER
// !!! SPECIAL CASE? not built-in but is what the "think" method is set to early on.
// (REMOVED: the ".think" pointer will likely be set by other stuff like so much as a
// reload delay, let's not expect this to stay as it's set)
//virtual void () frameThink;
//TAGGG - QUESTION. Does this need to be separate from postThink at all? Same for above,
// forget what these are for
virtual void(void) frameThink_fromServer;
virtual BOOL(CTSWorldGun arg_pickup) attemptAddWeaponFromPickup;
virtual void(int arg_weaponID, BOOL completeDrop) dropWeapon;
virtual BOOL(void) anyAmmoPoolNonEmpty;
virtual void(void) dropAmmo;
virtual void(void) clientInputUpdate;
virtual void(void) clientUseItemsCallback;
// FeeHL clones
#ifdef CLIENT
virtual void(void) draw;
virtual float() predraw;
virtual void(void) postdraw;
virtual void(float,float) ReceiveEntity;
// NEW
virtual void(int i) ReceiveEntity_ary_myWeapons;
virtual void(void) PredictPreFrame;
virtual void(void) PredictPostFrame;
virtual void(void) EvaluateEntity;
virtual float(entity, float) SendEntity;
// NEW
virtual void(int i) SendEntity_ary_myWeapons;