
307 lines
7.9 KiB

Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors.
For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.
This file is part of GtkRadiant.
GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#if !defined ( INCLUDED_ECLASSLIB_H )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "ieclass.h"
#include "irender.h"
#include "math/vector.h"
#include "string/string.h"
typedef Vector3 Colour3;
class ListAttributeType
using ListItem = std::pair<CopiedString, CopiedString>;
using ListItems = std::vector<ListItem>;
ListItems m_items;
typedef ListItems::const_iterator const_iterator;
const_iterator begin() const {
return m_items.begin();
const_iterator end() const {
return m_items.end();
const ListItem& operator[]( std::size_t i ) const {
return m_items[i];
const_iterator findValue( const char* value ) const {
for ( ListItems::const_iterator i = m_items.begin(); i != m_items.end(); ++i )
if ( string_equal( value, ( *i ).second.c_str() ) ) {
return i;
return m_items.end();
void push_back( const char* name, const char* value ){
m_items.push_back( ListItems::value_type( name, value ) );
class EntityClassAttribute
CopiedString m_type;
CopiedString m_name;
CopiedString m_value;
CopiedString m_description;
EntityClassAttribute( const char* type, const char* name, const char* value = "", const char* description = "" ) : m_type( type ), m_name( name ), m_value( value ), m_description( description ){
typedef std::pair<CopiedString, EntityClassAttribute> EntityClassAttributePair;
typedef std::list<EntityClassAttributePair> EntityClassAttributes;
typedef std::list<CopiedString> StringList;
inline const char* EntityClassAttributePair_getName( const EntityClassAttributePair& attributePair ){
if ( !string_empty( attributePair.second.m_name.c_str() ) ) {
return attributePair.second.m_name.c_str();
return attributePair.first.c_str();
inline const char* EntityClassAttributePair_getDescription( const EntityClassAttributePair& attributePair ){
if ( !string_empty( attributePair.second.m_description.c_str() ) ) {
return attributePair.second.m_description.c_str();
return EntityClassAttributePair_getName( attributePair );
class EntityClass
CopiedString m_name;
StringList m_parent;
bool fixedsize;
bool unknown; // wasn't found in source
Vector3 mins;
Vector3 maxs;
Colour3 color;
Shader* m_state_fill;
Shader* m_state_wire;
Shader* m_state_blend;
CopiedString m_comments;
char flagnames[MAX_FLAGS][32];
CopiedString m_modelpath;
CopiedString m_skin;
void ( *free )( EntityClass* );
EntityClassAttributes m_attributes;
bool inheritanceResolved;
bool sizeSpecified;
bool colorSpecified;
const char* name() const {
return m_name.c_str();
const char* comments() const {
return m_comments.c_str();
const char* modelpath() const {
return m_modelpath.c_str();
const char* skin() const {
return m_skin.c_str();
inline const char* EntityClass_valueForKey( const EntityClass& entityClass, const char* key ){
for ( EntityClassAttributes::const_iterator i = entityClass.m_attributes.begin(); i != entityClass.m_attributes.end(); ++i )
if ( string_equal( key, ( *i ).first.c_str() ) ) {
return ( *i ).second.m_value.c_str();
return "";
inline EntityClassAttributePair& EntityClass_insertAttribute( EntityClass& entityClass, const char* key, const EntityClassAttribute& attribute = EntityClassAttribute() ){
entityClass.m_attributes.push_back( EntityClassAttributePair( key, attribute ) );
return entityClass.m_attributes.back();
inline void buffer_write_colour_fill( char buffer[128], const Colour3& colour ){
sprintf( buffer, "(%g %g %g)", colour[0], colour[1], colour[2] );
inline void buffer_write_colour_wire( char buffer[128], const Colour3& colour ){
sprintf( buffer, "<%g %g %g>", colour[0], colour[1], colour[2] );
inline void buffer_write_colour_blend( char buffer[128], const Colour3& colour ){
sprintf( buffer, "[%g %g %g]", colour[0], colour[1], colour[2] );
inline Shader* colour_capture_state_fill( const Colour3& colour ){
char buffer[128];
buffer_write_colour_fill( buffer, colour );
return GlobalShaderCache().capture( buffer );
inline void colour_release_state_fill( const Colour3& colour ){
char buffer[128];
buffer_write_colour_fill( buffer, colour );
GlobalShaderCache().release( buffer );
inline Shader* colour_capture_state_wire( const Colour3& colour ){
char buffer[128];
buffer_write_colour_wire( buffer, colour );
return GlobalShaderCache().capture( buffer );
inline void colour_release_state_wire( const Colour3& colour ){
char buffer[128];
buffer_write_colour_wire( buffer, colour );
GlobalShaderCache().release( buffer );
inline Shader* colour_capture_state_blend( const Colour3& colour ){
char buffer[128];
buffer_write_colour_blend( buffer, colour );
return GlobalShaderCache().capture( buffer );
inline void colour_release_state_blend( const Colour3& colour ){
char buffer[128];
buffer_write_colour_blend( buffer, colour );
GlobalShaderCache().release( buffer );
inline void eclass_capture_state( EntityClass* eclass ){
eclass->m_state_fill = colour_capture_state_fill( eclass->color );
eclass->m_state_wire = colour_capture_state_wire( eclass->color );
eclass->m_state_blend = colour_capture_state_blend( eclass->color );
inline void eclass_release_state( EntityClass* eclass ){
colour_release_state_fill( eclass->color );
colour_release_state_wire( eclass->color );
colour_release_state_blend( eclass->color );
// eclass constructor
inline EntityClass* Eclass_Alloc(){
EntityClass* e = new EntityClass;
e->fixedsize = false;
e->unknown = false;
memset( e->flagnames, 0, MAX_FLAGS * 32 );
e->maxs = Vector3( -1,-1,-1 );
e->mins = Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );
e->free = 0;
e->inheritanceResolved = true;
e->sizeSpecified = false;
e->colorSpecified = false;
return e;
// eclass destructor
inline void Eclass_Free( EntityClass* e ){
eclass_release_state( e );
delete e;
inline bool classname_equal( const char* classname, const char* other ){
return string_equal( classname, other );
inline EntityClass* EClass_Create( const char* name, const Vector3& colour, const char* comments ){
EntityClass *e = Eclass_Alloc();
e->free = &Eclass_Free;
e->m_name = name;
e->color = colour;
eclass_capture_state( e );
if ( comments ) {
e->m_comments = comments;
return e;
inline EntityClass* EClass_Create_FixedSize( const char* name, const Vector3& colour, const Vector3& mins, const Vector3& maxs, const char* comments ){
EntityClass *e = Eclass_Alloc();
e->free = &Eclass_Free;
e->m_name = name;
e->color = colour;
eclass_capture_state( e );
e->fixedsize = true;
e->mins = mins;
e->maxs = maxs;
if ( comments ) {
e->m_comments = comments;
return e;
const Vector3 smallbox[2] = {
Vector3( -8,-8,-8 ),
Vector3( 8, 8, 8 ),
inline EntityClass *EntityClass_Create_Default( const char *name, bool has_brushes ){
// create a new class for it
if ( has_brushes ) {
return EClass_Create( name, Vector3( 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f ), "Not found in source." );
return EClass_Create_FixedSize( name, Vector3( 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f ), smallbox[0], smallbox[1], "Not found in source." );