/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Base dialog class, provides a way to run modal dialogs and // set/get the widget values in member variables. // // Leonardo Zide (leo@lokigames.com) // #include "dialog.h" #include #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "convert.h" #include "gtkutil/dialog.h" #include "gtkutil/button.h" #include "gtkutil/entry.h" #include "gtkutil/image.h" #include "gtkmisc.h" ui::Entry DialogEntry_new() { auto entry = ui::Entry(ui::New); entry.show(); entry.dimensions(64, -1); return entry; } class DialogEntryRow { public: DialogEntryRow(ui::Widget row, ui::Entry entry) : m_row(row), m_entry(entry) { } ui::Widget m_row; ui::Entry m_entry; }; DialogEntryRow DialogEntryRow_new(const char *name) { auto alignment = ui::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0); alignment.show(); auto entry = DialogEntry_new(); alignment.add(entry); return DialogEntryRow(ui::Widget(DialogRow_new(name, alignment)), entry); } ui::SpinButton DialogSpinner_new(double value, double lower, double upper, int fraction) { double step = 1.0 / double(fraction); unsigned int digits = 0; for (; fraction > 1; fraction /= 10) { ++digits; } auto spin = ui::SpinButton(ui::Adjustment(value, lower, upper, step, 10, 0), step, digits); spin.show(); spin.dimensions(64, -1); return spin; } class DialogSpinnerRow { public: DialogSpinnerRow(ui::Widget row, ui::SpinButton spin) : m_row(row), m_spin(spin) { } ui::Widget m_row; ui::SpinButton m_spin; }; DialogSpinnerRow DialogSpinnerRow_new(const char *name, double value, double lower, double upper, int fraction) { auto alignment = ui::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0); alignment.show(); auto spin = DialogSpinner_new(value, lower, upper, fraction); alignment.add(spin); return DialogSpinnerRow(ui::Widget(DialogRow_new(name, alignment)), spin); } struct BoolToggle { static void Export(const ui::ToggleButton &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(self.active()); } static void Import(ui::ToggleButton &self, bool value) { self.active(value); } }; using BoolToggleImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct IntEntry { static void Export(const ui::Entry &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(atoi(gtk_entry_get_text(self))); } static void Import(ui::Entry &self, int value) { entry_set_int(self, value); } }; using IntEntryImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct IntRadio { static void Export(const ui::RadioButton &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(radio_button_get_active(self)); } static void Import(ui::RadioButton &self, int value) { radio_button_set_active(self, value); } }; using IntRadioImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct IntCombo { static void Export(const ui::ComboBox &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(gtk_combo_box_get_active(self)); } static void Import(ui::ComboBox &self, int value) { gtk_combo_box_set_active(self, value); } }; using IntComboImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct IntAdjustment { static void Export(const ui::Adjustment &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(int(gtk_adjustment_get_value(self))); } static void Import(ui::Adjustment &self, int value) { gtk_adjustment_set_value(self, value); } }; using IntAdjustmentImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct IntSpinner { static void Export(const ui::SpinButton &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int(self)); } static void Import(ui::SpinButton &self, int value) { gtk_spin_button_set_value(self, value); } }; using IntSpinnerImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct TextEntry { static void Export(const ui::Entry &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(gtk_entry_get_text(self)); } static void Import(ui::Entry &self, const char *value) { self.text(value); } }; using TextEntryImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct SizeEntry { static void Export(const ui::Entry &self, const Callback &returnz) { int value = atoi(gtk_entry_get_text(self)); if (value < 0) { value = 0; } returnz(value); } static void Import(ui::Entry &self, std::size_t value) { entry_set_int(self, int(value)); } }; using SizeEntryImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct FloatEntry { static void Export(const ui::Entry &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(float(atof(gtk_entry_get_text(self)))); } static void Import(ui::Entry &self, float value) { entry_set_float(self, value); } }; using FloatEntryImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; struct FloatSpinner { static void Export(const ui::SpinButton &self, const Callback &returnz) { returnz(float(gtk_spin_button_get_value(self))); } static void Import(ui::SpinButton &self, float value) { gtk_spin_button_set_value(self, value); } }; using FloatSpinnerImportExport = PropertyAdaptor; template class CallbackDialogData : public DLG_DATA { Property m_pWidget; Property m_pData; public: CallbackDialogData(const Property &pWidget, const Property &pData) : m_pWidget(pWidget), m_pData(pData) { } void release() { delete this; } void importData() const { m_pData.get(m_pWidget.set); } void exportData() const { m_pWidget.get(m_pData.set); } }; template struct AddDataCustom_Wrapper { static void Export(const native &self, const Callback &returnz) { native *p = &const_cast(self); auto widget = Self::from(p); Widget::Get::thunk_(widget, returnz); } static void Import(native &self, T value) { native *p = &self; auto widget = Self::from(p); Widget::Set::thunk_(widget, value); } }; template void AddDataCustom(DialogDataList &self, typename Widget::Type widget, Property const &property) { using Self = typename Widget::Type; using T = typename Widget::Other; using native = typename std::remove_pointer::type; using Wrapper = AddDataCustom_Wrapper; self.push_back(new CallbackDialogData( make_property>(*static_cast(widget)), property )); } template void AddData(DialogDataList &self, typename Widget::Type widget, D &data) { AddDataCustom(self, widget, make_property>(data)); } // ============================================================================= // Dialog class Dialog::Dialog() : m_window(ui::null), m_parent(ui::null) { } Dialog::~Dialog() { for (DialogDataList::iterator i = m_data.begin(); i != m_data.end(); ++i) { (*i)->release(); } ASSERT_MESSAGE(!m_window, "dialog window not destroyed"); } void Dialog::ShowDlg() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_window, "dialog was not constructed"); importData(); m_window.show(); } void Dialog::HideDlg() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_window, "dialog was not constructed"); exportData(); m_window.hide(); } static gint delete_event_callback(ui::Widget widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data) { reinterpret_cast( data )->HideDlg(); reinterpret_cast( data )->EndModal(eIDCANCEL); return TRUE; } void Dialog::Create() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!m_window, "dialog cannot be constructed"); m_window = BuildDialog(); m_window.connect("delete_event", G_CALLBACK(delete_event_callback), this); } void Dialog::Destroy() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_window, "dialog cannot be destroyed"); m_window.destroy(); m_window = ui::Window{ui::null}; } void Dialog::AddBoolToggleData(ui::ToggleButton widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddIntRadioData(ui::RadioButton widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddTextEntryData(ui::Entry widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddIntEntryData(ui::Entry widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddSizeEntryData(ui::Entry widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddFloatEntryData(ui::Entry widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddFloatSpinnerData(ui::SpinButton widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddIntSpinnerData(ui::SpinButton widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddIntAdjustmentData(ui::Adjustment widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddIntComboData(ui::ComboBox widget, Property const &cb) { AddDataCustom(m_data, widget, cb); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::ToggleButton widget, bool &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::RadioButton widget, int &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::Entry widget, CopiedString &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::Entry widget, int &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::Entry widget, std::size_t &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::Entry widget, float &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::SpinButton widget, float &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::SpinButton widget, int &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::Adjustment widget, int &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::AddDialogData(ui::ComboBox widget, int &data) { AddData(m_data, widget, data); } void Dialog::exportData() { for (DialogDataList::iterator i = m_data.begin(); i != m_data.end(); ++i) { (*i)->exportData(); } } void Dialog::importData() { for (DialogDataList::iterator i = m_data.begin(); i != m_data.end(); ++i) { (*i)->importData(); } } void Dialog::EndModal(EMessageBoxReturn code) { m_modal.loop = 0; m_modal.ret = code; } EMessageBoxReturn Dialog::DoModal() { importData(); PreModal(); EMessageBoxReturn ret = modal_dialog_show(m_window, m_modal); ASSERT_TRUE((bool) m_window); if (ret == eIDOK) { exportData(); } m_window.hide(); PostModal(m_modal.ret); return m_modal.ret; } ui::CheckButton Dialog::addCheckBox(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, const char *flag, Property const &cb) { auto check = ui::CheckButton(flag); check.show(); AddBoolToggleData(check, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, ui::Widget(DialogRow_new(name, check))); return check; } ui::CheckButton Dialog::addCheckBox(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, const char *flag, bool &data) { return addCheckBox(vbox, name, flag, make_property(data)); } void Dialog::addCombo(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, StringArrayRange values, Property const &cb) { auto alignment = ui::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0); alignment.show(); { auto combo = ui::ComboBoxText(ui::New); for (StringArrayRange::Iterator i = values.first; i != values.last; ++i) { gtk_combo_box_text_append_text(GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(combo), *i); } AddIntComboData(combo, cb); combo.show(); alignment.add(combo); } auto row = DialogRow_new(name, alignment); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row); } void Dialog::addCombo(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, int &data, StringArrayRange values) { addCombo(vbox, name, values, make_property(data)); } void Dialog::addSlider(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, int &data, gboolean draw_value, const char *low, const char *high, double value, double lower, double upper, double step_increment, double page_increment) { #if 0 if ( draw_value == FALSE ) { auto hbox2 = ui::HBox( FALSE, 0 ); hbox2.show(); vbox.pack_start( hbox2 , FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); { ui::Widget label = ui::Label( low ); label.show(); hbox2.pack_start( label, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); } { ui::Widget label = ui::Label( high ); label.show(); hbox2.pack_end(label, FALSE, FALSE, 0); } } #endif // adjustment auto adj = ui::Adjustment(value, lower, upper, step_increment, page_increment, 0); AddIntAdjustmentData(adj, make_property(data)); // scale auto alignment = ui::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0); alignment.show(); ui::Widget scale = ui::HScale(adj); gtk_scale_set_value_pos(GTK_SCALE(scale), GTK_POS_LEFT); scale.show(); alignment.add(scale); gtk_scale_set_draw_value(GTK_SCALE(scale), draw_value); gtk_scale_set_digits(GTK_SCALE(scale), 0); auto row = DialogRow_new(name, alignment); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row); } void Dialog::addRadio(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, StringArrayRange names, Property const &cb) { auto alignment = ui::Alignment(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0); alignment.show();; { RadioHBox radioBox = RadioHBox_new(names); alignment.add(radioBox.m_hbox); AddIntRadioData(radioBox.m_radio, cb); } auto row = DialogRow_new(name, alignment); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row); } void Dialog::addRadio(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, int &data, StringArrayRange names) { addRadio(vbox, name, names, make_property(data)); } void Dialog::addRadioIcons(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, StringArrayRange icons, Property const &cb) { auto table = ui::Table(2, icons.last - icons.first, FALSE); table.show(); gtk_table_set_row_spacings(table, 5); gtk_table_set_col_spacings(table, 5); GSList *group = 0; ui::RadioButton radio{ui::null}; for (StringArrayRange::Iterator icon = icons.first; icon != icons.last; ++icon) { guint pos = static_cast( icon - icons.first ); auto image = new_local_image(*icon); image.show(); table.attach(image, {pos, pos + 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0}); radio = ui::RadioButton::from(gtk_radio_button_new(group)); radio.show(); table.attach(radio, {pos, pos + 1, 1, 2}, {0, 0}); group = gtk_radio_button_get_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radio)); } AddIntRadioData(radio, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, DialogRow_new(name, table)); } void Dialog::addRadioIcons(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, int &data, StringArrayRange icons) { addRadioIcons(vbox, name, icons, make_property(data)); } ui::Widget Dialog::addIntEntry(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, Property const &cb) { DialogEntryRow row(DialogEntryRow_new(name)); AddIntEntryData(row.m_entry, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row.m_row); return row.m_row; } ui::Widget Dialog::addSizeEntry(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, Property const &cb) { DialogEntryRow row(DialogEntryRow_new(name)); AddSizeEntryData(row.m_entry, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row.m_row); return row.m_row; } ui::Widget Dialog::addFloatEntry(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, Property const &cb) { DialogEntryRow row(DialogEntryRow_new(name)); AddFloatEntryData(row.m_entry, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row.m_row); return row.m_row; } ui::Widget Dialog::addPathEntry(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, bool browse_directory, Property const &cb) { PathEntry pathEntry = PathEntry_new(); pathEntry.m_button.connect("clicked", G_CALLBACK( browse_directory ? button_clicked_entry_browse_directory : button_clicked_entry_browse_file), pathEntry.m_entry); AddTextEntryData(pathEntry.m_entry, cb); auto row = DialogRow_new(name, ui::Widget(pathEntry.m_frame)); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row); return row; } ui::Widget Dialog::addPathEntry(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, CopiedString &data, bool browse_directory) { return addPathEntry(vbox, name, browse_directory, make_property(data)); } ui::SpinButton Dialog::addSpinner(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, double value, double lower, double upper, Property const &cb) { DialogSpinnerRow row(DialogSpinnerRow_new(name, value, lower, upper, 1)); AddIntSpinnerData(row.m_spin, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row.m_row); return row.m_spin; } ui::SpinButton Dialog::addSpinner(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, int &data, double value, double lower, double upper) { return addSpinner(vbox, name, value, lower, upper, make_property(data)); } ui::SpinButton Dialog::addSpinner(ui::VBox vbox, const char *name, double value, double lower, double upper, Property const &cb) { DialogSpinnerRow row(DialogSpinnerRow_new(name, value, lower, upper, 10)); AddFloatSpinnerData(row.m_spin, cb); DialogVBox_packRow(vbox, row.m_row); return row.m_spin; }