/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "referencecache.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "iscenegraph.h" #include "iselection.h" #include "iundo.h" #include "imap.h" MapModules &ReferenceAPI_getMapModules(); #include "imodel.h" ModelModules &ReferenceAPI_getModelModules(); #include "ifilesystem.h" #include "iarchive.h" #include "ifiletypes.h" #include "ireference.h" #include "ientity.h" #include "qerplugin.h" #include #include "container/cache.h" #include "container/hashfunc.h" #include "os/path.h" #include "stream/textfilestream.h" #include "nullmodel.h" #include "maplib.h" #include "stream/stringstream.h" #include "os/file.h" #include "moduleobserver.h" #include "moduleobservers.h" #include "mainframe.h" #include "map.h" #include "filetypes.h" bool References_Saved(); void MapChanged() { Map_SetModified(g_map, !References_Saved()); } EntityCreator *g_entityCreator = 0; bool MapResource_loadFile(const MapFormat &format, scene::Node &root, const char *filename) { globalOutputStream() << "Open file " << filename << " for read..."; TextFileInputStream file(filename); if (!file.failed()) { globalOutputStream() << "success\n"; ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates(path_get_filename_start(filename), "Loading Map"); ASSERT_NOTNULL(g_entityCreator); format.readGraph(root, file, *g_entityCreator); return true; } else { globalErrorStream() << "failure\n"; return false; } } NodeSmartReference MapResource_load(const MapFormat &format, const char *path, const char *name) { NodeSmartReference root(NewMapRoot(name)); StringOutputStream fullpath(256); fullpath << path << name; if (path_is_absolute(fullpath.c_str())) { MapResource_loadFile(format, root, fullpath.c_str()); } else { globalErrorStream() << "map path is not fully qualified: " << makeQuoted(fullpath.c_str()) << "\n"; } return root; } bool MapResource_saveFile(const MapFormat &format, scene::Node &root, GraphTraversalFunc traverse, const char *filename) { //ASSERT_MESSAGE(path_is_absolute(filename), "MapResource_saveFile: path is not absolute: " << makeQuoted(filename)); globalOutputStream() << "Open file " << filename << " for write..."; TextFileOutputStream file(filename); if (!file.failed()) { globalOutputStream() << "success\n"; ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates(path_get_filename_start(filename), "Saving Map"); format.writeGraph(root, traverse, file); return true; } globalErrorStream() << "failure\n"; return false; } bool file_saveBackup(const char *path) { if (file_writeable(path)) { StringOutputStream backup(256); backup << StringRange(path, path_get_extension(path)) << "bak"; return (!file_exists(backup.c_str()) || file_remove(backup.c_str())) // remove backup && file_move(path, backup.c_str()); // rename current to backup } globalErrorStream() << "map path is not writeable: " << makeQuoted(path) << "\n"; return false; } bool MapResource_save(const MapFormat &format, scene::Node &root, const char *path, const char *name) { StringOutputStream fullpath(256); fullpath << path << name; if (path_is_absolute(fullpath.c_str())) { if (!file_exists(fullpath.c_str()) || file_saveBackup(fullpath.c_str())) { return MapResource_saveFile(format, root, Map_Traverse, fullpath.c_str()); } globalErrorStream() << "failed to save a backup map file: " << makeQuoted(fullpath.c_str()) << "\n"; return false; } globalErrorStream() << "map path is not fully qualified: " << makeQuoted(fullpath.c_str()) << "\n"; return false; } namespace { NodeSmartReference g_nullNode(NewNullNode()); NodeSmartReference g_nullModel(g_nullNode); } class NullModelLoader : public ModelLoader { public: scene::Node &loadModel(ArchiveFile &file) { return g_nullModel; } }; namespace { NullModelLoader g_NullModelLoader; } /// \brief Returns the model loader for the model \p type or 0 if the model \p type has no loader module ModelLoader *ModelLoader_forType(const char *type) { const char *moduleName = findModuleName(&GlobalFiletypes(), ModelLoader::Name(), type); if (string_not_empty(moduleName)) { ModelLoader *table = ReferenceAPI_getModelModules().findModule(moduleName); if (table != 0) { return table; } else { globalErrorStream() << "ERROR: Model type incorrectly registered: \"" << moduleName << "\"\n"; return &g_NullModelLoader; } } return 0; } NodeSmartReference ModelResource_load(ModelLoader *loader, const char *name) { ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates(path_get_filename_start(name), "Loading Model"); NodeSmartReference model(g_nullModel); ArchiveFile *file = GlobalFileSystem().openFile(name); if (file != 0) { // Only output failures, we don't need to spam the console with successes //globalOutputStream() << "Loaded Model: \"" << name << "\"\n"; model = loader->loadModel(*file); file->release(); } else { globalErrorStream() << "Model load failed: \"" << name << "\"\n"; } model.get().m_isRoot = true; return model; } inline hash_t path_hash(const char *path, hash_t previous = 0) { #if GDEF_OS_WINDOWS return string_hash_nocase( path, previous ); #else // UNIX return string_hash(path, previous); #endif } struct PathEqual { bool operator()(const CopiedString &path, const CopiedString &other) const { return path_equal(path.c_str(), other.c_str()); } }; struct PathHash { typedef hash_t hash_type; hash_type operator()(const CopiedString &path) const { return path_hash(path.c_str()); } }; typedef std::pair ModelKey; struct ModelKeyEqual { bool operator()(const ModelKey &key, const ModelKey &other) const { return path_equal(key.first.c_str(), other.first.c_str()) && path_equal(key.second.c_str(), other.second.c_str()); } }; struct ModelKeyHash { typedef hash_t hash_type; hash_type operator()(const ModelKey &key) const { return hash_combine(path_hash(key.first.c_str()), path_hash(key.second.c_str())); } }; typedef HashTable ModelCache; ModelCache g_modelCache; bool g_modelCache_enabled = true; ModelCache::iterator ModelCache_find(const char *path, const char *name) { if (g_modelCache_enabled) { return g_modelCache.find(ModelKey(path, name)); } return g_modelCache.end(); } ModelCache::iterator ModelCache_insert(const char *path, const char *name, scene::Node &node) { if (g_modelCache_enabled) { return g_modelCache.insert(ModelKey(path, name), NodeSmartReference(node)); } return g_modelCache.insert(ModelKey("", ""), g_nullModel); } void ModelCache_flush(const char *path, const char *name) { ModelCache::iterator i = g_modelCache.find(ModelKey(path, name)); if (i != g_modelCache.end()) { //ASSERT_MESSAGE((*i).value.getCount() == 0, "resource flushed while still in use: " << (*i).key.first.c_str() << (*i).key.second.c_str()); g_modelCache.erase(i); } } void ModelCache_clear() { g_modelCache_enabled = false; g_modelCache.clear(); g_modelCache_enabled = true; } NodeSmartReference Model_load(ModelLoader *loader, const char *path, const char *name, const char *type) { if (loader != 0) { return ModelResource_load(loader, name); } else { const char *moduleName = findModuleName(&GlobalFiletypes(), MapFormat::Name(), type); if (string_not_empty(moduleName)) { const MapFormat *format = ReferenceAPI_getMapModules().findModule(moduleName); if (format != 0) { return MapResource_load(*format, path, name); } else { globalErrorStream() << "ERROR: Map type incorrectly registered: \"" << moduleName << "\"\n"; return g_nullModel; } } else { if (string_not_empty(type)) { globalErrorStream() << "Model type not supported: \"" << name << "\"\n"; } return g_nullModel; } } } namespace { bool g_realised = false; // name may be absolute or relative const char *rootPath(const char *name) { return GlobalFileSystem().findRoot( path_is_absolute(name) ? name : GlobalFileSystem().findFile(name) ); } } struct ModelResource : public Resource { NodeSmartReference m_model; const CopiedString m_originalName; CopiedString m_path; CopiedString m_name; CopiedString m_type; ModelLoader *m_loader; ModuleObservers m_observers; std::time_t m_modified; std::size_t m_unrealised; ModelResource(const CopiedString &name) : m_model(g_nullModel), m_originalName(name), m_type(path_get_extension(name.c_str())), m_loader(0), m_modified(0), m_unrealised(1) { m_loader = ModelLoader_forType(m_type.c_str()); if (g_realised) { realise(); } } ~ModelResource() { if (realised()) { unrealise(); } ASSERT_MESSAGE(!realised(), "ModelResource::~ModelResource: resource reference still realised: " << makeQuoted(m_name.c_str())); } // NOT COPYABLE ModelResource(const ModelResource &); // NOT ASSIGNABLE ModelResource &operator=(const ModelResource &); void setModel(const NodeSmartReference &model) { m_model = model; } void clearModel() { m_model = g_nullModel; } void loadCached() { if (g_modelCache_enabled) { // cache lookup ModelCache::iterator i = ModelCache_find(m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str()); if (i == g_modelCache.end()) { i = ModelCache_insert( m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str(), Model_load(m_loader, m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str(), m_type.c_str()) ); } setModel((*i).value); } else { setModel(Model_load(m_loader, m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str(), m_type.c_str())); } } void loadModel() { loadCached(); connectMap(); mapSave(); } bool load() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(realised(), "resource not realised"); if (m_model == g_nullModel) { loadModel(); } return m_model != g_nullModel; } bool save() { if (!mapSaved()) { const char *moduleName = findModuleName(GetFileTypeRegistry(), MapFormat::Name(), m_type.c_str()); if (string_not_empty(moduleName)) { const MapFormat *format = ReferenceAPI_getMapModules().findModule(moduleName); if (format != 0 && MapResource_save(*format, m_model.get(), m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str())) { mapSave(); return true; } } } return false; } void flush() { if (realised()) { ModelCache_flush(m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str()); } } scene::Node *getNode() { //if(m_model != g_nullModel) { return m_model.get_pointer(); } //return 0; } void setNode(scene::Node *node) { ModelCache::iterator i = ModelCache_find(m_path.c_str(), m_name.c_str()); if (i != g_modelCache.end()) { (*i).value = NodeSmartReference(*node); } setModel(NodeSmartReference(*node)); connectMap(); } void attach(ModuleObserver &observer) { if (realised()) { observer.realise(); } m_observers.attach(observer); } void detach(ModuleObserver &observer) { if (realised()) { observer.unrealise(); } m_observers.detach(observer); } bool realised() { return m_unrealised == 0; } void realise() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_unrealised != 0, "ModelResource::realise: already realised"); if (--m_unrealised == 0) { m_path = rootPath(m_originalName.c_str()); m_name = path_make_relative(m_originalName.c_str(), m_path.c_str()); //globalOutputStream() << "ModelResource::realise: " << m_path.c_str() << m_name.c_str() << "\n"; m_observers.realise(); } } void unrealise() { if (++m_unrealised == 1) { m_observers.unrealise(); //globalOutputStream() << "ModelResource::unrealise: " << m_path.c_str() << m_name.c_str() << "\n"; clearModel(); } } bool isMap() const { return Node_getMapFile(m_model) != 0; } void connectMap() { MapFile *map = Node_getMapFile(m_model); if (map != 0) { map->setChangedCallback(makeCallbackF(MapChanged)); } } std::time_t modified() const { StringOutputStream fullpath(256); fullpath << m_path.c_str() << m_name.c_str(); return file_modified(fullpath.c_str()); } void mapSave() { m_modified = modified(); MapFile *map = Node_getMapFile(m_model); if (map != 0) { map->save(); } } bool mapSaved() const { MapFile *map = Node_getMapFile(m_model); if (map != 0) { return m_modified == modified() && map->saved(); } return true; } bool isModified() const { return ((!string_empty(m_path.c_str()) // had or has an absolute path && m_modified != modified()) // AND disk timestamp changed || !path_equal(rootPath(m_originalName.c_str()), m_path.c_str())); // OR absolute vfs-root changed } void refresh() { if (isModified()) { flush(); unrealise(); realise(); } } }; class HashtableReferenceCache : public ReferenceCache, public ModuleObserver { typedef HashedCache ModelReferences; ModelReferences m_references; std::size_t m_unrealised; class ModelReferencesSnapshot { ModelReferences &m_references; typedef std::list Iterators; Iterators m_iterators; public: typedef Iterators::iterator iterator; ModelReferencesSnapshot(ModelReferences &references) : m_references(references) { for (ModelReferences::iterator i = m_references.begin(); i != m_references.end(); ++i) { m_references.capture(i); m_iterators.push_back(i); } } ~ModelReferencesSnapshot() { for (Iterators::iterator i = m_iterators.begin(); i != m_iterators.end(); ++i) { m_references.release(*i); } } iterator begin() { return m_iterators.begin(); } iterator end() { return m_iterators.end(); } }; public: typedef ModelReferences::iterator iterator; HashtableReferenceCache() : m_unrealised(1) { } iterator begin() { return m_references.begin(); } iterator end() { return m_references.end(); } void clear() { m_references.clear(); } Resource *capture(const char *path) { //globalOutputStream() << "capture: \"" << path << "\"\n"; return m_references.capture(CopiedString(path)).get(); } void release(const char *path) { m_references.release(CopiedString(path)); //globalOutputStream() << "release: \"" << path << "\"\n"; } void setEntityCreator(EntityCreator &entityCreator) { g_entityCreator = &entityCreator; } bool realised() const { return m_unrealised == 0; } void realise() { ASSERT_MESSAGE(m_unrealised != 0, "HashtableReferenceCache::realise: already realised"); if (--m_unrealised == 0) { g_realised = true; { ModelReferencesSnapshot snapshot(m_references); for (ModelReferencesSnapshot::iterator i = snapshot.begin(); i != snapshot.end(); ++i) { ModelReferences::value_type &value = *(*i); if (value.value.count() != 1) { value.value.get()->realise(); } } } } } void unrealise() { if (++m_unrealised == 1) { g_realised = false; { ModelReferencesSnapshot snapshot(m_references); for (ModelReferencesSnapshot::iterator i = snapshot.begin(); i != snapshot.end(); ++i) { ModelReferences::value_type &value = *(*i); if (value.value.count() != 1) { value.value.get()->unrealise(); } } } ModelCache_clear(); } } void refresh() { ModelReferencesSnapshot snapshot(m_references); for (ModelReferencesSnapshot::iterator i = snapshot.begin(); i != snapshot.end(); ++i) { ModelResource *resource = (*(*i)).value.get(); if (!resource->isMap()) { resource->refresh(); } } } }; namespace { HashtableReferenceCache g_referenceCache; } void SaveReferences() { ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates("Processing...", "Saving Map"); for (HashtableReferenceCache::iterator i = g_referenceCache.begin(); i != g_referenceCache.end(); ++i) { (*i).value->save(); } MapChanged(); } bool References_Saved() { for (HashtableReferenceCache::iterator i = g_referenceCache.begin(); i != g_referenceCache.end(); ++i) { scene::Node *node = (*i).value->getNode(); if (node != 0) { MapFile *map = Node_getMapFile(*node); if (map != 0 && !map->saved()) { return false; } } } return true; } void RefreshReferences() { ScopeDisableScreenUpdates disableScreenUpdates("Processing...", "Refreshing Models"); g_referenceCache.refresh(); } void FlushReferences() { ModelCache_clear(); g_referenceCache.clear(); } ReferenceCache &GetReferenceCache() { return g_referenceCache; } #include "modulesystem/modulesmap.h" #include "modulesystem/singletonmodule.h" #include "modulesystem/moduleregistry.h" class ReferenceDependencies : public GlobalRadiantModuleRef, public GlobalFileSystemModuleRef, public GlobalFiletypesModuleRef { ModelModulesRef m_model_modules; MapModulesRef m_map_modules; public: ReferenceDependencies() : m_model_modules(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("modeltypes")), m_map_modules(GlobalRadiant().getRequiredGameDescriptionKeyValue("maptypes")) { } ModelModules &getModelModules() { return m_model_modules.get(); } MapModules &getMapModules() { return m_map_modules.get(); } }; class ReferenceAPI : public TypeSystemRef { ReferenceCache *m_reference; public: typedef ReferenceCache Type; STRING_CONSTANT(Name, "*"); ReferenceAPI() { g_nullModel = NewNullModel(); GlobalFileSystem().attach(g_referenceCache); m_reference = &GetReferenceCache(); } ~ReferenceAPI() { GlobalFileSystem().detach(g_referenceCache); g_nullModel = g_nullNode; } ReferenceCache *getTable() { return m_reference; } }; typedef SingletonModule ReferenceModule; typedef Static StaticReferenceModule; StaticRegisterModule staticRegisterReference(StaticReferenceModule::instance()); ModelModules &ReferenceAPI_getModelModules() { return StaticReferenceModule::instance().getDependencies().getModelModules(); } MapModules &ReferenceAPI_getMapModules() { return StaticReferenceModule::instance().getDependencies().getMapModules(); }