/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "csg.h" #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include #include "map.h" #include "brushmanip.h" #include "brushnode.h" #include "grid.h" void Face_makeBrush(Face &face, const Brush &brush, brush_vector_t &out, float offset) { if (face.contributes()) { out.push_back(new Brush(brush)); Face *newFace = out.back()->addFace(face); if (newFace != 0) { newFace->flipWinding(); newFace->getPlane().offset(offset); newFace->planeChanged(); } } } void Face_makeRoom(Face &face, const Brush &brush, brush_vector_t &out, float offset) { if (face.contributes()) { face.getPlane().offset(offset); out.push_back(new Brush(brush)); face.getPlane().offset(-offset); Face *newFace = out.back()->addFace(face); if (newFace != 0) { newFace->flipWinding(); newFace->planeChanged(); } } } void Brush_makeHollow(const Brush &brush, brush_vector_t &out, float offset) { Brush_forEachFace(brush, [&](Face &face) { Face_makeBrush(face, brush, out, offset); }); } void Brush_makeRoom(const Brush &brush, brush_vector_t &out, float offset) { Brush_forEachFace(brush, [&](Face &face) { Face_makeRoom(face, brush, out, offset); }); } class BrushHollowSelectedWalker : public scene::Graph::Walker { float m_offset; bool m_makeRoom; public: BrushHollowSelectedWalker(float offset, bool makeRoom) : m_offset(offset), m_makeRoom(makeRoom) { } bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { if (path.top().get().visible()) { Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable(instance)->isSelected() && path.size() > 1) { brush_vector_t out; if (m_makeRoom) { Brush_makeRoom(*brush, out, m_offset); } else { Brush_makeHollow(*brush, out, m_offset); } for (brush_vector_t::const_iterator i = out.begin(); i != out.end(); ++i) { (*i)->removeEmptyFaces(); NodeSmartReference node((new BrushNode())->node()); Node_getBrush(node)->copy(*(*i)); delete (*i); Node_getTraversable(path.parent())->insert(node); } } } return true; } }; typedef std::list brushlist_t; class BrushGatherSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { brush_vector_t &m_brushlist; public: BrushGatherSelected(brush_vector_t &brushlist) : m_brushlist(brushlist) { } bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { if (path.top().get().visible()) { Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable(instance)->isSelected()) { m_brushlist.push_back(brush); } } return true; } }; class BrushDeleteSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { public: bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { return true; } void post(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { if (path.top().get().visible()) { Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable(instance)->isSelected() && path.size() > 1) { Path_deleteTop(path); } } } }; void Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected(scene::Graph &graph, bool makeRoom) { GlobalSceneGraph().traverse(BrushHollowSelectedWalker(GetGridSize(), makeRoom)); GlobalSceneGraph().traverse(BrushDeleteSelected()); } /* ============= CSG_MakeHollow ============= */ void CSG_MakeHollow(void) { UndoableCommand undo("brushHollow"); Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected(GlobalSceneGraph(), false); SceneChangeNotify(); } void CSG_MakeRoom(void) { UndoableCommand undo("brushRoom"); Scene_BrushMakeHollow_Selected(GlobalSceneGraph(), true); SceneChangeNotify(); } template class RemoveReference { public: typedef Type type; }; template class RemoveReference { public: typedef Type type; }; template class Dereference { const Functor &functor; public: Dereference(const Functor &functor) : functor(functor) { } get_result_type operator()(typename RemoveReference >::type *firstArgument) const { return functor(*firstArgument); } }; template inline Dereference makeDereference(const Functor &functor) { return Dereference(functor); } typedef Face *FacePointer; const FacePointer c_nullFacePointer = 0; template Face *Brush_findIf(const Brush &brush, const Predicate &predicate) { Brush::const_iterator i = std::find_if(brush.begin(), brush.end(), makeDereference(predicate)); return i == brush.end() ? c_nullFacePointer : *i; // uses c_nullFacePointer instead of 0 because otherwise gcc 4.1 attempts conversion to int } template class BindArguments1 { typedef get_argument FirstBound; FirstBound firstBound; public: BindArguments1(FirstBound firstBound) : firstBound(firstBound) { } get_result_type operator()(get_argument firstArgument) const { return Caller::call(firstArgument, firstBound); } }; template class BindArguments2 { typedef get_argument FirstBound; typedef get_argument SecondBound; FirstBound firstBound; SecondBound secondBound; public: BindArguments2(FirstBound firstBound, SecondBound secondBound) : firstBound(firstBound), secondBound(secondBound) { } get_result_type operator()(get_argument firstArgument) const { return Caller::call(firstArgument, firstBound, secondBound); } }; template BindArguments2 bindArguments(const Caller &caller, FirstBound firstBound, SecondBound secondBound) { return BindArguments2(firstBound, secondBound); } inline bool Face_testPlane(const Face &face, const Plane3 &plane, bool flipped) { return face.contributes() && !Winding_TestPlane(face.getWinding(), plane, flipped); } typedef Function FaceTestPlane; /// \brief Returns true if /// \li !flipped && brush is BACK or ON /// \li flipped && brush is FRONT or ON bool Brush_testPlane(const Brush &brush, const Plane3 &plane, bool flipped) { brush.evaluateBRep(); #if 1 for (Brush::const_iterator i(brush.begin()); i != brush.end(); ++i) { if (Face_testPlane(*(*i), plane, flipped)) { return false; } } return true; #else return Brush_findIf( brush, bindArguments( FaceTestPlane(), makeReference( plane ), flipped ) ) == 0; #endif } brushsplit_t Brush_classifyPlane(const Brush &brush, const Plane3 &plane) { brush.evaluateBRep(); brushsplit_t split; for (Brush::const_iterator i(brush.begin()); i != brush.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->contributes()) { split += Winding_ClassifyPlane((*i)->getWinding(), plane); } } return split; } bool Brush_subtract(const Brush &brush, const Brush &other, brush_vector_t &ret_fragments) { if (aabb_intersects_aabb(brush.localAABB(), other.localAABB())) { brush_vector_t fragments; fragments.reserve(other.size()); Brush back(brush); for (Brush::const_iterator i(other.begin()); i != other.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->contributes()) { brushsplit_t split = Brush_classifyPlane(back, (*i)->plane3()); if (split.counts[ePlaneFront] != 0 && split.counts[ePlaneBack] != 0) { fragments.push_back(new Brush(back)); Face *newFace = fragments.back()->addFace(*(*i)); if (newFace != 0) { newFace->flipWinding(); } back.addFace(*(*i)); } else if (split.counts[ePlaneBack] == 0) { for (brush_vector_t::iterator i = fragments.begin(); i != fragments.end(); ++i) { delete (*i); } return false; } } } ret_fragments.insert(ret_fragments.end(), fragments.begin(), fragments.end()); return true; } return false; } class SubtractBrushesFromUnselected : public scene::Graph::Walker { const brush_vector_t &m_brushlist; std::size_t &m_before; std::size_t &m_after; public: SubtractBrushesFromUnselected(const brush_vector_t &brushlist, std::size_t &before, std::size_t &after) : m_brushlist(brushlist), m_before(before), m_after(after) { } bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { return true; } void post(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { if (path.top().get().visible()) { Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0 && !Instance_getSelectable(instance)->isSelected()) { brush_vector_t buffer[2]; bool swap = false; Brush *original = new Brush(*brush); buffer[static_cast( swap )].push_back(original); { for (brush_vector_t::const_iterator i(m_brushlist.begin()); i != m_brushlist.end(); ++i) { for (brush_vector_t::iterator j(buffer[static_cast( swap )].begin()); j != buffer[static_cast( swap )].end(); ++j) { if (Brush_subtract(*(*j), *(*i), buffer[static_cast( !swap )])) { delete (*j); } else { buffer[static_cast( !swap )].push_back((*j)); } } buffer[static_cast( swap )].clear(); swap = !swap; } } brush_vector_t &out = buffer[static_cast( swap )]; if (out.size() == 1 && out.back() == original) { delete original; } else { ++m_before; for (brush_vector_t::const_iterator i = out.begin(); i != out.end(); ++i) { ++m_after; (*i)->removeEmptyFaces(); if (!(*i)->empty()) { NodeSmartReference node((new BrushNode())->node()); Node_getBrush(node)->copy(*(*i)); delete (*i); Node_getTraversable(path.parent())->insert(node); } else { delete (*i); } } Path_deleteTop(path); } } } } }; void CSG_Subtract() { brush_vector_t selected_brushes; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse(BrushGatherSelected(selected_brushes)); if (selected_brushes.empty()) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Subtract: No brushes selected.\n"; } else { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Subtract: Subtracting " << Unsigned(selected_brushes.size()) << " brushes.\n"; UndoableCommand undo("brushSubtract"); // subtract selected from unselected std::size_t before = 0; std::size_t after = 0; GlobalSceneGraph().traverse(SubtractBrushesFromUnselected(selected_brushes, before, after)); globalOutputStream() << "CSG Subtract: Result: " << Unsigned(after) << " fragment" << (after == 1 ? "" : "s") << " from " << Unsigned(before) << " brush" << (before == 1 ? "" : "es") << ".\n"; SceneChangeNotify(); } } class BrushSplitByPlaneSelected : public scene::Graph::Walker { const Vector3 &m_p0; const Vector3 &m_p1; const Vector3 &m_p2; const char *m_shader; const TextureProjection &m_projection; EBrushSplit m_split; public: BrushSplitByPlaneSelected(const Vector3 &p0, const Vector3 &p1, const Vector3 &p2, const char *shader, const TextureProjection &projection, EBrushSplit split) : m_p0(p0), m_p1(p1), m_p2(p2), m_shader(shader), m_projection(projection), m_split(split) { } bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { return true; } void post(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { if (path.top().get().visible()) { Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(path.top()); if (brush != 0 && Instance_getSelectable(instance)->isSelected()) { Plane3 plane(plane3_for_points(m_p0, m_p1, m_p2)); if (plane3_valid(plane)) { brushsplit_t split = Brush_classifyPlane(*brush, m_split == eFront ? plane3_flipped(plane) : plane); if (split.counts[ePlaneBack] && split.counts[ePlaneFront]) { // the plane intersects this brush if (m_split == eFrontAndBack) { NodeSmartReference node((new BrushNode())->node()); Brush *fragment = Node_getBrush(node); fragment->copy(*brush); Face *newFace = fragment->addPlane(m_p0, m_p1, m_p2, m_shader, m_projection); if (newFace != 0 && m_split != eFront) { newFace->flipWinding(); } fragment->removeEmptyFaces(); ASSERT_MESSAGE(!fragment->empty(), "brush left with no faces after split"); Node_getTraversable(path.parent())->insert(node); { scene::Path fragmentPath = path; fragmentPath.top() = makeReference(node.get()); selectPath(fragmentPath, true); } } Face *newFace = brush->addPlane(m_p0, m_p1, m_p2, m_shader, m_projection); if (newFace != 0 && m_split == eFront) { newFace->flipWinding(); } brush->removeEmptyFaces(); ASSERT_MESSAGE(!brush->empty(), "brush left with no faces after split"); } else // the plane does not intersect this brush if (m_split != eFrontAndBack && split.counts[ePlaneBack] != 0) { // the brush is "behind" the plane Path_deleteTop(path); } } } } } }; void Scene_BrushSplitByPlane(scene::Graph &graph, const Vector3 &p0, const Vector3 &p1, const Vector3 &p2, const char *shader, EBrushSplit split) { TextureProjection projection; TexDef_Construct_Default(projection); graph.traverse(BrushSplitByPlaneSelected(p0, p1, p2, shader, projection, split)); SceneChangeNotify(); } class BrushInstanceSetClipPlane : public scene::Graph::Walker { Plane3 m_plane; public: BrushInstanceSetClipPlane(const Plane3 &plane) : m_plane(plane) { } bool pre(const scene::Path &path, scene::Instance &instance) const { BrushInstance *brush = Instance_getBrush(instance); if (brush != 0 && path.top().get().visible() && brush->isSelected()) { BrushInstance &brushInstance = *brush; brushInstance.setClipPlane(m_plane); } return true; } }; void Scene_BrushSetClipPlane(scene::Graph &graph, const Plane3 &plane) { graph.traverse(BrushInstanceSetClipPlane(plane)); } /* ============= CSG_Merge ============= */ bool Brush_merge(Brush &brush, const brush_vector_t &in, bool onlyshape) { // gather potential outer faces { typedef std::vector Faces; Faces faces; for (brush_vector_t::const_iterator i(in.begin()); i != in.end(); ++i) { (*i)->evaluateBRep(); for (Brush::const_iterator j((*i)->begin()); j != (*i)->end(); ++j) { if (!(*j)->contributes()) { continue; } const Face &face1 = *(*j); bool skip = false; // test faces of all input brushes //!\todo SPEEDUP: Flag already-skip faces and only test brushes from i+1 upwards. for (brush_vector_t::const_iterator k(in.begin()); !skip && k != in.end(); ++k) { if (k != i) { // don't test a brush against itself for (Brush::const_iterator l((*k)->begin()); !skip && l != (*k)->end(); ++l) { const Face &face2 = *(*l); // face opposes another face if (plane3_opposing(face1.plane3(), face2.plane3())) { // skip opposing planes skip = true; break; } } } } // check faces already stored for (Faces::const_iterator m = faces.begin(); !skip && m != faces.end(); ++m) { const Face &face2 = *(*m); // face equals another face if (plane3_equal(face1.plane3(), face2.plane3())) { //if the texture/shader references should be the same but are not if (!onlyshape && !shader_equal(face1.getShader().getShader(), face2.getShader().getShader())) { return false; } // skip duplicate planes skip = true; break; } // face1 plane intersects face2 winding or vice versa if (Winding_PlanesConcave(face1.getWinding(), face2.getWinding(), face1.plane3(), face2.plane3())) { // result would not be convex return false; } } if (!skip) { faces.push_back(&face1); } } } for (Faces::const_iterator i = faces.begin(); i != faces.end(); ++i) { if (!brush.addFace(*(*i))) { // result would have too many sides return false; } } } brush.removeEmptyFaces(); return true; } void CSG_Merge(void) { brush_vector_t selected_brushes; // remove selected GlobalSceneGraph().traverse(BrushGatherSelected(selected_brushes)); if (selected_brushes.empty()) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: No brushes selected.\n"; return; } if (selected_brushes.size() < 2) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: At least two brushes have to be selected.\n"; return; } globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: Merging " << Unsigned(selected_brushes.size()) << " brushes.\n"; UndoableCommand undo("brushMerge"); scene::Path merged_path = GlobalSelectionSystem().ultimateSelected().path(); NodeSmartReference node((new BrushNode())->node()); Brush *brush = Node_getBrush(node); // if the new brush would not be convex if (!Brush_merge(*brush, selected_brushes, true)) { globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: Failed - result would not be convex.\n"; } else { ASSERT_MESSAGE(!brush->empty(), "brush left with no faces after merge"); // free the original brushes GlobalSceneGraph().traverse(BrushDeleteSelected()); merged_path.pop(); Node_getTraversable(merged_path.top())->insert(node); merged_path.push(makeReference(node.get())); selectPath(merged_path, true); globalOutputStream() << "CSG Merge: Succeeded.\n"; SceneChangeNotify(); } }