Particle Manual

6 Light Keywords

6.1 lightradius <radius>

	Spawns a dynamic light when the effect is spawned.
	The dynamic light is removed when radius drops to 0 or the age is exceeded.
	At this time it is not possible to override the corona/specular levels.

6.2 lightradiusfade <radiuspersecond>

	How fast the light radius shrinks per second.

6.3 lightrgb <r> <g> <b>

	Dynamic light RGB colours.
	Higher values can over-saturate.

6.4 lightrgbfade <r/s> <g/s> <b/s>

	How fast 'lightrgb' changes over time.

6.5 lighttime <maxage>

	Specifies the maximum lifetime of your dynamic light.

6.6 lightcubemap <cubemapnum>

	Value 0 means no cubemap.
	otherwise with eg cubemap 5, uses image files cubemaps/5ft.tga, cubemaps/5bk.tga, etc.

	FIXME: At the current time, the cubemap is world-aligned and cannot rotate.

6.7 lightscales <ambient> <diffuse> <specular>

	Multipliers for the dynamic light's various types of lighting

6.8 lightshadows <castshadows>

	0 or 1, specifies whether the dynamic light will cast shadows or not.
	Its faster if it doesn't.

6.9 lightcorona <intensity> <scale>

	Defines the intensity (the glare) and size of the corona the dynamic light
	will cast.

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