/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Vera Visions LLC. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ enumflags { EVSPARK_UNUSED1, EVSPARK_UNUSED2, EVSPARK_UNUSED3, EVSPARK_UNUSED4, EVSPARK_UNUSED5, EVSPARK_TOGGLE, EVSPARK_STARTON, EVSPARK_UNUSED6, EVSPARK_SILENT, EVSPARK_DIRECTIONAL }; /*!QUAKED env_spark (1 .5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) x x x x x TOGGLE START_ON # OVERVIEW Creates a series (or just one) spark effect with sound when triggered. # KEYS - "targetname" : Name - "target" : Target when triggered. - "killtarget" : Target to kill when triggered. - "angles" : Sets the pitch, yaw and roll angles of the spark. - "MaxDelay" : Delay between sparks when start-on (or toggle) is set # INPUTS - "StartSpark" : Enables a continous spark emitter. - "StopSpark" : Stops the ongoing spark emitter. - "ToggleSpark" : Toggles the state of the spark emitter. - "SparkOnce" : Creates a single spark effect, once. # SPAWNFLAGS - TOGGLE (32) : When triggered, it'll spark continously with "MaxDelay" dictating the interval. - START_ON (64) : Start sparking upon spawning, at least waiting til "MaxDelay" seconds has passed. - SILENT (256) : Do not play a sound. - DIRECTIONAL (512) : Angles are respected to direct the spark. # NOTES The spawnflag START_ON (32) automatically enables the TOGGLE (64) flag as well. # TRIVIA This entity was introduced in Half-Life (1998). */ class env_spark:NSPointTrigger { public: void env_spark(void); virtual void Save(float); virtual void Restore(string,string); virtual void SpawnKey(string,string); virtual void Spawned(void); virtual void Respawn(void); virtual void Trigger(entity, triggermode_t); virtual void Input(entity, string, string); nonvirtual void _TimedSpark(void); nonvirtual void StartSpark(void); nonvirtual void StopSpark(void); nonvirtual void ToggleSpark(void); nonvirtual void SparkOnce(void); private: float m_flMaxDelay; int _m_iSparkParticle; }; void env_spark::env_spark(void) { m_flMaxDelay = 0.0f; _m_iSparkParticle = 0i; } void env_spark::Save(float handle) { super::Save(handle); SaveFloat(handle, "m_flMaxDelay", m_flMaxDelay); SaveInt(handle, "_m_iSparkParticle", _m_iSparkParticle); } void env_spark::Restore(string strKey, string strValue) { switch (strKey) { case "m_flMaxDelay": m_flMaxDelay = ReadFloat(strValue); break; case "_m_iSparkParticle": _m_iSparkParticle = ReadInt(strValue); break; default: super::Restore(strKey, strValue); } } void env_spark::SpawnKey(string strKey, string strValue) { switch (strKey) { case "MaxDelay": m_flMaxDelay = stof(strValue); break; default: super::SpawnKey(strKey, strValue); } } void env_spark::Spawned(void) { super::Spawned(); Sound_Precache("fx.spark"); _m_iSparkParticle = particleeffectnum("fx_spark.main"); } void env_spark::Respawn(void) { InitPointTrigger(); if (m_flMaxDelay <= 0) { m_flMaxDelay = 1.0f; } if (HasSpawnFlags(EVSPARK_STARTON)) { StartSpark(); } if (HasSpawnFlags(EVSPARK_DIRECTIONAL) == false) { SetAngles([0,0,0]); } } void env_spark::StartSpark(void) { ScheduleThink(_TimedSpark, (random() * m_flMaxDelay)); } void env_spark::StopSpark(void) { ReleaseThink(); } void env_spark::ToggleSpark(void) { if (IsThinking() == true) { StopSpark(); } else { StartSpark(); } } void env_spark::SparkOnce(void) { if (HasSpawnFlags(EVSPARK_SILENT) == false) { StartSoundDef("fx.spark", CHAN_AUTO, true); } pointparticles(_m_iSparkParticle, origin, angles, 1); } void env_spark::Trigger(entity act, triggermode_t state) { if (!HasSpawnFlags(EVSPARK_TOGGLE) && !HasSpawnFlags(EVSPARK_STARTON)) { SparkOnce(); return; } switch (state) { case TRIG_OFF: StopSpark(); break; case TRIG_ON: StartSpark(); break; default: ToggleSpark(); } } void env_spark::Input(entity theActivator, string inputName, string dataField) { switch (inputName) { case "StartSpark": StartSpark(); break; case "StopSpark": StopSpark(); break; case "ToggleSpark": ToggleSpark(); break; case "SparkOnce": SparkOnce(); break; default: super::Input(theActivator, inputName, dataField); } } void env_spark::_TimedSpark(void) { SparkOnce(); ScheduleThink(_TimedSpark, (random() * m_flMaxDelay)); }