Vera Visions Material Manual

5 Editor specific material instructions

These instructions only affect the texture when it is seen in the level editor. They should be grouped with the surface parameters but ahead of them in sequence.

5.1 qer_editorimage <texture path/texturename>

This keyword creates a material name in memory, but in the editor, it displays the TGA art image specified in qer_editorimage (in the example below this is textures/eerie/lavahell.tga).

The editor maps a texture using the size attributes of the TGA file used for the editor image. When that editor image represents a material, any texture used in any of the material stages will be scaled up or down to the dimensions of the editor image. If a 128x128 pixel image is used to represent the material in the editor, then a 256x256 image used in a later stage will be shrunk to fit.

Design Notes: The base_light and gothic_light materials contain numerous uses of this. It can be very useful for making different light styles (mostly to change the light brightnesses) without having to create a new piece of TGA art for each new material.

// Vera Visions Material
	qer_editorimagetextures/eerie/lavahell.tga // based on this
	qer_nocarve // cannot be cut by CSG subtract
	surfaceparm noimpact // projectiles do not hit it
	surfaceparm lava // has the game properties of lava
	surfaceparm nolightmap // environment lighting does not affect
	vmap_surfacelight 3000 // light is emitted
	vmap_tessSize 256 // relatively large triangles
	cull disable // no sides are removed
	deformVertexes wave 100 sin 5 5 .5 0.02
	fogparms 0.8519142 0.309723 0.0 128 128
		program unlit
		map textures/eerie/lavahell.tga // base texture artwork
		blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE // blend additively over everything else

5.2 qer_nocarve

A brush marked with this instruction will not be affected by CSG subtract functions. It is especially useful for water and fog textures.

5.3 qer_trans <value>

This parameter defines the percentage of transparency that a brush will have when seen in the editor (no effect on game rendering a tall). It can have a positive value between 0 and 1. The higher the value, the less transparent the texture. Example: qer_trans 0.2 means the brush is 20% opaque and nearly invisible.

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