#include "quakedef.h" //node destruction static void JSON_Orphan(json_t *t) { if (t->parent) { json_t *p = t->parent, **l = &p->child; if (p->arraymax) { size_t idx = atoi(t->name); if (idx <= p->arraymax) p->array[idx] = NULL; //FIXME: sibling links are screwed. be careful iterrating after a removal. } else { while (*l) { if (*l == t) { *l = t->sibling; if (*l) p->childlink = l; break; } l = &(*l)->sibling; } } t->parent = NULL; t->sibling = NULL; } } void JSON_Destroy(json_t *t) { if (t) { if (t->arraymax) { size_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < t->arraymax; idx++) if (t->array[idx]) JSON_Destroy(t->array[idx]); free(t->array); } else { while(t->child) JSON_Destroy(t->child); } JSON_Orphan(t); free(t); } } //node creation static json_t *JSON_CreateNode(json_t *parent, const char *namestart, const char *nameend, const char *bodystart, const char *bodyend, int type) { json_t *j; qboolean dupbody = false; if (namestart && !nameend) nameend = namestart+strlen(namestart); if (bodystart && !bodyend) { dupbody = true; bodyend = bodystart+strlen(bodystart); } //FIXME: escapes within names are a thing. a stupid thing, but still a thing. j = malloc(sizeof(*j) + nameend-namestart + (dupbody?1+bodyend-bodystart:0)); memcpy(j->name, namestart, nameend-namestart); j->name[nameend-namestart] = 0; j->bodystart = bodystart; j->bodyend = bodyend; j->child = NULL; j->sibling = NULL; j->arraymax = 0; j->type = type; if (type == json_type_array) { //pre-initialise the array a bit. j->arraymax = 32; j->array = calloc(j->arraymax, sizeof(*j->array)); } else j->childlink = &j->child; j->parent = parent; if (parent) { if (parent->arraymax) { size_t idx = atoi(j->name); if (idx >= parent->arraymax) { size_t oldmax = parent->arraymax; parent->arraymax = max(idx+1, parent->arraymax*2); parent->array = realloc(parent->array, sizeof(*parent->array)*parent->arraymax); while (oldmax < parent->arraymax) parent->array[oldmax++] = NULL; //make sure there's no gaps. } parent->array[idx] = j; if (!idx) parent->child = j; else if (parent->array[idx-1]) parent->array[idx-1]->sibling = j; } else { *parent->childlink = j; parent->childlink = &j->sibling; } j->used = false; } else j->used = true; if (dupbody) { char *bod = j->name + (nameend-namestart)+1; j->bodystart = bod; j->bodyend = j->bodystart + (bodyend-bodystart); memcpy(bod, bodystart, bodyend-bodystart); bod[bodyend-bodystart] = 0; } return j; } //node parsing static void JSON_SkipWhite(const char *msg, int *pos, int max) { while (*pos < max) { //if its simple whitespace then keep skipping over it if (msg[*pos] == ' ' || msg[*pos] == '\t' || msg[*pos] == '\r' || msg[*pos] == '\n' ) { *pos+=1; continue; } //BEGIN NON-STANDARD - Note that comments are NOT part of json, but people insist on using them anyway (c-style, like javascript). else if (msg[*pos] == '/' && *pos+1 < max) { if (msg[*pos+1] == '/') { //C++ style single-line comments that continue till the next line break *pos+=2; while (*pos < max) { if (msg[*pos] == '\r' || msg[*pos] == '\n') break; //ends on first line break (the break is then whitespace will will be skipped naturally) *pos+=1; //not yet } continue; } else if (msg[*pos+1] == '*') { /*C style multi-line comment*/ *pos+=2; while (*pos+1 < max) { if (msg[*pos] == '*' && msg[*pos+1] == '/') { *pos+=2; //skip past the terminator ready for whitespace or trailing comments directly after break; } *pos+=1; //not yet } continue; } } //END NON-STANDARD break; //not whitespace/comment/etc. } } //handles the not-null-terminated nature of our bodies. double JSON_ReadFloat(json_t *t, double fallback) { if (t) { char tmp[MAX_QPATH]; size_t l = t->bodyend-t->bodystart; if (l > MAX_QPATH-1) l = MAX_QPATH-1; memcpy(tmp, t->bodystart, l); tmp[l] = 0; return atof(tmp); } return fallback; } #if defined(FTEPLUGIN) || defined(IQMTOOL) //grr, stupid copypasta. unsigned int utf8_encode(void *out, unsigned int unicode, int maxlen) { unsigned int bcount = 1; unsigned int lim = 0x80; unsigned int shift; if (!unicode) { //modified utf-8 encodes encapsulated nulls as over-long. bcount = 2; } else { while (unicode >= lim) { if (bcount == 1) lim <<= 4; else if (bcount < 7) lim <<= 5; else lim <<= 6; bcount++; } } //error if needed if (maxlen < bcount) return 0; //output it. if (bcount == 1) { *((unsigned char *)out) = (unsigned char)(unicode&0x7f); out = (char*)out + 1; } else { shift = bcount*6; shift = shift-6; *((unsigned char *)out) = (unsigned char)((unicode>>shift)&(0x0000007f>>bcount)) | ((0xffffff00 >> bcount) & 0xff); out = (char*)out + 1; do { shift = shift-6; *((unsigned char *)out) = (unsigned char)((unicode>>shift)&0x3f) | 0x80; out = (char*)out + 1; } while(shift); } return bcount; } #endif static int dehex(int chr, unsigned int *ret, int shift) { if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') *ret |= (chr-'0') << shift; else if (chr >= 'A' && chr <= 'F') *ret |= (chr-'A'+10) << shift; else if (chr >= 'a' && chr <= 'f') *ret |= (chr-'a'+10) << shift; else return 0; return 1; } //writes the body to a null-terminated string, handling escapes as needed. //returns required body length (without terminator) (NOTE: return value is not escape-aware, so this is an over-estimate). size_t JSON_ReadBody(json_t *t, char *out, size_t outsize) { // size_t bodysize; if (!t) { if (out) *out = 0; return 0; } if (out && outsize) { char *outend = out+outsize-1; //compensate for null terminator const char *in = t->bodystart; while (in < t->bodyend && out < outend) { if (*in == '\\') { if (++in < t->bodyend) { switch(*in++) { case '\"': *out++ = '\"'; break; case '\\': *out++ = '\\'; break; case '/': *out++ = '/'; break; //json is not C... case 'b': *out++ = '\b'; break; case 'f': *out++ = '\f'; break; case 'n': *out++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *out++ = '\r'; break; case 't': *out++ = '\t'; break; case 'u': { unsigned int code = 0, low = 0; if (dehex(out[0], &code, 12) && //javscript escapes are strictly 16bit... dehex(out[1], &code, 8) && dehex(out[2], &code, 4) && dehex(out[3], &code, 0) ) { in += 4; //and as its actually UTF-16 we need to waste more cpu cycles on this insanity when its a high-surrogate. if (code >= 0xd800u && code < 0xdc00u && out[4] == '\\' && out[5] == 'u' && dehex(out[6], &low, 12) && dehex(out[7], &low, 8) && dehex(out[8], &low, 4) && dehex(out[9], &low, 0) && low >= 0xdc00 && low < 0xde00) { in += 6; code = 0x10000 + (code-0xd800)*0x400 + (low-0xdc00); } out += utf8_encode(out, code, outend-out); break; } } //fall through. default: //unknown escape. will warn when actually reading it. *out++ = '\\'; if (out < outend) *out++ = in[-1]; break; } } else *out++ = '\\'; //error... } else *out++ = *in++; } *out = 0; } return t->bodyend-t->bodystart; } static qboolean JSON_ParseString(char const*msg, int *pos, int max, char const**start, char const** end) { if (*pos < max && msg[*pos] == '\"') { //quoted string //FIXME: no handling of backslash followed by one of "\/bfnrtu *pos+=1; *start = msg+*pos; while (*pos < max) { if (msg[*pos] == '\"') break; if (msg[*pos] == '\\') { //escapes are expanded elsewhere, we're just skipping over them here. switch(msg[*pos+1]) { case '\"': case '\\': case '/': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': *pos+=2; break; case 'u': *pos+=2; //*pos+=4; //4 hex digits, not escapes so just wait till later before parsing them properly. break; default: //unknown escape. will warn when actually reading it. *pos+=1; break; } } else *pos+=1; } if (*pos < max && msg[*pos] == '\"') { *end = msg+*pos; *pos+=1; return true; } } else { //name *start = msg+*pos; while (*pos < max && msg[*pos] != ' ' && msg[*pos] != '\t' && msg[*pos] != '\r' && msg[*pos] != '\n' && msg[*pos] != ':' && msg[*pos] != ',' && msg[*pos] != '}' && msg[*pos] != '{' && msg[*pos] != '[' && msg[*pos] != ']') { *pos+=1; } *end = msg+*pos; if (*start != *end) return true; } *end = *start; return false; } json_t *JSON_ParseNode(json_t *t, const char *namestart, const char *nameend, const char *json, int *jsonpos, int jsonlen) { const char *childstart, *childend; JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen) { if (json[*jsonpos] == '{') { *jsonpos+=1; JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); t = JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, NULL, NULL, json_type_object); while (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == '\"') { if (!JSON_ParseString(json, jsonpos, jsonlen, &childstart, &childend)) break; JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == ':') { *jsonpos+=1; if (!JSON_ParseNode(t, childstart, childend, json, jsonpos, jsonlen)) break; } JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == ',') { *jsonpos+=1; JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); continue; } break; } if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == '}') { *jsonpos+=1; return t; } JSON_Destroy(t); } else if (json[*jsonpos] == '[') { char idxname[MAX_QPATH]; unsigned int idx = 0; *jsonpos+=1; JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); t = JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, NULL, NULL, json_type_array); for(;;) { Q_snprintfz(idxname, sizeof(idxname), "%u", idx++); if (!JSON_ParseNode(t, idxname, NULL, json, jsonpos, jsonlen)) break; if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == ',') { *jsonpos+=1; JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); continue; } break; } JSON_SkipWhite(json, jsonpos, jsonlen); if (*jsonpos < jsonlen && json[*jsonpos] == ']') { *jsonpos+=1; return t; } JSON_Destroy(t); } else { if (json[*jsonpos] == '\"') { if (JSON_ParseString(json, jsonpos, jsonlen, &childstart, &childend)) return JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, childstart, childend, json_type_string); } else { if (JSON_ParseString(json, jsonpos, jsonlen, &childstart, &childend)) { if (childend-childstart == 4 && !strncasecmp(childstart, "true", 4)) return JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, childstart, childend, json_type_true); else if (childend-childstart == 5 && !strncasecmp(childstart, "false", 5)) return JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, childstart, childend, json_type_false); else if (childend-childstart == 4 && !strncasecmp(childstart, "null", 4)) return JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, childstart, childend, json_type_null); else return JSON_CreateNode(t, namestart, nameend, childstart, childend, json_type_number); } } } } return NULL; } json_t *JSON_Parse(const char *json) { size_t jsonlen = strlen(json); int pos = (json[0] == '\xef' && json[1] == '\xbb' && json[2] == '\xbf')?3:0; //skip a utf-8 bom, if present, to be a bit more permissive. json_t *n = JSON_ParseNode(NULL, NULL, NULL, json, &pos, jsonlen); JSON_SkipWhite(json, &pos, jsonlen); if (pos == jsonlen) return n; JSON_Destroy(n); //trailing junk?... fail it. return NULL; } //we don't really understand arrays here (we just treat them as tables) so eg "foo.0.bar" to find t->foo[0]->bar json_t *JSON_FindChild(json_t *t, const char *child) { if (t) { size_t nl; const char *dot = strchr(child, '.'); if (dot) nl = dot-child; else nl = strlen(child); if (t->arraymax) { size_t idx = atoi(child); if (idx < t->arraymax) { t = t->array[idx]; if (t) goto found; } } else { for (t = t->child; t; t = t->sibling) { if (!strncmp(t->name, child, nl) && (t->name[nl] == '.' || !t->name[nl])) { found: child+=nl; t->used = true; if (*child == '.') return JSON_FindChild(t, child+1); return t; } } } } return NULL; } json_t *JSON_GetIndexed(json_t *t, unsigned int idx) { if (t) { if (t->arraymax) { if (idx < t->arraymax) { t = t->array[idx]; if (t) { t->used = true; return t; } } } else { for (t = t->child; t; t = t->sibling, idx--) { if (!idx) { t->used = true; return t; } } } } return NULL; } //helpers... json_t *JSON_FindIndexedChild(json_t *t, const char *child, unsigned int idx) { if (child) t = JSON_FindChild(t, child); return JSON_GetIndexed(t, idx); } qboolean JSON_Equals(json_t *t, const char *child, const char *expected) { if (child) t = JSON_FindChild(t, child); if (t && t->bodyend-t->bodystart == strlen(expected)) return !strncmp(t->bodystart, expected, t->bodyend-t->bodystart); return false; } quintptr_t JSON_GetUInteger(json_t *t, const char *child, unsigned int fallback) { if (child) t = JSON_FindChild(t, child); if (t) { //copy it to another buffer. can probably skip that tbh. char tmp[MAX_QPATH]; char *trail; size_t l = t->bodyend-t->bodystart; quintptr_t r; if (l > MAX_QPATH-1) l = MAX_QPATH-1; memcpy(tmp, t->bodystart, l); tmp[l] = 0; if (!strcmp(tmp, "false")) //special cases, for booleans return 0u; if (!strcmp(tmp, "true")) //special cases, for booleans return 1u; r = (quintptr_t)strtoull(tmp, &trail, 0); if (!*trail) return r; } return fallback; } qintptr_t JSON_GetInteger(json_t *t, const char *child, int fallback) { if (child) t = JSON_FindChild(t, child); if (t) { //copy it to another buffer. can probably skip that tbh. char tmp[MAX_QPATH]; char *trail; size_t l = t->bodyend-t->bodystart; qintptr_t r; if (l > MAX_QPATH-1) l = MAX_QPATH-1; memcpy(tmp, t->bodystart, l); tmp[l] = 0; if (!strcmp(tmp, "false")) //special cases, for booleans return 0; if (!strcmp(tmp, "true")) //special cases, for booleans return 1; r = (qintptr_t)strtoll(tmp, &trail, 0); if (!*trail) return r; } return fallback; } qintptr_t JSON_GetIndexedInteger(json_t *t, unsigned int idx, int fallback) { char idxname[MAX_QPATH]; Q_snprintfz(idxname, sizeof(idxname), "%u", idx); return JSON_GetInteger(t, idxname, fallback); } double JSON_GetFloat(json_t *t, const char *child, double fallback) { if (child) t = JSON_FindChild(t, child); return JSON_ReadFloat(t, fallback); } double JSON_GetIndexedFloat(json_t *t, unsigned int idx, double fallback) { char idxname[MAX_QPATH]; Q_snprintfz(idxname, sizeof(idxname), "%u", idx); return JSON_GetFloat(t, idxname, fallback); } const char *JSON_GetString(json_t *t, const char *child, char *buffer, size_t buffersize, const char *fallback) { if (child) t = JSON_FindChild(t, child); if (t) { //copy it to another buffer. can probably skip that tbh. JSON_ReadBody(t, buffer, buffersize); return buffer; } return fallback; }