!!ver 100-450 !!samps 1 //this shader is applies gamma/contrast/brightness to the source image, and dumps it out. varying vec2 tc; varying vec4 vc; //gamma, contrast, brightness, contrastboost #ifdef VERTEX_SHADER attribute vec2 v_texcoord; attribute vec4 v_colour; void main () { tc = vec2(v_texcoord.s, 1.0-v_texcoord.t); vc = v_colour; gl_Position = ftetransform(); } #endif #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER void main () { vec3 t = texture2D(s_t0, tc).rgb; t = vc.a * t/((vc.a-1.0)*t + 1.0); gl_FragColor = vec4(pow(t, vec3(vc.r))*vc.g + vc.b, 1.0); } #endif