
1404 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the included (GNU.txt) GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
This is the file responsible for handling incoming tcp connections.
This includes mvd recording.
Password checks and stuff are implemented here. This is server side stuff.
#include "qtv.h"
#include "time.h"
#undef IN
#define IN(x) buffer[(x)&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)]
void CheckMVDConsistancy(unsigned char *buffer, int pos, int size)
int length;
int msec, type;
while(pos < size)
msec = IN(pos++);
type = IN(pos++);
if (type == dem_set)
if (type == dem_multiple)
length = (IN(pos+0)<<0) + (IN(pos+1)<<8) + (IN(pos+2)<<16) + (IN(pos+3)<<24);
if (length > 1450)
printf("too big (%i)\n", length);
pos += length;
if (pos != size)
printf("pos != size\n");
void SV_FindProxies(SOCKET sock, cluster_t *cluster, sv_t *defaultqtv)
oproxy_t *prox;
sock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET)
if (cluster->maxproxies >= 0 && cluster->numproxies >= cluster->maxproxies)
const char buffer[] = {dem_all, 1, 'P','r','o','x','y',' ','i','s',' ','f','u','l','l','.'};
send(sock, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0);
prox = malloc(sizeof(*prox));
if (!prox)
{//out of mem?
memset(prox, 0, sizeof(*prox));
prox->sock = sock;
prox->file = NULL;
#if 1
prox->defaultstream = defaultqtv;
prox->next = cluster->pendingproxies;
cluster->pendingproxies = prox;
prox->next = qtv->pendingproxies;
qtv->pendingproxies = prox;
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, prox);
void Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox)
char *buffer;
int length;
int bufpos;
if (prox->drop)
while (prox->bufferpos >= MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
{ //so we never get any issues with wrapping..
prox->bufferpos -= MAX_PROXY_BUFFER;
prox->buffersize -= MAX_PROXY_BUFFER;
bufpos = prox->bufferpos&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1);
length = prox->buffersize - prox->bufferpos;
if (length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-bufpos) //cap the length correctly.
length = MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-bufpos;
if (!length)
return; //already flushed.
buffer = prox->buffer + bufpos;
// CheckMVDConsistancy(prox->buffer, prox->bufferpos, prox->buffersize);
if (bufpos+length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
Sys_Printf(cluster, "oversize flush\n");
if (prox->file)
length = fwrite(buffer, 1, length, prox->file);
length = send(prox->sock, buffer, length, 0);
switch (length)
case 0: //eof / they disconnected
prox->drop = true;
case -1:
if (qerrno != EWOULDBLOCK && qerrno != EAGAIN) //not a problem, so long as we can flush it later.
Sys_Printf(cluster, "oversize flush\n");
prox->drop = true; //drop them if we get any errors
prox->bufferpos += length;
void Net_ProxySend(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox, char *buffer, int length)
int wrap;
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, prox); //try flushing
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER) //damn, still too big.
{ //they're too slow. hopefully it was just momentary lag
printf("QTV client is too lagged\n");
prox->flushing = true;
#if 1
//just simple
for (wrap = prox->buffersize-length; wrap < prox->buffersize; wrap++)
prox->buffer[wrap&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)] = *buffer++;
//we don't do multiple wrappings, the above check cannot succeed if it were required.
//find the wrap point
wrap = prox->buffersize-(prox->buffersize&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)) + MAX_PROXY_BUFFER;
wrap = wrap - (prox->buffersize&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1)); //the ammount of data we can fit before wrapping.
if (wrap > length)
{ //we don't wrap afterall
memcpy(prox->buffer+(prox->buffersize)&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1), buffer, length);
memcpy(prox->buffer+prox->buffersize&(MAX_PROXY_BUFFER-1), buffer, wrap);
buffer += wrap;
length -= wrap;
memcpy(prox->buffer, buffer, length);
void Prox_SendMessage(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *prox, char *buf, int length, int dem_type, unsigned int playermask)
netmsg_t msg;
char tbuf[16];
InitNetMsg(&msg, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
WriteByte(&msg, 0);
WriteByte(&msg, dem_type);
WriteLong(&msg, length);
if (dem_type == dem_multiple)
WriteLong(&msg, playermask);
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length + msg.cursize > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER)
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, prox); //try flushing
if (prox->buffersize-prox->bufferpos + length + msg.cursize > MAX_PROXY_BUFFER) //damn, still too big.
{ //they're too slow. hopefully it was just momentary lag
prox->flushing = true;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, prox, buf, length);
void Prox_SendPlayerStats(sv_t *qtv, oproxy_t *prox)
char buffer[MAX_MSGLEN];
netmsg_t msg;
int player, snum;
InitNetMsg(&msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
for (player = 0; player < MAX_CLIENTS; player++)
for (snum = 0; snum < MAX_STATS; snum++)
if (qtv->players[player].stats[snum])
if ((unsigned)qtv->players[player].stats[snum] > 255)
WriteByte(&msg, svc_updatestatlong);
WriteByte(&msg, snum);
WriteLong(&msg, qtv->players[player].stats[snum]);
WriteByte(&msg, svc_updatestat);
WriteByte(&msg, snum);
WriteByte(&msg, qtv->players[player].stats[snum]);
if (msg.cursize)
// Prox_SendMessage(prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_stats|(player<<3), (1<<player));
msg.cursize = 0;
void Net_SendConnectionMVD(sv_t *qtv, oproxy_t *prox)
char buffer[MAX_MSGLEN*8];
netmsg_t msg;
int prespawn;
if (!*qtv->mapname)
InitNetMsg(&msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
prox->flushing = false;
BuildServerData(qtv, &msg, 0, NULL);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
for (prespawn = 0;prespawn >= 0;)
prespawn = SendList(qtv, prespawn, qtv->soundlist, svc_soundlist, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
for (prespawn = 0;prespawn >= 0;)
prespawn = SendList(qtv, prespawn, qtv->modellist, svc_modellist, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox); //that should be enough data to fill a packet.
for(prespawn = 0;prespawn>=0;)
prespawn = Prespawn(qtv, 0, &msg, prespawn, MAX_CLIENTS-1);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
//playerstates arn't actually delta-compressed, so the first send (simply forwarded from server) entirly replaces the old.
//we do need to send entity states.
Prox_SendInitialEnts(qtv, prox, &msg);
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
WriteByte(&msg, svc_stufftext);
WriteString(&msg, "skins\n");
Prox_SendMessage(qtv->cluster, prox, msg.data, msg.cursize, dem_read, (unsigned)-1);
msg.cursize = 0;
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
Prox_SendPlayerStats(qtv, prox);
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
Net_ProxySend(qtv->cluster, prox, qtv->buffer, qtv->forwardpoint); //send all the info we've not yet processed.
if (prox->flushing)
Sys_Printf(qtv->cluster, "Connection data is too big, dropping proxy client\n");
prox->drop = true; //this is unfortunate...
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
oproxy_t *Net_FileProxy(sv_t *qtv, char *filename)
oproxy_t *prox;
FILE *f;
f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!f)
return NULL;
//no full proxy check, this is going to be used by proxy admins, who won't want to have to raise the limit to start recording.
prox = malloc(sizeof(*prox));
if (!prox)
return NULL;
memset(prox, 0, sizeof(*prox));
prox->sock = INVALID_SOCKET;
prox->file = f;
prox->next = qtv->proxies;
qtv->proxies = prox;
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, prox);
return prox;
qboolean Net_StopFileProxy(sv_t *qtv)
oproxy_t *prox;
for (prox = qtv->proxies; prox; prox = prox->next)
if (prox->file)
prox->drop = true;
return true;
return false;
void SV_ForwardStream(sv_t *qtv, char *buffer, int length)
{ //forward the stream on to connected clients
oproxy_t *prox, *next, *fre;
CheckMVDConsistancy(buffer, 0, length);
while (qtv->proxies && qtv->proxies->drop)
next = qtv->proxies->next;
fre = qtv->proxies;
if (fre->file)
qtv->proxies = next;
for (prox = qtv->proxies; prox; prox = prox->next)
while (prox->next && prox->next->drop)
next = prox->next->next;
fre = prox->next;
if (fre->file)
prox->next = next;
if (prox->flushing) //don't send it if we're trying to empty thier buffer.
if (prox->buffersize == prox->bufferpos)
if (!qtv->parsingconnectiondata)
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, prox); //they're up to date, resend the connection info.
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox); //try and flush it.
if (prox->drop)
//add the new data
Net_ProxySend(qtv->cluster, prox, buffer, length);
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
// Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
// Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(qtv->cluster, prox);
static const char qfont_table[256] = {
'\0', '#', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#',
'#', 9, 10, '#', ' ', 13, '.', '.',
'[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
'6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '<', '=', '>',
' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'',
'(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
'@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_',
'`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '<',
'<', '=', '>', '#', '#', '.', '#', '#',
'#', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '>', '.', '.',
'[', ']', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
'6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '<', '=', '>',
' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'',
'(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?',
'@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O',
'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W',
'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_',
'`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w',
'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', '<'
void HTMLprintf(char *outb, int outl, char *fmt, ...)
va_list val;
char qfmt[8192*4];
char *inb = qfmt;
va_start(val, fmt);
vsnprintf(qfmt, sizeof(qfmt), fmt, val);
qfmt[sizeof(qfmt)-1] = 0;
outl -= 5;
while (outl > 0 && *inb)
if (*inb == '<')
*outb++ = '&';
*outb++ = 'l';
*outb++ = 't';
*outb++ = ';';
outl -= 4;
else if (*inb == '>')
*outb++ = '&';
*outb++ = 'g';
*outb++ = 't';
*outb++ = ';';
outl -= 4;
else if (*inb == '\n')
*outb++ = '<';
*outb++ = 'b';
*outb++ = 'r';
*outb++ = '/';
*outb++ = '>';
outl -= 5;
else if (*inb == '&')
*outb++ = '&';
*outb++ = 'a';
*outb++ = 'm';
*outb++ = 'p';
*outb++ = ';';
outl -= 5;
*outb++ = qfont_table[*(unsigned char*)inb];
*outb++ = 0;
static const char* SV_GetTime()
time_t rawtime;
time (&rawtime);
return ctime(&rawtime);
static void SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest, char *error_code, char *content_type, qboolean nocache)
char *s;
char buffer[2048];
if (nocache) {
s = "HTTP/1.1 %s OK\n"
"Content-Type: %s\n"
"Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\n"
"Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\n"
"Last-Modified: %s"
"Connection: close\n"
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), s, error_code, content_type, SV_GetTime());
} else {
s = "HTTP/1.1 %s OK\n"
"Content-Type: %s\n"
"Connection: close\n"
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), s, error_code, content_type);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
static void SV_SendHTMLHeader(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest, char *title)
char *s;
char buffer[2048];
s = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">\n"
" <meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">\n"
" <title>%s</title>\n"
" <link rel=\"StyleSheet\" href=\"/style.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n"
"<body><div id=\"navigation\"><ul>"
"<li><a href=\"/nowplaying/\">Live</a></li><li><a href=\"/demos/\">Demos</a></li><li><a href=\"/admin/\">Admin</a></li>"
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), s, title);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
#define HTMLPRINT(str) { sprintf(buffer, str "\n"); Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer)); }
void SV_GenerateNowPlayingHTTP(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest)
int player;
char *s;
char buffer[1024];
char plname[64];
sv_t *streams;
SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster, dest, "200", "text/html", true);
SV_SendHTMLHeader(cluster, dest, "QuakeTV: Now Playing");
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "<h1>QuakeTV on %s: Now Playing</h1>", cluster->hostname);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
HTMLPRINT("<dl class=\"nowplaying\">");
for (streams = cluster->servers; streams; streams = streams->next)
HTMLprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s (%s: %s)", streams->server, streams->gamedir, streams->mapname);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
sprintf(buffer, "<span class=\"qtvfile\"> [ <a href=\"/watch.qtv?sid=%i\">Watch Now</a> ]</span>", streams->streamid);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
HTMLPRINT("</dt><dd><ul class=\"playerslist\">");
for (player = 0; player < MAX_CLIENTS; player++)
if (*streams->players[player].userinfo)
Info_ValueForKey(streams->players[player].userinfo, "name", plname, sizeof(plname));
if (streams->players[player].frags < -90) {
HTMLPRINT("<li class=\"spectator\">");
} else {
HTMLPRINT("<li class=\"player\">");
HTMLprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", plname);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
if (!cluster->servers)
s = "No streams are currently being played<br />";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
sprintf(buffer, "<br/>QTV Version: %i <a href=\"http://www.fteqw.com\">www.fteqw.com</a><br />", cluster->buildnumber);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
void SV_GenerateCSSFile(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest)
char buffer[1024];
SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster, dest, "200", "text/css", false);
HTMLPRINT("* { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; }");
HTMLPRINT("body { color: #000; background-color: #fff; padding: 0 40px; }");
HTMLPRINT("a { color: #00f; }");
HTMLPRINT("a.qtvfile { font-weight: bold; }");
HTMLPRINT("a:visited { color: #00f; }");
HTMLPRINT("a:hover { background-color: black; color: yellow; }");
HTMLPRINT("li.spectator { color: #666; font-size: 0.9ex; }");
HTMLPRINT("dl.nowplaying dd { margin: 0 0 2em 0; }");
HTMLPRINT("dl.nowplaying dt { margin: 1em 0 0 0; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; }");
HTMLPRINT("dl.nowplaying li { list-style: none; margin: 0 0 0 1em; padding: 0; }");
HTMLPRINT("dl.nowplaying ul { margin: 0 0 0 1em; padding: 0; }");
HTMLPRINT("#navigation { background-color: #eef; }");
HTMLPRINT("#navigation li { display: inline; list-style: none; margin: 0 3em; }");
qboolean SV_GetHTTPHeaderField(char *s, char *field, char *buffer, int buffersize)
char *e;
char *colon;
int fieldnamelen = strlen(field);
buffer[0] = 0;
e = s;
if (*e == '\n')
*e = '\0';
colon = strchr(s, ':');
if (!colon)
if (!strncmp(field, s, fieldnamelen))
if (s[fieldnamelen] <= ' ')
return true;
if (fieldnamelen == colon - s)
if (!strncmp(field, s, colon-s))
while (*colon == ' ')
while (buffersize > 1)
if (*colon == '\r' || *colon == '\n')
*buffer++ = *colon++;
*buffer = 0;
return true;
s = e+1;
return false;
void SV_GenerateQTVStub(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest, char *streamtype, char *streamid)
char *s;
char hostname[64];
char buffer[1024];
if (!SV_GetHTTPHeaderField(dest->inbuffer, "Host", hostname, sizeof(hostname)))
SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster, dest, "400", "text/html", true);
SV_SendHTMLHeader(cluster, dest, "QuakeTV: Error");
s = "Your client did not send a Host field, which is required in HTTP/1.1\n<BR />"
"Please try a different browser.\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster, dest, "200", "text/x-quaketvident", false);
char *ws;
for (ws = streamid; *ws > ' '; ws++)
*ws = '\0';
sprintf(buffer, "[QTV]\r\n"
"Stream: %s%s@%s\r\n"
streamtype, streamid, hostname);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, buffer, strlen(buffer));
char *SV_ParsePOST(char *post, char *buffer, int buffersize)
while(*post && *post != '&')
if (--buffersize>0)
if (*post == '+')
*buffer++ = ' ';
else if (*post == '%')
*buffer = 0;
if (*post == '\0' || *post == '&')
else if (*post >= 'a' && *post <= 'f')
*buffer += 10 + *post-'a';
else if (*post >= 'A' && *post <= 'F')
*buffer += 10 + *post-'A';
else if (*post >= '0' && *post <= '9')
*buffer += *post-'0';
*buffer <<= 4;
if (*post == '\0' || *post == '&')
else if (*post >= 'a' && *post <= 'f')
*buffer += 10 + *post-'a';
else if (*post >= 'A' && *post <= 'F')
*buffer += 10 + *post-'A';
else if (*post >= '0' && *post <= '9')
*buffer += *post-'0';
*buffer++ = *post;
*buffer = 0;
return post;
void SV_GenerateAdminHTTP(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest, int streamid, char *postbody)
char pwd[64];
char cmd[256];
char result[8192];
char *s;
char *o;
if (!*cluster->adminpassword)
SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster, dest, "403", "text/html", true);
SV_SendHTMLHeader(cluster, dest, "QuakeTV: Admin Error");
s = "The admin password is disabled. You may not log in remotely.</body></html>\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
pwd[0] = 0;
cmd[0] = 0;
if (postbody)
while (*postbody)
if (!strncmp(postbody, "pwd=", 4))
postbody = SV_ParsePOST(postbody+4, pwd, sizeof(pwd));
else if (!strncmp(postbody, "cmd=", 4))
postbody = SV_ParsePOST(postbody+4, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
while(*postbody && *postbody != '&')
if (*postbody == '&')
if (!*pwd)
o = "";
else if (!strcmp(pwd, cluster->adminpassword))
//small hack (as http connections are considered non-connected proxies)
o = Rcon_Command(cluster, NULL, cmd, result, sizeof(result), false);
o = "Bad Password";
if (o != result)
strcpy(result, o);
o = result;
s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\n"
"Connection: close\n"
"<TITLE>QuakeTV: Admin</TITLE>\n"
//this section of code is to put focus into the command box, so you don't need to click it all the time.
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
"function sf(){document.f.cmd.focus();}\n"
//"// -->"
"<BODY onload=sf()>";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
s = "<H1>FTEQTV Admin: ";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
s = cluster->hostname;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
s = "</H1>";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
s =
"<FORM action=\"admin.html\" method=\"post\" name=f>"
"Password <input name=pwd value=\"";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
if (*o)
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, pwd, strlen(pwd));
s = "\">"
"<BR />"
"Command <input name=cmd maxsize=255 size=40 value=\"\">"
"<input type=submit value=\"Submit\" name=btn>"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
s = strchr(o, '\n');
if (s)
*s = 0;
HTMLprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s", o);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, cmd, strlen(cmd));
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, "<BR />", 6);
if (!s)
o = s+1;
s = "<br /><A href=\"/nowplaying/\">Now Playing</A><br />";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
s = "<A href=\"/demos/\">Available Demos</A><br />";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
sprintf(result, "<br/>QTV Version: %i <a href=\"http://www.fteqw.com\">www.fteqw.com</a><br />", cluster->buildnumber);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, result, strlen(result));
s = "</BODY>"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <dirent.h>
void SV_GenerateQTVDemoListing(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *dest)
int i;
char link[256];
char *s;
SV_SendHTTPHeader(cluster, dest, "200", "text/html", true);
SV_SendHTMLHeader(cluster, dest, "QuakeTV: Demos");
s = "<h1>QuakeTV: Demo Listing</h1>";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
for (i = 0; i < cluster->availdemoscount; i++)
snprintf(link, sizeof(link), "<A HREF=\"/watch.qtv?demo=%s\">%s</A> (%ikb)<br/>", cluster->availdemos[i].name, cluster->availdemos[i].name, cluster->availdemos[i].size/1024);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, link, strlen(link));
sprintf(link, "<P>Total: %i demos</P>", cluster->availdemoscount);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, link, strlen(link));
sprintf(link, "<br/>QTV Version: %i <a href=\"http://www.fteqw.com\">www.fteqw.com</a><br />", cluster->buildnumber);
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, link, strlen(link));
s = "</BODY>"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, dest, s, strlen(s));
//returns true if the pending proxy should be unlinked
//truth does not imply that it should be freed/released, just unlinked.
qboolean SV_ReadPendingProxy(cluster_t *cluster, oproxy_t *pend)
char tempbuf[512];
char *s;
char *e;
char *colon;
int usableversion = 0;
int len;
qboolean raw;
sv_t *qtv;
if (pend->drop)
return true;
Net_TryFlushProxyBuffer(cluster, pend);
if (pend->flushing)
if (pend->bufferpos == pend->buffersize)
pend->drop = true;
return false;
len = sizeof(pend->inbuffer) - pend->inbuffersize - 1;
len = recv(pend->sock, pend->inbuffer+pend->inbuffersize, len, 0);
if (len == 0)
pend->drop = true;
return false;
if (len < 0)
return false;
pend->inbuffersize += len;
pend->inbuffer[pend->inbuffersize] = '\0';
if (pend->inbuffersize >= 4)
if (strncmp(pend->inbuffer, "QTV\r", 4) && strncmp(pend->inbuffer, "QTV\n", 4) && strncmp(pend->inbuffer, "GET ", 4) && strncmp(pend->inbuffer, "POST ", 5))
{ //I have no idea what the smeg you are.
pend->drop = true;
return false;
//make sure there's a double \n somewhere
for (s = pend->inbuffer; *s; s++)
if (s[0] == '\n' && (s[1] == '\n' || (s[1] == '\r' && s[2] == '\n')))
if (!*s)
return false; //don't have enough yet
if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer, "POST ", 5))
if (!SV_GetHTTPHeaderField(pend->inbuffer, "Content-Length", tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf)))
s = "HTTP/1.1 411 OK\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\n"
"Connection: close\n"
"<html><HEAD><TITLE>QuakeTV</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>No Content-Length was provided.</BODY>\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
len = atoi(tempbuf);
if (pend->inbuffersize + len >= sizeof(pend->inbuffer)-20)
{ //too much data
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
len = s - (char*)pend->inbuffer + len;
if (len > pend->inbuffersize)
return false; //still need the body
// if (len <= pend->inbuffersize)
if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+5, "/admin", 6))
SV_GenerateAdminHTTP(cluster, pend, 0, s);
s = "HTTP/1.1 404 OK\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\n"
"Connection: close\n"
"<html><HEAD><TITLE>QuakeTV</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>That HTTP method is not supported for that URL.</BODY></html>\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer, "GET ", 4))
if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/nowplaying", 11))
SV_GenerateNowPlayingHTTP(cluster, pend);
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/watch.qtv?sid=", 15))
SV_GenerateQTVStub(cluster, pend, "", pend->inbuffer+19);
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/watch.qtv?demo=", 16))
SV_GenerateQTVStub(cluster, pend, "file:", pend->inbuffer+20);
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/about", 6))
{ //redirect them to our funky website
s = "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\n"
"Location: http://www.fteqw.com/\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/admin", 6))
SV_GenerateAdminHTTP(cluster, pend, 0, NULL);
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/ ", 2))
s = "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\n"
"Location: /nowplaying/\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/demos", 6))
SV_GenerateQTVDemoListing(cluster, pend);
s = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\n"
"Connection: close\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
/* else
s = "HTTP/0.9 200 OK\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain\n"
"Content-Length: 12\n"
"Hello World\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
else if (!strncmp(pend->inbuffer+4, "/style.css", 10))
SV_GenerateCSSFile(cluster, pend);
s = "HTTP/1.1 404 OK\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\n"
"Connection: close\n"
"<HEAD><TITLE>QuakeTV</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>The url you have specified was not recognised.</BODY>\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
raw = false;
qtv = pend->defaultstream;
e = pend->inbuffer;
s = e;
if (*e == '\n' || *e == '\r')
*e = '\0';
colon = strchr(s, ':');
if (*s)
if (!colon)
if (!strcmp(s, "QTV"))
//just a qtv request
else if (!strcmp(s, "SOURCELIST"))
{ //lists sources that are currently playing
s = "QTVSV 1\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
if (!cluster->servers)
s = "PERROR: No sources currently available\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
for (qtv = cluster->servers; qtv; qtv = qtv->next)
sprintf(tempbuf, "ASOURCE: %i: %15s: %15s\n", qtv->streamid, qtv->server, qtv->hostname);
s = tempbuf;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
qtv = NULL;
s = "\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!strcmp(s, "REVERSE"))
{ //this is actually a server trying to connect to us
//start up a new stream
else if (!strcmp(s, "RECEIVE"))
{ //a client connection request without a source
if (cluster->numservers == 1)
{ //only one stream anyway
qtv = cluster->servers;
{ //try and hunt down an explicit stream (rather than a user-recorded one)
int numfound = 0;
sv_t *suitable;
for (qtv = cluster->servers; qtv; qtv = qtv->next)
if (!qtv->disconnectwhennooneiswatching)
suitable = qtv;
if (numfound == 1)
qtv = suitable;
if (!qtv)
s = "QTVSV 1\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
s = "PERROR: Multiple streams are currently playing\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
s = "\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!strcmp(s, "DEMOLIST"))
{ //lists sources that are currently playing
int i;
s = "QTVSV 1\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
if (!cluster->availdemoscount)
s = "PERROR: No demos currently available\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
for (i = 0; i < cluster->availdemoscount; i++)
sprintf(tempbuf, "ADEMO: %i: %15s\n", cluster->availdemos[i].size, cluster->availdemos[i].name);
s = tempbuf;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
qtv = NULL;
s = "\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!strcmp(s, "AUTH"))
{ //lists the demos available on this proxy
//part of the connection process, can be ignored if there's no password
printf("Unrecognised token in QTV connection request (%s)\n", s);
*colon++ = '\0';
if (!strcmp(s, "VERSION"))
case 1:
//got a usable version
usableversion = 1;
//not recognised.
else if (!strcmp(s, "RAW"))
raw = atoi(colon);
/*else if (!strcmp(s, "ROUTE"))
{ //pure rewroute...
//is this safe? probably not.
s = "QTVSV 1\n"
"PERROR: ROUTE command not yet implemented\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!strcmp(s, "SOURCE"))
{ //connects, creating a new source
while (*colon == ' ')
for (s = colon; *s; s++)
if (*s < '0' || *s > '9')
if (*s)
qtv = QTV_NewServerConnection(cluster, colon, "", false, true, true, false);
//numerical source, use a stream id.
for (qtv = cluster->servers; qtv; qtv = qtv->next)
if (qtv->streamid == atoi(colon))
else if (!strcmp(s, "DEMO"))
{ //starts a demo off the server... source does the same thing though...
char buf[256];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "demo:%s", colon);
qtv = QTV_NewServerConnection(cluster, buf, "", false, true, true, false);
if (!qtv)
s = "QTVSV 1\n"
"PERROR: couldn't open demo\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
else if (!strcmp(s, "AUTH"))
{ //lists the demos available on this proxy
//part of the connection process, can be ignored if there's no password
printf("Unrecognised token in QTV connection request (%s)\n", s);
s = e+1;
if (!pend->flushing)
if (!usableversion)
s = "QTVSV 1\n"
"PERROR: Requested protocol version not supported\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
if (!qtv)
s = "QTVSV 1\n"
"PERROR: No stream selected\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
if (pend->flushing)
return false;
if (qtv->usequkeworldprotocols)
s = "QTVSV 1\n"
"PERROR: This version of QTV is unable to convert QuakeWorld to QTV protocols\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
if (cluster->maxproxies>=0 && cluster->numproxies >= cluster->maxproxies)
s = "QTVSV 1\n"
"TERROR: This QTV has reached it's connection limit\n"
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
pend->flushing = true;
return false;
pend->next = qtv->proxies;
qtv->proxies = pend;
if (!raw)
s = "QTVSV 1\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
s = "BEGIN: ";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
s = qtv->server;
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
s = "\n\n";
Net_ProxySend(cluster, pend, s, strlen(s));
// else if (passwordprotected) //raw mode doesn't support passwords, so reject them
// {
// pend->flushing = true;
// return;
// }
Net_SendConnectionMVD(qtv, pend);
return true;