#!/bin/sh SCRPATH="$( cd "$( dirname $(readlink -nf $0) )" && pwd )" OUTPK3DIR="pak0_retail.pk3dir" if ! [ -x "$(command -v unshield)" ]; then printf "Error: unshield is not installed.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v rsync)" ]; then printf "Error: rsync is not installed.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! [ $# -gt 0 ]; then printf "Path to MOUNTED CD-ROM folder, e.g. /mnt/cdrom:\n" read CDROM_PATH else CDROM_PATH="$1" fi if ! [ -f "$CDROM_PATH"/data1.cab ]; then printf "Error: data1.cab not found in $CDROM_PATH.\n" >&2 exit 1 fi # Grab the cabinet data off the CD mkdir -p ./tmp unshield -d ./tmp x "$CDROM_PATH"/data1.cab # Let's shove them all into a convenient .pk3dir mkdir -p ./$OUTPK3DIR mv -v ./tmp/Half-Life_PAK_File/valve/pak0.pak ./$OUTPK3DIR/pak0.pak rsync -av ./tmp/Half-Life_Program_Files/valve/ ./$OUTPK3DIR/ mv -v ./tmp/Half-Life_Program_Files/media ./$OUTPK3DIR/media mv -v ./tmp/Half-Life_Program_Files/logos ./$OUTPK3DIR/logos # Get the latest patch, because that'll fix the menu assets and add more fun, free content wget -nc -O ./tmp/patch1110.zip http://archive.org/download/hl_shareware_data/valve/patch1110.zip unzip -o ./tmp/patch1110.zip -d ./$OUTPK3DIR # Dangerous rm -rf'ing going on here printf "All done. Would you like to clean up temporary files? (./tmp dir)\ny/n: " read CHOICE if [[ "$CHOICE" == [Yy]* ]]; then rm -rfv ./tmp fi