/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Marco Cawthorne * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ const string mp_teamlist_fallback = "robo;hgrunt"; var string autocvar_mp_teamlist = mp_teamlist_fallback; bool HLMultiplayerRules::IsMultiplayer(void) { return true; } bool HLMultiplayerRules::PlayerRequestRespawn(NSClientPlayer bp) { if (bp.TimeSinceDeath() > 0.5f) { bp.ScheduleThink(PutClientInServer, 0.0f); return true; } return false; } bool HLMultiplayerRules::IsTeamplay(void) { return cvar("mp_teamplay") == 1 ? true : false; } void HLMultiplayerRules::InitPostEnts(void) { MOTD_LoadDefault(); forceinfokey(world, "scorepoints", "0"); if (IsTeamplay() == true) { int c; /* get the segments from our cvar */ m_strTeamList = autocvar_mp_teamlist; c = tokenizebyseparator(m_strTeamList, ";"); /* if we've got less than 2 teams, use the fallback... */ if (c < 2) { m_strTeamList = mp_teamlist_fallback; c = tokenizebyseparator(m_strTeamList, ";"); } forceinfokey(world, "teams", itos(c)); /* initialize all dem teams */ for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { forceinfokey(world, sprintf("team_%i", i+1i), argv(i)); forceinfokey(world, sprintf("teamscore_%i", i+1i), "0"); } } else { forceinfokey(world, "teams", "0"); } } void HLMultiplayerRules::FrameStart(void) { if (cvar("timelimit")) if (time >= (cvar("timelimit") * 60)) { IntermissionStart(); } IntermissionCycle(); } void HLMultiplayerRules::CheckRules(void) { /* last person who killed somebody has hit the limit */ if (cvar("fraglimit")) if (g_dmg_eAttacker.frags >= cvar("fraglimit")) IntermissionStart(); } void HLMultiplayerRules::PlayerDeath(NSClientPlayer pl) { /* obituary networking */ WriteByte(MSG_MULTICAST, SVC_CGAMEPACKET); WriteByte(MSG_MULTICAST, EV_OBITUARY); WriteString(MSG_MULTICAST, (g_dmg_eAttacker.netname) ? g_dmg_eAttacker.netname : g_dmg_eAttacker.classname); WriteString(MSG_MULTICAST, pl.netname); WriteByte(MSG_MULTICAST, g_dmg_iWeapon); WriteByte(MSG_MULTICAST, 0); msg_entity = world; multicast([0,0,0], MULTICAST_ALL); Plugin_PlayerObituary(g_dmg_eAttacker, g_dmg_eTarget, g_dmg_iWeapon, g_dmg_iHitBody, g_dmg_iDamage); /* death-counter */ pl.deaths++; pl.SetInfoKey("*deaths", ftos(pl.deaths)); /* update score-counter */ if (pl.flags & FL_CLIENT || pl.flags & FL_MONSTER) if (g_dmg_eAttacker.flags & FL_CLIENT) { if (pl == g_dmg_eAttacker) g_dmg_eAttacker.frags--; else g_dmg_eAttacker.frags++; } #ifdef VALVE /* explode all satchels */ s_satchel_detonate((entity)pl); /* drop their posessions into a weaponbox item */ weaponbox_spawn((player)pl); #endif /* either gib, or make a corpse */ if (pl.health < -50) { vector gibDir = vectoangles(pl.origin - g_dmg_eAttacker.origin); float gibStrength = g_dmg_iDamage * 2.0f; BreakModel_Entity(pl, gibDir, gibStrength); } else { FX_Corpse_Spawn((player)pl, ANIM_DIESIMPLE); } /* now let's make the real client invisible */ pl.Death(); pl.SetTakedamage(DAMAGE_NO); pl.gflags &= ~GF_FLASHLIGHT; pl.gflags &= ~GF_EGONBEAM; Sound_Play(pl, CHAN_AUTO, "Player.Death"); /* force respawn */ if (cvar("mp_forcerespawn") == 1) { pl.ScheduleThink(PutClientInServer, 4.0f); } /* have we gone over the fraglimit? */ CheckRules(); } void HLMultiplayerRules::PlayerSpawn(NSClientPlayer pp) { player pl = (player)pp; string playerModel; /* this is where the mods want to deviate */ entity spot; pl.classname = "player"; pl.SetMaxHealth(100); pl.SetHealth(100); pl.SetTakedamage(DAMAGE_YES); pl.SetSolid(SOLID_SLIDEBOX); pl.SetMovetype(MOVETYPE_WALK); pl.AddFlags(FL_CLIENT); pl.viewzoom = 1.0; /* player model selection */ if (IsTeamplay() == true) { int teamCount = tokenizebyseparator(m_strTeamList, ";"); int playerTeam = (int)pl.GetTeam(); /* not part of a team? pick one of the ones we have */ /* TODO: this should sort us into the lowest team */ if (playerTeam == 0) { playerTeam = 1i + (int)floor(random(0, (float)teamCount)); /* teams start at 1 after all */ pl.SetTeam(playerTeam); } /* assign our player model */ playerModel = sprintf("models/player/%s/%s.mdl", argv(playerTeam - 1i), argv(playerTeam - 1i)); } else { /* interpret the 'model' InfoKey */ playerModel = pl.GetInfoKey("model"); if (playerModel) { playerModel = sprintf("models/player/%s/%s.mdl", playerModel, playerModel); } } /* fallback is always models/player.mdl for Half-Life */ if not (whichpack(playerModel)) { playerModel = "models/player.mdl"; } pl.SetModel(playerModel); pl.SetSize(VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX); pl.ClearVelocity(); pl.gravity = __NULL__; pl.SetFrame(1); pl.SendFlags = UPDATE_ALL; pl.SetInfoKey("*spec", "0"); pl.SetInfoKey("*dead", "0"); pl.SetInfoKey("*deaths", ftos(pl.deaths)); pl.SetPropData("actor_human"); pl.SetCanBleed(true); LevelNewParms(); LevelDecodeParms(pl); #if defined (VALVE) || defined (GEARBOX) pl.g_items = ITEM_CROWBAR | ITEM_GLOCK | ITEM_SUIT; pl.activeweapon = WEAPON_GLOCK; pl.glock_mag = 18; pl.ammo_9mm = 44; #endif spot = Spawn_SelectRandom("info_player_deathmatch"); pl.Transport(spot.origin, spot.angles); Weapons_RefreshAmmo(pl); Client_FixAngle(pl, pl.angles); } bool HLMultiplayerRules::ConsoleCommand(NSClientPlayer pp, string cmd) { tokenize(cmd); switch (argv(0)) { case "bot_add": bot pete = (bot)Bot_AddQuick(); Bot_RandomColormap(pete); searchhandle pm = search_begin("models/player/*/*.mdl", TRUE, TRUE); int r = floor(random(0, search_getsize(pm))); string mdl = substring(search_getfilename(pm, r), 0, -5); tokenizebyseparator(mdl, "/"); pete.SetInfoKey("model", argv(2)); search_end(pm); break; case "jumptest": makevectors(pp.v_angle); traceline(pp.origin + pp.view_ofs, pp.origin + pp.view_ofs + v_forward * 1024, FALSE, pp); pp.velocity = Route_GetJumpVelocity(pp.origin, trace_endpos, pp.gravity); break; default: return (false); } return (true); } bool HLMultiplayerRules::MonstersSpawn(void) { return (autocvar(mp_allowmonsters, 0)) ? true : false; } void HLMultiplayerRules::HLMultiplayerRules(void) { /* these lines do nothing but tell the server to register those cvars */ autocvar(timelimit, 15, "Timelimit for multiplayer rounds"); autocvar(fraglimit, 15, "Points limit for multiplayer rounds"); } void CSEv_HLDM_Chooseteam_s(string teamName) { HLGameRules rules = (HLGameRules)g_grMode; player pl = (player)self; if (!teamName) return; if (rules.IsMultiplayer() == false) return; if (rules.IsTeamplay() == false) return; if (pl.IsDead() == true) return; HLMultiplayerRules mprules = (HLMultiplayerRules)rules; int c = tokenizebyseparator(mprules.m_strTeamList, ";"); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (argv(i) == teamName) { pl.SetTeam((float)i + 1); Damage_Apply(pl, pl, 100, 0, DMG_SKIP_ARMOR); return; } } }