/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Marco Cawthorne * Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Gethyn ThomasQuail * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ void HUD_DrawWeaponSelect(void); /* Use first frame for drawing (needs precache) */ #define NUMSIZE_X 24/256 #define NUMSIZE_Y 24/128 #define HUD_ALPHA 0.5 float spr_hudnum[10] = { 0 / 256, 24 / 256, (24*2) / 256, (24*3) / 256, (24*4) / 256, (24*5) / 256, (24*6) / 256, (24*7) / 256, (24*8) / 256, (24*9) / 256 }; /* pre-calculated sprite definitions */ float spr_health[4] = { 80 / 256, // pos x 24 / 128, // pos u 32 / 256, // size x 32 / 128 // size y }; float spr_suit1[4] = { 0 / 256, // pos x 24 / 128, // pos u 40 / 256, // size x 40 / 128 // size y }; float spr_suit2[4] = { 40 / 256, // pos x 24 / 128, // pos u 40 / 256, // size x 40 / 128 // size y }; float spr_flash1[4] = { 160 / 256, // pos x 24 / 128, // pos u 32 / 256, // size x 32 / 128 // size y }; float spr_flash2[4] = { 112 / 256, // pos x 24 / 128, // pos u 48 / 256, // size x 32 / 128 // size y }; string g_hud_insanity01; string g_hud_insanity02; string g_hud_insanity03; /* precaches */ void HUD_Init(void) { g_cross_spr = spriteframe("sprites/crosshairs.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_laser_spr = spriteframe("sprites/laserdot.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud1_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud1.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud2_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud2.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud3_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud3.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud4_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud4.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud5_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud5.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud6_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud6.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud7_spr = spriteframe("sprites/640hud7.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud_insanity01 = spriteframe("sprites/insanity.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud_insanity02 = spriteframe("sprites/insanity2.spr", 0, 0.0f); g_hud_insanity03 = spriteframe("sprites/insanity3.spr", 0, 0.0f); HUD_AmmoNotify_Init(); HUD_DamageNotify_Init(); HUD_ItemNotify_Init(); } /* seperator for mainly ammo */ void HUD_DrawSeperator(vector pos) { drawsubpic(pos, [2,24], g_hud7_spr, [240/256, 0], [2/256, 24/128], g_hud_color, HUD_ALPHA, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } /* handle single/multiple digits */ void HUD_DrawNumber(int iNumber, vector vecPos, float fAlpha, vector vColor) { drawsubpic(vecPos, [24,24], g_hud7_spr, [spr_hudnum[iNumber], 0], [NUMSIZE_X, NUMSIZE_Y], vColor, fAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } void HUD_DrawNums(float fNumber, vector vecPos, float fAlpha, vector vColor) { int i = fNumber; if (i > 0) { while (i > 0) { HUD_DrawNumber((float)i % 10.0f, vecPos, fAlpha, vColor); i = i / 10; vecPos[0] -= 20; } } else { HUD_DrawNumber(0, vecPos, fAlpha, vColor); } } /* health */ void HUD_DrawHealth(void) { vector pos; player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; if (pl.health != pSeatLocal->m_iHealthOld) { pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha = 1.0; } if (pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha -= clframetime * 0.5; } else { pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } pos = g_hudmins + [88, g_hudres[1] - 42]; if (pl.health > 25) { drawsubpic( pos + [-72,-4], [32,32], g_hud7_spr, [spr_health[0], spr_health[1]], [spr_health[2], spr_health[3]], g_hud_color, pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); HUD_DrawNums(pl.health, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha, g_hud_color); } else { drawsubpic( pos + [-72,-4], [32,32], g_hud7_spr, [spr_health[0], spr_health[1]], [spr_health[2], spr_health[3]], [1,0,0], pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); HUD_DrawNums(pl.health, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flHealthAlpha, [1,0,0]); } pSeatLocal->m_iHealthOld = pl.health; } /* armor/suit charge */ void HUD_DrawArmor(void) { vector pos; player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; pos = g_hudmins + [198, g_hudres[1] - 42]; if (pl.armor != pSeatLocal->m_iArmorOld) { pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha = 1.0; } if (pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha -= clframetime * 0.5; } else { pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } drawsubpic( pos + [-80,-9], [40,40], g_hud7_spr, [spr_suit2[0], spr_suit2[1]], [spr_suit2[2], spr_suit2[3]], g_hud_color, pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); if (pl.armor > 0) { float perc = bound(0, (pl.armor / 100), 1.0); drawsubpic( pos + [-80,-9] + [0, 40 * (1.0-perc)], [40, 40 * perc], g_hud7_spr, [spr_suit1[0],spr_suit1[1] + spr_suit1[3] * (1.0-perc)], [spr_suit1[2], spr_suit1[3] * perc], g_hud_color, pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } HUD_DrawNums(pl.armor, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flArmorAlpha, g_hud_color); pSeatLocal->m_iArmorOld = pl.armor; } /* magazine/clip ammo */ void HUD_DrawAmmo1(void) { player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; vector pos; if (pl.a_ammo1 != pSeatLocal->m_iAmmo1Old) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo1Alpha = 1.0; pSeatLocal->m_iAmmo1Old = pl.a_ammo1; } if (pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo1Alpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo1Alpha -= clframetime * 0.5; } else { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo1Alpha = HUD_ALPHA; } pos = g_hudmins + [g_hudres[0] - 152, g_hudres[1] - 42]; HUD_DrawNums(pl.a_ammo1, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo1Alpha, g_hud_color); HUD_DrawSeperator(pos + [30,0]); } /* leftover type ammo */ void HUD_DrawAmmo2(void) { player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; vector pos; if (pl.a_ammo2 != pSeatLocal->m_iAmmo2Old) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo2Alpha = 1.0; pSeatLocal->m_iAmmo2Old = pl.a_ammo2; } if (pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo2Alpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo2Alpha -= clframetime * 0.5; } else { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo2Alpha = HUD_ALPHA; } pos = g_hudmins + [g_hudres[0] - 72, g_hudres[1] - 42]; HUD_DrawNums(pl.a_ammo2, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo2Alpha, g_hud_color); } /* special ammo */ void HUD_DrawAmmo3(void) { player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; vector pos; if (pl.a_ammo3 != pSeatLocal->m_iAmmo3Old) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo3Alpha = 1.0; pSeatLocal->m_iAmmo3Old = pl.a_ammo3; } if (pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo3Alpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo3Alpha -= clframetime * 0.5; } else { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo3Alpha = HUD_ALPHA; } pos = g_hudmins + [g_hudres[0] - 72, g_hudres[1] - 74]; HUD_DrawNums(pl.a_ammo3, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flAmmo3Alpha, g_hud_color); } /* ammo bar */ void HUD_DrawAmmoBar(vector pos, float val, float max, float a) { if (val <= 0) return; float perc; perc = val / max; drawfill(pos + [10,0], [20,4], g_hud_color, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawfill(pos + [10,0], [20 * perc,4], [0,1,0], a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } /* flashlight/torch indicator */ void HUD_DrawFlashlight(void) { vector pos; player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; pos = g_hudmins + [g_hudres[0] - 48, 16]; /* both on, draw both sprites at full intensity */ if (pl.gflags & GF_FLASHLIGHT) { drawsubpic( pos, [32,32], g_hud7_spr, [spr_flash1[0], spr_flash1[1]], [spr_flash1[2], spr_flash1[3]], g_hud_color, 1.0f, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); drawsubpic( pos, [48,32], g_hud7_spr, [spr_flash2[0], spr_flash2[1]], [spr_flash2[2], spr_flash2[3]], g_hud_color, 1.0f, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } else { drawsubpic( pos, [32,32], g_hud7_spr, [spr_flash1[0], spr_flash1[1]], [spr_flash1[2], spr_flash1[3]], g_hud_color, HUD_ALPHA, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } } /* logo animation used during e3 1998 */ void HUD_DrawLogo(void) { vector pos; static int f; static float frame_timer; frame_timer -= clframetime; pos = [g_hudres[0] - 262, 48]; drawpic( pos, sprintf("sprites/640_logo.spr_%i.tga", f), [256,48], [1,1,1], 1.0f, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); if (frame_timer > 0) { return; } frame_timer = 0.1f; f++; if (f == 31) { f = 0; } } /* weapon/ammo pickup notifications */ void HUD_DrawNotify(void) { player pl = (player)self; vector pos; float a; pos = g_hudmins + [g_hudres[0] - 192, g_hudres[1] - 128]; if (pSeatLocal->m_flPickupAlpha <= 0.0f) { pos[1] += 48; HUD_ItemNotify_Draw(pos); HUD_AmmoNotify_Draw(pos); return; } a = bound(0.0, pSeatLocal->m_flPickupAlpha, 1.0); pos[1] += 48 * (1.0 - a); Weapons_HUDPic(pl, pSeatLocal->m_iPickupWeapon, 1, pos, a); HUD_ItemNotify_Draw(pos); HUD_AmmoNotify_Draw(pos); pSeatLocal->m_flPickupAlpha -= (clframetime * 0.5); } void HUD_WeaponPickupNotify(int w) { #if defined (VALVE) || defined (GEARBOX) switch (w) { case WEAPON_SNARK: case WEAPON_SATCHEL: case WEAPON_HANDGRENADE: case WEAPON_TRIPMINE: #if defined(GEARBOX) case WEAPON_PENGUIN: #endif return; default: } #endif pSeatLocal->m_iPickupWeapon = w; pSeatLocal->m_flPickupAlpha = 2.5f; } void HUD_DrawDamageIndicator(void) { vector cross_pos; if (pSeatLocal->m_flDamageIndicator <= 0.0) return; cross_pos = g_hudmins + (g_hudres / 2) + [-12,-12]; /*drawsubpic( cross_pos, [24,24], g_cross_spr, [0.0, 72/128], [0.1875, 0.1875], [1,1,1] * pSeatLocal->m_flDamageIndicator, 1.0f, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE );*/ pSeatLocal->m_flDamageIndicator -= clframetime; } void HUD_DrawInsanityIcon(void) { player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; vector pos; float insanityalpha; pos = g_hudmins + [13, g_hudres[1] - 92]; if (pl.gflags & GF_MADNESS) { insanityalpha = bound(0,pl.sh_insaneactive * 0.05f,0.4); drawfill( video_mins, video_res, [1,0,0], insanityalpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE ); } if (pl.gflags & GF_MADNESS) { drawsubpic(pos, [40, 40], g_hud_insanity01, [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [1,1,1], 1.0f, 0 ); } if (pl.sh_insaneactive > 40) { drawsubpic(pos, [40, 40], g_hud_insanity02, [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [1,1,1], 1.0f, 0 ); } if (pl.sh_insaneactive > 50) { drawsubpic(pos, [40, 40], g_hud_insanity03, [0, 0], [1.0, 1.0], [1,1,1], 1.0f, 0 ); } } void HUD_DrawInsanityTime(void) { player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; vector pos; float insanecount = floor(pl.sh_insaneactive); if (pl.gflags & GF_MADNESS) { if (insanecount != pSeatLocal->m_iAmmoInsaneOld) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmoInsaneAlpha = 1.0; pSeatLocal->m_iAmmoInsaneOld = insanecount; } if (pSeatLocal->m_flAmmoInsaneAlpha >= HUD_ALPHA) { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmoInsaneAlpha -= clframetime * 0.5; } else { pSeatLocal->m_flAmmoInsaneAlpha = HUD_ALPHA; } pos = g_hudmins + [76, g_hudres[1] - 84]; HUD_DrawNums(insanecount, pos, pSeatLocal->m_flAmmoInsaneAlpha, g_hud_color); } } /* main entry */ void HUD_Draw(void) { player pl = (player)pSeat->m_ePlayer; #ifndef TFC g_hud_color = autocvar_con_color * (1 / 255); #endif /* little point in not drawing these, even if you don't have a suit */ Weapons_DrawCrosshair(pl); HUD_DrawDamageIndicator(); HUD_DrawWeaponSelect(); Obituary_Draw(); Textmenu_Draw(); if (!(pl.g_items & ITEM_SUIT)) { return; } HUD_DrawInsanityIcon(); HUD_DrawInsanityTime(); HUD_DamageNotify_Draw(); HUD_DrawHealth(); HUD_DrawArmor(); HUD_DrawFlashlight(); HUD_DrawNotify(); Damage_Draw(); } /* specatator main entry */ void HUD_DrawSpectator(void) { Textmenu_Draw(); NSClientSpectator spec = (NSClientSpectator)pSeat->m_ePlayer; drawfont = Font_GetID(FONT_20); vector vecPos = [0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f]; string strText = __NULL__; float palpha = 1.0f; if (spec.spec_mode == SPECMODE_FREE) { palpha = 0.5f; } strText = sprintf("Tracking: %s", getplayerkeyvalue(spec.spec_ent - 1, "name")); vecPos[0] = g_hudmins[0] + (g_hudres[0] / 2) - (stringwidth(strText, TRUE, [20,20]) / 2); vecPos[1] = g_hudmins[1] + g_hudres[1] - 60; drawstring(vecPos, strText, [20,20], [1,1,1], palpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); strText = sprintf("Mode: %s", g_specmodes[spec.spec_mode]); vecPos[0] = g_hudmins[0] + (g_hudres[0] / 2) - (stringwidth(strText, TRUE, [20,20]) / 2); vecPos[1] = g_hudmins[1] + g_hudres[1] - 40; drawstring(vecPos, strText, [20,20], [1,1,1], 1.0f, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); }