/* * Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Marco Cawthorne * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF MIND, USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "items.h" #include "../../../valve/src/shared/skeleton.h" /* all custom SendFlags bits we can possibly send */ enumflags { PLAYER_TOPFRAME = PLAYER_CUSTOMFIELDSTART, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME, PLAYER_AMMO1, PLAYER_AMMO2, PLAYER_AMMO3, PLAYER_UNUSED5, PLAYER_UNUSED6, PLAYER_UNUSED7 }; noref .float ammo_shells; noref .float ammo_nails; noref .float ammo_rockets; noref .float ammo_cells; class player:NSClientPlayer { void(void) player; /* animation */ PREDICTED_INT(anim_top) PREDICTED_FLOAT(anim_top_time) PREDICTED_FLOAT(anim_top_delay) PREDICTED_INT(anim_bottom) PREDICTED_FLOAT(anim_bottom_time) /* ammo 1 */ PREDICTED_FLOAT_N(ammo_shells) PREDICTED_FLOAT_N(ammo_nails) PREDICTED_FLOAT_N(ammo_rockets) PREDICTED_FLOAT_N(ammo_cells) /* extra types */ PREDICTED_FLOAT(ammo_lava_nails) PREDICTED_FLOAT(ammo_multi_rockets) PREDICTED_FLOAT(ammo_plasma) PREDICTED_FLOAT(ammo_ice_shells) #ifdef SERVER entity hook; float m_quadFinishTime; float m_invisFinishTime; float m_invulnFinishTime; float m_enviroFinishTime; float m_megaHealthTime; float m_lightningTime; #endif virtual void Physics_Jump(void); virtual float Physics_MaxSpeed(void); virtual void UpdatePlayerAnimation(float); #ifdef CLIENT ////virtual void(void) draw; //virtual float() predraw; //virtual void(void) postdraw; virtual void UpdatePlayerAttachments(bool); virtual void ReceiveEntity(float,float); virtual void PredictPreFrame(void); virtual void PredictPostFrame(void); virtual void UpdateAliveCam(void); #else virtual void EvaluateEntity(void); virtual float SendEntity(entity, float); virtual void Save(float); virtual void Restore(string,string); #endif nonvirtual bool HasQuadDamage(void); nonvirtual bool HasInvisibility(void); nonvirtual bool HasInvulnerability(void); nonvirtual bool HasEnviroSuit(void); }; void Animation_PlayerUpdate(player); void Animation_TimerUpdate(player, float); void player::UpdatePlayerAnimation(float timelength) { /* calculate our skeletal progression */ Animation_PlayerUpdate(this); /* advance animation timers */ Animation_TimerUpdate(this, timelength); } #ifdef CLIENT void Camera_RunPosBob(vector angles, __inout vector camera_pos); void Camera_StrafeRoll(__inout vector camera_angle); void Shake_Update(NSClientPlayer); void player::UpdateAliveCam(void) { vector cam_pos = GetEyePos(); Camera_RunPosBob(view_angles, cam_pos); g_view.SetCameraOrigin(cam_pos); Camera_StrafeRoll(view_angles); g_view.SetCameraAngle(view_angles); if (vehicle) { NSVehicle veh = (NSVehicle)vehicle; if (veh.UpdateView) veh.UpdateView(); } else if (health) { if (autocvar_pm_thirdPerson == TRUE) { makevectors(view_angles); vector vStart = [pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin[0], pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin[1], pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin[2] + 16] + (v_right * 4); vector vEnd = vStart + (v_forward * -48) + [0,0,16] + (v_right * 4); traceline(vStart, vEnd, FALSE, this); g_view.SetCameraOrigin(trace_endpos + (v_forward * 5)); } } Shake_Update(this); g_view.AddPunchAngle(punchangle); } .string oldmodel; string Weapons_GetPlayermodel(player, int); void player::UpdatePlayerAttachments(bool visible) { /* draw the flashlight */ if (gflags & GF_FLASHLIGHT) { vector src; vector ang; if (entnum != player_localentnum) { src = origin + view_ofs; ang = v_angle; } else { src = pSeat->m_vecPredictedOrigin + [0,0,-8]; ang = view_angles; } makevectors(ang); traceline(src, src + (v_forward * 8096), MOVE_NORMAL, this); if (serverkeyfloat("*bspversion") == BSPVER_HL) { dynamiclight_add(trace_endpos + (v_forward * -2), 128, [1,1,1]); } else { float p = dynamiclight_add(src, 512, [1,1,1], 0, "textures/flashlight"); dynamiclight_set(p, LFIELD_ANGLES, ang); dynamiclight_set(p, LFIELD_FLAGS, 3); } } /* FIXME: this needs to be incorporated and simplified, now that we can handle it all in-class */ if (!visible) return; /* what's the current weapon model supposed to be anyway? */ p_model.oldmodel = Weapons_GetPlayermodel(this, activeweapon); /* we changed weapons, update skeletonindex */ if (p_model.model != p_model.oldmodel) { /* free memory */ if (p_model.skeletonindex) skel_delete(p_model.skeletonindex); /* set the new model and mark us updated */ setmodel(p_model, p_model.oldmodel); p_model.model = p_model.oldmodel; /* set the new skeletonindex */ p_model.skeletonindex = skel_create(p_model.modelindex); /* hack this thing in here FIXME: this should be done when popping in/out of a pvs */ if (autocvar(cl_himodels, 1, "Use high-quality thisayer models over lower-definition ones")) setcustomskin(this, "", "geomset 0 2\n"); else setcustomskin(this, "", "geomset 0 1\n"); } /* follow thisayer at all times */ setorigin(p_model, origin); p_model.angles = angles; skel_build(p_model.skeletonindex, p_model, p_model.modelindex,0, 0, -1); /* we have to loop through all valid bones of the weapon model and match them * to the thisayer one */ for (float i = 0; i < g_pbones.length; i++) { vector bpos; float pbone = gettagindex(this, g_pbones[i]); float wbone = gettagindex(p_model, g_pbones[i]); /* if the bone doesn't ignore in either skeletal mesh, ignore */ if (wbone <= 0 || pbone <= 0) continue; bpos = gettaginfo(this, pbone); /* the most expensive bit */ skel_set_bone_world(p_model, wbone, bpos, v_forward, v_right, v_up); } } void Weapons_AmmoUpdate(entity); void HUD_AmmoNotify_Check(player pl); void HUD_ItemNotify_Check(player pl); /* ================= player::ReceiveEntity ================= */ void player::ReceiveEntity(float new, float flChanged) { /* the generic client attributes */ NSClientPlayer::ReceiveEntity(new, flChanged); /* animation */ READENTITY_BYTE(anim_top, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) READENTITY_FLOAT(anim_top_time, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) READENTITY_FLOAT(anim_top_delay, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) READENTITY_BYTE(anim_bottom, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME) READENTITY_FLOAT(anim_bottom_time, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_shells, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_nails, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_rockets, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_cells, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_lava_nails, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_multi_rockets, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_plasma, PLAYER_AMMO1) READENTITY_BYTE(ammo_ice_shells, PLAYER_AMMO1) setorigin(this, origin); /* these only concern the current player */ CSQC_UpdateSeat(); if (this != pSeat->m_ePlayer) return; /* do not notify us of updates when spawning initially */ if (flChanged == UPDATE_ALL) PredictPreFrame(); if (flChanged & PLAYER_AMMO1 || flChanged & PLAYER_AMMO2 || flChanged & PLAYER_AMMO3) { Weapons_AmmoUpdate(this); HUD_AmmoNotify_Check(this); } if (flChanged & PLAYER_ITEMS || flChanged & PLAYER_HEALTH) { HUD_ItemNotify_Check(this); p_model.SetRenderMode(GetRenderMode()); p_model.SetRenderFX(GetRenderFX()); p_model.SetRenderColor(GetRenderColor()); p_model.SetRenderAmt(GetRenderAmt()); } } /* ================= player::PredictPostFrame Save the last valid server values away in the _net variants of each field so we can roll them back later. ================= */ void player::PredictPreFrame(void) { /* the generic client attributes */ NSClientPlayer::PredictPreFrame(); SAVE_STATE(anim_top) SAVE_STATE(anim_top_delay) SAVE_STATE(anim_top_time) SAVE_STATE(anim_bottom) SAVE_STATE(anim_bottom_time) SAVE_STATE(ammo_shells) SAVE_STATE(ammo_nails) SAVE_STATE(ammo_rockets) SAVE_STATE(ammo_cells) SAVE_STATE(ammo_lava_nails) SAVE_STATE(ammo_multi_rockets) SAVE_STATE(ammo_plasma) SAVE_STATE(ammo_ice_shells) } /* ================= player::PredictPostFrame Where we roll back our values to the ones last sent/verified by the server. ================= */ void player::PredictPostFrame(void) { /* the generic client attributes */ NSClientPlayer::PredictPostFrame(); ROLL_BACK(anim_top) ROLL_BACK(anim_top_delay) ROLL_BACK(anim_top_time) ROLL_BACK(anim_bottom) ROLL_BACK(anim_bottom_time) ROLL_BACK(ammo_shells) ROLL_BACK(ammo_nails) ROLL_BACK(ammo_rockets) ROLL_BACK(ammo_cells) ROLL_BACK(ammo_lava_nails) ROLL_BACK(ammo_multi_rockets) ROLL_BACK(ammo_plasma) ROLL_BACK(ammo_ice_shells) } #else void player::Save(float handle) { super::Save(handle); SaveInt(handle, "anim_top", anim_top); SaveFloat(handle, "anim_top_time", anim_top_time); SaveFloat(handle, "anim_top_delay", anim_top_delay); SaveInt(handle, "anim_bottom", anim_bottom); SaveFloat(handle, "anim_bottom_time", anim_bottom_time); /* ammo 1 */ SaveInt(handle, "ammo_shells", ammo_shells); SaveInt(handle, "ammo_nails", ammo_nails); SaveInt(handle, "ammo_rockets", ammo_rockets); SaveInt(handle, "ammo_cells", ammo_cells); /* extra */ SaveInt(handle, "ammo_lava_nails", ammo_lava_nails); SaveInt(handle, "ammo_multi_rockets", ammo_multi_rockets); SaveInt(handle, "ammo_plasma", ammo_plasma); SaveInt(handle, "ammo_ice_shells", ammo_ice_shells); } void player::Restore(string strKey, string strValue) { switch (strKey) { case "anim_top": anim_top = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "anim_top_time": anim_top_time = ReadFloat(strValue); break; case "anim_top_delay": anim_top_delay = ReadFloat(strValue); break; case "anim_bottom": anim_bottom = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "anim_bottom_time": anim_bottom_time = ReadFloat(strValue); break; /* AMMO 1 */ case "ammo_shells": ammo_shells = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "ammo_nails": ammo_nails = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "ammo_rockets": ammo_rockets = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "ammo_cells": ammo_cells = ReadInt(strValue); break; /* extra */ case "ammo_lava_nails": ammo_lava_nails = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "ammo_multi_rockets": ammo_multi_rockets = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "ammo_plasma": ammo_plasma = ReadInt(strValue); break; case "ammo_ice_shells": ammo_ice_shells = ReadInt(strValue); break; default: super::Restore(strKey, strValue); } } void player::EvaluateEntity(void) { /* check artifacts for their effect time */ if (g_items & ITEM_QUAD) { if (m_quadFinishTime < time) { g_items &= ~ITEM_QUAD; } } if (g_items & ITEM_INVIS) { if (m_invisFinishTime < time) { g_items &= ~ITEM_INVIS; } } if (g_items & ITEM_INVULN) { if (m_invulnFinishTime < time) { g_items &= ~ITEM_INVULN; } } if (g_items & ITEM_ENVIROSUIT) { if (m_enviroFinishTime < time) { g_items &= ~ITEM_ENVIROSUIT; } } /* depending on who's left, set the appropriate rendering mode */ if (HasInvisibility()) { SetRenderMode(RM_DONTRENDER); SetRenderFX(RFX_GLOWSHELL); SetRenderColor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]); SetRenderAmt(0.1f); } else if (HasQuadDamage()) { SetRenderFX(RFX_GLOWSHELL); SetRenderColor([0.5, 0.5, 1.0]); SetRenderAmt(1.0f); } else if (HasInvulnerability()) { SetRenderFX(RFX_GLOWSHELL); SetRenderColor([1.0, 0.5, 0.0]); SetRenderAmt(1.0f); } else if (HasEnviroSuit()) { SetRenderFX(RFX_GLOWSHELL); SetRenderColor([0.5, 1.0, 0.5]); SetRenderAmt(1.0f); } else { SetRenderMode(RM_NORMAL); SetRenderFX(RM_NORMAL); SetRenderColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); SetRenderAmt(1.0f); } if (health > 100) { if (m_megaHealthTime < time) { health -= 1; m_megaHealthTime = time + 1.0f; } } /* the generic client attributes */ NSClientPlayer::EvaluateEntity(); EVALUATE_FIELD(anim_top, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) EVALUATE_FIELD(anim_top_time, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) EVALUATE_FIELD(anim_top_delay, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) EVALUATE_FIELD(anim_bottom, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME) EVALUATE_FIELD(anim_bottom_time, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_shells, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_nails, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_rockets, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_cells, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_lava_nails, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_multi_rockets, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_plasma, PLAYER_AMMO1) EVALUATE_FIELD(ammo_ice_shells, PLAYER_AMMO1) } /* ================= player::SendEntity ================= */ float player::SendEntity(entity ePEnt, float flChanged) { /* don't broadcast invisible players */ if (IsFakeSpectator() && ePEnt != this) return (0); if (!GetModelindex() && ePEnt != this) return (0); flChanged = OptimiseChangedFlags(ePEnt, flChanged); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_PLAYER); WriteFloat(MSG_ENTITY, flChanged); /* the generic client attributes */ NSClientPlayer::SendEntity(ePEnt, flChanged); SENDENTITY_BYTE(anim_top, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) SENDENTITY_FLOAT(anim_top_time, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) SENDENTITY_FLOAT(anim_top_delay, PLAYER_TOPFRAME) SENDENTITY_BYTE(anim_bottom, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME) SENDENTITY_FLOAT(anim_bottom_time, PLAYER_BOTTOMFRAME) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_shells, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_nails, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_rockets, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_cells, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_lava_nails, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_multi_rockets, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_plasma, PLAYER_AMMO1) SENDENTITY_BYTE(ammo_ice_shells, PLAYER_AMMO1) return (1); } #endif bool player::HasQuadDamage(void) { return g_items & ITEM_QUAD ? true : false; } bool player::HasInvisibility(void) { return g_items & ITEM_INVIS ? true : false; } bool player::HasInvulnerability(void) { return g_items & ITEM_INVULN ? true : false; } bool player::HasEnviroSuit(void) { return g_items & ITEM_ENVIROSUIT ? true : false; } void player::player(void) { anim_top = 0; anim_top_time = 0; anim_top_delay = 0; anim_bottom = 0; anim_bottom_time = 0; ammo_shells = 0; ammo_nails = 0; ammo_rockets = 0; ammo_cells = 0; ammo_lava_nails = 0; ammo_multi_rockets = 0; ammo_plasma = 0; ammo_ice_shells = 0; }