#!/bin/bash # source our .bashrc if present if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ] then . $HOME/.bashrc fi SPC_CFG="$HOME/.config/steamcustomrc" COMMANDTYPE=$1 if [ "$COMMANDTYPE" = "wait-before-run" ] then # client forwards this env to us STEAM_APPID="$SteamGameId" # find valid entry, first result only CHECK_GAME=$(grep ":$STEAM_APPID:" "$SPC_CFG" | head -n 1) # nothing found? throw a message... if [ -z "$CHECK_GAME" ] then notify-send -a "SteamPlay-Custom" \ -i "steam" "SteamPlay-Custom" \ "AppID $STEAM_APPID has no entry in $SPC_CFG" exit fi # grab our alternative RUN_GAME=$(echo "$CHECK_GAME" | cut -d ':' -f 3) # check for empty launch parameter if [ -z "$RUN_GAME" ] then notify-send -a "SteamPlay-Custom" \ -i "steam" "SteamPlay-Custom" \ "No program supplied with AppID in $SPC_CFG" exit fi # check if steam launch parms are allowed RUN_PARM=$(echo "$CHECK_GAME" | cut -d ':' -f 4) # run it if [ "$RUN_PARM" = "parms" ] then PARMARR=( "$@" ) ARGLEN=${#PARMARR[@]} GAMEARGS=${PARMARR[@]:2:$ARGLEN-1} exec ${RUN_GAME} ${GAMEARGS} else exec ${RUN_GAME} fi fi