
107 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File

DISPSTICK // enable cheats
\ECC // enable cheats
SLACKER // three keys, more health
\BUM // three keys, more health
CHOJIN // normal god mode
\WWW // normal god mode
GOTO // warp
\GTL // warp
SIXTOYS // all keys, armor, 100% health
\GAI // all keys, armor, 100% health
TOOSAD // god mode powerup
\GOD // god mode powerup
// Register only
WOOF // dog mode powerup
\DOG // dog mode powerup
// end
FLYBOY // mercury mode powerup
\MER // mercury mode powerup
BADTRIP // shrooms mode powerup
\SHR // shrooms mode powerup
BOING // elasto mode powerup
\ELA // elasto mode powerup
GOOBERS // warp to level 1, start with pistol
\GOO // warp to level 1, start with pistol
WHACK // hurt player 10%
\OOF // hurt player 10%
SPEED // run fast all the time
\RFA // run fast all the time
PANIC // back to normal
\PAN // back to normal
DIMON // light diminishing on
\DON // light diminishing on
DIMOFF // light diminishing off
\DOF // light diminishing off
LONDON // fog on (0x00 - 0x80 minmax)
\FON // fog on (0x00 - 0x80 minmax)
NODNOL // fog off (0x80 - 0xFF minmax)
\FOF // fog off (0x80 - 0xFF minmax)
GOGATES // blow out of game
\L8R // blow out of game
GOARCH // end the current level
\ECL // end the current level
GOTA386 // floor and ceiling off
\CON // floor and ceiling off
GOTA486 // floor and ceiling on
\COF // floor and ceiling on
SHOOTME // bullet proof armor
\BAR // bullet proof armor
BURNME // fire proof armor
\FAR // fire proof armor
LUNGDUNG // gas mask
\GAR // gas mask
HUNTPACK // all keys, armor, 100% health, MP40,
\OFP // all keys, armor, 100% health, MP40,
86ME // kill player
\DIE // kill player
NEER // re-enter level
\REL // re-enter level
JOHNWOO // give double pistol
\GW2 // give double pistol
PLUGME // give mp40
\GW3 // give mp40
VANILLA // give bazooka
\GW4 // give bazooka
HOTTIMES // give heatseeker
\GW5 // give heatseeker
BOOZE // give drunk missile
\GW6 // give drunk missile
FIREBOMB // give firebomb
\GW7 // give firebomb
BONES // give firewall
\GW8 // give firewall
SEEYA // give god hand
\GW9 // give god hand
// Register Only
SPLIT // give split missile
\GWA // give split missile
KESOFDEATH // give kes
\GWB // give kes
HOMERUN // give bat
\GWC // give bat
CUJO // give dog weapon
\GWD // give dog weapon
// end
\CAM // give Missile Cam
WHERE // turn where am i on/off
\HUD // give hud
\FUN // Rotation fun
STOP // Demo stop recording
PLAY // Demo Playback
\EKG // Engine Killing Gibs
MAESTRO // JukeBox
\LEE // JukeBox
CARTIER // Map Cheat
\MAP // Map Cheat
\YOU // Secret Message
HAVE // Secret Message
\NO // Secret Message
LIFE // Secret Message