// !$*UTF8*$! { archiveVersion = 1; classes = { }; objectVersion = 38; objects = { 080E96DDFE201D6D7F000001 = { children = ( F5A47A9D01A0482F01D3D55B, F5A47A9E01A0483001D3D55B, ); isa = PBXGroup; name = Classes; refType = 4; }; 089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07 = { children = ( 089C165DFE840E0CC02AAC07, ); isa = PBXVariantGroup; name = InfoPlist.strings; refType = 4; }; 089C165DFE840E0CC02AAC07 = { fileEncoding = 10; isa = PBXFileReference; name = English; path = English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; refType = 4; }; 089C165EFE840E0CC02AAC07 = { fileRef = 089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; //080 //081 //082 //083 //084 //100 //101 //102 //103 //104 1058C7A0FEA54F0111CA2CBB = { children = ( 1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB, ); isa = PBXGroup; name = "Linked Frameworks"; refType = 4; }; 1058C7A1FEA54F0111CA2CBB = { isa = PBXFrameworkReference; name = Cocoa.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework; refType = 0; }; 1058C7A2FEA54F0111CA2CBB = { children = ( 29B97325FDCFA39411CA2CEA, 29B97324FDCFA39411CA2CEA, ); 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isa = PBXGroup; name = "Other Sources"; path = ""; refType = 4; }; 29B97317FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { children = ( 089C165CFE840E0CC02AAC07, ); isa = PBXGroup; name = Resources; path = ""; refType = 4; }; 29B97323FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { children = ( 1058C7A0FEA54F0111CA2CBB, 1058C7A2FEA54F0111CA2CBB, ); isa = PBXGroup; name = Frameworks; path = ""; refType = 4; }; 29B97324FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { isa = PBXFrameworkReference; name = AppKit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework; refType = 0; }; 29B97325FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { isa = PBXFrameworkReference; name = Foundation.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework; refType = 0; }; 29B97326FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { buildPhases = ( 29B97327FDCFA39411CA2CEA, 29B97328FDCFA39411CA2CEA, 29B9732BFDCFA39411CA2CEA, 29B9732DFDCFA39411CA2CEA, ); buildSettings = { FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = "\"$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks\" /Users/overcode/Library/Frameworks"; HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = "\"$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers\" \"$(HOME)/Library/Frameworks/SDL_mixer.framework/Headers\""; INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Applications"; LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = ""; OTHER_CFLAGS = "-DUSE_SDL=1 -DPLATFORM_UNIX=1 -DPLATFORM_MACOSX=1 -DUSE_C_SQRT=1"; OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-framework SDL -framework SDL_mixer"; PRODUCT_NAME = "Rise of the Triad"; SECTORDER_FLAGS = ""; WARNING_CFLAGS = "-Wmost -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused -Wno-switch"; WRAPPER_EXTENSION = app; }; dependencies = ( ); isa = PBXApplicationTarget; name = "Rise of the Triad"; productInstallPath = "$(HOME)/Applications"; productName = "SDL App"; productReference = 17587328FF379C6511CA2CBB; productSettingsXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"> <dict> <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key> <string>English</string> <key>CFBundleExecutable</key> <string>Rise of the Triad</string> <key>CFBundleIconFile</key> <string></string> <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key> <string>6.0</string> <key>CFBundlePackageType</key> <string>APPL</string> <key>CFBundleSignature</key> <string>????</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>0.1</string> <key>NSMainNibFile</key> <string>MainMenu</string> <key>NSPrincipalClass</key> <string>NSApplication</string> </dict> </plist> "; shouldUseHeadermap = 1; }; 29B97327FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( F5A47AA101A0483001D3D55B, ); isa = PBXHeadersBuildPhase; runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; 29B97328FDCFA39411CA2CEA = { buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( 089C165EFE840E0CC02AAC07, F5A3D68303BAB75001000002, F5A3D68403BAB75001000002, F5A3D68503BAB75001000002, F5A3D68603BAB75001000002, F5A3D68703BAB75001000002, F5A3D68803BAB75001000002, F5A3D68903BAB75001000002, F5A3D68A03BAB75001000002, F5A3D68B03BAB75001000002, F5A3D68C03BAB75001000002, F5A3D68D03BAB75001000002, F5A3D68E03BAB75001000002, ); isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; 29B9732BFDCFA39411CA2CEA = { buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( F5A47AA301A0483001D3D55B, F5C71BAE03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BAF03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB003B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB103B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB203B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB303B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB403B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB703B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BB803B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BBA03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BBB03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BBC03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BBD03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BBE03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BBF03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC003B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC103B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC203B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC303B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC403B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC503B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC803B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BC903B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BCA03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BCB03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BCC03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BCD03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BCE03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BCF03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD003B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD103B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD203B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD403B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD503B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD603B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD703B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD803B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BD903B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BDA03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BDB03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BDD03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BDF03B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BE003B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BE203B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BE503B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BE603B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BE703B6FF1D01000002, F5C71BF303B713D201000002, F5C71C0003B79CF301000002, ); isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; 29B9732DFDCFA39411CA2CEA = { buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( 1058C7A3FEA54F0111CA2CBB, ); isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; //290 //291 //292 //293 //294 //4A0 //4A1 //4A2 //4A3 //4A4 4A9504CCFFE6A4B311CA0CBA = { buildRules = ( ); buildSettings = { COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS = "-O0"; }; isa = PBXBuildStyle; name = Development; }; 4A9504CDFFE6A4B311CA0CBA = { buildRules = ( ); buildSettings = { COPY_PHASE_STRIP = YES; OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS = "-O3"; }; isa = PBXBuildStyle; name = Deployment; }; //4A0 //4A1 //4A2 //4A3 //4A4 //F50 //F51 //F52 //F53 //F54 F5A3D67703BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = DEMO1_3.DMO; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/DEMO1_3.DMO; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67803BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = DEMO2_3.DMO; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/DEMO2_3.DMO; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67903BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = DEMO3_3.DMO; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/DEMO3_3.DMO; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67A03BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = DEMO4_3.DMO; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/DEMO4_3.DMO; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67B03BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = HUNTBGIN.RTC; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/HUNTBGIN.RTC; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67C03BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = HUNTBGIN.RTL; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/HUNTBGIN.RTL; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67D03BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = HUNTBGIN.WAD; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/HUNTBGIN.WAD; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67E03BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = MODEM.PCK; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/MODEM.PCK; refType = 0; }; F5A3D67F03BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = ORDER.FRM; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/swdata/ORDER.FRM; refType = 0; }; F5A3D68003BAB75001000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = README; 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isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A3D68A03BAB75001000002 = { fileRef = F5A3D67E03BAB75001000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A3D68B03BAB75001000002 = { fileRef = F5A3D67F03BAB75001000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A3D68C03BAB75001000002 = { fileRef = F5A3D68003BAB75001000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A3D68D03BAB75001000002 = { fileRef = F5A3D68103BAB75001000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A3D68E03BAB75001000002 = { fileRef = F5A3D68203BAB75001000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A47A9D01A0482F01D3D55B = { isa = PBXFileReference; path = SDLMain.h; refType = 2; }; F5A47A9E01A0483001D3D55B = { isa = PBXFileReference; path = SDLMain.m; refType = 2; }; F5A47AA101A0483001D3D55B = { fileRef = F5A47A9D01A0482F01D3D55B; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5A47AA301A0483001D3D55B = { fileRef = F5A47A9E01A0483001D3D55B; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71B7403B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = cin_actr.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/cin_actr.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7503B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = cin_efct.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/cin_efct.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7603B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = cin_evnt.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/cin_evnt.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7703B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = cin_glob.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/cin_glob.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7803B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = cin_main.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/cin_main.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7903B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = cin_util.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/cin_util.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7A03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = engine.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/engine.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B7D03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = fx_man.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/fx_man.c; 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refType = 0; }; F5C71B9003B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_in.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_in.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9103B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_main.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_main.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9203B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_map.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_map.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9303B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_menu.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_menu.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9403B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_msg.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_msg.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9503B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_net.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_net.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9603B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_playr.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_playr.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9703B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_rand.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_rand.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9803B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_scale.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_scale.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9A03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_sound.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_sound.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9B03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_spbal.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_spbal.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9C03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_sqrt.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_sqrt.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9D03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_stat.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_stat.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9E03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_state.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_state.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71B9F03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_str.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_str.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BA003B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_swift.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_swift.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BA103B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_ted.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_ted.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BA303B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_util.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_util.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BA503B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_vid.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_vid.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BA603B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = rt_view.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/rt_view.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BA803B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = scriplib.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/scriplib.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BAB03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = w_wad.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/w_wad.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BAC03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = watcom.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/watcom.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BAD03B6FF1D01000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = z_zone.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/z_zone.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BAE03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7403B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BAF03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7503B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB003B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7603B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB103B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7703B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB203B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7803B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB303B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7903B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB403B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7A03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB703B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7D03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BB803B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B7E03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BBA03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8003B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BBB03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8103B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BBC03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8203B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BBD03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8303B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BBE03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8403B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BBF03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8503B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC003B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8603B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC103B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8703B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC203B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8803B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC303B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8903B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC403B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8A03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC503B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8B03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC803B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8E03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BC903B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B8F03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BCA03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9003B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BCB03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9103B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BCC03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9203B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BCD03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9303B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BCE03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9403B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BCF03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9503B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD003B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9603B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD103B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9703B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD203B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9803B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD403B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9A03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD503B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9B03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD603B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9C03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD703B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9D03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD803B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9E03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BD903B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71B9F03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BDA03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BA003B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BDB03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BA103B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BDD03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BA303B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BDF03B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BA503B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BE003B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BA603B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BE203B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BA803B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BE503B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BAB03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BE603B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BAC03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BE703B6FF1D01000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BAD03B6FF1D01000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BF203B713D201000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = dosutil.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/dosutil.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71BF303B713D201000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BF203B713D201000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; F5C71BFF03B79CF301000002 = { isa = PBXFileReference; name = byteordr.c; path = /Users/overcode/Code/rott/rott/byteordr.c; refType = 0; }; F5C71C0003B79CF301000002 = { fileRef = F5C71BFF03B79CF301000002; isa = PBXBuildFile; settings = { }; }; }; rootObject = 29B97313FDCFA39411CA2CEA; }