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NOWAIT go to menu, skip intro
NOSOUND no music no sound
NOW go immediately into game default difficulty default level 1
DOPEFISH Scott Head intro, random sounds in credits, burping while
caching, silly strings, eluder/deluder as scott's head,
silly death cam, silly menu sounds
MAPSTATS Print out map statistics to MAPDEBUG.TXT
TILESTATS Print out tile statistics to MAPDEBUG.TXT
VER Rott version number
PAUSE Pause after printing startup info
SOUNDSETUP Launch sound Setup WARP [level] Launch to any level (1 based)
LEVELSIZE compute memory needed for level
SLOWDEATH slow down death rotation
QUIET get rid of all start up text except for errors
FILE1 add external wads for graphic replacement
NOJOYS disable joystick test
NOMOUSE disable mouse test
SPACEBALL enable spaceball avenger
CYBERMAN enable cyberman
ASSASSIN enable wingman assassin
NOECHO turn off reverb effect
DEMOEXIT exit the game when demo is interrupted
TIMELIMIT play for a certain amount of time in seconds
once time is gone game ends (unlimited lives)
get more time by killing guards and picking up ankhs
must use MAXTIMELIMIT as well
MAXTIMELIMIT the max time to count down from so if you keep killing
guards you cannot get an infinite amount of time
must use TIMELIMIT as well
ENABLEVR enable Virtual Reality support for HMD's (Head mounted disp)
WARP warp to a specific level 1 based level 1 is 1
IS8250 Used by ROTTSER whether you have an 8250 or not
TEDLEVEL Ted stuff
(DEV ONLY) MONO enable mono-monitor support (Development only)
(DEV ONLY) TRANSPORT Warp to any x,y,angle in level (Development only)
(DEV ONLY) SCREENSHOTS get rid of screen title stuff (Development only)
VECTOR interrupt vector with which to communicate with ROTT
ANSWER answer mode
DIAL dial mode
PAUSE pause before launching
STATS print out run time stats after ROTT returns
PLAYER 0 - makes you the master
1 - makes you not the master
must be used on both systems with different values, to work
VECTOR interrupt vector with which to communicate with ROTT
PAUSE pause before launching
NODES number of players in game
SOCKET network socket to use
SERVER specify this computer to be a server
STANDALONE specify this server to be standalone
else client on top of server
MASTER used by client to make yourself the master
REMOTERIDICULE turn on remote ridicule support