
3635 lines
91 KiB

#include "item.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "animation.h"
#include "art.h"
#include "automap.h"
#include "combat.h"
#include "critter.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "display_monitor.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "inventory.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "party_member.h"
#include "perk.h"
#include "platform_compat.h"
#include "proto.h"
#include "proto_instance.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "sfall_config.h"
#include "skill.h"
#include "stat.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "trait.h"
namespace fallout {
// Max number of books that can be loaded from books.ini. This limit is imposed
// by Sfall.
#define BOOKS_MAX 50
static int _item_load_(File* stream);
static void _item_compact(int inventoryItemIndex, Inventory* inventory);
static int _item_move_func(Object* source, Object* target, Object* item, int quantity, bool force);
static bool _item_identical(Object* item1, Object* item2);
static int stealthBoyTurnOn(Object* object);
static int stealthBoyTurnOff(Object* critter, Object* item);
static int _insert_drug_effect(Object* critter_obj, Object* item_obj, int a3, int* stats, int* mods);
static void _perform_drug_effect(Object* critter_obj, int* stats, int* mods, bool is_immediate);
static bool _drug_effect_allowed(Object* critter, int pid);
static int _insert_withdrawal(Object* obj, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5);
static int _item_wd_clear_all(Object* a1, void* data);
static void performWithdrawalStart(Object* obj, int perk, int a3);
static void performWithdrawalEnd(Object* obj, int a2);
static int drugGetAddictionGvarByPid(int drugPid);
static void dudeSetAddiction(int drugPid);
static void dudeClearAddiction(int drugPid);
static bool dudeIsAddicted(int drugPid);
static void booksInit();
static void booksInitVanilla();
static void booksInitCustom();
static void booksAdd(int bookPid, int messageId, int skill);
static void booksExit();
static void explosionsInit();
static void explosionsReset();
static void explosionsExit();
static void healingItemsInit();
static void healingItemsInitVanilla();
static void healingItemsInitCustom();
typedef struct DrugDescription {
int drugPid;
int gvar;
int field_8;
} DrugDescription;
typedef struct BookDescription {
int bookPid;
int messageId;
int skill;
} BookDescription;
typedef struct ExplosiveDescription {
int pid;
int activePid;
int minDamage;
int maxDamage;
} ExplosiveDescription;
// 0x509FFC
static char _aItem_1[] = "<item>";
// Maps weapon extended flags to skill.
// 0x519160
static const int _attack_skill[9] = {
// A map of item's extendedFlags to animation.
// 0x519184
static const int _attack_anim[9] = {
// Maps weapon extended flags to weapon class
// 0x5191A8
static const int _attack_subtype[9] = {
ATTACK_TYPE_NONE, // 0 // None
ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED, // 1 // Punch // Brass Knuckles, Power First
ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, // 3 // Swing // Sledgehammer (prim), Club, Knife (prim), Spear (prim), Crowbar
ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, // 4 // Thrust // Sledgehammer (sec), Knife (sec), Spear (sec)
ATTACK_TYPE_THROW, // 5 // Throw // Rock,
ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, // 6 // Single // 10mm SMG (prim), Rocket Launcher, Hunting Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Laser Pistol
ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, // 7 // Burst // 10mm SMG (sec), Minigun
ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, // 8 // Continous // Only: Flamer, Improved Flamer, Flame Breath
// 0x5191CC
static DrugDescription gDrugDescriptions[ADDICTION_COUNT] = {
// 0x519238
static char* _name_item = _aItem_1;
// item.msg
// 0x59E980
static MessageList gItemsMessageList;
// 0x59E988
static int _wd_onset;
// 0x59E98C
static Object* _wd_obj;
// 0x59E990
static int _wd_gvar;
static std::vector<BookDescription> gBooks;
static bool gExplosionEmitsLight;
static int gGrenadeExplosionRadius;
static int gRocketExplosionRadius;
static int gDynamiteMinDamage;
static int gDynamiteMaxDamage;
static int gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage;
static int gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage;
static std::vector<ExplosiveDescription> gExplosives;
static int gExplosionStartRotation;
static int gExplosionEndRotation;
static int gExplosionFrm;
static int gExplosionRadius;
static int gExplosionDamageType;
static int gExplosionMaxTargets;
static int gHealingItemPids[HEALING_ITEM_COUNT];
// 0x4770E0
int itemsInit()
if (!messageListInit(&gItemsMessageList)) {
return -1;
char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH];
snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", asc_5186C8, "item.msg");
if (!messageListLoad(&gItemsMessageList, path)) {
return -1;
messageListRepositorySetStandardMessageList(STANDARD_MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM, &gItemsMessageList);
return 0;
// 0x477144
void itemsReset()
// 0x477148
void itemsExit()
messageListRepositorySetStandardMessageList(STANDARD_MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM, nullptr);
// NOTE: Collapsed.
// 0x477154
static int _item_load_(File* stream)
return 0;
// NOTE: Uncollapsed 0x477154.
int itemsLoad(File* stream)
return _item_load_(stream);
// NOTE: Uncollapsed 0x477154.
int itemsSave(File* stream)
return _item_load_(stream);
// 0x477158
int itemAttemptAdd(Object* owner, Object* itemToAdd, int quantity)
if (quantity < 1) {
return -1;
int parentType = FID_TYPE(owner->fid);
if (parentType == OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) {
int itemType = itemGetType(owner);
if (itemType == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int sizeToAdd = itemGetSize(itemToAdd);
sizeToAdd *= quantity;
int currentSize = containerGetTotalSize(owner);
int maxSize = containerGetMaxSize(owner);
if (currentSize + sizeToAdd >= maxSize) {
return -6;
Object* containerOwner = objectGetOwner(owner);
if (containerOwner != nullptr) {
if (FID_TYPE(containerOwner->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
int weightToAdd = itemGetWeight(itemToAdd);
weightToAdd *= quantity;
int currentWeight = objectGetInventoryWeight(containerOwner);
int maxWeight = critterGetStat(containerOwner, STAT_CARRY_WEIGHT);
if (currentWeight + weightToAdd > maxWeight) {
return -6;
} else if (itemType == ITEM_TYPE_MISC) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int powerTypePid = miscItemGetPowerTypePid(owner);
if (powerTypePid != itemToAdd->pid) {
return -1;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (parentType == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
if (critterGetBodyType(owner) != BODY_TYPE_BIPED) {
// SFALL: Fix for being unable to plant items on non-biped critters
// with the "Barter" flag set (e.g. Skynet and Goris).
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(owner->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return -5;
if ((proto->critter.flags & CRITTER_BARTER) == 0) {
return -5;
int weightToAdd = itemGetWeight(itemToAdd);
weightToAdd *= quantity;
int currentWeight = objectGetInventoryWeight(owner);
int maxWeight = critterGetStat(owner, STAT_CARRY_WEIGHT);
if (currentWeight + weightToAdd > maxWeight) {
return -6;
return itemAdd(owner, itemToAdd, quantity);
// item_add
// 0x4772B8
int itemAdd(Object* owner, Object* itemToAdd, int quantity)
if (quantity < 1) {
return -1;
Inventory* inventory = &(owner->data.inventory);
int index;
for (index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
if (_item_identical(inventory->items[index].item, itemToAdd) != 0) {
if (index == inventory->length) {
if (inventory->length == inventory->capacity || inventory->items == nullptr) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItems = (InventoryItem*)internal_realloc(inventory->items, sizeof(InventoryItem) * (inventory->capacity + 10));
if (inventoryItems == nullptr) {
return -1;
inventory->items = inventoryItems;
inventory->capacity += 10;
inventory->items[inventory->length].item = itemToAdd;
inventory->items[inventory->length].quantity = quantity;
if (itemToAdd->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
if ((itemToAdd->flags & OBJECT_IN_ANY_HAND) != 0) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
itemToAdd->owner = owner;
return 0;
if (itemToAdd == inventory->items[index].item) {
debugPrint("Warning! Attempt to add same item twice in item_add()\n");
return 0;
if (itemGetType(itemToAdd) == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantityToAdd = ammoGetQuantity(itemToAdd);
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(inventory->items[index].item);
// NOTE: Uninline.
int capacity = ammoGetCapacity(itemToAdd);
ammoQuantity += ammoQuantityToAdd;
if (ammoQuantity > capacity) {
ammoSetQuantity(itemToAdd, ammoQuantity - capacity);
} else {
ammoSetQuantity(itemToAdd, ammoQuantity);
inventory->items[index].quantity += quantity - 1;
} else {
inventory->items[index].quantity += quantity;
objectDestroy(inventory->items[index].item, nullptr);
inventory->items[index].item = itemToAdd;
itemToAdd->owner = owner;
return 0;
// 0x477490
int itemRemove(Object* owner, Object* itemToRemove, int quantity)
Inventory* inventory = &(owner->data.inventory);
Object* item1 = critterGetItem1(owner);
Object* item2 = critterGetItem2(owner);
int index = 0;
for (; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
if (inventoryItem->item == itemToRemove) {
if (itemGetType(inventoryItem->item) == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
if (itemRemove(inventoryItem->item, itemToRemove, quantity) == 0) {
return 0;
if (index == inventory->length) {
return -1;
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
if (inventoryItem->quantity < quantity) {
return -1;
if (inventoryItem->quantity == quantity) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
_item_compact(index, inventory);
} else {
// TODO: Not sure about this line.
if (_obj_copy(&(inventoryItem->item), itemToRemove) == -1) {
return -1;
_obj_disconnect(inventoryItem->item, nullptr);
inventoryItem->quantity -= quantity;
if (itemGetType(itemToRemove) == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
int capacity = ammoGetCapacity(itemToRemove);
ammoSetQuantity(inventoryItem->item, capacity);
if (itemToRemove->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_I || itemToRemove->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
if (itemToRemove == item1 || itemToRemove == item2) {
Object* owner = objectGetOwner(itemToRemove);
if (owner != nullptr) {
stealthBoyTurnOff(owner, itemToRemove);
itemToRemove->owner = nullptr;
itemToRemove->flags &= ~OBJECT_EQUIPPED;
return 0;
// NOTE: Inlined.
// 0x4775D8
static void _item_compact(int inventoryItemIndex, Inventory* inventory)
for (int index = inventoryItemIndex + 1; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* prev = &(inventory->items[index - 1]);
InventoryItem* curr = &(inventory->items[index]);
memcpy(prev, curr, sizeof(*prev));
// 0x477608
static int _item_move_func(Object* source, Object* target, Object* item, int quantity, bool force)
if (itemRemove(source, item, quantity) == -1) {
return -1;
int rc;
if (force) {
rc = itemAdd(target, item, quantity);
} else {
rc = itemAttemptAdd(target, item, quantity);
if (rc != 0) {
if (itemAdd(source, item, quantity) != 0) {
Object* owner = objectGetOwner(source);
if (owner == nullptr) {
owner = source;
if (owner->tile != -1) {
Rect updatedRect;
_obj_connect(item, owner->tile, owner->elevation, &updatedRect);
tileWindowRefreshRect(&updatedRect, gElevation);
return -1;
item->owner = target;
return 0;
// 0x47769C
int itemMove(Object* from, Object* to, Object* item, int quantity)
return _item_move_func(from, to, item, quantity, false);
// 0x4776A4
int itemMoveForce(Object* from, Object* to, Object* item, int quantity)
return _item_move_func(from, to, item, quantity, true);
// 0x4776AC
void itemMoveAll(Object* from, Object* to)
Inventory* inventory = &(from->data.inventory);
while (inventory->length > 0) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[0]);
// NOTE: Uninline.
itemMoveForce(from, to, inventoryItem->item, inventoryItem->quantity);
// 0x4776E0
int itemMoveAllHidden(Object* from, Object* to)
Inventory* inventory = &(from->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length;) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (itemIsHidden(inventoryItem->item)) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
itemMoveForce(from, to, inventoryItem->item, inventoryItem->quantity);
} else {
return 0;
// 0x477770
int itemDestroyAllHidden(Object* owner)
Inventory* inventory = &(owner->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length;) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (itemIsHidden(inventoryItem->item)) {
itemRemove(owner, inventoryItem->item, 1);
} else {
return 0;
// 0x477804
int itemDropAll(Object* critter, int tile)
bool hasEquippedItems = false;
int frmId = critter->fid & 0xFFF;
Inventory* inventory = &(critter->data.inventory);
while (inventory->length > 0) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[0]);
Object* item = inventoryItem->item;
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
if (itemRemove(critter, item, inventoryItem->quantity) != 0) {
return -1;
if (_obj_connect(item, tile, critter->elevation, nullptr) != 0) {
if (itemAdd(critter, item, 1) != 0) {
return -1;
item->data.item.misc.charges = inventoryItem->quantity;
} else {
if ((item->flags & OBJECT_EQUIPPED) != 0) {
hasEquippedItems = true;
if ((item->flags & OBJECT_WORN) != 0) {
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(critter->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return -1;
frmId = proto->fid & 0xFFF;
_adjust_ac(critter, item, nullptr);
// This loop is a little bit tricky. `inventoryItem` is a pointer
// to the first entry in inventory. It's `quantity` is dynamically
// decremented during `itemRemove`. It's `item` is also updated with
// a replacement (`itemRemove` creates new Object instance in
// inventory).
// Once entire item stack is dropped, the content pointed to by
// `inventoryItem` is also updated (see `item_compact`), it points
// to the next inventory item. It can also become dangling pointer
// (when `inventoryItem` entry is the last in inventory).
int quantity = inventoryItem->quantity;
for (int it = 0; it < quantity; it++) {
item = inventoryItem->item;
if (itemRemove(critter, item, 1) != 0) {
return -1;
if (_obj_connect(item, tile, critter->elevation, nullptr) != 0) {
if (itemAdd(critter, item, 1) != 0) {
return -1;
if (hasEquippedItems) {
Rect updatedRect;
int fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER, frmId, FID_ANIM_TYPE(critter->fid), 0, (critter->fid & 0x70000000) >> 28);
objectSetFid(critter, fid, &updatedRect);
if (FID_ANIM_TYPE(critter->fid) == ANIM_STAND) {
tileWindowRefreshRect(&updatedRect, gElevation);
return 0;
// 0x4779F0
static bool _item_identical(Object* item1, Object* item2)
if (item1->pid != item2->pid) {
return false;
if (item1->sid != item2->sid) {
return false;
if ((item1->flags & (OBJECT_EQUIPPED | OBJECT_QUEUED)) != 0) {
return false;
if ((item2->flags & (OBJECT_EQUIPPED | OBJECT_QUEUED)) != 0) {
return false;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item1->pid, &proto);
if (proto->item.type == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
return false;
Inventory* inventory1 = &(item1->data.inventory);
Inventory* inventory2 = &(item2->data.inventory);
if (inventory1->length != 0 || inventory2->length != 0) {
return false;
int v1;
if (proto->item.type == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO || item1->pid == PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
v1 = item2->data.item.ammo.quantity;
item2->data.item.ammo.quantity = item1->data.item.ammo.quantity;
// NOTE: Probably inlined memcmp, but I'm not sure why it only checks 32
// bytes.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (item1->field_2C_array[i] != item2->field_2C_array[i]) {
if (proto->item.type == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO || item1->pid == PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
item2->data.item.ammo.quantity = v1;
return i == 8;
// 0x477AE4
char* itemGetName(Object* obj)
_name_item = protoGetName(obj->pid);
return _name_item;
// 0x477AF4
char* itemGetDescription(Object* obj)
return protoGetDescription(obj->pid);
// 0x477AFC
int itemGetType(Object* item)
if (item == nullptr) {
if (PID_TYPE(item->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) {
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_SHIV) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.type;
// NOTE: Unused.
// 0x477B4C
int itemGetMaterial(Object* item)
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.material;
// 0x477B68
int itemGetSize(Object* item)
if (item == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.size;
// 0x477B88
int itemGetWeight(Object* item)
if (item == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto);
int weight = proto->item.weight;
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (itemIsHidden(item)) {
weight = 0;
int itemType = proto->item.type;
if (itemType == ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR) {
switch (proto->pid) {
weight /= 2;
} else if (itemType == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
weight += objectGetInventoryWeight(item);
} else if (itemType == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(item);
if (ammoQuantity > 0) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(item);
if (ammoTypePid != -1) {
Proto* ammoProto;
if (protoGetProto(ammoTypePid, &ammoProto) != -1) {
weight += ammoProto->item.weight * ((ammoQuantity - 1) / ammoProto->item.data.ammo.quantity + 1);
return weight;
// Returns cost of item.
// When [item] is container the returned cost includes cost of container
// itself plus cost of contained items.
// When [item] is a weapon the returned value includes cost of weapon
// itself plus cost of remaining ammo (see below).
// When [item] is an ammo it's cost is calculated from ratio of fullness.
// 0x477CAC
int itemGetCost(Object* obj)
// TODO: This function needs review. A lot of functionality is inlined.
// Find these functions and use them.
if (obj == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(obj->pid, &proto);
int cost = proto->item.cost;
switch (proto->item.type) {
cost += objectGetCost(obj);
if (1) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(obj);
if (ammoQuantity > 0) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(obj);
if (ammoTypePid != -1) {
Proto* ammoProto;
protoGetProto(ammoTypePid, &ammoProto);
cost += ammoQuantity * ammoProto->item.cost / ammoProto->item.data.ammo.quantity;
if (1) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(obj);
cost *= ammoQuantity;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoCapacity = ammoGetCapacity(obj);
cost /= ammoCapacity;
return cost;
// Returns cost of object's items.
// 0x477DAC
int objectGetCost(Object* obj)
if (obj == nullptr) {
return 0;
int cost = 0;
Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
if (itemGetType(inventoryItem->item) == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(inventoryItem->item->pid, &proto);
// Ammo stack in inventory is a bit special. It is counted in clips,
// `inventoryItem->quantity` is the number of clips. The ammo object
// itself tracks remaining number of ammo in only one instance of
// the clip implying all other clips in the stack are full.
// In order to correctly calculate cost of the ammo stack, add cost
// of all full clips...
cost += proto->item.cost * (inventoryItem->quantity - 1);
// ...and add cost of the current clip, which is proportional to
// it's capacity.
cost += itemGetCost(inventoryItem->item);
} else {
cost += itemGetCost(inventoryItem->item) * inventoryItem->quantity;
if (FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
Object* item2 = critterGetItem2(obj);
if (item2 != nullptr && (item2->flags & OBJECT_IN_RIGHT_HAND) == 0) {
cost += itemGetCost(item2);
Object* item1 = critterGetItem1(obj);
if (item1 != nullptr && (item1->flags & OBJECT_IN_LEFT_HAND) == 0) {
cost += itemGetCost(item1);
Object* armor = critterGetArmor(obj);
if (armor != nullptr && (armor->flags & OBJECT_WORN) == 0) {
cost += itemGetCost(armor);
return cost;
// Calculates total weight of the items in inventory.
// 0x477E98
int objectGetInventoryWeight(Object* obj)
if (obj == nullptr) {
return 0;
int weight = 0;
Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
Object* item = inventoryItem->item;
weight += itemGetWeight(item) * inventoryItem->quantity;
if (FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
Object* item2 = critterGetItem2(obj);
if (item2 != nullptr) {
if ((item2->flags & OBJECT_IN_RIGHT_HAND) == 0) {
weight += itemGetWeight(item2);
Object* item1 = critterGetItem1(obj);
if (item1 != nullptr) {
if ((item1->flags & OBJECT_IN_LEFT_HAND) == 0) {
weight += itemGetWeight(item1);
Object* armor = critterGetArmor(obj);
if (armor != nullptr) {
if ((armor->flags & OBJECT_WORN) == 0) {
weight += itemGetWeight(armor);
return weight;
// 0x477F3C
bool dudeIsWeaponDisabled(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return false;
if (itemGetType(weapon) != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) {
return false;
int flags = gDude->data.critter.combat.results;
if ((flags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_LEFT) != 0 && (flags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_RIGHT) != 0) {
return true;
// NOTE: Uninline.
bool isTwoHanded = weaponIsTwoHanded(weapon);
if (isTwoHanded) {
if ((flags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_LEFT) != 0 || (flags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_RIGHT) != 0) {
return true;
return false;
// 0x477FB0
int itemGetInventoryFid(Object* item)
if (item == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.inventoryFid;
// 0x477FF8
Object* critterGetWeaponForHitMode(Object* critter, int hitMode)
switch (hitMode) {
return critterGetItem1(critter);
return critterGetItem2(critter);
return nullptr;
// 0x478040
int itemGetActionPointCost(Object* obj, int hitMode, bool aiming)
if (obj == nullptr) {
return 0;
Object* item_obj = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(obj, hitMode);
if (item_obj != nullptr && itemGetType(item_obj) != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) {
return 2;
return weaponGetActionPointCost(obj, hitMode, aiming);
// Returns quantity of [item] in [obj]s inventory.
// 0x47808C
int itemGetQuantity(Object* obj, Object* item)
int quantity = 0;
Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
if (inventoryItem->item == item) {
quantity = inventoryItem->quantity;
// SFALL: Fix incorrect value being returned if there is a container
// item in the inventory.
} else {
if (itemGetType(inventoryItem->item) == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
quantity = itemGetQuantity(inventoryItem->item, item);
if (quantity > 0) {
return quantity;
// Returns true if [a1] posesses an item with 0x2000 flag.
// 0x4780E4
int itemIsQueued(Object* obj)
if (obj == nullptr) {
return false;
if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_QUEUED) != 0) {
return true;
Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
if ((inventoryItem->item->flags & OBJECT_QUEUED) != 0) {
return true;
if (itemGetType(inventoryItem->item) == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
if (itemIsQueued(inventoryItem->item)) {
return true;
return false;
// 0x478154
Object* itemReplace(Object* owner, Object* itemToReplace, int flags)
if (owner == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (itemToReplace == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
Inventory* inventory = &(owner->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
if (_item_identical(inventoryItem->item, itemToReplace)) {
Object* item = inventoryItem->item;
if (itemRemove(owner, item, 1) == 0) {
item->flags |= flags;
if (itemAdd(owner, item, 1) == 0) {
return item;
item->flags &= ~flags;
if (itemAdd(owner, item, 1) != 0) {
if (itemGetType(inventoryItem->item) == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
Object* obj = itemReplace(inventoryItem->item, itemToReplace, flags);
if (obj != nullptr) {
return obj;
return nullptr;
// 0x478244
bool itemIsHidden(Object* item)
if (PID_TYPE(item->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) {
return false;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return false;
return (proto->item.extendedFlags & ITEM_HIDDEN) != 0;
// 0x478280
int weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(Object* weapon, int hitMode)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
int index;
index = proto->item.extendedFlags & 0xF;
} else {
index = (proto->item.extendedFlags & 0xF0) >> 4;
return _attack_subtype[index];
// 0x4782CC
int weaponGetSkillForHitMode(Object* weapon, int hitMode)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
int index;
index = proto->item.extendedFlags & 0xF;
} else {
index = (proto->item.extendedFlags & 0xF0) >> 4;
int skill = _attack_skill[index];
if (skill == SKILL_SMALL_GUNS) {
int damageType = weaponGetDamageType(nullptr, weapon);
if (damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_LASER || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_PLASMA || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL) {
} else {
if ((proto->item.extendedFlags & ItemProtoExtendedFlags_BigGun) != 0) {
return skill;
// Returns skill value when critter is about to perform hitMode.
// 0x478370
int weaponGetSkillValue(Object* critter, int hitMode)
if (critter == nullptr) {
return 0;
int skill;
// NOTE: Uninline.
Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
if (weapon != nullptr) {
skill = weaponGetSkillForHitMode(weapon, hitMode);
} else {
return skillGetValue(critter, skill);
// 0x4783B8
int weaponGetDamageMinMax(Object* weapon, int* minDamagePtr, int* maxDamagePtr)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
if (minDamagePtr != nullptr) {
*minDamagePtr = proto->item.data.weapon.minDamage;
if (maxDamagePtr != nullptr) {
*maxDamagePtr = proto->item.data.weapon.maxDamage;
return 0;
// 0x478448
int weaponGetDamage(Object* critter, int hitMode)
if (critter == nullptr) {
return 0;
int minDamage = 0;
int maxDamage = 0;
int meleeDamage = 0;
int bonusDamage = 0;
// NOTE: Uninline.
Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
if (weapon != nullptr) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
weaponGetDamageMinMax(weapon, &minDamage, &maxDamage);
int attackType = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, hitMode);
if (attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE || attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED) {
meleeDamage = critterGetStat(critter, STAT_MELEE_DAMAGE);
// SFALL: Bonus HtH Damage fix.
if (damageModGetBonusHthDamageFix()) {
if (critter == gDude) {
// See explanation below.
minDamage += 2 * perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_BONUS_HTH_DAMAGE);
} else {
bonusDamage = unarmedGetDamage(hitMode, &minDamage, &maxDamage);
meleeDamage = critterGetStat(critter, STAT_MELEE_DAMAGE);
// SFALL: Bonus HtH Damage fix.
if (damageModGetBonusHthDamageFix()) {
if (critter == gDude) {
// Increase only min damage. Max damage should not be changed.
// It is calculated later by adding `meleeDamage` which already
// includes damage bonus (via `perkAddEffect`).
minDamage += 2 * perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_BONUS_HTH_DAMAGE);
return randomBetween(bonusDamage + minDamage, bonusDamage + meleeDamage + maxDamage);
// 0x478570
int weaponGetDamageType(Object* critter, Object* weapon)
Proto* proto;
if (weapon != nullptr) {
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.damageType;
if (critter != nullptr) {
return critterGetDamageType(critter);
return 0;
// 0x478598
int weaponIsTwoHanded(Object* weapon)
Proto* proto;
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return 0;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return (proto->item.extendedFlags & WEAPON_TWO_HAND) != 0;
// 0x4785DC
int critterGetAnimationForHitMode(Object* critter, int hitMode)
// NOTE: Uninline.
Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
return weaponGetAnimationForHitMode(weapon, hitMode);
// 0x47860C
int weaponGetAnimationForHitMode(Object* weapon, int hitMode)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
int index;
index = proto->item.extendedFlags & 0xF;
} else {
index = (proto->item.extendedFlags & 0xF0) >> 4;
return _attack_anim[index];
// 0x478674
int ammoGetCapacity(Object* ammoOrWeapon)
if (ammoOrWeapon == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(ammoOrWeapon->pid, &proto);
if (proto->item.type == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
return proto->item.data.ammo.quantity;
} else {
return proto->item.data.weapon.ammoCapacity;
// 0x4786A0
int ammoGetQuantity(Object* ammoOrWeapon)
if (ammoOrWeapon == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(ammoOrWeapon->pid, &proto);
// NOTE: Looks like the condition jumps were erased during compilation only
// because ammo's quantity and weapon's ammo quantity coincidently stored
// in the same offset relative to [Object].
if (proto->item.type == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
return ammoOrWeapon->data.item.ammo.quantity;
} else {
return ammoOrWeapon->data.item.weapon.ammoQuantity;
// 0x4786C8
int ammoGetCaliber(Object* ammoOrWeapon)
Proto* proto;
if (ammoOrWeapon == nullptr) {
return 0;
protoGetProto(ammoOrWeapon->pid, &proto);
if (proto->item.type != ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
if (protoGetProto(ammoOrWeapon->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.caliber;
// 0x478714
void ammoSetQuantity(Object* ammoOrWeapon, int quantity)
if (ammoOrWeapon == nullptr) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
int capacity = ammoGetCapacity(ammoOrWeapon);
if (quantity > capacity) {
quantity = capacity;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(ammoOrWeapon->pid, &proto);
if (proto->item.type == ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
ammoOrWeapon->data.item.ammo.quantity = quantity;
} else {
ammoOrWeapon->data.item.weapon.ammoQuantity = quantity;
// 0x478768
int weaponAttemptReload(Object* critter, Object* weapon)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int quantity = ammoGetQuantity(weapon);
int capacity = ammoGetCapacity(weapon);
if (quantity == capacity) {
return -1;
if (weapon->pid != PROTO_ID_SOLAR_SCORCHER) {
int inventoryItemIndex = -1;
for (;;) {
Object* ammo = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_AMMO, &inventoryItemIndex);
if (ammo == nullptr) {
if (weapon->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid == ammo->pid) {
if (weaponCanBeReloadedWith(weapon, ammo) != 0) {
int rc = weaponReload(weapon, ammo);
if (rc == 0) {
if (rc == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
inventoryItemIndex = -1;
for (;;) {
Object* ammo = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_AMMO, &inventoryItemIndex);
if (ammo == nullptr) {
if (weaponCanBeReloadedWith(weapon, ammo) != 0) {
int rc = weaponReload(weapon, ammo);
if (rc == 0) {
if (rc == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
if (weaponReload(weapon, nullptr) != 0) {
return -1;
return 0;
// Checks if weapon can be reloaded with the specified ammo.
// 0x478874
bool weaponCanBeReloadedWith(Object* weapon, Object* ammo)
if (weapon->pid == PROTO_ID_SOLAR_SCORCHER) {
// Check light level to recharge solar scorcher.
if (lightGetAmbientIntensity() > LIGHT_INTENSITY_MAX * 0.95) {
return true;
// There is not enough light to recharge this item.
MessageListItem messageListItem;
char* msg = getmsg(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem, 500);
return false;
if (ammo == nullptr) {
return false;
Proto* weaponProto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &weaponProto);
Proto* ammoProto;
protoGetProto(ammo->pid, &ammoProto);
if (weaponProto->item.type != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) {
return false;
if (ammoProto->item.type != ITEM_TYPE_AMMO) {
return false;
// Check ammo matches weapon caliber.
if (weaponProto->item.data.weapon.caliber != ammoProto->item.data.ammo.caliber) {
return false;
// If weapon is not empty, we should only reload it with the same ammo.
if (ammoGetQuantity(weapon) != 0) {
if (weapon->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid != ammo->pid) {
return false;
return true;
// 0x478918
int weaponReload(Object* weapon, Object* ammo)
if (!weaponCanBeReloadedWith(weapon, ammo)) {
return -1;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(weapon);
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoCapacity = ammoGetCapacity(weapon);
if (weapon->pid == PROTO_ID_SOLAR_SCORCHER) {
ammoSetQuantity(weapon, ammoCapacity);
return 0;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int v10 = ammoGetQuantity(ammo);
int v11 = v10;
if (ammoQuantity < ammoCapacity) {
int v12;
if (ammoQuantity + v10 > ammoCapacity) {
v11 = v10 - (ammoCapacity - ammoQuantity);
v12 = ammoCapacity;
} else {
v11 = 0;
v12 = ammoQuantity + v10;
weapon->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid = ammo->pid;
ammoSetQuantity(ammo, v11);
ammoSetQuantity(weapon, v12);
return v11;
// 0x478A1C
int weaponGetRange(Object* critter, int hitMode)
int range;
int effectiveStrength;
// NOTE: Uninline.
Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
if (weapon != nullptr && hitMode != 4 && hitMode != 5 && (hitMode < 8 || hitMode > 19)) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
range = proto->item.data.weapon.maxRange1;
} else {
range = proto->item.data.weapon.maxRange2;
if (weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, hitMode) == ATTACK_TYPE_THROW) {
if (critter == gDude) {
effectiveStrength = critterGetStat(critter, STAT_STRENGTH) + 2 * perkGetRank(critter, PERK_HEAVE_HO);
// SFALL: Fix for Heave Ho! increasing effective strength above
// 10.
if (effectiveStrength > PRIMARY_STAT_MAX) {
effectiveStrength = PRIMARY_STAT_MAX;
} else {
effectiveStrength = critterGetStat(critter, STAT_STRENGTH);
int maxRange = 3 * effectiveStrength;
if (range >= maxRange) {
range = maxRange;
return range;
if (_critter_flag_check(critter->pid, CRITTER_LONG_LIMBS)) {
return 2;
return 1;
// Returns action points required for hit mode.
// 0x478B24
int weaponGetActionPointCost(Object* critter, int hitMode, bool aiming)
int actionPoints;
// NOTE: Uninline.
Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
if (weapon != nullptr) {
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
if (proto->item.data.weapon.perk == PERK_WEAPON_FAST_RELOAD) {
return 1;
if (weapon->pid == PROTO_ID_SOLAR_SCORCHER) {
return 0;
return 2;
// CE: The entire function is different in Sfall.
if (isUnarmedHitMode(hitMode)) {
actionPoints = unarmedGetActionPointCost(hitMode);
} else {
if (weapon != nullptr) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
actionPoints = weaponGetPrimaryActionPointCost(weapon);
} else {
// NOTE: Uninline.
actionPoints = weaponGetSecondaryActionPointCost(weapon);
if (critter == gDude) {
if (traitIsSelected(TRAIT_FAST_SHOT)) {
if (weaponGetRange(critter, hitMode) > 2) {
} else {
actionPoints = 3;
if (critter == gDude) {
int attackType = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, hitMode);
if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_BONUS_HTH_ATTACKS)) {
if (attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE || attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED) {
actionPoints -= 1;
if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_BONUS_RATE_OF_FIRE)) {
if (attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED) {
actionPoints -= 1;
if (aiming) {
actionPoints += 1;
if (actionPoints < 1) {
actionPoints = 1;
return actionPoints;
// 0x478D08
int weaponGetMinStrengthRequired(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.minStrength;
// 0x478D30
int weaponGetCriticalFailureType(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.criticalFailureType;
// 0x478D58
int weaponGetPerk(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.perk;
// 0x478D80
int weaponGetBurstRounds(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.rounds;
// 0x478DA8
int weaponGetAnimationCode(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.animationCode;
// 0x478DD0
int weaponGetProjectilePid(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.projectilePid;
// 0x478DF8
int weaponGetAmmoTypePid(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
if (itemGetType(weapon) != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) {
return -1;
return weapon->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid;
// 0x478E18
char weaponGetSoundId(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return '\0';
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.soundCode & 0xFF;
// 0x478E5C
bool critterCanAim(Object* critter, int hitMode)
if (critter == gDude && traitIsSelected(TRAIT_FAST_SHOT)) {
return false;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int anim = critterGetAnimationForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
if (anim == ANIM_FIRE_BURST || anim == ANIM_FIRE_CONTINUOUS) {
return false;
// NOTE: Uninline.
Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(critter, hitMode);
int damageType = weaponGetDamageType(critter, weapon);
return damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION
&& damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE
&& damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_EMP
&& (damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_PLASMA || anim != ANIM_THROW_ANIM);
// 0x478EF4
int weaponCanBeUnloaded(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return false;
if (itemGetType(weapon) != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) {
return false;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoCapacity = ammoGetCapacity(weapon);
if (ammoCapacity <= 0) {
return false;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(weapon);
if (ammoQuantity <= 0) {
return false;
if (weapon->pid == PROTO_ID_SOLAR_SCORCHER) {
return false;
if (weaponGetAmmoTypePid(weapon) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
// 0x478F80
Object* weaponUnload(Object* weapon)
if (!weaponCanBeUnloaded(weapon)) {
return nullptr;
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(weapon);
if (ammoTypePid == -1) {
return nullptr;
Object* ammo;
if (objectCreateWithPid(&ammo, ammoTypePid) != 0) {
return nullptr;
_obj_disconnect(ammo, nullptr);
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(weapon);
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoCapacity = ammoGetCapacity(ammo);
int remainingQuantity;
if (ammoQuantity <= ammoCapacity) {
ammoSetQuantity(ammo, ammoQuantity);
remainingQuantity = 0;
} else {
ammoSetQuantity(ammo, ammoCapacity);
remainingQuantity = ammoQuantity - ammoCapacity;
ammoSetQuantity(weapon, remainingQuantity);
return ammo;
// 0x47905C
int weaponGetPrimaryActionPointCost(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.actionPointCost1;
// NOTE: Inlined.
// 0x479084
int weaponGetSecondaryActionPointCost(Object* weapon)
if (weapon == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.weapon.actionPointCost2;
// 0x4790AC
int _item_w_compute_ammo_cost(Object* obj, int* inout_a2)
int pid;
if (inout_a2 == nullptr) {
return -1;
if (obj == nullptr) {
return 0;
pid = obj->pid;
*inout_a2 *= 2;
return 0;
// 0x4790E8
bool weaponIsGrenade(Object* weapon)
int damageType = weaponGetDamageType(nullptr, weapon);
return damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_PLASMA || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EMP;
// 0x47910C
int weaponGetDamageRadius(Object* weapon, int hitMode)
int attackType = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, hitMode);
int anim = weaponGetAnimationForHitMode(weapon, hitMode);
int damageType = weaponGetDamageType(nullptr, weapon);
int radius = 0;
if (attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED) {
if (anim == ANIM_FIRE_SINGLE && damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
radius = weaponGetRocketExplosionRadius(weapon);
} else if (attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_THROW) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (weaponIsGrenade(weapon)) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
radius = weaponGetGrenadeExplosionRadius(weapon);
return radius;
// 0x479180
int weaponGetGrenadeExplosionRadius(Object* weapon)
if (gExplosionRadius != -1) {
return gExplosionRadius;
return gGrenadeExplosionRadius;
// 0x479188
int weaponGetRocketExplosionRadius(Object* weapon)
if (gExplosionRadius != -1) {
return gExplosionRadius;
return gRocketExplosionRadius;
// 0x479190
int weaponGetAmmoArmorClassModifier(Object* weapon)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(weapon);
if (ammoTypePid == -1) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(ammoTypePid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.armorClassModifier;
// 0x4791E0
int weaponGetAmmoDamageResistanceModifier(Object* weapon)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(weapon);
if (ammoTypePid == -1) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(ammoTypePid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.damageResistanceModifier;
// 0x479230
int weaponGetAmmoDamageMultiplier(Object* weapon)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(weapon);
if (ammoTypePid == -1) {
return 1;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(ammoTypePid, &proto) == -1) {
return 1;
return proto->item.data.ammo.damageMultiplier;
// 0x479294
int weaponGetAmmoDamageDivisor(Object* weapon)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int ammoTypePid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(weapon);
if (ammoTypePid == -1) {
return 1;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(ammoTypePid, &proto) == -1) {
return 1;
return proto->item.data.ammo.damageDivisor;
// 0x4792F8
int armorGetArmorClass(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.armor.armorClass;
// 0x479318
int armorGetDamageResistance(Object* armor, int damageType)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.armor.damageResistance[damageType];
// 0x479338
int armorGetDamageThreshold(Object* armor, int damageType)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.armor.damageThreshold[damageType];
// 0x479358
int armorGetPerk(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.armor.perk;
// 0x479380
int armorGetMaleFid(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.armor.maleFid;
// 0x4793A8
int armorGetFemaleFid(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.armor.femaleFid;
// 0x4793D0
int miscItemGetMaxCharges(Object* miscItem)
if (miscItem == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(miscItem->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.misc.charges;
// 0x4793F0
int miscItemGetCharges(Object* miscItem)
if (miscItem == nullptr) {
return 0;
return miscItem->data.item.misc.charges;
// 0x4793F8
int miscItemSetCharges(Object* miscItem, int charges)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int maxCharges = miscItemGetMaxCharges(miscItem);
if (charges > maxCharges) {
charges = maxCharges;
miscItem->data.item.misc.charges = charges;
return 0;
// NOTE: Unused.
// 0x479434
int miscItemGetPowerType(Object* miscItem)
if (miscItem == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(miscItem->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.misc.powerType;
// NOTE: Inlined.
// 0x479454
int miscItemGetPowerTypePid(Object* miscItem)
if (miscItem == nullptr) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(miscItem->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.misc.powerTypePid;
// 0x47947C
bool miscItemIsConsumable(Object* miscItem)
if (miscItem == nullptr) {
return false;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(miscItem->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.misc.charges != 0;
// 0x4794A4
int _item_m_use_charged_item(Object* critter, Object* miscItem)
int pid = miscItem->pid;
// NOTE: Uninline.
bool isOn = miscItemIsOn(miscItem);
if (isOn) {
} else {
} else if (pid == PROTO_ID_MOTION_SENSOR) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (miscItemConsumeCharge(miscItem) == 0) {
automapShow(true, true);
} else {
MessageListItem messageListItem;
// %s has no charges left.
messageListItem.num = 5;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
char text[80];
const char* itemName = objectGetName(miscItem);
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), messageListItem.text, itemName);
return 0;
// 0x4795A4
int miscItemConsumeCharge(Object* item)
// NOTE: Uninline.
int charges = miscItemGetCharges(item);
if (charges <= 0) {
return -1;
// NOTE: Uninline.
miscItemSetCharges(item, charges - 1);
return 0;
// 0x4795F0
int miscItemTrickleEventProcess(Object* item, void* data)
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (miscItemConsumeCharge(item) == 0) {
int delay;
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_I || item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
delay = 600;
} else {
delay = 3000;
queueAddEvent(delay, item, nullptr, EVENT_TYPE_ITEM_TRICKLE);
} else {
Object* critter = objectGetOwner(item);
if (critter == gDude) {
MessageListItem messageListItem;
// %s has no charges left.
messageListItem.num = 5;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
char text[80];
const char* itemName = objectGetName(item);
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), messageListItem.text, itemName);
return 0;
// 0x4796A8
bool miscItemIsOn(Object* obj)
if (obj == nullptr) {
return false;
if (!miscItemIsConsumable(obj)) {
return false;
return queueHasEvent(obj, EVENT_TYPE_ITEM_TRICKLE);
// Turns on geiger counter or stealth boy.
// 0x4796D0
int miscItemTurnOn(Object* item)
MessageListItem messageListItem;
char text[80];
Object* critter = objectGetOwner(item);
if (critter == nullptr) {
// This item can only be used from the interface bar.
messageListItem.num = 9;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
return -1;
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (miscItemConsumeCharge(item) != 0) {
if (critter == gDude) {
messageListItem.num = 5;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
char* name = objectGetName(item);
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), messageListItem.text, name);
return -1;
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_I || item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
queueAddEvent(600, item, nullptr, EVENT_TYPE_ITEM_TRICKLE);
if (critter != nullptr) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
} else {
queueAddEvent(3000, item, nullptr, EVENT_TYPE_ITEM_TRICKLE);
if (critter == gDude) {
// %s is on.
messageListItem.num = 6;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
char* name = objectGetName(item);
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), messageListItem.text, name);
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_GEIGER_COUNTER_II) {
// You pass the Geiger counter over you body. The rem counter reads: %d
messageListItem.num = 8;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
int radiation = critterGetRadiation(critter);
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), messageListItem.text, radiation);
return 0;
// Turns off geiger counter or stealth boy.
// 0x479898
int miscItemTurnOff(Object* item)
Object* owner = objectGetOwner(item);
queueRemoveEventsByType(item, EVENT_TYPE_ITEM_TRICKLE);
if (owner != nullptr && item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
stealthBoyTurnOff(owner, item);
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_I || item->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
} else {
if (owner == gDude) {
if (owner == gDude) {
// %s is off.
MessageListItem messageListItem;
messageListItem.num = 7;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
const char* name = objectGetName(item);
char text[80];
snprintf(text, sizeof(text), messageListItem.text, name);
return 0;
// 0x479954
int _item_m_turn_off_from_queue(Object* obj, void* data)
return 1;
// NOTE: Inlined.
// 0x479960
static int stealthBoyTurnOn(Object* object)
if ((object->flags & OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS) != 0) {
return -1;
object->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS;
Rect rect;
objectGetRect(object, &rect);
tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, object->elevation);
return 0;
// 0x479998
static int stealthBoyTurnOff(Object* critter, Object* item)
Object* item1 = critterGetItem1(critter);
if (item1 != nullptr && item1 != item && item1->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
return -1;
Object* item2 = critterGetItem2(critter);
if (item2 != nullptr && item2 != item && item2->pid == PROTO_ID_STEALTH_BOY_II) {
return -1;
if ((critter->flags & OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS) == 0) {
return -1;
critter->flags &= ~OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS;
Rect rect;
objectGetRect(critter, &rect);
tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, critter->elevation);
return 0;
// 0x479A00
int containerGetMaxSize(Object* container)
if (container == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(container->pid, &proto);
return proto->item.data.container.maxSize;
// 0x479A20
int containerGetTotalSize(Object* container)
if (container == nullptr) {
return 0;
int totalSize = 0;
Inventory* inventory = &(container->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
int size = itemGetSize(inventoryItem->item);
totalSize += inventory->items[index].quantity * size;
return totalSize;
// 0x479A74
int ammoGetArmorClassModifier(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.armorClassModifier;
// 0x479AA4
int ammoGetDamageResistanceModifier(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.damageResistanceModifier;
// 0x479AD4
int ammoGetDamageMultiplier(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.damageMultiplier;
// 0x479B04
int ammoGetDamageDivisor(Object* armor)
if (armor == nullptr) {
return 0;
Proto* proto;
if (protoGetProto(armor->pid, &proto) == -1) {
return 0;
return proto->item.data.ammo.damageDivisor;
// 0x479B44
static int _insert_drug_effect(Object* critter, Object* item, int a3, int* stats, int* mods)
int index;
for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
if (mods[index] != 0) {
if (index == 3) {
return -1;
DrugEffectEvent* drugEffectEvent = (DrugEffectEvent*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*drugEffectEvent));
if (drugEffectEvent == nullptr) {
return -1;
drugEffectEvent->drugPid = item->pid;
for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
drugEffectEvent->stats[index] = stats[index];
drugEffectEvent->modifiers[index] = mods[index];
int delay = 600 * a3;
if (critter == gDude) {
if (traitIsSelected(TRAIT_CHEM_RESISTANT)) {
delay /= 2;
if (queueAddEvent(delay, critter, drugEffectEvent, EVENT_TYPE_DRUG) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
// 0x479C20
static void _perform_drug_effect(Object* critter, int* stats, int* mods, bool isImmediate)
int v10;
int v11;
int v12;
MessageListItem messageListItem;
const char* name;
const char* text;
char v24[92]; // TODO: Size is probably wrong.
char str[92]; // TODO: Size is probably wrong.
bool statsChanged = false;
int v5 = 0;
bool v32 = false;
if (stats[0] == -2) {
v5 = 1;
v32 = true;
for (int index = v5; index < 3; index++) {
int stat = stats[index];
if (stat == -1) {
critter->data.critter.combat.maneuver &= ~CRITTER_MANUEVER_FLEEING;
v10 = critterGetBonusStat(critter, stat);
int before;
if (critter == gDude) {
before = critterGetStat(gDude, stat);
if (v32) {
v11 = randomBetween(mods[index - 1], mods[index]) + v10;
v32 = false;
} else {
v11 = mods[index] + v10;
v12 = critterGetBaseStatWithTraitModifier(critter, STAT_CURRENT_HIT_POINTS);
if (v11 + v12 <= 0 && critter != gDude) {
name = critterGetName(critter);
// %s succumbs to the adverse effects of chems.
text = getmsg(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem, 600);
snprintf(v24, sizeof(v24), text, name);
_combatKillCritterOutsideCombat(critter, v24);
critterSetBonusStat(critter, stat, v11);
if (critter == gDude) {
int after = critterGetStat(critter, stat);
if (after != before) {
// 1 - You gained %d %s.
// 2 - You lost %d %s.
messageListItem.num = after < before ? 2 : 1;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
char* statName = statGetName(stat);
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), messageListItem.text, after < before ? before - after : after - before, statName);
statsChanged = true;
if (critterGetStat(critter, STAT_CURRENT_HIT_POINTS) > 0) {
if (critter == gDude && !statsChanged && isImmediate) {
// Nothing happens.
messageListItem.num = 10;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
} else {
if (critter == gDude) {
// You suffer a fatal heart attack from chem overdose.
messageListItem.num = 4;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
strcpy(v24, messageListItem.text);
// TODO: Why message is ignored?
} else {
name = critterGetName(critter);
// %s succumbs to the adverse effects of chems.
text = getmsg(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem, 600);
snprintf(v24, sizeof(v24), text, name);
// TODO: Why message is ignored?
// 0x479EE4
static bool _drug_effect_allowed(Object* critter, int pid)
int index;
DrugDescription* drugDescription;
for (index = 0; index < ADDICTION_COUNT; index++) {
drugDescription = &(gDrugDescriptions[index]);
if (drugDescription->drugPid == pid) {
if (index == ADDICTION_COUNT) {
return true;
if (drugDescription->field_8 == 0) {
return true;
// TODO: Probably right, but let's check it once.
int count = 0;
DrugEffectEvent* drugEffectEvent = (DrugEffectEvent*)queueFindFirstEvent(critter, EVENT_TYPE_DRUG);
while (drugEffectEvent != nullptr) {
if (drugEffectEvent->drugPid == pid) {
if (count >= drugDescription->field_8) {
return false;
drugEffectEvent = (DrugEffectEvent*)queueFindNextEvent(critter, EVENT_TYPE_DRUG);
return true;
// 0x479F60
int _item_d_take_drug(Object* critter, Object* item)
if (critterIsDead(critter)) {
return -1;
if (critterGetBodyType(critter) == BODY_TYPE_ROBOTIC) {
return -1;
Proto* proto;
protoGetProto(item->pid, &proto);
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_JET_ANTIDOTE) {
if (dudeIsAddicted(PROTO_ID_JET)) {
performWithdrawalEnd(critter, PERK_JET_ADDICTION);
if (critter == gDude) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
// SFALL: Fix for Jet antidote not being removed.
return 1;
_wd_obj = critter;
_wd_gvar = drugGetAddictionGvarByPid(item->pid);
_wd_onset = proto->item.data.drug.withdrawalOnset;
_queue_clear_type(EVENT_TYPE_WITHDRAWAL, _item_wd_clear_all);
if (_drug_effect_allowed(critter, item->pid)) {
_perform_drug_effect(critter, proto->item.data.drug.stat, proto->item.data.drug.amount, true);
_insert_drug_effect(critter, item, proto->item.data.drug.duration1, proto->item.data.drug.stat, proto->item.data.drug.amount1);
_insert_drug_effect(critter, item, proto->item.data.drug.duration2, proto->item.data.drug.stat, proto->item.data.drug.amount2);
} else {
if (critter == gDude) {
MessageListItem messageListItem;
// That didn't seem to do that much.
char* msg = getmsg(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem, 50);
if (!dudeIsAddicted(item->pid)) {
int addictionChance = proto->item.data.drug.addictionChance;
if (critter == gDude) {
if (traitIsSelected(TRAIT_CHEM_RELIANT)) {
addictionChance *= 2;
if (traitIsSelected(TRAIT_CHEM_RESISTANT)) {
addictionChance /= 2;
if (perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_FLOWER_CHILD)) {
addictionChance /= 2;
if (randomBetween(1, 100) <= addictionChance) {
_insert_withdrawal(critter, 1, proto->item.data.drug.withdrawalOnset, proto->item.data.drug.withdrawalEffect, item->pid);
if (critter == gDude) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
return 1;
// 0x47A178
int _item_d_clear(Object* obj, void* data)
if (objectIsPartyMember(obj)) {
return 0;
drugEffectEventProcess(obj, data);
return 1;
// 0x47A198
int drugEffectEventProcess(Object* obj, void* data)
DrugEffectEvent* drugEffectEvent = (DrugEffectEvent*)data;
if (obj == nullptr) {
return 0;
if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
return 0;
_perform_drug_effect(obj, drugEffectEvent->stats, drugEffectEvent->modifiers, false);
if (!(obj->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD)) {
return 0;
return 1;
// 0x47A1D0
int drugEffectEventRead(File* stream, void** dataPtr)
DrugEffectEvent* drugEffectEvent = (DrugEffectEvent*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*drugEffectEvent));
if (drugEffectEvent == nullptr) {
return -1;
if (fileReadInt32List(stream, drugEffectEvent->stats, 3) == -1) goto err;
if (fileReadInt32List(stream, drugEffectEvent->modifiers, 3) == -1) goto err;
*dataPtr = drugEffectEvent;
return 0;
return -1;
// 0x47A254
int drugEffectEventWrite(File* stream, void* data)
DrugEffectEvent* drugEffectEvent = (DrugEffectEvent*)data;
if (fileWriteInt32List(stream, drugEffectEvent->stats, 3) == -1) return -1;
if (fileWriteInt32List(stream, drugEffectEvent->modifiers, 3) == -1) return -1;
return 0;
// 0x47A290
static int _insert_withdrawal(Object* obj, int a2, int duration, int perk, int pid)
WithdrawalEvent* withdrawalEvent = (WithdrawalEvent*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*withdrawalEvent));
if (withdrawalEvent == nullptr) {
return -1;
withdrawalEvent->field_0 = a2;
withdrawalEvent->pid = pid;
withdrawalEvent->perk = perk;
if (queueAddEvent(600 * duration, obj, withdrawalEvent, EVENT_TYPE_WITHDRAWAL) == -1) {
return -1;
return 0;
// 0x47A2FC
int _item_wd_clear(Object* obj, void* data)
WithdrawalEvent* withdrawalEvent = (WithdrawalEvent*)data;
if (objectIsPartyMember(obj)) {
return 0;
if (!withdrawalEvent->field_0) {
performWithdrawalEnd(obj, withdrawalEvent->perk);
return 1;
// 0x47A324
static int _item_wd_clear_all(Object* a1, void* data)
WithdrawalEvent* withdrawalEvent = (WithdrawalEvent*)data;
if (a1 != _wd_obj) {
return 0;
if (drugGetAddictionGvarByPid(withdrawalEvent->pid) != _wd_gvar) {
return 0;
if (!withdrawalEvent->field_0) {
performWithdrawalEnd(_wd_obj, withdrawalEvent->perk);
_insert_withdrawal(a1, 1, _wd_onset, withdrawalEvent->perk, withdrawalEvent->pid);
_wd_obj = nullptr;
return 1;
// 0x47A384
int withdrawalEventProcess(Object* obj, void* data)
WithdrawalEvent* withdrawalEvent = (WithdrawalEvent*)data;
if (withdrawalEvent->field_0) {
performWithdrawalStart(obj, withdrawalEvent->perk, withdrawalEvent->pid);
} else {
if (withdrawalEvent->perk == PERK_JET_ADDICTION) {
return 0;
performWithdrawalEnd(obj, withdrawalEvent->perk);
if (obj == gDude) {
// NOTE: Uninline.
if (obj == gDude) {
return 1;
return 0;
// read withdrawal event
// 0x47A404
int withdrawalEventRead(File* stream, void** dataPtr)
WithdrawalEvent* withdrawalEvent = (WithdrawalEvent*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*withdrawalEvent));
if (withdrawalEvent == nullptr) {
return -1;
if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(withdrawalEvent->field_0)) == -1) goto err;
if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(withdrawalEvent->pid)) == -1) goto err;
if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(withdrawalEvent->perk)) == -1) goto err;
*dataPtr = withdrawalEvent;
return 0;
return -1;
// 0x47A484
int withdrawalEventWrite(File* stream, void* data)
WithdrawalEvent* withdrawalEvent = (WithdrawalEvent*)data;
if (fileWriteInt32(stream, withdrawalEvent->field_0) == -1) return -1;
if (fileWriteInt32(stream, withdrawalEvent->pid) == -1) return -1;
if (fileWriteInt32(stream, withdrawalEvent->perk) == -1) return -1;
return 0;
// perform_withdrawal_start
// 0x47A4C4
static void performWithdrawalStart(Object* obj, int perk, int pid)
if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
debugPrint("\nERROR: perform_withdrawal_start: Was called on non-critter!");
perkAddEffect(obj, perk);
if (obj == gDude) {
char* description = perkGetDescription(perk);
// SFALL: Fix crash when description is missing.
if (description != nullptr) {
int duration = 10080;
if (obj == gDude) {
if (traitIsSelected(TRAIT_CHEM_RELIANT)) {
duration /= 2;
if (perkGetRank(obj, PERK_FLOWER_CHILD)) {
duration /= 2;
_insert_withdrawal(obj, 0, duration, perk, pid);
// perform_withdrawal_end
// 0x47A558
static void performWithdrawalEnd(Object* obj, int perk)
if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) {
debugPrint("\nERROR: perform_withdrawal_end: Was called on non-critter!");
perkRemoveEffect(obj, perk);
if (obj == gDude) {
MessageListItem messageListItem;
messageListItem.num = 3;
if (messageListGetItem(&gItemsMessageList, &messageListItem)) {
// 0x47A5B4
static int drugGetAddictionGvarByPid(int drugPid)
for (int index = 0; index < ADDICTION_COUNT; index++) {
DrugDescription* drugDescription = &(gDrugDescriptions[index]);
if (drugDescription->drugPid == drugPid) {
return drugDescription->gvar;
return -1;
// NOTE: Inlined.
// 0x47A5E8
static void dudeSetAddiction(int drugPid)
int gvar = drugGetAddictionGvarByPid(drugPid);
if (gvar != -1) {
gGameGlobalVars[gvar] = 1;
// NOTE: Inlined.
// 0x47A60C
static void dudeClearAddiction(int drugPid)
int gvar = drugGetAddictionGvarByPid(drugPid);
if (gvar != -1) {
gGameGlobalVars[gvar] = 0;
if (!dudeIsAddicted(-1)) {
// Returns `true` if dude has addiction to item with given pid or any addition
// if [pid] is -1.
// 0x47A640
static bool dudeIsAddicted(int drugPid)
for (int index = 0; index < ADDICTION_COUNT; index++) {
DrugDescription* drugDescription = &(gDrugDescriptions[index]);
if (drugPid == -1 || drugPid == drugDescription->drugPid) {
if (gGameGlobalVars[drugDescription->gvar] != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
// item_caps_total
// 0x47A6A8
int itemGetTotalCaps(Object* obj)
int amount = 0;
Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory);
for (int i = 0; i < inventory->length; i++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[i]);
Object* item = inventoryItem->item;
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
amount += inventoryItem->quantity;
} else {
if (itemGetType(item) == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
// recursively collect amount of caps in container
amount += itemGetTotalCaps(item);
return amount;
// item_caps_adjust
// 0x47A6F8
int itemCapsAdjust(Object* obj, int amount)
int caps = itemGetTotalCaps(obj);
if (amount < 0 && caps < -amount) {
return -1;
if (amount <= 0 || caps != 0) {
Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory);
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length && amount != 0; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
Object* item = inventoryItem->item;
if (item->pid == PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
if (amount <= 0 && -amount >= inventoryItem->quantity) {
objectDestroy(item, nullptr);
amount += inventoryItem->quantity;
// NOTE: Uninline.
_item_compact(index, inventory);
index = -1;
} else {
inventoryItem->quantity += amount;
amount = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length && amount != 0; index++) {
InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]);
Object* item = inventoryItem->item;
if (itemGetType(item) == ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER) {
int capsInContainer = itemGetTotalCaps(item);
if (amount <= 0 || capsInContainer <= 0) {
if (amount < 0) {
if (capsInContainer < -amount) {
if (itemCapsAdjust(item, capsInContainer) == 0) {
amount += capsInContainer;
} else {
if (itemCapsAdjust(item, amount) == 0) {
amount = 0;
} else {
if (itemCapsAdjust(item, amount) == 0) {
amount = 0;
return 0;
Object* item;
if (objectCreateWithPid(&item, PROTO_ID_MONEY) == 0) {
_obj_disconnect(item, nullptr);
if (itemAdd(obj, item, amount) != 0) {
objectDestroy(item, nullptr);
return -1;
return 0;
// 0x47A8C8
int itemGetMoney(Object* item)
if (item->pid != PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
return -1;
return item->data.item.misc.charges;
// 0x47A8D8
int itemSetMoney(Object* item, int amount)
if (item->pid != PROTO_ID_MONEY) {
return -1;
item->data.item.misc.charges = amount;
return 0;
static void booksInit()
static void booksExit()
static void booksInitVanilla()
// 802: You learn new science information.
// 803: You learn a lot about repairing broken electronics.
// 804: You learn new ways to heal injury.
// 805: You learn how to handle your guns better.
// 806: You learn a lot about wilderness survival.
static void booksInitCustom()
char* booksFilePath;
configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_BOOKS_FILE_KEY, &booksFilePath);
if (booksFilePath != nullptr && *booksFilePath == '\0') {
booksFilePath = nullptr;
if (booksFilePath != nullptr) {
Config booksConfig;
if (configInit(&booksConfig)) {
if (configRead(&booksConfig, booksFilePath, false)) {
bool overrideVanilla = false;
configGetBool(&booksConfig, "main", "overrideVanilla", &overrideVanilla);
if (overrideVanilla) {
int bookCount = 0;
configGetInt(&booksConfig, "main", "count", &bookCount);
if (bookCount > BOOKS_MAX) {
bookCount = BOOKS_MAX;
char sectionKey[4];
for (int index = 0; index < bookCount; index++) {
// Books numbering starts with 1.
snprintf(sectionKey, sizeof(sectionKey), "%d", index + 1);
int bookPid;
if (!configGetInt(&booksConfig, sectionKey, "PID", &bookPid)) continue;
int messageId;
if (!configGetInt(&booksConfig, sectionKey, "TextID", &messageId)) continue;
int skill;
if (!configGetInt(&booksConfig, sectionKey, "Skill", &skill)) continue;
booksAdd(bookPid, messageId, skill);
static void booksAdd(int bookPid, int messageId, int skill)
BookDescription bookDescription;
bookDescription.bookPid = bookPid;
bookDescription.messageId = messageId;
bookDescription.skill = skill;
bool booksGetInfo(int bookPid, int* messageIdPtr, int* skillPtr)
for (auto& bookDescription : gBooks) {
if (bookDescription.bookPid == bookPid) {
*messageIdPtr = bookDescription.messageId;
*skillPtr = bookDescription.skill;
return true;
return false;
static void explosionsInit()
gExplosionEmitsLight = false;
static void explosionsReset()
gGrenadeExplosionRadius = 2;
gRocketExplosionRadius = 3;
gDynamiteMinDamage = 30;
gDynamiteMaxDamage = 50;
gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage = 40;
gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage = 80;
if (configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_DYNAMITE_MAX_DAMAGE_KEY, &gDynamiteMaxDamage)) {
gDynamiteMaxDamage = std::clamp(gDynamiteMaxDamage, 0, 9999);
if (configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_DYNAMITE_MIN_DAMAGE_KEY, &gDynamiteMinDamage)) {
gDynamiteMinDamage = std::clamp(gDynamiteMinDamage, 0, gDynamiteMaxDamage);
if (configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_PLASTIC_EXPLOSIVE_MAX_DAMAGE_KEY, &gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage)) {
gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage = std::clamp(gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage, 0, 9999);
if (configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_PLASTIC_EXPLOSIVE_MIN_DAMAGE_KEY, &gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage)) {
gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage = std::clamp(gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage, 0, gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage);
static void explosionsExit()
bool explosionEmitsLight()
return gExplosionEmitsLight;
void weaponSetGrenadeExplosionRadius(int value)
gGrenadeExplosionRadius = value;
void weaponSetRocketExplosionRadius(int value)
gRocketExplosionRadius = value;
void explosiveAdd(int pid, int activePid, int minDamage, int maxDamage)
ExplosiveDescription explosiveDescription;
explosiveDescription.pid = pid;
explosiveDescription.activePid = activePid;
explosiveDescription.minDamage = minDamage;
explosiveDescription.maxDamage = maxDamage;
bool explosiveIsExplosive(int pid)
if (pid == PROTO_ID_DYNAMITE_I) return true;
if (pid == PROTO_ID_PLASTIC_EXPLOSIVES_I) return true;
for (const auto& explosive : gExplosives) {
if (explosive.pid == pid) return true;
return false;
bool explosiveIsActiveExplosive(int pid)
if (pid == PROTO_ID_DYNAMITE_II) return true;
if (pid == PROTO_ID_PLASTIC_EXPLOSIVES_II) return true;
for (const auto& explosive : gExplosives) {
if (explosive.activePid == pid) return true;
return false;
bool explosiveActivate(int* pidPtr)
if (*pidPtr == PROTO_ID_DYNAMITE_I) {
return true;
return true;
for (const auto& explosive : gExplosives) {
if (explosive.pid == *pidPtr) {
*pidPtr = explosive.activePid;
return true;
return false;
bool explosiveSetDamage(int pid, int minDamage, int maxDamage)
if (pid == PROTO_ID_DYNAMITE_I) {
gDynamiteMinDamage = minDamage;
gDynamiteMaxDamage = maxDamage;
return true;
gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage = minDamage;
gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage = maxDamage;
return true;
// NOTE: For unknown reason this function do not update custom explosives
// damage. Since we're after compatibility (at least at this time), the
// only way to follow this behaviour.
return false;
bool explosiveGetDamage(int pid, int* minDamagePtr, int* maxDamagePtr)
if (pid == PROTO_ID_DYNAMITE_I) {
*minDamagePtr = gDynamiteMinDamage;
*maxDamagePtr = gDynamiteMaxDamage;
return true;
*minDamagePtr = gPlasticExplosiveMinDamage;
*maxDamagePtr = gPlasticExplosiveMaxDamage;
return true;
for (const auto& explosive : gExplosives) {
if (explosive.pid == pid) {
*minDamagePtr = explosive.minDamage;
*maxDamagePtr = explosive.maxDamage;
return true;
return false;
void explosionSettingsReset()
gExplosionStartRotation = 0;
gExplosionEndRotation = ROTATION_COUNT;
gExplosionFrm = -1;
gExplosionRadius = -1;
gExplosionDamageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION;
gExplosionMaxTargets = 6;
void explosionGetPattern(int* startRotationPtr, int* endRotationPtr)
*startRotationPtr = gExplosionStartRotation;
*endRotationPtr = gExplosionEndRotation;
void explosionSetPattern(int startRotation, int endRotation)
gExplosionStartRotation = startRotation;
gExplosionEndRotation = endRotation;
int explosionGetFrm()
return gExplosionFrm;
void explosionSetFrm(int frm)
gExplosionFrm = frm;
void explosionSetRadius(int radius)
gExplosionRadius = radius;
int explosionGetDamageType()
return gExplosionDamageType;
void explosionSetDamageType(int damageType)
gExplosionDamageType = damageType;
int explosionGetMaxTargets()
return gExplosionMaxTargets;
void explosionSetMaxTargets(int maxTargets)
gExplosionMaxTargets = maxTargets;
static void healingItemsInit()
static void healingItemsInitVanilla()
static void healingItemsInitCustom()
char* tweaksFilePath = nullptr;
configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_TWEAKS_FILE_KEY, &tweaksFilePath);
if (tweaksFilePath != nullptr && *tweaksFilePath == '\0') {
tweaksFilePath = nullptr;
if (tweaksFilePath == nullptr) {
Config tweaksConfig;
if (configInit(&tweaksConfig)) {
if (configRead(&tweaksConfig, tweaksFilePath, false)) {
configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, "Items", "STIMPAK", &(gHealingItemPids[HEALING_ITEM_STIMPACK]));
configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, "Items", "SUPER_STIMPAK", &(gHealingItemPids[HEALING_ITEM_SUPER_STIMPACK]));
configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, "Items", "HEALING_POWDER", &(gHealingItemPids[HEALING_ITEM_HEALING_POWDER]));
bool itemIsHealing(int pid)
for (int index = 0; index < HEALING_ITEM_COUNT; index++) {
if (gHealingItemPids[index] == pid) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace fallout