#include "main.h" #include "autorun.h" #include "character_selector.h" #include "color.h" #include "core.h" #include "credits.h" #include "cycle.h" #include "db.h" #include "debug.h" #include "draw.h" #include "endgame.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_config.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "game_movie.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "loadsave.h" #include "map.h" #include "object.h" #include "options.h" #include "palette.h" #include "platform_compat.h" #include "random.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "sfall_config.h" #include "selfrun.h" #include "text_font.h" #include "version.h" #include "window_manager.h" #include "word_wrap.h" #include "world_map.h" #include #include #include #define MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH 640 #define MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT 480 #define DEATH_WINDOW_WIDTH 640 #define DEATH_WINDOW_HEIGHT 480 // 0x5194C8 char _mainMap[] = "artemple.map"; // 0x5194D8 int _main_game_paused = 0; // 0x5194DC char** _main_selfrun_list = NULL; // 0x5194E0 int _main_selfrun_count = 0; // 0x5194E4 int _main_selfrun_index = 0; // 0x5194E8 bool _main_show_death_scene = false; // 0x5194F0 int gMainMenuWindow = -1; // 0x5194F4 unsigned char* gMainMenuWindowBuffer = NULL; // 0x5194F8 unsigned char* gMainMenuBackgroundFrmData = NULL; // 0x5194FC unsigned char* gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData = NULL; // 0x519500 unsigned char* gMainMenuButtonDownFrmData = NULL; // 0x519504 bool _in_main_menu = false; // 0x519508 bool gMainMenuWindowInitialized = false; // 0x51950C unsigned int gMainMenuScreensaverDelay = 120000; // 0x519510 const int gMainMenuButtonKeyBindings[MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT] = { KEY_LOWERCASE_I, // intro KEY_LOWERCASE_N, // new game KEY_LOWERCASE_L, // load game KEY_LOWERCASE_O, // options KEY_LOWERCASE_C, // credits KEY_LOWERCASE_E, // exit }; // 0x519528 const int _return_values[MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT] = { MAIN_MENU_INTRO, MAIN_MENU_NEW_GAME, MAIN_MENU_LOAD_GAME, MAIN_MENU_OPTIONS, MAIN_MENU_CREDITS, MAIN_MENU_EXIT, }; // 0x614838 bool _main_death_voiceover_done; // 0x614840 int gMainMenuButtons[MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT]; // 0x614858 bool gMainMenuWindowHidden; // 0x61485C CacheEntry* gMainMenuButtonUpFrmHandle; // 0x614860 CacheEntry* gMainMenuButtonDownFrmHandle; // 0x614864 CacheEntry* gMainMenuBackgroundFrmHandle; // 0x48099C int falloutMain(int argc, char** argv) { if (!autorunMutexCreate()) { return 1; } if (!falloutInit(argc, argv)) { return 1; } // SFALL: Allow to skip intro movies int skipOpeningMovies; configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_SKIP_OPENING_MOVIES_KEY, &skipOpeningMovies); if(skipOpeningMovies < 1) { gameMoviePlay(MOVIE_IPLOGO, GAME_MOVIE_FADE_IN); gameMoviePlay(MOVIE_INTRO, 0); gameMoviePlay(MOVIE_CREDITS, 0); } FpsLimiter fpsLimiter; if (mainMenuWindowInit() == 0) { bool done = false; while (!done) { keyboardReset(); _gsound_background_play_level_music("07desert", 11); mainMenuWindowUnhide(1); mouseShowCursor(); int mainMenuRc = mainMenuWindowHandleEvents(fpsLimiter); mouseHideCursor(); switch (mainMenuRc) { case MAIN_MENU_INTRO: mainMenuWindowHide(true); gameMoviePlay(MOVIE_INTRO, GAME_MOVIE_PAUSE_MUSIC); gameMoviePlay(MOVIE_CREDITS, 0); break; case MAIN_MENU_NEW_GAME: mainMenuWindowHide(true); mainMenuWindowFree(); if (characterSelectorOpen() == 2) { gameMoviePlay(MOVIE_ELDER, GAME_MOVIE_STOP_MUSIC); randomSeedPrerandom(-1); // SFALL: Override starting map. char* mapName = NULL; if (configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_STARTING_MAP_KEY, &mapName)) { if (*mapName == '\0') { mapName = NULL; } } char* mapNameCopy = strdup(mapName != NULL ? mapName : _mainMap); _main_load_new(mapNameCopy); free(mapNameCopy); mainLoop(fpsLimiter); paletteFadeTo(gPaletteWhite); objectHide(gDude, NULL); _map_exit(); gameReset(); if (_main_show_death_scene != 0) { showDeath(); _main_show_death_scene = 0; } } mainMenuWindowInit(); break; case MAIN_MENU_LOAD_GAME: if (1) { int win = windowCreate(0, 0, screenGetWidth(), screenGetHeight(), _colorTable[0], WINDOW_FLAG_0x10 | WINDOW_FLAG_0x04); mainMenuWindowHide(true); mainMenuWindowFree(); _game_user_wants_to_quit = 0; gDude->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAT; _main_show_death_scene = 0; objectShow(gDude, NULL); mouseHideCursor(); _map_init(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_NONE); mouseShowCursor(); colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); paletteFadeTo(_cmap); int loadGameRc = lsgLoadGame(LOAD_SAVE_MODE_FROM_MAIN_MENU); if (loadGameRc == -1) { debugPrint("\n ** Error running LoadGame()! **\n"); } else if (loadGameRc != 0) { windowDestroy(win); win = -1; mainLoop(fpsLimiter); } paletteFadeTo(gPaletteWhite); if (win != -1) { windowDestroy(win); } objectHide(gDude, NULL); _map_exit(); gameReset(); if (_main_show_death_scene != 0) { showDeath(); _main_show_death_scene = 0; } mainMenuWindowInit(); } break; case MAIN_MENU_TIMEOUT: debugPrint("Main menu timed-out\n"); // FALLTHROUGH case MAIN_MENU_3: // _main_selfrun_play(); break; case MAIN_MENU_OPTIONS: mainMenuWindowHide(false); mouseShowCursor(); showOptionsWithInitialKeyCode(112); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); mouseShowCursor(); mainMenuWindowUnhide(0); break; case MAIN_MENU_CREDITS: mainMenuWindowHide(true); creditsOpen("credits.txt", -1, false); break; case MAIN_MENU_QUOTES: // NOTE: There is a strange cmp at 0x480C50. Both operands are // zero, set before the loop and do not modify afterwards. For // clarity this condition is omitted. mainMenuWindowHide(true); creditsOpen("quotes.txt", -1, true); break; case MAIN_MENU_EXIT: case -1: done = true; mainMenuWindowHide(true); mainMenuWindowFree(); backgroundSoundDelete(); break; case MAIN_MENU_SELFRUN: // _main_selfrun_record(); break; } } } backgroundSoundDelete(); _main_selfrun_exit(); gameExit(); autorunMutexClose(); return 0; } // 0x480CC0 bool falloutInit(int argc, char** argv) { if (gameInitWithOptions("FALLOUT II", false, 0, 0, argc, argv) == -1) { return false; } if (_main_selfrun_list != NULL) { _main_selfrun_exit(); } if (_selfrun_get_list(&_main_selfrun_list, &_main_selfrun_count) == 0) { _main_selfrun_index = 0; } return true; } // 0x480D4C int _main_load_new(char* mapFileName) { _game_user_wants_to_quit = 0; _main_show_death_scene = 0; gDude->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAT; objectShow(gDude, NULL); mouseHideCursor(); int win = windowCreate(0, 0, screenGetWidth(), screenGetHeight(), _colorTable[0], WINDOW_FLAG_0x10 | WINDOW_FLAG_0x04); windowRefresh(win); colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); paletteFadeTo(_cmap); _map_init(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_NONE); mouseShowCursor(); mapLoadByName(mapFileName); worldmapStartMapMusic(); paletteFadeTo(gPaletteWhite); windowDestroy(win); colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); paletteFadeTo(_cmap); return 0; } // 0x480E48 void mainLoop(FpsLimiter& fpsLimiter) { bool cursorWasHidden = cursorIsHidden(); if (cursorWasHidden) { mouseShowCursor(); } _main_game_paused = 0; scriptsEnable(); while (_game_user_wants_to_quit == 0) { fpsLimiter.mark(); int keyCode = _get_input(); gameHandleKey(keyCode, false); scriptsHandleRequests(); mapHandleTransition(); if (_main_game_paused != 0) { _main_game_paused = 0; } if ((gDude->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_DEAD | DAM_KNOCKED_OUT)) != 0) { endgameSetupDeathEnding(ENDGAME_DEATH_ENDING_REASON_DEATH); _main_show_death_scene = 1; _game_user_wants_to_quit = 2; } fpsLimiter.throttle(); } scriptsDisable(); if (cursorWasHidden) { mouseHideCursor(); } } // 0x480F38 void _main_selfrun_exit() { if (_main_selfrun_list != NULL) { _selfrun_free_list(&_main_selfrun_list); } _main_selfrun_count = 0; _main_selfrun_index = 0; _main_selfrun_list = NULL; } // 0x48118C void showDeath() { artCacheFlush(); colorCycleDisable(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_NONE); bool oldCursorIsHidden = cursorIsHidden(); if (oldCursorIsHidden) { mouseShowCursor(); } int deathWindowX = (screenGetWidth() - DEATH_WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2; int deathWindowY = (screenGetHeight() - DEATH_WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2; int win = windowCreate(deathWindowX, deathWindowY, DEATH_WINDOW_WIDTH, DEATH_WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, WINDOW_FLAG_0x04); if (win != -1) { do { unsigned char* windowBuffer = windowGetBuffer(win); if (windowBuffer == NULL) { break; } // DEATH.FRM CacheEntry* backgroundHandle; int fid = buildFid(6, 309, 0, 0, 0); unsigned char* background = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &backgroundHandle); if (background == NULL) { break; } while (mouseGetEvent() != 0) { _get_input(); } keyboardReset(); inputEventQueueReset(); blitBufferToBuffer(background, 640, 480, 640, windowBuffer, 640); artUnlock(backgroundHandle); const char* deathFileName = endgameDeathEndingGetFileName(); int subtitles = 0; configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_SUBTITLES_KEY, &subtitles); if (subtitles != 0) { char text[512]; if (_mainDeathGrabTextFile(deathFileName, text) == 0) { debugPrint("\n((ShowDeath)): %s\n", text); short beginnings[WORD_WRAP_MAX_COUNT]; short count; if (_mainDeathWordWrap(text, 560, beginnings, &count) == 0) { unsigned char* p = windowBuffer + 640 * (480 - fontGetLineHeight() * count - 8); bufferFill(p - 602, 564, fontGetLineHeight() * count + 2, 640, 0); p += 40; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { fontDrawText(p, text + beginnings[index], 560, 640, _colorTable[32767]); p += 640 * fontGetLineHeight(); } } } } windowRefresh(win); colorPaletteLoad("art\\intrface\\death.pal"); paletteFadeTo(_cmap); _main_death_voiceover_done = false; speechSetEndCallback(_main_death_voiceover_callback); unsigned int delay; if (speechLoad(deathFileName, 10, 14, 15) == -1) { delay = 3000; } else { delay = UINT_MAX; } _gsound_speech_play_preloaded(); // SFALL: Fix the playback of the speech sound file for the death // screen. coreDelay(100); unsigned int time = _get_time(); int keyCode; do { keyCode = _get_input(); } while (keyCode == -1 && !_main_death_voiceover_done && getTicksSince(time) < delay); speechSetEndCallback(NULL); speechDelete(); while (mouseGetEvent() != 0) { _get_input(); } if (keyCode == -1) { coreDelayProcessingEvents(500); } paletteFadeTo(gPaletteBlack); colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); } while (0); windowDestroy(win); } if (oldCursorIsHidden) { mouseHideCursor(); } gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); colorCycleEnable(); } // 0x4814A8 void _main_death_voiceover_callback() { _main_death_voiceover_done = true; } // Read endgame subtitle. // // 0x4814B4 int _mainDeathGrabTextFile(const char* fileName, char* dest) { const char* p = strrchr(fileName, '\\'); if (p == NULL) { return -1; } char* language = NULL; if (!configGetString(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_KEY, &language)) { debugPrint("MAIN: Error grabing language for ending. Defaulting to english.\n"); language = _aEnglish_2; } char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(path, "text\\%s\\cuts\\%s%s", language, p + 1, ".TXT"); File* stream = fileOpen(path, "rt"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } while (true) { int c = fileReadChar(stream); if (c == -1) { break; } if (c == '\n') { c = ' '; } *dest++ = (c & 0xFF); } fileClose(stream); *dest = '\0'; return 0; } // 0x481598 int _mainDeathWordWrap(char* text, int width, short* beginnings, short* count) { // TODO: Probably wrong. while (true) { char* p = text; while (*p != ':') { if (*p != '\0') { p++; if (*p == ':') { break; } if (*p != '\0') { continue; } } p = NULL; break; } if (p == NULL) { break; } if (p - 1 < text) { break; } p[0] = ' '; p[-1] = ' '; } if (wordWrap(text, width, beginnings, count) == -1) { return -1; } // TODO: Probably wrong. *count -= 1; for (int index = 1; index < *count; index++) { char* p = text + beginnings[index]; while (p >= text && *p != ' ') { p--; beginnings[index]--; } if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; beginnings[index]++; } } return 0; } // 0x481650 int mainMenuWindowInit() { int fid; MessageListItem msg; int len; if (gMainMenuWindowInitialized) { return 0; } colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); int mainMenuWindowX = (screenGetWidth() - MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2; int mainMenuWindowY = (screenGetHeight() - MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2; gMainMenuWindow = windowCreate(mainMenuWindowX, mainMenuWindowY, MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_WIDTH, MAIN_MENU_WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, WINDOW_HIDDEN | WINDOW_FLAG_0x04); if (gMainMenuWindow == -1) { mainMenuWindowFree(); return -1; } gMainMenuWindowBuffer = windowGetBuffer(gMainMenuWindow); // mainmenu.frm int backgroundFid = buildFid(6, 140, 0, 0, 0); gMainMenuBackgroundFrmData = artLockFrameData(backgroundFid, 0, 0, &gMainMenuBackgroundFrmHandle); if (gMainMenuBackgroundFrmData == NULL) { mainMenuWindowFree(); return -1; } blitBufferToBuffer(gMainMenuBackgroundFrmData, 640, 480, 640, gMainMenuWindowBuffer, 640); artUnlock(gMainMenuBackgroundFrmHandle); int oldFont = fontGetCurrent(); fontSetCurrent(100); // SFALL: Allow to change font color/flags of copyright/version text // It's the last byte ('3C' by default) that picks the colour used. The first byte supplies additional flags for this option // 0x1 - change the color for version string only // 0x2 - underline text (only for the version string) // 0x4 - monospace font (only for the version string) int fontSettings = _colorTable[21091], fontSettingsSFall = 0; configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_MAIN_MENU_FONT_COLOR, &fontSettingsSFall); if (fontSettingsSFall && !(fontSettingsSFall & 0x010000)) fontSettings = fontSettingsSFall & 0xFF; // Copyright. msg.num = 20; if (messageListGetItem(&gMiscMessageList, &msg)) { windowDrawText(gMainMenuWindow, msg.text, 0, 15, 460, fontSettings | 0x06000000); } // SFALL: Make sure font settings are applied when using 0x1 flag if (fontSettingsSFall) fontSettings = fontSettingsSFall; // Version. char version[VERSION_MAX]; versionGetVersion(version); len = fontGetStringWidth(version); windowDrawText(gMainMenuWindow, version, 0, 615 - len, 460, fontSettings | 0x06000000); // menuup.frm fid = buildFid(6, 299, 0, 0, 0); gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gMainMenuButtonUpFrmHandle); if (gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData == NULL) { mainMenuWindowFree(); return -1; } // menudown.frm fid = buildFid(6, 300, 0, 0, 0); gMainMenuButtonDownFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gMainMenuButtonDownFrmHandle); if (gMainMenuButtonDownFrmData == NULL) { mainMenuWindowFree(); return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT; index++) { gMainMenuButtons[index] = -1; } for (int index = 0; index < MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT; index++) { gMainMenuButtons[index] = buttonCreate(gMainMenuWindow, 30, 19 + index * 42 - index, 26, 26, -1, -1, 1111, gMainMenuButtonKeyBindings[index], gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData, gMainMenuButtonDownFrmData, 0, 32); if (gMainMenuButtons[index] == -1) { mainMenuWindowFree(); return -1; } buttonSetMask(gMainMenuButtons[index], gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData); } fontSetCurrent(104); // SFALL: Allow to change font color of buttons fontSettings = _colorTable[21091]; fontSettingsSFall = 0; configGetInt(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_MAIN_MENU_BIG_FONT_COLOR, &fontSettingsSFall); if (fontSettingsSFall) fontSettings = fontSettingsSFall & 0xFF; for (int index = 0; index < MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT; index++) { msg.num = 9 + index; if (messageListGetItem(&gMiscMessageList, &msg)) { len = fontGetStringWidth(msg.text); fontDrawText(gMainMenuWindowBuffer + 640 * (42 * index - index + 20) + 126 - (len / 2), msg.text, 640 - (126 - (len / 2)) - 1, 640, fontSettings); } } fontSetCurrent(oldFont); gMainMenuWindowInitialized = true; gMainMenuWindowHidden = true; return 0; } // 0x481968 void mainMenuWindowFree() { if (!gMainMenuWindowInitialized) { return; } for (int index = 0; index < MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT; index++) { // FIXME: Why it tries to free only invalid buttons? if (gMainMenuButtons[index] == -1) { buttonDestroy(gMainMenuButtons[index]); } } if (gMainMenuButtonDownFrmData) { artUnlock(gMainMenuButtonDownFrmHandle); gMainMenuButtonDownFrmHandle = NULL; gMainMenuButtonDownFrmData = NULL; } if (gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData) { artUnlock(gMainMenuButtonUpFrmHandle); gMainMenuButtonUpFrmHandle = NULL; gMainMenuButtonUpFrmData = NULL; } if (gMainMenuWindow != -1) { windowDestroy(gMainMenuWindow); } gMainMenuWindowInitialized = false; } // 0x481A00 void mainMenuWindowHide(bool animate) { if (!gMainMenuWindowInitialized) { return; } if (gMainMenuWindowHidden) { return; } soundContinueAll(); if (animate) { paletteFadeTo(gPaletteBlack); soundContinueAll(); } windowHide(gMainMenuWindow); gMainMenuWindowHidden = true; } // 0x481A48 void mainMenuWindowUnhide(bool animate) { if (!gMainMenuWindowInitialized) { return; } if (!gMainMenuWindowHidden) { return; } windowUnhide(gMainMenuWindow); if (animate) { colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); paletteFadeTo(_cmap); } gMainMenuWindowHidden = false; } // 0x481AA8 int _main_menu_is_enabled() { return 1; } // 0x481AEC int mainMenuWindowHandleEvents(FpsLimiter& fpsLimiter) { _in_main_menu = true; bool oldCursorIsHidden = cursorIsHidden(); if (oldCursorIsHidden) { mouseShowCursor(); } unsigned int tick = _get_time(); int rc = -1; while (rc == -1) { fpsLimiter.mark(); int keyCode = _get_input(); for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_COUNT; buttonIndex++) { if (keyCode == gMainMenuButtonKeyBindings[buttonIndex] || keyCode == toupper(gMainMenuButtonKeyBindings[buttonIndex])) { soundPlayFile("nmselec1"); rc = _return_values[buttonIndex]; if (buttonIndex == MAIN_MENU_BUTTON_CREDITS && (gPressedPhysicalKeys[SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT] != KEY_STATE_UP || gPressedPhysicalKeys[SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT] != KEY_STATE_UP)) { rc = MAIN_MENU_QUOTES; } break; } } if (rc == -1) { if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_R) { rc = MAIN_MENU_SELFRUN; continue; } else if (keyCode == KEY_PLUS || keyCode == KEY_EQUAL) { brightnessIncrease(); } else if (keyCode == KEY_MINUS || keyCode == KEY_UNDERSCORE) { brightnessDecrease(); } else if (keyCode == KEY_UPPERCASE_D || keyCode == KEY_LOWERCASE_D) { rc = MAIN_MENU_3; continue; } else if (keyCode == 1111) { if (!(mouseGetEvent() & MOUSE_EVENT_LEFT_BUTTON_REPEAT)) { soundPlayFile("nmselec0"); } continue; } } if (keyCode == KEY_ESCAPE || _game_user_wants_to_quit == 3) { rc = MAIN_MENU_EXIT; soundPlayFile("nmselec1"); break; } else if (_game_user_wants_to_quit == 2) { _game_user_wants_to_quit = 0; } else { if (getTicksSince(tick) >= gMainMenuScreensaverDelay) { rc = MAIN_MENU_TIMEOUT; } } fpsLimiter.throttle(); } if (oldCursorIsHidden) { mouseHideCursor(); } _in_main_menu = false; return rc; }