#include "game_movie.h" #include #include #include "color.h" #include "core.h" #include "cycle.h" #include "debug.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_config.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "movie.h" #include "movie_effect.h" #include "palette.h" #include "platform_compat.h" #include "text_font.h" #include "window_manager.h" namespace fallout { #define GAME_MOVIE_WINDOW_WIDTH 640 #define GAME_MOVIE_WINDOW_HEIGHT 480 static char* gameMovieBuildSubtitlesFilePath(char* movieFilePath); // 0x50352A static const float flt_50352A = 0.032258064f; // 0x518DA0 static const char* gMovieFileNames[MOVIE_COUNT] = { "iplogo.mve", "intro.mve", "elder.mve", "vsuit.mve", "afailed.mve", "adestroy.mve", "car.mve", "cartucci.mve", "timeout.mve", "tanker.mve", "enclave.mve", "derrick.mve", "artimer1.mve", "artimer2.mve", "artimer3.mve", "artimer4.mve", "credits.mve", }; // 0x518DE4 static const char* gMoviePaletteFilePaths[MOVIE_COUNT] = { NULL, "art\\cuts\\introsub.pal", "art\\cuts\\eldersub.pal", NULL, "art\\cuts\\artmrsub.pal", NULL, NULL, NULL, "art\\cuts\\artmrsub.pal", NULL, NULL, NULL, "art\\cuts\\artmrsub.pal", "art\\cuts\\artmrsub.pal", "art\\cuts\\artmrsub.pal", "art\\cuts\\artmrsub.pal", "art\\cuts\\crdtssub.pal", }; // 0x518E28 static bool gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; // 0x518E2C static bool gGameMovieFaded = false; // 0x596C78 static unsigned char gGameMoviesSeen[MOVIE_COUNT]; // 0x596C89 static char gGameMovieSubtitlesFilePath[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; // gmovie_init // 0x44E5C0 int gameMoviesInit() { int v1 = 0; if (backgroundSoundIsEnabled()) { v1 = backgroundSoundGetVolume(); } movieSetVolume(v1); movieSetBuildSubtitleFilePathProc(gameMovieBuildSubtitlesFilePath); memset(gGameMoviesSeen, 0, sizeof(gGameMoviesSeen)); gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; gGameMovieFaded = false; return 0; } // 0x44E60C void gameMoviesReset() { memset(gGameMoviesSeen, 0, sizeof(gGameMoviesSeen)); gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; gGameMovieFaded = false; } // 0x44E638 int gameMoviesLoad(File* stream) { if (fileRead(gGameMoviesSeen, sizeof(*gGameMoviesSeen), MOVIE_COUNT, stream) != MOVIE_COUNT) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x44E664 int gameMoviesSave(File* stream) { if (fileWrite(gGameMoviesSeen, sizeof(*gGameMoviesSeen), MOVIE_COUNT, stream) != MOVIE_COUNT) { return -1; } return 0; } // gmovie_play // 0x44E690 int gameMoviePlay(int movie, int flags) { gGameMovieIsPlaying = true; const char* movieFileName = gMovieFileNames[movie]; debugPrint("\nPlaying movie: %s\n", movieFileName); char* language; if (!configGetString(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_SYSTEM_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_KEY, &language)) { debugPrint("\ngmovie_play() - Error: Unable to determine language!\n"); gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; return -1; } char movieFilePath[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; int movieFileSize; bool movieFound = false; if (compat_stricmp(language, ENGLISH) != 0) { sprintf(movieFilePath, "art\\%s\\cuts\\%s", language, gMovieFileNames[movie]); movieFound = dbGetFileSize(movieFilePath, &movieFileSize) == 0; } if (!movieFound) { sprintf(movieFilePath, "art\\cuts\\%s", gMovieFileNames[movie]); movieFound = dbGetFileSize(movieFilePath, &movieFileSize) == 0; } if (!movieFound) { debugPrint("\ngmovie_play() - Error: Unable to open %s\n", gMovieFileNames[movie]); gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; return -1; } if ((flags & GAME_MOVIE_FADE_IN) != 0) { paletteFadeTo(gPaletteBlack); gGameMovieFaded = true; } int gameMovieWindowX = (screenGetWidth() - GAME_MOVIE_WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2; int gameMovieWindowY = (screenGetHeight() - GAME_MOVIE_WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2; int win = windowCreate(gameMovieWindowX, gameMovieWindowY, GAME_MOVIE_WINDOW_WIDTH, GAME_MOVIE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, WINDOW_FLAG_0x10); if (win == -1) { gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; return -1; } if ((flags & GAME_MOVIE_STOP_MUSIC) != 0) { backgroundSoundDelete(); } else if ((flags & GAME_MOVIE_PAUSE_MUSIC) != 0) { backgroundSoundPause(); } windowRefresh(win); bool subtitlesEnabled = false; int v1 = 4; configGetBool(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_SUBTITLES_KEY, &subtitlesEnabled); if (subtitlesEnabled) { char* subtitlesFilePath = gameMovieBuildSubtitlesFilePath(movieFilePath); int subtitlesFileSize; if (dbGetFileSize(subtitlesFilePath, &subtitlesFileSize) == 0) { v1 = 12; } else { subtitlesEnabled = false; } } movieSetFlags(v1); int oldTextColor; int oldFont; if (subtitlesEnabled) { const char* subtitlesPaletteFilePath; if (gMoviePaletteFilePaths[movie] != NULL) { subtitlesPaletteFilePath = gMoviePaletteFilePaths[movie]; } else { subtitlesPaletteFilePath = "art\\cuts\\subtitle.pal"; } colorPaletteLoad(subtitlesPaletteFilePath); oldTextColor = windowGetTextColor(); windowSetTextColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); oldFont = fontGetCurrent(); windowSetFont(101); } bool cursorWasHidden = cursorIsHidden(); if (cursorWasHidden) { gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_NONE); mouseShowCursor(); } while (mouseGetEvent() != 0) { _mouse_info(); } mouseHideCursor(); colorCycleDisable(); movieEffectsLoad(movieFilePath); _zero_vid_mem(); _movieRun(win, movieFilePath); int v11 = 0; int buttons; do { if (!_moviePlaying() || _game_user_wants_to_quit || _get_input() != -1) { break; } int x; int y; _mouse_get_raw_state(&x, &y, &buttons); v11 |= buttons; } while (((v11 & 1) == 0 && (v11 & 2) == 0) || (buttons & 1) != 0 || (buttons & 2) != 0); _movieStop(); _moviefx_stop(); _movieUpdate(); paletteSetEntries(gPaletteBlack); gGameMoviesSeen[movie] = 1; colorCycleEnable(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); if (!cursorWasHidden) { mouseShowCursor(); } if (subtitlesEnabled) { colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); windowSetFont(oldFont); float r = (float)((_Color2RGB_(oldTextColor) & 0x7C00) >> 10) * flt_50352A; float g = (float)((_Color2RGB_(oldTextColor) & 0x3E0) >> 5) * flt_50352A; float b = (float)(_Color2RGB_(oldTextColor) & 0x1F) * flt_50352A; windowSetTextColor(r, g, b); } windowDestroy(win); if ((flags & GAME_MOVIE_PAUSE_MUSIC) != 0) { backgroundSoundResume(); } if ((flags & GAME_MOVIE_FADE_OUT) != 0) { if (!subtitlesEnabled) { colorPaletteLoad("color.pal"); } paletteFadeTo(_cmap); gGameMovieFaded = false; } gGameMovieIsPlaying = false; return 0; } // 0x44EAE4 void gameMovieFadeOut() { if (gGameMovieFaded) { paletteFadeTo(_cmap); gGameMovieFaded = false; } } // 0x44EB04 bool gameMovieIsSeen(int movie) { return gGameMoviesSeen[movie] == 1; } // 0x44EB14 bool gameMovieIsPlaying() { return gGameMovieIsPlaying; } // 0x44EB1C static char* gameMovieBuildSubtitlesFilePath(char* movieFilePath) { char* language; configGetString(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_SYSTEM_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_KEY, &language); char* path = movieFilePath; char* separator = strrchr(path, '\\'); if (separator != NULL) { path = separator + 1; } sprintf(gGameMovieSubtitlesFilePath, "text\\%s\\cuts\\%s", language, path); char* pch = strrchr(gGameMovieSubtitlesFilePath, '.'); if (*pch != '\0') { *pch = '\0'; } strcpy(gGameMovieSubtitlesFilePath + strlen(gGameMovieSubtitlesFilePath), ".SVE"); return gGameMovieSubtitlesFilePath; } } // namespace fallout