#include "display_monitor.h" #include #include #include "art.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "core.h" #include "draw.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "interface.h" #include "memory.h" #include "sfall_config.h" #include "text_font.h" #include "window_manager.h" namespace fallout { // The maximum number of lines display monitor can hold. Once this value // is reached earlier messages are thrown away. #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINES_CAPACITY (100) // The maximum length of a string in display monitor (in characters). #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH (80) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_X (23) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y (24) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH (167) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT (60) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_HALF_HEIGHT (DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT / 2) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_FONT (101) #define DISPLAY_MONITOR_BEEP_DELAY (500U) static void display_clear(); static void displayMonitorRefresh(); static void displayMonitorScrollUpOnMouseDown(int btn, int keyCode); static void displayMonitorScrollDownOnMouseDown(int btn, int keyCode); static void displayMonitorScrollUpOnMouseEnter(int btn, int keyCode); static void displayMonitorScrollDownOnMouseEnter(int btn, int keyCode); static void displayMonitorOnMouseExit(int btn, int keyCode); static void consoleFileInit(); static void consoleFileReset(); static void consoleFileExit(); static void consoleFileAddMessage(const char* message); static void consoleFileFlush(); // 0x51850C static bool gDisplayMonitorInitialized = false; // The rectangle that display monitor occupies in the main interface window. // // 0x518510 static const Rect gDisplayMonitorRect = { DISPLAY_MONITOR_X, DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y, DISPLAY_MONITOR_X + DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH - 1, DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y + DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT - 1, }; // 0x518520 static int gDisplayMonitorScrollDownButton = -1; // 0x518524 static int gDisplayMonitorScrollUpButton = -1; // 0x56DBFC static char gDisplayMonitorLines[DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINES_CAPACITY][DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH]; // 0x56FB3C static unsigned char* gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData; // 0x56FB40 static int _max_disp; // 0x56FB44 static bool gDisplayMonitorEnabled; // 0x56FB48 static int _disp_curr; // 0x56FB4C static int _intface_full_width; // 0x56FB50 static int gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; // 0x56FB54 static int _disp_start; // 0x56FB58 static unsigned int gDisplayMonitorLastBeepTimestamp; static std::ofstream gConsoleFileStream; static int gConsoleFilePrintCount = 0; // 0x431610 int displayMonitorInit() { if (!gDisplayMonitorInitialized) { int oldFont = fontGetCurrent(); fontSetCurrent(DISPLAY_MONITOR_FONT); gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity = DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINES_CAPACITY; _max_disp = DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT / fontGetLineHeight(); _disp_start = 0; _disp_curr = 0; fontSetCurrent(oldFont); gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc(DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH * DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT); if (gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } CacheEntry* backgroundFrmHandle; int backgroundFid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_INTERFACE, 16, 0, 0, 0); Art* backgroundFrm = artLock(backgroundFid, &backgroundFrmHandle); if (backgroundFrm == NULL) { internal_free(gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData); return -1; } unsigned char* backgroundFrmData = artGetFrameData(backgroundFrm, 0, 0); _intface_full_width = artGetWidth(backgroundFrm, 0, 0); blitBufferToBuffer(backgroundFrmData + _intface_full_width * DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y + DISPLAY_MONITOR_X, DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH, DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT, _intface_full_width, gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData, DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH); artUnlock(backgroundFrmHandle); gDisplayMonitorScrollUpButton = buttonCreate(gInterfaceBarWindow, DISPLAY_MONITOR_X, DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y, DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH, DISPLAY_MONITOR_HALF_HEIGHT, -1, -1, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (gDisplayMonitorScrollUpButton != -1) { buttonSetMouseCallbacks(gDisplayMonitorScrollUpButton, displayMonitorScrollUpOnMouseEnter, displayMonitorOnMouseExit, displayMonitorScrollUpOnMouseDown, NULL); } gDisplayMonitorScrollDownButton = buttonCreate(gInterfaceBarWindow, DISPLAY_MONITOR_X, DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y + DISPLAY_MONITOR_HALF_HEIGHT, DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH, DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT - DISPLAY_MONITOR_HALF_HEIGHT, -1, -1, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (gDisplayMonitorScrollDownButton != -1) { buttonSetMouseCallbacks(gDisplayMonitorScrollDownButton, displayMonitorScrollDownOnMouseEnter, displayMonitorOnMouseExit, displayMonitorScrollDownOnMouseDown, NULL); } gDisplayMonitorEnabled = true; gDisplayMonitorInitialized = true; // NOTE: Uninline. display_clear(); // SFALL consoleFileInit(); } return 0; } // 0x431800 int displayMonitorReset() { // NOTE: Uninline. display_clear(); // SFALL consoleFileReset(); return 0; } // 0x43184C void displayMonitorExit() { if (gDisplayMonitorInitialized) { // SFALL consoleFileExit(); internal_free(gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData); gDisplayMonitorInitialized = false; } } // 0x43186C void displayMonitorAddMessage(char* str) { if (!gDisplayMonitorInitialized) { return; } // SFALL consoleFileAddMessage(str); int oldFont = fontGetCurrent(); fontSetCurrent(DISPLAY_MONITOR_FONT); char knob = '\x95'; char knobString[2]; knobString[0] = knob; knobString[1] = '\0'; int knobWidth = fontGetStringWidth(knobString); if (!isInCombat()) { unsigned int now = _get_bk_time(); if (getTicksBetween(now, gDisplayMonitorLastBeepTimestamp) >= DISPLAY_MONITOR_BEEP_DELAY) { gDisplayMonitorLastBeepTimestamp = now; soundPlayFile("monitor"); } } // TODO: Refactor these two loops. char* v1 = NULL; while (true) { while (fontGetStringWidth(str) < DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH - _max_disp - knobWidth) { char* temp = gDisplayMonitorLines[_disp_start]; int length; if (knob != '\0') { *temp++ = knob; length = DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH - 2; knob = '\0'; knobWidth = 0; } else { length = DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH - 1; } strncpy(temp, str, length); gDisplayMonitorLines[_disp_start][DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH - 1] = '\0'; _disp_start = (_disp_start + 1) % gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; if (v1 == NULL) { fontSetCurrent(oldFont); _disp_curr = _disp_start; displayMonitorRefresh(); return; } str = v1 + 1; *v1 = ' '; v1 = NULL; } char* space = strrchr(str, ' '); if (space == NULL) { break; } if (v1 != NULL) { *v1 = ' '; } v1 = space; if (space != NULL) { *space = '\0'; } } char* temp = gDisplayMonitorLines[_disp_start]; int length; if (knob != '\0') { temp++; gDisplayMonitorLines[_disp_start][0] = knob; length = DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH - 2; knob = '\0'; } else { length = DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH - 1; } strncpy(temp, str, length); gDisplayMonitorLines[_disp_start][DISPLAY_MONITOR_LINE_LENGTH - 1] = '\0'; _disp_start = (_disp_start + 1) % gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; fontSetCurrent(oldFont); _disp_curr = _disp_start; displayMonitorRefresh(); } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x431A2C static void display_clear() { int index; if (gDisplayMonitorInitialized) { for (index = 0; index < gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; index++) { gDisplayMonitorLines[index][0] = '\0'; } _disp_start = 0; _disp_curr = 0; displayMonitorRefresh(); } } // 0x431A78 static void displayMonitorRefresh() { if (!gDisplayMonitorInitialized) { return; } unsigned char* buf = windowGetBuffer(gInterfaceBarWindow); if (buf == NULL) { return; } buf += _intface_full_width * DISPLAY_MONITOR_Y + DISPLAY_MONITOR_X; blitBufferToBuffer(gDisplayMonitorBackgroundFrmData, DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH, DISPLAY_MONITOR_HEIGHT, DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH, buf, _intface_full_width); int oldFont = fontGetCurrent(); fontSetCurrent(DISPLAY_MONITOR_FONT); for (int index = 0; index < _max_disp; index++) { int stringIndex = (_disp_curr + gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity + index - _max_disp) % gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; fontDrawText(buf + index * _intface_full_width * fontGetLineHeight(), gDisplayMonitorLines[stringIndex], DISPLAY_MONITOR_WIDTH, _intface_full_width, _colorTable[992]); // Even though the display monitor is rectangular, it's graphic is not. // To give a feel of depth it's covered by some metal canopy and // considered inclined outwards. This way earlier messages appear a // little bit far from player's perspective. To implement this small // detail the destination buffer is incremented by 1. buf++; } windowRefreshRect(gInterfaceBarWindow, &gDisplayMonitorRect); fontSetCurrent(oldFont); } // 0x431B70 static void displayMonitorScrollUpOnMouseDown(int btn, int keyCode) { if ((gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity + _disp_curr - 1) % gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity != _disp_start) { _disp_curr = (gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity + _disp_curr - 1) % gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; displayMonitorRefresh(); } } // 0x431B9C static void displayMonitorScrollDownOnMouseDown(int btn, int keyCode) { if (_disp_curr != _disp_start) { _disp_curr = (_disp_curr + 1) % gDisplayMonitorLinesCapacity; displayMonitorRefresh(); } } // 0x431BC8 static void displayMonitorScrollUpOnMouseEnter(int btn, int keyCode) { gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_SMALL_ARROW_UP); } // 0x431BD4 static void displayMonitorScrollDownOnMouseEnter(int btn, int keyCode) { gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_SMALL_ARROW_DOWN); } // 0x431BE0 static void displayMonitorOnMouseExit(int btn, int keyCode) { gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); } // 0x431BEC void displayMonitorDisable() { if (gDisplayMonitorEnabled) { buttonDisable(gDisplayMonitorScrollDownButton); buttonDisable(gDisplayMonitorScrollUpButton); gDisplayMonitorEnabled = false; } } // 0x431C14 void displayMonitorEnable() { if (!gDisplayMonitorEnabled) { buttonEnable(gDisplayMonitorScrollDownButton); buttonEnable(gDisplayMonitorScrollUpButton); gDisplayMonitorEnabled = true; } } static void consoleFileInit() { char* consoleFilePath; configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_FILE_KEY, &consoleFilePath); if (consoleFilePath != NULL && *consoleFilePath == '\0') { consoleFilePath = NULL; } if (consoleFilePath != NULL) { gConsoleFileStream.open(consoleFilePath); } } static void consoleFileReset() { if (gConsoleFileStream.is_open()) { gConsoleFilePrintCount = 0; gConsoleFileStream.flush(); } } static void consoleFileExit() { if (gConsoleFileStream.is_open()) { gConsoleFileStream.close(); } } static void consoleFileAddMessage(const char* message) { if (gConsoleFileStream.is_open()) { gConsoleFileStream << message << '\n'; gConsoleFilePrintCount++; if (gConsoleFilePrintCount >= 20) { consoleFileFlush(); } } } static void consoleFileFlush() { if (gConsoleFileStream.is_open()) { gConsoleFilePrintCount = 0; gConsoleFileStream.flush(); } } } // namespace fallout