#include "sfall_opcodes.h" #include #include "animation.h" #include "art.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "dbox.h" #include "debug.h" #include "game.h" #include "input.h" #include "interface.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include "item.h" #include "memory.h" #include "message.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "object.h" #include "party_member.h" #include "proto.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "sfall_arrays.h" #include "sfall_global_scripts.h" #include "sfall_global_vars.h" #include "sfall_ini.h" #include "sfall_kb_helpers.h" #include "sfall_lists.h" #include "sfall_metarules.h" #include "stat.h" #include "svga.h" #include "tile.h" #include "worldmap.h" namespace fallout { typedef enum ExplosionMetarule { EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_PATTERN = 1, EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_ART = 2, EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_RADIUS = 3, EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_DMGTYPE = 4, EXPL_STATIC_EXPLOSION_RADIUS = 5, EXPL_GET_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE = 6, EXPL_SET_DYNAMITE_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE = 7, EXPL_SET_PLASTIC_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE = 8, EXPL_SET_EXPLOSION_MAX_TARGET = 9, } ExplosionMetarule; static constexpr int kVersionMajor = 4; static constexpr int kVersionMinor = 3; static constexpr int kVersionPatch = 4; // read_byte static void opReadByte(Program* program) { int addr = programStackPopInteger(program); int value = 0; switch (addr) { case 0x56D38C: value = combatGetTargetHighlight(); break; default: debugPrint("%s: attempt to 'read_byte' at 0x%x", program->name, addr); break; } programStackPushInteger(program, value); } // set_pc_base_stat static void op_set_pc_base_stat(Program* program) { // CE: Implementation is different. Sfall changes value directly on the // dude's proto, without calling |critterSetBaseStat|. This function has // important call to update derived stats, which is not present in Sfall. int value = programStackPopInteger(program); int stat = programStackPopInteger(program); critterSetBaseStat(gDude, stat, value); } // set_pc_extra_stat static void opSetPcBonusStat(Program* program) { // CE: Implementation is different. Sfall changes value directly on the // dude's proto, without calling |critterSetBonusStat|. This function has // important call to update derived stats, which is not present in Sfall. int value = programStackPopInteger(program); int stat = programStackPopInteger(program); critterSetBonusStat(gDude, stat, value); } // get_pc_base_stat static void op_get_pc_base_stat(Program* program) { // CE: Implementation is different. Sfall obtains value directly from // dude's proto. This can have unforeseen consequences when dealing with // current stats. int stat = programStackPopInteger(program); programStackPushInteger(program, critterGetBaseStat(gDude, stat)); } // get_pc_extra_stat static void opGetPcBonusStat(Program* program) { int stat = programStackPopInteger(program); int value = critterGetBonusStat(gDude, stat); programStackPushInteger(program, value); } // tap_key static void op_tap_key(Program* program) { int key = programStackPopInteger(program); sfall_kb_press_key(key); } // get_year static void op_get_year(Program* program) { int year; gameTimeGetDate(nullptr, nullptr, &year); programStackPushInteger(program, year); } // game_loaded static void op_game_loaded(Program* program) { bool loaded = sfall_gl_scr_is_loaded(program); programStackPushInteger(program, loaded ? 1 : 0); } // set_global_script_repeat static void op_set_global_script_repeat(Program* program) { int frames = programStackPopInteger(program); sfall_gl_scr_set_repeat(program, frames); } // key_pressed static void op_key_pressed(Program* program) { int key = programStackPopInteger(program); bool pressed = sfall_kb_is_key_pressed(key); programStackPushInteger(program, pressed ? 1 : 0); } // in_world_map static void op_in_world_map(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, GameMode::isInGameMode(GameMode::kWorldmap) ? 1 : 0); } // force_encounter static void op_force_encounter(Program* program) { int map = programStackPopInteger(program); wmForceEncounter(map, 0); } // set_world_map_pos static void op_set_world_map_pos(Program* program) { int y = programStackPopInteger(program); int x = programStackPopInteger(program); wmSetPartyWorldPos(x, y); } // active_hand static void opGetCurrentHand(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, interfaceGetCurrentHand()); } // set_global_script_type static void op_set_global_script_type(Program* program) { int type = programStackPopInteger(program); sfall_gl_scr_set_type(program, type); } // set_sfall_global static void opSetGlobalVar(Program* program) { ProgramValue value = programStackPopValue(program); ProgramValue variable = programStackPopValue(program); if ((variable.opcode & VALUE_TYPE_MASK) == VALUE_TYPE_STRING) { const char* key = programGetString(program, variable.opcode, variable.integerValue); sfall_gl_vars_store(key, value.integerValue); } else if (variable.opcode == VALUE_TYPE_INT) { sfall_gl_vars_store(variable.integerValue, value.integerValue); } } // get_sfall_global_int static void opGetGlobalInt(Program* program) { ProgramValue variable = programStackPopValue(program); int value = 0; if ((variable.opcode & VALUE_TYPE_MASK) == VALUE_TYPE_STRING) { const char* key = programGetString(program, variable.opcode, variable.integerValue); sfall_gl_vars_fetch(key, value); } else if (variable.opcode == VALUE_TYPE_INT) { sfall_gl_vars_fetch(variable.integerValue, value); } programStackPushInteger(program, value); } // get_ini_setting static void op_get_ini_setting(Program* program) { const char* string = programStackPopString(program); int value; if (sfall_ini_get_int(string, &value)) { programStackPushInteger(program, value); } else { programStackPushInteger(program, -1); } } // get_game_mode static void opGetGameMode(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, GameMode::getCurrentGameMode()); } // get_uptime static void op_get_uptime(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, getTicks()); } // set_car_current_town static void op_set_car_current_town(Program* program) { int area = programStackPopInteger(program); wmCarSetCurrentArea(area); } // get_bodypart_hit_modifier static void op_get_bodypart_hit_modifier(Program* program) { int hit_location = programStackPopInteger(program); programStackPushInteger(program, combat_get_hit_location_penalty(hit_location)); } // set_bodypart_hit_modifier static void op_set_bodypart_hit_modifier(Program* program) { int penalty = programStackPopInteger(program); int hit_location = programStackPopInteger(program); combat_set_hit_location_penalty(hit_location, penalty); } // get_ini_string static void op_get_ini_string(Program* program) { const char* string = programStackPopString(program); char value[256]; if (sfall_ini_get_string(string, value, sizeof(value))) { programStackPushString(program, value); } else { programStackPushInteger(program, -1); } } // sqrt static void op_sqrt(Program* program) { ProgramValue programValue = programStackPopValue(program); programStackPushFloat(program, sqrtf(programValue.asFloat())); } // abs static void op_abs(Program* program) { ProgramValue programValue = programStackPopValue(program); if (programValue.isInt()) { programStackPushInteger(program, abs(programValue.integerValue)); } else { programStackPushFloat(program, abs(programValue.asFloat())); } } // get_script static void op_get_script(Program* program) { Object* obj = static_cast(programStackPopPointer(program)); programStackPushInteger(program, obj->field_80 + 1); } // get_proto_data static void op_get_proto_data(Program* program) { size_t offset = static_cast(programStackPopInteger(program)); int pid = programStackPopInteger(program); Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(pid, &proto) != 0) { debugPrint("op_get_proto_data: bad proto %d", pid); programStackPushInteger(program, -1); return; } // CE: Make sure the requested offset is within memory bounds and is // properly aligned. if (offset + sizeof(int) > proto_size(PID_TYPE(pid)) || offset % sizeof(int) != 0) { debugPrint("op_get_proto_data: bad offset %d", offset); programStackPushInteger(program, -1); return; } int value = *reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(proto) + offset); programStackPushInteger(program, value); } // set_proto_data static void op_set_proto_data(Program* program) { int value = programStackPopInteger(program); size_t offset = static_cast(programStackPopInteger(program)); int pid = programStackPopInteger(program); Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(pid, &proto) != 0) { debugPrint("op_set_proto_data: bad proto %d", pid); programStackPushInteger(program, -1); return; } // CE: Make sure the requested offset is within memory bounds and is // properly aligned. if (offset + sizeof(int) > proto_size(PID_TYPE(pid)) || offset % sizeof(int) != 0) { debugPrint("op_set_proto_data: bad offset %d", offset); programStackPushInteger(program, -1); return; } *reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(proto) + offset) = value; } // list_begin static void opListBegin(Program* program) { int listType = programStackPopInteger(program); int listId = sfallListsCreate(listType); programStackPushInteger(program, listId); } // list_next static void opListNext(Program* program) { int listId = programStackPopInteger(program); Object* obj = sfallListsGetNext(listId); programStackPushPointer(program, obj); } // list_end static void opListEnd(Program* program) { int listId = programStackPopInteger(program); sfallListsDestroy(listId); } // sfall_ver_major static void opGetVersionMajor(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, kVersionMajor); } // sfall_ver_minor static void opGetVersionMinor(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, kVersionMinor); } // sfall_ver_build static void opGetVersionPatch(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, kVersionPatch); } // get_weapon_ammo_pid static void opGetWeaponAmmoPid(Program* program) { Object* obj = static_cast(programStackPopPointer(program)); int pid = -1; if (obj != nullptr) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { switch (itemGetType(obj)) { case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: pid = weaponGetAmmoTypePid(obj); break; case ITEM_TYPE_MISC: pid = miscItemGetPowerTypePid(obj); break; } } } programStackPushInteger(program, pid); } // There are two problems with this function. // // 1. Sfall's implementation changes ammo PID of misc items, which is impossible // since it's stored in proto, not in the object. // 2. Changing weapon's ammo PID is done without checking for ammo // quantity/capacity which can probably lead to bad things. // // set_weapon_ammo_pid static void opSetWeaponAmmoPid(Program* program) { int ammoTypePid = programStackPopInteger(program); Object* obj = static_cast(programStackPopPointer(program)); if (obj != nullptr) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { switch (itemGetType(obj)) { case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: obj->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid = ammoTypePid; break; } } } } // get_weapon_ammo_count static void opGetWeaponAmmoCount(Program* program) { Object* obj = static_cast(programStackPopPointer(program)); // CE: Implementation is different. int ammoQuantityOrCharges = 0; if (obj != nullptr) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { switch (itemGetType(obj)) { case ITEM_TYPE_AMMO: case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: ammoQuantityOrCharges = ammoGetQuantity(obj); break; case ITEM_TYPE_MISC: ammoQuantityOrCharges = miscItemGetCharges(obj); break; } } } programStackPushInteger(program, ammoQuantityOrCharges); } // set_weapon_ammo_count static void opSetWeaponAmmoCount(Program* program) { int ammoQuantityOrCharges = programStackPopInteger(program); Object* obj = static_cast(programStackPopPointer(program)); // CE: Implementation is different. if (obj != nullptr) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { switch (itemGetType(obj)) { case ITEM_TYPE_AMMO: case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: ammoSetQuantity(obj, ammoQuantityOrCharges); break; case ITEM_TYPE_MISC: miscItemSetCharges(obj, ammoQuantityOrCharges); break; } } } } // get_mouse_x static void opGetMouseX(Program* program) { int x; int y; mouseGetPosition(&x, &y); programStackPushInteger(program, x); } // get_mouse_y static void opGetMouseY(Program* program) { int x; int y; mouseGetPosition(&x, &y); programStackPushInteger(program, y); } // get_mouse_buttons static void op_get_mouse_buttons(Program* program) { // CE: Implementation is slightly different - it does not handle middle // mouse button. programStackPushInteger(program, mouse_get_last_buttons()); } // get_screen_width static void opGetScreenWidth(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, screenGetWidth()); } // get_screen_height static void opGetScreenHeight(Program* program) { programStackPushInteger(program, screenGetHeight()); } // create_message_window static void op_create_message_window(Program* program) { static bool showing = false; if (showing) { return; } const char* string = programStackPopString(program); if (string == nullptr || string[0] == '\0') { return; } char* copy = internal_strdup(string); const char* body[4]; int count = 0; char* pch = strchr(copy, '\n'); while (pch != nullptr && count < 4) { *pch = '\0'; body[count++] = pch + 1; pch = strchr(pch + 1, '\n'); } showing = true; showDialogBox(copy, body, count, 192, 116, _colorTable[32328], nullptr, _colorTable[32328], DIALOG_BOX_LARGE); showing = false; internal_free(copy); } // get_attack_type static void op_get_attack_type(Program* program) { int hit_mode; if (interface_get_current_attack_mode(&hit_mode)) { programStackPushInteger(program, hit_mode); } else { programStackPushInteger(program, -1); } } // force_encounter_with_flags static void op_force_encounter_with_flags(Program* program) { unsigned int flags = programStackPopInteger(program); int map = programStackPopInteger(program); wmForceEncounter(map, flags); } // list_as_array static void op_list_as_array(Program* program) { int type = programStackPopInteger(program); int arrayId = ListAsArray(type); programStackPushInteger(program, arrayId); } // atoi static void opParseInt(Program* program) { const char* string = programStackPopString(program); programStackPushInteger(program, static_cast(strtol(string, nullptr, 0))); } // atof static void op_atof(Program* program) { const char* string = programStackPopString(program); programStackPushFloat(program, static_cast(atof(string))); } // tile_under_cursor static void op_tile_under_cursor(Program* program) { int x; int y; mouseGetPosition(&x, &y); int tile = tileFromScreenXY(x, y, gElevation); programStackPushInteger(program, tile); } // substr static void opSubstr(Program* program) { auto length = programStackPopInteger(program); auto startPos = programStackPopInteger(program); const char* str = programStackPopString(program); char buf[5120] = { 0 }; int len = strlen(str); if (startPos < 0) { startPos += len; // start from end if (startPos < 0) { startPos = 0; } } if (length < 0) { length += len - startPos; // cutoff at end if (length == 0) { programStackPushString(program, buf); return; } length = abs(length); // length can't be negative } // check position if (startPos >= len) { // start position is out of string length, return empty string programStackPushString(program, buf); return; } if (length == 0 || length + startPos > len) { length = len - startPos; // set the correct length, the length of characters goes beyond the end of the string } if (length > sizeof(buf) - 1) { length = sizeof(buf) - 1; } memcpy(buf, &str[startPos], length); buf[length] = '\0'; programStackPushString(program, buf); } // strlen static void opGetStringLength(Program* program) { const char* string = programStackPopString(program); programStackPushInteger(program, static_cast(strlen(string))); } // metarule2_explosions static void op_explosions_metarule(Program* program) { int param2 = programStackPopInteger(program); int param1 = programStackPopInteger(program); int metarule = programStackPopInteger(program); switch (metarule) { case EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_PATTERN: if (param1 != 0) { explosionSetPattern(2, 4); } else { explosionSetPattern(0, 6); } programStackPushInteger(program, 0); break; case EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_ART: explosionSetFrm(param1); programStackPushInteger(program, 0); break; case EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_RADIUS: explosionSetRadius(param1); programStackPushInteger(program, 0); break; case EXPL_FORCE_EXPLOSION_DMGTYPE: explosionSetDamageType(param1); programStackPushInteger(program, 0); break; case EXPL_STATIC_EXPLOSION_RADIUS: weaponSetGrenadeExplosionRadius(param1); weaponSetRocketExplosionRadius(param2); programStackPushInteger(program, 0); break; case EXPL_GET_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE: if (1) { int minDamage; int maxDamage; explosiveGetDamage(param1, &minDamage, &maxDamage); ArrayId arrayId = CreateTempArray(2, 0); SetArray(arrayId, ProgramValue { 0 }, ProgramValue { minDamage }, false, program); SetArray(arrayId, ProgramValue { 1 }, ProgramValue { maxDamage }, false, program); programStackPushInteger(program, arrayId); } break; case EXPL_SET_DYNAMITE_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE: explosiveSetDamage(PROTO_ID_DYNAMITE_I, param1, param2); break; case EXPL_SET_PLASTIC_EXPLOSION_DAMAGE: explosiveSetDamage(PROTO_ID_PLASTIC_EXPLOSIVES_I, param1, param2); break; case EXPL_SET_EXPLOSION_MAX_TARGET: explosionSetMaxTargets(param1); break; } } // pow (^) static void op_power(Program* program) { ProgramValue expValue = programStackPopValue(program); ProgramValue baseValue = programStackPopValue(program); // CE: Implementation is slightly different, check. float result = powf(baseValue.asFloat(), expValue.asFloat()); if (baseValue.isInt() && expValue.isInt()) { programStackPushInteger(program, static_cast(result)); } else { programStackPushFloat(program, result); } } // message_str_game static void opGetMessage(Program* program) { int messageId = programStackPopInteger(program); int messageListId = programStackPopInteger(program); char* text = messageListRepositoryGetMsg(messageListId, messageId); programStackPushString(program, text); } // array_key static void opGetArrayKey(Program* program) { auto index = programStackPopInteger(program); auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); auto value = GetArrayKey(arrayId, index, program); programStackPushValue(program, value); } // create_array static void opCreateArray(Program* program) { auto flags = programStackPopInteger(program); auto len = programStackPopInteger(program); auto arrayId = CreateArray(len, flags); programStackPushInteger(program, arrayId); } // temp_array static void opTempArray(Program* program) { auto flags = programStackPopInteger(program); auto len = programStackPopInteger(program); auto arrayId = CreateTempArray(len, flags); programStackPushInteger(program, arrayId); } // fix_array static void opFixArray(Program* program) { auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); FixArray(arrayId); } // string_split static void opStringSplit(Program* program) { auto split = programStackPopString(program); auto str = programStackPopString(program); auto arrayId = StringSplit(str, split); programStackPushInteger(program, arrayId); } // set_array static void opSetArray(Program* program) { auto value = programStackPopValue(program); auto key = programStackPopValue(program); auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); SetArray(arrayId, key, value, true, program); } // arrayexpr static void opStackArray(Program* program) { auto value = programStackPopValue(program); auto key = programStackPopValue(program); auto returnValue = StackArray(key, value, program); programStackPushInteger(program, returnValue); } // scan_array static void opScanArray(Program* program) { auto value = programStackPopValue(program); auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); auto returnValue = ScanArray(arrayId, value, program); programStackPushValue(program, returnValue); } // get_array static void opGetArray(Program* program) { auto key = programStackPopValue(program); auto arrayId = programStackPopValue(program); if (arrayId.isInt()) { auto value = GetArray(arrayId.integerValue, key, program); programStackPushValue(program, value); } else if (arrayId.isString() && key.isInt()) { auto pos = key.asInt(); auto str = programGetString(program, arrayId.opcode, arrayId.integerValue); char buf[2] = { 0 }; if (pos < strlen(str)) { buf[0] = str[pos]; programStackPushString(program, buf); } else { programStackPushString(program, buf); } } } // free_array static void opFreeArray(Program* program) { auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); FreeArray(arrayId); } // len_array static void opLenArray(Program* program) { auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); programStackPushInteger(program, LenArray(arrayId)); } // resize_array static void opResizeArray(Program* program) { auto newLen = programStackPopInteger(program); auto arrayId = programStackPopInteger(program); ResizeArray(arrayId, newLen); } // party_member_list static void opPartyMemberList(Program* program) { auto includeHidden = programStackPopInteger(program); auto objects = get_all_party_members_objects(includeHidden); auto arrayId = CreateTempArray(objects.size(), SFALL_ARRAYFLAG_RESERVED); for (int i = 0; i < LenArray(arrayId); i++) { SetArray(arrayId, ProgramValue { i }, ProgramValue { objects[i] }, false, program); } programStackPushInteger(program, arrayId); } // type_of static void opTypeOf(Program* program) { auto value = programStackPopValue(program); if (value.isInt()) { programStackPushInteger(program, 1); } else if (value.isFloat()) { programStackPushInteger(program, 2); } else { programStackPushInteger(program, 3); }; } // round static void opRound(Program* program) { float floatValue = programStackPopFloat(program); int integerValue = static_cast(floatValue); float mod = floatValue - static_cast(integerValue); if (abs(mod) >= 0.5) { integerValue += mod > 0.0 ? 1 : -1; } programStackPushInteger(program, integerValue); } enum BlockType { BLOCKING_TYPE_BLOCK, BLOCKING_TYPE_SHOOT, BLOCKING_TYPE_AI, BLOCKING_TYPE_SIGHT, BLOCKING_TYPE_SCROLL, }; PathBuilderCallback* get_blocking_func(int type) { switch (type) { case BLOCKING_TYPE_SHOOT: return _obj_shoot_blocking_at; case BLOCKING_TYPE_AI: return _obj_ai_blocking_at; case BLOCKING_TYPE_SIGHT: return _obj_sight_blocking_at; default: return _obj_blocking_at; } } // obj_blocking_line static void op_make_straight_path(Program* program) { int type = programStackPopInteger(program); int dest = programStackPopInteger(program); Object* object = static_cast(programStackPopPointer(program)); int flags = type == BLOCKING_TYPE_SHOOT ? 32 : 0; Object* obstacle = nullptr; _make_straight_path_func(object, object->tile, dest, nullptr, &obstacle, flags, get_blocking_func(type)); programStackPushPointer(program, obstacle); } // obj_blocking_tile static void op_obj_blocking_at(Program* program) { int type = programStackPopInteger(program); int elevation = programStackPopInteger(program); int tile = programStackPopInteger(program); PathBuilderCallback* func = get_blocking_func(type); Object* obstacle = func(NULL, tile, elevation); if (obstacle != NULL) { if (type == BLOCKING_TYPE_SHOOT) { if ((obstacle->flags & OBJECT_SHOOT_THRU) != 0) { obstacle = nullptr; } } } programStackPushPointer(program, obstacle); } // art_exists static void opArtExists(Program* program) { int fid = programStackPopInteger(program); programStackPushInteger(program, artExists(fid)); } // sfall_func0 static void op_sfall_func0(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 0); } // sfall_func1 static void op_sfall_func1(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 1); } // sfall_func2 static void op_sfall_func2(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 2); } // sfall_func3 static void op_sfall_func3(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 3); } // sfall_func4 static void op_sfall_func4(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 4); } // sfall_func5 static void op_sfall_func5(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 5); } // sfall_func6 static void op_sfall_func6(Program* program) { sfall_metarule(program, 6); } // div (/) static void op_div(Program* program) { ProgramValue divisorValue = programStackPopValue(program); ProgramValue dividendValue = programStackPopValue(program); if (divisorValue.integerValue == 0) { debugPrint("Division by zero"); // TODO: Looks like execution is not halted in Sfall's div, check. programStackPushInteger(program, 0); return; } if (dividendValue.isFloat() || divisorValue.isFloat()) { programStackPushFloat(program, dividendValue.asFloat() / divisorValue.asFloat()); } else { // Unsigned divison. programStackPushInteger(program, static_cast(dividendValue.integerValue) / static_cast(divisorValue.integerValue)); } } void sfallOpcodesInit() { interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8156, opReadByte); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x815A, op_set_pc_base_stat); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x815B, opSetPcBonusStat); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x815C, op_get_pc_base_stat); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x815D, opGetPcBonusStat); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8162, op_tap_key); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8163, op_get_year); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8164, op_game_loaded); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x816A, op_set_global_script_repeat); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x816C, op_key_pressed); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8170, op_in_world_map); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8171, op_force_encounter); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8172, op_set_world_map_pos); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8193, opGetCurrentHand); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x819B, op_set_global_script_type); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x819D, opSetGlobalVar); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x819E, opGetGlobalInt); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81AC, op_get_ini_setting); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81AF, opGetGameMode); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81B3, op_get_uptime); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81B6, op_set_car_current_town); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81DF, op_get_bodypart_hit_modifier); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81E0, op_set_bodypart_hit_modifier); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81EB, op_get_ini_string); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81EC, op_sqrt); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81ED, op_abs); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x81F5, op_get_script); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8204, op_get_proto_data); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8205, op_set_proto_data); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x820D, opListBegin); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x820E, opListNext); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x820F, opListEnd); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8210, opGetVersionMajor); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8211, opGetVersionMinor); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8212, opGetVersionPatch); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8217, opGetWeaponAmmoPid); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8218, opSetWeaponAmmoPid); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8219, opGetWeaponAmmoCount); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x821A, opSetWeaponAmmoCount); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x821C, opGetMouseX); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x821D, opGetMouseY); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x821E, op_get_mouse_buttons); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8220, opGetScreenWidth); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8221, opGetScreenHeight); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8224, op_create_message_window); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8228, op_get_attack_type); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8229, op_force_encounter_with_flags); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x822D, opCreateArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x822E, opSetArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x822F, opGetArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8230, opFreeArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8231, opLenArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8232, opResizeArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8233, opTempArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8234, opFixArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8235, opStringSplit); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8236, op_list_as_array); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8237, opParseInt); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8238, op_atof); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8239, opScanArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x824B, op_tile_under_cursor); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x824E, opSubstr); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x824F, opGetStringLength); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8253, opTypeOf); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8256, opGetArrayKey); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8257, opStackArray); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8261, op_explosions_metarule); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8263, op_power); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8267, opRound); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x826B, opGetMessage); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x826E, op_make_straight_path); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x826F, op_obj_blocking_at); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8271, opPartyMemberList); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8274, opArtExists); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8276, op_sfall_func0); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8277, op_sfall_func1); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8278, op_sfall_func2); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x8279, op_sfall_func3); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x827A, op_sfall_func4); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x827B, op_sfall_func5); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x827C, op_sfall_func6); interpreterRegisterOpcode(0x827F, op_div); } void sfallOpcodesExit() { } } // namespace fallout