#include "font_manager.h" #include #include #include "color.h" #include "db.h" #include "memory_manager.h" #include #include FT_FREETYPE_H #include FT_GLYPH_H #include FT_BITMAP_H #include "config.h" #include "word_wrap.h" #include #include "iconv.h" #include "settings.h" // The maximum number of interface fonts. #define FT_FONT_MAX (16) namespace fallout { typedef struct FtFontGlyph { short width; short rows; short left; short top; unsigned char* buffer; } FtFontGlyph; typedef struct FtFontDescriptor { FT_Library library; FT_Face face; unsigned char* filebuffer; int maxHeight; int letterSpacing; int wordSpacing; int lineSpacing; int heightOffset; int warpMode; char encoding[64]; std::map map; } FtFontDescriptor; static int FtFontLoad(int font); static void FtFontSetCurrentImpl(int font); static int FtFontGetLineHeightImpl(); static int FtFontGetStringWidthImpl(const char* string); static int FtFontGetCharacterWidthImpl(int ch); static int FtFontGetMonospacedStringWidthImpl(const char* string); static int FtFontGetLetterSpacingImpl(); static int FtFontGetBufferSizeImpl(const char* string); static int FtFontGetMonospacedCharacterWidthImpl(); static void FtFontDrawImpl(unsigned char* buf, const char* string, int length, int pitch, int color); static int FtFonteWordWrapImpl(const char* string, int width, short* breakpoints, short* breakpointsLengthPtr); // 0x518680 static bool gFtFontsInitialized = false; // 0x518684 static int gFtFontsLength = 0; static int knobWidth = 5; static int knobHeight = 7; static unsigned char knobDump[35] = { 0x34, 0x82, 0xb6, 0x82, 0x34, 0x82, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0x82, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0x82, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0xb6, 0x82, 0x34, 0x82, 0xb6, 0x82, 0x34, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; // 0x518688 FontManager gFtFontManager = { 100, 110, FtFontSetCurrentImpl, FtFontDrawImpl, FtFontGetLineHeightImpl, FtFontGetStringWidthImpl, FtFontGetCharacterWidthImpl, FtFontGetMonospacedStringWidthImpl, FtFontGetLetterSpacingImpl, FtFontGetBufferSizeImpl, FtFontGetMonospacedCharacterWidthImpl, FtFonteWordWrapImpl, }; // 0x586838 static FtFontDescriptor gFtFontDescriptors[FT_FONT_MAX]; // 0x58E938 static int gCurrentFtFont; // 0x58E93C static FtFontDescriptor* current; static uint32_t output[1024] = { 0x0, }; static int LtoU(const char* input, size_t charInPutLen) { if (input[0] == '\x95') { size_t output_size = 1024; iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UCS-4-INTERNAL", current->encoding); char* tmp = (char*)(output + 1); const char* tmp2 = (const char *)(input + 1); charInPutLen -= 1; iconv(cd, &tmp2, &charInPutLen, &tmp, &output_size); iconv_close(cd); output[0] = '\x95'; return (1024 - output_size) / 4 + 1; } else { size_t output_size = 1024; iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UCS-4-INTERNAL", current->encoding); char* tmp = (char*)output; iconv(cd, &input, &charInPutLen, &tmp, &output_size); iconv_close(cd); return (1024 - output_size) / 4; } } static int UtoL(const char* input, size_t charInPutLen) { size_t output_size = 1024; iconv_t cd = iconv_open(current->encoding, "UCS-4-INTERNAL"); char* tmp = (char*)output; iconv(cd, &input, &charInPutLen, &tmp, &output_size); iconv_close(cd); return (1024 - output_size); } static FtFontGlyph GetFtFontGlyph(uint32_t unicode) { if (current->map.count(unicode) > 0) { return current->map[unicode]; } else { if (unicode == '\x95') { current->map[unicode].left = 0; current->map[unicode].top = current->maxHeight / 2; current->map[unicode].width = knobWidth; current->map[unicode].rows = knobHeight; current->map[unicode].buffer = knobDump; } else { FT_Load_Glyph(current->face, FT_Get_Char_Index(current->face, unicode), FT_LOAD_DEFAULT | FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP); FT_Render_Glyph(current->face->glyph, FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL); current->map[unicode].left = current->face->glyph->bitmap_left; current->map[unicode].top = current->face->glyph->bitmap_top; current->map[unicode].width = current->face->glyph->bitmap.width; current->map[unicode].rows = current->face->glyph->bitmap.rows; int count = current->face->glyph->bitmap.width * current->face->glyph->bitmap.rows; if (count > 0) { current->map[unicode].buffer = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc_safe(count, __FILE__, __LINE__); // FONTMGR.C, 259 memcpy(current->map[unicode].buffer, current->face->glyph->bitmap.buffer, count); } else { current->map[unicode].buffer = NULL; } } return current->map[unicode]; } } // 0x441C80 int FtFontsInit() { int currentFont = -1; for (int font = 0; font < FT_FONT_MAX; font++) { if (FtFontLoad(font) == -1) { gFtFontDescriptors[font].maxHeight = 0; gFtFontDescriptors[font].filebuffer = NULL; } else { ++gFtFontsLength; if (currentFont == -1) { currentFont = font; } gFtFontManager.maxFont = gFtFontsLength + 100; } } if (currentFont == -1) { return -1; } gFtFontsInitialized = true; FtFontSetCurrentImpl(currentFont + 100); return 0; } // 0x441CEC void FtFontsExit() { for (int font = 0; font < FT_FONT_MAX; font++) { if (gFtFontDescriptors[font].filebuffer != NULL) { internal_free_safe(gFtFontDescriptors[font].filebuffer, __FILE__, __LINE__); // FONTMGR.C, 124 } } //TODO: clean up } // 0x441D20 static int FtFontLoad(int font_index) { char string[56]; FtFontDescriptor* desc = &(gFtFontDescriptors[font_index]); Config config; if (!configInit(&config)) { return -1; } sprintf(string, "fonts/%s/font.ini", settings.system.language.c_str()); if (!configRead(&config, string, false)) { return -1; } sprintf(string, "font%d", font_index); if (!configGetInt(&config, string, "maxHeight", &desc->maxHeight)) { return -1; } if (!configGetInt(&config, string, "lineSpacing", &desc->lineSpacing)) { return -1; } if (!configGetInt(&config, string, "wordSpacing", &desc->wordSpacing)) { return -1; } if (!configGetInt(&config, string, "letterSpacing", &desc->letterSpacing)) { return -1; } if (!configGetInt(&config, string, "heightOffset", &desc->heightOffset)) { return -1; } if (!configGetInt(&config, string, "warpMode", &desc->warpMode)) { return -1; } char* encoding = NULL; if (!configGetString(&config, string, "encoding", &encoding)) { return -1; } strcpy(desc->encoding, encoding); char *fontFileName = NULL; if (!configGetString(&config, string, "fileName", &fontFileName)) { return -1; } sprintf(string, "fonts/%s/%s", settings.system.language.c_str(), fontFileName); File* stream = fileOpen(string, "rb"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } int fileSize = fileGetSize(stream); //19647736 desc->filebuffer = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc_safe(fileSize, __FILE__, __LINE__); // FONTMGR.C, 259 int readleft = fileSize; unsigned char* ptr = desc->filebuffer; while (readleft > 10000) { int readsize = fileRead(ptr, 1, 10000, stream); if (readsize != 10000) { return -1; } readleft -= 10000; ptr += 10000; } if (fileRead(ptr, 1, readleft, stream) != readleft) { return -1; } FT_Init_FreeType(&(desc->library)); FT_New_Memory_Face(desc->library, desc->filebuffer, fileSize, 0, &desc->face); FT_Select_Charmap(desc->face, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE); FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(desc->face, desc->maxHeight, desc->maxHeight); fileClose(stream); configFree(&config); return 0; } // 0x442120 static void FtFontSetCurrentImpl(int font) { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return; } font -= 100; if (gFtFontDescriptors[font].filebuffer != NULL) { gCurrentFtFont = font; current = &(gFtFontDescriptors[font]); } } // 0x442168 static int FtFontGetLineHeightImpl() { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return 0; } return current->lineSpacing + current->maxHeight + current->heightOffset; } // 0x442188 static int FtFontGetStringWidthImpl(const char* string) { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return 0; } if (strlen(string) == 1 && string[0] < 0) { return current->wordSpacing; } else { int count; int width = 0; count = LtoU((char*)string, strlen(string)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint32_t ch = output[i]; if (ch == L'\n' || ch == L'\r') { continue; } if (ch == '\x95') { FtFontGlyph g = GetFtFontGlyph(ch); width += g.width + current->letterSpacing + 2; } else if (ch == L' ' || (ch < 256 && ch > 128)) { width += current->wordSpacing + current->letterSpacing; } else { FtFontGlyph g = GetFtFontGlyph(ch); width += g.width + current->letterSpacing; } } return width; } } // 0x4421DC static int FtFontGetCharacterWidthImpl(int ch) { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return 0; } return current->wordSpacing; } // 0x442210 static int FtFontGetMonospacedStringWidthImpl(const char* str) { return FtFontGetStringWidthImpl(str); } // 0x442240 static int FtFontGetLetterSpacingImpl() { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return 0; } return current->letterSpacing; } // 0x442258 static int FtFontGetBufferSizeImpl(const char* str) { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return 0; } return FtFontGetStringWidthImpl(str) * (current->lineSpacing + current->maxHeight + current->heightOffset); } // 0x442278 static int FtFontGetMonospacedCharacterWidthImpl() { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return 0; } return current->lineSpacing + current->maxHeight; } // 0x4422B4 static void FtFontDrawImpl(unsigned char* buf, const char* string, int length, int pitch, int color) { if (!gFtFontsInitialized) { return; } if ((color & FONT_SHADOW) != 0) { color &= ~FONT_SHADOW; // NOTE: Other font options preserved. This is different from text font // shadows. FtFontDrawImpl(buf + pitch + 1, string, length, pitch, (color & ~0xFF) | _colorTable[0]); } unsigned char* palette = _getColorBlendTable(color & 0xFF); int count = LtoU((char*)string, strlen(string)); int maxTop = -1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint32_t ch = output[i]; FtFontGlyph g = GetFtFontGlyph(ch); if (maxTop < g.top) maxTop = g.top; } maxTop = current->maxHeight - maxTop; unsigned char* ptr = buf; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uint32_t ch = output[i]; FtFontGlyph g = GetFtFontGlyph(ch); int characterWidth; if (ch == L'\n' || ch == L'\r') { continue; } else if (ch == L' ') { characterWidth = current->wordSpacing; } else if (ch == '\x95') { characterWidth = g.width + 2; } else { characterWidth = g.width; } unsigned char* end = ptr + characterWidth + current->letterSpacing; if (end - buf > length) { break; } ptr += (current->maxHeight - g.top - maxTop) * pitch; unsigned char* glyphDataPtr = g.buffer; for (int y = 0; y < g.rows && y < current->maxHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < g.width; x++) { unsigned char byte = *glyphDataPtr++; byte /= 26; *ptr++ = palette[(byte << 8) + *ptr]; } ptr += pitch - g.width; } ptr = end; } if ((color & FONT_UNDERLINE) != 0) { int length = ptr - buf; unsigned char* underlinePtr = buf + pitch * (current->maxHeight - 1); for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { *underlinePtr++ = color & 0xFF; } } _freeColorBlendTable(color & 0xFF); } static int FtFonteWordWrapImpl(const char* string, int width, short* breakpoints, short* breakpointsLengthPtr) { breakpoints[0] = 0; *breakpointsLengthPtr = 1; for (int index = 1; index < WORD_WRAP_MAX_COUNT; index++) { breakpoints[index] = -1; } if (fontGetStringWidth(string) < width) { breakpoints[*breakpointsLengthPtr] = (short)strlen(string); *breakpointsLengthPtr += 1; return 0; } int accum = 0; int prevSpaceOrHyphen = -1; int count = LtoU((char*)string, strlen(string)); int PreCharIndex; int uint32Index; int CharIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count;) { const uint32_t ch = output[i]; if (ch == L'\n' || ch == L'\r') { continue; } FtFontGlyph g = GetFtFontGlyph(ch); PreCharIndex = CharIndex; if (ch == L' ' || (ch > 128 && ch < 256)) { accum += current->letterSpacing + current->wordSpacing; CharIndex += 1; } else { if (ch == '\x95') accum += current->letterSpacing + g.width + 2; else accum += current->letterSpacing + g.width; if ((ch > 0 && ch < 128) || ch == '\x95') CharIndex += 1; else CharIndex += UtoL((char*)(&(output[i])), sizeof(uint32_t)); } if (accum <= width) { // NOTE: quests.txt #807 uses extended ascii. if (ch == L' ' || ch == L'-') { prevSpaceOrHyphen = CharIndex; uint32Index = i; } else if (current->warpMode == 1) { prevSpaceOrHyphen = -1; } i++; } else { if (*breakpointsLengthPtr == WORD_WRAP_MAX_COUNT) { return -1; } if (prevSpaceOrHyphen != -1) { // Word wrap. breakpoints[*breakpointsLengthPtr] = prevSpaceOrHyphen; i = uint32Index + 1; CharIndex = prevSpaceOrHyphen + 1; } else { // Character wrap. breakpoints[*breakpointsLengthPtr] = PreCharIndex; CharIndex = PreCharIndex; } *breakpointsLengthPtr += 1; prevSpaceOrHyphen = -1; accum = 0; } } if (*breakpointsLengthPtr == WORD_WRAP_MAX_COUNT) { return -1; } breakpoints[*breakpointsLengthPtr] = CharIndex; *breakpointsLengthPtr += 1; return 0; } } // namespace fallout