#include "object.h" #include #include #include "animation.h" #include "art.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "critter.h" #include "debug.h" #include "draw.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "item.h" #include "light.h" #include "map.h" #include "memory.h" #include "party_member.h" #include "proto.h" #include "proto_instance.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "settings.h" #include "svga.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "tile.h" #include "worldmap.h" namespace fallout { static int objectLoadAllInternal(File* stream); static void _object_fix_weapon_ammo(Object* obj); static int objectWrite(Object* obj, File* stream); static int _obj_offset_table_init(); static void _obj_offset_table_exit(); static int _obj_order_table_init(); static int _obj_order_comp_func_even(const void* a1, const void* a2); static int _obj_order_comp_func_odd(const void* a1, const void* a2); static void _obj_order_table_exit(); static int _obj_render_table_init(); static void _obj_render_table_exit(); static void _obj_light_table_init(); static void _obj_blend_table_init(); static void _obj_blend_table_exit(); static int _obj_save_obj(File* stream, Object* object); static int _obj_load_obj(File* stream, Object** objectPtr, int elevation, Object* owner); static int objectAllocate(Object** objectPtr); static void objectDeallocate(Object** objectPtr); static int objectListNodeCreate(ObjectListNode** nodePtr); static void objectListNodeDestroy(ObjectListNode** nodePtr); static int objectGetListNode(Object* obj, ObjectListNode** out_node, ObjectListNode** out_prev_node); static void _obj_insert(ObjectListNode* ptr); static int _obj_remove(ObjectListNode* a1, ObjectListNode* a2); static int _obj_connect_to_tile(ObjectListNode* node, int tile_index, int elev, Rect* rect); static int _obj_adjust_light(Object* obj, int a2, Rect* rect); static void objectDrawOutline(Object* object, Rect* rect); static void _obj_render_object(Object* object, Rect* rect, int light); static int _obj_preload_sort(const void* a1, const void* a2); // 0x5195F8 static bool gObjectsInitialized = false; // 0x5195FC static int gObjectsUpdateAreaHexWidth = 0; // 0x519600 static int gObjectsUpdateAreaHexHeight = 0; // 0x519604 static int gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize = 0; // 0x519608 static int* _orderTable[2] = { NULL, NULL, }; // 0x519610 static int* _offsetTable[2] = { NULL, NULL, }; // 0x519618 static int* _offsetDivTable = NULL; // 0x51961C static int* _offsetModTable = NULL; // 0x519620 static ObjectListNode** _renderTable = NULL; // Number of objects in _outlinedObjects. // // 0x519624 static int _outlineCount = 0; // Contains objects that are not bounded to tiles. // // 0x519628 static ObjectListNode* gObjectListHead = NULL; // 0x51962C static int _centerToUpperLeft = 0; // 0x519630 static int gObjectFindElevation = 0; // 0x519634 static int gObjectFindTile = 0; // 0x519638 static ObjectListNode* gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; // 0x51963C static int* gObjectFids = NULL; // 0x519640 static int gObjectFidsLength = 0; // 0x51964C static Rect _light_rect[9] = { { 0, 0, 96, 42 }, { 0, 0, 160, 74 }, { 0, 0, 224, 106 }, { 0, 0, 288, 138 }, { 0, 0, 352, 170 }, { 0, 0, 416, 202 }, { 0, 0, 480, 234 }, { 0, 0, 544, 266 }, { 0, 0, 608, 298 }, }; // 0x5196DC static int _light_distance[36] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8, }; // 0x51976C static int gViolenceLevel = -1; // 0x519770 static int _obj_last_roof_x = -1; // 0x519774 static int _obj_last_roof_y = -1; // 0x519778 static int _obj_last_elev = -1; // 0x51977C static bool _obj_last_is_empty = true; // 0x519780 unsigned char* _wallBlendTable = NULL; // 0x519784 static unsigned char* _glassBlendTable = NULL; // 0x519788 static unsigned char* _steamBlendTable = NULL; // 0x51978C static unsigned char* _energyBlendTable = NULL; // 0x519790 static unsigned char* _redBlendTable = NULL; // 0x519794 Object* _moveBlockObj = NULL; // 0x519798 static int _objItemOutlineState = 0; // 0x51979C static int _cd_order[9] = { 1, 0, 3, 5, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, }; // 0x6391D0 static int _light_blocked[6][36]; // 0x639530 static int _light_offsets[2][6][36]; // 0x639BF0 static Rect gObjectsWindowRect; // Likely outlined objects on the screen. // // 0x639C00 static Object* _outlinedObjects[100]; // 0x639D90 static Rect gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds; // Contains objects that are bounded to tiles. // // 0x639DA0 static ObjectListNode* gObjectListHeadByTile[HEX_GRID_SIZE]; // 0x660EA0 static unsigned char _glassGrayTable[256]; // 0x660FA0 unsigned char _commonGrayTable[256]; // 0x6610A0 static int gObjectsWindowBufferSize; // 0x6610A4 static unsigned char* gObjectsWindowBuffer; // 0x6610A8 static int gObjectsWindowHeight; // Translucent "egg" effect around player. // // 0x6610AC Object* gEgg; // 0x6610B0 static int gObjectsWindowPitch; // 0x6610B4 static int gObjectsWindowWidth; // obj_dude // 0x6610B8 Object* gDude; // 0x6610BC static char _obj_seen_check[5001]; // 0x662445 static char _obj_seen[5001]; // obj_init // 0x488780 int objectsInit(unsigned char* buf, int width, int height, int pitch) { int dudeFid; int eggFid; memset(_obj_seen, 0, 5001); gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.right = width + 320; gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.left = -320; gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.bottom = height + 240; gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.top = -240; gObjectsUpdateAreaHexWidth = (gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.right + 320 + 1) / 32 + 1; gObjectsUpdateAreaHexHeight = (gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.bottom + 240 + 1) / 12 + 1; gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize = gObjectsUpdateAreaHexWidth * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexHeight; memset(gObjectListHeadByTile, 0, sizeof(gObjectListHeadByTile)); if (_obj_offset_table_init() == -1) { return -1; } if (_obj_order_table_init() == -1) { goto err; } if (_obj_render_table_init() == -1) { goto err_2; } if (lightInit() == -1) { goto err_2; } if (textObjectsInit(buf, width, height) == -1) { goto err_2; } _obj_light_table_init(); _obj_blend_table_init(); _centerToUpperLeft = tileFromScreenXY(gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.left, gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.top, 0) - gCenterTile; gObjectsWindowWidth = width; gObjectsWindowHeight = height; gObjectsWindowBuffer = buf; gObjectsWindowRect.left = 0; gObjectsWindowRect.top = 0; gObjectsWindowRect.right = width - 1; gObjectsWindowRect.bottom = height - 1; gObjectsWindowBufferSize = height * width; gObjectsWindowPitch = pitch; dudeFid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER, _art_vault_guy_num, 0, 0, 0); objectCreateWithFidPid(&gDude, dudeFid, 0x1000000); gDude->flags |= OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; gDude->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; gDude->flags |= OBJECT_HIDDEN; gDude->flags |= OBJECT_LIGHT_THRU; objectSetLight(gDude, 4, 0x10000, NULL); if (partyMemberAdd(gDude) == -1) { debugPrint("\n Error: Can't add Player into party!"); exit(1); } eggFid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_INTERFACE, 2, 0, 0, 0); objectCreateWithFidPid(&gEgg, eggFid, -1); gEgg->flags |= OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; gEgg->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; gEgg->flags |= OBJECT_HIDDEN; gEgg->flags |= OBJECT_LIGHT_THRU; gObjectsInitialized = true; return 0; err_2: // NOTE: Uninline. _obj_order_table_exit(); err: _obj_offset_table_exit(); return -1; } // 0x488A00 void objectsReset() { if (gObjectsInitialized) { textObjectsReset(); _obj_remove_all(); memset(_obj_seen, 0, 5001); lightResetIntensity(); } } // 0x488A30 void objectsExit() { if (gObjectsInitialized) { gDude->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; gEgg->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; _obj_remove_all(); textObjectsFree(); // NOTE: Uninline. _obj_blend_table_exit(); lightResetIntensity(); // NOTE: Uninline. _obj_render_table_exit(); // NOTE: Uninline. _obj_order_table_exit(); _obj_offset_table_exit(); } } // 0x488AF4 int objectRead(Object* obj, File* stream) { int field_74; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->id)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->tile)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->x)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->y)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->sx)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->sy)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->frame)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->rotation)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->fid)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->flags)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->elevation)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->pid)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->cid)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->lightDistance)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->lightIntensity)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &field_74) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->sid)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(obj->field_80)) == -1) return -1; obj->outline = 0; obj->owner = NULL; if (objectDataRead(obj, stream) != 0) { return -1; } if (isExitGridPid(obj->pid)) { if (obj->data.misc.map <= 0) { if ((obj->fid & 0xFFF) < 33) { obj->fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_MISC, (obj->fid & 0xFFF) + 16, FID_ANIM_TYPE(obj->fid), 0, 0); } } } else { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == 0 && !(gMapHeader.flags & 0x01)) { _object_fix_weapon_ammo(obj); } } return 0; } // 0x488CE4 int objectLoadAll(File* stream) { int rc = objectLoadAllInternal(stream); gViolenceLevel = -1; return rc; } // 0x488CF8 static int objectLoadAllInternal(File* stream) { if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } bool fixMapInventory = settings.mapper.fix_map_inventory; gViolenceLevel = settings.preferences.violence_level; int objectCount; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &objectCount) == -1) { return -1; } if (gObjectFids != NULL) { internal_free(gObjectFids); } if (objectCount != 0) { gObjectFids = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*gObjectFids) * objectCount); memset(gObjectFids, 0, sizeof(*gObjectFids) * objectCount); if (gObjectFids == NULL) { return -1; } gObjectFidsLength = 0; } for (int elevation = 0; elevation < ELEVATION_COUNT; elevation++) { int objectCountAtElevation; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &objectCountAtElevation) == -1) { return -1; } for (int objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < objectCountAtElevation; objectIndex++) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode; // NOTE: Uninline. if (objectListNodeCreate(&objectListNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (objectAllocate(&(objectListNode->obj)) == -1) { // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } if (objectRead(objectListNode->obj, stream) != 0) { // NOTE: Uninline. objectDeallocate(&(objectListNode->obj)); // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } objectListNode->obj->outline = 0; gObjectFids[gObjectFidsLength++] = objectListNode->obj->fid; if (objectListNode->obj->sid != -1) { Script* script; if (scriptGetScript(objectListNode->obj->sid, &script) == -1) { objectListNode->obj->sid = -1; debugPrint("\nError connecting object to script!"); } else { script->owner = objectListNode->obj; objectListNode->obj->field_80 = script->field_14; } } _obj_fix_violence_settings(&(objectListNode->obj->fid)); objectListNode->obj->elevation = elevation; _obj_insert(objectListNode); if ((objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x400) && PID_TYPE(objectListNode->obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && objectListNode->obj->pid != 18000) { objectListNode->obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; } Inventory* inventory = &(objectListNode->obj->data.inventory); if (inventory->length != 0) { inventory->items = (InventoryItem*)internal_malloc(sizeof(InventoryItem) * inventory->capacity); if (inventory->items == NULL) { return -1; } for (int inventoryItemIndex = 0; inventoryItemIndex < inventory->length; inventoryItemIndex++) { InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[inventoryItemIndex]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(inventoryItem->quantity)) != 0) { debugPrint("Error loading inventory\n"); return -1; } if (fixMapInventory) { inventoryItem->item = (Object*)internal_malloc(sizeof(Object)); if (inventoryItem->item == NULL) { debugPrint("Error loading inventory\n"); return -1; } if (objectRead(inventoryItem->item, stream) != 0) { debugPrint("Error loading inventory\n"); return -1; } } else { if (_obj_load_obj(stream, &(inventoryItem->item), elevation, objectListNode->obj) == -1) { return -1; } } } } else { inventory->capacity = 0; inventory->items = NULL; } } } _obj_rebuild_all_light(); return 0; } // Fixes ammo pid and number of charges. // // 0x48911C static void _object_fix_weapon_ammo(Object* obj) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { return; } Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(obj->pid, &proto) == -1) { debugPrint("\nError: obj_load: proto_ptr failed on pid"); exit(1); } int charges; if (itemGetType(obj) == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) { int ammoTypePid = obj->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid; if (ammoTypePid == 0xCCCCCCCC || ammoTypePid == -1) { obj->data.item.weapon.ammoTypePid = proto->item.data.weapon.ammoTypePid; } charges = obj->data.item.weapon.ammoQuantity; if (charges == 0xCCCCCCCC || charges == -1 || charges != proto->item.data.weapon.ammoCapacity) { obj->data.item.weapon.ammoQuantity = proto->item.data.weapon.ammoCapacity; } } else { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_MISC) { // FIXME: looks like this code in unreachable charges = obj->data.item.misc.charges; if (charges == 0xCCCCCCCC) { charges = proto->item.data.misc.charges; obj->data.item.misc.charges = charges; if (charges == 0xCCCCCCCC) { debugPrint("\nError: Misc Item Prototype %s: charges incorrect!", protoGetName(obj->pid)); obj->data.item.misc.charges = 0; } } else { if (charges != proto->item.data.misc.charges) { obj->data.item.misc.charges = proto->item.data.misc.charges; } } } } } // 0x489200 static int objectWrite(Object* obj, File* stream) { if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->id) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->tile) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->x) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->y) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->sx) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->sy) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->frame) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->rotation) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->fid) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->flags) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->elevation) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->pid) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->cid) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->lightDistance) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->lightIntensity) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->outline) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->sid) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, obj->field_80) == -1) return -1; if (objectDataWrite(obj, stream) == -1) return -1; return 0; } // 0x48935C int objectSaveAll(File* stream) { if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } _obj_process_seen(); int objectCount = 0; long objectCountPos = fileTell(stream); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, objectCount) == -1) { return -1; } for (int elevation = 0; elevation < ELEVATION_COUNT; elevation++) { int objectCountAtElevation = 0; long objectCountAtElevationPos = fileTell(stream); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, objectCountAtElevation) == -1) { return -1; } for (int tile = 0; tile < HEX_GRID_SIZE; tile++) { for (ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; objectListNode != NULL; objectListNode = objectListNode->next) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation != elevation) { continue; } if ((object->flags & OBJECT_TEMPORARY) != 0) { continue; } CritterCombatData* combatData = NULL; Object* whoHitMe = NULL; if (PID_TYPE(object->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { combatData = &(object->data.critter.combat); whoHitMe = combatData->whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe != 0) { if (combatData->whoHitMeCid != -1) { combatData->whoHitMeCid = whoHitMe->cid; } } else { combatData->whoHitMeCid = -1; } } if (objectWrite(object, stream) == -1) { return -1; } if (PID_TYPE(object->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { combatData->whoHitMe = whoHitMe; } Inventory* inventory = &(object->data.inventory); for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) { InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, inventoryItem->quantity) == -1) { return -1; } if (_obj_save_obj(stream, inventoryItem->item) == -1) { return -1; } } objectCountAtElevation++; } } long pos = fileTell(stream); fileSeek(stream, objectCountAtElevationPos, SEEK_SET); fileWriteInt32(stream, objectCountAtElevation); fileSeek(stream, pos, SEEK_SET); objectCount += objectCountAtElevation; } long pos = fileTell(stream); fileSeek(stream, objectCountPos, SEEK_SET); fileWriteInt32(stream, objectCount); fileSeek(stream, pos, SEEK_SET); return 0; } // 0x489550 void _obj_render_pre_roof(Rect* rect, int elevation) { if (!gObjectsInitialized) { return; } Rect updatedRect; if (rectIntersection(rect, &gObjectsWindowRect, &updatedRect) != 0) { return; } int ambientLight = lightGetLightLevel(); int minX = updatedRect.left - 320; int minY = updatedRect.top - 240; int maxX = updatedRect.right + 320; int maxY = updatedRect.bottom + 240; int topLeftTile = tileFromScreenXY(minX, minY, elevation); int updateAreaHexWidth = (maxX - minX + 1) / 32; int updateAreaHexHeight = (maxY - minY + 1) / 12; // On some maps (which were designed too close to edges) HRP brings a new // problem - extended update rect (+/- 320/240 stuff above) may end up // outside of the map edge. In this case `topLeftTile` will be -1 which // affect all subsequent calculations. In order to fix that attempt to // find closest valid tile. while (!hexGridTileIsValid(topLeftTile)) { minX += 32; minY += 12; topLeftTile = tileFromScreenXY(minX, minY, elevation); } // Do the same for the for bottom-right part of the extended update rect. int bottomRightTile = tileFromScreenXY(maxX, maxY, elevation); while (!hexGridTileIsValid(bottomRightTile)) { maxX -= 32; maxY -= 12; bottomRightTile = tileFromScreenXY(maxX, maxY, elevation); } updateAreaHexWidth = (maxX - minX + 1) / 32; updateAreaHexHeight = (maxY - minY + 1) / 12; int parity = gCenterTile & 1; int* orders = _orderTable[parity]; int* offsets = _offsetTable[parity]; _outlineCount = 0; int renderCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize; i++) { int offsetIndex = *orders++; if (updateAreaHexHeight > _offsetDivTable[offsetIndex] && updateAreaHexWidth > _offsetModTable[offsetIndex]) { int light; ObjectListNode* objectListNode = hexGridTileIsValid(topLeftTile + offsets[offsetIndex]) ? gObjectListHeadByTile[topLeftTile + offsets[offsetIndex]] : NULL; if (objectListNode != NULL) { // NOTE: calls _light_get_tile two times, probably result of min/max macro int tileLight = _light_get_tile(elevation, objectListNode->obj->tile); if (tileLight >= ambientLight) { light = tileLight; } else { light = ambientLight; } } while (objectListNode != NULL) { if (elevation < objectListNode->obj->elevation) { break; } if (elevation == objectListNode->obj->elevation) { if ((objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAT) == 0) { break; } if ((objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { _obj_render_object(objectListNode->obj, &updatedRect, light); if ((objectListNode->obj->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK) != 0) { if ((objectListNode->obj->outline & OUTLINE_DISABLED) == 0 && _outlineCount < 100) { _outlinedObjects[_outlineCount++] = objectListNode->obj; } } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } if (objectListNode != NULL) { _renderTable[renderCount++] = objectListNode; } } } for (int i = 0; i < renderCount; i++) { int light; ObjectListNode* objectListNode = _renderTable[i]; if (objectListNode != NULL) { // NOTE: calls _light_get_tile two times, probably result of min/max macro int tileLight = _light_get_tile(elevation, objectListNode->obj->tile); if (tileLight >= ambientLight) { light = tileLight; } else { light = ambientLight; } } while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (elevation < object->elevation) { break; } if (elevation == objectListNode->obj->elevation) { if ((objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { _obj_render_object(object, &updatedRect, light); if ((objectListNode->obj->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK) != 0) { if ((objectListNode->obj->outline & OUTLINE_DISABLED) == 0 && _outlineCount < 100) { _outlinedObjects[_outlineCount++] = objectListNode->obj; } } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } } // 0x4897EC void _obj_render_post_roof(Rect* rect, int elevation) { if (!gObjectsInitialized) { return; } Rect updatedRect; if (rectIntersection(rect, &gObjectsWindowRect, &updatedRect) != 0) { return; } for (int index = 0; index < _outlineCount; index++) { objectDrawOutline(_outlinedObjects[index], &updatedRect); } textObjectsRenderInRect(&updatedRect); ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHead; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if ((object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { _obj_render_object(object, &updatedRect, 0x10000); } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } // 0x489A84 int objectCreateWithFidPid(Object** objectPtr, int fid, int pid) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode; // NOTE: Uninline; if (objectListNodeCreate(&objectListNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (objectAllocate(&(objectListNode->obj)) == -1) { // Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } objectListNode->obj->fid = fid; _obj_insert(objectListNode); if (objectPtr) { *objectPtr = objectListNode->obj; } objectListNode->obj->pid = pid; objectListNode->obj->id = scriptsNewObjectId(); if (pid == -1 || PID_TYPE(pid) == OBJ_TYPE_TILE) { Inventory* inventory = &(objectListNode->obj->data.inventory); inventory->length = 0; inventory->items = NULL; return 0; } _proto_update_init(objectListNode->obj); Proto* proto = NULL; if (protoGetProto(pid, &proto) == -1) { return 0; } objectSetLight(objectListNode->obj, proto->lightDistance, proto->lightIntensity, NULL); if ((proto->flags & 0x08) != 0) { _obj_toggle_flat(objectListNode->obj, NULL); } if ((proto->flags & 0x10) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_NO_BLOCK; } if ((proto->flags & 0x800) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_MULTIHEX; } if ((proto->flags & 0x8000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_NONE; } else { if ((proto->flags & 0x10000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_WALL; } else if ((proto->flags & 0x20000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS; } else if ((proto->flags & 0x40000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_STEAM; } else if ((proto->flags & 0x80000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_ENERGY; } else if ((proto->flags & 0x4000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_TRANS_RED; } } if ((proto->flags & 0x20000000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_LIGHT_THRU; } if ((proto->flags & 0x80000000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_SHOOT_THRU; } if ((proto->flags & 0x10000000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_WALL_TRANS_END; } if ((proto->flags & 0x1000) != 0) { objectListNode->obj->flags |= OBJECT_NO_HIGHLIGHT; } _obj_new_sid(objectListNode->obj, &(objectListNode->obj->sid)); return 0; } // 0x489C9C int objectCreateWithPid(Object** objectPtr, int pid) { Proto* proto; *objectPtr = NULL; if (protoGetProto(pid, &proto) == -1) { return -1; } return objectCreateWithFidPid(objectPtr, proto->fid, pid); } // 0x489CCC int _obj_copy(Object** a1, Object* a2) { if (a2 == NULL) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode; // NOTE: Uninline. if (objectListNodeCreate(&objectListNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (objectAllocate(&(objectListNode->obj)) == -1) { // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } objectDataReset(objectListNode->obj); memcpy(objectListNode->obj, a2, sizeof(Object)); if (a1 != NULL) { *a1 = objectListNode->obj; } _obj_insert(objectListNode); objectListNode->obj->id = scriptsNewObjectId(); if (objectListNode->obj->sid != -1) { objectListNode->obj->sid = -1; _obj_new_sid(objectListNode->obj, &(objectListNode->obj->sid)); } if (objectSetRotation(objectListNode->obj, a2->rotation, NULL) == -1) { // TODO: Probably leaking object allocated with objectAllocate. // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } objectListNode->obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_QUEUED; Inventory* newInventory = &(objectListNode->obj->data.inventory); newInventory->length = 0; newInventory->capacity = 0; Inventory* oldInventory = &(a2->data.inventory); for (int index = 0; index < oldInventory->length; index++) { InventoryItem* oldInventoryItem = &(oldInventory->items[index]); Object* newItem; if (_obj_copy(&newItem, oldInventoryItem->item) == -1) { // TODO: Probably leaking object allocated with objectAllocate. // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } if (itemAdd(objectListNode->obj, newItem, oldInventoryItem->quantity) == 1) { // TODO: Probably leaking object allocated with objectAllocate. // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&objectListNode); return -1; } } return 0; } // 0x489EC4 int _obj_connect(Object* object, int tile, int elevation, Rect* rect) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } if (!hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { return -1; } if (!elevationIsValid(elevation)) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode; // NOTE: Uninline. if (objectListNodeCreate(&objectListNode) == -1) { return -1; } objectListNode->obj = object; return _obj_connect_to_tile(objectListNode, tile, elevation, rect); } // 0x489F34 int _obj_disconnect(Object* obj, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* node; ObjectListNode* prev_node; if (objectGetListNode(obj, &node, &prev_node) != 0) { return -1; } if (_obj_adjust_light(obj, 1, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); } } if (prev_node != NULL) { prev_node->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } if (node != NULL) { internal_free(node); } obj->tile = -1; return 0; } // 0x489FF8 int _obj_offset(Object* obj, int x, int y, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* node = NULL; ObjectListNode* previousNode = NULL; if (objectGetListNode(obj, &node, &previousNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (obj == gDude) { if (rect != NULL) { Rect eggRect; objectGetRect(gEgg, &eggRect); rectCopy(rect, &eggRect); if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } obj->x += x; obj->sx += x; obj->y += y; obj->sy += y; _obj_insert(node); rectOffset(&eggRect, x, y); _obj_offset(gEgg, x, y, NULL); rectUnion(rect, &eggRect, rect); } else { if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } obj->x += x; obj->sx += x; obj->y += y; obj->sy += y; _obj_insert(node); _obj_offset(gEgg, x, y, NULL); } } else { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } obj->x += x; obj->sx += x; obj->y += y; obj->sy += y; _obj_insert(node); Rect objectRect; rectCopy(&objectRect, rect); rectOffset(&objectRect, x, y); rectUnion(rect, &objectRect, rect); } else { if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } obj->x += x; obj->sx += x; obj->y += y; obj->sy += y; _obj_insert(node); } } return 0; } // 0x48A324 int _obj_move(Object* a1, int a2, int a3, int elevation, Rect* a5) { if (a1 == NULL) { return -1; } // TODO: Get rid of initialization. ObjectListNode* node = NULL; ObjectListNode* previousNode; int v22 = 0; int tile = a1->tile; if (hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { if (objectGetListNode(a1, &node, &previousNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (_obj_adjust_light(a1, 1, a5) == -1) { if (a5 != NULL) { objectGetRect(a1, a5); } } if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } a1->tile = -1; a1->elevation = elevation; v22 = 1; } else { if (elevation == a1->elevation) { if (a5 != NULL) { objectGetRect(a1, a5); } } else { if (objectGetListNode(a1, &node, &previousNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (a5 != NULL) { objectGetRect(a1, a5); } if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile != -1) { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } else { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } } a1->elevation = elevation; v22 = 1; } } CacheEntry* cacheHandle; int width; int height; Art* art = artLock(a1->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { artGetSize(art, a1->frame, a1->rotation, &width, &height); a1->sx = a2 - width / 2; a1->sy = a3 - (height - 1); artUnlock(cacheHandle); } if (v22) { _obj_insert(node); } if (a5 != NULL) { Rect rect; objectGetRect(a1, &rect); rectUnion(a5, &rect, a5); } if (a1 == gDude) { if (a1 != NULL) { Rect rect; _obj_move(gEgg, a2, a3, elevation, &rect); rectUnion(a5, &rect, a5); } else { _obj_move(gEgg, a2, a3, elevation, NULL); } } return 0; } // 0x48A568 int objectSetLocation(Object* obj, int tile, int elevation, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (!hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { return -1; } if (!elevationIsValid(elevation)) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* node; ObjectListNode* prevNode; if (objectGetListNode(obj, &node, &prevNode) == -1) { return -1; } Rect v23; int v5 = _obj_adjust_light(obj, 1, rect); if (rect != NULL) { if (v5 == -1) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); } rectCopy(&v23, rect); } int oldElevation = obj->elevation; if (prevNode != NULL) { prevNode->next = node->next; } else { int tileIndex = node->obj->tile; if (tileIndex == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tileIndex] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tileIndex]->next; } } if (_obj_connect_to_tile(node, tile, elevation, rect) == -1) { return -1; } if (isInCombat()) { if (FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { bool v8 = obj->outline != 0 && (obj->outline & OUTLINE_DISABLED) == 0; _combat_update_critter_outline_for_los(obj, v8); } } if (rect != NULL) { rectUnion(rect, &v23, rect); } if (obj == gDude) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* obj = objectListNode->obj; int elev = obj->elevation; if (elevation < elev) { break; } if (elevation == elev) { if (FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_MISC) { if (isExitGridPid(obj->pid)) { ObjectData* data = &(obj->data); MapTransition transition; memset(&transition, 0, sizeof(transition)); transition.map = data->misc.map; transition.tile = data->misc.tile; transition.elevation = data->misc.elevation; transition.rotation = data->misc.rotation; mapSetTransition(&transition); wmMapMarkMapEntranceState(transition.map, transition.elevation, 1); } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } // NOTE: Uninline. obj_set_seen(tile); int roofX = tile % 200 / 2; int roofY = tile / 200 / 2; if (roofX != _obj_last_roof_x || roofY != _obj_last_roof_y || elevation != _obj_last_elev) { int currentSquare = _square[elevation]->field_0[roofX + 100 * roofY]; int currentSquareFid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_TILE, (currentSquare >> 16) & 0xFFF, 0, 0, 0); // CE: Add additional checks for -1 to prevent array lookup at index -101. int previousSquare = _obj_last_roof_x != -1 && _obj_last_roof_y != -1 ? _square[elevation]->field_0[_obj_last_roof_x + 100 * _obj_last_roof_y] : 0; bool isEmpty = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_TILE, 1, 0, 0, 0) == currentSquareFid; if (isEmpty != _obj_last_is_empty || (((currentSquare >> 16) & 0xF000) >> 12) != (((previousSquare >> 16) & 0xF000) >> 12)) { if (!_obj_last_is_empty) { _tile_fill_roof(_obj_last_roof_x, _obj_last_roof_y, elevation, 1); } if (!isEmpty) { _tile_fill_roof(roofX, roofY, elevation, 0); } if (rect != NULL) { rectUnion(rect, &_scr_size, rect); } } _obj_last_roof_x = roofX; _obj_last_roof_y = roofY; _obj_last_elev = elevation; _obj_last_is_empty = isEmpty; } if (rect != NULL) { Rect r; objectSetLocation(gEgg, tile, elevation, &r); rectUnion(rect, &r, rect); } else { objectSetLocation(gEgg, tile, elevation, 0); } if (elevation != oldElevation) { mapSetElevation(elevation); tileSetCenter(tile, TILE_SET_CENTER_REFRESH_WINDOW | TILE_SET_CENTER_FLAG_IGNORE_SCROLL_RESTRICTIONS); if (isInCombat()) { _game_user_wants_to_quit = 1; } } } else { if (elevation != _obj_last_elev && PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { _combat_delete_critter(obj); } } return 0; } // 0x48A9A0 int _obj_reset_roof() { int fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_TILE, (_square[gDude->elevation]->field_0[_obj_last_roof_x + 100 * _obj_last_roof_y] >> 16) & 0xFFF, 0, 0, 0); if (fid != buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_TILE, 1, 0, 0, 0)) { _tile_fill_roof(_obj_last_roof_x, _obj_last_roof_y, gDude->elevation, 1); } return 0; } // Sets object fid. // // 0x48AA3C int objectSetFid(Object* obj, int fid, Rect* dirtyRect) { Rect new_rect; if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (dirtyRect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, dirtyRect); obj->fid = fid; objectGetRect(obj, &new_rect); rectUnion(dirtyRect, &new_rect, dirtyRect); } else { obj->fid = fid; } return 0; } // Sets object frame. // // 0x48AA84 int objectSetFrame(Object* obj, int frame, Rect* rect) { Rect new_rect; Art* art; CacheEntry* cache_entry; int framesPerDirection; if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } art = artLock(obj->fid, &cache_entry); if (art == NULL) { return -1; } framesPerDirection = art->frameCount; artUnlock(cache_entry); if (frame >= framesPerDirection) { return -1; } if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); obj->frame = frame; objectGetRect(obj, &new_rect); rectUnion(rect, &new_rect, rect); } else { obj->frame = frame; } return 0; } // 0x48AAF0 int objectSetNextFrame(Object* obj, Rect* dirtyRect) { Art* art; CacheEntry* cache_entry; int framesPerDirection; int nextFrame; if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } art = artLock(obj->fid, &cache_entry); if (art == NULL) { return -1; } framesPerDirection = art->frameCount; artUnlock(cache_entry); nextFrame = obj->frame + 1; if (nextFrame >= framesPerDirection) { nextFrame = 0; } if (dirtyRect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, dirtyRect); obj->frame = nextFrame; Rect updatedRect; objectGetRect(obj, &updatedRect); rectUnion(dirtyRect, &updatedRect, dirtyRect); } else { obj->frame = nextFrame; } return 0; } // 0x48AB60 // int objectSetPrevFrame(Object* obj, Rect* dirtyRect) { Art* art; CacheEntry* cache_entry; int framesPerDirection; int prevFrame; Rect newRect; if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } art = artLock(obj->fid, &cache_entry); if (art == NULL) { return -1; } framesPerDirection = art->frameCount; artUnlock(cache_entry); prevFrame = obj->frame - 1; if (prevFrame < 0) { prevFrame = framesPerDirection - 1; } if (dirtyRect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, dirtyRect); obj->frame = prevFrame; objectGetRect(obj, &newRect); rectUnion(dirtyRect, &newRect, dirtyRect); } else { obj->frame = prevFrame; } return 0; } // 0x48ABD4 int objectSetRotation(Object* obj, int direction, Rect* dirtyRect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (direction >= ROTATION_COUNT) { return -1; } if (dirtyRect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, dirtyRect); obj->rotation = direction; Rect newRect; objectGetRect(obj, &newRect); rectUnion(dirtyRect, &newRect, dirtyRect); } else { obj->rotation = direction; } return 0; } // 0x48AC20 int objectRotateClockwise(Object* obj, Rect* dirtyRect) { int rotation = obj->rotation + 1; if (rotation >= ROTATION_COUNT) { rotation = ROTATION_NE; } return objectSetRotation(obj, rotation, dirtyRect); } // 0x48AC38 int objectRotateCounterClockwise(Object* obj, Rect* dirtyRect) { int rotation = obj->rotation - 1; if (rotation < 0) { rotation = ROTATION_NW; } return objectSetRotation(obj, rotation, dirtyRect); } // 0x48AC54 void _obj_rebuild_all_light() { lightResetIntensity(); for (int tile = 0; tile < HEX_GRID_SIZE; tile++) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { _obj_adjust_light(objectListNode->obj, 0, NULL); objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } } // 0x48AC90 int objectSetLight(Object* obj, int lightDistance, int lightIntensity, Rect* rect) { int v7; Rect new_rect; if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } v7 = _obj_turn_off_light(obj, rect); if (lightIntensity > 0) { if (lightDistance >= 8) { lightDistance = 8; } obj->lightIntensity = lightIntensity; obj->lightDistance = lightDistance; if (rect != NULL) { v7 = _obj_turn_on_light(obj, &new_rect); rectUnion(rect, &new_rect, rect); } else { v7 = _obj_turn_on_light(obj, NULL); } } else { obj->lightIntensity = 0; obj->lightDistance = 0; } return v7; } // 0x48AD04 int objectGetLightIntensity(Object* obj) { int lightLevel = lightGetLightLevel(); int lightIntensity = lightGetIntensity(obj->elevation, obj->tile); if (obj == gDude) { lightIntensity -= gDude->lightIntensity; } if (lightIntensity >= lightLevel) { if (lightIntensity > 0x10000) { lightIntensity = 0x10000; } } else { lightIntensity = lightLevel; } return lightIntensity; } // 0x48AD48 int _obj_turn_on_light(Object* obj, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (obj->lightIntensity <= 0) { obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_LIGHTING; return -1; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_LIGHTING) == 0) { obj->flags |= OBJECT_LIGHTING; if (_obj_adjust_light(obj, 0, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); } } } return 0; } // 0x48AD9C int _obj_turn_off_light(Object* obj, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (obj->lightIntensity <= 0) { obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_LIGHTING; return -1; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_LIGHTING) != 0) { if (_obj_adjust_light(obj, 1, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); } } obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_LIGHTING; } return 0; } // 0x48ADF0 int objectShow(Object* obj, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { return -1; } obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_HIDDEN; obj->outline &= ~OUTLINE_DISABLED; if (_obj_adjust_light(obj, 0, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); } } if (obj == gDude) { if (rect != NULL) { Rect eggRect; objectGetRect(gEgg, &eggRect); rectUnion(rect, &eggRect, rect); } } return 0; } // 0x48AE68 int objectHide(Object* object, Rect* rect) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } if ((object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) != 0) { return -1; } if (_obj_adjust_light(object, 1, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(object, rect); } } object->flags |= OBJECT_HIDDEN; if ((object->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK) != 0) { object->outline |= OUTLINE_DISABLED; } if (object == gDude) { if (rect != NULL) { Rect eggRect; objectGetRect(gEgg, &eggRect); rectUnion(rect, &eggRect, rect); } } return 0; } // 0x48AEE4 int objectEnableOutline(Object* object, Rect* rect) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } object->outline &= ~OUTLINE_DISABLED; if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(object, rect); } return 0; } // 0x48AF00 int objectDisableOutline(Object* object, Rect* rect) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } if ((object->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK) != 0) { object->outline |= OUTLINE_DISABLED; } if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(object, rect); } return 0; } // 0x48AF2C int _obj_toggle_flat(Object* object, Rect* rect) { Rect v1; if (object == NULL) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* node; ObjectListNode* previousNode; if (objectGetListNode(object, &node, &previousNode) == -1) { return -1; } if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(object, rect); if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile_index = node->obj->tile; if (tile_index == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile_index] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile_index]->next; } } object->flags ^= OBJECT_FLAT; _obj_insert(node); objectGetRect(object, &v1); rectUnion(rect, &v1, rect); } else { if (previousNode != NULL) { previousNode->next = node->next; } else { int tile = node->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } object->flags ^= OBJECT_FLAT; _obj_insert(node); } return 0; } // 0x48B0FC int objectDestroy(Object* object, Rect* rect) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } _gmouse_remove_item_outline(object); ObjectListNode* node; ObjectListNode* previousNode; if (objectGetListNode(object, &node, &previousNode) == 0) { if (_obj_adjust_light(object, 1, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(object, rect); } } if (_obj_remove(node, previousNode) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } // NOTE: Uninline. if (objectListNodeCreate(&node) == -1) { return -1; } node->obj = object; if (_obj_remove(node, node) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x48B1B0 int _obj_inven_free(Inventory* inventory) { for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) { InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]); ObjectListNode* node; // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeCreate(&node); node->obj = inventoryItem->item; node->obj->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; _obj_remove(node, node); inventoryItem->item = NULL; } if (inventory->items != NULL) { internal_free(inventory->items); inventory->items = NULL; inventory->capacity = 0; inventory->length = 0; } return 0; } // 0x48B24C bool _obj_action_can_use(Object* obj) { int pid = obj->pid; // SFALL if (pid != PROTO_ID_LIT_FLARE && !explosiveIsActiveExplosive(pid)) { return _proto_action_can_use(pid); } else { return false; } } // 0x48B278 bool _obj_action_can_talk_to(Object* obj) { return _proto_action_can_talk_to(obj->pid) && (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) && critterIsActive(obj); } // 0x48B2A8 bool _obj_portal_is_walk_thru(Object* obj) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY) { return false; } Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(obj->pid, &proto) == -1) { return false; } return (proto->scenery.data.generic.field_0 & 0x04) != 0; } // 0x48B2E8 Object* objectFindById(int a1) { Object* obj = objectFindFirst(); while (obj != NULL) { if (obj->id == a1) { return obj; } obj = objectFindNext(); } return NULL; } // Returns root owner of given object. // // 0x48B304 Object* objectGetOwner(Object* object) { Object* owner = object->owner; if (owner == NULL) { return NULL; } while (owner->owner != NULL) { owner = owner->owner; } return owner; } // 0x48B318 void _obj_remove_all() { ObjectListNode* node; ObjectListNode* prev; ObjectListNode* next; _scr_remove_all(); for (int tile = 0; tile < HEX_GRID_SIZE; tile++) { node = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; prev = NULL; while (node != NULL) { next = node->next; if (_obj_remove(node, prev) == -1) { prev = node; } node = next; } } node = gObjectListHead; prev = NULL; while (node != NULL) { next = node->next; if (_obj_remove(node, prev) == -1) { prev = node; } node = next; } _obj_last_roof_y = -1; _obj_last_elev = -1; _obj_last_is_empty = true; _obj_last_roof_x = -1; } // 0x48B3A8 Object* objectFindFirst() { gObjectFindElevation = 0; ObjectListNode* objectListNode; for (gObjectFindTile = 0; gObjectFindTile < HEX_GRID_SIZE; gObjectFindTile++) { objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[gObjectFindTile]; if (objectListNode) { break; } } if (gObjectFindTile == HEX_GRID_SIZE) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } while (objectListNode != NULL) { if (artIsObjectTypeHidden(FID_TYPE(objectListNode->obj->fid)) == 0) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = objectListNode; return objectListNode->obj; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } // 0x48B41C Object* objectFindNext() { if (gObjectFindLastObjectListNode == NULL) { return NULL; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectFindLastObjectListNode->next; while (gObjectFindTile < HEX_GRID_SIZE) { if (objectListNode == NULL) { objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[gObjectFindTile++]; } while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (!artIsObjectTypeHidden(FID_TYPE(object->fid))) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = objectListNode; return object; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } // 0x48B48C Object* objectFindFirstAtElevation(int elevation) { gObjectFindElevation = elevation; gObjectFindTile = 0; for (gObjectFindTile = 0; gObjectFindTile < HEX_GRID_SIZE; gObjectFindTile++) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[gObjectFindTile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation == elevation) { if (!artIsObjectTypeHidden(FID_TYPE(object->fid))) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = objectListNode; return object; } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } // 0x48B510 Object* objectFindNextAtElevation() { if (gObjectFindLastObjectListNode == NULL) { return NULL; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectFindLastObjectListNode->next; while (gObjectFindTile < HEX_GRID_SIZE) { if (objectListNode == NULL) { objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[gObjectFindTile++]; } while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation == gObjectFindElevation) { if (!artIsObjectTypeHidden(FID_TYPE(object->fid))) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = objectListNode; return object; } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } // 0x48B5A8 Object* objectFindFirstAtLocation(int elevation, int tile) { gObjectFindElevation = elevation; gObjectFindTile = tile; ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation == elevation) { if (!artIsObjectTypeHidden(FID_TYPE(object->fid))) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = objectListNode; return object; } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } // 0x48B608 Object* objectFindNextAtLocation() { if (gObjectFindLastObjectListNode == NULL) { return NULL; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectFindLastObjectListNode->next; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation == gObjectFindElevation) { if (!artIsObjectTypeHidden(FID_TYPE(object->fid))) { gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = objectListNode; return object; } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } gObjectFindLastObjectListNode = NULL; return NULL; } // 0x0x48B66C void objectGetRect(Object* obj, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return; } if (rect == NULL) { return; } bool isOutlined = false; if ((obj->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK) != 0) { isOutlined = true; } CacheEntry* artHandle; Art* art = artLock(obj->fid, &artHandle); if (art == NULL) { rect->left = 0; rect->top = 0; rect->right = 0; rect->bottom = 0; return; } int width; int height; artGetSize(art, obj->frame, obj->rotation, &width, &height); if (obj->tile == -1) { rect->left = obj->sx; rect->top = obj->sy; rect->right = obj->sx + width - 1; rect->bottom = obj->sy + height - 1; } else { int tileScreenY; int tileScreenX; if (tileToScreenXY(obj->tile, &tileScreenX, &tileScreenY, obj->elevation) == 0) { tileScreenX += 16; tileScreenY += 8; tileScreenX += art->xOffsets[obj->rotation]; tileScreenY += art->yOffsets[obj->rotation]; tileScreenX += obj->x; tileScreenY += obj->y; rect->left = tileScreenX - width / 2; rect->top = tileScreenY - height + 1; rect->right = width + rect->left - 1; rect->bottom = tileScreenY; } else { rect->left = 0; rect->top = 0; rect->right = 0; rect->bottom = 0; isOutlined = false; } } artUnlock(artHandle); if (isOutlined) { rect->left--; rect->top--; rect->right++; rect->bottom++; } } // 0x48B7F8 bool _obj_occupied(int tile, int elevation) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { if (objectListNode->obj->elevation == elevation && objectListNode->obj != gGameMouseBouncingCursor && objectListNode->obj != gGameMouseHexCursor) { return true; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } return false; } // 0x48B848 Object* _obj_blocking_at(Object* a1, int tile, int elev) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode; Object* v7; int type; if (!hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { return NULL; } objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { v7 = objectListNode->obj; if (v7->elevation == elev) { if ((v7->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (v7->flags & OBJECT_NO_BLOCK) == 0 && v7 != a1) { type = FID_TYPE(v7->fid); if (type == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER || type == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || type == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { return v7; } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { int neighboor = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, rotation, 1); if (hexGridTileIsValid(neighboor)) { objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[neighboor]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { v7 = objectListNode->obj; if ((v7->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { if (v7->elevation == elev) { if ((v7->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (v7->flags & OBJECT_NO_BLOCK) == 0 && v7 != a1) { type = FID_TYPE(v7->fid); if (type == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER || type == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || type == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { return v7; } } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } } return NULL; } // 0x48B930 Object* _obj_shoot_blocking_at(Object* obj, int tile, int elev) { if (!hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { return NULL; } ObjectListNode* objectListItem = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListItem != NULL) { Object* candidate = objectListItem->obj; if (candidate->elevation == elev) { unsigned int flags = candidate->flags; if ((flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && ((flags & OBJECT_NO_BLOCK) == 0 || (flags & OBJECT_SHOOT_THRU) == 0) && candidate != obj) { int type = FID_TYPE(candidate->fid); // SFALL: Fix to prevent corpses from blocking line of fire. if ((type == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && !critterIsDead(candidate)) || type == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || type == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { return candidate; } } } objectListItem = objectListItem->next; } for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { int adjacentTile = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, rotation, 1); if (!hexGridTileIsValid(adjacentTile)) { continue; } ObjectListNode* objectListItem = gObjectListHeadByTile[adjacentTile]; while (objectListItem != NULL) { Object* candidate = objectListItem->obj; unsigned int flags = candidate->flags; if ((flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { if (candidate->elevation == elev) { if ((flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (flags & OBJECT_NO_BLOCK) == 0 && candidate != obj) { int type = FID_TYPE(candidate->fid); // SFALL: Fix to prevent corpses from blocking line of // fire. if ((type == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && !critterIsDead(candidate)) || type == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || type == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { return candidate; } } } } objectListItem = objectListItem->next; } } return NULL; } // 0x48BA20 Object* _obj_ai_blocking_at(Object* a1, int tile, int elevation) { if (!hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { return NULL; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation == elevation) { if ((object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (object->flags & OBJECT_NO_BLOCK) == 0 && object != a1) { int objectType = FID_TYPE(object->fid); if (objectType == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER || objectType == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || objectType == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { if (_moveBlockObj != NULL || objectType != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return object; } _moveBlockObj = object; } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { int candidate = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, rotation, 1); if (!hexGridTileIsValid(candidate)) { continue; } objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[candidate]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if ((object->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { if (object->elevation == elevation) { if ((object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (object->flags & OBJECT_NO_BLOCK) == 0 && object != a1) { int objectType = FID_TYPE(object->fid); if (objectType == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER || objectType == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || objectType == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { if (_moveBlockObj != NULL || objectType != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return object; } _moveBlockObj = object; } } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } return NULL; } // 0x48BB44 int _obj_scroll_blocking_at(int tile, int elev) { // TODO: Might be an error - why tile 0 is excluded? if (tile <= 0 || tile >= 40000) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { if (elev < objectListNode->obj->elevation) { break; } if (objectListNode->obj->elevation == elev && objectListNode->obj->pid == 0x500000C) { return 0; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } return -1; } // 0x48BB88 Object* _obj_sight_blocking_at(Object* a1, int tile, int elevation) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation == elevation && (object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (object->flags & OBJECT_LIGHT_THRU) == 0 && object != a1) { int objectType = FID_TYPE(object->fid); if (objectType == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || objectType == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { return object; } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } return NULL; } // 0x48BBD4 int objectGetDistanceBetween(Object* object1, Object* object2) { if (object1 == NULL || object2 == NULL) { return 0; } int distance = tileDistanceBetween(object1->tile, object2->tile); if ((object1->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { distance -= 1; } if ((object2->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { distance -= 1; } if (distance < 0) { distance = 0; } return distance; } // 0x48BC08 int objectGetDistanceBetweenTiles(Object* object1, int tile1, Object* object2, int tile2) { if (object1 == NULL || object2 == NULL) { return 0; } int distance = tileDistanceBetween(tile1, tile2); if ((object1->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { distance -= 1; } if ((object2->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { distance -= 1; } if (distance < 0) { distance = 0; } return distance; } // 0x48BC38 int objectListCreate(int tile, int elevation, int objectType, Object*** objectListPtr) { if (objectListPtr == NULL) { return -1; } int count = 0; if (tile == -1) { for (int index = 0; index < HEX_GRID_SIZE; index++) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[index]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* obj = objectListNode->obj; if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && obj->elevation == elevation && FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == objectType) { count++; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } } else { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* obj = objectListNode->obj; if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && obj->elevation == elevation && FID_TYPE(objectListNode->obj->fid) == objectType) { count++; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } if (count == 0) { return 0; } Object** objects = *objectListPtr = (Object**)internal_malloc(sizeof(*objects) * count); if (objects == NULL) { return -1; } if (tile == -1) { for (int index = 0; index < HEX_GRID_SIZE; index++) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[index]; while (objectListNode) { Object* obj = objectListNode->obj; if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && obj->elevation == elevation && FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == objectType) { *objects++ = obj; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } } else { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* obj = objectListNode->obj; if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && obj->elevation == elevation && FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == objectType) { *objects++ = obj; } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } return count; } // 0x48BDCC void objectListFree(Object** objectList) { if (objectList != NULL) { internal_free(objectList); } } // 0x48BDD8 void _translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch, unsigned char* dest, int destX, int destY, int destPitch, unsigned char* a9, unsigned char* a10) { dest += destPitch * destY + destX; int srcStep = srcPitch - srcWidth; int destStep = destPitch - srcWidth; for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) { // TODO: Probably wrong. unsigned char v1 = a10[*src]; unsigned char* v2 = a9 + (v1 << 8); unsigned char v3 = *dest; *dest = v2[v3]; src++; dest++; } src += srcStep; dest += destStep; } } // 0x48BEFC void _dark_trans_buf_to_buf(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch, unsigned char* dest, int destX, int destY, int destPitch, int light) { unsigned char* sp = src; unsigned char* dp = dest + destPitch * destY + destX; int srcStep = srcPitch - srcWidth; int destStep = destPitch - srcWidth; // TODO: Name might be confusing. int lightModifier = light >> 9; for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) { unsigned char b = *sp; if (b != 0) { if (b < 0xE5) { int t = (b << 8) + lightModifier; b = _intensityColorTable[t]; } *dp = b; } sp++; dp++; } sp += srcStep; dp += destStep; } } // 0x48BF88 void _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch, unsigned char* dest, int destX, int destY, int destPitch, int light, unsigned char* a10, unsigned char* a11) { int srcStep = srcPitch - srcWidth; int destStep = destPitch - srcWidth; int lightModifier = light >> 9; dest += destPitch * destY + destX; for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) { unsigned char srcByte = *src; if (srcByte != 0) { unsigned char destByte = *dest; unsigned int index = a11[srcByte] << 8; index = a10[index + destByte]; index <<= 8; index += lightModifier; *dest = _intensityColorTable[index]; } src++; dest++; } src += srcStep; dest += destStep; } } // 0x48C03C void _intensity_mask_buf_to_buf(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch, unsigned char* dest, int destPitch, unsigned char* mask, int maskPitch, int light) { int srcStep = srcPitch - srcWidth; int destStep = destPitch - srcWidth; int maskStep = maskPitch - srcWidth; light >>= 9; for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) { unsigned char b = *src; if (b != 0) { int off = (b << 8) + light; b = _intensityColorTable[off]; unsigned char m = *mask; if (m != 0) { unsigned char d = *dest; int off = (d << 8) + 128 - m; int q = _intensityColorTable[off]; off = (b << 8) + m; m = _intensityColorTable[off]; off = (m << 8) + q; b = _colorMixAddTable[off]; } *dest = b; } src++; dest++; mask++; } src += srcStep; dest += destStep; mask += maskStep; } } // 0x48C2B4 int objectSetOutline(Object* obj, int outlineType, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if ((obj->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK) != 0) { return -1; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_NO_HIGHLIGHT) != 0) { return -1; } obj->outline = outlineType; if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) != 0) { obj->outline |= OUTLINE_DISABLED; } if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(obj, rect); } return 0; } // 0x48C2F0 int objectClearOutline(Object* object, Rect* rect) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(object, rect); } object->outline = 0; return 0; } // 0x48C340 int _obj_intersects_with(Object* object, int x, int y) { int flags = 0; if (object == gEgg || (object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { CacheEntry* handle; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &handle); if (art != NULL) { int width; int height; artGetSize(art, object->frame, object->rotation, &width, &height); int minX; int minY; int maxX; int maxY; if (object->tile == -1) { minX = object->sx; minY = object->sy; maxX = minX + width - 1; maxY = minY + height - 1; } else { int tileScreenX; int tileScreenY; tileToScreenXY(object->tile, &tileScreenX, &tileScreenY, object->elevation); tileScreenX += 16; tileScreenY += 8; tileScreenX += art->xOffsets[object->rotation]; tileScreenY += art->yOffsets[object->rotation]; tileScreenX += object->x; tileScreenY += object->y; minX = tileScreenX - width / 2; maxX = minX + width - 1; minY = tileScreenY - height + 1; maxY = tileScreenY; } if (x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY) { unsigned char* data = artGetFrameData(art, object->frame, object->rotation); if (data != NULL) { if (data[width * (y - minY) + x - minX] != 0) { flags |= 0x01; if ((object->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0xFC000) != 0) { if ((object->flags & OBJECT_TRANS_NONE) == 0) { flags &= ~0x03; flags |= 0x02; } } else { int type = FID_TYPE(object->fid); if (type == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY || type == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { Proto* proto; protoGetProto(object->pid, &proto); bool v20; int extendedFlags = proto->scenery.extendedFlags; if ((extendedFlags & 0x8000000) != 0 || (extendedFlags & 0x80000000) != 0) { v20 = tileIsInFrontOf(object->tile, gDude->tile); } else if ((extendedFlags & 0x10000000) != 0) { // NOTE: Original code uses bitwise or, but given the fact that these functions return // bools, logical or is more suitable. v20 = tileIsInFrontOf(object->tile, gDude->tile) || tileIsToRightOf(gDude->tile, object->tile); } else if ((extendedFlags & 0x20000000) != 0) { v20 = tileIsInFrontOf(object->tile, gDude->tile) && tileIsToRightOf(gDude->tile, object->tile); } else { v20 = tileIsToRightOf(gDude->tile, object->tile); } if (v20) { if (_obj_intersects_with(gEgg, x, y) != 0) { flags |= 0x04; } } } } } } } artUnlock(handle); } } return flags; } // 0x48C5C4 int _obj_create_intersect_list(int x, int y, int elevation, int objectType, ObjectWithFlags** entriesPtr) { int v5 = tileFromScreenXY(x - 320, y - 240, elevation); *entriesPtr = NULL; if (gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize <= 0) { return 0; } int count = 0; int parity = gCenterTile & 1; for (int index = 0; index < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize; index++) { int v7 = _orderTable[parity][index]; if (_offsetDivTable[v7] < 30 && _offsetModTable[v7] < 20) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[_offsetTable[parity][v7] + v5]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* object = objectListNode->obj; if (object->elevation > elevation) { break; } if (object->elevation == elevation && (objectType == -1 || FID_TYPE(object->fid) == objectType) && object != gEgg) { int flags = _obj_intersects_with(object, x, y); if (flags != 0) { ObjectWithFlags* entries = (ObjectWithFlags*)internal_realloc(*entriesPtr, sizeof(*entries) * (count + 1)); if (entries != NULL) { *entriesPtr = entries; entries[count].object = object; entries[count].flags = flags; count++; } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } } } return count; } // 0x48C74C void _obj_delete_intersect_list(ObjectWithFlags** entriesPtr) { if (entriesPtr != NULL && *entriesPtr != NULL) { internal_free(*entriesPtr); *entriesPtr = NULL; } } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48C76C void obj_set_seen(int tile) { _obj_seen[tile >> 3] |= 1 << (tile & 7); } // 0x48C788 void _obj_clear_seen() { memset(_obj_seen, 0, sizeof(_obj_seen)); } // 0x48C7A0 void _obj_process_seen() { int i; int v7; int v8; int v5; int v0; int v3; ObjectListNode* obj_entry; memset(_obj_seen_check, 0, 5001); v0 = 400; for (i = 0; i < 5001; i++) { if (_obj_seen[i] != 0) { for (v3 = i - 400; v3 != v0; v3 += 25) { if (v3 >= 0 && v3 < 5001) { _obj_seen_check[v3] = -1; if (v3 > 0) { _obj_seen_check[v3 - 1] = -1; } if (v3 < 5000) { _obj_seen_check[v3 + 1] = -1; } if (v3 > 1) { _obj_seen_check[v3 - 2] = -1; } if (v3 < 4999) { _obj_seen_check[v3 + 2] = -1; } } } } v0++; } v7 = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5001; i++) { if (_obj_seen_check[i] != 0) { v8 = 1; for (v5 = v7; v5 < v7 + 8; v5++) { if (v8 & _obj_seen_check[i]) { if (v5 < 40000) { for (obj_entry = gObjectListHeadByTile[v5]; obj_entry != NULL; obj_entry = obj_entry->next) { if (obj_entry->obj->elevation == gDude->elevation) { obj_entry->obj->flags |= OBJECT_SEEN; } } } } v8 *= 2; } } v7 += 8; } memset(_obj_seen, 0, 5001); } // 0x48C8E4 char* objectGetName(Object* obj) { int objectType = FID_TYPE(obj->fid); switch (objectType) { case OBJ_TYPE_ITEM: return itemGetName(obj); case OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER: return critterGetName(obj); default: return protoGetName(obj->pid); } } // 0x48C914 char* objectGetDescription(Object* obj) { if (FID_TYPE(obj->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { return itemGetDescription(obj); } return protoGetDescription(obj->pid); } // Warm objects cache? // // 0x48C938 void _obj_preload_art_cache(int flags) { if (gObjectFids == NULL) { return; } unsigned char arr[4096]; memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr)); if ((flags & 0x02) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SQUARE_GRID_SIZE; i++) { int v3 = _square[0]->field_0[i]; arr[v3 & 0xFFF] = 1; arr[(v3 >> 16) & 0xFFF] = 1; } } if ((flags & 0x04) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SQUARE_GRID_SIZE; i++) { int v3 = _square[1]->field_0[i]; arr[v3 & 0xFFF] = 1; arr[(v3 >> 16) & 0xFFF] = 1; } } if ((flags & 0x08) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SQUARE_GRID_SIZE; i++) { int v3 = _square[2]->field_0[i]; arr[v3 & 0xFFF] = 1; arr[(v3 >> 16) & 0xFFF] = 1; } } qsort(gObjectFids, gObjectFidsLength, sizeof(*gObjectFids), _obj_preload_sort); int v11 = gObjectFidsLength; int v12 = gObjectFidsLength; if (FID_TYPE(gObjectFids[v12 - 1]) == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { int objectType = OBJ_TYPE_ITEM; do { v11--; objectType = FID_TYPE(gObjectFids[v12 - 1]); v12--; } while (objectType == OBJ_TYPE_WALL); v11++; } CacheEntry* cache_handle; if (artLock(*gObjectFids, &cache_handle) != NULL) { artUnlock(cache_handle); } for (int i = 1; i < v11; i++) { if (gObjectFids[i - 1] != gObjectFids[i]) { if (artLock(gObjectFids[i], &cache_handle) != NULL) { artUnlock(cache_handle); } } } for (int i = 0; i < 4096; i++) { if (arr[i] != 0) { int fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_TILE, i, 0, 0, 0); if (artLock(fid, &cache_handle) != NULL) { artUnlock(cache_handle); } } } for (int i = v11; i < gObjectFidsLength; i++) { if (gObjectFids[i - 1] != gObjectFids[i]) { if (artLock(gObjectFids[i], &cache_handle) != NULL) { artUnlock(cache_handle); } } } internal_free(gObjectFids); gObjectFids = NULL; gObjectFidsLength = 0; } // 0x48CB88 static int _obj_offset_table_init() { int i; if (_offsetTable[0] != NULL) { return -1; } if (_offsetTable[1] != NULL) { return -1; } _offsetTable[0] = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(int) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_offsetTable[0] == NULL) { goto err; } _offsetTable[1] = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(int) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_offsetTable[1] == NULL) { goto err; } for (int parity = 0; parity < 2; parity++) { int originTile = tileFromScreenXY(gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.left, gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.top, 0); if (originTile != -1) { int* offsets = _offsetTable[gCenterTile & 1]; int originTileX; int originTileY; tileToScreenXY(originTile, &originTileX, &originTileY, 0); int parityShift = 16; originTileX += 16; originTileY += 8; if (originTileX > gObjectsUpdateAreaPixelBounds.left) { parityShift = -parityShift; } int tileX = originTileX; for (int y = 0; y < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexWidth; x++) { int tile = tileFromScreenXY(tileX, originTileY, 0); if (tile == -1) { goto err; } tileX += 32; *offsets++ = tile - originTile; } tileX = parityShift + originTileX; originTileY += 12; parityShift = -parityShift; } } if (tileSetCenter(gCenterTile + 1, TILE_SET_CENTER_FLAG_IGNORE_SCROLL_RESTRICTIONS) == -1) { goto err; } } _offsetDivTable = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(int) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_offsetDivTable == NULL) { goto err; } for (i = 0; i < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize; i++) { _offsetDivTable[i] = i / gObjectsUpdateAreaHexWidth; } _offsetModTable = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(int) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_offsetModTable == NULL) { goto err; } for (i = 0; i < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize; i++) { _offsetModTable[i] = i % gObjectsUpdateAreaHexWidth; } return 0; err: _obj_offset_table_exit(); return -1; } // 0x48CDA0 static void _obj_offset_table_exit() { if (_offsetModTable != NULL) { internal_free(_offsetModTable); _offsetModTable = NULL; } if (_offsetDivTable != NULL) { internal_free(_offsetDivTable); _offsetDivTable = NULL; } if (_offsetTable[1] != NULL) { internal_free(_offsetTable[1]); _offsetTable[1] = NULL; } if (_offsetTable[0] != NULL) { internal_free(_offsetTable[0]); _offsetTable[0] = NULL; } } // 0x48CE10 static int _obj_order_table_init() { if (_orderTable[0] != NULL || _orderTable[1] != NULL) { return -1; } _orderTable[0] = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(int) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_orderTable[0] == NULL) { goto err; } _orderTable[1] = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(int) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_orderTable[1] == NULL) { goto err; } for (int index = 0; index < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize; index++) { _orderTable[0][index] = index; _orderTable[1][index] = index; } qsort(_orderTable[0], gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize, sizeof(int), _obj_order_comp_func_even); qsort(_orderTable[1], gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize, sizeof(int), _obj_order_comp_func_odd); return 0; err: // NOTE: Uninline. _obj_order_table_exit(); return -1; } // 0x48CF20 static int _obj_order_comp_func_even(const void* a1, const void* a2) { int v1 = *(int*)a1; int v2 = *(int*)a2; return _offsetTable[0][v1] - _offsetTable[0][v2]; } // 0x48CF38 static int _obj_order_comp_func_odd(const void* a1, const void* a2) { int v1 = *(int*)a1; int v2 = *(int*)a2; return _offsetTable[1][v1] - _offsetTable[1][v2]; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48CF50 static void _obj_order_table_exit() { if (_orderTable[1] != NULL) { internal_free(_orderTable[1]); _orderTable[1] = NULL; } if (_orderTable[0] != NULL) { internal_free(_orderTable[0]); _orderTable[0] = NULL; } } // 0x48CF8C static int _obj_render_table_init() { if (_renderTable != NULL) { return -1; } _renderTable = (ObjectListNode**)internal_malloc(sizeof(*_renderTable) * gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize); if (_renderTable == NULL) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < gObjectsUpdateAreaHexSize; index++) { _renderTable[index] = NULL; } return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48D000 static void _obj_render_table_exit() { if (_renderTable != NULL) { internal_free(_renderTable); _renderTable = NULL; } } // 0x48D020 static void _obj_light_table_init() { for (int s = 0; s < 2; s++) { int v4 = gCenterTile + s; for (int i = 0; i < ROTATION_COUNT; i++) { int v15 = 8; int* p = _light_offsets[v4 & 1][i]; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int tile = tileGetTileInDirection(v4, (i + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT, j); for (int m = 0; m < v15; m++) { *p++ = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, i, m + 1) - v4; } v15--; } } } } // 0x48D1E4 static void _obj_blend_table_init() { for (int index = 0; index < 256; index++) { int r = (_Color2RGB_(index) & 0x7C00) >> 10; int g = (_Color2RGB_(index) & 0x3E0) >> 5; int b = _Color2RGB_(index) & 0x1F; _glassGrayTable[index] = ((r + 5 * g + 4 * b) / 10) >> 2; _commonGrayTable[index] = ((b + 3 * r + 6 * g) / 10) >> 2; } _glassGrayTable[0] = 0; _commonGrayTable[0] = 0; _wallBlendTable = _getColorBlendTable(_colorTable[25439]); _glassBlendTable = _getColorBlendTable(_colorTable[10239]); _steamBlendTable = _getColorBlendTable(_colorTable[32767]); _energyBlendTable = _getColorBlendTable(_colorTable[30689]); _redBlendTable = _getColorBlendTable(_colorTable[31744]); } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48D2E8 static void _obj_blend_table_exit() { _freeColorBlendTable(_colorTable[25439]); _freeColorBlendTable(_colorTable[10239]); _freeColorBlendTable(_colorTable[32767]); _freeColorBlendTable(_colorTable[30689]); _freeColorBlendTable(_colorTable[31744]); } // 0x48D348 static int _obj_save_obj(File* stream, Object* object) { if ((object->flags & OBJECT_TEMPORARY) != 0) { return 0; } CritterCombatData* combatData = NULL; Object* whoHitMe = NULL; if (PID_TYPE(object->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { combatData = &(object->data.critter.combat); whoHitMe = combatData->whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe != 0) { if (combatData->whoHitMeCid != -1) { combatData->whoHitMeCid = whoHitMe->cid; } } else { combatData->whoHitMeCid = -1; } } if (objectWrite(object, stream) == -1) { return -1; } if (PID_TYPE(object->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { combatData->whoHitMe = whoHitMe; } Inventory* inventory = &(object->data.inventory); for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) { InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, inventoryItem->quantity) == -1) { return -1; } if (_obj_save_obj(stream, inventoryItem->item) == -1) { return -1; } if ((inventoryItem->item->flags & OBJECT_TEMPORARY) != 0) { return -1; } } return 0; } // 0x48D414 static int _obj_load_obj(File* stream, Object** objectPtr, int elevation, Object* owner) { Object* obj; if (objectAllocate(&obj) == -1) { *objectPtr = NULL; return -1; } if (objectRead(obj, stream) != 0) { *objectPtr = NULL; return -1; } if (obj->sid != -1) { Script* script; if (scriptGetScript(obj->sid, &script) == -1) { obj->sid = -1; } else { script->owner = obj; } } _obj_fix_violence_settings(&(obj->fid)); if (!_art_fid_valid(obj->fid)) { debugPrint("\nError: invalid object art fid: %u\n", obj->fid); // NOTE: Uninline. objectDeallocate(&obj); return -2; } if (elevation == -1) { elevation = obj->elevation; } else { obj->elevation = elevation; } obj->owner = owner; Inventory* inventory = &(obj->data.inventory); if (inventory->length <= 0) { inventory->capacity = 0; inventory->items = NULL; *objectPtr = obj; return 0; } InventoryItem* inventoryItems = inventory->items = (InventoryItem*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*inventoryItems) * inventory->capacity); if (inventoryItems == NULL) { return -1; } for (int inventoryItemIndex = 0; inventoryItemIndex < inventory->length; inventoryItemIndex++) { InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventoryItems[inventoryItemIndex]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(inventoryItem->quantity)) != 0) { return -1; } if (_obj_load_obj(stream, &(inventoryItem->item), elevation, obj) != 0) { return -1; } } *objectPtr = obj; return 0; } // obj_save_dude // 0x48D59C int _obj_save_dude(File* stream) { int field_78 = gDude->sid; gDude->flags &= ~OBJECT_TEMPORARY; gDude->sid = -1; int rc = _obj_save_obj(stream, gDude); gDude->sid = field_78; gDude->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, gCenterTile) == -1) { fileClose(stream); return -1; } return rc; } // obj_load_dude // 0x48D600 int _obj_load_dude(File* stream) { int savedTile = gDude->tile; int savedElevation = gDude->elevation; int savedRotation = gDude->rotation; int savedOid = gDude->id; scriptsClearDudeScript(); Object* temp; int rc = _obj_load_obj(stream, &temp, -1, NULL); memcpy(gDude, temp, sizeof(*gDude)); gDude->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; scriptsClearDudeScript(); gDude->id = savedOid; scriptsSetDudeScript(); int newTile = gDude->tile; gDude->tile = savedTile; int newElevation = gDude->elevation; gDude->elevation = savedElevation; int newRotation = gDude->rotation; gDude->rotation = newRotation; scriptsSetDudeScript(); if (rc != -1) { objectSetLocation(gDude, newTile, newElevation, NULL); objectSetRotation(gDude, newRotation, NULL); } // Set ownership of inventory items from temporary instance to dude. Inventory* inventory = &(gDude->data.inventory); for (int index = 0; index < inventory->length; index++) { InventoryItem* inventoryItem = &(inventory->items[index]); inventoryItem->item->owner = gDude; } // Dude has claimed ownership of items in temporary instance's inventory. // We don't need object's dealloc routine to remove these items from the // game, so simply nullify temporary inventory as if nothing was there. Inventory* tempInventory = &(temp->data.inventory); tempInventory->length = 0; tempInventory->capacity = 0; tempInventory->items = NULL; temp->flags &= ~OBJECT_FLAG_0x400; if (objectDestroy(temp, NULL) == -1) { debugPrint("\nError: obj_load_dude: Can't destroy temp object!\n"); } _inven_reset_dude(); int tile; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &tile) == -1) { fileClose(stream); return -1; } tileSetCenter(tile, TILE_SET_CENTER_REFRESH_WINDOW | TILE_SET_CENTER_FLAG_IGNORE_SCROLL_RESTRICTIONS); return rc; } // 0x48D778 static int objectAllocate(Object** objectPtr) { if (objectPtr == NULL) { return -1; } Object* object = *objectPtr = (Object*)internal_malloc(sizeof(Object)); if (object == NULL) { return -1; } memset(object, 0, sizeof(Object)); object->id = -1; object->tile = -1; object->cid = -1; object->outline = 0; object->pid = -1; object->sid = -1; object->owner = NULL; object->field_80 = -1; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48D7F8 static void objectDeallocate(Object** objectPtr) { if (objectPtr == NULL) { return; } if (*objectPtr == NULL) { return; } internal_free(*objectPtr); *objectPtr = NULL; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48D818 static int objectListNodeCreate(ObjectListNode** nodePtr) { if (nodePtr == NULL) { return -1; } ObjectListNode* node = *nodePtr = (ObjectListNode*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*node)); if (node == NULL) { return -1; } node->obj = NULL; node->next = NULL; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x48D84C static void objectListNodeDestroy(ObjectListNode** nodePtr) { if (nodePtr == NULL) { return; } if (*nodePtr == NULL) { return; } internal_free(*nodePtr); *nodePtr = NULL; } // 0x48D86C static int objectGetListNode(Object* object, ObjectListNode** nodePtr, ObjectListNode** previousNodePtr) { if (object == NULL) { return -1; } if (nodePtr == NULL) { return -1; } int tile = object->tile; if (tile != -1) { *nodePtr = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; } else { *nodePtr = gObjectListHead; } if (previousNodePtr != NULL) { *previousNodePtr = NULL; while (*nodePtr != NULL) { if (object == (*nodePtr)->obj) { break; } *previousNodePtr = *nodePtr; *nodePtr = (*nodePtr)->next; } } else { while (*nodePtr != NULL) { if (object == (*nodePtr)->obj) { break; } *nodePtr = (*nodePtr)->next; } } if (*nodePtr != NULL) { return 0; } return -1; } // 0x48D8E8 static void _obj_insert(ObjectListNode* objectListNode) { ObjectListNode** objectListNodePtr; if (objectListNode == NULL) { return; } if (objectListNode->obj->tile == -1) { objectListNodePtr = &gObjectListHead; } else { Art* art = NULL; CacheEntry* cacheHandle = NULL; objectListNodePtr = &(gObjectListHeadByTile[objectListNode->obj->tile]); while (*objectListNodePtr != NULL) { Object* obj = (*objectListNodePtr)->obj; if (obj->elevation > objectListNode->obj->elevation) { break; } if (obj->elevation == objectListNode->obj->elevation) { if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAT) == 0 && (objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAT) != 0) { break; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAT) == (objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAT)) { bool v11 = false; CacheEntry* a2; Art* v12 = artLock(obj->fid, &a2); if (v12 != NULL) { if (art == NULL) { art = artLock(objectListNode->obj->fid, &cacheHandle); } // TODO: Incomplete. artUnlock(a2); if (v11) { break; } } } } objectListNodePtr = &((*objectListNodePtr)->next); } if (art != NULL) { artUnlock(cacheHandle); } } objectListNode->next = *objectListNodePtr; *objectListNodePtr = objectListNode; } // 0x48DA58 static int _obj_remove(ObjectListNode* a1, ObjectListNode* a2) { if (a1->obj == NULL) { return -1; } if ((a1->obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x400) != 0) { return -1; } _obj_inven_free(&(a1->obj->data.inventory)); if (a1->obj->sid != -1) { scriptExecProc(a1->obj->sid, SCRIPT_PROC_DESTROY); scriptRemove(a1->obj->sid); } if (a1 != a2) { if (a2 != NULL) { a2->next = a1->next; } else { int tile = a1->obj->tile; if (tile == -1) { gObjectListHead = gObjectListHead->next; } else { gObjectListHeadByTile[tile] = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]->next; } } } // NOTE: Uninline. objectDeallocate(&(a1->obj)); // NOTE: Uninline. objectListNodeDestroy(&a1); return 0; } // 0x48DB28 static int _obj_connect_to_tile(ObjectListNode* node, int tile, int elevation, Rect* rect) { if (node == NULL) { return -1; } if (!hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { return -1; } if (!elevationIsValid(elevation)) { return -1; } node->obj->tile = tile; node->obj->elevation = elevation; node->obj->x = 0; node->obj->y = 0; node->obj->owner = 0; _obj_insert(node); if (_obj_adjust_light(node->obj, 0, rect) == -1) { if (rect != NULL) { objectGetRect(node->obj, rect); } } return 0; } // 0x48DC28 static int _obj_adjust_light(Object* obj, int a2, Rect* rect) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (obj->lightIntensity <= 0) { return -1; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) != 0) { return -1; } if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_LIGHTING) == 0) { return -1; } if (!hexGridTileIsValid(obj->tile)) { return -1; } AdjustLightIntensityProc* adjustLightIntensity = a2 ? lightDecreaseIntensity : lightIncreaseIntensity; adjustLightIntensity(obj->elevation, obj->tile, obj->lightIntensity); Rect objectRect; objectGetRect(obj, &objectRect); if (obj->lightDistance > 8) { obj->lightDistance = 8; } if (obj->lightIntensity > 65536) { obj->lightIntensity = 65536; } int(*v70)[36] = _light_offsets[obj->tile & 1]; int v7 = (obj->lightIntensity - 655) / (obj->lightDistance + 1); int v28[36]; v28[0] = obj->lightIntensity - v7; v28[1] = v28[0] - v7; v28[8] = v28[0] - v7; v28[2] = v28[0] - v7 - v7; v28[9] = v28[2]; v28[15] = v28[0] - v7 - v7; v28[3] = v28[2] - v7; v28[10] = v28[2] - v7; v28[16] = v28[2] - v7; v28[21] = v28[2] - v7; v28[4] = v28[2] - v7 - v7; v28[11] = v28[4]; v28[17] = v28[2] - v7 - v7; v28[22] = v28[2] - v7 - v7; v28[26] = v28[2] - v7 - v7; v28[5] = v28[4] - v7; v28[12] = v28[4] - v7; v28[18] = v28[4] - v7; v28[23] = v28[4] - v7; v28[27] = v28[4] - v7; v28[30] = v28[4] - v7; v28[6] = v28[4] - v7 - v7; v28[13] = v28[6]; v28[19] = v28[4] - v7 - v7; v28[24] = v28[4] - v7 - v7; v28[28] = v28[4] - v7 - v7; v28[31] = v28[4] - v7 - v7; v28[33] = v28[4] - v7 - v7; v28[7] = v28[6] - v7; v28[14] = v28[6] - v7; v28[20] = v28[6] - v7; v28[25] = v28[6] - v7; v28[29] = v28[6] - v7; v28[32] = v28[6] - v7; v28[34] = v28[6] - v7; v28[35] = v28[6] - v7; for (int index = 0; index < 36; index++) { if (obj->lightDistance >= _light_distance[index]) { for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { int v14; int nextRotation = (rotation + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT; int eax; int edx; int ebx; int esi; int edi; switch (index) { case 0: v14 = 0; break; case 1: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][0]; break; case 2: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][1]; break; case 3: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][2]; break; case 4: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][3]; break; case 5: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][4]; break; case 6: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][5]; break; case 7: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][6]; break; case 8: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][0] & _light_blocked[nextRotation][0]; break; case 9: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][1] & _light_blocked[rotation][8]; break; case 10: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][2] & _light_blocked[rotation][9]; break; case 11: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][3] & _light_blocked[rotation][10]; break; case 12: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][4] & _light_blocked[rotation][11]; break; case 13: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][5] & _light_blocked[rotation][12]; break; case 14: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][6] & _light_blocked[rotation][13]; break; case 15: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][8] & _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; break; case 16: v14 = _light_blocked[rotation][8] | (_light_blocked[rotation][9] & _light_blocked[rotation][15]); break; case 17: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx |= _light_blocked[rotation][10]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx &= edx; edx &= esi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][10]; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx |= edi; eax &= edx; v14 = ebx | eax; break; case 18: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][0]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][10]; edx |= ebx; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][11]; edx |= esi; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx |= edi; ebx &= edx; edx = esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx &= esi; edx |= edi; edx |= ebx; v14 = edx; break; case 19: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][18]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][11]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][10]; ebx &= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx |= esi; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][12]; edx &= edi; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 20: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][2]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][11]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][12]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][10]; ebx &= edx; edx &= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][18]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][19]; edx |= edi; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][11]; edx |= esi; eax &= edx; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; case 21: v14 = (_light_blocked[rotation][8] & _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]) | (_light_blocked[rotation][15] & _light_blocked[nextRotation][2]); break; case 22: edx = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; edx |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edx |= esi; ebx &= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edi = esi; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; edx &= esi; ebx |= edx; edx = esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; edx |= edi; edx &= esi; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 23: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][3]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx &= esi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx &= edi; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 24: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][0]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][10]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx |= ebx; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][18]; edx |= esi; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx &= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edx &= esi; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx |= edi; edx &= esi; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][18]; edx &= edi; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 25: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; edx |= ebx; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][24]; edx |= esi; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][1]; ebx &= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edx &= esi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][24]; esi |= edx; esi |= edi; esi &= _light_blocked[rotation][10]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx |= edi; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][24]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][18]; edx |= esi; edx &= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][19]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][0]; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][24]; edx |= esi; eax &= edx; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; case 26: ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; esi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][2]; esi &= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx &= edi; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx |= esi; eax &= _light_blocked[nextRotation][3]; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; case 27: edx = _light_blocked[nextRotation][0]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; esi &= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; edx &= edi; edx |= ebx; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; esi |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; edx |= edi; eax &= edx; esi |= eax; v14 = esi; break; case 28: ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; edx = _light_blocked[nextRotation][0]; ebx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][27]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; edx |= edi; edx &= esi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; edx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; edx |= esi; edx &= edi; ebx |= edx; edx = esi; edx &= _light_blocked[rotation][27]; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 29: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; edx &= esi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][17]; edx &= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][28]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][24]; edx &= esi; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 30: ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; esi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][2]; esi &= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][3]; esi |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx &= edi; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; ebx |= esi; eax &= _light_blocked[nextRotation][4]; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; case 31: edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; esi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; edx &= esi; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][27]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; edx |= edi; edx &= esi; ebx |= edx; edx = edi; edx &= _light_blocked[rotation][30]; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 32: ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][9]; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][28]; ebx |= edi; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; esi &= ebx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edx &= _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; esi |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edx |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][28]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx |= edx; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][23]; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; edx |= edi; ebx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][28]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][27]; edx |= esi; edx &= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][31]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][0]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][28]; edx |= esi; edx &= edi; ebx |= edx; v14 = ebx; break; case 33: esi = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; esi &= edi; ebx &= _light_blocked[nextRotation][2]; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][3]; esi |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][4]; esi |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; ebx &= edi; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][30]; ebx |= esi; eax &= _light_blocked[nextRotation][5]; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; case 34: edx = _light_blocked[nextRotation][2]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][30]; edx |= edi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; edx |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx &= edx; edx &= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][22]; ebx |= edx; edx = _light_blocked[rotation][16]; ebx |= edi; edi = _light_blocked[rotation][27]; edx |= esi; esi = _light_blocked[rotation][31]; edx |= edi; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; edx |= esi; eax &= edx; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; case 35: ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][8]; esi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][1]; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][2]; esi &= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][15]; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][3]; esi |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][21]; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][4]; esi |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][26]; ebx &= edi; edi = _light_blocked[nextRotation][5]; esi |= ebx; ebx = _light_blocked[rotation][30]; ebx &= edi; eax = _light_blocked[rotation][33]; ebx |= esi; eax &= _light_blocked[nextRotation][6]; ebx |= eax; v14 = ebx; break; default: assert(false && "Should be unreachable"); } if (v14 == 0) { // TODO: Check. int tile = obj->tile + v70[rotation][index]; if (hexGridTileIsValid(tile)) { bool v12 = true; ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { if ((objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { if (objectListNode->obj->elevation > obj->elevation) { break; } if (objectListNode->obj->elevation == obj->elevation) { Rect v29; objectGetRect(objectListNode->obj, &v29); rectUnion(&objectRect, &v29, &objectRect); v14 = (objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_LIGHT_THRU) == 0; if (FID_TYPE(objectListNode->obj->fid) == OBJ_TYPE_WALL) { if ((objectListNode->obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAT) == 0) { Proto* proto; protoGetProto(objectListNode->obj->pid, &proto); if ((proto->wall.extendedFlags & 0x8000000) != 0 || (proto->wall.extendedFlags & 0x40000000) != 0) { if (rotation != ROTATION_W && rotation != ROTATION_NW && (rotation != ROTATION_NE || index >= 8) && (rotation != ROTATION_SW || index <= 15)) { v12 = false; } } else if ((proto->wall.extendedFlags & 0x10000000) != 0) { if (rotation != ROTATION_NE && rotation != ROTATION_NW) { v12 = false; } } else if ((proto->wall.extendedFlags & 0x20000000) != 0) { if (rotation != ROTATION_NE && rotation != ROTATION_E && rotation != ROTATION_W && rotation != ROTATION_NW && (rotation != ROTATION_SW || index <= 15)) { v12 = false; } } else { if (rotation != ROTATION_NE && rotation != ROTATION_E && (rotation != ROTATION_NW || index <= 7)) { v12 = false; } } } } else { if (v14 && rotation >= ROTATION_E && rotation <= ROTATION_SW) { v12 = false; } } if (v14) { break; } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } if (v12) { adjustLightIntensity(obj->elevation, tile, v28[index]); } } } _light_blocked[rotation][index] = v14; } } } if (rect != NULL) { Rect* lightDistanceRect = &(_light_rect[obj->lightDistance]); memcpy(rect, lightDistanceRect, sizeof(*lightDistanceRect)); int x; int y; tileToScreenXY(obj->tile, &x, &y, obj->elevation); x += 16; y += 8; x -= rect->right / 2; y -= rect->bottom / 2; rectOffset(rect, x, y); rectUnion(rect, &objectRect, rect); } return 0; } // 0x48EABC static void objectDrawOutline(Object* object, Rect* rect) { CacheEntry* cacheEntry; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheEntry); if (art == NULL) { return; } int frameWidth = 0; int frameHeight = 0; artGetSize(art, object->frame, object->rotation, &frameWidth, &frameHeight); Rect v49; v49.left = 0; v49.top = 0; v49.right = frameWidth - 1; // FIXME: I'm not sure why it ignores frameHeight and makes separate call // to obtain height. int v8 = artGetHeight(art, object->frame, object->rotation); v49.bottom = v8 - 1; Rect objectRect; if (object->tile == -1) { objectRect.left = object->sx; objectRect.top = object->sy; objectRect.right = object->sx + frameWidth - 1; objectRect.bottom = object->sy + frameHeight - 1; } else { int x; int y; tileToScreenXY(object->tile, &x, &y, object->elevation); x += 16; y += 8; x += art->xOffsets[object->rotation]; y += art->yOffsets[object->rotation]; x += object->x; y += object->y; objectRect.left = x - frameWidth / 2; objectRect.top = y - (frameHeight - 1); objectRect.right = objectRect.left + frameWidth - 1; objectRect.bottom = y; object->sx = objectRect.left; object->sy = objectRect.top; } Rect v32; rectCopy(&v32, rect); v32.left--; v32.top--; v32.right++; v32.bottom++; rectIntersection(&v32, &gObjectsWindowRect, &v32); if (rectIntersection(&objectRect, &v32, &objectRect) == 0) { v49.left += objectRect.left - object->sx; v49.top += objectRect.top - object->sy; v49.right = v49.left + (objectRect.right - objectRect.left); v49.bottom = v49.top + (objectRect.bottom - objectRect.top); unsigned char* src = artGetFrameData(art, object->frame, object->rotation); unsigned char* dest = gObjectsWindowBuffer + gObjectsWindowPitch * object->sy + object->sx; int destStep = gObjectsWindowPitch - frameWidth; unsigned char color; unsigned char* v47 = NULL; unsigned char* v48 = NULL; int v53 = object->outline & OUTLINE_PALETTED; int outlineType = object->outline & OUTLINE_TYPE_MASK; int v43; int v44; switch (outlineType) { case OUTLINE_TYPE_HOSTILE: color = 243; v53 = 0; v43 = 5; v44 = frameHeight / 5; break; case OUTLINE_TYPE_2: color = _colorTable[31744]; v44 = 0; if (v53 != 0) { v47 = _commonGrayTable; v48 = _redBlendTable; } break; case OUTLINE_TYPE_4: color = _colorTable[15855]; v44 = 0; if (v53 != 0) { v47 = _commonGrayTable; v48 = _wallBlendTable; } break; case OUTLINE_TYPE_FRIENDLY: v43 = 4; v44 = frameHeight / 4; color = 229; v53 = 0; break; case OUTLINE_TYPE_ITEM: v44 = 0; color = _colorTable[30632]; if (v53 != 0) { v47 = _commonGrayTable; v48 = _redBlendTable; } break; case OUTLINE_TYPE_32: color = 61; v53 = 0; v43 = 1; v44 = frameHeight; break; default: color = _colorTable[31775]; v53 = 0; v44 = 0; break; } unsigned char v54 = color; unsigned char* dest14 = dest; unsigned char* src15 = src; for (int y = 0; y < frameHeight; y++) { bool cycle = true; if (v44 != 0) { if (y % v44 == 0) { v54++; } if (v54 > v43 + color - 1) { v54 = color; } } int v22 = dest14 - gObjectsWindowBuffer; for (int x = 0; x < frameWidth; x++) { v22 = dest14 - gObjectsWindowBuffer; if (*src15 != 0 && cycle) { if (x >= v49.left && x <= v49.right && y >= v49.top && y <= v49.bottom && v22 > 0 && v22 % gObjectsWindowPitch != 0) { unsigned char v20; if (v53 != 0) { v20 = v48[(v47[v54] << 8) + *(dest14 - 1)]; } else { v20 = v54; } *(dest14 - 1) = v20; } cycle = false; } else if (*src15 == 0 && !cycle) { if (x >= v49.left && x <= v49.right && y >= v49.top && y <= v49.bottom) { int v21; if (v53 != 0) { v21 = v48[(v47[v54] << 8) + *dest14]; } else { v21 = v54; } *dest14 = v21 & 0xFF; } cycle = true; } dest14++; src15++; } if (*(src15 - 1) != 0) { if (v22 < gObjectsWindowBufferSize) { int v23 = frameWidth - 1; if (v23 >= v49.left && v23 <= v49.right && y >= v49.top && y <= v49.bottom) { if (v53 != 0) { *dest14 = v48[(v47[v54] << 8) + *dest14]; } else { *dest14 = v54; } } } } dest14 += destStep; } for (int x = 0; x < frameWidth; x++) { bool cycle = true; unsigned char v28 = color; unsigned char* dest27 = dest + x; unsigned char* src27 = src + x; for (int y = 0; y < frameHeight; y++) { if (v44 != 0) { if (y % v44 == 0) { v28++; } if (v28 > color + v43 - 1) { v28 = color; } } if (*src27 != 0 && cycle) { if (x >= v49.left && x <= v49.right && y >= v49.top && y <= v49.bottom) { unsigned char* v29 = dest27 - gObjectsWindowPitch; if (v29 >= gObjectsWindowBuffer) { if (v53) { *v29 = v48[(v47[v28] << 8) + *v29]; } else { *v29 = v28; } } } cycle = false; } else if (*src27 == 0 && !cycle) { if (x >= v49.left && x <= v49.right && y >= v49.top && y <= v49.bottom) { if (v53) { *dest27 = v48[(v47[v28] << 8) + *dest27]; } else { *dest27 = v28; } } cycle = true; } dest27 += gObjectsWindowPitch; src27 += frameWidth; } if (src27[-frameWidth] != 0) { if (dest27 - gObjectsWindowBuffer < gObjectsWindowBufferSize) { int y = frameHeight - 1; if (x >= v49.left && x <= v49.right && y >= v49.top && y <= v49.bottom) { if (v53) { *dest27 = v48[(v47[v28] << 8) + *dest27]; } else { *dest27 = v28; } } } } } } artUnlock(cacheEntry); } // 0x48F1B0 static void _obj_render_object(Object* object, Rect* rect, int light) { int type = FID_TYPE(object->fid); if (artIsObjectTypeHidden(type)) { return; } CacheEntry* cacheEntry; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheEntry); if (art == NULL) { return; } int frameWidth = artGetWidth(art, object->frame, object->rotation); int frameHeight = artGetHeight(art, object->frame, object->rotation); Rect objectRect; if (object->tile == -1) { objectRect.left = object->sx; objectRect.top = object->sy; objectRect.right = object->sx + frameWidth - 1; objectRect.bottom = object->sy + frameHeight - 1; } else { int objectScreenX; int objectScreenY; tileToScreenXY(object->tile, &objectScreenX, &objectScreenY, object->elevation); objectScreenX += 16; objectScreenY += 8; objectScreenX += art->xOffsets[object->rotation]; objectScreenY += art->yOffsets[object->rotation]; objectScreenX += object->x; objectScreenY += object->y; objectRect.left = objectScreenX - frameWidth / 2; objectRect.top = objectScreenY - (frameHeight - 1); objectRect.right = objectRect.left + frameWidth - 1; objectRect.bottom = objectScreenY; object->sx = objectRect.left; object->sy = objectRect.top; } if (rectIntersection(&objectRect, rect, &objectRect) != 0) { artUnlock(cacheEntry); return; } unsigned char* src = artGetFrameData(art, object->frame, object->rotation); unsigned char* src2 = src; int v50 = objectRect.left - object->sx; int v49 = objectRect.top - object->sy; src += frameWidth * v49 + v50; int objectWidth = objectRect.right - objectRect.left + 1; int objectHeight = objectRect.bottom - objectRect.top + 1; if (type == 6) { blitBufferToBufferTrans(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer + gObjectsWindowPitch * objectRect.top + objectRect.left, gObjectsWindowPitch); artUnlock(cacheEntry); return; } if (type == 2 || type == 3) { if ((gDude->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && (object->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0xFC000) == 0) { Proto* proto; protoGetProto(object->pid, &proto); bool v17; int extendedFlags = proto->critter.extendedFlags; if ((extendedFlags & 0x8000000) != 0 || (extendedFlags & 0x80000000) != 0) { // TODO: Probably wrong. v17 = tileIsInFrontOf(object->tile, gDude->tile); if (!v17 || !tileIsToRightOf(object->tile, gDude->tile) || (object->flags & OBJECT_WALL_TRANS_END) == 0) { // nothing } else { v17 = false; } } else if ((extendedFlags & 0x10000000) != 0) { // NOTE: Uses bitwise OR, so both functions are evaluated. v17 = tileIsInFrontOf(object->tile, gDude->tile) || tileIsToRightOf(gDude->tile, object->tile); } else if ((extendedFlags & 0x20000000) != 0) { v17 = tileIsInFrontOf(object->tile, gDude->tile) && tileIsToRightOf(gDude->tile, object->tile); } else { v17 = tileIsToRightOf(gDude->tile, object->tile); if (v17 && tileIsInFrontOf(gDude->tile, object->tile) && (object->flags & OBJECT_WALL_TRANS_END) != 0) { v17 = 0; } } if (v17) { CacheEntry* eggHandle; Art* egg = artLock(gEgg->fid, &eggHandle); if (egg == NULL) { return; } int eggWidth; int eggHeight; artGetSize(egg, 0, 0, &eggWidth, &eggHeight); int eggScreenX; int eggScreenY; tileToScreenXY(gEgg->tile, &eggScreenX, &eggScreenY, gEgg->elevation); eggScreenX += 16; eggScreenY += 8; eggScreenX += egg->xOffsets[0]; eggScreenY += egg->yOffsets[0]; eggScreenX += gEgg->x; eggScreenY += gEgg->y; Rect eggRect; eggRect.left = eggScreenX - eggWidth / 2; eggRect.top = eggScreenY - (eggHeight - 1); eggRect.right = eggRect.left + eggWidth - 1; eggRect.bottom = eggScreenY; gEgg->sx = eggRect.left; gEgg->sy = eggRect.top; Rect updatedEggRect; if (rectIntersection(&eggRect, &objectRect, &updatedEggRect) == 0) { Rect rects[4]; rects[0].left = objectRect.left; rects[0].top = objectRect.top; rects[0].right = objectRect.right; rects[0].bottom = updatedEggRect.top - 1; rects[1].left = objectRect.left; rects[1].top = updatedEggRect.top; rects[1].right = updatedEggRect.left - 1; rects[1].bottom = updatedEggRect.bottom; rects[2].left = updatedEggRect.right + 1; rects[2].top = updatedEggRect.top; rects[2].right = objectRect.right; rects[2].bottom = updatedEggRect.bottom; rects[3].left = objectRect.left; rects[3].top = updatedEggRect.bottom + 1; rects[3].right = objectRect.right; rects[3].bottom = objectRect.bottom; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Rect* v21 = &(rects[i]); if (v21->left <= v21->right && v21->top <= v21->bottom) { unsigned char* sp = src + frameWidth * (v21->top - objectRect.top) + (v21->left - objectRect.left); _dark_trans_buf_to_buf(sp, v21->right - v21->left + 1, v21->bottom - v21->top + 1, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, v21->left, v21->top, gObjectsWindowPitch, light); } } unsigned char* mask = artGetFrameData(egg, 0, 0); _intensity_mask_buf_to_buf( src + frameWidth * (updatedEggRect.top - objectRect.top) + (updatedEggRect.left - objectRect.left), updatedEggRect.right - updatedEggRect.left + 1, updatedEggRect.bottom - updatedEggRect.top + 1, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer + gObjectsWindowPitch * updatedEggRect.top + updatedEggRect.left, gObjectsWindowPitch, mask + eggWidth * (updatedEggRect.top - eggRect.top) + (updatedEggRect.left - eggRect.left), eggWidth, light); artUnlock(eggHandle); artUnlock(cacheEntry); return; } artUnlock(eggHandle); } } } switch (object->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0xFC000) { case OBJECT_TRANS_RED: _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, objectRect.left, objectRect.top, gObjectsWindowPitch, light, _redBlendTable, _commonGrayTable); break; case OBJECT_TRANS_WALL: _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, objectRect.left, objectRect.top, gObjectsWindowPitch, 0x10000, _wallBlendTable, _commonGrayTable); break; case OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS: _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, objectRect.left, objectRect.top, gObjectsWindowPitch, light, _glassBlendTable, _glassGrayTable); break; case OBJECT_TRANS_STEAM: _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, objectRect.left, objectRect.top, gObjectsWindowPitch, light, _steamBlendTable, _commonGrayTable); break; case OBJECT_TRANS_ENERGY: _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, objectRect.left, objectRect.top, gObjectsWindowPitch, light, _energyBlendTable, _commonGrayTable); break; default: _dark_trans_buf_to_buf(src, objectWidth, objectHeight, frameWidth, gObjectsWindowBuffer, objectRect.left, objectRect.top, gObjectsWindowPitch, light); break; } artUnlock(cacheEntry); } // Updates fid according to current violence level. // // 0x48FA14 void _obj_fix_violence_settings(int* fid) { if (FID_TYPE(*fid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return; } bool shouldResetViolenceLevel = false; if (gViolenceLevel == -1) { gViolenceLevel = settings.preferences.violence_level; shouldResetViolenceLevel = true; } int start; int end; switch (gViolenceLevel) { case VIOLENCE_LEVEL_NONE: start = ANIM_BIG_HOLE_SF; end = ANIM_FALL_FRONT_BLOOD_SF; break; case VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MINIMAL: start = ANIM_BIG_HOLE_SF; end = ANIM_FIRE_DANCE_SF; break; case VIOLENCE_LEVEL_NORMAL: start = ANIM_BIG_HOLE_SF; end = ANIM_SLICED_IN_HALF_SF; break; default: // Do not replace anything. start = ANIM_COUNT + 1; end = ANIM_COUNT + 1; break; } int anim = FID_ANIM_TYPE(*fid); if (anim >= start && anim <= end) { anim = (anim == ANIM_FALL_BACK_BLOOD_SF) ? ANIM_FALL_BACK_SF : ANIM_FALL_FRONT_SF; *fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER, *fid & 0xFFF, anim, (*fid & 0xF000) >> 12, (*fid & 0x70000000) >> 28); } if (shouldResetViolenceLevel) { gViolenceLevel = -1; } } // 0x48FB08 static int _obj_preload_sort(const void* a1, const void* a2) { int v1 = *(int*)a1; int v2 = *(int*)a2; int v3 = _cd_order[FID_TYPE(v1)]; int v4 = _cd_order[FID_TYPE(v2)]; int cmp = v3 - v4; if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } cmp = (v1 & 0xFFF) - (v2 & 0xFFF); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } cmp = ((v1 & 0xF000) >> 12) - (((v2 & 0xF000) >> 12)); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } cmp = ((v1 & 0xFF0000) >> 16) - (((v2 & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); return cmp; } Object* objectTypedFindById(int id, int type) { Object* obj = objectFindFirst(); while (obj != NULL) { if (obj->id == id && PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == type) { return obj; } obj = objectFindNext(); } return NULL; } bool isExitGridAt(int tile, int elevation) { ObjectListNode* objectListNode = gObjectListHeadByTile[tile]; while (objectListNode != NULL) { Object* obj = objectListNode->obj; if (obj->elevation == elevation) { if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0) { if (isExitGridPid(obj->pid)) { return true; } } } objectListNode = objectListNode->next; } return false; } } // namespace fallout