#include "art.h" #include #include #include #include "animation.h" #include "debug.h" #include "draw.h" #include "game.h" #include "memory.h" #include "object.h" #include "proto.h" #include "settings.h" #include "sfall_config.h" namespace fallout { typedef struct ArtListDescription { int flags; char name[16]; char* fileNames; // dynamic array of null terminated strings 13 bytes long each void* field_18; int fileNamesLength; // number of entries in list } ArtListDescription; typedef struct HeadDescription { int goodFidgetCount; int neutralFidgetCount; int badFidgetCount; } HeadDescription; static int artReadList(const char* path, char** out_arr, int* out_count); static int artCacheGetFileSizeImpl(int a1, int* out_size); static int artCacheReadDataImpl(int a1, int* a2, unsigned char* data); static void artCacheFreeImpl(void* ptr); static int artReadFrameData(unsigned char* data, File* stream, int count); static int artReadHeader(Art* art, File* stream); // 0x5002D8 static char gDefaultJumpsuitMaleFileName[] = "hmjmps"; // 0x05002E0 static char gDefaultJumpsuitFemaleFileName[] = "hfjmps"; // 0x5002E8 static char gDefaultTribalMaleFileName[] = "hmwarr"; // 0x5002F0 static char gDefaultTribalFemaleFileName[] = "hfprim"; // 0x510738 static ArtListDescription gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_COUNT] = { { 0, "items", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "critters", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "scenery", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "walls", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "tiles", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "misc", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "intrface", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "inven", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "heads", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "backgrnd", 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, "skilldex", 0, 0, 0 }, }; // This flag denotes that localized arts should be looked up first. Used // together with [gArtLanguage]. // // 0x510898 static bool gArtLanguageInitialized = false; // 0x51089C static const char* _head1 = "gggnnnbbbgnb"; // 0x5108A0 static const char* _head2 = "vfngfbnfvppp"; // Current native look base fid. // // 0x5108A4 int _art_vault_guy_num = 0; // Base fids for unarmored dude. // // Outfit file names: // - tribal: "hmwarr", "hfprim" // - jumpsuit: "hmjmps", "hfjmps" // // NOTE: This value could have been done with two separate arrays - one for // tribal look, and one for jumpsuit look. However in this case it would have // been accessed differently in 0x49F984, which clearly uses look type as an // index, not gender. // // 0x5108A8 int _art_vault_person_nums[DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_COUNT][GENDER_COUNT]; // Index of "grid001.frm" in tiles.lst. // // 0x5108B8 static int _art_mapper_blank_tile = 1; // Non-english language name. // // This value is used as a directory name to display localized arts. // // 0x56C970 static char gArtLanguage[32]; // 0x56C990 Cache gArtCache; // 0x56C9E4 static char _art_name[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; // head_info // 0x56CAE8 static HeadDescription* gHeadDescriptions; // anon_alias // 0x56CAEC static int* _anon_alias; // artCritterFidShouldRunData // 0x56CAF0 static int* gArtCritterFidShoudRunData; // 0x418840 int artInit() { char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; File* stream; char string[200]; int cacheSize = settings.system.art_cache_size; if (!cacheInit(&gArtCache, artCacheGetFileSizeImpl, artCacheReadDataImpl, artCacheFreeImpl, cacheSize << 20)) { debugPrint("cache_init failed in art_init\n"); return -1; } const char* language = settings.system.language.c_str(); if (compat_stricmp(language, ENGLISH) != 0) { strcpy(gArtLanguage, language); gArtLanguageInitialized = true; } bool critterDbSelected = false; for (int objectType = 0; objectType < OBJ_TYPE_COUNT; objectType++) { gArtListDescriptions[objectType].flags = 0; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s%s\\%s.lst", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[objectType].name, gArtListDescriptions[objectType].name); if (artReadList(path, &(gArtListDescriptions[objectType].fileNames), &(gArtListDescriptions[objectType].fileNamesLength)) != 0) { debugPrint("art_read_lst failed in art_init\n"); cacheFree(&gArtCache); return -1; } } _anon_alias = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*_anon_alias) * gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNamesLength); if (_anon_alias == NULL) { gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNamesLength = 0; debugPrint("Out of memory for anon_alias in art_init\n"); cacheFree(&gArtCache); return -1; } gArtCritterFidShoudRunData = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*gArtCritterFidShoudRunData) * gArtListDescriptions[1].fileNamesLength); if (gArtCritterFidShoudRunData == NULL) { gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNamesLength = 0; debugPrint("Out of memory for artCritterFidShouldRunData in art_init\n"); cacheFree(&gArtCache); return -1; } for (int critterIndex = 0; critterIndex < gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNamesLength; critterIndex++) { gArtCritterFidShoudRunData[critterIndex] = 0; } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s%s\\%s.lst", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].name, gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].name); stream = fileOpen(path, "rt"); if (stream == NULL) { debugPrint("Unable to open %s in art_init\n", path); cacheFree(&gArtCache); return -1; } // SFALL: Modify player model settings. char* jumpsuitMaleFileName = NULL; configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_JUMPSUIT_MALE_KEY, &jumpsuitMaleFileName); if (jumpsuitMaleFileName == NULL || jumpsuitMaleFileName[0] == '\0') { jumpsuitMaleFileName = gDefaultJumpsuitMaleFileName; } char* jumpsuitFemaleFileName = NULL; configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_JUMPSUIT_FEMALE_KEY, &jumpsuitFemaleFileName); if (jumpsuitFemaleFileName == NULL || jumpsuitFemaleFileName[0] == '\0') { jumpsuitFemaleFileName = gDefaultJumpsuitFemaleFileName; } char* tribalMaleFileName = NULL; configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_TRIBAL_MALE_KEY, &tribalMaleFileName); if (tribalMaleFileName == NULL || tribalMaleFileName[0] == '\0') { tribalMaleFileName = gDefaultTribalMaleFileName; } char* tribalFemaleFileName = NULL; configGetString(&gSfallConfig, SFALL_CONFIG_MISC_KEY, SFALL_CONFIG_DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_TRIBAL_FEMALE_KEY, &tribalFemaleFileName); if (tribalFemaleFileName == NULL || tribalFemaleFileName[0] == '\0') { tribalFemaleFileName = gDefaultTribalFemaleFileName; } char* critterFileNames = gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNames; for (int critterIndex = 0; critterIndex < gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNamesLength; critterIndex++) { if (compat_stricmp(critterFileNames, jumpsuitMaleFileName) == 0) { _art_vault_person_nums[DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_JUMPSUIT][GENDER_MALE] = critterIndex; } else if (compat_stricmp(critterFileNames, jumpsuitFemaleFileName) == 0) { _art_vault_person_nums[DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_JUMPSUIT][GENDER_FEMALE] = critterIndex; } if (compat_stricmp(critterFileNames, tribalMaleFileName) == 0) { _art_vault_person_nums[DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_TRIBAL][GENDER_MALE] = critterIndex; _art_vault_guy_num = critterIndex; } else if (compat_stricmp(critterFileNames, tribalFemaleFileName) == 0) { _art_vault_person_nums[DUDE_NATIVE_LOOK_TRIBAL][GENDER_FEMALE] = critterIndex; } critterFileNames += 13; } for (int critterIndex = 0; critterIndex < gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER].fileNamesLength; critterIndex++) { if (!fileReadString(string, sizeof(string), stream)) { break; } char* sep1 = strchr(string, ','); if (sep1 != NULL) { _anon_alias[critterIndex] = atoi(sep1 + 1); char* sep2 = strchr(sep1 + 1, ','); if (sep2 != NULL) { gArtCritterFidShoudRunData[critterIndex] = atoi(sep2 + 1); } else { gArtCritterFidShoudRunData[critterIndex] = 0; } } else { _anon_alias[critterIndex] = _art_vault_guy_num; gArtCritterFidShoudRunData[critterIndex] = 1; } } fileClose(stream); char* tileFileNames = gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_TILE].fileNames; for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_TILE].fileNamesLength; tileIndex++) { if (compat_stricmp(tileFileNames, "grid001.frm") == 0) { _art_mapper_blank_tile = tileIndex; } tileFileNames += 13; } gHeadDescriptions = (HeadDescription*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*gHeadDescriptions) * gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_HEAD].fileNamesLength); if (gHeadDescriptions == NULL) { gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_HEAD].fileNamesLength = 0; debugPrint("Out of memory for head_info in art_init\n"); cacheFree(&gArtCache); return -1; } snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s%s\\%s.lst", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_HEAD].name, gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_HEAD].name); stream = fileOpen(path, "rt"); if (stream == NULL) { debugPrint("Unable to open %s in art_init\n", path); cacheFree(&gArtCache); return -1; } for (int headIndex = 0; headIndex < gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_HEAD].fileNamesLength; headIndex++) { if (!fileReadString(string, sizeof(string), stream)) { break; } char* sep1 = strchr(string, ','); if (sep1 != NULL) { *sep1 = '\0'; } else { sep1 = string; } char* sep2 = strchr(sep1, ','); if (sep2 != NULL) { *sep2 = '\0'; } else { sep2 = sep1; } gHeadDescriptions[headIndex].goodFidgetCount = atoi(sep1 + 1); char* sep3 = strchr(sep2, ','); if (sep3 != NULL) { *sep3 = '\0'; } else { sep3 = sep2; } gHeadDescriptions[headIndex].neutralFidgetCount = atoi(sep2 + 1); char* sep4 = strpbrk(sep3 + 1, " ,;\t\n"); if (sep4 != NULL) { *sep4 = '\0'; } gHeadDescriptions[headIndex].badFidgetCount = atoi(sep3 + 1); } fileClose(stream); return 0; } // 0x418EB8 void artReset() { } // 0x418EBC void artExit() { cacheFree(&gArtCache); internal_free(_anon_alias); internal_free(gArtCritterFidShoudRunData); for (int index = 0; index < OBJ_TYPE_COUNT; index++) { internal_free(gArtListDescriptions[index].fileNames); gArtListDescriptions[index].fileNames = NULL; internal_free(gArtListDescriptions[index].field_18); gArtListDescriptions[index].field_18 = NULL; } internal_free(gHeadDescriptions); } // 0x418F1C char* artGetObjectTypeName(int objectType) { return objectType >= OBJ_TYPE_ITEM && objectType < OBJ_TYPE_COUNT ? gArtListDescriptions[objectType].name : NULL; } // 0x418F34 int artIsObjectTypeHidden(int objectType) { return objectType >= OBJ_TYPE_ITEM && objectType < OBJ_TYPE_COUNT ? gArtListDescriptions[objectType].flags & 1 : 0; } // 0x418F7C int artGetFidgetCount(int headFid) { if (FID_TYPE(headFid) != OBJ_TYPE_HEAD) { return 0; } int head = headFid & 0xFFF; if (head > gArtListDescriptions[OBJ_TYPE_HEAD].fileNamesLength) { return 0; } HeadDescription* headDescription = &(gHeadDescriptions[head]); int fidget = (headFid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; switch (fidget) { case FIDGET_GOOD: return headDescription->goodFidgetCount; case FIDGET_NEUTRAL: return headDescription->neutralFidgetCount; case FIDGET_BAD: return headDescription->badFidgetCount; } return 0; } // 0x418FFC void artRender(int fid, unsigned char* dest, int width, int height, int pitch) { // NOTE: Original code is different. For unknown reason it directly calls // many art functions, for example instead of [artLock] it calls lower level // [cacheLock], instead of [artGetWidth] is calls [artGetFrame], then get // width from frame's struct field. I don't know if this was intentional or // not. I've replaced these calls with higher level functions where // appropriate. CacheEntry* handle; Art* frm = artLock(fid, &handle); if (frm == NULL) { return; } unsigned char* frameData = artGetFrameData(frm, 0, 0); int frameWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); int frameHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); int remainingWidth = width - frameWidth; int remainingHeight = height - frameHeight; if (remainingWidth < 0 || remainingHeight < 0) { if (height * frameWidth >= width * frameHeight) { blitBufferToBufferStretchTrans(frameData, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameWidth, dest + pitch * ((height - width * frameHeight / frameWidth) / 2), width, width * frameHeight / frameWidth, pitch); } else { blitBufferToBufferStretchTrans(frameData, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameWidth, dest + (width - height * frameWidth / frameHeight) / 2, height * frameWidth / frameHeight, height, pitch); } } else { blitBufferToBufferTrans(frameData, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameWidth, dest + pitch * (remainingHeight / 2) + remainingWidth / 2, pitch); } artUnlock(handle); } // 0x419160 Art* artLock(int fid, CacheEntry** handlePtr) { if (handlePtr == NULL) { return NULL; } Art* art = NULL; cacheLock(&gArtCache, fid, (void**)&art, handlePtr); return art; } // 0x419188 unsigned char* artLockFrameData(int fid, int frame, int direction, CacheEntry** handlePtr) { Art* art; ArtFrame* frm; art = NULL; if (handlePtr) { cacheLock(&gArtCache, fid, (void**)&art, handlePtr); } if (art != NULL) { frm = artGetFrame(art, frame, direction); if (frm != NULL) { return (unsigned char*)frm + sizeof(*frm); } } return NULL; } // 0x4191CC unsigned char* artLockFrameDataReturningSize(int fid, CacheEntry** handlePtr, int* widthPtr, int* heightPtr) { *handlePtr = NULL; Art* art; cacheLock(&gArtCache, fid, (void**)&art, handlePtr); if (art == NULL) { return NULL; } // NOTE: Uninline. *widthPtr = artGetWidth(art, 0, 0); if (*widthPtr == -1) { return NULL; } // NOTE: Uninline. *heightPtr = artGetHeight(art, 0, 0); if (*heightPtr == -1) { return NULL; } // NOTE: Uninline. return artGetFrameData(art, 0, 0); } // 0x419260 int artUnlock(CacheEntry* handle) { return cacheUnlock(&gArtCache, handle); } // 0x41927C int artCacheFlush() { return cacheFlush(&gArtCache); } // 0x4192B0 int artCopyFileName(int objectType, int id, char* dest) { ArtListDescription* ptr; if (objectType < OBJ_TYPE_ITEM && objectType >= OBJ_TYPE_COUNT) { return -1; } ptr = &(gArtListDescriptions[objectType]); if (id >= ptr->fileNamesLength) { return -1; } strcpy(dest, ptr->fileNames + id * 13); return 0; } // 0x419314 int _art_get_code(int animation, int weaponType, char* a3, char* a4) { if (weaponType < 0 || weaponType >= WEAPON_ANIMATION_COUNT) { return -1; } if (animation >= ANIM_TAKE_OUT && animation <= ANIM_FIRE_CONTINUOUS) { *a4 = 'c' + (animation - ANIM_TAKE_OUT); if (weaponType == WEAPON_ANIMATION_NONE) { return -1; } *a3 = 'd' + (weaponType - 1); return 0; } else if (animation == ANIM_PRONE_TO_STANDING) { *a4 = 'h'; *a3 = 'c'; return 0; } else if (animation == ANIM_BACK_TO_STANDING) { *a4 = 'j'; *a3 = 'c'; return 0; } else if (animation == ANIM_CALLED_SHOT_PIC) { *a4 = 'a'; *a3 = 'n'; return 0; } else if (animation >= FIRST_SF_DEATH_ANIM) { *a4 = 'a' + (animation - FIRST_SF_DEATH_ANIM); *a3 = 'r'; return 0; } else if (animation >= FIRST_KNOCKDOWN_AND_DEATH_ANIM) { *a4 = 'a' + (animation - FIRST_KNOCKDOWN_AND_DEATH_ANIM); *a3 = 'b'; return 0; } else if (animation == ANIM_THROW_ANIM) { if (weaponType == WEAPON_ANIMATION_KNIFE) { // knife *a3 = 'd'; *a4 = 'm'; } else if (weaponType == WEAPON_ANIMATION_SPEAR) { // spear *a3 = 'g'; *a4 = 'm'; } else { // other -> probably rock or grenade *a3 = 'a'; *a4 = 's'; } return 0; } else if (animation == ANIM_DODGE_ANIM) { if (weaponType <= 0) { *a3 = 'a'; *a4 = 'n'; } else { *a3 = 'd' + (weaponType - 1); *a4 = 'e'; } return 0; } *a4 = 'a' + animation; if (animation <= ANIM_WALK && weaponType > 0) { *a3 = 'd' + (weaponType - 1); return 0; } *a3 = 'a'; return 0; } // 0x419428 char* artBuildFilePath(int fid) { int v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, type, v8, v10; char v9, v11, v12; v2 = fid; v10 = (fid & 0x70000000) >> 28; v1 = artAliasFid(fid); if (v1 != -1) { v2 = v1; } *_art_name = '\0'; v3 = v2 & 0xFFF; v4 = FID_ANIM_TYPE(v2); v5 = (v2 & 0xF000) >> 12; type = FID_TYPE(v2); if (v3 >= gArtListDescriptions[type].fileNamesLength) { return NULL; } if (type < OBJ_TYPE_ITEM || type >= OBJ_TYPE_COUNT) { return NULL; } v8 = v3 * 13; if (type == 1) { if (_art_get_code(v4, v5, &v11, &v12) == -1) { return NULL; } if (v10) { snprintf(_art_name, sizeof(_art_name), "%s%s%s\\%s%c%c.fr%c", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[1].name, gArtListDescriptions[1].fileNames + v8, v11, v12, v10 + 47); } else { snprintf(_art_name, sizeof(_art_name), "%s%s%s\\%s%c%c.frm", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[1].name, gArtListDescriptions[1].fileNames + v8, v11, v12); } } else if (type == 8) { v9 = _head2[v4]; if (v9 == 'f') { snprintf(_art_name, sizeof(_art_name), "%s%s%s\\%s%c%c%d.frm", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[8].name, gArtListDescriptions[8].fileNames + v8, _head1[v4], 102, v5); } else { snprintf(_art_name, sizeof(_art_name), "%s%s%s\\%s%c%c.frm", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[8].name, gArtListDescriptions[8].fileNames + v8, _head1[v4], v9); } } else { snprintf(_art_name, sizeof(_art_name), "%s%s%s\\%s", _cd_path_base, "art\\", gArtListDescriptions[type].name, gArtListDescriptions[type].fileNames + v8); } return _art_name; } // art_read_lst // 0x419664 static int artReadList(const char* path, char** artListPtr, int* artListSizePtr) { File* stream = fileOpen(path, "rt"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } int count = 0; char string[200]; while (fileReadString(string, sizeof(string), stream)) { count++; } fileSeek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET); *artListSizePtr = count; char* artList = (char*)internal_malloc(13 * count); *artListPtr = artList; if (artList == NULL) { fileClose(stream); return -1; } while (fileReadString(string, sizeof(string), stream)) { char* brk = strpbrk(string, " ,;\r\t\n"); if (brk != NULL) { *brk = '\0'; } strncpy(artList, string, 12); artList[12] = '\0'; artList += 13; } fileClose(stream); return 0; } // 0x419760 int artGetFramesPerSecond(Art* art) { if (art == NULL) { return 10; } return art->framesPerSecond == 0 ? 10 : art->framesPerSecond; } // 0x419778 int artGetActionFrame(Art* art) { return art == NULL ? -1 : art->actionFrame; } // 0x41978C int artGetFrameCount(Art* art) { return art == NULL ? -1 : art->frameCount; } // 0x4197A0 int artGetWidth(Art* art, int frame, int direction) { ArtFrame* frm; frm = artGetFrame(art, frame, direction); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } return frm->width; } // 0x4197B8 int artGetHeight(Art* art, int frame, int direction) { ArtFrame* frm; frm = artGetFrame(art, frame, direction); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } return frm->height; } // 0x4197D4 int artGetSize(Art* art, int frame, int direction, int* widthPtr, int* heightPtr) { ArtFrame* frm; frm = artGetFrame(art, frame, direction); if (frm == NULL) { if (widthPtr != NULL) { *widthPtr = 0; } if (heightPtr != NULL) { *heightPtr = 0; } return -1; } if (widthPtr != NULL) { *widthPtr = frm->width; } if (heightPtr != NULL) { *heightPtr = frm->height; } return 0; } // 0x419820 int artGetFrameOffsets(Art* art, int frame, int direction, int* xPtr, int* yPtr) { ArtFrame* frm; frm = artGetFrame(art, frame, direction); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } *xPtr = frm->x; *yPtr = frm->y; return 0; } // 0x41984C int artGetRotationOffsets(Art* art, int rotation, int* xPtr, int* yPtr) { if (art == NULL) { return -1; } *xPtr = art->xOffsets[rotation]; *yPtr = art->yOffsets[rotation]; return 0; } // 0x419870 unsigned char* artGetFrameData(Art* art, int frame, int direction) { ArtFrame* frm; frm = artGetFrame(art, frame, direction); if (frm == NULL) { return NULL; } return (unsigned char*)frm + sizeof(*frm); } // 0x419880 ArtFrame* artGetFrame(Art* art, int frame, int rotation) { if (rotation < 0 || rotation >= 6) { return NULL; } if (art == NULL) { return NULL; } if (frame < 0 || frame >= art->frameCount) { return NULL; } ArtFrame* frm = (ArtFrame*)((unsigned char*)art + sizeof(*art) + art->dataOffsets[rotation]); for (int index = 0; index < frame; index++) { frm = (ArtFrame*)((unsigned char*)frm + sizeof(*frm) + frm->size); } return frm; } // 0x4198C8 bool artExists(int fid) { bool result = false; char* filePath = artBuildFilePath(fid); if (filePath != NULL) { int fileSize; if (dbGetFileSize(filePath, &fileSize) != -1) { result = true; } } return result; } // NOTE: Exactly the same implementation as `artExists`. // // 0x419930 bool _art_fid_valid(int fid) { bool result = false; char* filePath = artBuildFilePath(fid); if (filePath != NULL) { int fileSize; if (dbGetFileSize(filePath, &fileSize) != -1) { result = true; } } return result; } // 0x419998 int _art_alias_num(int index) { return _anon_alias[index]; } // 0x4199AC int artCritterFidShouldRun(int fid) { if (FID_TYPE(fid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return gArtCritterFidShoudRunData[fid & 0xFFF]; } return 0; } // 0x4199D4 int artAliasFid(int fid) { int type = FID_TYPE(fid); int anim = FID_ANIM_TYPE(fid); if (type == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { if (anim == ANIM_ELECTRIFY || anim == ANIM_BURNED_TO_NOTHING || anim == ANIM_ELECTRIFIED_TO_NOTHING || anim == ANIM_ELECTRIFY_SF || anim == ANIM_BURNED_TO_NOTHING_SF || anim == ANIM_ELECTRIFIED_TO_NOTHING_SF || anim == ANIM_FIRE_DANCE || anim == ANIM_CALLED_SHOT_PIC) { // NOTE: Original code is slightly different. It uses many mutually // mirrored bitwise operators. Probably result of some macros for // getting/setting individual bits on fid. return (fid & 0x70000000) | ((anim << 16) & 0xFF0000) | 0x1000000 | (fid & 0xF000) | (_anon_alias[fid & 0xFFF] & 0xFFF); } } return -1; } // 0x419A78 static int artCacheGetFileSizeImpl(int fid, int* sizePtr) { int result = -1; char* artFilePath = artBuildFilePath(fid); if (artFilePath != NULL) { int fileSize; bool loaded = false; if (gArtLanguageInitialized) { char* pch = strchr(artFilePath, '\\'); if (pch == NULL) { pch = artFilePath; } char localizedPath[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; snprintf(localizedPath, sizeof(localizedPath), "art\\%s\\%s", gArtLanguage, pch); if (dbGetFileSize(localizedPath, &fileSize) == 0) { loaded = true; } } if (!loaded) { if (dbGetFileSize(artFilePath, &fileSize) == 0) { loaded = true; } } if (loaded) { *sizePtr = fileSize; result = 0; } } return result; } // 0x419B78 static int artCacheReadDataImpl(int fid, int* sizePtr, unsigned char* data) { int result = -1; char* artFileName = artBuildFilePath(fid); if (artFileName != NULL) { bool loaded = false; if (gArtLanguageInitialized) { char* pch = strchr(artFileName, '\\'); if (pch == NULL) { pch = artFileName; } char localizedPath[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; snprintf(localizedPath, sizeof(localizedPath), "art\\%s\\%s", gArtLanguage, pch); if (artRead(localizedPath, data) == 0) { loaded = true; } } if (!loaded) { if (artRead(artFileName, data) == 0) { loaded = true; } } if (loaded) { // TODO: Why it adds 74? *sizePtr = ((Art*)data)->field_3A + 74; result = 0; } } return result; } // 0x419C80 static void artCacheFreeImpl(void* ptr) { internal_free(ptr); } // 0x419C88 int buildFid(int objectType, int frmId, int animType, int a3, int rotation) { int v7, v8, v9, v10; v10 = rotation; if (objectType != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { goto zero; } if (animType == ANIM_FIRE_DANCE || animType < ANIM_FALL_BACK || animType > ANIM_FALL_FRONT_BLOOD) { goto zero; } v7 = ((a3 << 12) & 0xF000) | ((animType << 16) & 0xFF0000) | 0x1000000; v8 = ((rotation << 28) & 0x70000000) | v7; v9 = frmId & 0xFFF; if (artExists(v9 | v8) != 0) { goto out; } if (objectType == rotation) { goto zero; } v10 = objectType; if (artExists(v9 | v7 | 0x10000000) != 0) { goto out; } zero: v10 = 0; out: return ((v10 << 28) & 0x70000000) | (objectType << 24) | ((animType << 16) & 0xFF0000) | ((a3 << 12) & 0xF000) | (frmId & 0xFFF); } // 0x419D60 static int artReadFrameData(unsigned char* data, File* stream, int count) { unsigned char* ptr = data; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { ArtFrame* frame = (ArtFrame*)ptr; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(frame->width)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(frame->height)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(frame->size)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(frame->x)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(frame->y)) == -1) return -1; if (fileRead(ptr + sizeof(ArtFrame), frame->size, 1, stream) != 1) return -1; ptr += sizeof(ArtFrame) + frame->size; } return 0; } // 0x419E1C static int artReadHeader(Art* art, File* stream) { if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(art->field_0)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(art->framesPerSecond)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(art->actionFrame)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16(stream, &(art->frameCount)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16List(stream, art->xOffsets, ROTATION_COUNT) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt16List(stream, art->yOffsets, ROTATION_COUNT) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32List(stream, art->dataOffsets, ROTATION_COUNT) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(art->field_3A)) == -1) return -1; return 0; } // 0x419FC0 int artRead(const char* path, unsigned char* data) { File* stream = fileOpen(path, "rb"); if (stream == NULL) { return -2; } Art* art = (Art*)data; if (artReadHeader(art, stream) != 0) { fileClose(stream); return -3; } for (int index = 0; index < ROTATION_COUNT; index++) { if (index == 0 || art->dataOffsets[index - 1] != art->dataOffsets[index]) { if (artReadFrameData(data + sizeof(Art) + art->dataOffsets[index], stream, art->frameCount) != 0) { fileClose(stream); return -5; } } } fileClose(stream); return 0; } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x41A070 int artWriteFrameData(unsigned char* data, File* stream, int count) { unsigned char* ptr = data; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { ArtFrame* frame = (ArtFrame*)ptr; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, frame->width) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, frame->height) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, frame->size) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, frame->x) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, frame->y) == -1) return -1; if (fileWrite(ptr + sizeof(ArtFrame), frame->size, 1, stream) != 1) return -1; ptr += sizeof(ArtFrame) + frame->size; } return 0; } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x41A138 int artWriteHeader(Art* art, File* stream) { if (fileWriteInt32(stream, art->field_0) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, art->framesPerSecond) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, art->actionFrame) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16(stream, art->frameCount) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16List(stream, art->xOffsets, ROTATION_COUNT) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt16List(stream, art->yOffsets, ROTATION_COUNT) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32List(stream, art->dataOffsets, ROTATION_COUNT) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, art->field_3A) == -1) return -1; return 0; } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x41A1E8 int artWrite(const char* path, unsigned char* data) { if (data == NULL) { return -1; } File* stream = fileOpen(path, "wb"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } Art* art = (Art*)data; if (artWriteHeader(art, stream) == -1) { fileClose(stream); return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < ROTATION_COUNT; index++) { if (index == 0 || art->dataOffsets[index - 1] != art->dataOffsets[index]) { if (artWriteFrameData(data + sizeof(Art) + art->dataOffsets[index], stream, art->frameCount) != 0) { fileClose(stream); return -1; } } } fileClose(stream); return 0; } FrmImage::FrmImage() { _key = nullptr; _data = nullptr; _width = 0; _height = 0; } FrmImage::~FrmImage() { unlock(); } bool FrmImage::lock(unsigned int fid) { if (isLocked()) { return false; } _data = artLockFrameDataReturningSize(fid, &_key, &_width, &_height); if (!_data) { return false; } return true; } void FrmImage::unlock() { if (isLocked()) { artUnlock(_key); _key = nullptr; _data = nullptr; _width = 0; _height = 0; } } } // namespace fallout