#include "animation.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "combat_ai.h" #include "core.h" #include "critter.h" #include "debug.h" #include "display_monitor.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_config.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "interface.h" #include "item.h" #include "map.h" #include "object.h" #include "perk.h" #include "proto.h" #include "proto_instance.h" #include "random.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "stat.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "tile.h" #include "trait.h" #include #include // 0x510718 int _curr_sad = 0; // 0x51071C int gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex = -1; // 0x510720 int _anim_in_init = 0; // 0x510724 bool _anim_in_anim_stop = false; // 0x510728 bool _anim_in_bk = false; // 0x51072C int _lastDestination = -2; // 0x510730 unsigned int _last_time_ = 0; // 0x510734 unsigned int _next_time = 0; // 0x530014 STRUCT_530014 _sad[24]; // 0x542FD4 PathNode gClosedPathNodeList[2000]; // 0x54CC14 AnimationSequence gAnimationSequences[32]; // 0x561814 unsigned char gPathfinderProcessedTiles[5000]; // 0x562B9C PathNode gOpenPathNodeList[2000]; // 0x56C7DC int gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex; // 0x56C7E0 Object* dword_56C7E0[100]; // anim_init // 0x413A20 void animationInit() { _anim_in_init = 1; animationReset(); _anim_in_init = 0; } // 0x413A40 void animationReset() { if (!_anim_in_init) { // NOTE: Uninline. _anim_stop(); } _curr_sad = 0; gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; index++) { gAnimationSequences[index].field_0 = -1000; gAnimationSequences[index].flags = 0; } } // 0x413AB8 void animationExit() { // NOTE: Uninline. _anim_stop(); } // 0x413AF4 int reg_anim_begin(int flags) { if (gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex != -1) { return -1; } if (_anim_in_anim_stop) { return -1; } int v1 = _anim_free_slot(flags); if (v1 == -1) { return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[v1]); animationSequence->flags |= 0x08; if (flags & 0x02) { animationSequence->flags |= 0x04; } if (flags & 0x0200) { animationSequence->flags |= 0x40; } if (flags & 0x04) { animationSequence->flags |= 0x80; } gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex = v1; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex = 0; return 0; } // 0x413B80 int _anim_free_slot(int flags) { int v1 = -1; int v2 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; index++) { // TODO: Check. if (gAnimationSequences[index].field_0 != -1000 || gAnimationSequences[index].flags & 8 || gAnimationSequences[index].flags & 0x20) { if (!(gAnimationSequences[index].flags & 4)) { v2++; } } else if (v1 == -1 && (!((flags >> 8) & 1) || !(gAnimationSequences[index].flags & 0x10))) { v1 = index; } } if (v1 == -1) { if (flags & 0x02) { debugPrint("Unable to begin reserved animation!\n"); } return -1; } else if (flags & 0x02 || v2 < 20) { return v1; } return -1; } // 0x413C20 int _register_priority(int a1) { if (gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex == -1) { return -1; } if (a1 == 0) { return -1; } gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex].flags |= 0x01; return 0; } // 0x413C4C int reg_anim_clear(Object* a1) { for (int animationSequenceIndex = 0; animationSequenceIndex < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; animationSequenceIndex++) { if (gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex].field_0 == -1000) { continue; } int animationDescriptionIndex; for (animationDescriptionIndex = 0; animationDescriptionIndex < gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex].length; animationDescriptionIndex++) { if (a1 != gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex].animations[animationDescriptionIndex].owner || gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex].animations[animationDescriptionIndex].type == 11) { continue; } break; } if (animationDescriptionIndex == gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex].length) { continue; } if (gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex].flags & 0x01) { return -2; } _anim_set_end(animationSequenceIndex); return 0; } return -1; } // 0x413CCC int reg_anim_end() { if (gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex == -1) { return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); animationSequence->field_0 = 0; animationSequence->length = gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex; animationSequence->animationIndex = -1; animationSequence->flags &= ~0x08; animationSequence->animations[0].delay = 0; if (isInCombat()) { _combat_anim_begin(); animationSequence->flags |= 0x02; } int v1 = gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex; gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex = -1; if (!(animationSequence->flags & 0x10)) { _anim_set_continue(v1, 1); } return 0; } // 0x413D98 void _anim_cleanup() { if (gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex == -1) { return; } for (int index = 0; index < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; index++) { gAnimationSequences[index].flags &= ~0x18; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); for (int index = 0; index < gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex; index++) { AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[index]); if (animationDescription->field_2C != NULL) { artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); } if (animationDescription->type == ANIM_KIND_EXEC && animationDescription->soundProc == _gsnd_anim_sound) { soundEffectDelete(animationDescription->sound); } } gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex = -1; } // 0x413E2C int _check_registry(Object* obj) { if (gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex == -1) { return -1; } if (gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex >= 55) { return -1; } if (obj == NULL) { return 0; } for (int animationSequenceIndex = 0; animationSequenceIndex < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; animationSequenceIndex++) { AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex]); if (animationSequenceIndex != gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex && animationSequence->field_0 != -1000) { for (int animationDescriptionIndex = 0; animationDescriptionIndex < animationSequence->length; animationDescriptionIndex++) { AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[animationDescriptionIndex]); if (obj == animationDescription->owner && animationDescription->type != 11) { if (!(animationSequence->flags & 0x40)) { return -1; } _anim_set_end(animationSequenceIndex); } } } } return 0; } // Returns -1 if object is playing some animation. // // 0x413EC8 int animationIsBusy(Object* a1) { if (gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex >= ANIMATION_DESCRIPTION_LIST_CAPACITY || a1 == NULL) { return 0; } for (int animationSequenceIndex = 0; animationSequenceIndex < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; animationSequenceIndex++) { AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex]); if (animationSequenceIndex != gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex && animationSequence->field_0 != -1000) { for (int animationDescriptionIndex = 0; animationDescriptionIndex < animationSequence->length; animationDescriptionIndex++) { AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[animationDescriptionIndex]); if (a1 != animationDescription->owner) { continue; } if (animationDescription->type == ANIM_KIND_EXEC) { continue; } if (animationSequence->length == 1 && animationDescription->anim == ANIM_STAND) { continue; } return -1; } } } return 0; } // 0x413F5C int reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(Object* a1, Object* a2, int actionPoints, int delay) { if (_check_registry(a1) == -1 || actionPoints == 0) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (a1->tile == a2->tile && a1->elevation == a2->elevation) { return 0; } AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex].animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_OBJ_MOVE_TO_OBJ; animationDescription->anim = ANIM_WALK; animationDescription->owner = a1; animationDescription->destinationObj = a2; animationDescription->field_28 = actionPoints; animationDescription->delay = delay; int fid = buildFid((a1->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, a1->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, a1->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(a1, a2->tile); } // 0x41405C int reg_anim_obj_run_to_obj(Object* owner, Object* destination, int actionPoints, int delay) { MessageListItem msg; const char* text; const char* name; char formatted_text[90]; // TODO: Size is probably wrong. if (_check_registry(owner) == -1 || actionPoints == 0) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (owner->tile == destination->tile && owner->elevation == destination->elevation) { return 0; } if (critterIsEncumbered(owner)) { if (objectIsPartyMember(owner)) { if (owner == gDude) { // You are overloaded. text = getmsg(&gMiscMessageList, &msg, 8000); strcpy(formatted_text, text); } else { // %s is overloaded. name = critterGetName(owner); text = getmsg(&gMiscMessageList, &msg, 8001); sprintf(formatted_text, text, name); } displayMonitorAddMessage(formatted_text); } return reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(owner, destination, actionPoints, delay); } AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex].animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_OBJ_MOVE_TO_OBJ; animationDescription->owner = owner; animationDescription->destinationObj = destination; if ((owner->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 == 1 && (owner->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_CRIP_LEG_LEFT | DAM_CRIP_LEG_RIGHT)) || owner == gDude && dudeHasState(0) && !perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_SILENT_RUNNING) || !artExists(buildFid((owner->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, owner->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_RUNNING, 0, owner->rotation + 1))) { animationDescription->anim = ANIM_WALK; } else { animationDescription->anim = ANIM_RUNNING; } animationDescription->field_28 = actionPoints; animationDescription->delay = delay; int fid = buildFid((owner->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, owner->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (owner->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, owner->rotation + 1); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(owner, destination->tile); } // 0x414294 int reg_anim_obj_move_to_tile(Object* obj, int tile_num, int elev, int actionPoints, int delay) { AnimationDescription* ptr; int fid; if (_check_registry(obj) == -1 || actionPoints == 0) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (tile_num == obj->tile && elev == obj->elevation) { return 0; } ptr = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex].animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); ptr->type = ANIM_KIND_OBJ_MOVE_TO_TILE; ptr->anim = ANIM_WALK; ptr->owner = obj; ptr->tile = tile_num; ptr->elevation = elev; ptr->field_28 = actionPoints; ptr->delay = delay; ptr->field_2C = NULL; fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ptr->anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(ptr->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(ptr->field_2C); ptr->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414394 int reg_anim_obj_run_to_tile(Object* obj, int tile_num, int elev, int actionPoints, int delay) { MessageListItem msg; const char* text; const char* name; char str[72]; // TODO: Size is probably wrong. AnimationDescription* animationDescription; int fid; if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (actionPoints == 0) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (tile_num == obj->tile && elev == obj->elevation) { return 0; } if (critterIsEncumbered(obj)) { if (objectIsPartyMember(obj)) { if (obj == gDude) { // You are overloaded. text = getmsg(&gMiscMessageList, &msg, 8000); strcpy(str, text); } else { // %s is overloaded. name = critterGetName(obj); text = getmsg(&gMiscMessageList, &msg, 8001); sprintf(str, text, name); } displayMonitorAddMessage(str); } return reg_anim_obj_move_to_tile(obj, tile_num, elev, actionPoints, delay); } animationDescription = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex].animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_OBJ_MOVE_TO_TILE; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->tile = tile_num; animationDescription->elevation = elev; // TODO: Check. if ((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 == 1 && (obj->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_CRIP_LEG_LEFT | DAM_CRIP_LEG_RIGHT)) || obj == gDude && dudeHasState(0) && !perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_SILENT_RUNNING) || !artExists(buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_RUNNING, 0, obj->rotation + 1))) { animationDescription->anim = ANIM_WALK; } else { animationDescription->anim = ANIM_RUNNING; } animationDescription->field_28 = actionPoints; animationDescription->delay = delay; fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x4145D0 int reg_anim_2(Object* obj, int tile_num, int elev, int anim, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (tile_num == obj->tile && elev == obj->elevation) { return 0; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_2; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->tile = tile_num; animationDescription->elevation = elev; animationDescription->anim = anim; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x4146C4 int reg_anim_knockdown(Object* obj, int tile, int elev, int anim, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } if (tile == obj->tile && elev == obj->elevation) { return 0; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_KNOCKDOWN; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->tile = tile; animationDescription->elevation = elev; animationDescription->anim = anim; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x4149D0 int reg_anim_animate(Object* obj, int anim, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_ANIMATE; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->anim = anim; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414AA8 int reg_anim_animate_reverse(Object* obj, int anim, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_ANIMATE_REVERSE; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->anim = anim; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, animationDescription->anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414B7C int reg_anim_6(Object* obj, int anim, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_6; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->anim = anim; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414C50 int reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(Object* owner, int tile) { if (_check_registry(owner) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_SET_ROTATION_TO_TILE; animationDescription->delay = -1; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = owner; animationDescription->tile = tile; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414CC8 int reg_anim_rotate_clockwise(Object* obj) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE; animationDescription->delay = -1; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = obj; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414D38 int reg_anim_rotate_counter_clockwise(Object* obj) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE; animationDescription->delay = -1; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = obj; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414E20 int reg_anim_hide(Object* obj) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_HIDE; animationDescription->delay = -1; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->field_24 = 1; animationDescription->owner = obj; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414E98 int reg_anim_11_0(Object* a1, Object* a2, AnimationProc* proc, int delay) { if (_check_registry(NULL) == -1 || proc == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_EXEC; animationDescription->field_24 = 0; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = a2; animationDescription->destinationObj = a1; animationDescription->proc = proc; animationDescription->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414F20 int reg_anim_12(Object* a1, Object* a2, void* a3, AnimationProc2* proc, int delay) { if (_check_registry(NULL) == -1 || !proc) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_EXEC_2; animationDescription->field_24 = 0; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = a2; animationDescription->destinationObj = a1; animationDescription->field_20 = proc; animationDescription->field_28_void = a3; animationDescription->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x414FAC int reg_anim_11_1(Object* a1, Object* a2, AnimationProc* proc, int delay) { if (_check_registry(NULL) == -1 || proc == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_EXEC; animationDescription->field_24 = 1; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = a2; animationDescription->destinationObj = a1; animationDescription->proc = proc; animationDescription->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x4150A8 int reg_anim_15(Object* obj, int a2, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_15; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->field_24 = a2; animationDescription->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x41518C int reg_anim_17(Object* obj, int fid, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_17; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->fid = fid; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x415238 int reg_anim_18(Object* obj, int weaponAnimationCode, int delay) { const char* sfx = sfxBuildCharName(obj, ANIM_TAKE_OUT, weaponAnimationCode); if (reg_anim_play_sfx(obj, sfx, delay) == -1) { return -1; } if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_18; animationDescription->anim = ANIM_TAKE_OUT; animationDescription->delay = 0; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->weaponAnimationCode = weaponAnimationCode; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_TAKE_OUT, weaponAnimationCode, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x415334 int reg_anim_update_light(Object* obj, int lightDistance, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_19; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->lightDistance = lightDistance; animationDescription->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x41541C int reg_anim_play_sfx(Object* obj, const char* soundEffectName, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_EXEC; animationDescription->owner = obj; if (soundEffectName != NULL) { int volume = _gsound_compute_relative_volume(obj); animationDescription->sound = soundEffectLoadWithVolume(soundEffectName, obj, volume); if (animationDescription->sound != NULL) { animationDescription->soundProc = _gsnd_anim_sound; } else { animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_28; } } else { animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_28; } animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; animationDescription->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x4154C4 int reg_anim_animate_forever(Object* obj, int anim, int delay) { if (_check_registry(obj) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex]); AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); animationDescription->type = ANIM_KIND_ANIMATE_FOREVER; animationDescription->owner = obj; animationDescription->anim = anim; animationDescription->delay = delay; animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; int fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artLock(fid, &(animationDescription->field_2C)) == NULL) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); animationDescription->field_2C = NULL; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x415598 int reg_anim_26(int a1, int delay) { AnimationDescription* ptr; int v5; if (_check_registry(NULL) == -1) { _anim_cleanup(); return -1; } v5 = _anim_free_slot(a1 | 0x0100); if (v5 == -1) { return -1; } gAnimationSequences[v5].flags = 16; ptr = &(gAnimationSequences[gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex].animations[gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex]); ptr->owner = NULL; ptr->type = ANIM_KIND_26; ptr->field_2C = NULL; ptr->field_28 = v5; ptr->delay = delay; gAnimationDescriptionCurrentIndex++; return 0; } // 0x4156A8 int animationRunSequence(int animationSequenceIndex) { if (animationSequenceIndex == -1) { return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex]); if (animationSequence->field_0 == -1000) { return -1; } while (1) { if (animationSequence->field_0 >= animationSequence->length) { return 0; } if (animationSequence->field_0 > animationSequence->animationIndex) { AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[animationSequence->field_0]); if (animationDescription->delay < 0) { return 0; } if (animationDescription->delay > 0) { animationDescription->delay--; return 0; } } AnimationDescription* animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[animationSequence->field_0++]); int rc; Rect rect; switch (animationDescription->type) { case ANIM_KIND_OBJ_MOVE_TO_OBJ: rc = animateMoveObjectToObject(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->destinationObj, animationDescription->field_28, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex); break; case ANIM_KIND_OBJ_MOVE_TO_TILE: rc = animateMoveObjectToTile(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->tile, animationDescription->elevation, animationDescription->field_28, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex); break; case ANIM_KIND_2: rc = _anim_move_straight_to_tile(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->tile, animationDescription->elevation, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex, 0x00); break; case ANIM_KIND_KNOCKDOWN: rc = _anim_move_straight_to_tile(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->tile, animationDescription->elevation, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex, 0x10); break; case ANIM_KIND_ANIMATE: rc = _anim_animate(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; case ANIM_KIND_ANIMATE_REVERSE: rc = _anim_animate(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex, 0x01); break; case ANIM_KIND_6: rc = _anim_animate(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex, 0x40); if (rc == -1) { Rect rect; if (objectHide(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->elevation); } if (animationSequenceIndex != -1) { _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } rc = 0; } break; case ANIM_KIND_ANIMATE_FOREVER: rc = _anim_animate(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex, 0x80); break; case ANIM_KIND_SET_ROTATION_TO_TILE: if (!_critter_is_prone(animationDescription->owner)) { int rotation = tileGetRotationTo(animationDescription->owner->tile, animationDescription->tile); _dude_stand(animationDescription->owner, rotation, -1); } _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); rc = 0; break; case ANIM_KIND_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE: rc = actionRotate(animationDescription->owner, 1, animationSequenceIndex); break; case ANIM_KIND_ROTATE_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE: rc = actionRotate(animationDescription->owner, -1, animationSequenceIndex); break; case ANIM_KIND_HIDE: if (objectHide(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } if (animationSequenceIndex != -1) { _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } rc = 0; break; case ANIM_KIND_EXEC: rc = animationDescription->proc(animationDescription->destinationObj, animationDescription->owner); if (rc == 0) { rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } break; case ANIM_KIND_EXEC_2: rc = animationDescription->field_20(animationDescription->destinationObj, animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->field_28_obj); if (rc == 0) { rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } break; case ANIM_KIND_14: if (animationDescription->field_24 == 32) { if (_obj_turn_on_light(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } else if (animationDescription->field_24 == 1) { if (objectHide(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } else { animationDescription->owner->flags |= animationDescription->field_24; } rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; case ANIM_KIND_15: if (animationDescription->field_24 == 32) { if (_obj_turn_off_light(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } else if (animationDescription->field_24 == 1) { if (objectShow(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } else { animationDescription->owner->flags &= ~animationDescription->field_24; } rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; case ANIM_KIND_16: if (_obj_toggle_flat(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; case ANIM_KIND_17: rc = _anim_change_fid(animationDescription->owner, animationSequenceIndex, animationDescription->fid); break; case ANIM_KIND_18: rc = _anim_animate(animationDescription->owner, ANIM_TAKE_OUT, animationSequenceIndex, animationDescription->tile); break; case ANIM_KIND_19: objectSetLight(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->lightDistance, animationDescription->owner->lightIntensity, &rect); tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; case ANIM_KIND_20: rc = _anim_move_on_stairs(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->tile, animationDescription->elevation, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex); break; case ANIM_KIND_23: rc = _check_for_falling(animationDescription->owner, animationDescription->anim, animationSequenceIndex); break; case ANIM_KIND_24: if (animationDescription->tile) { if (objectEnableOutline(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } else { if (objectDisableOutline(animationDescription->owner, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; case ANIM_KIND_26: gAnimationSequences[animationDescription->field_28].flags &= ~0x10; rc = _anim_set_continue(animationDescription->field_28, 1); if (rc != -1) { rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } break; case ANIM_KIND_28: rc = _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); break; default: rc = -1; break; } if (rc == -1) { _anim_set_end(animationSequenceIndex); } if (animationSequence->field_0 == -1000) { return -1; } } } // 0x415B44 int _anim_set_continue(int animationSequenceIndex, int a2) { if (animationSequenceIndex == -1) { return -1; } AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex]); if (animationSequence->field_0 == -1000) { return -1; } animationSequence->animationIndex++; if (animationSequence->animationIndex == animationSequence->length) { return _anim_set_end(animationSequenceIndex); } else { if (a2) { return animationRunSequence(animationSequenceIndex); } } return 0; } // 0x415B9C int _anim_set_end(int animationSequenceIndex) { AnimationSequence* animationSequence; AnimationDescription* animationDescription; STRUCT_530014* ptr_530014; int i; Rect v27; if (animationSequenceIndex == -1) { return -1; } animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[animationSequenceIndex]); if (animationSequence->field_0 == -1000) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < _curr_sad; i++) { ptr_530014 = &(_sad[i]); if (ptr_530014->animationSequenceIndex == animationSequenceIndex) { ptr_530014->field_20 = -1000; } } for (i = 0; i < animationSequence->length; i++) { animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[i]); if (animationDescription->type == ANIM_KIND_HIDE && ((i < animationSequence->animationIndex) || (animationDescription->field_24 & 0x01))) { objectDestroy(animationDescription->owner, &v27); tileWindowRefreshRect(&v27, animationDescription->owner->elevation); } } for (i = 0; i < animationSequence->length; i++) { animationDescription = &(animationSequence->animations[i]); if (animationDescription->field_2C) { artUnlock(animationDescription->field_2C); } if (animationDescription->type != 11 && animationDescription->type != 12) { // TODO: Check. if (animationDescription->type != ANIM_KIND_26) { Object* owner = animationDescription->owner; if (((owner->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { int j = 0; for (; j < i; j++) { AnimationDescription* ad = &(animationSequence->animations[j]); if (owner == ad->owner) { if (ad->type != 11 && ad->type != 12) { break; } } } if (i == j) { int k = 0; for (; k < animationSequence->animationIndex; k++) { AnimationDescription* ad = &(animationSequence->animations[k]); if (ad->type == 10 && ad->owner == owner) { break; } } if (k == animationSequence->animationIndex) { for (int m = 0; m < _curr_sad; m++) { if (_sad[m].obj == owner) { _sad[m].field_20 = -1000; break; } } if ((animationSequence->flags & 0x80) == 0 && !_critter_is_prone(owner)) { _dude_stand(owner, owner->rotation, -1); } } } } } } else if (i >= animationSequence->field_0) { if (animationDescription->field_24 & 0x01) { animationDescription->proc(animationDescription->destinationObj, animationDescription->owner); } else { if (animationDescription->type == ANIM_KIND_EXEC && animationDescription->soundProc == _gsnd_anim_sound) { soundEffectDelete(animationDescription->sound); } } } } animationSequence->animationIndex = -1; animationSequence->field_0 = -1000; if ((animationSequence->flags & 0x02) != 0) { _combat_anim_finished(); } if (_anim_in_bk) { animationSequence->flags = 0x20; } else { animationSequence->flags = 0; } return 0; } // 0x415E24 bool canUseDoor(Object* critter, Object* door) { if (critter == gDude) { if (!_obj_portal_is_walk_thru(door)) { return false; } } if ((critter->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return false; } if ((door->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 != OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY) { return false; } int bodyType = critterGetBodyType(critter); if (bodyType != BODY_TYPE_BIPED && bodyType != BODY_TYPE_ROBOTIC) { return false; } Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(door->pid, &proto) == -1) { return false; } if (proto->scenery.type != SCENERY_TYPE_DOOR) { return false; } if (objectIsLocked(door)) { return false; } if (critterGetKillType(critter) == KILL_TYPE_GECKO) { return false; } return true; } // 0x415EE8 int _make_path(Object* object, int from, int to, unsigned char* rotations, int a5) { return pathfinderFindPath(object, from, to, rotations, a5, _obj_blocking_at); } // 0x415EFC int pathfinderFindPath(Object* object, int from, int to, unsigned char* rotations, int a5, PathBuilderCallback* callback) { if (a5) { if (callback(object, to, object->elevation) != NULL) { return 0; } } bool isCritter = false; int kt = 0; if ((object->pid >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { isCritter = true; kt = critterGetKillType(object); } bool isNotInCombat = !isInCombat(); memset(gPathfinderProcessedTiles, 0, sizeof(gPathfinderProcessedTiles)); gPathfinderProcessedTiles[from / 8] |= 1 << (from & 7); gOpenPathNodeList[0].tile = from; gOpenPathNodeList[0].from = -1; gOpenPathNodeList[0].rotation = 0; gOpenPathNodeList[0].field_C = _tile_idistance(from, to); gOpenPathNodeList[0].field_10 = 0; for (int index = 1; index < 2000; index += 1) { gOpenPathNodeList[index].tile = -1; } int toScreenX; int toScreenY; tileToScreenXY(to, &toScreenX, &toScreenY, object->elevation); int closedPathNodeListLength = 0; int openPathNodeListLength = 1; PathNode temp; while (1) { int v63 = -1; PathNode* prev = NULL; int v12 = 0; for (int index = 0; v12 < openPathNodeListLength; index += 1) { PathNode* curr = &(gOpenPathNodeList[index]); if (curr->tile != -1) { v12++; if (v63 == -1 || (curr->field_C + curr->field_10) < (prev->field_C + prev->field_10)) { prev = curr; v63 = index; } } } PathNode* curr = &(gOpenPathNodeList[v63]); memcpy(&temp, curr, sizeof(temp)); openPathNodeListLength -= 1; curr->tile = -1; if (temp.tile == to) { if (openPathNodeListLength == 0) { openPathNodeListLength = 1; } break; } PathNode* curr1 = &(gClosedPathNodeList[closedPathNodeListLength]); memcpy(curr1, &temp, sizeof(temp)); closedPathNodeListLength += 1; if (closedPathNodeListLength == 2000) { return 0; } for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { int tile = tileGetTileInDirection(temp.tile, rotation, 1); int bit = 1 << (tile & 7); if ((gPathfinderProcessedTiles[tile / 8] & bit) != 0) { continue; } if (tile != to) { Object* v24 = callback(object, tile, object->elevation); if (v24 != NULL) { if (!canUseDoor(object, v24)) { continue; } } } int v25 = 0; for (; v25 < 2000; v25++) { if (gOpenPathNodeList[v25].tile == -1) { break; } } openPathNodeListLength += 1; if (openPathNodeListLength == 2000) { return 0; } gPathfinderProcessedTiles[tile / 8] |= bit; PathNode* v27 = &(gOpenPathNodeList[v25]); v27->tile = tile; v27->from = temp.tile; v27->rotation = rotation; int newX; int newY; tileToScreenXY(tile, &newX, &newY, object->elevation); v27->field_C = _idist(newX, newY, toScreenX, toScreenY); v27->field_10 = temp.field_10 + 50; if (isNotInCombat && temp.rotation != rotation) { v27->field_10 += 10; } if (isCritter) { Object* o = objectFindFirstAtLocation(object->elevation, v27->tile); while (o != NULL) { if (o->pid >= 0x20003D9 && o->pid <= 0x20003DC) { break; } o = objectFindNextAtLocation(); } if (o != NULL) { if (kt == KILL_TYPE_GECKO) { v27->field_10 += 100; } else { v27->field_10 += 400; } } } } if (openPathNodeListLength == 0) { break; } } if (openPathNodeListLength != 0) { unsigned char* v39 = rotations; int index = 0; for (; index < 800; index++) { if (temp.tile == from) { break; } if (v39 != NULL) { *v39 = temp.rotation & 0xFF; v39 += 1; } int j = 0; while (gClosedPathNodeList[j].tile != temp.from) { j++; } PathNode* v36 = &(gClosedPathNodeList[j]); memcpy(&temp, v36, sizeof(temp)); } if (rotations != NULL) { // Looks like array resevering, probably because A* finishes it's path from end to start, // this probably reverses it start-to-end. unsigned char* beginning = rotations; unsigned char* ending = rotations + index - 1; int middle = index / 2; for (int index = 0; index < middle; index++) { unsigned char rotation = *ending; *ending = *beginning; *beginning = rotation; ending -= 1; beginning += 1; } } return index; } return 0; } // 0x41633C int _idist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int dx = x2 - x1; if (dx < 0) { dx = -dx; } int dy = y2 - y1; if (dy < 0) { dy = -dy; } int dm = (dx <= dy) ? dx : dy; return dx + dy - (dm / 2); } // 0x416360 int _tile_idistance(int tile1, int tile2) { int x1; int y1; tileToScreenXY(tile1, &x1, &y1, gElevation); int x2; int y2; tileToScreenXY(tile2, &x2, &y2, gElevation); return _idist(x1, y1, x2, y2); } // 0x4163AC int _make_straight_path(Object* a1, int from, int to, STRUCT_530014_28* pathNodes, Object** a5, int a6) { return _make_straight_path_func(a1, from, to, pathNodes, a5, a6, _obj_blocking_at); } // TODO: Rather complex, but understandable, needs testing. // // 0x4163C8 int _make_straight_path_func(Object* a1, int from, int to, STRUCT_530014_28* a4, Object** a5, int a6, Object* (*a7)(Object*, int, int)) { if (a5 != NULL) { Object* v11 = a7(a1, from, a1->elevation); if (v11 != NULL) { if (v11 != *a5 && (a6 != 32 || (v11->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x80000000) == 0)) { *a5 = v11; return 0; } } } int fromX; int fromY; tileToScreenXY(from, &fromX, &fromY, a1->elevation); fromX += 16; fromY += 8; int toX; int toY; tileToScreenXY(to, &toX, &toY, a1->elevation); toX += 16; toY += 8; int stepX; int deltaX = toX - fromX; if (deltaX > 0) stepX = 1; else if (deltaX < 0) stepX = -1; else stepX = 0; int stepY; int deltaY = toY - fromY; if (deltaY > 0) stepY = 1; else if (deltaY < 0) stepY = -1; else stepY = 0; int v48 = 2 * abs(toX - fromX); int v47 = 2 * abs(toY - fromY); int tileX = fromX; int tileY = fromY; int pathNodeIndex = 0; int v50 = from; int v22 = 0; int tile; if (v48 <= v47) { int middle = v48 - v47 / 2; while (true) { tile = tileFromScreenXY(tileX, tileY, a1->elevation); v22 += 1; if (v22 == a6) { if (pathNodeIndex >= 200) { return 0; } if (a4 != NULL) { STRUCT_530014_28* pathNode = &(a4[pathNodeIndex]); pathNode->tile = tile; pathNode->elevation = a1->elevation; tileToScreenXY(tile, &fromX, &fromY, a1->elevation); pathNode->x = tileX - fromX - 16; pathNode->y = tileY - fromY - 8; } v22 = 0; pathNodeIndex++; } if (tileY == toY) { if (a5 != NULL) { *a5 = NULL; } break; } if (middle >= 0) { tileX += stepX; middle -= v47; } tileY += stepY; middle += v48; if (tile != v50) { if (a5 != NULL) { Object* obj = a7(a1, tile, a1->elevation); if (obj != NULL) { if (obj != *a5 && (a6 != 32 || (obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x80000000) == 0)) { *a5 = obj; break; } } } v50 = tile; } } } else { int middle = v47 - v48 / 2; while (true) { tile = tileFromScreenXY(tileX, tileY, a1->elevation); v22 += 1; if (v22 == a6) { if (pathNodeIndex >= 200) { return 0; } if (a4 != NULL) { STRUCT_530014_28* pathNode = &(a4[pathNodeIndex]); pathNode->tile = tile; pathNode->elevation = a1->elevation; tileToScreenXY(tile, &fromX, &fromY, a1->elevation); pathNode->x = tileX - fromX - 16; pathNode->y = tileY - fromY - 8; } v22 = 0; pathNodeIndex++; } if (tileX == toX) { if (a5 != NULL) { *a5 = NULL; } break; } if (middle >= 0) { tileY += stepY; middle -= v48; } tileX += stepX; middle += v47; if (tile != v50) { if (a5 != NULL) { Object* obj = a7(a1, tile, a1->elevation); if (obj != NULL) { if (obj != *a5 && (a6 != 32 || (obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x80000000) == 0)) { *a5 = obj; break; } } } } } } if (v22 != 0) { if (pathNodeIndex >= 200) { return 0; } if (a4 != NULL) { STRUCT_530014_28* pathNode = &(a4[pathNodeIndex]); pathNode->tile = tile; pathNode->elevation = a1->elevation; tileToScreenXY(tile, &fromX, &fromY, a1->elevation); pathNode->x = tileX - fromX - 16; pathNode->y = tileY - fromY - 8; } pathNodeIndex += 1; } else { if (pathNodeIndex > 0 && a4 != NULL) { a4[pathNodeIndex - 1].elevation = a1->elevation; } } return pathNodeIndex; } // 0x4167F8 int animateMoveObjectToObject(Object* a1, Object* a2, int a3, int anim, int animationSequenceIndex) { int v10; int v13; STRUCT_530014* ptr; int hidden = (a2->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN); a2->flags |= OBJECT_HIDDEN; v10 = _anim_move(a1, a2->tile, a2->elevation, -1, anim, 0, animationSequenceIndex); if (hidden == 0) { a2->flags &= ~OBJECT_HIDDEN; } if (v10 == -1) { return -1; } ptr = &(_sad[v10]); v13 = (((a1->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x800) != 0) + 1); // TODO: What the hell is this? ptr->field_1C -= v13; if (ptr->field_1C <= 0) { ptr->field_20 = -1000; _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } if (v13) { ptr->field_24 = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, ptr->field_24 + v13 + ptr->field_1C + 3, 1); } if (v13 == 2) { ptr->field_24 = tileGetTileInDirection(ptr->field_24, ptr->rotations[ptr->field_1C], 1); } if (a3 != -1 && a3 < ptr->field_1C) { ptr->field_1C = a3; } return 0; } // 0x416CFC int animateMoveObjectToTile(Object* obj, int tile, int elev, int a4, int anim, int animationSequenceIndex) { STRUCT_530014* ptr; int v1; v1 = _anim_move(obj, tile, elev, -1, anim, 0, animationSequenceIndex); if (v1 == -1) { return -1; } if (_obj_blocking_at(obj, tile, elev)) { ptr = &(_sad[v1]); ptr->field_1C--; if (ptr->field_1C <= 0) { ptr->field_20 = -1000; _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); } ptr->field_24 = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, ptr->rotations[ptr->field_1C], 1); if (a4 != -1 && a4 < ptr->field_1C) { ptr->field_1C = a4; } } return 0; } // 0x416DFC int _anim_move(Object* obj, int tile, int elev, int a3, int anim, int a5, int animationSequenceIndex) { STRUCT_530014* ptr; if (_curr_sad == 24) { return -1; } ptr = &(_sad[_curr_sad]); ptr->obj = obj; if (a5) { ptr->flags = 0x20; } else { ptr->flags = 0; } ptr->field_20 = -2000; ptr->fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); ptr->field_10 = 0; ptr->field_14 = _compute_tpf(obj, ptr->fid); ptr->field_24 = tile; ptr->animationSequenceIndex = animationSequenceIndex; ptr->field_C = anim; ptr->field_1C = _make_path(obj, obj->tile, tile, ptr->rotations, a5); if (ptr->field_1C == 0) { ptr->field_20 = -1000; return -1; } if (a3 != -1 && ptr->field_1C > a3) { ptr->field_1C = a3; } return _curr_sad++; } // 0x416F54 int _anim_move_straight_to_tile(Object* obj, int tile, int elevation, int anim, int animationSequenceIndex, int flags) { if (_curr_sad == 24) { return -1; } STRUCT_530014* ptr = &(_sad[_curr_sad]); ptr->obj = obj; ptr->flags = flags | 0x02; if (anim == -1) { ptr->fid = obj->fid; ptr->flags |= 0x04; } else { ptr->fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); } ptr->field_20 = -2000; ptr->field_10 = 0; ptr->field_14 = _compute_tpf(obj, ptr->fid); ptr->animationSequenceIndex = animationSequenceIndex; int v15; if (((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { if (((obj->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16) == ANIM_JUMP_BEGIN) v15 = 16; else v15 = 4; } else { v15 = 32; } ptr->field_1C = _make_straight_path(obj, obj->tile, tile, ptr->field_28, NULL, v15); if (ptr->field_1C == 0) { ptr->field_20 = -1000; return -1; } _curr_sad++; return 0; } // 0x41712C int _anim_move_on_stairs(Object* obj, int tile, int elevation, int anim, int animationSequenceIndex) { STRUCT_530014* ptr; if (_curr_sad == 24) { return -1; } ptr = &(_sad[_curr_sad]); ptr->flags = 0x02; ptr->obj = obj; if (anim == -1) { ptr->fid = obj->fid; ptr->flags |= 0x04; } else { ptr->fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); } ptr->field_20 = -2000; ptr->field_10 = 0; ptr->field_14 = _compute_tpf(obj, ptr->fid); ptr->animationSequenceIndex = animationSequenceIndex; // TODO: Incomplete. // ptr->field_1C = _make_stair_path(obj, obj->tile_index, obj->elevation, tile, elevation, ptr->field_28, 0); if (ptr->field_1C == 0) { ptr->field_20 = -1000; return -1; } _curr_sad++; return 0; } // 0x417248 int _check_for_falling(Object* obj, int anim, int a3) { STRUCT_530014* ptr; if (_curr_sad == 24) { return -1; } if (_check_gravity(obj->tile, obj->elevation) == obj->elevation) { return -1; } ptr = &(_sad[_curr_sad]); ptr->flags = 0x02; ptr->obj = obj; if (anim == -1) { ptr->fid = obj->fid; ptr->flags |= 0x04; } else { ptr->fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); } ptr->field_20 = -2000; ptr->field_10 = 0; ptr->field_14 = _compute_tpf(obj, ptr->fid); ptr->animationSequenceIndex = a3; ptr->field_1C = _make_straight_path_func(obj, obj->tile, obj->tile, ptr->field_28, 0, 16, _obj_blocking_at); if (ptr->field_1C == 0) { ptr->field_20 = -1000; return -1; } _curr_sad++; return 0; } // 0x417360 void _object_move(int index) { STRUCT_530014* p530014 = &(_sad[index]); Object* object = p530014->obj; Rect dirty; Rect temp; if (p530014->field_20 == -2000) { objectSetLocation(object, object->tile, object->elevation, &dirty); objectSetFrame(object, 0, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); objectSetRotation(object, p530014->rotations[0], &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); int fid = buildFid((object->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, object->fid & 0xFFF, p530014->field_C, (object->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, object->rotation + 1); objectSetFid(object, fid, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); p530014->field_20 = 0; } else { objectSetNextFrame(object, &dirty); } int frameX; int frameY; CacheEntry* cacheHandle; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { artGetFrameOffsets(art, object->frame, object->rotation, &frameX, &frameY); artUnlock(cacheHandle); } else { frameX = 0; frameY = 0; } _obj_offset(object, frameX, frameY, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); int rotation = p530014->rotations[p530014->field_20]; int y = dword_51D984[rotation]; int x = _off_tile[rotation]; if (x > 0 && x <= object->x || x < 0 && x >= object->x || y > 0 && y <= object->y || y < 0 && y >= object->y) { x = object->x - x; y = object->y - y; int v10 = tileGetTileInDirection(object->tile, rotation, 1); Object* v12 = _obj_blocking_at(object, v10, object->elevation); if (v12 != NULL) { if (!canUseDoor(object, v12)) { p530014->field_1C = _make_path(object, object->tile, p530014->field_24, p530014->rotations, 1); if (p530014->field_1C != 0) { objectSetLocation(object, object->tile, object->elevation, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); objectSetFrame(object, 0, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); objectSetRotation(object, p530014->rotations[0], &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); p530014->field_20 = 0; } else { p530014->field_20 = -1000; } v10 = -1; } else { _obj_use_door(object, v12, 0); } } if (v10 != -1) { objectSetLocation(object, v10, object->elevation, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); int v17 = 0; if (isInCombat() && ((object->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { int v18 = critterGetMovementPointCostAdjustedForCrippledLegs(object, 1); if (_combat_free_move < v18) { int ap = object->data.critter.combat.ap; int v20 = v18 - _combat_free_move; _combat_free_move = 0; if (v20 > ap) { object->data.critter.combat.ap = 0; } else { object->data.critter.combat.ap = ap - v20; } } else { _combat_free_move -= v18; } if (object == gDude) { interfaceRenderActionPoints(gDude->data.critter.combat.ap, _combat_free_move); } v17 = (object->data.critter.combat.ap + _combat_free_move) <= 0; } p530014->field_20 += 1; if (p530014->field_20 == p530014->field_1C || v17) { p530014->field_20 = -1000; } else { objectSetRotation(object, p530014->rotations[p530014->field_20], &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); _obj_offset(object, x, y, &temp); rectUnion(&dirty, &temp, &dirty); } } } tileWindowRefreshRect(&dirty, object->elevation); if (p530014->field_20 == -1000) { _anim_set_continue(p530014->animationSequenceIndex, 1); } } // 0x4177C0 void _object_straight_move(int index) { STRUCT_530014* p530014 = &(_sad[index]); Object* object = p530014->obj; Rect dirtyRect; Rect temp; if (p530014->field_20 == -2000) { objectSetFid(object, p530014->fid, &dirtyRect); p530014->field_20 = 0; } else { objectGetRect(object, &dirtyRect); } CacheEntry* cacheHandle; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { int lastFrame = artGetFrameCount(art) - 1; artUnlock(cacheHandle); if ((p530014->flags & 0x04) == 0 && ((p530014->flags & 0x10) == 0 || lastFrame > object->frame)) { objectSetNextFrame(object, &temp); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &temp, &dirtyRect); } if (p530014->field_20 < p530014->field_1C) { STRUCT_530014_28* v12 = &(p530014->field_28[p530014->field_20]); objectSetLocation(object, v12->tile, v12->elevation, &temp); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &temp, &dirtyRect); _obj_offset(object, v12->x, v12->y, &temp); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &temp, &dirtyRect); p530014->field_20++; } if (p530014->field_20 == p530014->field_1C && ((p530014->flags & 0x10) == 0 || object->frame == lastFrame)) { p530014->field_20 = -1000; } tileWindowRefreshRect(&dirtyRect, p530014->obj->elevation); if (p530014->field_20 == -1000) { _anim_set_continue(p530014->animationSequenceIndex, 1); } } } // 0x4179B8 int _anim_animate(Object* obj, int anim, int animationSequenceIndex, int flags) { if (_curr_sad == 24) { return -1; } STRUCT_530014* ptr = &(_sad[_curr_sad]); int fid; if (anim == ANIM_TAKE_OUT) { ptr->flags = 0; fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_TAKE_OUT, flags, obj->rotation + 1); } else { ptr->flags = flags; fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); } if (!artExists(fid)) { return -1; } ptr->obj = obj; ptr->fid = fid; ptr->animationSequenceIndex = animationSequenceIndex; ptr->field_10 = 0; ptr->field_14 = _compute_tpf(obj, ptr->fid); ptr->field_20 = 0; ptr->field_1C = 0; _curr_sad++; return 0; } // 0x417B30 void _object_animate() { if (_curr_sad == 0) { return; } _anim_in_bk = 1; for (int index = 0; index < _curr_sad; index++) { STRUCT_530014* p530014 = &(_sad[index]); if (p530014->field_20 == -1000) { continue; } Object* object = p530014->obj; int time = _get_time(); if (getTicksBetween(time, p530014->field_10) < p530014->field_14) { continue; } p530014->field_10 = time; if (animationRunSequence(p530014->animationSequenceIndex) == -1) { continue; } if (p530014->field_1C > 0) { if ((p530014->flags & 0x02) != 0) { _object_straight_move(index); } else { int savedTile = object->tile; _object_move(index); if (savedTile != object->tile) { scriptsExecSpatialProc(object, object->tile, object->elevation); } } continue; } if (p530014->field_20 == 0) { for (int index = 0; index < _curr_sad; index++) { STRUCT_530014* other530014 = &(_sad[index]); if (object == other530014->obj && other530014->field_20 == -2000) { other530014->field_20 = -1000; _anim_set_continue(other530014->animationSequenceIndex, 1); } } p530014->field_20 = -2000; } Rect dirtyRect; Rect tempRect; objectGetRect(object, &dirtyRect); if (object->fid == p530014->fid) { if ((p530014->flags & 0x01) == 0) { CacheEntry* cacheHandle; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { if ((p530014->flags & 0x80) == 0 && object->frame == artGetFrameCount(art) - 1) { p530014->field_20 = -1000; artUnlock(cacheHandle); if ((p530014->flags & 0x40) != 0 && objectHide(object, &tempRect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&tempRect, object->elevation); } _anim_set_continue(p530014->animationSequenceIndex, 1); continue; } else { objectSetNextFrame(object, &tempRect); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &tempRect, &dirtyRect); int frameX; int frameY; artGetFrameOffsets(art, object->frame, object->rotation, &frameX, &frameY); _obj_offset(object, frameX, frameY, &tempRect); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &tempRect, &dirtyRect); artUnlock(cacheHandle); } } tileWindowRefreshRect(&dirtyRect, gElevation); continue; } if ((p530014->flags & 0x80) != 0 || object->frame != 0) { int x; int y; CacheEntry* cacheHandle; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { artGetFrameOffsets(art, object->frame, object->rotation, &x, &y); artUnlock(cacheHandle); } objectSetPrevFrame(object, &tempRect); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &tempRect, &dirtyRect); _obj_offset(object, -x, -y, &tempRect); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &tempRect, &dirtyRect); tileWindowRefreshRect(&dirtyRect, gElevation); continue; } p530014->field_20 = -1000; _anim_set_continue(p530014->animationSequenceIndex, 1); } else { int x; int y; CacheEntry* cacheHandle; Art* art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { artGetRotationOffsets(art, object->rotation, &x, &y); artUnlock(cacheHandle); } else { x = 0; y = 0; } Rect v29; objectSetFid(object, p530014->fid, &v29); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &v29, &dirtyRect); art = artLock(object->fid, &cacheHandle); if (art != NULL) { int frame; if ((p530014->flags & 0x01) != 0) { frame = artGetFrameCount(art) - 1; } else { frame = 0; } objectSetFrame(object, frame, &v29); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &v29, &dirtyRect); int frameX; int frameY; artGetFrameOffsets(art, object->frame, object->rotation, &frameX, &frameY); Rect v19; _obj_offset(object, x + frameX, y + frameY, &v19); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &v19, &dirtyRect); artUnlock(cacheHandle); } else { objectSetFrame(object, 0, &v29); rectUnion(&dirtyRect, &v29, &dirtyRect); } tileWindowRefreshRect(&dirtyRect, gElevation); } } _anim_in_bk = 0; _object_anim_compact(); } // 0x417F18 void _object_anim_compact() { for (int index = 0; index < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; index++) { AnimationSequence* animationSequence = &(gAnimationSequences[index]); if ((animationSequence->flags & 0x20) != 0) { animationSequence->flags = 0; } } int index = 0; for (; index < _curr_sad; index++) { if (_sad[index].field_20 == -1000) { int v2 = index + 1; for (; v2 < _curr_sad; v2++) { if (_sad[v2].field_20 != -1000) { break; } } if (v2 == _curr_sad) { break; } if (index != v2) { memcpy(&(_sad[index]), &(_sad[v2]), sizeof(STRUCT_530014)); _sad[v2].field_20 = -1000; _sad[v2].flags = 0; } } } _curr_sad = index; } // 0x417FFC int _check_move(int* a1) { int x; int y; mouseGetPosition(&x, &y); int tile = tileFromScreenXY(x, y, gElevation); if (tile == -1) { return -1; } if (isInCombat()) { if (*a1 != -1) { if (gPressedPhysicalKeys[SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL] || gPressedPhysicalKeys[SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL]) { int hitMode; bool aiming; interfaceGetCurrentHitMode(&hitMode, &aiming); int v6 = _item_mp_cost(gDude, hitMode, aiming); *a1 = *a1 - v6; if (*a1 <= 0) { return -1; } } } } else { bool interruptWalk; configGetBool(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_SYSTEM_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_INTERRUPT_WALK_KEY, &interruptWalk); if (interruptWalk) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); } } return tile; } // 0x4180B4 int _dude_move(int a1) { int v1; int tile = _check_move(&v1); if (tile == -1) { return -1; } if (_lastDestination == tile) { return _dude_run(a1); } _lastDestination = tile; reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_obj_move_to_tile(gDude, tile, gDude->elevation, a1, 0); return reg_anim_end(); } // 0x41810C int _dude_run(int a1) { int a4; int tile_num; a4 = a1; tile_num = _check_move(&a4); if (tile_num == -1) { return -1; } if (!perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_SILENT_RUNNING)) { dudeDisableState(0); } reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_obj_run_to_tile(gDude, tile_num, gDude->elevation, a4, 0); return reg_anim_end(); } // 0x418168 void _dude_fidget() { if (_game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { return; } if (isInCombat()) { return; } if (_vcr_status() != 2) { return; } if ((gDude->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) != 0) { return; } unsigned int v0 = _get_bk_time(); if (getTicksBetween(v0, _last_time_) <= _next_time) { return; } _last_time_ = v0; int v5 = 0; Object* object = objectFindFirstAtElevation(gDude->elevation); while (object != NULL) { if (v5 >= 100) { break; } if ((object->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) == 0 && ((object->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && ((object->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16) == 0 && !critterIsDead(object)) { Rect rect; objectGetRect(object, &rect); Rect intersection; if (rectIntersection(&rect, &_scr_size, &intersection) == 0 && (gMapHeader.field_34 != 97 || object->pid != 0x10000FA)) { dword_56C7E0[v5++] = object; } } object = objectFindNextAtElevation(); } int v13; if (v5 != 0) { int r = randomBetween(0, v5 - 1); Object* object = dword_56C7E0[r]; reg_anim_begin(0x201); bool v8 = false; if (object == gDude) { v8 = true; } else { char v15[16]; v15[0] = '\0'; artCopyFileName(1, object->fid & 0xFFF, v15); if (v15[0] == 'm' || v15[0] == 'M') { if (objectGetDistanceBetween(object, gDude) < critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_PERCEPTION) * 2) { v8 = true; } } } if (v8) { const char* sfx = sfxBuildCharName(object, ANIM_STAND, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(object, sfx, 0); } reg_anim_animate(object, 0, 0); reg_anim_end(); v13 = 20 / v5; } else { v13 = 7; } if (v13 < 1) { v13 = 1; } else if (v13 > 7) { v13 = 7; } _next_time = randomBetween(0, 3000) + 1000 * v13; } // 0x418378 void _dude_stand(Object* obj, int rotation, int fid) { Rect rect; objectSetRotation(obj, rotation, &rect); int x = 0; int y = 0; int v4 = (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12; if (v4 != 0) { if (fid == -1) { int takeOutFid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_TAKE_OUT, v4, obj->rotation + 1); CacheEntry* takeOutFrmHandle; Art* takeOutFrm = artLock(takeOutFid, &takeOutFrmHandle); if (takeOutFrm != NULL) { int frameCount = artGetFrameCount(takeOutFrm); for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { int offsetX; int offsetY; artGetFrameOffsets(takeOutFrm, frame, obj->rotation, &offsetX, &offsetY); x += offsetX; y += offsetY; } artUnlock(takeOutFrmHandle); CacheEntry* standFrmHandle; int standFid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_STAND, 0, obj->rotation + 1); Art* standFrm = artLock(standFid, &standFrmHandle); if (standFrm != NULL) { int offsetX; int offsetY; if (artGetRotationOffsets(standFrm, obj->rotation, &offsetX, &offsetY) == 0) { x += offsetX; y += offsetY; } artUnlock(standFrmHandle); } } } } if (fid == -1) { int anim; if (((obj->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16) == ANIM_FIRE_DANCE) { anim = ANIM_FIRE_DANCE; } else { anim = ANIM_STAND; } fid = buildFid((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, (obj->fid & 0xFFF), anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); } Rect temp; objectSetFid(obj, fid, &temp); rectUnion(&rect, &temp, &rect); objectSetLocation(obj, obj->tile, obj->elevation, &temp); rectUnion(&rect, &temp, &rect); objectSetFrame(obj, 0, &temp); rectUnion(&rect, &temp, &rect); _obj_offset(obj, x, y, &temp); rectUnion(&rect, &temp, &rect); tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, obj->elevation); } // 0x418574 void _dude_standup(Object* a1) { reg_anim_begin(2); int anim; if ((a1->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16 == ANIM_FALL_BACK) { anim = ANIM_BACK_TO_STANDING; } else { anim = ANIM_PRONE_TO_STANDING; } reg_anim_animate(a1, anim, 0); reg_anim_end(); a1->data.critter.combat.results &= ~DAM_KNOCKED_DOWN; } // 0x4185EC int actionRotate(Object* obj, int delta, int animationSequenceIndex) { if (!_critter_is_prone(obj)) { int rotation = obj->rotation + delta; if (rotation >= ROTATION_COUNT) { rotation = ROTATION_NE; } else if (rotation < 0) { rotation = ROTATION_NW; } _dude_stand(obj, rotation, -1); } _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); return 0; } // 0x418660 int _anim_change_fid(Object* obj, int animationSequenceIndex, int fid) { Rect rect; Rect v7; if ((fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16) { objectSetFid(obj, fid, &rect); objectSetFrame(obj, 0, &v7); rectUnion(&rect, &v7, &rect); tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, obj->elevation); } else { _dude_stand(obj, obj->rotation, fid); } _anim_set_continue(animationSequenceIndex, 0); return 0; } // 0x4186CC void _anim_stop() { _anim_in_anim_stop = 1; gAnimationSequenceCurrentIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < ANIMATION_SEQUENCE_LIST_CAPACITY; index++) { _anim_set_end(index); } _anim_in_anim_stop = 0; _curr_sad = 0; } // 0x418708 int _check_gravity(int tile, int elevation) { for (; elevation > 0; elevation--) { int x; int y; tileToScreenXY(tile, &x, &y, elevation); int squareTile = squareTileFromScreenXY(x + 2, y + 8, elevation); int fid = buildFid(4, _square[elevation]->field_0[squareTile] & 0xFFF, 0, 0, 0); if (fid != buildFid(4, 1, 0, 0, 0)) { break; } } return elevation; } // 0x418794 unsigned int _compute_tpf(Object* object, int fid) { int fps; CacheEntry* handle; Art* frm = artLock(fid, &handle); if (frm != NULL) { fps = artGetFramesPerSecond(frm); artUnlock(handle); } else { fps = 10; } if (isInCombat()) { if (((fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16) == 1) { int playerSpeedup = 0; configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_PLAYER_SPEEDUP_KEY, &playerSpeedup); if (object != gDude || playerSpeedup == 1) { int combatSpeed = 0; configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_COMBAT_SPEED_KEY, &combatSpeed); fps += combatSpeed; } } } return 1000 / fps; }