#include "actions.h" #include "animation.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "combat_ai.h" #include "config.h" #include "critter.h" #include "debug.h" #include "display_monitor.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_config.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "interface.h" #include "item.h" #include "map.h" #include "memory.h" #include "object.h" #include "perk.h" #include "proto.h" #include "proto_instance.h" #include "random.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "skill.h" #include "stat.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "tile.h" #include "trait.h" #include #include #define MAX_KNOCKDOWN_DISTANCE 20 // 0x5106D0 int _action_in_explode = 0; // 0x5106E0 const int gNormalDeathAnimations[DAMAGE_TYPE_COUNT] = { ANIM_DANCING_AUTOFIRE, ANIM_SLICED_IN_HALF, ANIM_CHUNKS_OF_FLESH, ANIM_CHUNKS_OF_FLESH, ANIM_ELECTRIFY, ANIM_FALL_BACK, ANIM_BIG_HOLE, }; // 0x5106FC const int gMaximumBloodDeathAnimations[DAMAGE_TYPE_COUNT] = { ANIM_CHUNKS_OF_FLESH, ANIM_SLICED_IN_HALF, ANIM_FIRE_DANCE, ANIM_MELTED_TO_NOTHING, ANIM_ELECTRIFIED_TO_NOTHING, ANIM_FALL_BACK, ANIM_EXPLODED_TO_NOTHING, }; // 0x410468 int actionKnockdown(Object* obj, int* anim, int maxDistance, int rotation, int delay) { if (_critter_flag_check(obj->pid, 0x4000)) { return -1; } if (*anim == ANIM_FALL_FRONT) { int fid = buildFid(1, obj->fid & 0xFFF, *anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (!artExists(fid)) { *anim = ANIM_FALL_BACK; } } // SFALL: Fix to limit the maximum distance for the knockback animation. if (maxDistance > MAX_KNOCKDOWN_DISTANCE) { maxDistance = MAX_KNOCKDOWN_DISTANCE; } int distance; int tile; for (distance = 1; distance <= maxDistance; distance++) { tile = tileGetTileInDirection(obj->tile, rotation, distance); if (_obj_blocking_at(obj, tile, obj->elevation) != NULL) { distance--; break; } } const char* soundEffectName = sfxBuildCharName(obj, *anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_KNOCKDOWN); reg_anim_play_sfx(obj, soundEffectName, delay); // TODO: Check, probably step back because we've started with 1? distance--; if (distance <= 0) { tile = obj->tile; reg_anim_animate(obj, *anim, 0); } else { tile = tileGetTileInDirection(obj->tile, rotation, distance); reg_anim_knockdown(obj, tile, obj->elevation, *anim, 0); } return tile; } // 0x410568 int _action_blood(Object* obj, int anim, int delay) { int violence_level = VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD; configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_VIOLENCE_LEVEL_KEY, &violence_level); if (violence_level == VIOLENCE_LEVEL_NONE) { return anim; } int bloodyAnim; if (anim == ANIM_FALL_BACK) { bloodyAnim = ANIM_FALL_BACK_BLOOD; } else if (anim == ANIM_FALL_FRONT) { bloodyAnim = ANIM_FALL_FRONT_BLOOD; } else { return anim; } int fid = buildFid(1, obj->fid & 0xFFF, bloodyAnim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artExists(fid)) { reg_anim_animate(obj, bloodyAnim, delay); } else { bloodyAnim = anim; } return bloodyAnim; } // 0x41060C int _pick_death(Object* attacker, Object* defender, Object* weapon, int damage, int anim, bool isFallingBack) { int normalViolenceLevelDamageThreshold = 15; int maximumBloodViolenceLevelDamageThreshold = 45; int damageType = weaponGetDamageType(attacker, weapon); if (weapon != NULL && weapon->pid == PROTO_ID_MOLOTOV_COCKTAIL) { normalViolenceLevelDamageThreshold = 5; maximumBloodViolenceLevelDamageThreshold = 15; damageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE; anim = ANIM_FIRE_SINGLE; } if (attacker == gDude && perkHasRank(attacker, PERK_PYROMANIAC) && damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE) { normalViolenceLevelDamageThreshold = 1; maximumBloodViolenceLevelDamageThreshold = 1; } if (weapon != NULL && weaponGetPerk(weapon) == PERK_WEAPON_FLAMEBOY) { normalViolenceLevelDamageThreshold /= 3; maximumBloodViolenceLevelDamageThreshold /= 3; } int violenceLevel = VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD; configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_VIOLENCE_LEVEL_KEY, &violenceLevel); if (_critter_flag_check(defender->pid, 0x1000)) { return _check_death(defender, ANIM_EXPLODED_TO_NOTHING, VIOLENCE_LEVEL_NORMAL, isFallingBack); } bool hasBloodyMess = false; if (attacker == gDude && traitIsSelected(TRAIT_BLOODY_MESS)) { hasBloodyMess = true; } // NOTE: Original code is slightly different. There are lots of jumps and // conditions. It's easier to set the default in advance, rather than catch // it with bunch of "else" statements. int deathAnim = ANIM_FALL_BACK; if ((anim == ANIM_THROW_PUNCH && damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL) || anim == ANIM_KICK_LEG || anim == ANIM_THRUST_ANIM || anim == ANIM_SWING_ANIM || (anim == ANIM_THROW_ANIM && damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION)) { if (violenceLevel == VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD && hasBloodyMess) { deathAnim = ANIM_BIG_HOLE; } } else { if (anim == ANIM_FIRE_SINGLE && damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL) { if (violenceLevel == VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD) { if (hasBloodyMess || maximumBloodViolenceLevelDamageThreshold <= damage) { deathAnim = ANIM_BIG_HOLE; } } } else { if (violenceLevel > VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MINIMAL && (hasBloodyMess || normalViolenceLevelDamageThreshold <= damage)) { if (violenceLevel > VIOLENCE_LEVEL_NORMAL && (hasBloodyMess || maximumBloodViolenceLevelDamageThreshold <= damage)) { deathAnim = gMaximumBloodDeathAnimations[damageType]; if (_check_death(defender, deathAnim, VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD, isFallingBack) != deathAnim) { deathAnim = gNormalDeathAnimations[damageType]; } } else { deathAnim = gNormalDeathAnimations[damageType]; } } } } if (!isFallingBack && deathAnim == ANIM_FALL_BACK) { deathAnim = ANIM_FALL_FRONT; } return _check_death(defender, deathAnim, VIOLENCE_LEVEL_NONE, isFallingBack); } // 0x410814 int _check_death(Object* obj, int anim, int minViolenceLevel, bool isFallingBack) { int fid; int violenceLevel = VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD; configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_VIOLENCE_LEVEL_KEY, &violenceLevel); if (violenceLevel >= minViolenceLevel) { fid = buildFid(1, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artExists(fid)) { return anim; } } if (isFallingBack) { return ANIM_FALL_BACK; } fid = buildFid(1, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_FALL_FRONT, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (artExists(fid)) { return ANIM_FALL_BACK; } return ANIM_FALL_FRONT; } // 0x4108C8 int _internal_destroy(Object* a1, Object* a2) { return _obj_destroy(a2); } // TODO: Check very carefully, lots of conditions and jumps. // // 0x4108D0 void _show_damage_to_object(Object* a1, int damage, int flags, Object* weapon, bool isFallingBack, int knockbackDistance, int knockbackRotation, int a8, Object* a9, int a10) { int anim; int fid; const char* sfx_name; if (_critter_flag_check(a1->pid, 0x4000)) { knockbackDistance = 0; } anim = (a1->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (!_critter_is_prone(a1)) { if ((flags & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { fid = buildFid(5, 10, 0, 0, 0); if (fid == a9->fid) { anim = _check_death(a1, ANIM_EXPLODED_TO_NOTHING, VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD, isFallingBack); } else if (a9->pid == PROTO_ID_0x20001EB) { anim = _check_death(a1, ANIM_ELECTRIFIED_TO_NOTHING, VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD, isFallingBack); } else if (a9->fid == FID_0x20001F5) { anim = _check_death(a1, a8, VIOLENCE_LEVEL_MAXIMUM_BLOOD, isFallingBack); } else { anim = _pick_death(a9, a1, weapon, damage, a8, isFallingBack); } if (anim != ANIM_FIRE_DANCE) { if (knockbackDistance != 0 && (anim == ANIM_FALL_FRONT || anim == ANIM_FALL_BACK)) { actionKnockdown(a1, &anim, knockbackDistance, knockbackRotation, a10); anim = _action_blood(a1, anim, -1); } else { sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_DIE); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, a10); anim = _pick_fall(a1, anim); reg_anim_animate(a1, anim, 0); if (anim == ANIM_FALL_FRONT || anim == ANIM_FALL_BACK) { anim = _action_blood(a1, anim, -1); } } } else { fid = buildFid(1, a1->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_FIRE_DANCE, (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, a1->rotation + 1); if (artExists(fid)) { sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, a10); reg_anim_animate(a1, anim, 0); int randomDistance = randomBetween(2, 5); int randomRotation = randomBetween(0, 5); while (randomDistance > 0) { int tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, randomRotation, randomDistance); Object* v35 = NULL; _make_straight_path(a1, a1->tile, tile, NULL, &v35, 4); if (v35 == NULL) { reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(a1, tile); reg_anim_2(a1, tile, a1->elevation, anim, 0); break; } randomDistance--; } } anim = ANIM_BURNED_TO_NOTHING; sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, -1); reg_anim_animate(a1, anim, 0); } } else { if ((flags & (DAM_KNOCKED_OUT | DAM_KNOCKED_DOWN)) != 0) { anim = isFallingBack ? ANIM_FALL_BACK : ANIM_FALL_FRONT; sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, a10); if (knockbackDistance != 0) { actionKnockdown(a1, &anim, knockbackDistance, knockbackRotation, 0); } else { anim = _pick_fall(a1, anim); reg_anim_animate(a1, anim, 0); } } else if ((flags & DAM_ON_FIRE) != 0 && artExists(buildFid(1, a1->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_FIRE_DANCE, (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, a1->rotation + 1))) { reg_anim_animate(a1, ANIM_FIRE_DANCE, a10); fid = buildFid(1, a1->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_STAND, (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, a1->rotation + 1); reg_anim_17(a1, fid, -1); } else { if (knockbackDistance != 0) { anim = isFallingBack ? ANIM_FALL_BACK : ANIM_FALL_FRONT; actionKnockdown(a1, &anim, knockbackDistance, knockbackRotation, a10); if (anim == ANIM_FALL_BACK) { reg_anim_animate(a1, ANIM_BACK_TO_STANDING, -1); } else { reg_anim_animate(a1, ANIM_PRONE_TO_STANDING, -1); } } else { if (isFallingBack || !artExists(buildFid(1, a1->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_HIT_FROM_BACK, (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, a1->rotation + 1))) { anim = ANIM_HIT_FROM_FRONT; } else { anim = ANIM_HIT_FROM_BACK; } sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, a10); reg_anim_animate(a1, anim, 0); } } } } else { if ((flags & DAM_DEAD) != 0 && (a1->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0) { anim = _action_blood(a1, anim, a10); } else { return; } } if (weapon != NULL) { if ((flags & DAM_EXPLODE) != 0) { reg_anim_11_1(a1, weapon, _obj_drop, -1); fid = buildFid(5, 10, 0, 0, 0); reg_anim_17(weapon, fid, 0); reg_anim_6(weapon, ANIM_STAND, 0); sfx_name = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_HIT, weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, a1); reg_anim_play_sfx(weapon, sfx_name, 0); reg_anim_hide(weapon); } else if ((flags & DAM_DESTROY) != 0) { reg_anim_11_1(a1, weapon, _internal_destroy, -1); } else if ((flags & DAM_DROP) != 0) { reg_anim_11_1(a1, weapon, _obj_drop, -1); } } if ((flags & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { // TODO: Get rid of casts. reg_anim_11_1(a1, (Object*)anim, (AnimationProc*)_show_death, -1); } } // 0x410E24 int _show_death(Object* obj, int anim) { Rect v7; Rect v8; int fid; objectGetRect(obj, &v8); if (anim < 48 && anim > 63) { fid = buildFid(1, obj->fid & 0xFFF, anim + 28, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (objectSetFid(obj, fid, &v7) == 0) { rectUnion(&v8, &v7, &v8); } if (objectSetFrame(obj, 0, &v7) == 0) { rectUnion(&v8, &v7, &v8); } } if (_critter_flag_check(obj->pid, 2048) == 0) { obj->flags |= OBJECT_NO_BLOCK; if (_obj_toggle_flat(obj, &v7) == 0) { rectUnion(&v8, &v7, &v8); } } if (objectDisableOutline(obj, &v7) == 0) { rectUnion(&v8, &v7, &v8); } if (anim >= 30 && anim <= 31 && _critter_flag_check(obj->pid, 4096) == 0 && _critter_flag_check(obj->pid, 64) == 0) { _item_drop_all(obj, obj->tile); } tileWindowRefreshRect(&v8, obj->elevation); return 0; } // 0x410FEC int _show_damage_extras(Attack* attack) { int v6; int v8; int v9; for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { Object* obj = attack->extras[index]; if ((obj->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 == 1) { int delta = attack->attacker->rotation - obj->rotation; if (delta < 0) { delta = -delta; } v6 = delta != 0 && delta != 1 && delta != 5; reg_anim_begin(2); _register_priority(1); v8 = critterGetAnimationForHitMode(attack->attacker, attack->hitMode); v9 = tileGetRotationTo(attack->attacker->tile, obj->tile); _show_damage_to_object(obj, attack->extrasDamage[index], attack->extrasFlags[index], attack->weapon, v6, attack->extrasKnockback[index], v9, v8, attack->attacker, 0); reg_anim_end(); } } return 0; } // 0x4110AC void _show_damage(Attack* attack, int a2, int a3) { int v5; int v14; int v17; int v15; v5 = a3; for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { Object* object = attack->extras[index]; if ((object->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { reg_anim_26(2, v5); v5 = 0; } } if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_HIT) == 0) { if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_CRITICAL) != 0) { _show_damage_to_object(attack->attacker, attack->attackerDamage, attack->attackerFlags, attack->weapon, 1, 0, 0, a2, attack->attacker, -1); } else if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_BACKWASH) != 0) { _show_damage_to_object(attack->attacker, attack->attackerDamage, attack->attackerFlags, attack->weapon, 1, 0, 0, a2, attack->attacker, -1); } } else { if (attack->defender != NULL) { // TODO: Looks very similar to _show_damage_extras. int delta = attack->defender->rotation - attack->attacker->rotation; if (delta < 0) { delta = -delta; } v15 = delta != 0 && delta != 1 && delta != 5; if ((attack->defender->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { if (attack->attacker->fid == 33554933) { v14 = tileGetRotationTo(attack->attacker->tile, attack->defender->tile); _show_damage_to_object(attack->defender, attack->defenderDamage, attack->defenderFlags, attack->weapon, v15, attack->defenderKnockback, v14, a2, attack->attacker, a3); } else { v17 = critterGetAnimationForHitMode(attack->attacker, attack->hitMode); v14 = tileGetRotationTo(attack->attacker->tile, attack->defender->tile); _show_damage_to_object(attack->defender, attack->defenderDamage, attack->defenderFlags, attack->weapon, v15, attack->defenderKnockback, v14, v17, attack->attacker, a3); } } else { tileGetRotationTo(attack->attacker->tile, attack->defender->tile); critterGetAnimationForHitMode(attack->attacker, attack->hitMode); } } if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_DUD) != 0) { _show_damage_to_object(attack->attacker, attack->attackerDamage, attack->attackerFlags, attack->weapon, 1, 0, 0, a2, attack->attacker, -1); } } } // 0x411224 int _action_attack(Attack* attack) { if (reg_anim_clear(attack->attacker) == -2) { return -1; } if (reg_anim_clear(attack->defender) == -2) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { if (reg_anim_clear(attack->extras[index]) == -2) { return -1; } } int anim = critterGetAnimationForHitMode(attack->attacker, attack->hitMode); if (anim < ANIM_FIRE_SINGLE && anim != ANIM_THROW_ANIM) { return _action_melee(attack, anim); } else { return _action_ranged(attack, anim); } } // 0x4112B4 int _action_melee(Attack* attack, int anim) { int fid; Art* art; CacheEntry* cache_entry; int v17; int v18; int delta; int flag; const char* sfx_name; char sfx_name_temp[16]; reg_anim_begin(2); _register_priority(1); fid = buildFid(1, attack->attacker->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (attack->attacker->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, attack->attacker->rotation + 1); art = artLock(fid, &cache_entry); if (art != NULL) { v17 = artGetActionFrame(art); } else { v17 = 0; } artUnlock(cache_entry); tileGetTileInDirection(attack->attacker->tile, attack->attacker->rotation, 1); reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(attack->attacker, attack->defender->tile); delta = attack->attacker->rotation - attack->defender->rotation; if (delta < 0) { delta = -delta; } flag = delta != 0 && delta != 1 && delta != 5; if (anim != ANIM_THROW_PUNCH && anim != ANIM_KICK_LEG) { sfx_name = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_ATTACK, attack->weapon, attack->hitMode, attack->defender); } else { sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(attack->attacker, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); } strcpy(sfx_name_temp, sfx_name); _combatai_msg(attack->attacker, attack, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_ATTACK, 0); if (attack->attackerFlags & 0x0300) { reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->attacker, sfx_name_temp, 0); if (anim != ANIM_THROW_PUNCH && anim != ANIM_KICK_LEG) { sfx_name = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_HIT, attack->weapon, attack->hitMode, attack->defender); } else { sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(attack->attacker, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_CONTACT); } strcpy(sfx_name_temp, sfx_name); reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, anim, 0); reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->attacker, sfx_name_temp, v17); _show_damage(attack, anim, 0); } else { if (attack->defender->data.critter.combat.results & 0x03) { reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->attacker, sfx_name_temp, -1); reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, anim, 0); } else { fid = buildFid(1, attack->defender->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_DODGE_ANIM, (attack->defender->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, attack->defender->rotation + 1); art = artLock(fid, &cache_entry); if (art != NULL) { v18 = artGetActionFrame(art); artUnlock(cache_entry); if (v18 <= v17) { reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->attacker, sfx_name_temp, -1); reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, anim, 0); sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(attack->defender, ANIM_DODGE_ANIM, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->defender, sfx_name, v17 - v18); reg_anim_animate(attack->defender, 13, 0); } else { sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(attack->defender, ANIM_DODGE_ANIM, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->defender, sfx_name, -1); reg_anim_animate(attack->defender, 13, 0); reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->attacker, sfx_name_temp, v18 - v17); reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, anim, 0); } } } } if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_HIT) != 0) { if ((attack->defenderFlags & DAM_DEAD) == 0) { _combatai_msg(attack->attacker, attack, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_HIT, -1); } } else { _combatai_msg(attack->attacker, attack, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_MISS, -1); } if (reg_anim_end() == -1) { return -1; } _show_damage_extras(attack); return 0; } // 0x411600 int _action_ranged(Attack* attack, int anim) { Object* neighboors[6]; memset(neighboors, 0, sizeof(neighboors)); reg_anim_begin(2); _register_priority(1); Object* projectile = NULL; Object* v50 = NULL; int weaponFid = -1; Proto* weaponProto; Object* weapon = attack->weapon; protoGetProto(weapon->pid, &weaponProto); int fid = buildFid(1, attack->attacker->fid & 0xFFF, anim, (attack->attacker->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, attack->attacker->rotation + 1); CacheEntry* artHandle; Art* art = artLock(fid, &artHandle); int actionFrame = (art != NULL) ? artGetActionFrame(art) : 0; artUnlock(artHandle); _item_w_range(attack->attacker, attack->hitMode); int damageType = weaponGetDamageType(attack->attacker, attack->weapon); tileGetTileInDirection(attack->attacker->tile, attack->attacker->rotation, 1); reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(attack->attacker, attack->defender->tile); bool isGrenade = false; if (anim == ANIM_THROW_ANIM) { if (damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_PLASMA || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EMP) { isGrenade = true; } } else { reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, ANIM_POINT, -1); } _combatai_msg(attack->attacker, attack, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_ATTACK, 0); const char* sfx; if (((attack->attacker->fid & 0xF000) >> 12) != 0) { sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_ATTACK, weapon, attack->hitMode, attack->defender); } else { sfx = sfxBuildCharName(attack->attacker, anim, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); } reg_anim_play_sfx(attack->attacker, sfx, -1); reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, anim, 0); if (anim != ANIM_FIRE_CONTINUOUS) { if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_HIT) != 0 || (attack->attackerFlags & DAM_CRITICAL) == 0) { bool l56 = false; int projectilePid = weaponGetProjectilePid(weapon); Proto* projectileProto; if (protoGetProto(projectilePid, &projectileProto) != -1 && projectileProto->fid != -1) { if (anim == ANIM_THROW_ANIM) { projectile = weapon; weaponFid = weapon->fid; int weaponFlags = weapon->flags; int leftItemAction; int rightItemAction; interfaceGetItemActions(&leftItemAction, &rightItemAction); itemRemove(attack->attacker, weapon, 1); v50 = _item_replace(attack->attacker, weapon, weaponFlags & OBJECT_IN_ANY_HAND); objectSetFid(projectile, projectileProto->fid, NULL); _cAIPrepWeaponItem(attack->attacker, weapon); if (attack->attacker == gDude) { if (v50 == NULL) { if ((weaponFlags & OBJECT_IN_LEFT_HAND) != 0) { leftItemAction = INTERFACE_ITEM_ACTION_DEFAULT; } else if ((weaponFlags & OBJECT_IN_RIGHT_HAND) != 0) { rightItemAction = INTERFACE_ITEM_ACTION_DEFAULT; } } interfaceUpdateItems(false, leftItemAction, rightItemAction); } _obj_connect(weapon, attack->attacker->tile, attack->attacker->elevation, NULL); } else { objectCreateWithFidPid(&projectile, projectileProto->fid, -1); } objectHide(projectile, NULL); objectSetLight(projectile, 9, projectile->lightIntensity, NULL); int projectileOrigin = _combat_bullet_start(attack->attacker, attack->defender); objectSetLocation(projectile, projectileOrigin, attack->attacker->elevation, NULL); int projectileRotation = tileGetRotationTo(attack->attacker->tile, attack->defender->tile); objectSetRotation(projectile, projectileRotation, NULL); reg_anim_15(projectile, 1, actionFrame); const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_AMMO_FLYING, weapon, attack->hitMode, attack->defender); reg_anim_play_sfx(projectile, sfx, 0); int v24; if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_HIT) != 0) { reg_anim_2(projectile, attack->defender->tile, attack->defender->elevation, ANIM_WALK, 0); actionFrame = _make_straight_path(projectile, projectileOrigin, attack->defender->tile, NULL, NULL, 32) - 1; v24 = attack->defender->tile; } else { reg_anim_2(projectile, attack->tile, attack->defender->elevation, ANIM_WALK, 0); actionFrame = 0; v24 = attack->tile; } if (isGrenade || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION) { if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_DROP) == 0) { int explosionFrmId; if (isGrenade) { switch (damageType) { case DAMAGE_TYPE_EMP: explosionFrmId = 2; break; case DAMAGE_TYPE_PLASMA: explosionFrmId = 31; break; default: explosionFrmId = 29; break; } } else { explosionFrmId = 10; } if (isGrenade) { reg_anim_17(projectile, weaponFid, -1); } int explosionFid = buildFid(5, explosionFrmId, 0, 0, 0); reg_anim_17(projectile, explosionFid, -1); const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_HIT, weapon, attack->hitMode, attack->defender); reg_anim_play_sfx(projectile, sfx, 0); reg_anim_6(projectile, ANIM_STAND, 0); for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { if (objectCreateWithFidPid(&(neighboors[rotation]), explosionFid, -1) != -1) { objectHide(neighboors[rotation], NULL); int v31 = tileGetTileInDirection(v24, rotation, 1); objectSetLocation(neighboors[rotation], v31, projectile->elevation, NULL); int delay; if (rotation != ROTATION_NE) { delay = 0; } else { if (damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_PLASMA) { delay = 4; } else { delay = 2; } } reg_anim_15(neighboors[rotation], 1, delay); reg_anim_6(neighboors[rotation], ANIM_STAND, 0); } } l56 = true; } } else { if (anim != ANIM_THROW_ANIM) { reg_anim_hide(projectile); } } if (!l56) { const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_HIT, weapon, attack->hitMode, attack->defender); reg_anim_play_sfx(weapon, sfx, actionFrame); } actionFrame = 0; } else { if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_HIT) == 0) { Object* defender = attack->defender; if ((defender->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_KNOCKED_OUT | DAM_KNOCKED_DOWN)) == 0) { reg_anim_animate(defender, ANIM_DODGE_ANIM, actionFrame); l56 = true; } } } } } _show_damage(attack, anim, actionFrame); if ((attack->attackerFlags & DAM_HIT) == 0) { _combatai_msg(attack->defender, attack, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_MISS, -1); } else { if ((attack->defenderFlags & DAM_DEAD) == 0) { _combatai_msg(attack->defender, attack, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_HIT, -1); } } if (projectile != NULL && (isGrenade || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION)) { reg_anim_hide(projectile); } else if (anim == ANIM_THROW_ANIM && projectile != NULL) { reg_anim_17(projectile, weaponFid, -1); } for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { if (neighboors[rotation] != NULL) { reg_anim_hide(neighboors[rotation]); } } if ((attack->attackerFlags & (DAM_KNOCKED_OUT | DAM_KNOCKED_DOWN | DAM_DEAD)) == 0) { if (anim == ANIM_THROW_ANIM) { bool l9 = false; if (v50 != NULL) { int v38 = weaponGetAnimationCode(v50); if (v38 != 0) { reg_anim_18(attack->attacker, v38, -1); l9 = true; } } if (!l9) { int fid = buildFid(1, attack->attacker->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_STAND, 0, attack->attacker->rotation + 1); reg_anim_17(attack->attacker, fid, -1); } } else { reg_anim_animate(attack->attacker, ANIM_UNPOINT, -1); } } if (reg_anim_end() == -1) { debugPrint("Something went wrong with a ranged attack sequence!\n"); if (projectile != NULL && (isGrenade || damageType == DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSION || anim != ANIM_THROW_ANIM)) { objectDestroy(projectile, NULL); } for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { if (neighboors[rotation] != NULL) { objectDestroy(neighboors[rotation], NULL); } } return -1; } _show_damage_extras(attack); return 0; } // 0x411D68 int _is_next_to(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) > 1) { if (a2 == gDude) { MessageListItem messageListItem; // You cannot get there. messageListItem.num = 2000; if (messageListGetItem(&gMiscMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } return 0; } // 0x411DB4 int _action_climb_ladder(Object* a1, Object* a2) { int anim; int v5; int v6; int tile_num; int v11; const char* sfx_name; if (a1 == gDude) { anim = (gDude->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (anim == ANIM_WALK || anim == ANIM_RUNNING) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); } } if (isInCombat()) { v5 = 2; v6 = a1->data.critter.combat.ap; } else { v5 = 1; v6 = -1; } if (a1 == gDude) { v5 = 2; } v5 |= 4; reg_anim_begin(v5); tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, 2, 1); if (v6 != -1 || objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) < 5) { reg_anim_obj_move_to_tile(a1, tile_num, a2->elevation, v6, 0); } else { reg_anim_obj_run_to_tile(a1, tile_num, a2->elevation, v6, 0); } reg_anim_11_1(a1, a2, _is_next_to, -1); reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(a1, a2->tile); reg_anim_11_1(a1, a2, _check_scenery_ap_cost, -1); v11 = (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12; if (v11 != 0) { sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, ANIM_PUT_AWAY, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, -1); reg_anim_animate(a1, 39, 0); } sfx_name = sfxBuildCharName(a1, ANIM_CLIMB_LADDER, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx_name, -1); reg_anim_animate(a1, 4, 0); reg_anim_11_0(a1, a2, _obj_use, -1); if (v11 != 0) { reg_anim_18(a1, v11, -1); } return reg_anim_end(); } // 0x411F2C int _action_use_an_item_on_object(Object* a1, Object* a2, Object* a3) { Proto* proto = NULL; int type = (a2->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24; int sceneryType = -1; if (type == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY) { if (protoGetProto(a2->pid, &proto) == -1) { return -1; } sceneryType = proto->scenery.type; } if (sceneryType != SCENERY_TYPE_LADDER_UP || a3 != NULL) { if (a1 == gDude) { int anim = (gDude->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (anim == ANIM_WALK || anim == ANIM_RUNNING) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); } } int v9; int actionPoints; if (isInCombat()) { v9 = 2; actionPoints = a1->data.critter.combat.ap; } else { v9 = 1; actionPoints = -1; } if (a1 == gDude) { v9 = 2; } reg_anim_begin(v9); if (actionPoints != -1 || objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) < 5) { reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(a1, a2, actionPoints, 0); } else { reg_anim_obj_run_to_obj(a1, a2, -1, 0); } reg_anim_11_1(a1, a2, _is_next_to, -1); if (a3 == NULL) { reg_anim_11_0(a1, a2, _check_scenery_ap_cost, -1); } int a2a = (a1->fid & 0xF000) >> 12; if (a2a != 0) { const char* sfx = sfxBuildCharName(a1, ANIM_PUT_AWAY, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(a1, sfx, -1); reg_anim_animate(a1, ANIM_PUT_AWAY, 0); } int v13; int v12 = (a2->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24; if (v12 == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && _critter_is_prone(a2)) { v13 = ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_GROUND; } else if (v12 == OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY && (proto->scenery.extendedFlags & 0x01) != 0) { v13 = ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_GROUND; } else { v13 = ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_MIDDLE; } if (sceneryType != SCENERY_TYPE_STAIRS && a3 == NULL) { reg_anim_animate(a1, v13, -1); } if (a3 != NULL) { // TODO: Get rid of cast. reg_anim_12(a1, a2, a3, (AnimationProc2*)_obj_use_item_on, -1); } else { reg_anim_11_0(a1, a2, _obj_use, -1); } if (a2a != 0) { reg_anim_18(a1, a2a, -1); } return reg_anim_end(); } return _action_climb_ladder(a1, a2); } // 0x412114 int _action_use_an_object(Object* a1, Object* a2) { return _action_use_an_item_on_object(a1, a2, NULL); } // 0x412134 int actionPickUp(Object* critter, Object* item) { if (((item->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_ITEM) { return -1; } if (critter == gDude) { int animationCode = (gDude->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (animationCode == ANIM_WALK || animationCode == ANIM_RUNNING) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); } } if (isInCombat()) { reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(critter, item, critter->data.critter.combat.ap, 0); } else { int flags = (critter == gDude) ? 2 : 1; reg_anim_begin(flags); if (objectGetDistanceBetween(critter, item) >= 5) { reg_anim_obj_run_to_obj(critter, item, -1, 0); } else { reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(critter, item, -1, 0); } } reg_anim_11_1(critter, item, _is_next_to, -1); reg_anim_11_0(critter, item, _check_scenery_ap_cost, -1); Proto* itemProto; protoGetProto(item->pid, &itemProto); if (itemProto->item.type != ITEM_TYPE_CONTAINER || _proto_action_can_pickup(item->pid)) { reg_anim_animate(critter, ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_GROUND, 0); int fid = buildFid(1, critter->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_GROUND, (critter->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, critter->rotation + 1); int actionFrame; CacheEntry* cacheEntry; Art* art = artLock(fid, &cacheEntry); if (art != NULL) { actionFrame = artGetActionFrame(art); } else { actionFrame = -1; } char sfx[16]; if (artCopyFileName((item->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24, item->fid & 0xFFF, sfx) == 0) { // NOTE: looks like they copy sfx one more time, what for? reg_anim_play_sfx(item, sfx, actionFrame); } reg_anim_11_0(critter, item, _obj_pickup, actionFrame); } else { int v27 = (critter->fid & 0xF000) >> 12; if (v27 != 0) { const char* sfx = sfxBuildCharName(critter, ANIM_PUT_AWAY, CHARACTER_SOUND_EFFECT_UNUSED); reg_anim_play_sfx(critter, sfx, -1); reg_anim_animate(critter, ANIM_PUT_AWAY, -1); } // ground vs middle animation int animationCode = 10 + ((itemProto->item.data.container.openFlags & 0x01) == 0); reg_anim_animate(critter, animationCode, 0); int fid = buildFid(1, critter->fid & 0xFFF, animationCode, 0, critter->rotation + 1); int actionFrame; CacheEntry* cacheEntry; Art* art = artLock(fid, &cacheEntry); if (art == NULL) { actionFrame = artGetActionFrame(art); artUnlock(cacheEntry); } else { actionFrame = -1; } if (item->frame != 1) { reg_anim_11_0(critter, item, _obj_use_container, actionFrame); } if (v27 != 0) { reg_anim_18(critter, v27, -1); } if (item->frame == 0 || item->frame == 1) { reg_anim_11_0(critter, item, scriptsRequestLooting, -1); } } return reg_anim_end(); } // TODO: Looks like the name is a little misleading, container can only be a // critter, which is enforced by this function as well as at the call sites. // Used to loot corpses, so probably should be something like actionLootCorpse. // Check if it can be called with a living critter. // // 0x4123E8 int _action_loot_container(Object* critter, Object* container) { if ((container->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } if (critter == gDude) { int anim = (gDude->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (anim == ANIM_WALK || anim == ANIM_RUNNING) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); } } if (isInCombat()) { reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(critter, container, critter->data.critter.combat.ap, 0); } else { reg_anim_begin(critter == gDude ? 2 : 1); if (objectGetDistanceBetween(critter, container) < 5) { reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(critter, container, -1, 0); } else { reg_anim_obj_run_to_obj(critter, container, -1, 0); } } reg_anim_11_1(critter, container, _is_next_to, -1); reg_anim_11_0(critter, container, _check_scenery_ap_cost, -1); reg_anim_11_0(critter, container, scriptsRequestLooting, -1); return reg_anim_end(); } // 0x4124E0 int _action_skill_use(int skill) { if (skill == SKILL_SNEAK) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); dudeToggleState(DUDE_STATE_SNEAKING); return 0; } return -1; } // skill_use // 0x41255C int actionUseSkill(Object* a1, Object* a2, int skill) { MessageListItem messageListItem; switch (skill) { case SKILL_FIRST_AID: case SKILL_DOCTOR: if (isInCombat()) { if (a1 == gDude) { messageListItem.num = 902; if (messageListGetItem(&gProtoMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } if ((a2->pid >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } break; case SKILL_LOCKPICK: if (isInCombat()) { if (a1 == gDude) { messageListItem.num = 902; if (messageListGetItem(&gProtoMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } if ((a2->pid >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_ITEM && (a2->pid >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_SCENERY) { return -1; } break; case SKILL_STEAL: if (isInCombat()) { if (a1 == gDude) { messageListItem.num = 902; if (messageListGetItem(&gProtoMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } if ((a2->pid >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_ITEM && (a2->pid >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } if (a2 == a1) { return -1; } break; case SKILL_TRAPS: if (isInCombat()) { if (a1 == gDude) { messageListItem.num = 902; if (messageListGetItem(&gProtoMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } if ((a2->pid >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } break; case SKILL_SCIENCE: case SKILL_REPAIR: if (isInCombat()) { if (a1 == gDude) { messageListItem.num = 902; if (messageListGetItem(&gProtoMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } if ((a2->pid >> 24) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { break; } if (critterGetKillType(a2) == KILL_TYPE_ROBOT) { break; } if (critterGetKillType(a2) == KILL_TYPE_BRAHMIN && skill == SKILL_SCIENCE) { break; } return -1; case SKILL_SNEAK: dudeToggleState(0); return 0; default: debugPrint("\nskill_use: invalid skill used."); } // Performer is either dude, or party member who's best at the specified // skill in entire party, and this skill is his/her own best. Object* performer = gDude; if (a1 == gDude) { Object* partyMember = partyMemberGetBestInSkill(skill); if (partyMember == gDude) { partyMember = NULL; } // Only dude can perform stealing. if (skill == SKILL_STEAL) { partyMember = NULL; } if (partyMember != NULL) { if (partyMemberGetBestSkill(partyMember) != skill) { partyMember = NULL; } } if (partyMember != NULL) { performer = partyMember; int anim = (partyMember->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (anim != ANIM_WALK && anim != ANIM_RUNNING) { if (anim != ANIM_STAND) { performer = gDude; partyMember = NULL; } } else { reg_anim_clear(partyMember); } } if (partyMember != NULL) { bool v32 = false; if (objectGetDistanceBetween(gDude, a2) <= 1) { v32 = true; } char* msg = skillsGetGenericResponse(partyMember, v32); Rect rect; if (textObjectAdd(partyMember, msg, 101, _colorTable[32747], _colorTable[0], &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, gElevation); } if (v32) { performer = gDude; partyMember = NULL; } } if (partyMember == NULL) { int anim = (performer->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (anim == ANIM_WALK || anim == ANIM_RUNNING) { reg_anim_clear(performer); } } } if (isInCombat()) { reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(performer, a2, performer->data.critter.combat.ap, 0); } else { reg_anim_begin(a1 == gDude ? 2 : 1); if (a2 != gDude) { if (objectGetDistanceBetween(performer, a2) >= 5) { reg_anim_obj_run_to_obj(performer, a2, -1, 0); } else { reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(performer, a2, -1, 0); } } } reg_anim_11_1(performer, a2, _is_next_to, -1); int anim = (((a2->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && _critter_is_prone(a2)) ? ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_GROUND : ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_MIDDLE; int fid = buildFid(1, performer->fid & 0xFFF, anim, 0, performer->rotation + 1); CacheEntry* artHandle; Art* art = artLock(fid, &artHandle); if (art != NULL) { artGetActionFrame(art); artUnlock(artHandle); } reg_anim_animate(performer, anim, -1); // TODO: Get rid of casts. reg_anim_12(performer, a2, (void*)skill, (AnimationProc2*)_obj_use_skill_on, -1); return reg_anim_end(); } // 0x412BC4 bool _is_hit_from_front(Object* a1, Object* a2) { int diff = a1->rotation - a2->rotation; if (diff < 0) { diff = -diff; } return diff != 0 && diff != 1 && diff != 5; } // 0x412BEC bool _can_see(Object* a1, Object* a2) { int diff; diff = a1->rotation - tileGetRotationTo(a1->tile, a2->tile); if (diff < 0) { diff = -diff; } return diff == 0 || diff == 1 || diff == 5; } // looks like it tries to change fall animation depending on object's current rotation // 0x412C1C int _pick_fall(Object* obj, int anim) { int i; int rotation; int tile_num; int fid; if (anim == ANIM_FALL_FRONT) { rotation = obj->rotation; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(obj->tile, rotation, i); if (_obj_blocking_at(obj, tile_num, obj->elevation) != NULL) { anim = ANIM_FALL_BACK; break; } } } else if (anim == ANIM_FALL_BACK) { rotation = (obj->rotation + 3) % 6u; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(obj->tile, rotation, i); if (_obj_blocking_at(obj, tile_num, obj->elevation) != NULL) { anim = ANIM_FALL_FRONT; break; } } } if (anim == ANIM_FALL_FRONT) { fid = buildFid(1, obj->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_FALL_FRONT, (obj->fid & 0xF000) >> 12, obj->rotation + 1); if (!artExists(fid)) { anim = ANIM_FALL_BACK; } } return anim; } // 0x412CE4 bool _action_explode_running() { return _action_in_explode != 0; } // action_explode // 0x412CF4 int actionExplode(int tile, int elevation, int minDamage, int maxDamage, Object* a5, bool a6) { if (a6 && _action_in_explode) { return -2; } Attack* attack = (Attack*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*attack)); if (attack == NULL) { return -1; } Object* explosion; int fid = buildFid(5, 10, 0, 0, 0); if (objectCreateWithFidPid(&explosion, fid, -1) == -1) { internal_free(attack); return -1; } objectHide(explosion, NULL); explosion->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; objectSetLocation(explosion, tile, elevation, NULL); Object* adjacentExplosions[ROTATION_COUNT]; for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { int fid = buildFid(5, 10, 0, 0, 0); if (objectCreateWithFidPid(&(adjacentExplosions[rotation]), fid, -1) == -1) { while (--rotation >= 0) { objectDestroy(adjacentExplosions[rotation], NULL); } objectDestroy(explosion, NULL); internal_free(attack); return -1; } objectHide(adjacentExplosions[rotation], NULL); adjacentExplosions[rotation]->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; int adjacentTile = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, rotation, 1); objectSetLocation(adjacentExplosions[rotation], adjacentTile, elevation, NULL); } Object* critter = _obj_blocking_at(NULL, tile, elevation); if (critter != NULL) { if ((critter->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER || (critter->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { critter = NULL; } } attackInit(attack, explosion, critter, HIT_MODE_PUNCH, HIT_LOCATION_TORSO); attack->tile = tile; attack->attackerFlags = DAM_HIT; gameUiDisable(1); if (critter != NULL) { if (reg_anim_clear(critter) == -2) { debugPrint("Cannot clear target's animation for action_explode!\n"); } attack->defenderDamage = _compute_explosion_damage(minDamage, maxDamage, critter, &(attack->defenderKnockback)); } _compute_explosion_on_extras(attack, 0, 0, 1); for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { Object* critter = attack->extras[index]; if (reg_anim_clear(critter) == -2) { debugPrint("Cannot clear extra's animation for action_explode!\n"); } attack->extrasDamage[index] = _compute_explosion_damage(minDamage, maxDamage, critter, &(attack->extrasKnockback[index])); } attackComputeDeathFlags(attack); if (a6) { _action_in_explode = 1; reg_anim_begin(2); _register_priority(1); reg_anim_play_sfx(explosion, "whn1xxx1", 0); reg_anim_15(explosion, 1, 0); reg_anim_6(explosion, ANIM_STAND, 0); _show_damage(attack, 0, 1); for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { reg_anim_15(adjacentExplosions[rotation], 1, 0); reg_anim_6(adjacentExplosions[rotation], ANIM_STAND, 0); } reg_anim_11_1(explosion, 0, _combat_explode_scenery, -1); reg_anim_hide(explosion); for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { reg_anim_hide(adjacentExplosions[rotation]); } // TODO: Get rid of casts. reg_anim_11_1((Object*)attack, a5, (AnimationProc*)_report_explosion, -1); reg_anim_11_1(NULL, NULL, _finished_explosion, -1); if (reg_anim_end() == -1) { _action_in_explode = 0; objectDestroy(explosion, NULL); for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { objectDestroy(adjacentExplosions[rotation], NULL); } internal_free(attack); gameUiEnable(); return -1; } _show_damage_extras(attack); } else { if (critter != NULL) { if ((attack->defenderFlags & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { critterKill(critter, -1, false); } } for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { if ((attack->extrasFlags[index] & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { critterKill(attack->extras[index], -1, false); } } _report_explosion(attack, a5); _combat_explode_scenery(explosion, NULL); objectDestroy(explosion, NULL); for (int rotation = 0; rotation < ROTATION_COUNT; rotation++) { objectDestroy(adjacentExplosions[rotation], NULL); } } return 0; } // 0x413144 int _report_explosion(Attack* attack, Object* a2) { bool mainTargetWasDead; if (attack->defender != NULL) { mainTargetWasDead = (attack->defender->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) != 0; } else { mainTargetWasDead = false; } bool extrasWasDead[6]; for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { extrasWasDead[index] = (attack->extras[index]->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) != 0; } attackComputeDeathFlags(attack); _combat_display(attack); _apply_damage(attack, false); Object* anyDefender = NULL; int xp = 0; if (a2 != NULL) { if (attack->defender != NULL && attack->defender != a2) { if ((attack->defender->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { if (a2 == gDude && !mainTargetWasDead) { xp += critterGetExp(attack->defender); } } else { _critter_set_who_hit_me(attack->defender, a2); anyDefender = attack->defender; } } for (int index = 0; index < attack->extrasLength; index++) { Object* critter = attack->extras[index]; if (critter != a2) { if ((critter->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { if (a2 == gDude && !extrasWasDead[index]) { xp += critterGetExp(critter); } } else { _critter_set_who_hit_me(critter, a2); if (anyDefender == NULL) { anyDefender = critter; } } } } if (anyDefender != NULL) { if (!isInCombat()) { STRUCT_664980 combat; combat.attacker = anyDefender; combat.defender = a2; combat.actionPointsBonus = 0; combat.accuracyBonus = 0; combat.damageBonus = 0; combat.minDamage = 0; combat.maxDamage = INT_MAX; combat.field_1C = 0; scriptsRequestCombat(&combat); } } } internal_free(attack); gameUiEnable(); if (a2 == gDude) { _combat_give_exps(xp); } return 0; } // 0x4132C0 int _finished_explosion(Object* a1, Object* a2) { _action_in_explode = 0; return 0; } // calculate explosion damage applying threshold and resistances // 0x4132CC int _compute_explosion_damage(int min, int max, Object* a3, int* a4) { int v5 = randomBetween(min, max); int v7 = v5 - critterGetStat(a3, STAT_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD_EXPLOSION); if (v7 > 0) { v7 -= critterGetStat(a3, STAT_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE_EXPLOSION) * v7 / 100; } if (v7 < 0) { v7 = 0; } if (a4 != NULL) { if ((a3->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x800) == 0) { *a4 = v7 / 10; } } return v7; } // 0x413330 int actionTalk(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (a1 != gDude) { return -1; } if ((a2->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } int anim = (gDude->fid & 0xFF0000) >> 16; if (anim == ANIM_WALK || anim == ANIM_RUNNING) { reg_anim_clear(gDude); } if (isInCombat()) { reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_obj_move_to_obj(a1, a2, a1->data.critter.combat.ap, 0); } else { reg_anim_begin((a1 == gDude) ? 2 : 1); if (objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) >= 9 || _combat_is_shot_blocked(a1, a1->tile, a2->tile, a2, NULL)) { reg_anim_obj_run_to_obj(a1, a2, -1, 0); } } reg_anim_11_1(a1, a2, _can_talk_to, -1); reg_anim_11_0(a1, a2, _talk_to, -1); return reg_anim_end(); } // 0x413420 int _can_talk_to(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (_combat_is_shot_blocked(a1, a1->tile, a2->tile, a2, NULL) || objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) >= 9) { if (a1 == gDude) { // You cannot get there. (used in actions.c) MessageListItem messageListItem; messageListItem.num = 2000; if (messageListGetItem(&gMiscMessageList, &messageListItem)) { displayMonitorAddMessage(messageListItem.text); } } return -1; } return 0; } // 0x413488 int _talk_to(Object* a1, Object* a2) { scriptsRequestDialog(a2); return 0; } // 0x413494 void _action_dmg(int tile, int elevation, int minDamage, int maxDamage, int damageType, bool animated, bool bypassArmor) { Attack* attack = (Attack*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*attack)); if (attack == NULL) { return; } Object* obj; if (objectCreateWithFidPid(&obj, FID_0x20001F5, -1) == -1) { internal_free(attack); return; } objectHide(obj, NULL); obj->flags |= OBJECT_TEMPORARY; objectSetLocation(obj, tile, elevation, NULL); Object* v9 = _obj_blocking_at(NULL, tile, elevation); attackInit(attack, obj, v9, HIT_MODE_PUNCH, HIT_LOCATION_TORSO); attack->tile = tile; attack->attackerFlags = DAM_HIT; gameUiDisable(1); if (v9 != NULL) { reg_anim_clear(v9); int damage; if (bypassArmor) { damage = maxDamage; } else { damage = _compute_dmg_damage(minDamage, maxDamage, v9, &(attack->defenderKnockback), damageType); } attack->defenderDamage = damage; } attackComputeDeathFlags(attack); if (animated) { reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_play_sfx(obj, "whc1xxx1", 0); _show_damage(attack, gMaximumBloodDeathAnimations[damageType], 0); // TODO: Get rid of casts. reg_anim_11_1((Object*)attack, NULL, (AnimationProc*)_report_dmg, 0); reg_anim_hide(obj); if (reg_anim_end() == -1) { objectDestroy(obj, NULL); internal_free(attack); return; } } else { if (v9 != NULL) { if ((attack->defenderFlags & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { critterKill(v9, -1, 1); } } _combat_display(attack); _apply_damage(attack, false); internal_free(attack); gameUiEnable(); objectDestroy(obj, NULL); } gameUiEnable(); } // 0x41363C int _report_dmg(Attack* attack, Object* a2) { _combat_display(attack); _apply_damage(attack, false); internal_free(attack); gameUiEnable(); return 0; } // Calculate damage by applying threshold and resistances. // // 0x413660 int _compute_dmg_damage(int min, int max, Object* obj, int* a4, int damageType) { if (!_critter_flag_check(obj->pid, 0x4000)) { a4 = NULL; } int v8 = randomBetween(min, max); int v10 = v8 - critterGetStat(obj, STAT_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD + damageType); if (v10 > 0) { v10 -= critterGetStat(obj, STAT_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE + damageType) * v10 / 100; } if (v10 < 0) { v10 = 0; } if (a4 != NULL) { if ((obj->flags & OBJECT_FLAG_0x800) == 0 && damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL) { *a4 = v10 / 10; } } return v10; } // 0x4136EC bool actionCheckPush(Object* a1, Object* a2) { // Cannot push anything but critters. if ((a2->fid & 0xF000000) >> 24 != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return false; } // Cannot push itself. if (a1 == a2) { return false; } // Cannot push inactive critters. if (!critterIsActive(a2)) { return false; } if (_action_can_talk_to(a1, a2) != 0) { return false; } // Can only push critters that have push handler. if (!scriptHasProc(a2->sid, SCRIPT_PROC_PUSH)) { return false; } if (isInCombat()) { if (a2->data.critter.combat.team == a1->data.critter.combat.team && a2 == a1->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe) { return false; } // TODO: Check. Object* whoHitMe = a2->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe != NULL && whoHitMe->data.critter.combat.team == a1->data.critter.combat.team) { return false; } } return true; } // 0x413790 int actionPush(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (!actionCheckPush(a1, a2)) { return -1; } int sid; if (_obj_sid(a2, &sid) == 0) { scriptSetObjects(sid, a1, a2); scriptExecProc(sid, SCRIPT_PROC_PUSH); bool scriptOverrides = false; Script* scr; if (scriptGetScript(sid, &scr) != -1) { scriptOverrides = scr->scriptOverrides; } if (scriptOverrides) { return -1; } } int rotation = tileGetRotationTo(a1->tile, a2->tile); int tile; do { tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, rotation, 1); if (_obj_blocking_at(a2, tile, a2->elevation) == NULL) { break; } tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, (rotation + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT, 1); if (_obj_blocking_at(a2, tile, a2->elevation) == NULL) { break; } tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, (rotation + 5) % ROTATION_COUNT, 1); if (_obj_blocking_at(a2, tile, a2->elevation) == NULL) { break; } tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, (rotation + 2) % ROTATION_COUNT, 1); if (_obj_blocking_at(a2, tile, a2->elevation) == NULL) { break; } tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, (rotation + 4) % ROTATION_COUNT, 1); if (_obj_blocking_at(a2, tile, a2->elevation) == NULL) { break; } tile = tileGetTileInDirection(a2->tile, (rotation + 3) % ROTATION_COUNT, 1); if (_obj_blocking_at(a2, tile, a2->elevation) == NULL) { break; } return -1; } while (0); int actionPoints; if (isInCombat()) { actionPoints = a2->data.critter.combat.ap; } else { actionPoints = -1; } reg_anim_begin(2); reg_anim_set_rotation_to_tile(a2, tile); reg_anim_obj_move_to_tile(a2, tile, a2->elevation, actionPoints, 0); return reg_anim_end(); } // Returns -1 if can't see there (can't find a path there) // Returns -2 if it's too far (> 12 tiles). // // 0x413970 int _action_can_talk_to(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (pathfinderFindPath(a1, a1->tile, a2->tile, NULL, 0, _obj_sight_blocking_at) == 0) { return -1; } if (tileDistanceBetween(a1->tile, a2->tile) > 12) { return -2; } return 0; }