#include "combat_ai.h" #include #include #include #include "actions.h" #include "animation.h" #include "art.h" #include "combat.h" #include "config.h" #include "critter.h" #include "debug.h" #include "display_monitor.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "input.h" #include "interface.h" #include "item.h" #include "light.h" #include "map.h" #include "memory.h" #include "message.h" #include "object.h" #include "party_member.h" #include "platform_compat.h" #include "proto.h" #include "proto_instance.h" #include "random.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "settings.h" #include "skill.h" #include "stat.h" #include "svga.h" #include "text_object.h" #include "tile.h" namespace fallout { #define AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT (3) #define AI_MESSAGE_SIZE 260 typedef struct AiMessageRange { int start; int end; } AiMessageRange; typedef struct AiPacket { char* name; int packet_num; int max_dist; int min_to_hit; int min_hp; int aggression; int hurt_too_much; int secondary_freq; int called_freq; int font; int color; int outline_color; int chance; AiMessageRange run; AiMessageRange move; AiMessageRange attack; AiMessageRange miss; AiMessageRange hit[HIT_LOCATION_SPECIFIC_COUNT]; int area_attack_mode; int run_away_mode; int best_weapon; int distance; int attack_who; int chem_use; int chem_primary_desire[AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT]; int disposition; char* body_type; char* general_type; } AiPacket; typedef struct AiRetargetData { Object* source; Object* target; Object* critterList[100]; int ratingList[100]; int critterCount; int sourceTeam; int sourceRating; bool notSameTile; int* tiles; int currentTileIndex; int sourceIntelligence; } AiRetargetData; static void _parse_hurt_str(char* str, int* out_value); static int _cai_match_str_to_list(const char* str, const char** list, int count, int* out_value); static void aiPacketInit(AiPacket* ai); static int aiPacketRead(File* stream, AiPacket* ai); static int aiPacketWrite(File* stream, AiPacket* ai); static AiPacket* aiGetPacket(Object* obj); static AiPacket* aiGetPacketByNum(int aiPacketNum); static int _ai_magic_hands(Object* a1, Object* a2, int num); static int _ai_check_drugs(Object* critter); static void _ai_run_away(Object* a1, Object* a2); static int _ai_move_away(Object* a1, Object* a2, int a3); static bool _ai_find_friend(Object* a1, int a2, int a3); static int _compare_nearer(const void* a1, const void* a2); static void _ai_sort_list_distance(Object** critterList, int length, Object* origin); static int _compare_strength(const void* a1, const void* a2); static void _ai_sort_list_strength(Object** critterList, int length); static int _compare_weakness(const void* a1, const void* a2); static void _ai_sort_list_weakness(Object** critterList, int length); static Object* _ai_find_nearest_team(Object* a1, Object* a2, int flags); static Object* _ai_find_nearest_team_in_combat(Object* a1, Object* a2, int flags); static int _ai_find_attackers(Object* a1, Object** a2, Object** a3, Object** a4); static Object* _ai_danger_source(Object* a1); static bool aiHaveAmmo(Object* critter, Object* weapon, Object** ammoPtr); static bool _caiHasWeapPrefType(AiPacket* ai, int attackType); static Object* _ai_best_weapon(Object* a1, Object* a2, Object* a3, Object* a4); static bool _ai_can_use_weapon(Object* critter, Object* weapon, int hitMode); static bool aiCanUseItem(Object* obj, Object* a2); static Object* _ai_search_environ(Object* critter, int itemType); static Object* _ai_retrieve_object(Object* critter, Object* item); static int _ai_pick_hit_mode(Object* attacker, Object* weapon, Object* defender); static int _ai_move_steps_closer(Object* a1, Object* a2, int actionPoints, bool taunt); static int _ai_move_closer(Object* a1, Object* a2, bool taunt); static int _cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFire(Object* source, Object* target, int* tilePtr); static int _cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFireSubFunc(AiRetargetData* aiRetargetData, int tile); static bool _cai_attackWouldIntersect(Object* attacker, Object* defender, Object* attackerFriend, int tile, int* distance); static int _ai_switch_weapons(Object* a1, int* hitMode, Object** weapon, Object* a4); static int _ai_called_shot(Object* attacker, Object* defender, int hitMode); static int _ai_attack(Object* attacker, Object* defender, int hitMode); static int _ai_try_attack(Object* a1, Object* a2); static int _cai_get_min_hp(AiPacket* ai); static int _ai_print_msg(Object* critter, int type); static int _combatai_rating(Object* obj); static int aiMessageListInit(); static int aiMessageListFree(); // 0x51805C static Object* _combat_obj = NULL; // 0x518060 static int gAiPacketsLength = 0; // 0x518064 static AiPacket* gAiPackets = NULL; // 0x518068 static bool gAiInitialized = false; // 0x51806C const char* gAreaAttackModeKeys[AREA_ATTACK_MODE_COUNT] = { "always", "sometimes", "be_sure", "be_careful", "be_absolutely_sure", }; // 0x5180D0 const char* gAttackWhoKeys[ATTACK_WHO_COUNT] = { "whomever_attacking_me", "strongest", "weakest", "whomever", "closest", }; // 0x51809C const char* gBestWeaponKeys[BEST_WEAPON_COUNT] = { "no_pref", "melee", "melee_over_ranged", "ranged_over_melee", "ranged", "unarmed", "unarmed_over_thrown", "random", }; // 0x5180E4 const char* gChemUseKeys[CHEM_USE_COUNT] = { "clean", "stims_when_hurt_little", "stims_when_hurt_lots", "sometimes", "anytime", "always", }; // 0x5180BC const char* gDistanceModeKeys[DISTANCE_COUNT] = { "stay_close", "charge", "snipe", "on_your_own", "stay", }; // 0x518080 const char* gRunAwayModeKeys[RUN_AWAY_MODE_COUNT] = { "none", "coward", "finger_hurts", "bleeding", "not_feeling_good", "tourniquet", "never", }; // 0x5180FC const char* gDispositionKeys[DISPOSITION_COUNT] = { "none", "custom", "coward", "defensive", "aggressive", "berserk", }; // 0x518114 const char* gHurtTooMuchKeys[HURT_COUNT] = { "blind", "crippled", "crippled_legs", "crippled_arms", }; // hurt_too_much // // 0x518124 static const int _rmatchHurtVals[5] = { DAM_BLIND, DAM_CRIP_LEG_LEFT | DAM_CRIP_LEG_RIGHT | DAM_CRIP_ARM_LEFT | DAM_CRIP_ARM_RIGHT, DAM_CRIP_LEG_LEFT | DAM_CRIP_LEG_RIGHT, DAM_CRIP_ARM_LEFT | DAM_CRIP_ARM_RIGHT, 0, }; // Hit points in percent to choose run away mode. // // 0x518138 static const int _hp_run_away_value[6] = { 0, 25, 40, 60, 75, 100, }; // 0x518150 static Object* _attackerTeamObj = NULL; // 0x518154 static Object* _targetTeamObj = NULL; // 0x518158 static const int _weapPrefOrderings[BEST_WEAPON_COUNT + 1][ATTACK_TYPE_COUNT] = { { ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, ATTACK_TYPE_THROW, ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED, 0 }, { ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, ATTACK_TYPE_THROW, ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_NO_PREF { ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_MELEE { ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_MELEE_OVER_RANGED { ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_RANGED_OVER_MELEE { ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_RANGED { ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_UNARMED { ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED, ATTACK_TYPE_THROW, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_UNARMED_OVER_THROW { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // BEST_WEAPON_RANDOM }; // 0x518220 static int gLanguageFilter = -1; // ai.msg // // 0x56D510 static MessageList gCombatAiMessageList; // 0x56D518 static char _target_str[AI_MESSAGE_SIZE]; // 0x56D61C static int _curr_crit_num; // 0x56D620 static Object** _curr_crit_list; // 0x56D624 static char _attack_str[AI_MESSAGE_SIZE]; // parse hurt_too_much static void _parse_hurt_str(char* str, int* valuePtr) { *valuePtr = 0; str = compat_strlwr(str); while (*str) { str += strspn(str, " "); size_t delimeterPos = strcspn(str, ","); char tmp = str[delimeterPos]; str[delimeterPos] = '\0'; int index; for (index = 0; index < HURT_COUNT; index++) { if (strcmp(str, gHurtTooMuchKeys[index]) == 0) { *valuePtr |= _rmatchHurtVals[index]; break; } } if (index == HURT_COUNT) { debugPrint("Unrecognized flag: %s\n", str); } str[delimeterPos] = tmp; if (tmp == '\0') { break; } str += delimeterPos + 1; } } // parse behaviour entry static int _cai_match_str_to_list(const char* str, const char** list, int count, int* valuePtr) { *valuePtr = -1; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (compat_stricmp(str, list[index]) == 0) { *valuePtr = index; } } return 0; } // 0x426FE0 static void aiPacketInit(AiPacket* ai) { ai->name = NULL; ai->area_attack_mode = -1; ai->run_away_mode = -1; ai->best_weapon = -1; ai->distance = -1; ai->attack_who = -1; ai->chem_use = -1; for (int index = 0; index < AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT; index++) { ai->chem_primary_desire[index] = -1; } ai->disposition = -1; } // ai_init // 0x42703C int aiInit() { int index; if (aiMessageListInit() == -1) { return -1; } gAiPacketsLength = 0; Config config; if (!configInit(&config)) { return -1; } if (!configRead(&config, "data\\ai.txt", true)) { return -1; } gAiPackets = (AiPacket*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*gAiPackets) * config.entriesLength); if (gAiPackets == NULL) { goto err; } for (index = 0; index < config.entriesLength; index++) { aiPacketInit(&(gAiPackets[index])); } for (index = 0; index < config.entriesLength; index++) { DictionaryEntry* sectionEntry = &(config.entries[index]); AiPacket* ai = &(gAiPackets[index]); char* stringValue; ai->name = internal_strdup(sectionEntry->key); if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "packet_num", &(ai->packet_num))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "max_dist", &(ai->max_dist))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "min_to_hit", &(ai->min_to_hit))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "min_hp", &(ai->min_hp))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "aggression", &(ai->aggression))) goto err; if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hurt_too_much", &stringValue)) { _parse_hurt_str(stringValue, &(ai->hurt_too_much)); } if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "secondary_freq", &(ai->secondary_freq))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "called_freq", &(ai->called_freq))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "font", &(ai->font))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "color", &(ai->color))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "outline_color", &(ai->outline_color))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "chance", &(ai->chance))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "run_start", &(ai->run.start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "run_end", &(ai->run.end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "move_start", &(ai->move.start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "move_end", &(ai->move.end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "attack_start", &(ai->attack.start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "attack_end", &(ai->attack.end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "miss_start", &(ai->miss.start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "miss_end", &(ai->miss.end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_head_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_HEAD].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_head_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_HEAD].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_left_arm_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_LEFT_ARM].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_left_arm_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_LEFT_ARM].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_right_arm_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_RIGHT_ARM].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_right_arm_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_RIGHT_ARM].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_torso_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_TORSO].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_torso_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_TORSO].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_right_leg_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_RIGHT_LEG].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_right_leg_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_RIGHT_LEG].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_left_leg_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_LEFT_LEG].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_left_leg_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_LEFT_LEG].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_eyes_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_EYES].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_eyes_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_EYES].end))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_groin_start", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_GROIN].start))) goto err; if (!configGetInt(&config, sectionEntry->key, "hit_groin_end", &(ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_GROIN].end))) goto err; ai->hit[HIT_LOCATION_GROIN].end++; if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "area_attack_mode", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gAreaAttackModeKeys, AREA_ATTACK_MODE_COUNT, &(ai->area_attack_mode)); } else { ai->area_attack_mode = -1; } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "run_away_mode", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gRunAwayModeKeys, RUN_AWAY_MODE_COUNT, &(ai->run_away_mode)); if (ai->run_away_mode >= 0) { ai->run_away_mode--; } } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "best_weapon", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gBestWeaponKeys, BEST_WEAPON_COUNT, &(ai->best_weapon)); } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "distance", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gDistanceModeKeys, DISTANCE_COUNT, &(ai->distance)); } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "attack_who", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gAttackWhoKeys, ATTACK_WHO_COUNT, &(ai->attack_who)); } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "chem_use", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gChemUseKeys, CHEM_USE_COUNT, &(ai->chem_use)); } configGetIntList(&config, sectionEntry->key, "chem_primary_desire", ai->chem_primary_desire, AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT); if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "disposition", &stringValue)) { _cai_match_str_to_list(stringValue, gDispositionKeys, DISPOSITION_COUNT, &(ai->disposition)); ai->disposition--; } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "body_type", &stringValue)) { ai->body_type = internal_strdup(stringValue); } else { ai->body_type = NULL; } if (configGetString(&config, sectionEntry->key, "general_type", &stringValue)) { ai->general_type = internal_strdup(stringValue); } else { ai->general_type = NULL; } } if (index < config.entriesLength) { goto err; } gAiPacketsLength = config.entriesLength; configFree(&config); gAiInitialized = true; return 0; err: if (gAiPackets != NULL) { for (index = 0; index < config.entriesLength; index++) { AiPacket* ai = &(gAiPackets[index]); if (ai->name != NULL) { internal_free(ai->name); } // FIXME: leaking ai->body_type and ai->general_type, does not matter // because it halts further processing } internal_free(gAiPackets); } debugPrint("Error processing ai.txt"); configFree(&config); return -1; } // 0x4279F8 void aiReset() { } // 0x4279FC int aiExit() { for (int index = 0; index < gAiPacketsLength; index++) { AiPacket* ai = &(gAiPackets[index]); if (ai->name != NULL) { internal_free(ai->name); ai->name = NULL; } if (ai->general_type != NULL) { internal_free(ai->general_type); ai->general_type = NULL; } if (ai->body_type != NULL) { internal_free(ai->body_type); ai->body_type = NULL; } } internal_free(gAiPackets); gAiPacketsLength = 0; gAiInitialized = false; // NOTE: Uninline. if (aiMessageListFree() != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x427AD8 int aiLoad(File* stream) { for (int index = 0; index < gPartyMemberDescriptionsLength; index++) { int pid = gPartyMemberPids[index]; if (pid != -1 && PID_TYPE(pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(pid, &proto) == -1) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacketByNum(proto->critter.aiPacket); if (ai->disposition == 0) { aiPacketRead(stream, ai); } } } return 0; } // 0x427B50 int aiSave(File* stream) { for (int index = 0; index < gPartyMemberDescriptionsLength; index++) { int pid = gPartyMemberPids[index]; if (pid != -1 && PID_TYPE(pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(pid, &proto) == -1) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacketByNum(proto->critter.aiPacket); if (ai->disposition == 0) { aiPacketWrite(stream, ai); } } } return 0; } // 0x427BC8 static int aiPacketRead(File* stream, AiPacket* ai) { if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->packet_num)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->max_dist)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->min_to_hit)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->min_hp)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->aggression)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->hurt_too_much)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->secondary_freq)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->called_freq)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->font)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->color)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->outline_color)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->chance)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->run.start)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->run.end)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->move.start)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->move.end)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->attack.start)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->attack.end)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->miss.start)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->miss.end)) == -1) return -1; for (int index = 0; index < HIT_LOCATION_SPECIFIC_COUNT; index++) { AiMessageRange* range = &(ai->hit[index]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(range->start)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(range->end)) == -1) return -1; } if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->area_attack_mode)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->best_weapon)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->distance)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->attack_who)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->chem_use)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->run_away_mode)) == -1) return -1; for (int index = 0; index < AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT; index++) { if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(ai->chem_primary_desire[index])) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } // 0x427E1C static int aiPacketWrite(File* stream, AiPacket* ai) { if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->packet_num) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->max_dist) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->min_to_hit) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->min_hp) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->aggression) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->hurt_too_much) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->secondary_freq) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->called_freq) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->font) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->color) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->outline_color) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->chance) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->run.start) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->run.end) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->move.start) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->move.end) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->attack.start) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->attack.end) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->miss.start) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->miss.end) == -1) return -1; for (int index = 0; index < HIT_LOCATION_SPECIFIC_COUNT; index++) { AiMessageRange* range = &(ai->hit[index]); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, range->start) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, range->end) == -1) return -1; } if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->area_attack_mode) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->best_weapon) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->distance) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->attack_who) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->chem_use) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->run_away_mode) == -1) return -1; for (int index = 0; index < AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT; index++) { // TODO: Check, probably writes chem_primary_desire[0] three times, // might be a bug in original source code. if (fileWriteInt32(stream, ai->chem_primary_desire[index]) == -1) return -1; } return 0; } // Get ai from object // // 0x4280B4 static AiPacket* aiGetPacket(Object* obj) { // NOTE: Uninline. AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacketByNum(obj->data.critter.combat.aiPacket); return ai; } // get ai packet by num // // 0x42811C static AiPacket* aiGetPacketByNum(int aiPacketId) { for (int index = 0; index < gAiPacketsLength; index++) { AiPacket* ai = &(gAiPackets[index]); if (aiPacketId == ai->packet_num) { return ai; } } debugPrint("Missing AI Packet\n"); return gAiPackets; } // 0x428184 int aiGetAreaAttackMode(Object* obj) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); return ai->area_attack_mode; } // 0x428190 int aiGetRunAwayMode(Object* obj) { int runAwayMode = -1; AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); if (ai->run_away_mode != -1) { return ai->run_away_mode; } int hpRatio = 100 * ai->min_hp / critterGetStat(obj, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++) { if (hpRatio >= _hp_run_away_value[index]) { runAwayMode = index; } } return runAwayMode; } // 0x4281FC int aiGetBestWeapon(Object* obj) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); return ai->best_weapon; } // 0x428208 int aiGetDistance(Object* obj) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); return ai->distance; } // 0x428214 int aiGetAttackWho(Object* obj) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); return ai->attack_who; } // 0x428220 int aiGetChemUse(Object* obj) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); return ai->chem_use; } // 0x42822C int aiSetAreaAttackMode(Object* critter, int areaAttackMode) { if (areaAttackMode >= AREA_ATTACK_MODE_COUNT) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); ai->area_attack_mode = areaAttackMode; return 0; } // 0x428248 int aiSetRunAwayMode(Object* obj, int runAwayMode) { if (runAwayMode >= 6) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); ai->run_away_mode = runAwayMode; int maximumHp = critterGetStat(obj, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); ai->min_hp = maximumHp - maximumHp * _hp_run_away_value[runAwayMode] / 100; int currentHp = critterGetStat(obj, STAT_CURRENT_HIT_POINTS); const char* name = critterGetName(obj); debugPrint("\n%s minHp = %d; curHp = %d", name, ai->min_hp, currentHp); return 0; } // 0x4282D0 int aiSetBestWeapon(Object* critter, int bestWeapon) { if (bestWeapon >= BEST_WEAPON_COUNT) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); ai->best_weapon = bestWeapon; return 0; } // 0x4282EC int aiSetDistance(Object* critter, int distance) { if (distance >= DISTANCE_COUNT) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); ai->distance = distance; return 0; } // 0x428308 int aiSetAttackWho(Object* critter, int attackWho) { if (attackWho >= ATTACK_WHO_COUNT) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); ai->attack_who = attackWho; return 0; } // 0x428324 int aiSetChemUse(Object* critter, int chemUse) { if (chemUse >= CHEM_USE_COUNT) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); ai->chem_use = chemUse; return 0; } // 0x428340 int aiGetDisposition(Object* obj) { if (obj == NULL) { return 0; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); return ai->disposition; } // 0x428354 int aiSetDisposition(Object* obj, int disposition) { if (obj == NULL) { return -1; } if (disposition == -1 || disposition >= 5) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(obj); obj->data.critter.combat.aiPacket = ai->packet_num - (disposition - ai->disposition); return 0; } // 0x428398 static int _ai_magic_hands(Object* critter, Object* item, int num) { reg_anim_begin(ANIMATION_REQUEST_RESERVED); animationRegisterAnimate(critter, ANIM_MAGIC_HANDS_MIDDLE, 0); if (reg_anim_end() == 0) { if (isInCombat()) { _combat_turn_run(); } } if (num != -1) { MessageListItem messageListItem; messageListItem.num = num; if (messageListGetItem(&gMiscMessageList, &messageListItem)) { const char* critterName = objectGetName(critter); char text[200]; if (item != NULL) { const char* itemName = objectGetName(item); snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s %s %s.", critterName, messageListItem.text, itemName); } else { snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%s %s.", critterName, messageListItem.text); } displayMonitorAddMessage(text); } } return 0; } // ai using drugs // 0x428480 static int _ai_check_drugs(Object* critter) { if (critterGetBodyType(critter) != BODY_TYPE_BIPED) { return 0; } bool searchCompleted = false; bool drugUsed = false; int drugCount = 0; Object* lastItem = aiInfoGetLastItem(critter); if (lastItem == NULL) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); if (ai == NULL) { return 0; } int hpRatio = 50; int chemUseChance = 0; switch (ai->chem_use) { case CHEM_USE_CLEAN: return 0; case CHEM_USE_STIMS_WHEN_HURT_LITTLE: hpRatio = 60; break; case CHEM_USE_STIMS_WHEN_HURT_LOTS: hpRatio = 30; break; case CHEM_USE_SOMETIMES: if ((_combatNumTurns % 3) == 0) { chemUseChance = 25; } hpRatio = 50; break; case CHEM_USE_ANYTIME: if ((_combatNumTurns % 3) == 0) { chemUseChance = 75; } hpRatio = 50; break; case CHEM_USE_ALWAYS: chemUseChance = 100; break; } int minHp = critterGetStat(critter, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS) * hpRatio / 100; int inventoryItemIndex = -1; while (critterGetStat(critter, STAT_CURRENT_HIT_POINTS) < minHp && critter->data.critter.combat.ap >= 2) { Object* drug = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_DRUG, &inventoryItemIndex); if (drug == NULL) { searchCompleted = true; break; } int drugPid = drug->pid; if (itemIsHealing(drugPid)) { if (itemRemove(critter, drug, 1) == 0) { if (_item_d_take_drug(critter, drug) == -1) { itemAdd(critter, drug, 1); } else { _ai_magic_hands(critter, drug, 5000); _obj_connect(drug, critter->tile, critter->elevation, NULL); _obj_destroy(drug); drugUsed = true; } if (critter->data.critter.combat.ap < 2) { critter->data.critter.combat.ap = 0; } else { critter->data.critter.combat.ap -= 2; } inventoryItemIndex = -1; } } } if (!drugUsed) { if (chemUseChance > 0 && randomBetween(0, 100) < chemUseChance) { while (critter->data.critter.combat.ap >= 2) { Object* drug = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_DRUG, &inventoryItemIndex); if (drug == NULL) { searchCompleted = true; break; } int drugPid = drug->pid; int index; for (index = 0; index < AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT; index++) { // TODO: Find out why it checks for inequality at 0x4286B1. if (ai->chem_primary_desire[index] != drugPid) { break; } } if (index < AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT) { if (!itemIsHealing(drugPid)) { if (itemRemove(critter, drug, 1) == 0) { if (_item_d_take_drug(critter, drug) == -1) { itemAdd(critter, drug, 1); } else { _ai_magic_hands(critter, drug, 5000); _obj_connect(drug, critter->tile, critter->elevation, NULL); _obj_destroy(drug); drugUsed = true; drugCount += 1; } if (critter->data.critter.combat.ap < 2) { critter->data.critter.combat.ap = 0; } else { critter->data.critter.combat.ap -= 2; } if (ai->chem_use == CHEM_USE_SOMETIMES || (ai->chem_use == CHEM_USE_ANYTIME && drugCount >= 2)) { break; } } } } } } } } if (lastItem != NULL || (!drugUsed && searchCompleted)) { do { if (lastItem == NULL) { lastItem = _ai_search_environ(critter, ITEM_TYPE_DRUG); if (lastItem == NULL) { lastItem = _ai_search_environ(critter, ITEM_TYPE_MISC); if (lastItem == NULL) { break; } } } lastItem = _ai_retrieve_object(critter, lastItem); if (lastItem == NULL) { break; } if (itemRemove(critter, lastItem, 1) == 0) { if (_item_d_take_drug(critter, lastItem) == -1) { itemAdd(critter, lastItem, 1); } else { _ai_magic_hands(critter, lastItem, 5000); _obj_connect(lastItem, critter->tile, critter->elevation, NULL); _obj_destroy(lastItem); lastItem = NULL; } if (critter->data.critter.combat.ap < 2) { critter->data.critter.combat.ap = 0; } else { critter->data.critter.combat.ap -= 2; } } } while (lastItem != NULL && critter->data.critter.combat.ap >= 2); } return 0; } // 0x428868 static void _ai_run_away(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (a2 == NULL) { a2 = gDude; } CritterCombatData* combatData = &(a1->data.critter.combat); AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(a1); int distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2); if (distance < ai->max_dist) { combatData->maneuver |= CRITTER_MANUEVER_FLEEING; int rotation = tileGetRotationTo(a2->tile, a1->tile); int destination; int actionPoints = combatData->ap; for (; actionPoints > 0; actionPoints -= 1) { destination = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, rotation, actionPoints); if (_make_path(a1, a1->tile, destination, NULL, 1) > 0) { break; } destination = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, (rotation + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT, actionPoints); if (_make_path(a1, a1->tile, destination, NULL, 1) > 0) { break; } destination = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, (rotation + 5) % ROTATION_COUNT, actionPoints); if (_make_path(a1, a1->tile, destination, NULL, 1) > 0) { break; } } if (actionPoints > 0) { reg_anim_begin(ANIMATION_REQUEST_RESERVED); _combatai_msg(a1, NULL, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_RUN, 0); animationRegisterRunToTile(a1, destination, a1->elevation, combatData->ap, 0); if (reg_anim_end() == 0) { _combat_turn_run(); } } } else { combatData->maneuver |= CRITTER_MANEUVER_STOP_ATTACKING; } } // 0x42899C static int _ai_move_away(Object* a1, Object* a2, int a3) { if (aiGetPacket(a1)->distance == DISTANCE_STAY) { return -1; } if (objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) <= a3) { int actionPoints = a1->data.critter.combat.ap; if (a3 < actionPoints) { actionPoints = a3; } int rotation = tileGetRotationTo(a2->tile, a1->tile); int destination; int actionPointsLeft = actionPoints; for (; actionPointsLeft > 0; actionPointsLeft -= 1) { destination = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, rotation, actionPointsLeft); if (_make_path(a1, a1->tile, destination, NULL, 1) > 0) { break; } destination = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, (rotation + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT, actionPointsLeft); if (_make_path(a1, a1->tile, destination, NULL, 1) > 0) { break; } destination = tileGetTileInDirection(a1->tile, (rotation + 5) % ROTATION_COUNT, actionPointsLeft); if (_make_path(a1, a1->tile, destination, NULL, 1) > 0) { break; } } if (actionPoints > 0) { reg_anim_begin(ANIMATION_REQUEST_RESERVED); animationRegisterMoveToTile(a1, destination, a1->elevation, actionPoints, 0); if (reg_anim_end() == 0) { _combat_turn_run(); } } } return 0; } // 0x428AC4 static bool _ai_find_friend(Object* a1, int a2, int a3) { Object* v1 = _ai_find_nearest_team(a1, a1, 1); if (v1 == NULL) { return false; } int distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, v1); if (distance > a2) { return false; } if (a3 > distance) { int v2 = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, v1) - a3; _ai_move_steps_closer(a1, v1, v2, false); } return true; } // Compare objects by distance to origin. // // 0x428B1C static int _compare_nearer(const void* a1, const void* a2) { Object* object1 = *(Object**)a1; Object* object2 = *(Object**)a2; if (object1 == NULL && object2 == NULL) { return 0; } else if (object1 != NULL) { return -1; } else if (object2 != NULL) { return 1; } int distance1 = objectGetDistanceBetween(object1, _combat_obj); int distance2 = objectGetDistanceBetween(object2, _combat_obj); if (distance1 < distance2) { return -1; } else if (distance1 > distance2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x428B74 static void _ai_sort_list_distance(Object** critterList, int length, Object* origin) { _combat_obj = origin; qsort(critterList, length, sizeof(*critterList), _compare_nearer); } // qsort compare function - melee then ranged. // // 0x428B8C static int _compare_strength(const void* a1, const void* a2) { Object* object1 = *(Object**)a1; Object* object2 = *(Object**)a2; if (object1 == NULL && object2 == NULL) { return 0; } else if (object1 != NULL) { return -1; } else if (object2 != NULL) { return 1; } int rating1 = _combatai_rating(object1); int rating2 = _combatai_rating(object2); if (rating1 < rating2) { return -1; } else if (rating1 > rating2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x428BD0 static void _ai_sort_list_strength(Object** critterList, int length) { qsort(critterList, length, sizeof(*critterList), _compare_strength); } // qsort compare unction - ranged then melee // // 0x428BE4 static int _compare_weakness(const void* a1, const void* a2) { Object* object1 = *(Object**)a1; Object* object2 = *(Object**)a2; if (object1 == NULL && object2 == NULL) { return 0; } else if (object1 != NULL) { return -1; } else if (object2 != NULL) { return 1; } int rating1 = _combatai_rating(object1); int rating2 = _combatai_rating(object2); if (rating1 < rating2) { return 1; } else if (rating1 > rating2) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x428C28 static void _ai_sort_list_weakness(Object** critterList, int length) { qsort(critterList, length, sizeof(*critterList), _compare_weakness); } // 0x428C3C static Object* _ai_find_nearest_team(Object* a1, Object* a2, int flags) { if (a2 == NULL) { return NULL; } int team = a2->data.critter.combat.team; if (_curr_crit_num == 0) { return NULL; } // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_distance(_curr_crit_list, _curr_crit_num, a1); for (int index = 0; index < _curr_crit_num; index++) { Object* obj = _curr_crit_list[index]; if (a1 != obj && (obj->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0 && (((flags & 0x02) && team != obj->data.critter.combat.team) || ((flags & 0x01) && team == obj->data.critter.combat.team))) { return obj; } } return NULL; } // 0x428CF4 static Object* _ai_find_nearest_team_in_combat(Object* a1, Object* a2, int flags) { if (a2 == NULL) { return NULL; } int team = a2->data.critter.combat.team; if (_curr_crit_num == 0) { return NULL; } // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_distance(_curr_crit_list, _curr_crit_num, a1); for (int index = 0; index < _curr_crit_num; index++) { Object* obj = _curr_crit_list[index]; if (obj != a1 && (obj->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0 && (((flags & 0x02) != 0 && team != obj->data.critter.combat.team) || ((flags & 0x01) != 0 && team == obj->data.critter.combat.team))) { if (obj->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe != NULL) { return obj; } } } return NULL; } // 0x428DB0 static int _ai_find_attackers(Object* a1, Object** a2, Object** a3, Object** a4) { if (a2 != NULL) { *a2 = NULL; } if (a3 != NULL) { *a3 = NULL; } if (*a4 != NULL) { *a4 = NULL; } if (_curr_crit_num == 0) { return 0; } // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_distance(_curr_crit_list, _curr_crit_num, a1); int foundTargetCount = 0; int team = a1->data.critter.combat.team; for (int index = 0; foundTargetCount < 3 && index < _curr_crit_num; index++) { Object* candidate = _curr_crit_list[index]; if (candidate != a1) { if (a2 != NULL && *a2 == NULL) { if ((candidate->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0 && candidate->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe == a1) { foundTargetCount++; *a2 = candidate; } } if (a3 != NULL && *a3 == NULL) { if (team == candidate->data.critter.combat.team) { Object* whoHitCandidate = candidate->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe; if (whoHitCandidate != NULL && whoHitCandidate != a1 && team != whoHitCandidate->data.critter.combat.team && (whoHitCandidate->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0) { foundTargetCount++; *a3 = whoHitCandidate; } } } if (a4 != NULL && *a4 == NULL) { if (candidate->data.critter.combat.team != team && (candidate->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0) { Object* whoHitCandidate = candidate->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe; if (whoHitCandidate != NULL && whoHitCandidate->data.critter.combat.team == team) { foundTargetCount++; *a4 = candidate; } } } } } return 0; } // ai_danger_source // 0x428F4C static Object* _ai_danger_source(Object* a1) { if (a1 == NULL) { return NULL; } bool v2 = false; int attackWho; Object* targets[4]; targets[0] = NULL; if (objectIsPartyMember(a1)) { int disposition = aiGetDisposition(a1); switch (disposition + 1) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: v2 = true; break; case 0: case 5: v2 = false; break; } if (v2 && aiGetDistance(a1) == DISTANCE_CHARGE) { v2 = false; } attackWho = aiGetAttackWho(a1); switch (attackWho) { case ATTACK_WHO_WHOMEVER_ATTACKING_ME: { Object* candidate = aiInfoGetLastTarget(gDude); if (candidate == NULL || a1->data.critter.combat.team == candidate->data.critter.combat.team) { break; } if (pathfinderFindPath(a1, a1->tile, gDude->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe->tile, NULL, 0, _obj_blocking_at) == 0 && _combat_check_bad_shot(a1, candidate, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, false) != COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_OK) { debugPrint("\nai_danger_source: %s couldn't attack at target! Picking alternate!", critterGetName(a1)); break; } if (v2 && critterIsFleeing(a1)) { break; } return candidate; } case ATTACK_WHO_STRONGEST: case ATTACK_WHO_WEAKEST: case ATTACK_WHO_CLOSEST: a1->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe = NULL; break; default: break; } } else { attackWho = -1; } Object* whoHitMe = a1->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe == NULL || a1 == whoHitMe) { targets[0] = NULL; } else { if ((whoHitMe->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0) { if (attackWho == ATTACK_WHO_WHOMEVER || attackWho == -1) { return whoHitMe; } } else { if (whoHitMe->data.critter.combat.team != a1->data.critter.combat.team) { targets[0] = _ai_find_nearest_team(a1, whoHitMe, 1); } else { targets[0] = NULL; } } } _ai_find_attackers(a1, &(targets[1]), &(targets[2]), &(targets[3])); if (v2) { for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { if (targets[index] != NULL && critterIsFleeing(targets[index])) { targets[index] = NULL; } } } switch (attackWho) { case ATTACK_WHO_STRONGEST: // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_strength(targets, 4); break; case ATTACK_WHO_WEAKEST: // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_weakness(targets, 4); break; default: // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_distance(targets, 4, a1); break; } for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { Object* candidate = targets[index]; if (candidate != NULL && isWithinPerception(a1, candidate)) { if (pathfinderFindPath(a1, a1->tile, candidate->tile, NULL, 0, _obj_blocking_at) != 0 || _combat_check_bad_shot(a1, candidate, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, false) == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_OK) { return candidate; } debugPrint("\nai_danger_source: I couldn't get at my target! Picking alternate!"); } } return NULL; } // 0x4291C4 int _caiSetupTeamCombat(Object* attackerTeam, Object* defenderTeam) { Object* obj = objectFindFirstAtElevation(attackerTeam->elevation); while (obj != NULL) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER && obj != gDude) { obj->data.critter.combat.maneuver |= CRITTER_MANEUVER_0x01; } obj = objectFindNextAtElevation(); } _attackerTeamObj = attackerTeam; _targetTeamObj = defenderTeam; return 0; } // 0x_429210 int _caiTeamCombatInit(Object** crittersList, int crittersListLength) { if (crittersList == NULL) { return -1; } if (crittersListLength == 0) { return 0; } if (_attackerTeamObj == NULL) { return 0; } int attackerTeam = _attackerTeamObj->data.critter.combat.team; int defenderTeam = _targetTeamObj->data.critter.combat.team; for (int index = 0; index < crittersListLength; index++) { int team = crittersList[index]->data.critter.combat.team; if (team == attackerTeam) { crittersList[index]->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe = _ai_find_nearest_team(crittersList[index], _targetTeamObj, 1); } else if (team == defenderTeam) { crittersList[index]->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe = _ai_find_nearest_team(crittersList[index], _attackerTeamObj, 1); } } _attackerTeamObj = NULL; _targetTeamObj = NULL; return 0; } // 0x4292C0 void _caiTeamCombatExit() { _targetTeamObj = NULL; _attackerTeamObj = NULL; } // 0x4292D4 static bool aiHaveAmmo(Object* critter, Object* weapon, Object** ammoPtr) { if (ammoPtr != NULL) { *ammoPtr = NULL; } if (weapon->pid == PROTO_ID_SOLAR_SCORCHER) { return lightGetLightLevel() > 62259; } int inventoryItemIndex = -1; while (1) { Object* ammo = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_AMMO, &inventoryItemIndex); if (ammo == NULL) { break; } if (weaponCanBeReloadedWith(weapon, ammo)) { if (ammoPtr != NULL) { *ammoPtr = ammo; } return true; } if (weaponGetAnimationCode(weapon)) { if (weaponGetRange(critter, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY) < 3) { _inven_unwield(critter, HAND_RIGHT); } } else { _inven_unwield(critter, HAND_RIGHT); } } return false; } // 0x42938C static bool _caiHasWeapPrefType(AiPacket* ai, int attackType) { int bestWeapon = ai->best_weapon + 1; for (int index = 0; index < ATTACK_TYPE_COUNT; index++) { if (attackType == _weapPrefOrderings[bestWeapon][index]) { return true; } } return false; } // 0x4293BC static Object* _ai_best_weapon(Object* attacker, Object* weapon1, Object* weapon2, Object* defender) { if (attacker == NULL) { return NULL; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(attacker); if (ai->best_weapon == BEST_WEAPON_RANDOM) { return randomBetween(1, 100) <= 50 ? weapon1 : weapon2; } int minDamage; int maxDamage; bool ignoreWeapon1 = false; int order2 = 999; int order1 = 999; int avgDamage1 = 0; Attack attack; attackInit(&attack, attacker, defender, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, HIT_LOCATION_TORSO); int attackType1; int distance; int attackType2; int avgDamage2 = 0; bool ignoreWeapon2 = false; // NOTE: weaponClass1 and weaponClass2 both use ESI but they are not // initialized. I'm not sure if this is right, but at least it doesn't // crash. attackType1 = -1; attackType2 = -1; if (weapon1 != NULL) { attackType1 = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon1, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY); if (weaponGetDamageMinMax(weapon1, &minDamage, &maxDamage) == -1) { return NULL; } // SFALL: Fix avg damage calculation. avgDamage1 = (maxDamage + minDamage) / 2; if (weaponGetDamageRadius(weapon1, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY) > 0 && defender != NULL) { attack.weapon = weapon1; _compute_explosion_on_extras(&attack, 0, weaponIsGrenade(weapon1), 1); avgDamage1 *= attack.extrasLength + 1; } // SFALL: Fix for the incorrect item being checked. if (weaponGetPerk(weapon1) != -1) { // SFALL: Lower weapon score multiplier for having perk. avgDamage1 *= 2; } if (defender != NULL) { if (_combat_safety_invalidate_weapon(attacker, weapon1, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, defender, NULL)) { ignoreWeapon1 = true; } } if (itemIsHidden(weapon1)) { return weapon1; } } else { distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(attacker, defender); if (weaponGetRange(attacker, HIT_MODE_PUNCH) >= distance) { attackType1 = ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED; } } if (!ignoreWeapon1) { for (int index = 0; index < ATTACK_TYPE_COUNT; index++) { if (_weapPrefOrderings[ai->best_weapon + 1][index] == attackType1) { order1 = index; break; } } } if (weapon2 != NULL) { attackType2 = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon2, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY); if (weaponGetDamageMinMax(weapon2, &minDamage, &maxDamage) == -1) { return NULL; } // SFALL: Fix avg damage calculation. avgDamage2 = (maxDamage + minDamage) / 2; if (weaponGetDamageRadius(weapon2, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY) > 0 && defender != NULL) { attack.weapon = weapon2; _compute_explosion_on_extras(&attack, 0, weaponIsGrenade(weapon2), 1); avgDamage2 *= attack.extrasLength + 1; } if (weaponGetPerk(weapon2) != -1) { // SFALL: Lower weapon score multiplier for having perk. avgDamage2 *= 2; } if (defender != NULL) { if (_combat_safety_invalidate_weapon(attacker, weapon2, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, defender, NULL)) { ignoreWeapon2 = true; } } if (itemIsHidden(weapon2)) { return weapon2; } } else { if (distance == 0) { distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(attacker, weapon1); } if (weaponGetRange(attacker, HIT_MODE_PUNCH) >= distance) { attackType2 = ATTACK_TYPE_UNARMED; } } if (!ignoreWeapon2) { for (int index = 0; index < ATTACK_TYPE_COUNT; index++) { if (_weapPrefOrderings[ai->best_weapon + 1][index] == attackType2) { order2 = index; break; } } } if (order1 == order2) { if (order1 == 999) { return NULL; } if (abs(avgDamage2 - avgDamage1) <= 5) { return itemGetCost(weapon2) > itemGetCost(weapon1) ? weapon2 : weapon1; } return avgDamage2 > avgDamage1 ? weapon2 : weapon1; } if (weapon1 != NULL && weapon1->pid == PROTO_ID_FLARE && weapon2 != NULL) { return weapon2; } if (weapon2 != NULL && weapon2->pid == PROTO_ID_FLARE && weapon1 != NULL) { return weapon1; } if ((ai->best_weapon == -1 || ai->best_weapon >= BEST_WEAPON_UNARMED_OVER_THROW) && abs(avgDamage2 - avgDamage1) > 5) { return avgDamage2 > avgDamage1 ? weapon2 : weapon1; } return order1 > order2 ? weapon2 : weapon1; } // 0x4298EC static bool _ai_can_use_weapon(Object* critter, Object* weapon, int hitMode) { int damageFlags = critter->data.critter.combat.results; if ((damageFlags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_LEFT) != 0 && (damageFlags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_RIGHT) != 0) { return false; } if ((damageFlags & DAM_CRIP_ARM_ANY) != 0 && weaponIsTwoHanded(weapon)) { return false; } int rotation = critter->rotation + 1; int animationCode = weaponGetAnimationCode(weapon); int weaponAnimationCode = weaponGetAnimationForHitMode(weapon, hitMode); int fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER, critter->fid & 0xFFF, weaponAnimationCode, animationCode, rotation); if (!artExists(fid)) { return false; } int skill = weaponGetSkillForHitMode(weapon, hitMode); AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); if (skillGetValue(critter, skill) < ai->min_to_hit) { return false; } int attackType = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY); return _caiHasWeapPrefType(ai, attackType) != 0; } // 0x4299A0 Object* _ai_search_inven_weap(Object* critter, bool checkRequiredActionPoints, Object* defender) { int bodyType = critterGetBodyType(critter); if (bodyType != BODY_TYPE_BIPED && bodyType != BODY_TYPE_ROBOTIC && critter->pid != PROTO_ID_0x1000098) { return NULL; } int token = -1; Object* bestWeapon = NULL; Object* rightHandWeapon = critterGetItem2(critter); while (true) { Object* weapon = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, &token); if (weapon == NULL) { break; } if (weapon == rightHandWeapon) { continue; } if (checkRequiredActionPoints) { if (weaponGetPrimaryActionPointCost(weapon) > critter->data.critter.combat.ap) { continue; } } if (!_ai_can_use_weapon(critter, weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY)) { continue; } if (weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY) == ATTACK_TYPE_RANGED) { if (ammoGetQuantity(weapon) == 0) { if (!aiHaveAmmo(critter, weapon, NULL)) { continue; } } } bestWeapon = _ai_best_weapon(critter, bestWeapon, weapon, defender); } return bestWeapon; } // Finds new best armor (other than what's already equipped) based on the armor score. // // 0x429A6C Object* _ai_search_inven_armor(Object* critter) { if (!objectIsPartyMember(critter)) { return NULL; } // Calculate armor score - it's a unitless combination of armor class and bonuses across // all damage types. int armorScore = 0; Object* armor = critterGetArmor(critter); if (armor != NULL) { armorScore = armorGetArmorClass(armor); for (int damageType = 0; damageType < DAMAGE_TYPE_COUNT; damageType++) { armorScore += armorGetDamageResistance(armor, damageType); armorScore += armorGetDamageThreshold(armor, damageType); } } else { armorScore = 0; } Object* bestArmor = NULL; int inventoryItemIndex = -1; while (true) { Object* candidate = _inven_find_type(critter, ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR, &inventoryItemIndex); if (candidate == NULL) { break; } if (armor != candidate) { int candidateScore = armorGetArmorClass(candidate); for (int damageType = 0; damageType < DAMAGE_TYPE_COUNT; damageType++) { candidateScore += armorGetDamageResistance(candidate, damageType); candidateScore += armorGetDamageThreshold(candidate, damageType); } if (candidateScore > armorScore) { armorScore = candidateScore; bestArmor = candidate; } } } return bestArmor; } // Returns true if critter can use given item. // // That means the item is one of it's primary desires, // or it's a humanoid being with intelligence at least 3, // and the iteam is a something healing. // // 0x429B44 static bool aiCanUseItem(Object* critter, Object* item) { if (critter == NULL) { return false; } if (item == NULL) { return false; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacketByNum(critter->data.critter.combat.aiPacket); if (ai == NULL) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < AI_PACKET_CHEM_PRIMARY_DESIRE_COUNT; index++) { if (item->pid == ai->chem_primary_desire[index]) { return true; } } if (critterGetBodyType(critter) != BODY_TYPE_BIPED) { return false; } int killType = critterGetKillType(critter); if (killType != KILL_TYPE_MAN && killType != KILL_TYPE_WOMAN && killType != KILL_TYPE_SUPER_MUTANT && killType != KILL_TYPE_GHOUL && killType != KILL_TYPE_CHILD) { return false; } if (critterGetStat(critter, STAT_INTELLIGENCE) < 3) { return false; } int itemPid = item->pid; if (itemPid != PROTO_ID_STIMPACK && itemPid != PROTO_ID_SUPER_STIMPACK && itemPid != PROTO_ID_HEALING_POWDER) { return false; } return true; } // Find best item type to use? // // 0x429C18 static Object* _ai_search_environ(Object* critter, int itemType) { if (critterGetBodyType(critter) != BODY_TYPE_BIPED) { return NULL; } Object** objects; int count = objectListCreate(-1, gElevation, OBJ_TYPE_ITEM, &objects); if (count == 0) { return NULL; } // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_distance(objects, count, critter); int perception = critterGetStat(critter, STAT_PERCEPTION) + 5; Object* item2 = critterGetItem2(critter); Object* foundItem = NULL; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { Object* item = objects[index]; int distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(critter, item); if (distance > perception) { break; } if (itemGetType(item) == itemType) { switch (itemType) { case ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: if (_ai_can_use_weapon(critter, item, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY)) { foundItem = item; } break; case ITEM_TYPE_AMMO: if (weaponCanBeReloadedWith(item2, item)) { foundItem = item; } break; case ITEM_TYPE_DRUG: case ITEM_TYPE_MISC: if (aiCanUseItem(critter, item)) { foundItem = item; } break; } if (foundItem != NULL) { break; } } } objectListFree(objects); return foundItem; } // 0x429D60 static Object* _ai_retrieve_object(Object* critter, Object* item) { if (actionPickUp(critter, item) != 0) { return NULL; } // Run animation so that NPC can actually move and pick up the item. _combat_turn_run(); // Find the item in NPC's inventory. This step is needed because NPC could // not get the item on this turn. Object* retrievedItem = _inven_find_id(critter, item->id); if (retrievedItem != NULL || item->owner != NULL) { // Either NPC have the item, or someone else have picked it up. item = NULL; } // Save item NPC wants to pick up on the next turn. aiInfoSetLastItem(retrievedItem, item); return retrievedItem; } // 0x429DB4 static int _ai_pick_hit_mode(Object* attacker, Object* weapon, Object* defender) { if (weapon == NULL) { return HIT_MODE_PUNCH; } if (itemGetType(weapon) != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) { return HIT_MODE_PUNCH; } int attackType = weaponGetAttackTypeForHitMode(weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY); int intelligence = critterGetStat(attacker, STAT_INTELLIGENCE); if (attackType == ATTACK_TYPE_NONE || !_ai_can_use_weapon(attacker, weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY)) { return HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY; } bool useSecondaryMode = false; AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(attacker); if (ai == NULL) { return HIT_MODE_PUNCH; } if (ai->area_attack_mode != -1) { switch (ai->area_attack_mode) { case AREA_ATTACK_MODE_ALWAYS: useSecondaryMode = true; break; case AREA_ATTACK_MODE_SOMETIMES: if (randomBetween(1, ai->secondary_freq) == 1) { useSecondaryMode = true; } break; case AREA_ATTACK_MODE_BE_SURE: if (_determine_to_hit(attacker, defender, HIT_LOCATION_TORSO, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY) >= 85 && !_combat_safety_invalidate_weapon(attacker, weapon, 3, defender, 0)) { useSecondaryMode = true; } break; case AREA_ATTACK_MODE_BE_CAREFUL: if (_determine_to_hit(attacker, defender, HIT_LOCATION_TORSO, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY) >= 50 && !_combat_safety_invalidate_weapon(attacker, weapon, 3, defender, 0)) { useSecondaryMode = true; } break; case AREA_ATTACK_MODE_BE_ABSOLUTELY_SURE: if (_determine_to_hit(attacker, defender, HIT_LOCATION_TORSO, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY) >= 95 && !_combat_safety_invalidate_weapon(attacker, weapon, 3, defender, 0)) { useSecondaryMode = true; } break; } } else { if (intelligence < 6 || objectGetDistanceBetween(attacker, defender) < 10) { if (randomBetween(1, ai->secondary_freq) == 1) { useSecondaryMode = true; } } } if (useSecondaryMode) { if (!_caiHasWeapPrefType(ai, attackType)) { useSecondaryMode = false; } } // SFALL: Add a check for the weapon range and the AP cost when AI is // choosing weapon attack modes. if (useSecondaryMode) { if (objectGetDistanceBetween(attacker, defender) > weaponGetRange(attacker, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY)) { useSecondaryMode = false; } } if (useSecondaryMode) { if (attacker->data.critter.combat.ap < weaponGetActionPointCost(attacker, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY, false)) { useSecondaryMode = false; } } if (useSecondaryMode) { if (attackType != ATTACK_TYPE_THROW || _ai_search_inven_weap(attacker, false, defender) != NULL || statRoll(attacker, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, 0, NULL) <= 1) { return HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_SECONDARY; } } return HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY; } // 0x429FC8 static int _ai_move_steps_closer(Object* a1, Object* a2, int actionPoints, bool taunt) { if (actionPoints <= 0) { return -1; } int distance = aiGetDistance(a1); if (distance == DISTANCE_STAY) { return -1; } if (distance == DISTANCE_STAY_CLOSE) { if (a2 != gDude) { int currentDistance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, gDude); if (currentDistance > 5 && objectGetDistanceBetween(a2, gDude) > 5 && currentDistance + actionPoints > 5) { return -1; } } } if (objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) <= 1) { return -1; } reg_anim_begin(ANIMATION_REQUEST_RESERVED); if (taunt) { _combatai_msg(a1, NULL, AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_MOVE, 0); } Object* v18 = a2; bool shouldUnhide; if ((a2->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { shouldUnhide = true; a2->flags |= OBJECT_HIDDEN; } else { shouldUnhide = false; } if (pathfinderFindPath(a1, a1->tile, a2->tile, NULL, 0, _obj_blocking_at) == 0) { _moveBlockObj = NULL; if (pathfinderFindPath(a1, a1->tile, a2->tile, NULL, 0, _obj_ai_blocking_at) == 0 && _moveBlockObj != NULL && PID_TYPE(_moveBlockObj->pid) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { if (shouldUnhide) { a2->flags &= ~OBJECT_HIDDEN; } a2 = _moveBlockObj; if ((a2->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { shouldUnhide = true; a2->flags |= OBJECT_HIDDEN; } else { shouldUnhide = false; } } } if (shouldUnhide) { a2->flags &= ~OBJECT_HIDDEN; } int tile = a2->tile; if (a2 == v18) { _cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFire(a1, a2, &tile); } if (actionPoints >= critterGetStat(a1, STAT_MAXIMUM_ACTION_POINTS) / 2 && artCritterFidShouldRun(a1->fid)) { if ((a2->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { animationRegisterRunToObject(a1, a2, actionPoints, 0); } else { animationRegisterRunToTile(a1, tile, a1->elevation, actionPoints, 0); } } else { if ((a2->flags & OBJECT_MULTIHEX) != 0) { animationRegisterMoveToObject(a1, a2, actionPoints, 0); } else { animationRegisterMoveToTile(a1, tile, a1->elevation, actionPoints, 0); } } if (reg_anim_end() != 0) { return -1; } _combat_turn_run(); return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x42A1C0 static int _ai_move_closer(Object* a1, Object* a2, bool taunt) { return _ai_move_steps_closer(a1, a2, a1->data.critter.combat.ap, taunt); } // 0x42A1D4 static int _cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFire(Object* source, Object* target, int* tilePtr) { if (source == NULL) { return -1; } if (target == NULL) { return -1; } if (tilePtr == NULL) { return -1; } if (*tilePtr == -1) { return -1; } if (_curr_crit_num == 0) { return -1; } int tiles[32]; AiRetargetData aiRetargetData; aiRetargetData.source = source; aiRetargetData.target = target; aiRetargetData.sourceTeam = source->data.critter.combat.team; aiRetargetData.sourceRating = _combatai_rating(source); aiRetargetData.critterCount = 0; aiRetargetData.tiles = tiles; aiRetargetData.notSameTile = *tilePtr != source->tile; aiRetargetData.currentTileIndex = 0; aiRetargetData.sourceIntelligence = critterGetStat(source, STAT_INTELLIGENCE); for (int index = 0; index < 32; index++) { tiles[index] = -1; } for (int index = 0; index < _curr_crit_num; index++) { Object* obj = _curr_crit_list[index]; if ((obj->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0 && obj->data.critter.combat.team == aiRetargetData.sourceTeam && aiInfoGetLastTarget(obj) == aiRetargetData.target && obj != aiRetargetData.source) { int rating = _combatai_rating(obj); if (rating >= aiRetargetData.sourceRating) { aiRetargetData.critterList[aiRetargetData.critterCount] = obj; aiRetargetData.ratingList[aiRetargetData.critterCount] = rating; aiRetargetData.critterCount += 1; } } } // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_sort_list_distance(aiRetargetData.critterList, aiRetargetData.critterCount, source); if (_cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFireSubFunc(&aiRetargetData, *tilePtr) == 0) { int minDistance = 99999; int minDistanceIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < 32; index++) { int tile = tiles[index]; if (tile == -1) { break; } if (_obj_blocking_at(NULL, tile, source->elevation) == 0) { int distance = tileDistanceBetween(*tilePtr, tile); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; minDistanceIndex = index; } } } if (minDistanceIndex != -1) { *tilePtr = tiles[minDistanceIndex]; } } return 0; } // 0x42A410 static int _cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFireSubFunc(AiRetargetData* aiRetargetData, int tile) { if (aiRetargetData->sourceIntelligence <= 0) { return 0; } int distance = 1; for (int index = 0; index < aiRetargetData->critterCount; index++) { Object* obj = aiRetargetData->critterList[index]; if (_cai_attackWouldIntersect(obj, aiRetargetData->target, aiRetargetData->source, tile, &distance)) { debugPrint("In the way!"); aiRetargetData->tiles[aiRetargetData->currentTileIndex] = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, (obj->rotation + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT, distance); aiRetargetData->tiles[aiRetargetData->currentTileIndex + 1] = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, (obj->rotation + 5) % ROTATION_COUNT, distance); aiRetargetData->sourceIntelligence -= 2; aiRetargetData->currentTileIndex += 2; break; } } return 0; } // 0x42A518 static bool _cai_attackWouldIntersect(Object* attacker, Object* defender, Object* attackerFriend, int tile, int* distance) { int hitMode = HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY; bool aiming = false; if (attacker == gDude) { interfaceGetCurrentHitMode(&hitMode, &aiming); } Object* weapon = critterGetWeaponForHitMode(attacker, hitMode); if (weapon == NULL) { return false; } if (weaponGetRange(attacker, hitMode) < 1) { return false; } Object* object = NULL; _make_straight_path_func(attacker, attacker->tile, defender->tile, NULL, &object, 32, _obj_shoot_blocking_at); if (object != attackerFriend) { if (!_combatTestIncidentalHit(attacker, defender, attackerFriend, weapon)) { return false; } } return true; } // 0x42A5B8 static int _ai_switch_weapons(Object* attacker, int* hitMode, Object** weapon, Object* defender) { *weapon = NULL; *hitMode = HIT_MODE_PUNCH; Object* bestWeapon = _ai_search_inven_weap(attacker, true, defender); if (bestWeapon != NULL) { *weapon = bestWeapon; *hitMode = _ai_pick_hit_mode(attacker, bestWeapon, defender); } else { Object* nearbyWeapon = _ai_search_environ(attacker, ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON); if (nearbyWeapon == NULL) { if (weaponGetActionPointCost(attacker, *hitMode, 0) <= attacker->data.critter.combat.ap) { return 0; } return -1; } Object* retrievedWeapon = _ai_retrieve_object(attacker, nearbyWeapon); if (retrievedWeapon != NULL) { *weapon = retrievedWeapon; *hitMode = _ai_pick_hit_mode(attacker, retrievedWeapon, defender); } } if (*weapon != NULL) { _inven_wield(attacker, *weapon, 1); _combat_turn_run(); if (weaponGetActionPointCost(attacker, *hitMode, 0) <= attacker->data.critter.combat.ap) { return 0; } } return -1; } // 0x42A670 static int _ai_called_shot(Object* attacker, Object* defender, int hitMode) { int hitLocation = HIT_LOCATION_TORSO; if (weaponGetActionPointCost(attacker, hitMode, true) <= attacker->data.critter.combat.ap) { if (critterCanAim(attacker, hitMode)) { AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(attacker); if (randomBetween(1, ai->called_freq) == 1) { int intelligenceRequired; switch (settings.preferences.combat_difficulty) { case COMBAT_DIFFICULTY_EASY: intelligenceRequired = 7; break; case COMBAT_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL: intelligenceRequired = 5; break; case COMBAT_DIFFICULTY_HARD: intelligenceRequired = 3; break; } if (critterGetStat(attacker, STAT_INTELLIGENCE) >= intelligenceRequired) { hitLocation = randomBetween(0, HIT_LOCATION_SPECIFIC_COUNT); int chanceToHit = _determine_to_hit(attacker, defender, hitMode, hitLocation); if (chanceToHit < ai->min_to_hit) { hitLocation = HIT_LOCATION_TORSO; } } } } } return hitLocation; } // 0x42A748 static int _ai_attack(Object* attacker, Object* defender, int hitMode) { if (attacker->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANUEVER_FLEEING) { return -1; } reg_anim_begin(ANIMATION_REQUEST_RESERVED); animationRegisterRotateToTile(attacker, defender->tile); reg_anim_end(); _combat_turn_run(); int hitLocation = _ai_called_shot(attacker, defender, hitMode); if (_combat_attack(attacker, defender, hitMode, hitLocation)) { return -1; } _combat_turn_run(); return 0; } // 0x42A7D8 static int _ai_try_attack(Object* a1, Object* a2) { _critter_set_who_hit_me(a1, a2); CritterCombatData* combatData = &(a1->data.critter.combat); bool taunt = true; Object* weapon = critterGetItem2(a1); if (weapon != NULL && itemGetType(weapon) != ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON) { weapon = NULL; } int hitMode = _ai_pick_hit_mode(a1, weapon, a2); int minToHit = aiGetPacket(a1)->min_to_hit; int actionPoints = a1->data.critter.combat.ap; int safeDistance = 0; int v42 = 0; if (weapon != NULL || (critterGetBodyType(a2) == BODY_TYPE_BIPED && ((a2->fid & 0xF000) >> 12 == 0) && artExists(buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER, a1->fid & 0xFFF, ANIM_THROW_PUNCH, 0, a1->rotation + 1)))) { // SFALL: Check the safety of weapons based on the selected attack mode // instead of always the primary weapon hit mode. if (_combat_safety_invalidate_weapon(a1, weapon, hitMode, a2, &safeDistance)) { _ai_switch_weapons(a1, &hitMode, &weapon, a2); } } else { _ai_switch_weapons(a1, &hitMode, &weapon, a2); } unsigned char rotations[800]; Object* ammo = NULL; for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 10; attempt++) { if ((combatData->results & (DAM_KNOCKED_OUT | DAM_DEAD | DAM_LOSE_TURN)) != 0) { break; } int reason = _combat_check_bad_shot(a1, a2, hitMode, false); if (reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_NO_AMMO) { // out of ammo if (aiHaveAmmo(a1, weapon, &ammo)) { int remainingAmmoQuantity = weaponReload(weapon, ammo); if (remainingAmmoQuantity == 0 && ammo != NULL) { _obj_destroy(ammo); } if (remainingAmmoQuantity != -1) { int volume = _gsound_compute_relative_volume(a1); const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_READY, weapon, hitMode, NULL); _gsound_play_sfx_file_volume(sfx, volume); _ai_magic_hands(a1, weapon, 5002); // SFALL: Fix incorrect AP cost when AI reloads a weapon. // CE: There is a commented out code which checks // available action points before performing reload. Not // sure why it was commented, probably needs additional // testing. int actionPointsRequired = weaponGetActionPointCost(a1, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_RELOAD, false); if (a1->data.critter.combat.ap >= actionPointsRequired) { a1->data.critter.combat.ap -= actionPointsRequired; } else { a1->data.critter.combat.ap = 0; } } } else { ammo = _ai_search_environ(a1, ITEM_TYPE_AMMO); if (ammo != NULL) { ammo = _ai_retrieve_object(a1, ammo); if (ammo != NULL) { int remainingAmmoQuantity = weaponReload(weapon, ammo); if (remainingAmmoQuantity == 0) { _obj_destroy(ammo); } if (remainingAmmoQuantity != -1) { int volume = _gsound_compute_relative_volume(a1); const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_READY, weapon, hitMode, NULL); _gsound_play_sfx_file_volume(sfx, volume); _ai_magic_hands(a1, weapon, 5002); // SFALL: Fix incorrect AP cost when AI reloads a // weapon. // CE: See note above, probably need to check // available action points before performing // reload. int actionPointsRequired = weaponGetActionPointCost(a1, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_RELOAD, false); if (a1->data.critter.combat.ap >= actionPointsRequired) { a1->data.critter.combat.ap -= actionPointsRequired; } else { a1->data.critter.combat.ap = 0; } } } } else { int volume = _gsound_compute_relative_volume(a1); const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_OUT_OF_AMMO, weapon, hitMode, NULL); _gsound_play_sfx_file_volume(sfx, volume); _ai_magic_hands(a1, weapon, 5001); if (_inven_unwield(a1, 1) == 0) { _combat_turn_run(); } _ai_switch_weapons(a1, &hitMode, &weapon, a2); } } } else if (reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_NOT_ENOUGH_AP || reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_ARM_CRIPPLED || reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_BOTH_ARMS_CRIPPLED) { // 3 - not enough action points // 6 - crippled one arm for two-handed weapon // 7 - both hands crippled if (_ai_switch_weapons(a1, &hitMode, &weapon, a2) == -1) { return -1; } } else if (reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_OUT_OF_RANGE) { // target out of range int accuracy = _determine_to_hit_no_range(a1, a2, HIT_LOCATION_UNCALLED, hitMode, rotations); if (accuracy < minToHit) { debugPrint("%s: FLEEING: Can't possibly Hit Target!", critterGetName(a1)); _ai_run_away(a1, a2); return 0; } if (weapon != NULL) { if (_ai_move_steps_closer(a1, a2, actionPoints, taunt) == -1) { return -1; } taunt = false; } else { if (_ai_switch_weapons(a1, &hitMode, &weapon, a2) == -1 || weapon == NULL) { // NOTE: Uninline. if (_ai_move_closer(a1, a2, taunt) == -1) { return -1; } } taunt = false; } } else if (reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_AIM_BLOCKED) { // aim is blocked if (_ai_move_steps_closer(a1, a2, a1->data.critter.combat.ap, taunt) == -1) { return -1; } taunt = false; } else if (reason == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_OK) { int accuracy = _determine_to_hit(a1, a2, HIT_LOCATION_UNCALLED, hitMode); if (safeDistance != 0) { if (_ai_move_away(a1, a2, safeDistance) == -1) { return -1; } } if (accuracy < minToHit) { int accuracyNoRange = _determine_to_hit_no_range(a1, a2, HIT_LOCATION_UNCALLED, hitMode, rotations); if (accuracyNoRange < minToHit) { debugPrint("%s: FLEEING: Can't possibly Hit Target!", critterGetName(a1)); _ai_run_away(a1, a2); return 0; } if (actionPoints > 0) { int v24 = pathfinderFindPath(a1, a1->tile, a2->tile, rotations, 0, _obj_blocking_at); if (v24 == 0) { v42 = actionPoints; } else { if (v24 < actionPoints) { actionPoints = v24; } int tile = a1->tile; int index; for (index = 0; index < actionPoints; index++) { tile = tileGetTileInDirection(tile, rotations[index], 1); v42++; int v27 = _determine_to_hit_from_tile(a1, tile, a2, HIT_LOCATION_UNCALLED, hitMode); if (v27 >= minToHit) { break; } } if (index == actionPoints) { v42 = actionPoints; } } } if (_ai_move_steps_closer(a1, a2, v42, taunt) == -1) { debugPrint("%s: FLEEING: Can't possibly get closer to Target!", critterGetName(a1)); _ai_run_away(a1, a2); return 0; } taunt = false; if (_ai_attack(a1, a2, hitMode) == -1 || weaponGetActionPointCost(a1, hitMode, 0) > a1->data.critter.combat.ap) { return -1; } } else { if (_ai_attack(a1, a2, hitMode) == -1 || weaponGetActionPointCost(a1, hitMode, 0) > a1->data.critter.combat.ap) { return -1; } } } } return -1; } // Something with using flare // // 0x42AE90 int _cAIPrepWeaponItem(Object* critter, Object* item) { if (item != NULL && critterGetStat(critter, STAT_INTELLIGENCE) >= 3 && item->pid == PROTO_ID_FLARE && lightGetLightLevel() < 55705) { _protinst_use_item(critter, item); } return 0; } // 0x42AECC void aiAttemptWeaponReload(Object* critter, int animate) { Object* weapon = critterGetItem2(critter); if (weapon == NULL) { return; } int ammoQuantity = ammoGetQuantity(weapon); int ammoCapacity = ammoGetCapacity(weapon); if (ammoQuantity < ammoCapacity) { Object* ammo; if (aiHaveAmmo(critter, weapon, &ammo)) { int rc = weaponReload(weapon, ammo); if (rc == 0) { _obj_destroy(ammo); } if (rc != -1 && objectIsPartyMember(critter)) { int volume = _gsound_compute_relative_volume(critter); const char* sfx = sfxBuildWeaponName(WEAPON_SOUND_EFFECT_READY, weapon, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, NULL); _gsound_play_sfx_file_volume(sfx, volume); if (animate) { _ai_magic_hands(critter, weapon, 5002); } } } } } // 0x42AF78 void _combat_ai_begin(int a1, void* a2) { _curr_crit_num = a1; if (a1 != 0) { _curr_crit_list = (Object**)internal_malloc(sizeof(Object*) * a1); if (_curr_crit_list) { memcpy(_curr_crit_list, a2, sizeof(Object*) * a1); } else { _curr_crit_num = 0; } } } // 0x42AFBC void _combat_ai_over() { if (_curr_crit_num) { internal_free(_curr_crit_list); } _curr_crit_num = 0; } // 0x42AFDC int _cai_perform_distance_prefs(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (a1->data.critter.combat.ap <= 0) { return -1; } int distance = aiGetPacket(a1)->distance; if (a2 != NULL) { if ((a2->data.critter.combat.ap & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { a2 = NULL; } } switch (distance) { case DISTANCE_STAY_CLOSE: if (a1->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe != gDude) { int distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, gDude); if (distance > 5) { _ai_move_steps_closer(a1, gDude, distance - 5, false); } } break; case DISTANCE_CHARGE: if (a2 != NULL) { // NOTE: Uninline. _ai_move_closer(a1, a2, 1); } break; case DISTANCE_SNIPE: if (a2 != NULL) { // SFALL: Fix AI behavior for "Snipe" distance preference. int distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2); if (distance < 10) { int attackCost = weaponGetActionPointCost(a1, HIT_MODE_RIGHT_WEAPON_PRIMARY, false); int movementPoints = a1->data.critter.combat.ap - attackCost; if (movementPoints > 0) { if (movementPoints + distance - 1 < 5) { int attackerRating = _combatai_rating(a1); int defenderRating = _combatai_rating(a2); if (attackerRating < defenderRating) { _ai_move_away(a1, a2, 10); } } } else { _ai_move_away(a1, a2, 10); } } } break; } int tile = a1->tile; if (_cai_retargetTileFromFriendlyFire(a1, a2, &tile) == 0 && tile != a1->tile) { reg_anim_begin(ANIMATION_REQUEST_RESERVED); animationRegisterMoveToTile(a1, tile, a1->elevation, a1->data.critter.combat.ap, 0); if (reg_anim_end() != 0) { return -1; } _combat_turn_run(); } return 0; } // 0x42B100 static int _cai_get_min_hp(AiPacket* ai) { if (ai == NULL) { return 0; } int run_away_mode = ai->run_away_mode; if (run_away_mode >= 0 && run_away_mode < RUN_AWAY_MODE_COUNT) { return _hp_run_away_value[run_away_mode]; } else if (run_away_mode == -1) { return ai->min_hp; } return 0; } // 0x42B130 void _combat_ai(Object* a1, Object* a2) { // 0x51820C static const int aiPartyMemberDistances[DISTANCE_COUNT] = { 5, 7, 7, 7, 50000, }; AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(a1); int hpRatio = _cai_get_min_hp(ai); if (ai->run_away_mode != -1) { int v7 = critterGetStat(a1, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS) * hpRatio / 100; int minimumHitPoints = critterGetStat(a1, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS) - v7; int currentHitPoints = critterGetStat(a1, STAT_CURRENT_HIT_POINTS); const char* name = critterGetName(a1); debugPrint("\n%s minHp = %d; curHp = %d", name, minimumHitPoints, currentHitPoints); } CritterCombatData* combatData = &(a1->data.critter.combat); if ((combatData->maneuver & CRITTER_MANUEVER_FLEEING) != 0 || (combatData->results & ai->hurt_too_much) != 0 || critterGetStat(a1, STAT_CURRENT_HIT_POINTS) < ai->min_hp) { debugPrint("%s: FLEEING: I'm Hurt!", critterGetName(a1)); _ai_run_away(a1, a2); return; } if (_ai_check_drugs(a1)) { debugPrint("%s: FLEEING: I need DRUGS!", critterGetName(a1)); _ai_run_away(a1, a2); } else { if (a2 == NULL) { a2 = _ai_danger_source(a1); } _cai_perform_distance_prefs(a1, a2); if (a2 != NULL) { _ai_try_attack(a1, a2); } } if (a2 != NULL && (a1->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0 && a1->data.critter.combat.ap != 0 && objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, a2) > ai->max_dist) { Object* friendlyDead = aiInfoGetFriendlyDead(a1); if (friendlyDead != NULL) { _ai_move_away(a1, friendlyDead, 10); aiInfoSetFriendlyDead(a1, NULL); } else { int perception = critterGetStat(a1, STAT_PERCEPTION); if (!_ai_find_friend(a1, perception * 2, 5)) { combatData->maneuver |= CRITTER_MANEUVER_STOP_ATTACKING; } } } if (a2 == NULL && !objectIsPartyMember(a1)) { Object* whoHitMe = combatData->whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe != NULL) { if ((whoHitMe->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) == 0 && combatData->damageLastTurn > 0) { Object* friendlyDead = aiInfoGetFriendlyDead(a1); if (friendlyDead != NULL) { _ai_move_away(a1, friendlyDead, 10); aiInfoSetFriendlyDead(a1, NULL); } else { debugPrint("%s: FLEEING: Somebody is shooting at me that I can't see!", critterGetName(a1)); _ai_run_away(a1, NULL); } } } } Object* friendlyDead = aiInfoGetFriendlyDead(a1); if (friendlyDead != NULL) { _ai_move_away(a1, friendlyDead, 10); if (objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, friendlyDead) >= 10) { aiInfoSetFriendlyDead(a1, NULL); } } Object* nearestTeammate; int maxTeammateDistance = 5; if (a1->data.critter.combat.team != 0) { nearestTeammate = _ai_find_nearest_team_in_combat(a1, a1, 1); } else { nearestTeammate = gDude; if (objectIsPartyMember(a1)) { // NOTE: Uninline int distance = aiGetDistance(a1); if (distance != -1) { maxTeammateDistance = aiPartyMemberDistances[distance]; } } } if (a2 == NULL && nearestTeammate != NULL && objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, nearestTeammate) > maxTeammateDistance) { int currentDistance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a1, nearestTeammate); _ai_move_steps_closer(a1, nearestTeammate, currentDistance - maxTeammateDistance, false); } else { if (a1->data.critter.combat.ap > 0) { debugPrint("\n>>>NOTE: %s had extra AP's to use!<<<", critterGetName(a1)); _cai_perform_distance_prefs(a1, a2); } } } // 0x42B3FC bool _combatai_want_to_join(Object* a1) { _process_bk(); if ((a1->flags & OBJECT_HIDDEN) != 0) { return false; } if (a1->elevation != gDude->elevation) { return false; } if ((a1->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_DEAD | DAM_KNOCKED_OUT)) != 0) { return false; } if (a1->data.critter.combat.damageLastTurn > 0) { return true; } if (a1->sid != -1) { scriptSetObjects(a1->sid, NULL, NULL); scriptSetFixedParam(a1->sid, 5); scriptExecProc(a1->sid, SCRIPT_PROC_COMBAT); } if ((a1->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANEUVER_0x01) != 0) { return true; } if ((a1->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANEUVER_STOP_ATTACKING) == 0) { return false; } if ((a1->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANUEVER_FLEEING) == 0) { return false; } if (_ai_danger_source(a1) == NULL) { return false; } return true; } // 0x42B4A8 bool _combatai_want_to_stop(Object* a1) { _process_bk(); if ((a1->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANEUVER_STOP_ATTACKING) != 0) { return true; } if ((a1->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_KNOCKED_OUT | DAM_DEAD)) != 0) { return true; } if ((a1->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANUEVER_FLEEING) != 0) { return true; } Object* enemy = _ai_danger_source(a1); return enemy == NULL || !isWithinPerception(a1, enemy); } // 0x42B504 int critterSetTeam(Object* obj, int team) { if (PID_TYPE(obj->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return 0; } obj->data.critter.combat.team = team; if (obj->data.critter.combat.whoHitMeCid == -1) { _critter_set_who_hit_me(obj, NULL); debugPrint("\nError: CombatData found with invalid who_hit_me!"); return -1; } Object* whoHitMe = obj->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe != NULL) { if (whoHitMe->data.critter.combat.team == team) { _critter_set_who_hit_me(obj, NULL); } } aiInfoSetLastTarget(obj, NULL); if (isInCombat()) { bool outlineWasEnabled = obj->outline != 0 && (obj->outline & OUTLINE_DISABLED) == 0; objectClearOutline(obj, NULL); int outlineType; if (obj->data.critter.combat.team == gDude->data.critter.combat.team) { outlineType = OUTLINE_TYPE_2; } else { outlineType = OUTLINE_TYPE_HOSTILE; } objectSetOutline(obj, outlineType, NULL); if (outlineWasEnabled) { Rect rect; objectEnableOutline(obj, &rect); tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, obj->elevation); } } return 0; } // 0x42B5D4 int critterSetAiPacket(Object* object, int aiPacket) { if (PID_TYPE(object->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } object->data.critter.combat.aiPacket = aiPacket; if (_isPotentialPartyMember(object)) { Proto* proto; if (protoGetProto(object->pid, &proto) == -1) { return -1; } proto->critter.aiPacket = aiPacket; } return 0; } // combatai_msg // 0x42B634 int _combatai_msg(Object* critter, Attack* attack, int type, int delay) { if (PID_TYPE(critter->pid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return -1; } if (!settings.preferences.combat_taunts) { return -1; } if (critter == gDude) { return -1; } if ((critter->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_DEAD | DAM_KNOCKED_OUT)) != 0) { return -1; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); debugPrint("%s is using %s packet with a %d%% chance to taunt\n", objectGetName(critter), ai->name, ai->chance); if (randomBetween(1, 100) > ai->chance) { return -1; } int start; int end; char* string; switch (type) { case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_RUN: start = ai->run.start; end = ai->run.end; string = _attack_str; break; case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_MOVE: start = ai->move.start; end = ai->move.end; string = _attack_str; break; case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_ATTACK: start = ai->attack.start; end = ai->attack.end; string = _attack_str; break; case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_MISS: start = ai->miss.start; end = ai->miss.end; string = _target_str; break; case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_HIT: start = ai->hit[attack->defenderHitLocation].start; end = ai->hit[attack->defenderHitLocation].end; string = _target_str; break; default: return -1; } if (end < start) { return -1; } MessageListItem messageListItem; messageListItem.num = randomBetween(start, end); if (!messageListGetItem(&gCombatAiMessageList, &messageListItem)) { debugPrint("\nERROR: combatai_msg: Couldn't find message # %d for %s", messageListItem.num, critterGetName(critter)); return -1; } debugPrint("%s said message %d\n", objectGetName(critter), messageListItem.num); snprintf(string, AI_MESSAGE_SIZE, "%s", messageListItem.text); // TODO: Get rid of casts. return animationRegisterCallback(critter, (void*)type, (AnimationCallback*)_ai_print_msg, delay); } // 0x42B80C static int _ai_print_msg(Object* critter, int type) { if (textObjectsGetCount() > 0) { return 0; } char* string; switch (type) { case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_HIT: case AI_MESSAGE_TYPE_MISS: string = _target_str; break; default: string = _attack_str; break; } AiPacket* ai = aiGetPacket(critter); Rect rect; if (textObjectAdd(critter, string, ai->font, ai->color, ai->outline_color, &rect) == 0) { tileWindowRefreshRect(&rect, critter->elevation); } return 0; } // Returns random critter for attacking as a result of critical weapon failure. // // 0x42B868 Object* _combat_ai_random_target(Attack* attack) { // Looks like this function does nothing because it's result is not used. I // suppose it was planned to use range as a condition below, but it was // later moved into 0x426614, but remained here. weaponGetRange(attack->attacker, attack->hitMode); Object* critter = NULL; if (_curr_crit_num != 0) { // Randomize starting critter. int start = randomBetween(0, _curr_crit_num - 1); int index = start; while (true) { Object* obj = _curr_crit_list[index]; if (obj != attack->attacker && obj != attack->defender && _can_see(attack->attacker, obj) && _combat_check_bad_shot(attack->attacker, obj, attack->hitMode, false) == COMBAT_BAD_SHOT_OK) { critter = obj; break; } index += 1; if (index == _curr_crit_num) { index = 0; } if (index == start) { break; } } } return critter; } // 0x42B90C static int _combatai_rating(Object* obj) { int melee_damage; Object* item; int weapon_damage_min; int weapon_damage_max; if (obj == NULL) { return 0; } if (FID_TYPE(obj->fid) != OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { return 0; } if ((obj->data.critter.combat.results & (DAM_DEAD | DAM_KNOCKED_OUT)) != 0) { return 0; } melee_damage = critterGetStat(obj, STAT_MELEE_DAMAGE); item = critterGetItem2(obj); if (item != NULL && itemGetType(item) == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON && weaponGetDamageMinMax(item, &weapon_damage_min, &weapon_damage_max) != -1 && melee_damage < weapon_damage_max) { melee_damage = weapon_damage_max; } item = critterGetItem1(obj); if (item != NULL && itemGetType(item) == ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON && weaponGetDamageMinMax(item, &weapon_damage_min, &weapon_damage_max) != -1 && melee_damage < weapon_damage_max) { melee_damage = weapon_damage_max; } return melee_damage + critterGetStat(obj, STAT_ARMOR_CLASS); } // 0x42B9D4 void _combatai_check_retaliation(Object* a1, Object* a2) { Object* whoHitMe = a1->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe; if (whoHitMe != NULL) { int candidateRating = _combatai_rating(a2); int whoHitMeRating = _combatai_rating(whoHitMe); if (candidateRating > whoHitMeRating) { _critter_set_who_hit_me(a1, a2); } } else { _critter_set_who_hit_me(a1, a2); } } // 0x42BA04 bool isWithinPerception(Object* a1, Object* a2) { if (a2 == NULL) { return false; } int distance = objectGetDistanceBetween(a2, a1); int perception = critterGetStat(a1, STAT_PERCEPTION); int sneak = skillGetValue(a2, SKILL_SNEAK); if (_can_see(a1, a2)) { int maxDistance = perception * 5; if ((a2->flags & OBJECT_TRANS_GLASS) != 0) { maxDistance /= 2; } if (a2 == gDude) { if (dudeIsSneaking()) { maxDistance /= 4; if (sneak > 120) { maxDistance -= 1; } } else if (dudeHasState(DUDE_STATE_SNEAKING)) { maxDistance = maxDistance * 2 / 3; } } if (distance <= maxDistance) { return true; } } int maxDistance; if (isInCombat()) { maxDistance = perception * 2; } else { maxDistance = perception; } if (a2 == gDude) { if (dudeIsSneaking()) { maxDistance /= 4; if (sneak > 120) { maxDistance -= 1; } } else if (dudeHasState(DUDE_STATE_SNEAKING)) { maxDistance = maxDistance * 2 / 3; } } if (distance <= maxDistance) { return true; } return false; } // Load combatai.msg and apply language filter. // // 0x42BB34 static int aiMessageListInit() { if (!messageListInit(&gCombatAiMessageList)) { return -1; } char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", asc_5186C8, "combatai.msg"); if (!messageListLoad(&gCombatAiMessageList, path)) { return -1; } if (settings.preferences.language_filter) { messageListFilterBadwords(&gCombatAiMessageList); } messageListRepositorySetStandardMessageList(STANDARD_MESSAGE_LIST_COMBAT_AI, &gCombatAiMessageList); return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x42BBD8 static int aiMessageListFree() { messageListRepositorySetStandardMessageList(STANDARD_MESSAGE_LIST_COMBAT_AI, nullptr); if (!messageListFree(&gCombatAiMessageList)) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x42BBF0 void aiMessageListReloadIfNeeded() { int languageFilter = static_cast(settings.preferences.language_filter); if (languageFilter != gLanguageFilter) { gLanguageFilter = languageFilter; if (languageFilter == 1) { messageListFilterBadwords(&gCombatAiMessageList); } else { // NOTE: Uninline. aiMessageListFree(); aiMessageListInit(); } } } // 0x42BC60 void _combatai_notify_onlookers(Object* a1) { for (int index = 0; index < _curr_crit_num; index++) { Object* obj = _curr_crit_list[index]; if ((obj->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANEUVER_0x01) == 0) { if (isWithinPerception(obj, a1)) { obj->data.critter.combat.maneuver |= CRITTER_MANEUVER_0x01; if ((a1->data.critter.combat.results & DAM_DEAD) != 0) { if (!isWithinPerception(obj, obj->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe)) { debugPrint("\nSomebody Died and I don't know why! Run!!!"); aiInfoSetFriendlyDead(obj, a1); } } } } } } // 0x42BCD4 void _combatai_notify_friends(Object* a1) { int team = a1->data.critter.combat.team; for (int index = 0; index < _curr_crit_num; index++) { Object* obj = _curr_crit_list[index]; if ((obj->data.critter.combat.maneuver & CRITTER_MANEUVER_0x01) == 0 && team == obj->data.critter.combat.team) { if (isWithinPerception(obj, a1)) { obj->data.critter.combat.maneuver |= CRITTER_MANEUVER_0x01; } } } } // 0x42BD28 void _combatai_delete_critter(Object* obj) { // TODO: Check entire function. for (int i = 0; i < _curr_crit_num; i++) { if (obj == _curr_crit_list[i]) { _curr_crit_num--; _curr_crit_list[i] = _curr_crit_list[_curr_crit_num]; _curr_crit_list[_curr_crit_num] = obj; break; } } } } // namespace fallout