#include "world_map.h" #include "animation.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "combat_ai.h" #include "core.h" #include "critter.h" #include "cycle.h" #include "dbox.h" #include "debug.h" #include "display_monitor.h" #include "draw.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_config.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "game_movie.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "interface.h" #include "item.h" #include "memory.h" #include "object.h" #include "party_member.h" #include "perk.h" #include "platform_compat.h" #include "proto_instance.h" #include "queue.h" #include "random.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "skill.h" #include "stat.h" #include "string_parsers.h" #include "text_font.h" #include "tile.h" #include "window_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #define WM_TILE_WIDTH (350) #define WM_TILE_HEIGHT (300) #define WM_SUBTILE_SIZE (50) #define WM_WINDOW_WIDTH (640) #define WM_WINDOW_HEIGHT (480) #define WM_VIEW_X (22) #define WM_VIEW_Y (21) #define WM_VIEW_WIDTH (450) #define WM_VIEW_HEIGHT (443) // 0x4BC860 const int _can_rest_here[ELEVATION_COUNT] = { MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_0, MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_1, MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_2, }; // 0x4BC86C const int gDayPartEncounterFrequencyModifiers[DAY_PART_COUNT] = { 40, 30, 0, }; // 0x4BC878 const char* off_4BC878[2] = { "You detect something up ahead.", "Do you wish to encounter it?", }; // 0x4BC880 MessageListItem stru_4BC880; // 0x50EE44 char _aCricket[] = "cricket"; // 0x50EE4C char _aCricket1[] = "cricket1"; // 0x51DD88 const char* _wmStateStrs[2] = { "off", "on" }; // 0x51DD90 const char* _wmYesNoStrs[2] = { "no", "yes", }; // 0x51DD98 const char* gEncounterFrequencyTypeKeys[ENCOUNTER_FREQUENCY_TYPE_COUNT] = { "none", "rare", "uncommon", "common", "frequent", "forced", }; // 0x51DDB0 const char* _wmFillStrs[9] = { "no_fill", "fill_n", "fill_s", "fill_e", "fill_w", "fill_nw", "fill_ne", "fill_sw", "fill_se", }; // 0x51DDD4 const char* _wmSceneryStrs[ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_COUNT] = { "none", "light", "normal", "heavy", }; // 0x51DDE4 Terrain* gTerrains = NULL; // 0x51DDE8 int gTerrainsLength = 0; // 0x51DDEC TileInfo* gWorldmapTiles = NULL; // 0x51DDF0 int gWorldmapTilesLength = 0; // The width of worldmap grid in tiles. // // There is no separate variable for grid height, instead its calculated as // [gWorldmapTilesLength] / [gWorldmapTilesGridWidth]. // // num_horizontal_tiles // 0x51DDF4 int gWorldmapGridWidth = 0; // 0x51DDF8 CityInfo* gCities = NULL; // 0x51DDFC int gCitiesLength = 0; // 0x51DE00 const char* gCitySizeKeys[CITY_SIZE_COUNT] = { "small", "medium", "large", }; // 0x51DE0C MapInfo* gMaps = NULL; // 0x51DE10 int gMapsLength = 0; // 0x51DE14 int gWorldmapWindow = -1; // 0x51DE18 CacheEntry* gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; // 0x51DE1C int gWorldmapBoxFrmWidth = 0; // 0x51DE20 int gWorldmapBoxFrmHeight = 0; // 0x51DE24 unsigned char* gWorldmapWindowBuffer = NULL; // 0x51DE28 unsigned char* gWorldmapBoxFrmData = NULL; // 0x51DE2C int gWorldmapOffsetX = 0; // 0x51DE30 int gWorldmapOffsetY = 0; // unsigned char* _circleBlendTable = NULL; // int _wmInterfaceWasInitialized = 0; // encounter types const char* _wmEncOpStrs[ENCOUNTER_SITUATION_COUNT] = { "nothing", "ambush", "fighting", "and", }; // operators const char* _wmConditionalOpStrs[ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_COUNT] = { "_", "==", "!=", "<", ">", }; // 0x51DE6C const char* gEncounterFormationTypeKeys[ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_COUNT] = { "surrounding", "straight_line", "double_line", "wedge", "cone", "huddle", }; // 0x51DE84 int gWorldmapEncounterFrmIds[WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT] = { 154, 155, 438, 439, }; // 0x51DE94 int* gQuickDestinations = NULL; // 0x51DE98 int gQuickDestinationsLength = 0; // 0x51DE9C int _wmTownMapCurArea = -1; // 0x51DEA0 unsigned int _wmLastRndTime = 0; // 0x51DEA4 int _wmRndIndex = 0; // 0x51DEA8 int _wmRndCallCount = 0; // 0x51DEAC int _terrainCounter = 1; // 0x51DEB0 unsigned int _lastTime_2 = 0; // 0x51DEB4 bool _couldScroll = true; // 0x51DEB8 unsigned char* gWorldmapCityMapFrmData = NULL; // 0x51DEBC CacheEntry* gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; // 0x51DEC0 int gWorldmapCityMapFrmWidth = 0; // 0x51DEC4 int gWorldmapCityMapFrmHeight = 0; // 0x51DEC8 char* _wmRemapSfxList[2] = { _aCricket, _aCricket1, }; // 0x672DB8 int _wmRndTileDirs[2]; // 0x672DC0 int _wmRndCenterTiles[2]; // 0x672DC8 int _wmRndCenterRotations[2]; // 0x672DD0 int _wmRndRotOffsets[2]; // Buttons for city entrances. // // 0x672DD8 int _wmTownMapButtonId[ENTRANCE_LIST_CAPACITY]; // 0x672E00 int _wmGenData; // 0x672E04 int _Meet_Frank_Horrigan; // Current_town. // // 0x672E08 int _WorldMapCurrArea; // Current town x. // // 0x672E0C int _world_xpos; // Current town y. // // 0x672E10 int _world_ypos; // 0x672E14 SubtileInfo* _world_subtile; // 0x672E18 int dword_672E18; // 0x672E1C bool gWorldmapIsTravelling; // 0x672E20 int gWorldmapTravelDestX; // 0x672E24 int gWorldmapTravelDestY; // 0x672E28 int dword_672E28; // 0x672E2C int dword_672E2C; // 0x672E30 int dword_672E30; // 0x672E34 int dword_672E34; // 0x672E38 int _x_line_inc; // 0x672E3C int dword_672E3C; // 0x672E40 int _y_line_inc; // 0x672E44 int dword_672E44; // 0x672E48 int _wmEncounterIconShow; // 0x672E4C int _EncounterMapID; // 0x672E50 int dword_672E50; // 0x672E54 int dword_672E54; // 0x672E58 int _wmRndCursorFid; // 0x672E5C int _old_world_xpos; // 0x672E60 int _old_world_ypos; // 0x672E64 bool gWorldmapIsInCar; // 0x672E68 int _carCurrentArea; // 0x672E6C int gWorldmapCarFuel; // 0x672E70 CacheEntry* gWorldmapCarFrmHandle; // 0x672E74 Art* gWorldmapCarFrm; // 0x672E78 int gWorldmapCarFrmWidth; // 0x672E7C int gWorldmapCarFrmHeight; // 0x672E80 int gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame; // 0x672E84 CacheEntry* gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle; // 0x672E88 unsigned char* gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmData; // 0x672E8C CacheEntry* gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmHandle; // 0x672E90 unsigned char* gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData; // 0x672E94 int gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth; // 0x672E98 int gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight; // 0x672E9C CacheEntry* gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle; // 0x672EA0 unsigned char* gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmData; // 0x672EA4 int gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmWidth; // 0x672EA8 int gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHeight; // 0x672EAC CacheEntry* gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle; // 0x672EB0 unsigned char* gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmData; // 0x672EB4 int gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmWidth; // 0x672EB8 int gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHeight; // 0x672EBC CacheEntry* gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672ECC unsigned char* gWorldmapEncounterFrmData[WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672EDC int gWorldmapEncounterFrmWidths[WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672EEC int gWorldmapEncounterFrmHeights[WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672EFC int _wmViewportRightScrlLimit; // 0x672F00 int _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit; // 0x672F04 CacheEntry* gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHandle; // 0x672F08 int gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth; // 0x672F0C int gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHeight; // 0x672F10 int _LastTabsYOffset; // 0x672F14 unsigned char* gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData; // 0x672F18 CacheEntry* gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmHandle; // 0x672F1C unsigned char* gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData; // 0x672F20 CacheEntry* gWorldmapDialFrmHandle; // 0x672F24 int gWorldmapDialFrmWidth; // 0x672F28 int gWorldmapDialFrmHeight; // 0x672F2C int gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame; // 0x672F30 Art* gWorldmapDialFrm; // 0x672F34 CacheEntry* gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHandle; // 0x672F38 int gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmWidth; // 0x672F3C int gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHeight; // 0x672F40 unsigned char* gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData; // 0x672F44 CacheEntry* gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmHandle; // 0x672F48 int gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmWidth; // 0x672F4C int gWorldmapGloveOverlayFrmHeight; // 0x672F50 unsigned char* gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData; // 0x672F54 int dword_672F54; // 0x672F58 int _tabsOffset; // 0x672F5C CacheEntry* gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmHandle; // 0x672F60 CacheEntry* gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmHandle; // 0x672F64 unsigned char* gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData; // 0x672F68 unsigned char* gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData; // 0x672F6C CacheEntry* gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHandle[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672F74 int gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmWidth; // 0x672F78 int gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHeight; // 0x672F7C unsigned char* gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672F84 CacheEntry* gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHandle[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672F8C int gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmWidth; // 0x672F90 int gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHeight; // 0x672F94 unsigned char* gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x672F9C CacheEntry* gWorldmapMonthsFrmHandle; // 0x672FA0 Art* gWorldmapMonthsFrm; // 0x672FA4 CacheEntry* gWorldmapNumbersFrmHandle; // 0x672FA8 Art* gWorldmapNumbersFrm; // 0x672FAC int _fontnum; // worldmap.msg // // 0x672FB0 MessageList gWorldmapMessageList; // 0x672FB8 int _wmFreqValues[6]; // 0x672FD0 int _wmRndOriginalCenterTile; // worldmap.txt // // 0x672FD4 Config* gWorldmapConfig; // 0x672FD8 int _wmTownMapSubButtonIds[7]; // 0x672FF4 ENC_BASE_TYPE* _wmEncBaseTypeList; // 0x672FF8 CitySizeDescription gCitySizeDescriptions[CITY_SIZE_COUNT]; // 0x673034 EncounterTable* gEncounterTables; // Number of enc_base_types. // // 0x673038 int _wmMaxEncBaseTypes; // 0x67303C int gEncounterTablesLength; // wmWorldMap_init // 0x4BC89C int worldmapInit() { char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; if (_wmGenDataInit() == -1) { return -1; } if (!messageListInit(&gWorldmapMessageList)) { return -1; } sprintf(path, "%s%s", asc_5186C8, "worldmap.msg"); if (!messageListLoad(&gWorldmapMessageList, path)) { return -1; } if (worldmapConfigInit() == -1) { return -1; } _wmViewportRightScrlLimit = WM_TILE_WIDTH * gWorldmapGridWidth - WM_VIEW_WIDTH; _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit = WM_TILE_HEIGHT * (gWorldmapTilesLength / gWorldmapGridWidth) - WM_VIEW_HEIGHT; _circleBlendTable = _getColorBlendTable(_colorTable[992]); _wmMarkSubTileRadiusVisited(_world_xpos, _world_ypos); _wmWorldMapSaveTempData(); return 0; } // 0x4BC984 int _wmGenDataInit() { _Meet_Frank_Horrigan = 0; _WorldMapCurrArea = -1; _world_xpos = 173; _world_ypos = 122; _world_subtile = 0; dword_672E18 = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; gWorldmapTravelDestX = -1; gWorldmapTravelDestY = -1; dword_672E28 = 0; dword_672E2C = 0; dword_672E30 = 0; dword_672E34 = 0; _x_line_inc = 0; _y_line_inc = 0; dword_672E44 = 0; _wmEncounterIconShow = 0; _EncounterMapID = -1; dword_672E50 = -1; dword_672E54 = -1; _wmRndCursorFid = -1; _old_world_xpos = 0; _old_world_ypos = 0; gWorldmapIsInCar = false; _carCurrentArea = -1; gWorldmapCarFuel = CAR_FUEL_MAX; gWorldmapCarFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCarFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCarFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame = 0; gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmWidth = 0; _wmGenData = 0; dword_672E3C = 0; gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapCarFrm = NULL; for (int index = 0; index < WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT; index++) { gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[index] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapEncounterFrmData[index] = NULL; gWorldmapEncounterFrmWidths[index] = 0; gWorldmapEncounterFrmHeights[index] = 0; } _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit = 0; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHeight = 0; _LastTabsYOffset = 0; gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData = 0; gWorldmapDialFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapDialFrm = NULL; gWorldmapDialFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapDialFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame = 0; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapGloveOverlayFrmHeight = 0; dword_672F54 = 0; _tabsOffset = 0; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData = NULL; _wmViewportRightScrlLimit = 0; for (int index = 0; index < WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT; index++) { gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHandle[index] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHandle[index] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[index] = NULL; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[index] = NULL; } gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapMonthsFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapMonthsFrm = NULL; gWorldmapNumbersFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapNumbersFrm = NULL; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmWidth = 0; return 0; } // 0x4BCBFC int _wmGenDataReset() { _Meet_Frank_Horrigan = 0; _world_subtile = 0; dword_672E18 = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; dword_672E28 = 0; dword_672E2C = 0; dword_672E30 = 0; dword_672E34 = 0; _x_line_inc = 0; _y_line_inc = 0; dword_672E44 = 0; _wmEncounterIconShow = 0; _wmGenData = 0; _WorldMapCurrArea = -1; _world_xpos = 173; _world_ypos = 122; gWorldmapTravelDestX = -1; gWorldmapTravelDestY = -1; _EncounterMapID = -1; dword_672E50 = -1; dword_672E54 = -1; _wmRndCursorFid = -1; _carCurrentArea = -1; gWorldmapCarFuel = CAR_FUEL_MAX; gWorldmapCarFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapDialFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; dword_672E3C = 0; _old_world_xpos = 0; _old_world_ypos = 0; gWorldmapIsInCar = false; gWorldmapCarFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCarFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame = 0; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHeight = 0; _LastTabsYOffset = 0; gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData = 0; gWorldmapDialFrm = NULL; gWorldmapDialFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapDialFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame = 0; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapGloveOverlayFrmHeight = 0; dword_672F54 = 0; _tabsOffset = 0; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCarFrm = NULL; for (int index = 0; index < WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT; index++) { gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[index] = NULL; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHandle[index] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[index] = NULL; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHandle[index] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; } gWorldmapMonthsFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapNumbersFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapMonthsFrm = NULL; gWorldmapNumbersFrm = NULL; _wmMarkSubTileRadiusVisited(_world_xpos, _world_ypos); return 0; } // 0x4BCE00 void worldmapExit() { if (gTerrains != NULL) { internal_free(gTerrains); gTerrains = NULL; } if (gWorldmapTiles) { internal_free(gWorldmapTiles); gWorldmapTiles = NULL; } gWorldmapGridWidth = 0; gWorldmapTilesLength = 0; if (gEncounterTables != NULL) { internal_free(gEncounterTables); gEncounterTables = NULL; } gEncounterTablesLength = 0; if (_wmEncBaseTypeList != NULL) { internal_free(_wmEncBaseTypeList); _wmEncBaseTypeList = NULL; } _wmMaxEncBaseTypes = 0; if (gCities != NULL) { internal_free(gCities); gCities = NULL; } gCitiesLength = 0; if (gMaps != NULL) { internal_free(gMaps); } gMapsLength = 0; if (_circleBlendTable != NULL) { _freeColorBlendTable(_colorTable[992]); _circleBlendTable = NULL; } messageListFree(&gWorldmapMessageList); } // 0x4BCEF8 int worldmapReset() { gWorldmapOffsetX = 0; gWorldmapOffsetY = 0; _wmWorldMapLoadTempData(); _wmMarkAllSubTiles(0); return _wmGenDataReset(); } // 0x4BCF28 int worldmapSave(File* stream) { int i; int j; int k; EncounterTable* encounter_table; EncounterEntry* encounter_entry; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _Meet_Frank_Horrigan) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _WorldMapCurrArea) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _world_xpos) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _world_ypos) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _wmEncounterIconShow) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _EncounterMapID) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, dword_672E50) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, dword_672E54) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteBool(stream, gWorldmapIsInCar) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, _carCurrentArea) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, gWorldmapCarFuel) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, gCitiesLength) == -1) return -1; for (int cityIndex = 0; cityIndex < gCitiesLength; cityIndex++) { CityInfo* cityInfo = &(gCities[cityIndex]); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, cityInfo->x) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, cityInfo->y) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, cityInfo->state) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, cityInfo->field_40) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, cityInfo->entrancesLength) == -1) return -1; for (int entranceIndex = 0; entranceIndex < cityInfo->entrancesLength; entranceIndex++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(cityInfo->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, entrance->state) == -1) return -1; } } if (fileWriteInt32(stream, gWorldmapTilesLength) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, gWorldmapGridWidth) == -1) return -1; for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < gWorldmapTilesLength; tileIndex++) { TileInfo* tileInfo = &(gWorldmapTiles[tileIndex]); for (int column = 0; column < SUBTILE_GRID_HEIGHT; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < SUBTILE_GRID_WIDTH; row++) { SubtileInfo* subtile = &(tileInfo->subtiles[column][row]); if (fileWriteInt32(stream, subtile->state) == -1) return -1; } } } k = 0; for (i = 0; i < gEncounterTablesLength; i++) { encounter_table = &(gEncounterTables[i]); for (j = 0; j < encounter_table->entriesLength; j++) { encounter_entry = &(encounter_table->entries[j]); if (encounter_entry->counter != -1) { k++; } } } if (fileWriteInt32(stream, k) == -1) return -1; for (i = 0; i < gEncounterTablesLength; i++) { encounter_table = &(gEncounterTables[i]); for (j = 0; j < encounter_table->entriesLength; j++) { encounter_entry = &(encounter_table->entries[j]); if (encounter_entry->counter != -1) { if (fileWriteInt32(stream, i) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, j) == -1) return -1; if (fileWriteInt32(stream, encounter_entry->counter) == -1) return -1; } } } return 0; } // 0x4BD28C int worldmapLoad(File* stream) { int i; int j; int k; int cities_count; int v38; int v39; int v35; EncounterTable* encounter_table; EncounterEntry* encounter_entry; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_Meet_Frank_Horrigan)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_WorldMapCurrArea)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_world_xpos)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_world_ypos)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_wmEncounterIconShow)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_EncounterMapID)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(dword_672E50)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(dword_672E54)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadBool(stream, &(gWorldmapIsInCar)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(_carCurrentArea)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(gWorldmapCarFuel)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(cities_count)) == -1) return -1; for (int cityIndex = 0; cityIndex < cities_count; cityIndex++) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(city->x)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(city->y)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(city->state)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(city->field_40)) == -1) return -1; int entranceCount; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(entranceCount)) == -1) { return -1; } for (int entranceIndex = 0; entranceIndex < entranceCount; entranceIndex++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(entrance->state)) == -1) { return -1; } } } if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(v39)) == -1) return -1; if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(v38)) == -1) return -1; for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < v39; tileIndex++) { TileInfo* tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[tileIndex]); for (int column = 0; column < SUBTILE_GRID_HEIGHT; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < SUBTILE_GRID_WIDTH; row++) { SubtileInfo* subtile = &(tile->subtiles[column][row]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(subtile->state)) == -1) return -1; } } } if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(v35)) == -1) return -1; for (i = 0; i < v35; i++) { if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(j)) == -1) return -1; encounter_table = &(gEncounterTables[j]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(k)) == -1) return -1; encounter_entry = &(encounter_table->entries[k]); if (fileReadInt32(stream, &(encounter_entry->counter)) == -1) return -1; } _wmInterfaceCenterOnParty(); return 0; } // 0x4BD678 int _wmWorldMapSaveTempData() { File* stream = fileOpen("worldmap.dat", "wb"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } int rc = 0; if (worldmapSave(stream) == -1) { rc = -1; } fileClose(stream); return rc; } // 0x4BD6B4 int _wmWorldMapLoadTempData() { File* stream = fileOpen("worldmap.dat", "rb"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } int rc = 0; if (worldmapLoad(stream) == -1) { rc = -1; } fileClose(stream); return rc; } // 0x4BD6F0 int worldmapConfigInit() { if (cityInit() == -1) { return -1; } Config config; if (!configInit(&config)) { return -1; } if (configRead(&config, "data\\worldmap.txt", true)) { for (int index = 0; index < ENCOUNTER_FREQUENCY_TYPE_COUNT; index++) { if (!configGetInt(&config, "data", gEncounterFrequencyTypeKeys[index], &(_wmFreqValues[index]))) { break; } } char* terrainTypes; configGetString(&config, "data", "terrain_types", &terrainTypes); _wmParseTerrainTypes(&config, terrainTypes); for (int index = 0;; index++) { char section[40]; sprintf(section, "Encounter Table %d", index); char* lookupName; if (!configGetString(&config, section, "lookup_name", &lookupName)) { break; } if (worldmapConfigLoadEncounterTable(&config, lookupName, section) == -1) { return -1; } } if (!configGetInt(&config, "Tile Data", "num_horizontal_tiles", &gWorldmapGridWidth)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading tile data!"); return -1; } for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < 9999; tileIndex++) { char section[40]; sprintf(section, "Tile %d", tileIndex); int artIndex; if (!configGetInt(&config, section, "art_idx", &artIndex)) { break; } gWorldmapTilesLength++; TileInfo* worldmapTiles = (TileInfo*)internal_realloc(gWorldmapTiles, sizeof(*gWorldmapTiles) * gWorldmapTilesLength); if (worldmapTiles == NULL) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading tiles!"); exit(1); } gWorldmapTiles = worldmapTiles; TileInfo* tile = &(worldmapTiles[gWorldmapTilesLength - 1]); // NOTE: Uninline. worldmapTileInfoInit(tile); tile->fid = buildFid(6, artIndex, 0, 0, 0); int encounterDifficulty; if (configGetInt(&config, section, "encounter_difficulty", &encounterDifficulty)) { tile->encounterDifficultyModifier = encounterDifficulty; } char* walkMaskName; if (configGetString(&config, section, "walk_mask_name", &walkMaskName)) { strncpy(tile->walkMaskName, walkMaskName, TILE_WALK_MASK_NAME_SIZE); } for (int column = 0; column < SUBTILE_GRID_HEIGHT; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < SUBTILE_GRID_WIDTH; row++) { char key[40]; sprintf(key, "%d_%d", row, column); char* subtileProps; if (!configGetString(&config, section, key, &subtileProps)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading tiles!"); exit(1); } if (worldmapConfigLoadSubtile(tile, row, column, subtileProps) == -1) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading tiles!"); exit(1); } } } } } configFree(&config); return 0; } // 0x4BD9F0 int worldmapConfigLoadEncounterTable(Config* config, char* lookupName, char* sectionKey) { gEncounterTablesLength++; EncounterTable* encounterTables = (EncounterTable*)internal_realloc(gEncounterTables, sizeof(EncounterTable) * gEncounterTablesLength); if (encounterTables == NULL) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading Encounter Table!"); exit(1); } gEncounterTables = encounterTables; EncounterTable* encounterTable = &(encounterTables[gEncounterTablesLength - 1]); // NOTE: Uninline. worldmapEncounterTableInit(encounterTable); encounterTable->field_28 = gEncounterTablesLength - 1; strncpy(encounterTable->lookupName, lookupName, 40); char* str; if (configGetString(config, sectionKey, "maps", &str)) { while (*str != '\0') { if (encounterTable->mapsLength >= 6) { break; } if (strParseStrFromFunc(&str, &(encounterTable->maps[encounterTable->mapsLength]), worldmapFindMapByLookupName) == -1) { break; } encounterTable->mapsLength++; } } for (;;) { char key[40]; sprintf(key, "enc_%02d", encounterTable->entriesLength); char* str; if (!configGetString(config, sectionKey, key, &str)) { break; } if (encounterTable->entriesLength >= 40) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error: Encounter Table: Too many table indexes!!"); exit(1); } gWorldmapConfig = config; if (worldmapConfigLoadEncounterEntry(&(encounterTable->entries[encounterTable->entriesLength]), str) == -1) { return -1; } encounterTable->entriesLength++; } return 0; } // 0x4BDB64 int worldmapConfigLoadEncounterEntry(EncounterEntry* entry, char* string) { // NOTE: Uninline. if (worldmapEncounterTableEntryInit(entry) == -1) { return -1; } while (string != NULL && *string != '\0') { strParseIntWithKey(&string, "chance", &(entry->chance), ":"); strParseIntWithKey(&string, "counter", &(entry->counter), ":"); if (strstr(string, "special")) { entry->flags |= ENCOUNTER_ENTRY_SPECIAL; string += 8; } if (string != NULL) { char* pch = strstr(string, "map:"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 4; strParseStrFromFunc(&string, &(entry->map), worldmapFindMapByLookupName); } } if (_wmParseEncounterSubEncStr(entry, &string) == -1) { break; } if (string != NULL) { char* pch = strstr(string, "scenery:"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 8; strParseStrFromList(&string, &(entry->scenery), _wmSceneryStrs, ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_COUNT); } } worldmapConfigParseCondition(&string, "if", &(entry->condition)); } return 0; } // 0x4BDCA8 int _wmParseEncounterSubEncStr(EncounterEntry* encounterEntry, char** stringPtr) { char* string = *stringPtr; if (compat_strnicmp(string, "enc:", 4) != 0) { return -1; } // Consume "enc:". string += 4; char* comma = strstr(string, ","); if (comma != NULL) { // Comma is present, position string pointer to the next chunk. *stringPtr = comma + 1; *comma = '\0'; } else { // No comma, this chunk is the last one. *stringPtr = NULL; } while (string != NULL) { ENCOUNTER_ENTRY_ENC* entry = &(encounterEntry->field_54[encounterEntry->field_50]); // NOTE: Uninline. _wmEncounterSubEncSlotInit(entry); if (*string == '(') { string++; entry->minQuantity = atoi(string); while (*string != '\0' && *string != '-') { string++; } if (*string == '-') { string++; } entry->maxQuantity = atoi(string); while (*string != '\0' && *string != ')') { string++; } if (*string == ')') { string++; } } while (*string == ' ') { string++; } char* end = string; while (*end != '\0' && *end != ' ') { end++; } char ch = *end; *end = '\0'; if (strParseStrFromFunc(&string, &(entry->field_8), _wmParseFindSubEncTypeMatch) == -1) { return -1; } *end = ch; if (ch == ' ') { string++; } end = string; while (*end != '\0' && *end != ' ') { end++; } ch = *end; *end = '\0'; if (*string != '\0') { strParseStrFromList(&string, &(entry->situation), _wmEncOpStrs, ENCOUNTER_SITUATION_COUNT); } *end = ch; encounterEntry->field_50++; while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (*string == '\0') { string = NULL; } } if (comma != NULL) { *comma = ','; } return 0; } // 0x4BDE94 int _wmParseFindSubEncTypeMatch(char* str, int* valuePtr) { *valuePtr = 0; if (compat_stricmp(str, "player") == 0) { *valuePtr = -1; return 0; } if (_wmFindEncBaseTypeMatch(str, valuePtr) == 0) { return 0; } if (_wmReadEncBaseType(str, valuePtr) == 0) { return 0; } return -1; } // 0x4BDED8 int _wmFindEncBaseTypeMatch(char* str, int* valuePtr) { for (int index = 0; index < _wmMaxEncBaseTypes; index++) { if (compat_stricmp(_wmEncBaseTypeList[index].name, str) == 0) { *valuePtr = index; return 0; } } *valuePtr = -1; return -1; } // 0x4BDF34 int _wmReadEncBaseType(char* name, int* valuePtr) { char section[40]; sprintf(section, "Encounter: %s", name); char key[40]; sprintf(key, "type_00"); char* string; if (!configGetString(gWorldmapConfig, section, key, &string)) { return -1; } _wmMaxEncBaseTypes++; ENC_BASE_TYPE* arr = (ENC_BASE_TYPE*)internal_realloc(_wmEncBaseTypeList, sizeof(*_wmEncBaseTypeList) * _wmMaxEncBaseTypes); if (arr == NULL) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error Reading EncBaseType!"); exit(1); } _wmEncBaseTypeList = arr; ENC_BASE_TYPE* entry = &(arr[_wmMaxEncBaseTypes - 1]); // NOTE: Uninline. _wmEncBaseTypeSlotInit(entry); strncpy(entry->name, name, 40); while (1) { if (_wmParseEncBaseSubTypeStr(&(entry->field_38[entry->field_34]), &string) == -1) { return -1; } entry->field_34++; sprintf(key, "type_%02d", entry->field_34); if (!configGetString(gWorldmapConfig, section, key, &string)) { int team; configGetInt(gWorldmapConfig, section, "team_num", &team); for (int index = 0; index < entry->field_34; index++) { ENC_BASE_TYPE_38* ptr = &(entry->field_38[index]); if ((ptr->pid >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { ptr->team = team; } } if (configGetString(gWorldmapConfig, section, "position", &string)) { strParseStrFromList(&string, &(entry->position), gEncounterFormationTypeKeys, ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_COUNT); strParseIntWithKey(&string, "spacing", &(entry->spacing), ":"); strParseIntWithKey(&string, "distance", &(entry->distance), ":"); } *valuePtr = _wmMaxEncBaseTypes - 1; return 0; } } return -1; } // 0x4BE140 int _wmParseEncBaseSubTypeStr(ENC_BASE_TYPE_38* ptr, char** stringPtr) { char* string = *stringPtr; // NOTE: Uninline. if (_wmEncBaseSubTypeSlotInit(ptr) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseIntWithKey(&string, "ratio", &(ptr->ratio), ":") == 0) { ptr->field_2C = 0; } if (strstr(string, "dead,") == string) { ptr->flags |= ENCOUNTER_SUBINFO_DEAD; string += 5; } strParseIntWithKey(&string, "pid", &(ptr->pid), ":"); if (ptr->pid == 0) { ptr->pid = -1; } strParseIntWithKey(&string, "distance", &(ptr->distance), ":"); strParseIntWithKey(&string, "tilenum", &(ptr->tile), ":"); for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++) { if (strstr(string, "item:") == NULL) { break; } _wmParseEncounterItemType(&string, &(ptr->items[ptr->itemsLength]), &(ptr->itemsLength), ":"); } strParseIntWithKey(&string, "script", &(ptr->script), ":"); worldmapConfigParseCondition(&string, "if", &(ptr->condition)); return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE2A0 int _wmEncBaseTypeSlotInit(ENC_BASE_TYPE* entry) { entry->name[0] = '\0'; entry->position = ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_SURROUNDING; entry->spacing = 1; entry->distance = -1; entry->field_34 = 0; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE2C4 int _wmEncBaseSubTypeSlotInit(ENC_BASE_TYPE_38* entry) { entry->field_28 = -1; entry->field_2C = 1; entry->ratio = 100; entry->pid = -1; entry->flags = 0; entry->distance = 0; entry->tile = -1; entry->itemsLength = 0; entry->script = -1; entry->team = -1; return worldmapConfigInitEncounterCondition(&(entry->condition)); } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE32C int _wmEncounterSubEncSlotInit(ENCOUNTER_ENTRY_ENC* entry) { entry->minQuantity = 1; entry->maxQuantity = 1; entry->field_8 = -1; entry->situation = ENCOUNTER_SITUATION_NOTHING; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE34C int worldmapEncounterTableEntryInit(EncounterEntry* entry) { entry->flags = 0; entry->map = -1; entry->scenery = ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_NORMAL; entry->chance = 0; entry->counter = -1; entry->field_50 = 0; return worldmapConfigInitEncounterCondition(&(entry->condition)); } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE3B8 int worldmapEncounterTableInit(EncounterTable* encounterTable) { encounterTable->lookupName[0] = '\0'; encounterTable->mapsLength = 0; encounterTable->field_48 = 0; encounterTable->entriesLength = 0; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE3D4 int worldmapTileInfoInit(TileInfo* tile) { tile->fid = -1; tile->handle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; tile->data = NULL; tile->walkMaskName[0] = '\0'; tile->walkMaskData = NULL; tile->encounterDifficultyModifier = 0; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BE400 int worldmapTerrainInfoInit(Terrain* terrain) { terrain->field_0[0] = '\0'; terrain->field_28 = 0; terrain->mapsLength = 0; return 0; } // 0x4BE378 int worldmapConfigInitEncounterCondition(EncounterCondition* condition) { condition->entriesLength = 0; for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) { EncounterConditionEntry* conditionEntry = &(condition->entries[index]); conditionEntry->type = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_NONE; conditionEntry->conditionalOperator = ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_NONE; conditionEntry->param = 0; conditionEntry->value = 0; } for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++) { condition->logicalOperators[index] = ENCOUNTER_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_NONE; } return 0; } // 0x4BE414 int _wmParseTerrainTypes(Config* config, char* string) { if (*string == '\0') { return -1; } int terrainCount = 1; char* pch = string; while (*pch != '\0') { if (*pch == ',') { terrainCount++; } pch++; } gTerrainsLength = terrainCount; gTerrains = (Terrain*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*gTerrains) * terrainCount); if (gTerrains == NULL) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < gTerrainsLength; index++) { Terrain* terrain = &(gTerrains[index]); // NOTE: Uninline. worldmapTerrainInfoInit(terrain); } compat_strlwr(string); pch = string; for (int index = 0; index < gTerrainsLength; index++) { Terrain* terrain = &(gTerrains[index]); pch += strspn(pch, " "); int endPos = strcspn(pch, ","); char end = pch[endPos]; pch[endPos] = '\0'; int delimeterPos = strcspn(pch, ":"); char delimeter = pch[delimeterPos]; pch[delimeterPos] = '\0'; strncpy(terrain->field_0, pch, 40); terrain->field_28 = atoi(pch + delimeterPos + 1); pch[delimeterPos] = delimeter; pch[endPos] = end; if (end == ',') { pch += endPos + 1; } } for (int index = 0; index < gTerrainsLength; index++) { _wmParseTerrainRndMaps(config, &(gTerrains[index])); } return 0; } // 0x4BE598 int _wmParseTerrainRndMaps(Config* config, Terrain* terrain) { char section[40]; sprintf(section, "Random Maps: %s", terrain->field_0); for (;;) { char key[40]; sprintf(key, "map_%02d", terrain->mapsLength); char* string; if (!configGetString(config, section, key, &string)) { break; } if (strParseStrFromFunc(&string, &(terrain->maps[terrain->mapsLength]), worldmapFindMapByLookupName) == -1) { return -1; } terrain->mapsLength++; if (terrain->mapsLength >= 20) { return -1; } } return 0; } // 0x4BE61C int worldmapConfigLoadSubtile(TileInfo* tile, int row, int column, char* string) { SubtileInfo* subtile = &(tile->subtiles[column][row]); subtile->state = SUBTILE_STATE_UNKNOWN; if (strParseStrFromFunc(&string, &(subtile->terrain), worldmapFindTerrainByLookupName) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseStrFromList(&string, &(subtile->field_4), _wmFillStrs, 9) == -1) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < DAY_PART_COUNT; index++) { if (strParseStrFromList(&string, &(subtile->encounterChance[index]), gEncounterFrequencyTypeKeys, ENCOUNTER_FREQUENCY_TYPE_COUNT) == -1) { return -1; } } if (strParseStrFromFunc(&string, &(subtile->encounterType), worldmapFindEncounterTableByLookupName) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x4BE6D4 int worldmapFindEncounterTableByLookupName(char* string, int* valuePtr) { for (int index = 0; index < gEncounterTablesLength; index++) { if (compat_stricmp(string, gEncounterTables[index].lookupName) == 0) { *valuePtr = index; return 0; } } debugPrint("WorldMap Error: Couldn't find match for Encounter Type!"); *valuePtr = -1; return -1; } // 0x4BE73C int worldmapFindTerrainByLookupName(char* string, int* valuePtr) { for (int index = 0; index < gTerrainsLength; index++) { Terrain* terrain = &(gTerrains[index]); if (compat_stricmp(string, terrain->field_0) == 0) { *valuePtr = index; return 0; } } debugPrint("WorldMap Error: Couldn't find match for Terrain Type!"); *valuePtr = -1; return -1; } // 0x4BE7A4 int _wmParseEncounterItemType(char** stringPtr, ENC_BASE_TYPE_38_48* a2, int* a3, const char* delim) { char* string; int v2, v3; char tmp, tmp2; int v20; string = *stringPtr; v20 = 0; if (*string == '\0') { return -1; } compat_strlwr(string); if (*string == ',') { string++; *stringPtr += 1; } string += strspn(string, " "); v2 = strcspn(string, ","); tmp = string[v2]; string[v2] = '\0'; v3 = strcspn(string, delim); tmp2 = string[v3]; string[v3] = '\0'; if (strcmp(string, "item") == 0) { *stringPtr += v2 + 1; v20 = 1; _wmParseItemType(string + v3 + 1, a2); *a3 = *a3 + 1; } string[v3] = tmp2; string[v2] = tmp; return v20 ? 0 : -1; } // 0x4BE888 int _wmParseItemType(char* string, ENC_BASE_TYPE_38_48* ptr) { while (*string == ' ') { string++; } ptr->minimumQuantity = 1; ptr->maximumQuantity = 1; ptr->isEquipped = false; if (*string == '(') { string++; ptr->minimumQuantity = atoi(string); while (isdigit(*string)) { string++; } if (*string == '-') { string++; ptr->maximumQuantity = atoi(string); while (isdigit(*string)) { string++; } } else { ptr->maximumQuantity = ptr->minimumQuantity; } if (*string == ')') { string++; } } while (*string == ' ') { string++; } ptr->pid = atoi(string); while (isdigit(*string)) { string++; } while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (strstr(string, "{wielded}") != NULL || strstr(string, "(wielded)") != NULL || strstr(string, "{worn}") != NULL || strstr(string, "(worn)") != NULL) { ptr->isEquipped = true; } return 0; } // 0x4BE988 int worldmapConfigParseCondition(char** stringPtr, const char* a2, EncounterCondition* condition) { while (condition->entriesLength < 3) { EncounterConditionEntry* conditionEntry = &(condition->entries[condition->entriesLength]); if (worldmapConfigParseConditionEntry(stringPtr, a2, &(conditionEntry->type), &(conditionEntry->conditionalOperator), &(conditionEntry->param), &(conditionEntry->value)) == -1) { return -1; } condition->entriesLength++; char* andStatement = strstr(*stringPtr, "and"); if (andStatement != NULL) { *stringPtr = andStatement + 3; condition->logicalOperators[condition->entriesLength - 1] = ENCOUNTER_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND; continue; } char* orStatement = strstr(*stringPtr, "or"); if (orStatement != NULL) { *stringPtr = orStatement + 2; condition->logicalOperators[condition->entriesLength - 1] = ENCOUNTER_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_OR; continue; } break; } return 0; } // 0x4BEA24 int worldmapConfigParseConditionEntry(char** stringPtr, const char* a2, int* typePtr, int* operatorPtr, int* paramPtr, int* valuePtr) { char* pch; int v2; int v3; char tmp; char tmp2; int v57; char* string = *stringPtr; if (string == NULL) { return -1; } if (*string == '\0') { return -1; } compat_strlwr(string); if (*string == ',') { string++; *stringPtr = string; } string += strspn(string, " "); v2 = strcspn(string, ","); tmp = *(string + v2); *(string + v2) = '\0'; v3 = strcspn(string, "("); tmp2 = *(string + v3); *(string + v3) = '\0'; v57 = 0; if (strstr(string, a2) == string) { v57 = 1; } *(string + v3) = tmp2; *(string + v2) = tmp; if (v57 == 0) { return -1; } string += v3 + 1; if (strstr(string, "rand(") == string) { string += 5; *typePtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_RANDOM; *operatorPtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_NONE; *paramPtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ","); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } else if (strstr(string, "global(") == string) { string += 7; *typePtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_GLOBAL; *paramPtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (worldmapConfigParseEncounterConditionalOperator(&string, operatorPtr) != -1) { *valuePtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ","); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } } else if (strstr(string, "player(level)") == string) { string += 13; *typePtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_PLAYER; while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (worldmapConfigParseEncounterConditionalOperator(&string, operatorPtr) != -1) { *valuePtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ","); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } } else if (strstr(string, "days_played") == string) { string += 11; *typePtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_DAYS_PLAYED; while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (worldmapConfigParseEncounterConditionalOperator(&string, operatorPtr) != -1) { *valuePtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ","); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } } else if (strstr(string, "time_of_day") == string) { string += 11; *typePtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_OF_DAY; while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (worldmapConfigParseEncounterConditionalOperator(&string, operatorPtr) != -1) { *valuePtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ","); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } } else if (strstr(string, "enctr(num_critters)") == string) { string += 19; *typePtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_NUMBER_OF_CRITTERS; while (*string == ' ') { string++; } if (worldmapConfigParseEncounterConditionalOperator(&string, operatorPtr) != -1) { *valuePtr = atoi(string); pch = strstr(string, ")"); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } pch = strstr(string, ","); if (pch != NULL) { string = pch + 1; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } } else { *stringPtr = string; return 0; } return -1; } // 0x4BEEBC int worldmapConfigParseEncounterConditionalOperator(char** stringPtr, int* conditionalOperatorPtr) { char* string = *stringPtr; *conditionalOperatorPtr = ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_NONE; int index; for (index = 0; index < ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_COUNT; index++) { if (strstr(string, _wmConditionalOpStrs[index]) == string) { break; } } if (index == ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_COUNT) { return -1; } *conditionalOperatorPtr = index; string += strlen(_wmConditionalOpStrs[index]); while (*string == ' ') { string++; } *stringPtr = string; return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BEF1C int worldmapCityInfoInit(CityInfo* area) { area->name[0] = '\0'; area->field_28 = -1; area->x = 0; area->y = 0; area->size = CITY_SIZE_LARGE; area->state = 0; area->field_3C = 0; area->field_40 = 0; area->mapFid = -1; area->labelFid = -1; area->entrancesLength = 0; return 0; } // 0x4BEF68 int cityInit() { Config cfg; char section[40]; char key[40]; int area_idx; int num; char* str; CityInfo* cities; CityInfo* city; EntranceInfo* entrance; if (_wmMapInit() == -1) { return -1; } if (configInit(&cfg) == -1) { return -1; } if (configRead(&cfg, "data\\city.txt", true)) { area_idx = 0; do { sprintf(section, "Area %02d", area_idx); if (!configGetInt(&cfg, section, "townmap_art_idx", &num)) { break; } gCitiesLength++; cities = (CityInfo*)internal_realloc(gCities, sizeof(CityInfo) * gCitiesLength); if (cities == NULL) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading areas!"); exit(1); } gCities = cities; city = &(cities[gCitiesLength - 1]); // NOTE: Uninline. worldmapCityInfoInit(city); city->field_28 = area_idx; if (num != -1) { num = buildFid(6, num, 0, 0, 0); } city->mapFid = num; if (configGetInt(&cfg, section, "townmap_label_art_idx", &num)) { if (num != -1) { num = buildFid(6, num, 0, 0, 0); } city->labelFid = num; } if (!configGetString(&cfg, section, "area_name", &str)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading areas!"); exit(1); } strncpy(city->name, str, 40); if (!configGetString(&cfg, section, "world_pos", &str)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading areas!"); exit(1); } if (strParseInt(&str, &(city->x)) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseInt(&str, &(city->y)) == -1) { return -1; } if (!configGetString(&cfg, section, "start_state", &str)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading areas!"); exit(1); } if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &(city->state), _wmStateStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (configGetString(&cfg, section, "lock_state", &str)) { if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &(city->field_3C), _wmStateStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } } if (!configGetString(&cfg, section, "size", &str)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading areas!"); exit(1); } if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &(city->size), gCitySizeKeys, 3) == -1) { return -1; } while (city->entrancesLength < ENTRANCE_LIST_CAPACITY) { sprintf(key, "entrance_%d", city->entrancesLength); if (!configGetString(&cfg, section, key, &str)) { break; } entrance = &(city->entrances[city->entrancesLength]); // NOTE: Uninline. worldmapCityEntranceInfoInit(entrance); if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &(entrance->state), _wmStateStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseInt(&str, &(entrance->x)) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseInt(&str, &(entrance->y)) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseStrFromFunc(&str, &(entrance->map), &worldmapFindMapByLookupName) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseInt(&str, &(entrance->elevation)) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseInt(&str, &(entrance->tile)) == -1) { return -1; } if (strParseInt(&str, &(entrance->rotation)) == -1) { return -1; } city->entrancesLength++; } area_idx++; } while (area_idx < 5000); } configFree(&cfg); if (gCitiesLength != CITY_COUNT) { showMesageBox("\nwmAreaInit::Error loading Cities!"); exit(1); } return 0; } // 0x4BF3E0 int worldmapFindMapByLookupName(char* string, int* valuePtr) { for (int index = 0; index < gMapsLength; index++) { MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[index]); if (compat_stricmp(string, map->lookupName) == 0) { *valuePtr = index; return 0; } } debugPrint("\nWorldMap Error: Couldn't find match for Map Index!"); *valuePtr = -1; return -1; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BF448 int worldmapCityEntranceInfoInit(EntranceInfo* entrance) { entrance->state = 0; entrance->x = 0; entrance->y = 0; entrance->map = -1; entrance->elevation = 0; entrance->tile = 0; entrance->rotation = 0; return 0; } // 0x4BF47C int worldmapMapInfoInit(MapInfo* map) { map->lookupName[0] = '\0'; map->field_28 = -1; map->field_2C = -1; map->mapFileName[0] = '\0'; map->music[0] = '\0'; map->flags = 0x3F; map->ambientSoundEffectsLength = 0; map->startPointsLength = 0; return 0; } // 0x4BF4BC int _wmMapInit() { char* str; int num; MapInfo* maps; MapInfo* map; int j; MapAmbientSoundEffectInfo* sfx; MapStartPointInfo* rsp; Config config; if (!configInit(&config)) { return -1; } if (configRead(&config, "data\\maps.txt", true)) { for (int mapIndex = 0;; mapIndex++) { char section[40]; sprintf(section, "Map %03d", mapIndex); if (!configGetString(&config, section, "lookup_name", &str)) { break; } gMapsLength++; maps = (MapInfo*)internal_realloc(gMaps, sizeof(*gMaps) * gMapsLength); if (maps == NULL) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading maps!"); exit(1); } gMaps = maps; map = &(maps[gMapsLength - 1]); worldmapMapInfoInit(map); strncpy(map->lookupName, str, 40); if (!configGetString(&config, section, "map_name", &str)) { showMesageBox("\nwmConfigInit::Error loading maps!"); exit(1); } compat_strlwr(str); strncpy(map->mapFileName, str, 40); if (configGetString(&config, section, "music", &str)) { strncpy(map->music, str, 40); } if (configGetString(&config, section, "ambient_sfx", &str)) { while (str) { sfx = &(map->ambientSoundEffects[map->ambientSoundEffectsLength]); if (strParseKeyValue(&str, sfx->name, &(sfx->chance), ":") == -1) { return -1; } map->ambientSoundEffectsLength++; if (*str == '\0') { str = NULL; } if (map->ambientSoundEffectsLength >= MAP_AMBIENT_SOUND_EFFECTS_CAPACITY) { if (str != NULL) { debugPrint("\nwmMapInit::Error reading ambient sfx. Too many! Str: %s, MapIdx: %d", map->lookupName, mapIndex); str = NULL; } } } } if (configGetString(&config, section, "saved", &str)) { if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &num, _wmYesNoStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (num) { map->flags |= MAP_SAVED; } else { map->flags &= ~MAP_SAVED; } } if (configGetString(&config, section, "dead_bodies_age", &str)) { if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &num, _wmYesNoStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (num) { map->flags |= MAP_DEAD_BODIES_AGE; } else { map->flags &= ~MAP_DEAD_BODIES_AGE; } } if (configGetString(&config, section, "can_rest_here", &str)) { if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &num, _wmYesNoStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (num) { map->flags |= MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_0; } else { map->flags &= ~MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_0; } if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &num, _wmYesNoStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (num) { map->flags |= MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_1; } else { map->flags &= ~MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_1; } if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &num, _wmYesNoStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (num) { map->flags |= MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_2; } else { map->flags &= ~MAP_CAN_REST_ELEVATION_2; } } if (configGetString(&config, section, "pipbody_active", &str)) { if (strParseStrFromList(&str, &num, _wmYesNoStrs, 2) == -1) { return -1; } if (num) { map->flags |= MAP_PIPBOY_ACTIVE; } else { map->flags &= ~MAP_PIPBOY_ACTIVE; } } if (configGetString(&config, section, "random_start_point_0", &str)) { j = 0; while (str != NULL) { while (*str != '\0') { if (map->startPointsLength >= MAP_STARTING_POINTS_CAPACITY) { break; } rsp = &(map->startPoints[map->startPointsLength]); // NOTE: Uninline. worldmapRandomStartingPointInit(rsp); strParseIntWithKey(&str, "elev", &(rsp->elevation), ":"); strParseIntWithKey(&str, "tile_num", &(rsp->tile), ":"); map->startPointsLength++; } char key[40]; sprintf(key, "random_start_point_%1d", ++j); if (!configGetString(&config, section, key, &str)) { str = NULL; } } } } } configFree(&config); return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4BF954 int worldmapRandomStartingPointInit(MapStartPointInfo* rsp) { rsp->elevation = 0; rsp->tile = -1; rsp->field_8 = -1; return 0; } // 0x4BF96C int mapGetCount() { return gMapsLength; } // 0x4BF974 int mapGetFileName(int map, char* dest) { if (map == -1 || map > gMapsLength) { dest[0] = '\0'; return -1; } sprintf(dest, "%s.MAP", gMaps[map].mapFileName); return 0; } // 0x4BF9BC int mapGetIndexByFileName(char* name) { compat_strlwr(name); char* pch = name; while (*pch != '\0' && *pch != '.') { pch++; } bool truncated = false; if (*pch != '\0') { *pch = '\0'; truncated = true; } int map = -1; for (int index = 0; index < gMapsLength; index++) { if (strcmp(gMaps[index].mapFileName, name) == 0) { map = index; break; } } if (truncated) { *pch = '.'; } return map; } // 0x4BFA44 bool _wmMapIdxIsSaveable(int map_index) { return (gMaps[map_index].flags & MAP_SAVED) != 0; } // 0x4BFA64 bool _wmMapIsSaveable() { return (gMaps[gMapHeader.field_34].flags & MAP_SAVED) != 0; } // 0x4BFA90 bool _wmMapDeadBodiesAge() { return (gMaps[gMapHeader.field_34].flags & MAP_DEAD_BODIES_AGE) != 0; } // 0x4BFABC bool _wmMapCanRestHere(int elevation) { int flags[3]; // NOTE: I'm not sure why they're copied. memcpy(flags, _can_rest_here, sizeof(flags)); MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[gMapHeader.field_34]); return (map->flags & flags[elevation]) != 0; } // 0x4BFAFC bool _wmMapPipboyActive() { return gameMovieIsSeen(MOVIE_VSUIT); } // 0x4BFB08 int _wmMapMarkVisited(int mapIndex) { if (mapIndex < 0 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { return -1; } MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); if ((map->flags & MAP_SAVED) == 0) { return 0; } int cityIndex; if (_wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(mapIndex, &cityIndex) == -1) { return -1; } _wmAreaMarkVisitedState(cityIndex, 2); return 0; } // 0x4BFB64 int _wmMatchEntranceFromMap(int cityIndex, int mapIndex, int* entranceIndexPtr) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); for (int entranceIndex = 0; entranceIndex < city->entrancesLength; entranceIndex++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (mapIndex == entrance->map) { *entranceIndexPtr = entranceIndex; return 0; } } *entranceIndexPtr = -1; return -1; } // 0x4BFBE8 int _wmMatchEntranceElevFromMap(int cityIndex, int map, int elevation, int* entranceIndexPtr) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); for (int entranceIndex = 0; entranceIndex < city->entrancesLength; entranceIndex++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (entrance->map == map) { if (elevation == -1 || entrance->elevation == -1 || elevation == entrance->elevation) { *entranceIndexPtr = entranceIndex; return 0; } } } *entranceIndexPtr = -1; return -1; } // 0x4BFC7C int _wmMatchAreaFromMap(int mapIndex, int* cityIndexPtr) { for (int cityIndex = 0; cityIndex < gCitiesLength; cityIndex++) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); for (int entranceIndex = 0; entranceIndex < city->entrancesLength; entranceIndex++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (mapIndex == entrance->map) { *cityIndexPtr = cityIndex; return 0; } } } *cityIndexPtr = -1; return -1; } // Mark map entrance. // // 0x4BFD50 int _wmMapMarkMapEntranceState(int mapIndex, int elevation, int state) { if (mapIndex < 0 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { return -1; } MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); if ((map->flags & MAP_SAVED) == 0) { return -1; } int cityIndex; if (_wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(mapIndex, &cityIndex) == -1) { return -1; } int entranceIndex; if (_wmMatchEntranceElevFromMap(cityIndex, mapIndex, elevation, &entranceIndex) == -1) { return -1; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[entranceIndex]); entrance->state = state; return 0; } // 0x4BFE0C void _wmWorldMap() { _wmWorldMapFunc(0); } // 0x4BFE10 int _wmWorldMapFunc(int a1) { if (worldmapWindowInit() == -1) { worldmapWindowFree(); return -1; } _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(_world_xpos, _world_ypos, &_WorldMapCurrArea); unsigned int v24 = 0; int map = -1; int v25 = 0; int rc = 0; for (;;) { int keyCode = _get_input(); unsigned int tick = _get_time(); int mouseX; int mouseY; mouseGetPositionInWindow(gWorldmapWindow, &mouseX, &mouseY); int v4 = gWorldmapOffsetX + mouseX - WM_VIEW_X; int v5 = gWorldmapOffsetY + mouseY - WM_VIEW_Y; if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_Q || keyCode == KEY_CTRL_X || keyCode == KEY_F10) { showQuitConfirmationDialog(); } _scriptsCheckGameEvents(NULL, gWorldmapWindow); if (_game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { break; } int mouseEvent = mouseGetEvent(); if (gWorldmapIsTravelling) { worldmapPerformTravel(); if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { worldmapPerformTravel(); worldmapPerformTravel(); worldmapPerformTravel(); if (gameGetGlobalVar(GVAR_CAR_BLOWER)) { worldmapPerformTravel(); } if (gameGetGlobalVar(GVAR_NEW_RENO_CAR_UPGRADE)) { worldmapPerformTravel(); } if (gameGetGlobalVar(GVAR_NEW_RENO_SUPER_CAR)) { worldmapPerformTravel(); worldmapPerformTravel(); worldmapPerformTravel(); } gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame++; if (gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame >= artGetFrameCount(gWorldmapCarFrm)) { gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame = 0; } carConsumeFuel(100); if (gWorldmapCarFuel <= 0) { gWorldmapTravelDestX = 0; gWorldmapTravelDestY = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(v4, v5, &_WorldMapCurrArea); gWorldmapIsInCar = false; if (_WorldMapCurrArea == -1) { _carCurrentArea = CITY_CAR_OUT_OF_GAS; CityInfo* city = &(gCities[CITY_CAR_OUT_OF_GAS]); CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription = &(gCitySizeDescriptions[city->size]); int worldmapX = _world_xpos + gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth / 2 + citySizeDescription->width / 2; int worldmapY = _world_ypos + gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight / 2 + citySizeDescription->height / 2; worldmapCitySetPos(CITY_CAR_OUT_OF_GAS, worldmapX, worldmapY); city->state = 1; city->field_40 = 1; _WorldMapCurrArea = CITY_CAR_OUT_OF_GAS; } else { _carCurrentArea = _WorldMapCurrArea; } debugPrint("\nRan outta gas!"); } } worldmapWindowRefresh(); if (getTicksBetween(tick, v24) > 1000) { if (_partyMemberRestingHeal(3)) { interfaceRenderHitPoints(false); v24 = tick; } } _wmMarkSubTileRadiusVisited(_world_xpos, _world_ypos); if (dword_672E28 <= 0) { gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(_world_xpos, _world_ypos, &_WorldMapCurrArea); } worldmapWindowRefresh(); if (_wmGameTimeIncrement(18000)) { if (_game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { break; } } if (gWorldmapIsTravelling) { if (_wmRndEncounterOccurred()) { if (_EncounterMapID != -1) { if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { _wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(_EncounterMapID, &_carCurrentArea); } mapLoadById(_EncounterMapID); } break; } } } if ((mouseEvent & MOUSE_EVENT_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN) != 0 && (mouseEvent & MOUSE_EVENT_LEFT_BUTTON_REPEAT) == 0) { if (mouseHitTestInWindow(gWorldmapWindow, WM_VIEW_X, WM_VIEW_Y, 472, 465)) { if (!gWorldmapIsTravelling && !_wmGenData && abs(_world_xpos - v4) < 5 && abs(_world_ypos - v5) < 5) { _wmGenData = true; worldmapWindowRefresh(); } } else { continue; } } if ((mouseEvent & MOUSE_EVENT_LEFT_BUTTON_UP) != 0) { if (_wmGenData) { _wmGenData = false; worldmapWindowRefresh(); if (abs(_world_xpos - v4) < 5 && abs(_world_ypos - v5) < 5) { if (_WorldMapCurrArea != -1) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_WorldMapCurrArea]); if (city->field_40 == 2 && city->mapFid != -1) { if (worldmapCityMapViewSelect(&map) == -1) { v25 = -1; break; } } else { if (_wmAreaFindFirstValidMap(&map) == -1) { v25 = -1; break; } city->field_40 = 2; } } else { map = 0; } if (map != -1) { if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { gWorldmapIsInCar = false; if (_WorldMapCurrArea == -1) { _wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(map, &_carCurrentArea); } else { _carCurrentArea = _WorldMapCurrArea; } } mapLoadById(map); break; } } } else { if (mouseHitTestInWindow(gWorldmapWindow, WM_VIEW_X, WM_VIEW_Y, 472, 465)) { _wmPartyInitWalking(v4, v5); } _wmGenData = 0; } } if (_tabsOffset) { _LastTabsYOffset += _tabsOffset; worldmapWindowRenderChrome(true); if (_tabsOffset > -1) { if (dword_672F54 <= _LastTabsYOffset) { _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStop(); } } else { if (dword_672F54 >= _LastTabsYOffset) { _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStop(); } } } if (keyCode == KEY_UPPERCASE_T || keyCode == KEY_LOWERCASE_T) { if (!gWorldmapIsTravelling && _WorldMapCurrArea != -1) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_WorldMapCurrArea]); if (city->field_40 == 2 && city->mapFid != -1) { if (worldmapCityMapViewSelect(&map) == -1) { rc = -1; } if (map != -1) { if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { _wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(map, &_carCurrentArea); } mapLoadById(map); } } } } else if (keyCode == KEY_HOME) { _wmInterfaceCenterOnParty(); } else if (keyCode == KEY_ARROW_UP) { worldmapWindowScroll(20, 20, 0, -1, 0, 1); } else if (keyCode == KEY_ARROW_LEFT) { worldmapWindowScroll(20, 20, -1, 0, 0, 1); } else if (keyCode == KEY_ARROW_DOWN) { worldmapWindowScroll(20, 20, 0, 1, 0, 1); } else if (keyCode == KEY_ARROW_RIGHT) { worldmapWindowScroll(20, 20, 1, 0, 0, 1); } else if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_ARROW_UP) { _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStart(-27); } else if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_ARROW_DOWN) { _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStart(27); } else if (keyCode >= KEY_CTRL_F1 && keyCode <= KEY_CTRL_F7) { int quickDestinationIndex = _LastTabsYOffset / 27 + (keyCode - KEY_CTRL_F1); if (quickDestinationIndex < gQuickDestinationsLength) { int cityIndex = gQuickDestinations[quickDestinationIndex]; CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); if (_wmAreaIsKnown(city->field_28)) { if (_WorldMapCurrArea != cityIndex) { _wmPartyInitWalking(city->x, city->y); _wmGenData = 0; } } } } if (map != -1 || v25 == -1) { break; } } if (worldmapWindowFree() == -1) { return -1; } return rc; } // 0x4C056C int _wmCheckGameAreaEvents() { if (_WorldMapCurrArea == CITY_FAKE_VAULT_13_A) { if (_WorldMapCurrArea < gCitiesLength) { gCities[CITY_FAKE_VAULT_13_A].state = 0; } if (gCitiesLength > CITY_FAKE_VAULT_13_B) { gCities[CITY_FAKE_VAULT_13_B].state = 1; } _wmAreaMarkVisitedState(CITY_FAKE_VAULT_13_B, 2); } return 0; } // 0x4C05C4 int _wmInterfaceCenterOnParty() { int v0; int v1; v0 = _world_xpos - 203; if ((v0 & 0x80000000) == 0) { if (v0 > _wmViewportRightScrlLimit) { v0 = _wmViewportRightScrlLimit; } } else { v0 = 0; } v1 = _world_ypos - 200; if ((v1 & 0x80000000) == 0) { if (v1 > _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit) { v1 = _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit; } } else { v1 = 0; } gWorldmapOffsetX = v0; gWorldmapOffsetY = v1; worldmapWindowRefresh(); return 0; } // 0x4C0634 int _wmRndEncounterOccurred() { unsigned int v0 = _get_time(); if (getTicksBetween(v0, _wmLastRndTime) < 1500) { return 0; } _wmLastRndTime = v0; if (abs(_old_world_xpos - _world_xpos) < 3) { return 0; } if (abs(_old_world_ypos - _world_ypos) < 3) { return 0; } int v26; _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(_world_xpos, _world_ypos, &v26); if (v26 != -1) { return 0; } if (!_Meet_Frank_Horrigan) { unsigned int gameTime = gameTimeGetTime(); if (gameTime / GAME_TIME_TICKS_PER_DAY > 35) { _EncounterMapID = v26; _Meet_Frank_Horrigan = true; if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { _wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(MAP_IN_GAME_MOVIE1, &_carCurrentArea); } mapLoadById(MAP_IN_GAME_MOVIE1); return 1; } } // NOTE: Uninline. _wmPartyFindCurSubTile(); int dayPart; int gameTimeHour = gameTimeGetHour(); if (gameTimeHour >= 1800 || gameTimeHour < 600) { dayPart = DAY_PART_NIGHT; } else if (gameTimeHour >= 1200) { dayPart = DAY_PART_AFTERNOON; } else { dayPart = DAY_PART_MORNING; } int frequency = _wmFreqValues[_world_subtile->encounterChance[dayPart]]; if (frequency > 0 && frequency < 100) { int gameDifficulty = GAME_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL; if (configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_GAME_DIFFICULTY_KEY, &gameDifficulty)) { int modifier = frequency / 15; switch (gameDifficulty) { case GAME_DIFFICULTY_EASY: frequency -= modifier; break; case GAME_DIFFICULTY_HARD: frequency += modifier; break; } } } int chance = randomBetween(0, 100); if (chance >= frequency) { return 0; } _wmRndEncounterPick(); int v8 = 1; _wmEncounterIconShow = 1; _wmRndCursorFid = 0; EncounterTable* encounterTable = &(gEncounterTables[dword_672E50]); EncounterEntry* encounter = &(encounterTable->entries[dword_672E54]); if ((encounter->flags & ENCOUNTER_ENTRY_SPECIAL) != 0) { _wmRndCursorFid = 2; _wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(_EncounterMapID, &v26); CityInfo* city = &(gCities[v26]); CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription = &(gCitySizeDescriptions[city->size]); int worldmapX = _world_xpos + gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth / 2 + citySizeDescription->width / 2; int worldmapY = _world_ypos + gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight / 2 + citySizeDescription->height / 2; worldmapCitySetPos(v26, worldmapX, worldmapY); v8 = 3; if (v26 >= 0 && v26 < gCitiesLength) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[v26]); if (city->field_3C != 1) { city->state = 1; } } } // Blinking. for (int index = 0; index < 7; index++) { _wmRndCursorFid = v8 - _wmRndCursorFid; if (worldmapWindowRefresh() == -1) { return -1; } coreDelay(200); } if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { int modifiers[DAY_PART_COUNT]; // NOTE: I'm not sure why they're copied. memcpy(modifiers, gDayPartEncounterFrequencyModifiers, sizeof(gDayPartEncounterFrequencyModifiers)); frequency -= modifiers[dayPart]; } bool randomEncounterIsDetected = false; if (frequency > chance) { int outdoorsman = partyGetBestSkillValue(SKILL_OUTDOORSMAN); Object* scanner = objectGetCarriedObjectByPid(gDude, PROTO_ID_MOTION_SENSOR); if (scanner != NULL) { if (gDude == scanner->owner) { outdoorsman += 20; } } if (outdoorsman > 95) { outdoorsman = 95; } TileInfo* tile; // NOTE: Uninline. _wmFindCurTileFromPos(_world_xpos, _world_ypos, &tile); debugPrint("\nEncounter Difficulty Mod: %d", tile->encounterDifficultyModifier); outdoorsman += tile->encounterDifficultyModifier; if (randomBetween(1, 100) < outdoorsman) { randomEncounterIsDetected = true; int xp = 100 - outdoorsman; if (xp > 0) { MessageListItem messageListItem; char* text = getmsg(&gMiscMessageList, &messageListItem, 8500); if (strlen(text) < 110) { char formattedText[120]; sprintf(formattedText, text, xp); displayMonitorAddMessage(formattedText); } else { debugPrint("WorldMap: Error: Rnd Encounter string too long!"); } debugPrint("WorldMap: Giving Player [%d] Experience For Catching Rnd Encounter!", xp); if (xp < 100) { pcAddExperience(xp); } } } } else { randomEncounterIsDetected = true; } _old_world_xpos = _world_xpos; _old_world_ypos = _world_ypos; if (randomEncounterIsDetected) { MessageListItem messageListItem; const char* title = off_4BC878[0]; const char* body = off_4BC878[1]; title = getmsg(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem, 2999); body = getmsg(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem, 3000 + 50 * dword_672E50 + dword_672E54); if (showDialogBox(title, &body, 1, 169, 116, _colorTable[32328], NULL, _colorTable[32328], DIALOG_BOX_LARGE | DIALOG_BOX_YES_NO) == 0) { _wmEncounterIconShow = 0; _EncounterMapID = -1; dword_672E50 = -1; dword_672E54 = -1; return 0; } } return 1; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4C0BE4 int _wmPartyFindCurSubTile() { return _wmFindCurSubTileFromPos(_world_xpos, _world_ypos, &_world_subtile); } // 0x4C0C00 int _wmFindCurSubTileFromPos(int x, int y, SubtileInfo** subtile) { int tileIndex = y / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth + x / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth; TileInfo* tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[tileIndex]); int column = y % WM_TILE_HEIGHT / WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; int row = x % WM_TILE_WIDTH / WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; *subtile = &(tile->subtiles[column][row]); return 0; } // NOTE: Inlined. // // 0x4C0CA8 int _wmFindCurTileFromPos(int x, int y, TileInfo** tile) { int tileIndex = y / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth + x / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth; *tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[tileIndex]); return 0; } // 0x4C0CF4 int _wmRndEncounterPick() { if (_world_subtile == NULL) { // NOTE: Uninline. _wmPartyFindCurSubTile(); } dword_672E50 = _world_subtile->encounterType; EncounterTable* encounterTable = &(gEncounterTables[dword_672E50]); int candidates[41]; int candidatesLength = 0; int totalChance = 0; for (int index = 0; index < encounterTable->entriesLength; index++) { EncounterEntry* encounterTableEntry = &(encounterTable->entries[index]); bool selected = true; if (_wmEvalConditional(&(encounterTableEntry->condition), NULL) == 0) { selected = false; } if (encounterTableEntry->counter == 0) { selected = false; } if (selected) { candidates[candidatesLength++] = index; totalChance += encounterTableEntry->chance; } } int v1 = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_LUCK) - 5; int v2 = randomBetween(0, totalChance) + v1; if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_EXPLORER)) { v2 += 2; } if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_RANGER)) { v2++; } if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_SCOUT)) { v2++; } int gameDifficulty; if (configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_GAME_DIFFICULTY_KEY, &gameDifficulty)) { switch (gameDifficulty) { case GAME_DIFFICULTY_EASY: v2 += 5; if (v2 > totalChance) { v2 = totalChance; } break; case GAME_DIFFICULTY_HARD: v2 -= 5; if (v2 < 0) { v2 = 0; } break; } } int index; for (index = 0; index < candidatesLength; index++) { EncounterEntry* encounterTableEntry = &(encounterTable->entries[candidates[index]]); if (v2 < encounterTableEntry->chance) { break; } v2 -= encounterTableEntry->chance; } if (index == candidatesLength) { index = candidatesLength - 1; } dword_672E54 = candidates[index]; EncounterEntry* encounterTableEntry = &(encounterTable->entries[dword_672E54]); if (encounterTableEntry->counter > 0) { encounterTableEntry->counter--; } if (encounterTableEntry->map == -1) { if (encounterTable->mapsLength <= 0) { Terrain* terrain = &(gTerrains[_world_subtile->terrain]); int randomMapIndex = randomBetween(0, terrain->mapsLength - 1); _EncounterMapID = terrain->maps[randomMapIndex]; } else { int randomMapIndex = randomBetween(0, encounterTable->mapsLength - 1); _EncounterMapID = encounterTable->maps[randomMapIndex]; } } else { _EncounterMapID = encounterTableEntry->map; } return 0; } // wmSetupRandomEncounter // 0x4C0FA4 int worldmapSetupRandomEncounter() { MessageListItem messageListItem; char* msg; if (_EncounterMapID == -1) { return 0; } EncounterTable* encounterTable = &(gEncounterTables[dword_672E50]); EncounterEntry* encounterTableEntry = &(encounterTable->entries[dword_672E54]); // You encounter: msg = getmsg(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem, 2998); displayMonitorAddMessage(msg); msg = getmsg(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem, 3000 + 50 * dword_672E50 + dword_672E54); displayMonitorAddMessage(msg); int gameDifficulty; switch (encounterTableEntry->scenery) { case ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_NONE: case ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_LIGHT: case ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_NORMAL: case ENCOUNTER_SCENERY_TYPE_HEAVY: debugPrint("\nwmSetupRandomEncounter: Scenery Type: %s", _wmSceneryStrs[encounterTableEntry->scenery]); configGetInt(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_PREFERENCES_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_GAME_DIFFICULTY_KEY, &gameDifficulty); break; default: debugPrint("\nERROR: wmSetupRandomEncounter: invalid Scenery Type!"); return -1; } Object* v0 = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < encounterTableEntry->field_50; i++) { ENCOUNTER_ENTRY_ENC* v3 = &(encounterTableEntry->field_54[i]); int v9 = randomBetween(v3->minQuantity, v3->maxQuantity); switch (gameDifficulty) { case GAME_DIFFICULTY_EASY: v9 -= 2; if (v9 < v3->minQuantity) { v9 = v3->minQuantity; } break; case GAME_DIFFICULTY_HARD: v9 += 2; break; } int partyMemberCount = _getPartyMemberCount(); if (partyMemberCount > 2) { v9 += 2; } if (v9 != 0) { Object* v35; if (worldmapSetupCritters(v3->field_8, &v35, v9) == -1) { scriptsRequestWorldMap(); return -1; } if (i > 0) { if (v0 != NULL) { if (v0 != v35) { if (encounterTableEntry->field_50 != 1) { if (encounterTableEntry->field_50 == 2 && !isInCombat()) { v0->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe = v35; v35->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe = v0; STRUCT_664980 combat; combat.attacker = v0; combat.defender = v35; combat.actionPointsBonus = 0; combat.accuracyBonus = 0; combat.damageBonus = 0; combat.minDamage = 0; combat.maxDamage = 500; combat.field_1C = 0; _caiSetupTeamCombat(v35, v0); _scripts_request_combat_locked(&combat); } } else { if (!isInCombat()) { v0->data.critter.combat.whoHitMe = gDude; STRUCT_664980 combat; combat.attacker = v0; combat.defender = gDude; combat.actionPointsBonus = 0; combat.accuracyBonus = 0; combat.damageBonus = 0; combat.minDamage = 0; combat.maxDamage = 500; combat.field_1C = 0; _caiSetupTeamCombat(gDude, v0); _scripts_request_combat_locked(&combat); } } } } } v0 = v35; } } return 0; } // wmSetupCritterObjs // 0x4C11FC int worldmapSetupCritters(int type_idx, Object** critterPtr, int critterCount) { if (type_idx == -1) { return 0; } *critterPtr = 0; ENC_BASE_TYPE* v25 = &(_wmEncBaseTypeList[type_idx]); debugPrint("\nwmSetupCritterObjs: typeIdx: %d, Formation: %s", type_idx, gEncounterFormationTypeKeys[v25->position]); if (_wmSetupRndNextTileNumInit(v25) == -1) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < v25->field_34; i++) { ENC_BASE_TYPE_38* v5 = &(v25->field_38[i]); if (v5->pid == -1) { continue; } if (!_wmEvalConditional(&(v5->condition), &critterCount)) { continue; } int v23; switch (v5->field_2C) { case 0: v23 = v5->ratio * critterCount / 100; break; case 1: v23 = 1; break; default: assert(false && "Should be unreachable"); } if (v23 < 1) { v23 = 1; } for (int j = 0; j < v23; j++) { int tile; if (_wmSetupRndNextTileNum(v25, v5, &tile) == -1) { debugPrint("\nERROR: wmSetupCritterObjs: wmSetupRndNextTileNum:"); continue; } if (v5->pid == -1) { continue; } Object* object; if (objectCreateWithPid(&object, v5->pid) == -1) { return -1; } if (*critterPtr == NULL) { if ((v5->pid >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { *critterPtr = object; } } if (v5->team != -1) { if ((object->pid >> 24) == OBJ_TYPE_CRITTER) { object->data.critter.combat.team = v5->team; } } if (v5->script != -1) { if (object->sid != -1) { scriptRemove(object->sid); object->sid = -1; } _obj_new_sid_inst(object, SCRIPT_TYPE_CRITTER, v5->script - 1); } if (v25->position != ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_SURROUNDING) { objectSetLocation(object, tile, gElevation, NULL); } else { _obj_attempt_placement(object, tile, 0, 0); } int direction = tileGetRotationTo(tile, gDude->tile); objectSetRotation(object, direction, NULL); for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < v5->itemsLength; itemIndex++) { ENC_BASE_TYPE_38_48* v10 = &(v5->items[itemIndex]); int quantity; if (v10->maximumQuantity == v10->minimumQuantity) { quantity = v10->maximumQuantity; } else { quantity = randomBetween(v10->minimumQuantity, v10->maximumQuantity); } if (quantity == 0) { continue; } Object* item; if (objectCreateWithPid(&item, v10->pid) == -1) { return -1; } if (v10->pid == PROTO_ID_MONEY) { if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_FORTUNE_FINDER)) { quantity *= 2; } } if (itemAdd(object, item, quantity) == -1) { return -1; } _obj_disconnect(item, NULL); if (v10->isEquipped) { if (_inven_wield(object, item, 1) == -1) { debugPrint("\nERROR: wmSetupCritterObjs: Inven Wield Failed: %d on %s: Critter Fid: %d", item->pid, critterGetName(object), object->fid); } } } } } return 0; } // 0x4C155C int _wmSetupRndNextTileNumInit(ENC_BASE_TYPE* a1) { for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++) { _wmRndCenterRotations[index] = 0; _wmRndTileDirs[index] = 0; _wmRndCenterTiles[index] = -1; if (index & 1) { _wmRndRotOffsets[index] = 5; } else { _wmRndRotOffsets[index] = 1; } } _wmRndCallCount = 0; switch (a1->position) { case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_SURROUNDING: _wmRndCenterTiles[0] = gDude->tile; _wmRndTileDirs[0] = randomBetween(0, ROTATION_COUNT - 1); _wmRndOriginalCenterTile = _wmRndCenterTiles[0]; return 0; case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_STRAIGHT_LINE: case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_DOUBLE_LINE: case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_WEDGE: case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_CONE: case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_HUDDLE: if (1) { MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[gMapHeader.field_34]); if (map->startPointsLength != 0) { int rspIndex = randomBetween(0, map->startPointsLength - 1); MapStartPointInfo* rsp = &(map->startPoints[rspIndex]); _wmRndCenterTiles[0] = rsp->tile; _wmRndCenterTiles[1] = _wmRndCenterTiles[0]; _wmRndCenterRotations[0] = rsp->field_8; _wmRndCenterRotations[1] = _wmRndCenterRotations[0]; } else { _wmRndCenterRotations[0] = 0; _wmRndCenterRotations[1] = 0; _wmRndCenterTiles[0] = gDude->tile; _wmRndCenterTiles[1] = gDude->tile; } _wmRndTileDirs[0] = tileGetRotationTo(_wmRndCenterTiles[0], gDude->tile); _wmRndTileDirs[1] = tileGetRotationTo(_wmRndCenterTiles[1], gDude->tile); _wmRndOriginalCenterTile = _wmRndCenterTiles[0]; return 0; } default: debugPrint("\nERROR: wmSetupCritterObjs: invalid Formation Type!"); return -1; } } // wmSetupRndNextTileNum // 0x4C16F0 int _wmSetupRndNextTileNum(ENC_BASE_TYPE* a1, ENC_BASE_TYPE_38* a2, int* out_tile_num) { int tile_num; int attempt = 0; while (1) { switch (a1->position) { case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_SURROUNDING: if (1) { int distance; if (a2->distance != 0) { distance = a2->distance; } else { distance = randomBetween(-2, 2); distance += critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_PERCEPTION); if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_CAUTIOUS_NATURE)) { distance += 3; } } if (distance < 0) { distance = 0; } int origin = a2->tile; if (origin == -1) { origin = tileGetTileInDirection(gDude->tile, _wmRndTileDirs[0], distance); } if (++_wmRndTileDirs[0] >= ROTATION_COUNT) { _wmRndTileDirs[0] = 0; } int randomizedDistance = randomBetween(0, distance / 2); int randomizedRotation = randomBetween(0, ROTATION_COUNT - 1); tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(origin, (randomizedRotation + _wmRndTileDirs[0]) % ROTATION_COUNT, randomizedDistance); } break; case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_STRAIGHT_LINE: tile_num = _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex]; if (_wmRndCallCount != 0) { int rotation = (_wmRndRotOffsets[_wmRndIndex] + _wmRndTileDirs[_wmRndIndex]) % ROTATION_COUNT; int origin = tileGetTileInDirection(_wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex], rotation, a1->spacing); int v13 = tileGetTileInDirection(origin, (rotation + _wmRndRotOffsets[_wmRndIndex]) % ROTATION_COUNT, a1->spacing); _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex] = v13; _wmRndIndex = 1 - _wmRndIndex; tile_num = v13; } break; case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_DOUBLE_LINE: tile_num = _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex]; if (_wmRndCallCount != 0) { int rotation = (_wmRndRotOffsets[_wmRndIndex] + _wmRndTileDirs[_wmRndIndex]) % ROTATION_COUNT; int origin = tileGetTileInDirection(_wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex], rotation, a1->spacing); int v17 = tileGetTileInDirection(origin, (rotation + _wmRndRotOffsets[_wmRndIndex]) % ROTATION_COUNT, a1->spacing); _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex] = v17; _wmRndIndex = 1 - _wmRndIndex; tile_num = v17; } break; case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_WEDGE: tile_num = _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex]; if (_wmRndCallCount != 0) { tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(_wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex], (_wmRndRotOffsets[_wmRndIndex] + _wmRndTileDirs[_wmRndIndex]) % ROTATION_COUNT, a1->spacing); _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex] = tile_num; _wmRndIndex = 1 - _wmRndIndex; } break; case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_CONE: tile_num = _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex]; if (_wmRndCallCount != 0) { tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(_wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex], (_wmRndTileDirs[_wmRndIndex] + 3 + _wmRndRotOffsets[_wmRndIndex]) % ROTATION_COUNT, a1->spacing); _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex] = tile_num; _wmRndIndex = 1 - _wmRndIndex; } break; case ENCOUNTER_FORMATION_TYPE_HUDDLE: tile_num = _wmRndCenterTiles[0]; if (_wmRndCallCount != 0) { _wmRndTileDirs[0] = (_wmRndTileDirs[0] + 1) % ROTATION_COUNT; tile_num = tileGetTileInDirection(_wmRndCenterTiles[0], _wmRndTileDirs[0], a1->spacing); _wmRndCenterTiles[0] = tile_num; } break; default: assert(false && "Should be unreachable"); } ++attempt; ++_wmRndCallCount; if (_wmEvalTileNumForPlacement(tile_num)) { break; } debugPrint("\nWARNING: EVAL-TILE-NUM FAILED!"); if (tileDistanceBetween(_wmRndOriginalCenterTile, _wmRndCenterTiles[_wmRndIndex]) > 25) { return -1; } if (attempt > 25) { return -1; } } debugPrint("\nwmSetupRndNextTileNum:TileNum: %d", tile_num); *out_tile_num = tile_num; return 0; } // 0x4C1A64 bool _wmEvalTileNumForPlacement(int tile) { if (_obj_blocking_at(gDude, tile, gElevation) != NULL) { return false; } if (pathfinderFindPath(gDude, gDude->tile, tile, NULL, 0, _obj_shoot_blocking_at) == 0) { return false; } return true; } // 0x4C1AC8 bool _wmEvalConditional(EncounterCondition* a1, int* a2) { int value; bool matches = true; for (int index = 0; index < a1->entriesLength; index++) { EncounterConditionEntry* ptr = &(a1->entries[index]); matches = true; switch (ptr->type) { case ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_GLOBAL: value = gameGetGlobalVar(ptr->param); if (!_wmEvalSubConditional(value, ptr->conditionalOperator, ptr->value)) { matches = false; } break; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_NUMBER_OF_CRITTERS: if (!_wmEvalSubConditional(*a2, ptr->conditionalOperator, ptr->value)) { matches = false; } break; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_RANDOM: value = randomBetween(0, 100); if (value > ptr->param) { matches = false; } break; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_PLAYER: value = pcGetStat(PC_STAT_LEVEL); if (!_wmEvalSubConditional(value, ptr->conditionalOperator, ptr->value)) { matches = false; } break; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_DAYS_PLAYED: value = gameTimeGetTime(); if (!_wmEvalSubConditional(value / GAME_TIME_TICKS_PER_DAY, ptr->conditionalOperator, ptr->value)) { matches = false; } break; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITION_TYPE_TIME_OF_DAY: value = gameTimeGetHour(); if (!_wmEvalSubConditional(value / 100, ptr->conditionalOperator, ptr->value)) { matches = false; } break; } if (!matches) { // FIXME: Can overflow with all 3 conditions specified. if (a1->logicalOperators[index] == ENCOUNTER_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_AND) { break; } } } return matches; } // 0x4C1C0C bool _wmEvalSubConditional(int operand1, int condionalOperator, int operand2) { switch (condionalOperator) { case ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_EQUAL: return operand1 == operand2; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL: return operand1 != operand2; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_LESS_THAN: return operand1 < operand2; case ENCOUNTER_CONDITIONAL_OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN: return operand1 > operand2; } return false; } // 0x4C1C50 bool _wmGameTimeIncrement(int a1) { if (a1 == 0) { return false; } while (a1 != 0) { unsigned int gameTime = gameTimeGetTime(); unsigned int nextEventTime = queueGetNextEventTime(); int v1 = nextEventTime >= gameTime ? a1 : nextEventTime - gameTime; a1 -= v1; gameTimeAddTicks(v1); int hour = gameTimeGetHour() / 100; int frameCount = artGetFrameCount(gWorldmapDialFrm); int frame = (hour + 12) % frameCount; if (gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame != frame) { gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame = frame; worldmapWindowRenderDial(true); } worldmapWindowRenderDate(true); if (queueProcessEvents()) { break; } } return true; } // Reads .msk file if needed. // // 0x4C1CE8 int _wmGrabTileWalkMask(int tile) { TileInfo* tileInfo = &(gWorldmapTiles[tile]); if (tileInfo->walkMaskData != NULL) { return 0; } if (*tileInfo->walkMaskName == '\0') { return 0; } tileInfo->walkMaskData = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc(13200); if (tileInfo->walkMaskData == NULL) { return -1; } char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(path, "data\\%s.msk", tileInfo->walkMaskName); File* stream = fileOpen(path, "rb"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } int rc = 0; if (fileReadUInt8List(stream, tileInfo->walkMaskData, 13200) == -1) { rc = -1; } fileClose(stream); return rc; } // 0x4C1D9C bool _wmWorldPosInvalid(int a1, int a2) { int v3 = a2 / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth + a1 / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth; if (_wmGrabTileWalkMask(v3) == -1) { return false; } TileInfo* tileDescription = &(gWorldmapTiles[v3]); unsigned char* mask = tileDescription->walkMaskData; if (mask == NULL) { return false; } // Mask length is 13200, which is 300 * 44 // 44 * 8 is 352, which is probably left 2 bytes intact // TODO: Check math. int pos = (a2 % WM_TILE_HEIGHT) * 44 + (a1 % WM_TILE_WIDTH) / 8; int bit = 1 << (((a1 % WM_TILE_WIDTH) / 8) & 3); return (mask[pos] & bit) != 0; } // 0x4C1E54 void _wmPartyInitWalking(int x, int y) { gWorldmapTravelDestX = x; gWorldmapTravelDestY = y; _WorldMapCurrArea = -1; gWorldmapIsTravelling = true; int dx = abs(x - _world_xpos); int dy = abs(y - _world_ypos); if (dx < dy) { dword_672E28 = dy; dword_672E30 = 2 * dx; _x_line_inc = 0; dword_672E2C = 2 * dx - dy; dword_672E34 = 2 * (dx - dy); dword_672E3C = 1; _y_line_inc = 1; dword_672E44 = 1; } else { dword_672E28 = dx; dword_672E30 = 2 * dy; _y_line_inc = 0; dword_672E2C = 2 * dy - dx; dword_672E34 = 2 * (dy - dx); _x_line_inc = 1; dword_672E3C = 1; dword_672E44 = 1; } if (gWorldmapTravelDestX < _world_xpos) { dword_672E3C = -dword_672E3C; _x_line_inc = -_x_line_inc; } if (gWorldmapTravelDestY < _world_ypos) { dword_672E44 = -dword_672E44; _y_line_inc = -_y_line_inc; } if (!_wmCursorIsVisible()) { _wmInterfaceCenterOnParty(); } } // 0x4C1F90 void worldmapPerformTravel() { if (dword_672E28 <= 0) { return; } _terrainCounter++; if (_terrainCounter > 4) { _terrainCounter = 1; } // NOTE: Uninline. _wmPartyFindCurSubTile(); Terrain* terrain = &(gTerrains[_world_subtile->terrain]); int v1 = terrain->field_28 - perkGetRank(gDude, PERK_PATHFINDER); if (v1 < 1) { v1 = 1; } if (_terrainCounter / v1 >= 1) { int v3; int v4; if (dword_672E2C >= 0) { if (_wmWorldPosInvalid(dword_672E3C + _world_xpos, dword_672E44 + _world_ypos)) { gWorldmapTravelDestX = 0; gWorldmapTravelDestY = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(_world_xpos, _world_xpos, &_WorldMapCurrArea); dword_672E28 = 0; return; } v3 = dword_672E3C; dword_672E2C += dword_672E34; _world_xpos += dword_672E3C; v4 = dword_672E44; _world_ypos += dword_672E44; } else { if (_wmWorldPosInvalid(_x_line_inc + _world_xpos, _y_line_inc + _world_ypos) == 1) { gWorldmapTravelDestX = 0; gWorldmapTravelDestY = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(_world_xpos, _world_xpos, &_WorldMapCurrArea); dword_672E28 = 0; return; } v3 = _x_line_inc; dword_672E2C += dword_672E30; _world_ypos += _y_line_inc; v4 = _y_line_inc; _world_xpos += _x_line_inc; } worldmapWindowScroll(1, 1, v3, v4, NULL, false); dword_672E28 -= 1; if (dword_672E28 == 0) { gWorldmapTravelDestY = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; gWorldmapTravelDestX = 0; } } } // 0x4C219C void _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStart(int a1) { int i; int v3; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { buttonDisable(_wmTownMapSubButtonIds[i]); } dword_672F54 = _LastTabsYOffset; v3 = _LastTabsYOffset + 7 * a1; if (a1 >= 0) { if (gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHeight - 230 <= dword_672F54) { goto L11; } else { dword_672F54 = _LastTabsYOffset + 7 * a1; if (v3 > gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHeight - 230) { } } } else { if (_LastTabsYOffset <= 0) { goto L11; } else { dword_672F54 = _LastTabsYOffset + 7 * a1; if (v3 < 0) { dword_672F54 = 0; } } } _tabsOffset = a1; L11: if (!_tabsOffset) { return; } _LastTabsYOffset += _tabsOffset; worldmapWindowRenderChrome(true); if (_tabsOffset > -1) { if (dword_672F54 > _LastTabsYOffset) { return; } } else if (dword_672F54 < _LastTabsYOffset) { return; } _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStop(); } // 0x4C2270 void _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStop() { int i; _tabsOffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { buttonEnable(_wmTownMapSubButtonIds[i]); } } // 0x4C2324 int worldmapWindowInit() { int fid; Art* frm; CacheEntry* frmHandle; _wmLastRndTime = _get_time(); _fontnum = fontGetCurrent(); fontSetCurrent(0); _map_save_in_game(true); const char* backgroundSoundFileName = gWorldmapIsInCar ? "20car" : "23world"; _gsound_background_play_level_music(backgroundSoundFileName, 12); indicatorBarHide(); isoDisable(); colorCycleDisable(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); int worldmapWindowX = (screenGetWidth() - WM_WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2; int worldmapWindowY = (screenGetHeight() - WM_WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2; gWorldmapWindow = windowCreate(worldmapWindowX, worldmapWindowY, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH, WM_WINDOW_HEIGHT, _colorTable[0], WINDOW_FLAG_0x04); if (gWorldmapWindow == -1) { return -1; } fid = buildFid(6, 136, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapBoxFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapBoxFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle); gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; fid = buildFid(6, 136, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapBoxFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapBoxFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapWindowBuffer = windowGetBuffer(gWorldmapWindow); if (gWorldmapWindowBuffer == NULL) { return -1; } blitBufferToBuffer(gWorldmapBoxFrmData, gWorldmapBoxFrmWidth, gWorldmapBoxFrmHeight, gWorldmapBoxFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); for (int citySize = 0; citySize < CITY_SIZE_COUNT; citySize++) { CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription = &(gCitySizeDescriptions[citySize]); fid = buildFid(6, 336 + citySize, 0, 0, 0); citySizeDescription->fid = fid; frm = artLock(fid, &(citySizeDescription->handle)); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } citySizeDescription->width = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); citySizeDescription->height = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(citySizeDescription->handle); citySizeDescription->handle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; citySizeDescription->data = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &(citySizeDescription->handle)); // FIXME: check is obviously wrong, should be citySizeDescription->data. if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } } fid = buildFid(6, 168, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle); gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; // hotspot1.frm - town map selector shape #1 fid = buildFid(6, 168, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle); // hotspot2.frm - town map selector shape #2 fid = buildFid(6, 223, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } // wmaptarg.frm - world map move target maker #1 fid = buildFid(6, 139, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle); gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; // wmaploc.frm - world map location marker fid = buildFid(6, 138, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle); gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; // wmaptarg.frm - world map move target maker #1 fid = buildFid(6, 139, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } // wmaploc.frm - world map location marker fid = buildFid(6, 138, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < WORLD_MAP_ENCOUNTER_FRM_COUNT; index++) { fid = buildFid(6, gWorldmapEncounterFrmIds[index], 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &(gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[index])); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapEncounterFrmWidths[index] = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapEncounterFrmHeights[index] = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[index]); gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[index] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapEncounterFrmData[index] = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &(gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[index])); } for (int index = 0; index < gWorldmapTilesLength; index++) { gWorldmapTiles[index].handle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; } // wmtabs.frm - worldmap town tabs underlay fid = buildFid(6, 364, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &frmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(frmHandle); gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHandle) + gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth * 27; if (gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } // wmtbedge.frm - worldmap town tabs edging overlay fid = buildFid(6, 367, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } // wmdial.frm - worldmap night/day dial fid = buildFid(6, 365, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapDialFrm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapDialFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapDialFrm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapDialFrmWidth = artGetWidth(gWorldmapDialFrm, 0, 0); gWorldmapDialFrmHeight = artGetHeight(gWorldmapDialFrm, 0, 0); // wmscreen - worldmap overlay screen fid = buildFid(6, 363, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &frmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(frmHandle); gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } // wmglobe.frm - worldmap globe stamp overlay fid = buildFid(6, 366, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &frmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapGloveOverlayFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(frmHandle); gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } // lilredup.frm - little red button up fid = buildFid(6, 8, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &frmHandle); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } int littleRedButtonUpWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); int littleRedButtonUpHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); artUnlock(frmHandle); gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmHandle); // lilreddn.frm - little red button down fid = buildFid(6, 9, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData = artLockFrameData(fid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmHandle); // months.frm - month strings for pip boy fid = buildFid(6, 129, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapMonthsFrm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapMonthsFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapMonthsFrm == NULL) { return -1; } // numbers.frm - numbers for the hit points and fatigue counters fid = buildFid(6, 82, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapNumbersFrm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapNumbersFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapNumbersFrm == NULL) { return -1; } // create town/world switch button buttonCreate(gWorldmapWindow, WM_TOWN_WORLD_SWITCH_X, WM_TOWN_WORLD_SWITCH_Y, littleRedButtonUpWidth, littleRedButtonUpHeight, -1, -1, -1, KEY_UPPERCASE_T, gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData, gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData, NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); for (int index = 0; index < 7; index++) { _wmTownMapSubButtonIds[index] = buttonCreate(gWorldmapWindow, 508, 138 + 27 * index, littleRedButtonUpWidth, littleRedButtonUpHeight, -1, -1, -1, KEY_CTRL_F1 + index, gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData, gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData, NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); } for (int index = 0; index < WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT; index++) { // 200 - uparwon.frm - character editor // 199 - uparwoff.frm - character editor fid = buildFid(6, 200 - index, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &(gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHandle[index])); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[index] = artGetFrameData(frm, 0, 0); } for (int index = 0; index < WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_COUNT; index++) { // 182 - dnarwon.frm - character editor // 181 - dnarwoff.frm - character editor fid = buildFid(6, 182 - index, 0, 0, 0); frm = artLock(fid, &(gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHandle[index])); if (frm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmWidth = artGetWidth(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHeight = artGetHeight(frm, 0, 0); gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[index] = artGetFrameData(frm, 0, 0); } // Scroll up button. buttonCreate(gWorldmapWindow, WM_TOWN_LIST_SCROLL_UP_X, WM_TOWN_LIST_SCROLL_UP_Y, gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmWidth, gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHeight, -1, -1, -1, KEY_CTRL_ARROW_UP, gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_NORMAL], gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_PRESSED], NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); // Scroll down button. buttonCreate(gWorldmapWindow, WM_TOWN_LIST_SCROLL_DOWN_X, WM_TOWN_LIST_SCROLL_DOWN_Y, gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmWidth, gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHeight, -1, -1, -1, KEY_CTRL_ARROW_DOWN, gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_NORMAL], gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[WORLDMAP_ARROW_FRM_PRESSED], NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { // wmcarmve.frm - worldmap car movie fid = buildFid(6, 433, 0, 0, 0); gWorldmapCarFrm = artLock(fid, &gWorldmapCarFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapCarFrm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapCarFrmWidth = artGetWidth(gWorldmapCarFrm, 0, 0); gWorldmapCarFrmHeight = artGetHeight(gWorldmapCarFrm, 0, 0); } tickersAdd(worldmapWindowHandleMouseScrolling); if (_wmMakeTabsLabelList(&gQuickDestinations, &gQuickDestinationsLength) == -1) { return -1; } _wmInterfaceWasInitialized = 1; if (worldmapWindowRefresh() == -1) { return -1; } windowRefresh(gWorldmapWindow); scriptsDisable(); _scr_remove_all(); return 0; } // 0x4C2E44 int worldmapWindowFree() { int i; TileInfo* tile; tickersRemove(worldmapWindowHandleMouseScrolling); if (gWorldmapBoxFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle); gWorldmapBoxFrmData = NULL; } gWorldmapBoxFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; if (gWorldmapWindow != -1) { windowDestroy(gWorldmapWindow); gWorldmapWindow = -1; } if (gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHandle); } gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmData = NULL; if (gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmHandle != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmHandle); } gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData = NULL; if (gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHandle); } gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmData = NULL; if (gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHandle); } gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmData = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[i] != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(gWorldmapEncounterFrmHandles[i]); } gWorldmapEncounterFrmData[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < CITY_SIZE_COUNT; i++) { CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription = &(gCitySizeDescriptions[i]); // FIXME: probably unsafe code, no check for -1 artUnlock(citySizeDescription->handle); citySizeDescription->handle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; citySizeDescription->data = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < gWorldmapTilesLength; i++) { tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[i]); if (tile->handle != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(tile->handle); tile->handle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; tile->data = NULL; if (tile->walkMaskData != NULL) { internal_free(tile->walkMaskData); tile->walkMaskData = NULL; } } } if (gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHandle); gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData = NULL; } if (gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmHandle); gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData = NULL; } if (gWorldmapDialFrm != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapDialFrmHandle); gWorldmapDialFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapDialFrm = NULL; } if (gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHandle); gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData = NULL; } if (gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmHandle); gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData = NULL; } if (gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmHandle); gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonUpFrmData = NULL; } if (gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmHandle); gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapLittleRedButtonDownFrmData = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { artUnlock(gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHandle[i]); gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHandle[i] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmData[i] = NULL; artUnlock(gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHandle[i]); gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHandle[i] = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmData[i] = NULL; } gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollDownFrmHeight = 0; gWorldmapTownListScrollUpFrmWidth = 0; if (gWorldmapMonthsFrm != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapMonthsFrmHandle); gWorldmapMonthsFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapMonthsFrm = NULL; } if (gWorldmapNumbersFrm != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapNumbersFrmHandle); gWorldmapNumbersFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapNumbersFrm = NULL; } if (gWorldmapCarFrm != NULL) { artUnlock(gWorldmapCarFrmHandle); gWorldmapCarFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCarFrm = NULL; gWorldmapCarFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCarFrmHeight = 0; } _wmEncounterIconShow = 0; _EncounterMapID = -1; dword_672E50 = -1; dword_672E54 = -1; indicatorBarShow(); isoEnable(); colorCycleEnable(); fontSetCurrent(_fontnum); if (gQuickDestinations != NULL) { internal_free(gQuickDestinations); gQuickDestinations = NULL; } gQuickDestinationsLength = 0; _wmInterfaceWasInitialized = 0; scriptsEnable(); return 0; } // FIXME: There is small bug in this function. There is [success] flag returned // by reference so that calling code can update scrolling mouse cursor to invalid // range. It works OK on straight directions. But in diagonals when scrolling in // one direction is possible (and in fact occured), it will still be reported as // error. // // 0x4C3200 int worldmapWindowScroll(int stepX, int stepY, int dx, int dy, bool* success, bool shouldRefresh) { int v6 = gWorldmapOffsetY; int v7 = gWorldmapOffsetX; if (success != NULL) { *success = true; } if (dy < 0) { if (v6 > 0) { v6 -= stepY; if (v6 < 0) { v6 = 0; } } else { if (success != NULL) { *success = false; } } } else if (dy > 0) { if (v6 < _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit) { v6 += stepY; if (v6 > _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit) { v6 = _wmViewportBottomtScrlLimit; } } else { if (success != NULL) { *success = false; } } } if (dx < 0) { if (v7 > 0) { v7 -= stepX; if (v7 < 0) { v7 = 0; } } else { if (success != NULL) { *success = false; } } } else if (dx > 0) { if (v7 < _wmViewportRightScrlLimit) { v7 += stepX; if (v7 > _wmViewportRightScrlLimit) { v7 = _wmViewportRightScrlLimit; } } else { if (success != NULL) { *success = false; } } } gWorldmapOffsetY = v6; gWorldmapOffsetX = v7; if (shouldRefresh) { if (worldmapWindowRefresh() == -1) { return -1; } } return 0; } // 0x4C32EC void worldmapWindowHandleMouseScrolling() { int x; int y; mouseGetPositionInWindow(gWorldmapWindow, &x, &y); int dx = 0; if (x == 639) { dx = 1; } else if (x == 0) { dx = -1; } int dy = 0; if (y == 479) { dy = 1; } else if (y == 0) { dy = -1; } int oldMouseCursor = gameMouseGetCursor(); int newMouseCursor = oldMouseCursor; if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { if (dx > 0) { if (dy > 0) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_SE; } else if (dy < 0) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_NE; } else { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_E; } } else if (dx < 0) { if (dy > 0) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_SW; } else if (dy < 0) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_NW; } else { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_W; } } else { if (dy < 0) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_N; } else if (dy > 0) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_SCROLL_S; } } unsigned int tick = _get_bk_time(); if (getTicksBetween(tick, _lastTime_2) > 50) { _lastTime_2 = _get_bk_time(); worldmapWindowScroll(20, 20, dx, dy, &_couldScroll, true); } if (!_couldScroll) { newMouseCursor += 8; } } else { if (oldMouseCursor != MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW) { newMouseCursor = MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW; } } if (oldMouseCursor != newMouseCursor) { gameMouseSetCursor(newMouseCursor); } } // 0x4C3434 int _wmMarkSubTileOffsetVisitedFunc(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { int v7; int v8; int v9; int* v; v7 = a2 + a4; v8 = a1; v9 = a3 + a5; if (v7 >= 0) { if (v7 >= 7) { if (a1 % gWorldmapGridWidth == gWorldmapGridWidth - 1) { return -1; } v8 = a1 + 1; v7 %= 7; } } else { if (!(a1 % gWorldmapGridWidth)) { return -1; } v7 += 7; v8 = a1 - 1; } if (v9 >= 0) { if (v9 >= 6) { if (v8 > gWorldmapTilesLength - gWorldmapGridWidth - 1) { return -1; } v8 += gWorldmapGridWidth; v9 %= 6; } } else { if (v8 < gWorldmapGridWidth) { return -1; } v9 += 6; v8 -= gWorldmapGridWidth; } TileInfo* tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[v8]); SubtileInfo* subtile = &(tile->subtiles[v9][v7]); v = &(subtile->state); if (a6 != 1 || *v == 0) { *v = a6; } return 0; } // 0x4C3550 void _wmMarkSubTileRadiusVisited(int x, int y) { int radius = 1; if (perkHasRank(gDude, PERK_SCOUT)) { radius = 2; } _wmSubTileMarkRadiusVisited(x, y, radius); } // Mark worldmap tile as visible?/visited? // // 0x4C35A8 int _wmSubTileMarkRadiusVisited(int x, int y, int radius) { int v4, v5; int tile = x / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth + y / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth; v4 = x % WM_TILE_WIDTH / WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; v5 = y % WM_TILE_HEIGHT / WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) { for (int v6 = -radius; v6 <= radius; v6++) { _wmMarkSubTileOffsetVisitedFunc(tile, v4, v5, v6, i, SUBTILE_STATE_KNOWN); } } SubtileInfo* subtile = &(gWorldmapTiles[tile].subtiles[v5][v4]); subtile->state = SUBTILE_STATE_VISITED; switch (subtile->field_4) { case 2: while (v5-- > 0) { _wmMarkSubTileOffsetVisitedFunc(tile, v4, 0, v5, 0, SUBTILE_STATE_VISITED); } break; case 4: while (v4-- > -1) { _wmMarkSubTileOffsetVisitedFunc(tile, v4, 0, v5, 0, SUBTILE_STATE_VISITED); } if (tile % gWorldmapGridWidth > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { _wmMarkSubTileOffsetVisitedFunc(tile - 1, i + 1, v5, 0, 0, SUBTILE_STATE_VISITED); } } break; } return 0; } // 0x4C3740 int _wmSubTileGetVisitedState(int x, int y, int* a3) { TileInfo* tile; SubtileInfo* ptr; tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[y / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth + x / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth]); ptr = &(tile->subtiles[y % WM_TILE_HEIGHT / WM_SUBTILE_SIZE][x % WM_TILE_WIDTH / WM_SUBTILE_SIZE]); *a3 = ptr->state; return 0; } // Load tile art if needed. // // 0x4C37EC int _wmTileGrabArt(int tile_index) { TileInfo* tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[tile_index]); if (tile->data != NULL) { return 0; } tile->data = artLockFrameData(tile->fid, 0, 0, &(tile->handle)); if (tile->data != NULL) { return 0; } worldmapWindowFree(); return -1; } // 0x4C3830 int worldmapWindowRefresh() { if (_wmInterfaceWasInitialized != 1) { return 0; } int v17 = gWorldmapOffsetX % WM_TILE_WIDTH; int v18 = gWorldmapOffsetY % WM_TILE_HEIGHT; int v20 = WM_TILE_HEIGHT - v18; int v21 = WM_TILE_WIDTH * v18; int v19 = WM_TILE_WIDTH - v17; // Render tiles. int y = 0; int x = 0; int v0 = gWorldmapOffsetY / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth + gWorldmapOffsetX / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth; while (y < WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { x = 0; int v23 = 0; int height; while (x < WM_VIEW_WIDTH) { if (_wmTileGrabArt(v0) == -1) { return -1; } int width = WM_TILE_WIDTH; int srcX = 0; if (x == 0) { srcX = v17; width = v19; } if (width + x > WM_VIEW_WIDTH) { width = WM_VIEW_WIDTH - x; } height = WM_TILE_HEIGHT; if (y == 0) { height = v20; srcX += v21; } if (height + y > WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { height = WM_VIEW_HEIGHT - y; } TileInfo* tileInfo = &(gWorldmapTiles[v0]); blitBufferToBuffer(tileInfo->data + srcX, width, height, WM_TILE_WIDTH, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * (y + WM_VIEW_Y) + WM_VIEW_X + x, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); v0++; x += width; v23++; } v0 += gWorldmapGridWidth - v23; y += height; } // Render cities. for (int index = 0; index < gCitiesLength; index++) { CityInfo* cityInfo = &(gCities[index]); if (cityInfo->state != CITY_STATE_UNKNOWN) { CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription = &(gCitySizeDescriptions[cityInfo->size]); int cityX = cityInfo->x - gWorldmapOffsetX; int cityY = cityInfo->y - gWorldmapOffsetY; if (cityX >= 0 && cityX <= 472 - citySizeDescription->width && cityY >= 0 && cityY <= 465 - citySizeDescription->height) { worldmapWindowRenderCity(cityInfo, citySizeDescription, gWorldmapWindowBuffer, cityX, cityY); } } } // Hide unknown subtiles, dim unvisited. int v25 = gWorldmapOffsetX / WM_TILE_WIDTH % gWorldmapGridWidth + gWorldmapOffsetY / WM_TILE_HEIGHT * gWorldmapGridWidth; int v30 = 0; while (v30 < WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { int v24 = 0; int v33 = 0; int v29; while (v33 < WM_VIEW_WIDTH) { int v31 = WM_TILE_WIDTH; if (v33 == 0) { v31 = WM_TILE_WIDTH - v17; } if (v33 + v31 > WM_VIEW_WIDTH) { v31 = WM_VIEW_WIDTH - v33; } v29 = WM_TILE_HEIGHT; if (v30 == 0) { v29 -= v18; } if (v30 + v29 > WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { v29 = WM_VIEW_HEIGHT - v30; } int v32; if (v30 != 0) { v32 = WM_VIEW_Y; } else { v32 = WM_VIEW_Y - v18; } int v13 = 0; int v34 = v30 + v32; for (int row = 0; row < SUBTILE_GRID_HEIGHT; row++) { int v35; if (v33 != 0) { v35 = WM_VIEW_X; } else { v35 = WM_VIEW_X - v17; } int v15 = v33 + v35; for (int column = 0; column < SUBTILE_GRID_WIDTH; column++) { TileInfo* tileInfo = &(gWorldmapTiles[v25]); worldmapWindowDimSubtile(tileInfo, column, row, v15, v34, 1); v15 += WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; v35 += WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; } v32 += WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; v34 += WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; } v25++; v24++; v33 += v31; } v25 += gWorldmapGridWidth - v24; v30 += v29; } _wmDrawCursorStopped(); worldmapWindowRenderChrome(true); return 0; } // 0x4C3C9C void worldmapWindowRenderDate(bool shouldRefreshWindow) { int month; int day; int year; gameTimeGetDate(&month, &day, &year); month--; unsigned char* dest = gWorldmapWindowBuffer; int numbersFrmWidth = artGetWidth(gWorldmapNumbersFrm, 0, 0); int numbersFrmHeight = artGetHeight(gWorldmapNumbersFrm, 0, 0); unsigned char* numbersFrmData = artGetFrameData(gWorldmapNumbersFrm, 0, 0); dest += WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 12 + 487; blitBufferToBuffer(numbersFrmData + 9 * (day / 10), 9, numbersFrmHeight, numbersFrmWidth, dest, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); blitBufferToBuffer(numbersFrmData + 9 * (day % 10), 9, numbersFrmHeight, numbersFrmWidth, dest + 9, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); int monthsFrmWidth = artGetWidth(gWorldmapMonthsFrm, 0, 0); unsigned char* monthsFrmData = artGetFrameData(gWorldmapMonthsFrm, 0, 0); blitBufferToBuffer(monthsFrmData + monthsFrmWidth * 15 * month, 29, 14, 29, dest + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH + 26, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); dest += 98; for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { dest -= 9; blitBufferToBuffer(numbersFrmData + 9 * (year % 10), 9, numbersFrmHeight, numbersFrmWidth, dest, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); year /= 10; } int gameTimeHour = gameTimeGetHour(); dest += 72; for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++) { blitBufferToBuffer(numbersFrmData + 9 * (gameTimeHour % 10), 9, numbersFrmHeight, numbersFrmWidth, dest, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); dest -= 9; gameTimeHour /= 10; } if (shouldRefreshWindow) { Rect rect; rect.left = 487; rect.top = 12; rect.bottom = numbersFrmHeight + 12; rect.right = 630; windowRefreshRect(gWorldmapWindow, &rect); } } // 0x4C3F00 int _wmMatchWorldPosToArea(int a1, int a2, int* a3) { int v3 = a2 + WM_VIEW_Y; int v4 = a1 + WM_VIEW_X; int index; for (index = 0; index < gCitiesLength; index++) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[index]); if (city->state) { if (v4 >= city->x && v3 >= city->y) { CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription = &(gCitySizeDescriptions[city->size]); if (v4 <= city->x + citySizeDescription->width && v3 <= city->y + citySizeDescription->height) { break; } } } } if (index == gCitiesLength) { *a3 = -1; } else { *a3 = index; } return 0; } // FIXME: This function does not set current font, which is a bit unusual for a // function which draw text. I doubt it was done on purpose, likely simply // forgotten. Because of this, city names are rendered with current font, which // can be any, but in this case it uses default text font, not interface font. // // 0x4C3FA8 int worldmapWindowRenderCity(CityInfo* city, CitySizeDescription* citySizeDescription, unsigned char* dest, int x, int y) { _dark_translucent_trans_buf_to_buf(citySizeDescription->data, citySizeDescription->width, citySizeDescription->height, citySizeDescription->width, dest, x, y, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0x10000, _circleBlendTable, _commonGrayTable); int nameY = y + citySizeDescription->height + 1; int maxY = 464 - fontGetLineHeight(); if (nameY < maxY) { MessageListItem messageListItem; const char* name; if (_wmAreaIsKnown(city->field_28)) { name = getmsg(&gMapMessageList, &messageListItem, 1500 + city->field_28); } else { name = getmsg(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem, 1004); } char text[40]; strncpy(text, name, 40); int width = fontGetStringWidth(text); fontDrawText(dest + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * nameY + x + citySizeDescription->width / 2 - width / 2, text, width, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH, _colorTable[992]); } return 0; } // Helper function that dims specified rectangle in given buffer. It's used to // slightly darken subtile which is known, but not visited. // // 0x4C40A8 void worldmapWindowDimRect(unsigned char* dest, int width, int height, int pitch) { int skipY = pitch - width; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { unsigned char byte = *dest; unsigned int index = (byte << 8) + 75; *dest++ = _intensityColorTable[index]; } dest += skipY; } } // 0x4C40E4 int worldmapWindowDimSubtile(TileInfo* tileInfo, int column, int row, int x, int y, int a6) { SubtileInfo* subtileInfo = &(tileInfo->subtiles[row][column]); int destY = y; int destX = x; int height = WM_SUBTILE_SIZE; if (y < WM_VIEW_Y) { if (y < 0) { height = y + 29; } else { height = WM_SUBTILE_SIZE - (WM_VIEW_Y - y); } destY = WM_VIEW_Y; } if (height + y > 464) { height -= height + y - 464; } int width = WM_SUBTILE_SIZE * a6; if (x < WM_VIEW_X) { destX = WM_VIEW_X; width -= WM_VIEW_X - x; } if (width + x > 472) { width -= width + x - 472; } if (width > 0 && height > 0) { unsigned char* dest = gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * destY + destX; switch (subtileInfo->state) { case SUBTILE_STATE_UNKNOWN: bufferFill(dest, width, height, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH, _colorTable[0]); break; case SUBTILE_STATE_KNOWN: worldmapWindowDimRect(dest, width, height, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); break; } } return 0; } // 0x4C41EC int _wmDrawCursorStopped() { unsigned char* src; int width; int height; if (gWorldmapTravelDestX >= 1 || gWorldmapTravelDestY >= 1) { if (_wmEncounterIconShow == 1) { src = gWorldmapEncounterFrmData[_wmRndCursorFid]; width = gWorldmapEncounterFrmWidths[_wmRndCursorFid]; height = gWorldmapEncounterFrmHeights[_wmRndCursorFid]; } else { src = gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmData; width = gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmWidth; height = gWorldmapLocationMarkerFrmHeight; } if (_world_xpos >= gWorldmapOffsetX && _world_xpos < gWorldmapOffsetX + WM_VIEW_WIDTH && _world_ypos >= gWorldmapOffsetY && _world_ypos < gWorldmapOffsetY + WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { blitBufferToBufferTrans(src, width, height, width, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * (WM_VIEW_Y - gWorldmapOffsetY + _world_ypos - height / 2) + WM_VIEW_X - gWorldmapOffsetX + _world_xpos - width / 2, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); } if (gWorldmapTravelDestX >= gWorldmapOffsetX && gWorldmapTravelDestX < gWorldmapOffsetX + WM_VIEW_WIDTH && gWorldmapTravelDestY >= gWorldmapOffsetY && gWorldmapTravelDestY < gWorldmapOffsetY + WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { blitBufferToBufferTrans(gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmData, gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmWidth, gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHeight, gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * (WM_VIEW_Y - gWorldmapOffsetY + gWorldmapTravelDestY - gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmHeight / 2) + WM_VIEW_X - gWorldmapOffsetX + gWorldmapTravelDestX - gWorldmapDestinationMarkerFrmWidth / 2, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); } } else { if (_wmEncounterIconShow == 1) { src = gWorldmapEncounterFrmData[_wmRndCursorFid]; width = gWorldmapEncounterFrmWidths[_wmRndCursorFid]; height = gWorldmapEncounterFrmHeights[_wmRndCursorFid]; } else { src = _wmGenData ? gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData : gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmData; width = gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth; height = gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight; } if (_world_xpos >= gWorldmapOffsetX && _world_xpos < gWorldmapOffsetX + WM_VIEW_WIDTH && _world_ypos >= gWorldmapOffsetY && _world_ypos < gWorldmapOffsetY + WM_VIEW_HEIGHT) { blitBufferToBufferTrans(src, width, height, width, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * (WM_VIEW_Y - gWorldmapOffsetY + _world_ypos - height / 2) + WM_VIEW_X - gWorldmapOffsetX + _world_xpos - width / 2, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); } } return 0; } // 0x4C4490 bool _wmCursorIsVisible() { return _world_xpos >= gWorldmapOffsetX && _world_ypos >= gWorldmapOffsetY && _world_xpos < gWorldmapOffsetX + WM_VIEW_WIDTH && _world_ypos < gWorldmapOffsetY + WM_VIEW_HEIGHT; } // Copy city short name. // // 0x4C450C int _wmGetAreaIdxName(int index, char* name) { MessageListItem messageListItem; getmsg(&gMapMessageList, &messageListItem, 1500 + index); strncpy(name, messageListItem.text, 40); return 0; } // Returns true if world area is known. // // 0x4C453C bool _wmAreaIsKnown(int cityIndex) { if (!cityIsValid(cityIndex)) { return false; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); if (city->field_40) { if (city->state == CITY_STATE_KNOWN) { return true; } } return false; } // 0x4C457C int _wmAreaVisitedState(int area) { if (!cityIsValid(area)) { return 0; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[area]); if (city->field_40 && city->state == 1) { return city->field_40; } return 0; } // 0x4C45BC bool _wmMapIsKnown(int mapIndex) { int cityIndex; if (_wmMatchAreaFromMap(mapIndex, &cityIndex) != 0) { return false; } int entranceIndex; if (_wmMatchEntranceFromMap(cityIndex, mapIndex, &entranceIndex) != 0) { return false; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (entrance->state != 1) { return false; } return true; } // 0x4C4634 bool _wmAreaMarkVisitedState(int cityIndex, int a2) { if (!cityIsValid(cityIndex)) { return false; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); int v5 = city->field_40; if (city->state == 1 && a2 != 0) { _wmMarkSubTileRadiusVisited(city->x, city->y); } city->field_40 = a2; SubtileInfo* subtile; if (_wmFindCurSubTileFromPos(city->x, city->y, &subtile) == -1) { return false; } if (a2 == 1) { subtile->state = SUBTILE_STATE_KNOWN; } else if (a2 == 2 && v5 == 0) { city->field_40 = 1; } return true; } // 0x4C46CC bool _wmAreaSetVisibleState(int cityIndex, int a2, int a3) { if (!cityIsValid(cityIndex)) { return false; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); if (city->field_3C != 1 || a3) { city->state = a2; return true; } return false; } // wm_area_set_pos // 0x4C4710 int worldmapCitySetPos(int cityIndex, int x, int y) { if (!cityIsValid(cityIndex)) { return -1; } if (x < 0 || x >= WM_TILE_WIDTH * gWorldmapGridWidth) { return -1; } if (y < 0 || y >= WM_TILE_HEIGHT * (gWorldmapTilesLength / gWorldmapGridWidth)) { return -1; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); city->x = x; city->y = y; return 0; } // Returns current town x/y. // // 0x4C47A4 int _wmGetPartyWorldPos(int* out_x, int* out_y) { if (out_x != NULL) { *out_x = _world_xpos; } if (out_y != NULL) { *out_y = _world_ypos; } return 0; } // Returns current town. // // 0x4C47C0 int _wmGetPartyCurArea(int* a1) { if (a1) { *a1 = _WorldMapCurrArea; return 0; } return -1; } // 0x4C47D8 void _wmMarkAllSubTiles(int a1) { for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < gWorldmapTilesLength; tileIndex++) { TileInfo* tile = &(gWorldmapTiles[tileIndex]); for (int column = 0; column < SUBTILE_GRID_HEIGHT; column++) { for (int row = 0; row < SUBTILE_GRID_WIDTH; row++) { SubtileInfo* subtile = &(tile->subtiles[column][row]); subtile->state = a1; } } } } // 0x4C4850 void _wmTownMap() { _wmWorldMapFunc(1); } // 0x4C485C int worldmapCityMapViewSelect(int* mapIndexPtr) { *mapIndexPtr = -1; if (worldmapCityMapViewInit() == -1) { worldmapCityMapViewFree(); return -1; } if (_WorldMapCurrArea == -1) { return -1; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_WorldMapCurrArea]); for (;;) { int keyCode = _get_input(); if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_Q || keyCode == KEY_CTRL_X || keyCode == KEY_F10) { showQuitConfirmationDialog(); } if (_game_user_wants_to_quit) { break; } if (keyCode != -1) { if (keyCode == KEY_ESCAPE) { break; } if (keyCode >= KEY_1 && keyCode < KEY_1 + city->entrancesLength) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[keyCode - KEY_1]); *mapIndexPtr = entrance->map; mapSetEnteringLocation(entrance->elevation, entrance->tile, entrance->rotation); break; } if (keyCode >= KEY_CTRL_F1 && keyCode <= KEY_CTRL_F7) { int v10 = _LastTabsYOffset / 27 + keyCode - KEY_CTRL_F1; if (v10 < gQuickDestinationsLength) { int v11 = gQuickDestinations[v10]; CityInfo* v12 = &(gCities[v11]); if (!_wmAreaIsKnown(v12->field_28)) { break; } if (v11 != _WorldMapCurrArea) { _wmPartyInitWalking(v12->x, v12->y); _wmGenData = 0; break; } } } else { if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_ARROW_UP) { _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStart(-27); } else if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_ARROW_DOWN) { _wmInterfaceScrollTabsStart(27); } else if (keyCode == 2069) { if (worldmapCityMapViewRefresh() == -1) { return -1; } } if (keyCode == KEY_UPPERCASE_T || keyCode == KEY_LOWERCASE_T || keyCode == KEY_UPPERCASE_W || keyCode == KEY_LOWERCASE_W) { keyCode = KEY_ESCAPE; } if (keyCode == KEY_ESCAPE) { break; } } } } if (worldmapCityMapViewFree() == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x4C4A6C int worldmapCityMapViewInit() { _wmTownMapCurArea = _WorldMapCurrArea; CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_WorldMapCurrArea]); Art* mapFrm = artLock(city->mapFid, &gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle); if (mapFrm == NULL) { return -1; } gWorldmapCityMapFrmWidth = artGetWidth(mapFrm, 0, 0); gWorldmapCityMapFrmHeight = artGetHeight(mapFrm, 0, 0); artUnlock(gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle); gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCityMapFrmData = artLockFrameData(city->mapFid, 0, 0, &gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle); if (gWorldmapCityMapFrmData == NULL) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < city->entrancesLength; index++) { _wmTownMapButtonId[index] = -1; } for (int index = 0; index < city->entrancesLength; index++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[index]); if (entrance->state == 0) { continue; } if (entrance->x == -1 || entrance->y == -1) { continue; } _wmTownMapButtonId[index] = buttonCreate(gWorldmapWindow, entrance->x, entrance->y, gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth, gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight, -1, 2069, -1, KEY_1 + index, gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmData, gWorldmapHotspotDownFrmData, NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); if (_wmTownMapButtonId[index] == -1) { return -1; } } tickersRemove(worldmapWindowHandleMouseScrolling); if (worldmapCityMapViewRefresh() == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } // 0x4C4BD0 int worldmapCityMapViewRefresh() { blitBufferToBuffer(gWorldmapCityMapFrmData, gWorldmapCityMapFrmWidth, gWorldmapCityMapFrmHeight, gWorldmapCityMapFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * WM_VIEW_Y + WM_VIEW_X, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); worldmapWindowRenderChrome(false); CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_WorldMapCurrArea]); for (int index = 0; index < city->entrancesLength; index++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[index]); if (entrance->state == 0) { continue; } if (entrance->x == -1 || entrance->y == -1) { continue; } MessageListItem messageListItem; messageListItem.num = 200 + 10 * _wmTownMapCurArea + index; if (messageListGetItem(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem)) { if (messageListItem.text != NULL) { int width = fontGetStringWidth(messageListItem.text); windowDrawText(gWorldmapWindow, messageListItem.text, width, gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmWidth / 2 + entrance->x - width / 2, gWorldmapHotspotUpFrmHeight + entrance->y + 2, _colorTable[992] | 0x2010000); } } } windowRefresh(gWorldmapWindow); return 0; } // 0x4C4D00 int worldmapCityMapViewFree() { if (gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle != INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY) { artUnlock(gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle); gWorldmapCityMapFrmHandle = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; gWorldmapCityMapFrmData = NULL; gWorldmapCityMapFrmWidth = 0; gWorldmapCityMapFrmHeight = 0; } if (_wmTownMapCurArea != -1) { CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_wmTownMapCurArea]); for (int index = 0; index < city->entrancesLength; index++) { if (_wmTownMapButtonId[index] != -1) { buttonDestroy(_wmTownMapButtonId[index]); _wmTownMapButtonId[index] = -1; } } } if (worldmapWindowRefresh() == -1) { return -1; } tickersAdd(worldmapWindowHandleMouseScrolling); return 0; } // 0x4C4DA4 int carConsumeFuel(int amount) { if (gameGetGlobalVar(GVAR_NEW_RENO_SUPER_CAR) != 0) { amount -= amount * 90 / 100; } if (gameGetGlobalVar(GVAR_NEW_RENO_CAR_UPGRADE) != 0) { amount -= amount * 10 / 100; } if (gameGetGlobalVar(GVAR_CAR_UPGRADE_FUEL_CELL_REGULATOR) != 0) { amount /= 2; } gWorldmapCarFuel -= amount; if (gWorldmapCarFuel < 0) { gWorldmapCarFuel = 0; } return 0; } // Returns amount of fuel that does not fit into tank. // // 0x4C4E34 int carAddFuel(int amount) { if ((amount + gWorldmapCarFuel) <= CAR_FUEL_MAX) { gWorldmapCarFuel += amount; return 0; } int remaining = CAR_FUEL_MAX - gWorldmapCarFuel; gWorldmapCarFuel = CAR_FUEL_MAX; return remaining; } // 0x4C4E74 int carGetFuel() { return gWorldmapCarFuel; } // 0x4C4E7C bool carIsEmpty() { return gWorldmapCarFuel <= 0; } // 0x4C4E8C int carGetCity() { return _carCurrentArea; } // 0x4C4E94 int _wmCarGiveToParty() { MessageListItem messageListItem; memcpy(&messageListItem, &stru_4BC880, sizeof(MessageListItem)); if (gWorldmapCarFuel <= 0) { // The car is out of power. char* msg = getmsg(&gWorldmapMessageList, &messageListItem, 1502); displayMonitorAddMessage(msg); return -1; } gWorldmapIsInCar = true; MapTransition transition; memset(&transition, 0, sizeof(transition)); transition.map = -2; mapSetTransition(&transition); CityInfo* city = &(gCities[CITY_CAR_OUT_OF_GAS]); city->state = 0; city->field_40 = 0; return 0; } // 0x4C4F28 int ambientSoundEffectGetLength() { int mapIndex = mapGetCurrentMap(); if (mapIndex < 0 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { return -1; } MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); return map->ambientSoundEffectsLength; } // 0x4C4F5C int ambientSoundEffectGetRandom() { int mapIndex = mapGetCurrentMap(); if (mapIndex < 0 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { return -1; } MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); int totalChances = 0; for (int index = 0; index < map->ambientSoundEffectsLength; index++) { MapAmbientSoundEffectInfo* sfx = &(map->ambientSoundEffects[index]); totalChances += sfx->chance; } int chance = randomBetween(0, totalChances); for (int index = 0; index < map->ambientSoundEffectsLength; index++) { MapAmbientSoundEffectInfo* sfx = &(map->ambientSoundEffects[index]); if (chance >= sfx->chance) { chance -= sfx->chance; continue; } return index; } return -1; } // 0x4C5004 int ambientSoundEffectGetName(int ambientSoundEffectIndex, char** namePtr) { if (namePtr == NULL) { return -1; } *namePtr = NULL; int mapIndex = mapGetCurrentMap(); if (mapIndex < 0 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { return -1; } MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); if (ambientSoundEffectIndex < 0 || ambientSoundEffectIndex >= map->ambientSoundEffectsLength) { return -1; } MapAmbientSoundEffectInfo* ambientSoundEffectInfo = &(map->ambientSoundEffects[ambientSoundEffectIndex]); *namePtr = ambientSoundEffectInfo->name; int v1 = 0; if (strcmp(ambientSoundEffectInfo->name, "brdchir1") == 0) { v1 = 1; } else if (strcmp(ambientSoundEffectInfo->name, "brdchirp") == 0) { v1 = 2; } if (v1 != 0) { int dayPart; int gameTimeHour = gameTimeGetHour(); if (gameTimeHour <= 600 || gameTimeHour >= 1800) { dayPart = DAY_PART_NIGHT; } else if (gameTimeHour >= 1200) { dayPart = DAY_PART_AFTERNOON; } else { dayPart = DAY_PART_MORNING; } if (dayPart == DAY_PART_NIGHT) { *namePtr = _wmRemapSfxList[v1 - 1]; } } return 0; } // 0x4C50F4 int worldmapWindowRenderChrome(bool shouldRefreshWindow) { blitBufferToBufferTrans(gWorldmapBoxFrmData, gWorldmapBoxFrmWidth, gWorldmapBoxFrmHeight, gWorldmapBoxFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); worldmapRenderQuickDestinations(); int v1 = gameTimeGetHour(); v1 /= 100; int frameCount = artGetFrameCount(gWorldmapDialFrm); int newFrame = (v1 + 12) % frameCount; if (gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame != newFrame) { gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame = newFrame; worldmapWindowRenderDial(false); } worldmapWindowRenderDial(false); if (gWorldmapIsInCar) { unsigned char* data = artGetFrameData(gWorldmapCarFrm, gWorldmapCarFrmCurrentFrame, 0); if (data == NULL) { return -1; } blitBufferToBuffer(data, gWorldmapCarFrmWidth, gWorldmapCarFrmHeight, gWorldmapCarFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * WM_WINDOW_CAR_Y + WM_WINDOW_CAR_X, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); blitBufferToBufferTrans(gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmData, gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmWidth, gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmHeight, gWorldmapCarOverlayFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * WM_WINDOW_CAR_OVERLAY_Y + WM_WINDOW_CAR_OVERLAY_X, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); worldmapWindowRenderCarFuelBar(); } else { blitBufferToBufferTrans(gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmData, gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmWidth, gWorldmapGloveOverlayFrmHeight, gWorldmapGlobeOverlayFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * WM_WINDOW_GLOBE_OVERLAY_Y + WM_WINDOW_GLOBE_OVERLAY_X, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); } worldmapWindowRenderDate(false); if (shouldRefreshWindow) { windowRefresh(gWorldmapWindow); } return 0; } // 0x4C5244 void worldmapWindowRenderCarFuelBar() { int ratio = (WM_WINDOW_CAR_FUEL_BAR_HEIGHT * gWorldmapCarFuel) / CAR_FUEL_MAX; if ((ratio & 1) != 0) { ratio -= 1; } unsigned char* dest = gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * WM_WINDOW_CAR_FUEL_BAR_Y + WM_WINDOW_CAR_FUEL_BAR_X; for (int index = WM_WINDOW_CAR_FUEL_BAR_HEIGHT; index > ratio; index--) { *dest = 14; dest += 640; } while (ratio > 0) { *dest = 196; dest += WM_WINDOW_WIDTH; *dest = 14; dest += WM_WINDOW_WIDTH; ratio -= 2; } } // 0x4C52B0 int worldmapRenderQuickDestinations() { unsigned char* v30; unsigned char* v0; int v31; CityInfo* city; Art* art; CacheEntry* cache_entry; int width; int height; unsigned char* buf; int v10; unsigned char* v11; unsigned char* v12; int v32; unsigned char* v13; blitBufferToBufferTrans(gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmData + gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth * _LastTabsYOffset + 9, 119, 178, gWorldmapTownTabsUnderlayFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 135 + 501, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); v30 = gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 138 + 530; v0 = gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 138 + 530 - WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * (_LastTabsYOffset % 27); v31 = _LastTabsYOffset / 27; if (v31 < gQuickDestinationsLength) { city = &(gCities[gQuickDestinations[v31]]); if (city->labelFid != -1) { art = artLock(city->labelFid, &cache_entry); if (art == NULL) { return -1; } width = artGetWidth(art, 0, 0); height = artGetHeight(art, 0, 0); buf = artGetFrameData(art, 0, 0); if (buf == NULL) { return -1; } v10 = height - _LastTabsYOffset % 27; v11 = buf + width * (_LastTabsYOffset % 27); v12 = v0; if (v0 < v30 - WM_WINDOW_WIDTH) { v12 = v30 - WM_WINDOW_WIDTH; } blitBufferToBuffer(v11, width, v10, width, v12, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); artUnlock(cache_entry); cache_entry = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; } } v13 = v0 + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 27; v32 = v31 + 6; for (int v14 = v31 + 1; v14 < v32; v14++) { if (v14 < gQuickDestinationsLength) { city = &(gCities[gQuickDestinations[v14]]); if (city->labelFid != -1) { art = artLock(city->labelFid, &cache_entry); if (art == NULL) { return -1; } width = artGetWidth(art, 0, 0); height = artGetHeight(art, 0, 0); buf = artGetFrameData(art, 0, 0); if (buf == NULL) { return -1; } blitBufferToBuffer(buf, width, height, width, v13, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); artUnlock(cache_entry); cache_entry = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; } } v13 += WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 27; } if (v31 + 6 < gQuickDestinationsLength) { city = &(gCities[gQuickDestinations[v31 + 6]]); if (city->labelFid != -1) { art = artLock(city->labelFid, &cache_entry); if (art == NULL) { return -1; } width = artGetWidth(art, 0, 0); height = artGetHeight(art, 0, 0); buf = artGetFrameData(art, 0, 0); if (buf == NULL) { return -1; } blitBufferToBuffer(buf, width, height, width, v13, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); artUnlock(cache_entry); cache_entry = INVALID_CACHE_ENTRY; } } blitBufferToBufferTrans(gWorldmapTownTabsEdgeFrmData, 119, 178, 119, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * 135 + 501, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); return 0; } // Creates array of cities available as quick destinations. // // 0x4C55D4 int _wmMakeTabsLabelList(int** quickDestinationsPtr, int* quickDestinationsLengthPtr) { int* quickDestinations = *quickDestinationsPtr; if (quickDestinations != NULL) { internal_free(quickDestinations); quickDestinations = NULL; } *quickDestinationsPtr = NULL; *quickDestinationsLengthPtr = 0; int capacity = 10; quickDestinations = (int*)internal_malloc(sizeof(*quickDestinations) * capacity); *quickDestinationsPtr = quickDestinations; if (quickDestinations == NULL) { return -1; } int quickDestinationsLength = *quickDestinationsLengthPtr; for (int index = 0; index < gCitiesLength; index++) { if (_wmAreaIsKnown(index) && gCities[index].labelFid != -1) { quickDestinationsLength++; *quickDestinationsLengthPtr = quickDestinationsLength; if (capacity <= quickDestinationsLength) { capacity += 10; quickDestinations = (int*)internal_realloc(quickDestinations, sizeof(*quickDestinations) * capacity); if (quickDestinations == NULL) { return -1; } *quickDestinationsPtr = quickDestinations; } quickDestinations[quickDestinationsLength - 1] = index; } } qsort(quickDestinations, quickDestinationsLength, sizeof(*quickDestinations), worldmapCompareCitiesByName); return 0; } // 0x4C56C8 int worldmapCompareCitiesByName(const void* a1, const void* a2) { int v1 = *(int*)a1; int v2 = *(int*)a2; CityInfo* city1 = &(gCities[v1]); CityInfo* city2 = &(gCities[v2]); return compat_stricmp(city1->name, city2->name); } // 0x4C5734 void worldmapWindowRenderDial(bool shouldRefreshWindow) { unsigned char* data = artGetFrameData(gWorldmapDialFrm, gWorldmapDialFrmCurrentFrame, 0); blitBufferToBufferTrans(data, gWorldmapDialFrmWidth, gWorldmapDialFrmHeight, gWorldmapDialFrmWidth, gWorldmapWindowBuffer + WM_WINDOW_WIDTH * WM_WINDOW_DIAL_Y + WM_WINDOW_DIAL_X, WM_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (shouldRefreshWindow) { Rect rect; rect.left = WM_WINDOW_DIAL_X; rect.top = WM_WINDOW_DIAL_Y - 1; rect.right = rect.left + gWorldmapDialFrmWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + gWorldmapDialFrmHeight; windowRefreshRect(gWorldmapWindow, &rect); } } // 0x4C5804 int _wmAreaFindFirstValidMap(int* out_a1) { *out_a1 = -1; if (_WorldMapCurrArea == -1) { return -1; } CityInfo* city = &(gCities[_WorldMapCurrArea]); if (city->entrancesLength == 0) { return -1; } for (int index = 0; index < city->entrancesLength; index++) { EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[index]); if (entrance->state != 0) { *out_a1 = entrance->map; return 0; } } EntranceInfo* entrance = &(city->entrances[0]); entrance->state = 1; *out_a1 = entrance->map; return 0; } // 0x4C58C0 int worldmapStartMapMusic() { do { int mapIndex = mapGetCurrentMap(); if (mapIndex == -1 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { break; } MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); if (strlen(map->music) == 0) { break; } if (_gsound_background_play_level_music(map->music, 12) == -1) { break; } return 0; } while (0); debugPrint("\nWorldMap Error: Couldn't start map Music!"); return -1; } // wmSetMapMusic // 0x4C5928 int worldmapSetMapMusic(int mapIndex, const char* name) { if (mapIndex == -1 || mapIndex >= gMapsLength) { return -1; } if (name == NULL) { return -1; } debugPrint("\nwmSetMapMusic: %d, %s", mapIndex, name); MapInfo* map = &(gMaps[mapIndex]); strncpy(map->music, name, 40); map->music[39] = '\0'; if (mapGetCurrentMap() == mapIndex) { backgroundSoundDelete(); worldmapStartMapMusic(); } return 0; } // 0x4C59A4 int _wmMatchAreaContainingMapIdx(int mapIndex, int* cityIndexPtr) { *cityIndexPtr = 0; for (int cityIndex = 0; cityIndex < gCitiesLength; cityIndex++) { CityInfo* cityInfo = &(gCities[cityIndex]); for (int entranceIndex = 0; entranceIndex < cityInfo->entrancesLength; entranceIndex++) { EntranceInfo* entranceInfo = &(cityInfo->entrances[entranceIndex]); if (entranceInfo->map == mapIndex) { *cityIndexPtr = cityIndex; return 0; } } } return -1; } // 0x4C5A1C int _wmTeleportToArea(int cityIndex) { if (!cityIsValid(cityIndex)) { return -1; } _WorldMapCurrArea = cityIndex; gWorldmapTravelDestX = 0; gWorldmapTravelDestY = 0; gWorldmapIsTravelling = false; CityInfo* city = &(gCities[cityIndex]); _world_xpos = city->x; _world_ypos = city->y; return 0; }