#include "pipboy.h" #include "art.h" #include "automap.h" #include "color.h" #include "combat.h" #include "config.h" #include "core.h" #include "critter.h" #include "cycle.h" #include "dbox.h" #include "debug.h" #include "draw.h" #include "game.h" #include "game_config.h" #include "game_mouse.h" #include "game_movie.h" #include "game_sound.h" #include "geometry.h" #include "interface.h" #include "map.h" #include "memory.h" #include "message.h" #include "object.h" #include "party_member.h" #include "platform_compat.h" #include "queue.h" #include "random.h" #include "scripts.h" #include "stat.h" #include "text_font.h" #include "window_manager.h" #include "word_wrap.h" #include "world_map.h" #include #include #include #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH (640) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_HEIGHT (480) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_DAY_X (20) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_DAY_Y (17) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_MONTH_X (46) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_MONTH_Y (18) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_YEAR_X (83) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_YEAR_Y (17) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X (155) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y (17) #define PIPBOY_HOLODISK_LINES_MAX (35) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X (254) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y (46) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH (374) #define PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT (410) #define PIPBOY_IDLE_TIMEOUT (120000) #define PIPBOY_BOMB_COUNT (16) typedef enum Holiday { HOLIDAY_NEW_YEAR, HOLIDAY_VALENTINES_DAY, HOLIDAY_FOOLS_DAY, HOLIDAY_SHIPPING_DAY, HOLIDAY_INDEPENDENCE_DAY, HOLIDAY_HALLOWEEN, HOLIDAY_THANKSGIVING_DAY, HOLIDAY_CRISTMAS, HOLIDAY_COUNT, } Holiday; // Options used to render Pipboy texts. typedef enum PipboyTextOptions { // Specifies that text should be rendered in the center of the Pipboy // monitor. // // This option is mutually exclusive with other alignment options. PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER = 0x02, // Specifies that text should be rendered in the beginning of the right // column in two-column layout. // // This option is mutually exclusive with other alignment options. PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN = 0x04, // Specifies that text should be rendered in the center of the left column. // // This option is mutually exclusive with other alignment options. PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER = 0x10, // Specifies that text should be rendered in the center of the right // column. // // This option is mutually exclusive with other alignment options. PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER = 0x20, // Specifies that text should rendered with underline. PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE = 0x08, // Specifies that text should rendered with strike-through line. PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE_THROUGH = 0x40, // Specifies that text should be rendered with no (minimal) indentation. PIPBOY_TEXT_NO_INDENT = 0x80, } PipboyTextOptions; typedef enum PipboyRestDuration { PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_TEN_MINUTES, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_THIRTY_MINUTES, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_ONE_HOUR, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_TWO_HOURS, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_THREE_HOURS, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_FOUR_HOURS, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_FIVE_HOURS, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_SIX_HOURS, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_MORNING, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_NOON, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_EVENING, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_MIDNIGHT, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_HEALED, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_PARTY_HEALED, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_COUNT, PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_COUNT_WITHOUT_PARTY = PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_COUNT - 1, } PipboyRestDuration; typedef enum PipboyFrm { PIPBOY_FRM_LITTLE_RED_BUTTON_UP, PIPBOY_FRM_LITTLE_RED_BUTTON_DOWN, PIPBOY_FRM_NUMBERS, PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND, PIPBOY_FRM_NOTE, PIPBOY_FRM_MONTHS, PIPBOY_FRM_NOTE_NUMBERS, PIPBOY_FRM_ALARM_DOWN, PIPBOY_FRM_ALARM_UP, PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO, PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB, PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT, } PipboyFrm; // Provides metadata information on quests. // // Loaded from `data/quest.txt`. typedef struct QuestDescription { int location; int description; int gvar; int displayThreshold; int completedThreshold; } QuestDescription; // Provides metadata information on holodisks. // // Loaded from `data/holodisk.txt`. typedef struct HolodiskDescription { int gvar; int name; int description; } HolodiskDescription; typedef struct HolidayDescription { short month; short day; short textId; } HolidayDescription; typedef struct STRUCT_664350 { char* name; short field_4; short field_6; } STRUCT_664350; typedef struct PipboyBomb { int x; int y; float field_8; float field_C; unsigned char field_10; } PipboyBomb; typedef void PipboyRenderProc(int a1); static int pipboyWindowInit(bool forceRest); static void pipboyWindowFree(); static void _pip_init_(); static void pipboyDrawNumber(int value, int digits, int x, int y); static void pipboyDrawDate(); static void pipboyDrawText(const char* text, int a2, int a3); static void pipboyDrawBackButton(int a1); static int _save_pipboy(File* stream); static void pipboyWindowHandleStatus(int a1); static void pipboyWindowRenderQuestLocationList(int a1); static void pipboyRenderHolodiskText(); static int pipboyWindowRenderHolodiskList(int a1); static int _qscmp(const void* a1, const void* a2); static void pipboyWindowHandleAutomaps(int a1); static int _PrintAMelevList(int a1); static int _PrintAMList(int a1); static void pipboyHandleVideoArchive(int a1); static int pipboyRenderVideoArchive(int a1); static void pipboyHandleAlarmClock(int a1); static void pipboyWindowRenderRestOptions(int a1); static void pipboyDrawHitPoints(); static void pipboyWindowCreateButtons(int a1, int a2, bool a3); static void pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); static bool pipboyRest(int hours, int minutes, int kind); static bool _Check4Health(int a1); static bool _AddHealth(); static void _ClacTime(int* hours, int* minutes, int wakeUpHour); static int pipboyRenderScreensaver(); static int questInit(); static void questFree(); static int questDescriptionCompare(const void* a1, const void* a2); static int holodiskInit(); static void holodiskFree(); // 0x496FC0 const Rect gPipboyWindowContentRect = { PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, }; // 0x496FD0 const int gPipboyFrmIds[PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT] = { 8, 9, 82, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 226, }; // 0x51C128 QuestDescription* gQuestDescriptions = NULL; // 0x51C12C int gQuestsCount = 0; // 0x51C130 HolodiskDescription* gHolodiskDescriptions = NULL; // 0x51C134 int gHolodisksCount = 0; // Number of rest options available. // // 0x51C138 int gPipboyRestOptionsCount = PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_COUNT; // 0x51C13C bool gPipboyWindowIsoWasEnabled = false; // 0x51C140 const HolidayDescription gHolidayDescriptions[HOLIDAY_COUNT] = { { 1, 1, 100 }, { 2, 14, 101 }, { 4, 1, 102 }, { 7, 4, 104 }, { 10, 6, 103 }, { 10, 31, 105 }, { 11, 28, 106 }, { 12, 25, 107 }, }; // 0x51C170 PipboyRenderProc* _PipFnctn[5] = { pipboyWindowHandleStatus, pipboyWindowHandleAutomaps, pipboyHandleVideoArchive, pipboyHandleAlarmClock, pipboyHandleAlarmClock, }; // 0x6642E0 Size gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x664338 MessageListItem gPipboyMessageListItem; // pipboy.msg // // 0x664348 MessageList gPipboyMessageList; // 0x664350 STRUCT_664350 _sortlist[24]; // quests.msg // // 0x664410 MessageList gQuestsMessageList; // 0x664418 int gPipboyQuestLocationsCount; // 0x66441C unsigned char* gPipboyWindowBuffer; // 0x664420 unsigned char* gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT]; // 0x66444C int gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount; // 0x664450 int gPipboyMouseY; // 0x664454 int gPipboyMouseX; // 0x664458 unsigned int gPipboyLastEventTimestamp; // Index of the last page when rendering holodisk content. // // 0x66445C int gPipboyHolodiskLastPage; // 0x664460 int _HotLines[22]; // 0x6644B8 int _button; // 0x6644BC int gPipboyPreviousMouseX; // 0x6644C0 int gPipboyPreviousMouseY; // 0x6644C4 int gPipboyWindow; // 0x6644C8 CacheEntry* gPipboyFrmHandles[PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT]; int _holodisk; // 0x6644F8 int gPipboyWindowButtonCount; // 0x6644FC int gPipboyWindowOldFont; // 0x664500 bool _proc_bail_flag; // 0x664504 int _amlst_mode; // 0x664508 int gPipboyTab; // 0x66450C int _actcnt; // 0x664510 int gPipboyWindowButtonStart; // 0x664514 int gPipboyCurrentLine; // 0x664518 int _rest_time; // 0x66451C int _amcty_indx; // 0x664520 int _view_page; // 0x664524 int gPipboyLinesCount; // 0x664528 unsigned char _hot_back_line; // 0x664529 unsigned char _holo_flag; // 0x66452A unsigned char _stat_flag; // 0x497004 int pipboyOpen(bool forceRest) { if (!_wmMapPipboyActive()) { // You aren't wearing the pipboy! const char* text = getmsg(&gMiscMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 7000); showDialogBox(text, NULL, 0, 192, 135, _colorTable[32328], NULL, _colorTable[32328], 1); return 0; } if (pipboyWindowInit(forceRest) == -1) { return -1; } mouseGetPositionInWindow(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyPreviousMouseX, &gPipboyPreviousMouseY); gPipboyLastEventTimestamp = _get_time(); while (true) { int keyCode = _get_input(); if (forceRest) { keyCode = 504; forceRest = false; } mouseGetPositionInWindow(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyMouseX, &gPipboyMouseY); if (keyCode != -1 || gPipboyMouseX != gPipboyPreviousMouseX || gPipboyMouseY != gPipboyPreviousMouseY) { gPipboyLastEventTimestamp = _get_time(); gPipboyPreviousMouseX = gPipboyMouseX; gPipboyPreviousMouseY = gPipboyMouseY; } else { if (_get_time() - gPipboyLastEventTimestamp > PIPBOY_IDLE_TIMEOUT) { pipboyRenderScreensaver(); gPipboyLastEventTimestamp = _get_time(); mouseGetPositionInWindow(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyPreviousMouseX, &gPipboyPreviousMouseY); } } if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_Q || keyCode == KEY_CTRL_X || keyCode == KEY_F10) { showQuitConfirmationDialog(); break; } if (keyCode == 503 || keyCode == KEY_ESCAPE || keyCode == KEY_RETURN || keyCode == KEY_UPPERCASE_P || keyCode == KEY_LOWERCASE_P || _game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { break; } if (keyCode == KEY_F12) { takeScreenshot(); } else if (keyCode >= 500 && keyCode <= 504) { gPipboyTab = keyCode - 500; _PipFnctn[gPipboyTab](1024); } else if (keyCode >= 505 && keyCode <= 527) { _PipFnctn[gPipboyTab](keyCode - 506); } else if (keyCode == 528) { _PipFnctn[gPipboyTab](1025); } else if (keyCode == KEY_PAGE_DOWN) { _PipFnctn[gPipboyTab](1026); } else if (keyCode == KEY_PAGE_UP) { _PipFnctn[gPipboyTab](1027); } if (_proc_bail_flag) { break; } } pipboyWindowFree(); return 0; } // 0x497228 static int pipboyWindowInit(bool forceRest) { gPipboyWindowIsoWasEnabled = isoDisable(); colorCycleDisable(); gameMouseObjectsHide(); indicatorBarHide(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); gPipboyRestOptionsCount = PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_COUNT_WITHOUT_PARTY; if (_getPartyMemberCount() > 1 && partyIsAnyoneCanBeHealedByRest()) { gPipboyRestOptionsCount = PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_COUNT; } gPipboyWindowOldFont = fontGetCurrent(); fontSetCurrent(101); _proc_bail_flag = 0; _rest_time = 0; gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; gPipboyWindowButtonCount = 0; gPipboyLinesCount = PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT / fontGetLineHeight() - 1; gPipboyWindowButtonStart = 0; _hot_back_line = 0; if (holodiskInit() == -1) { return -1; } if (!messageListInit(&gPipboyMessageList)) { return -1; } char path[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(path, "%s%s", asc_5186C8, "pipboy.msg"); if (!(messageListLoad(&gPipboyMessageList, path))) { return -1; } int index; for (index = 0; index < PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT; index++) { int fid = buildFid(OBJ_TYPE_INTERFACE, gPipboyFrmIds[index], 0, 0, 0); gPipboyFrmData[index] = artLockFrameDataReturningSize(fid, &(gPipboyFrmHandles[index]), &(gPipboyFrmSizes[index].width), &(gPipboyFrmSizes[index].height)); if (gPipboyFrmData[index] == NULL) { break; } } if (index != PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT) { debugPrint("\n** Error loading pipboy graphics! **\n"); while (--index >= 0) { artUnlock(gPipboyFrmHandles[index]); } return -1; } int pipboyWindowX = (screenGetWidth() - PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2; int pipboyWindowY = (screenGetHeight() - PIPBOY_WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2; gPipboyWindow = windowCreate(pipboyWindowX, pipboyWindowY, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_HEIGHT, _colorTable[0], WINDOW_FLAG_0x10); if (gPipboyWindow == -1) { debugPrint("\n** Error opening pipboy window! **\n"); for (int index = 0; index < PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT; index++) { artUnlock(gPipboyFrmHandles[index]); } return -1; } gPipboyWindowBuffer = windowGetBuffer(gPipboyWindow); memcpy(gPipboyWindowBuffer, gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND], PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_HEIGHT); pipboyDrawNumber(gameTimeGetHour(), 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); pipboyDrawDate(); int alarmButton = buttonCreate(gPipboyWindow, 124, 13, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_ALARM_UP].width, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_ALARM_UP].height, -1, -1, -1, 504, gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_ALARM_UP], gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_ALARM_DOWN], NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); if (alarmButton != -1) { buttonSetCallbacks(alarmButton, _gsound_med_butt_press, _gsound_med_butt_release); } int y = 341; int eventCode = 500; for (int index = 0; index < 5; index += 1) { if (index != 1) { int btn = buttonCreate(gPipboyWindow, 53, y, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LITTLE_RED_BUTTON_UP].width, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LITTLE_RED_BUTTON_UP].height, -1, -1, -1, eventCode, gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_LITTLE_RED_BUTTON_UP], gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_LITTLE_RED_BUTTON_DOWN], NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); if (btn != -1) { buttonSetCallbacks(btn, _gsound_red_butt_press, _gsound_red_butt_release); } eventCode += 1; } y += 27; } if (forceRest) { if (!_critter_can_obj_dude_rest()) { blitBufferToBufferTrans( gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO], gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].width, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].height, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].width, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 156 + 323, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); int month; int day; int year; gameTimeGetDate(&month, &day, &year); int holiday = 0; for (; holiday < HOLIDAY_COUNT; holiday += 1) { const HolidayDescription* holidayDescription = &(gHolidayDescriptions[holiday]); if (holidayDescription->month == month && holidayDescription->day == day) { break; } } if (holiday != HOLIDAY_COUNT) { const HolidayDescription* holidayDescription = &(gHolidayDescriptions[holiday]); const char* holidayName = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holidayDescription->textId); char holidayNameCopy[256]; strcpy(holidayNameCopy, holidayName); int len = fontGetStringWidth(holidayNameCopy); fontDrawText(gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * (gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].height + 174) + 6 + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].width / 2 + 323 - len / 2, holidayNameCopy, 350, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, _colorTable[992]); } windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); soundPlayFile("iisxxxx1"); const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 215); showDialogBox(text, NULL, 0, 192, 135, _colorTable[32328], 0, _colorTable[32328], DIALOG_BOX_LARGE); } } else { blitBufferToBufferTrans( gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO], gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].width, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].height, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].width, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 156 + 323, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); int month; int day; int year; gameTimeGetDate(&month, &day, &year); int holiday; for (holiday = 0; holiday < HOLIDAY_COUNT; holiday += 1) { const HolidayDescription* holidayDescription = &(gHolidayDescriptions[holiday]); if (holidayDescription->month == month && holidayDescription->day == day) { break; } } if (holiday != HOLIDAY_COUNT) { const HolidayDescription* holidayDescription = &(gHolidayDescriptions[holiday]); const char* holidayName = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holidayDescription->textId); char holidayNameCopy[256]; strcpy(holidayNameCopy, holidayName); int length = fontGetStringWidth(holidayNameCopy); fontDrawText(gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * (gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].height + 174) + 6 + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_LOGO].width / 2 + 323 - length / 2, holidayNameCopy, 350, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, _colorTable[992]); } windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); } if (questInit() == -1) { return -1; } soundPlayFile("pipon"); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); return 0; } // 0x497828 static void pipboyWindowFree() { bool showScriptMessages = false; configGetBool(&gGameConfig, GAME_CONFIG_DEBUG_KEY, GAME_CONFIG_SHOW_SCRIPT_MESSAGES_KEY, &showScriptMessages); if (showScriptMessages) { debugPrint("\nScript "); } scriptsExecMapUpdateProc(); windowDestroy(gPipboyWindow); messageListFree(&gPipboyMessageList); // NOTE: Uninline. holodiskFree(); for (int index = 0; index < PIPBOY_FRM_COUNT; index++) { artUnlock(gPipboyFrmHandles[index]); } pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); fontSetCurrent(gPipboyWindowOldFont); if (gPipboyWindowIsoWasEnabled) { isoEnable(); } colorCycleEnable(); indicatorBarShow(); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); interfaceBarRefresh(); // NOTE: Uninline. questFree(); } // NOTE: Collapsed. // // 0x497918 static void _pip_init_() { } // NOTE: Uncollapsed 0x497918. // // pip_init void pipboyInit() { _pip_init_(); } // NOTE: Uncollapsed 0x497918. void pipboyReset() { _pip_init_(); } // 0x49791C static void pipboyDrawNumber(int value, int digits, int x, int y) { int offset = PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * y + x + 9 * (digits - 1); for (int index = 0; index < digits; index++) { blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_NUMBERS] + 9 * (value % 10), 9, 17, 360, gPipboyWindowBuffer + offset, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); offset -= 9; value /= 10; } } // 0x4979B4 static void pipboyDrawDate() { int day; int month; int year; gameTimeGetDate(&month, &day, &year); pipboyDrawNumber(day, 2, PIPBOY_WINDOW_DAY_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_DAY_Y); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_MONTHS] + 435 * (month - 1), 29, 14, 29, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_MONTH_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_MONTH_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); pipboyDrawNumber(year, 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_YEAR_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_YEAR_Y); } // 0x497A40 static void pipboyDrawText(const char* text, int flags, int color) { if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE) != 0) { color |= FONT_UNDERLINE; } int left = 8; if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_NO_INDENT) != 0) { left -= 7; } int length = fontGetStringWidth(text); if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER) != 0) { left = (350 - length) / 2; } else if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN) != 0) { left += 175; } else if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER) != 0) { left += 86 - length + 16; } else if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER) != 0) { left += 260 - length; } fontDrawText(gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * (gPipboyCurrentLine * fontGetLineHeight() + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y) + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X + left, text, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, color); if ((flags & PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE_THROUGH) != 0) { int top = gPipboyCurrentLine * fontGetLineHeight() + 49; bufferDrawLine(gPipboyWindowBuffer, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X + left, top, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X + left + length, top, color); } if (gPipboyCurrentLine < gPipboyLinesCount) { gPipboyCurrentLine += 1; } } // 0x497B64 static void pipboyDrawBackButton(int color) { if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, 350, 20, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); // BACK const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(text, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, color); } // NOTE: Collapsed. // // 0x497BD4 static int _save_pipboy(File* stream) { return 0; } // NOTE: Uncollapsed 0x497BD4. int pipboySave(File* stream) { return _save_pipboy(stream); } // NOTE: Uncollapsed 0x497BD4. int pipboyLoad(File* stream) { return _save_pipboy(stream); } // 0x497BD8 static void pipboyWindowHandleStatus(int a1) { if (a1 == 1024) { pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } _holo_flag = 0; _holodisk = -1; gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount = 0; _view_page = 0; _stat_flag = 0; for (int index = 0; index < gHolodisksCount; index += 1) { HolodiskDescription* holodiskDescription = &(gHolodiskDescriptions[index]); if (gGameGlobalVars[holodiskDescription->gvar] != 0) { gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount += 1; break; } } pipboyWindowRenderQuestLocationList(-1); if (gPipboyQuestLocationsCount == 0) { const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 203); pipboyDrawText(text, 0, _colorTable[992]); } gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount = pipboyWindowRenderHolodiskList(-1); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); pipboyWindowCreateButtons(2, gPipboyQuestLocationsCount + gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount + 1, false); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); return; } if (_stat_flag == 0 && _holo_flag == 0) { if (gPipboyQuestLocationsCount != 0 && gPipboyMouseX < 429) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); pipboyWindowRenderQuestLocationList(a1); pipboyWindowRenderHolodiskList(-1); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); _stat_flag = 1; } else { if (gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount != 0 && gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount >= a1 && gPipboyMouseX > 429) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); _holodisk = 0; int index = 0; for (; index < gHolodisksCount; index += 1) { HolodiskDescription* holodiskDescription = &(gHolodiskDescriptions[index]); if (gGameGlobalVars[holodiskDescription->gvar] > 0) { if (a1 - 1 == _holodisk) { break; } _holodisk += 1; } } _holodisk = index; blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); pipboyWindowRenderHolodiskList(_holodisk); pipboyWindowRenderQuestLocationList(-1); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); pipboyRenderHolodiskText(); pipboyWindowCreateButtons(0, 0, true); _holo_flag = 1; } } } if (_stat_flag == 0) { if (_holo_flag == 0 || a1 < 1025 || a1 > 1027) { return; } if (gPipboyMouseX > 459 && a1 != 1027 || a1 == 1026) { if (gPipboyHolodiskLastPage <= _view_page) { if (a1 != 1026) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, 350, 20, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // Back const char* text1 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(text1, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // Done const char* text2 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 214); pipboyDrawText(text2, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); pipboyWindowHandleStatus(1024); } } else { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, 350, 20, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // Back const char* text1 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(text1, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // More const char* text2 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 200); pipboyDrawText(text2, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); _view_page += 1; pipboyRenderHolodiskText(); } return; } if (a1 == 1027) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, 350, 20, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // Back const char* text1 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(text1, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // More const char* text2 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 200); pipboyDrawText(text2, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); _view_page -= 1; if (_view_page < 0) { pipboyWindowHandleStatus(1024); return; } } else { if (gPipboyMouseX > 395) { return; } soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, 350, 20, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 436 + 254, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // Back const char* text1 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(text1, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } // More const char* text2 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 200); pipboyDrawText(text2, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); if (_view_page <= 0) { pipboyWindowHandleStatus(1024); return; } _view_page -= 1; } pipboyRenderHolodiskText(); return; } if (a1 == 1025) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); pipboyDrawBackButton(_colorTable[32747]); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); coreDelayProcessingEvents(200); pipboyWindowHandleStatus(1024); } if (a1 <= gPipboyQuestLocationsCount) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); int v13 = 0; int index = 0; for (; index < gQuestsCount; index++) { QuestDescription* questDescription = &(gQuestDescriptions[index]); if (questDescription->displayThreshold <= gGameGlobalVars[questDescription->gvar]) { if (v13 == a1 - 1) { break; } v13 += 1; // Skip quests in the same location. // // FIXME: This code should be identical to the one in the // `pipboyWindowRenderQuestLocationList`. See buffer overread // bug involved. for (; index < gQuestsCount; index++) { if (gQuestDescriptions[index].location != gQuestDescriptions[index + 1].location) { break; } } } } pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 1) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 1; } pipboyWindowCreateButtons(0, 0, true); QuestDescription* questDescription = &(gQuestDescriptions[index]); const char* text1 = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 210); const char* text2 = getmsg(&gMapMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, questDescription->location); char formattedText[1024]; sprintf(formattedText, "%s %s", text2, text1); pipboyDrawText(formattedText, PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 3) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 3; } int number = 1; for (; index < gQuestsCount; index++) { QuestDescription* questDescription = &(gQuestDescriptions[index]); if (gGameGlobalVars[questDescription->gvar] >= questDescription->displayThreshold) { const char* text = getmsg(&gQuestsMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, questDescription->description); char formattedText[1024]; sprintf(formattedText, "%d. %s", number, text); number += 1; short beginnings[WORD_WRAP_MAX_COUNT]; short count; if (wordWrap(formattedText, 350, beginnings, &count) == 0) { for (int line = 0; line < count - 1; line += 1) { char* beginning = formattedText + beginnings[line]; char* ending = formattedText + beginnings[line + 1]; char c = *ending; *ending = '\0'; int flags; int color; if (gGameGlobalVars[questDescription->gvar] < questDescription->completedThreshold) { flags = 0; color = _colorTable[992]; } else { flags = PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE_THROUGH; color = _colorTable[8804]; } pipboyDrawText(beginning, flags, color); *ending = c; gPipboyCurrentLine += 1; } } else { debugPrint("\n ** Word wrap error in pipboy! **\n"); } } if (index != gQuestsCount - 1) { QuestDescription* nextQuestDescription = &(gQuestDescriptions[index + 1]); if (questDescription->location != nextQuestDescription->location) { break; } } } pipboyDrawBackButton(_colorTable[992]); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); _stat_flag = 1; } } // [a1] is likely selected location, or -1 if nothing is selected // // 0x498734 static void pipboyWindowRenderQuestLocationList(int a1) { if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } int flags = gPipboyWindowHolodisksCount != 0 ? PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER : PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; flags |= PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE; // STATUS const char* statusText = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 202); pipboyDrawText(statusText, flags, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 2) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 2; } gPipboyQuestLocationsCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < gQuestsCount; index += 1) { QuestDescription* quest = &(gQuestDescriptions[index]); if (quest->displayThreshold > gGameGlobalVars[quest->gvar]) { continue; } int color = (gPipboyCurrentLine - 1) / 2 == (a1 - 1) ? _colorTable[32747] : _colorTable[992]; // Render location. const char* questLocation = getmsg(&gMapMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, quest->location); pipboyDrawText(questLocation, 0, color); gPipboyCurrentLine += 1; gPipboyQuestLocationsCount += 1; // Skip quests in the same location. // // FIXME: There is a buffer overread bug at the end of the loop. It does // not manifest because dynamically allocated memory blocks have special // footer guard. Location field is the first in the struct and matches // size of the guard. So on the final iteration it compares location of // the last quest with this special guard (0xBEEFCAFE). for (; index < gQuestsCount; index++) { if (gQuestDescriptions[index].location != gQuestDescriptions[index + 1].location) { break; } } } } // 0x4988A0 static void pipboyRenderHolodiskText() { blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } HolodiskDescription* holodisk = &(gHolodiskDescriptions[_holodisk]); int holodiskTextId; int linesCount = 0; gPipboyHolodiskLastPage = 0; for (holodiskTextId = holodisk->description; holodiskTextId < holodisk->description + 500; holodiskTextId += 1) { const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holodiskTextId); if (strcmp(text, "**END-DISK**") == 0) { break; } linesCount += 1; if (linesCount >= PIPBOY_HOLODISK_LINES_MAX) { linesCount = 0; gPipboyHolodiskLastPage += 1; } } if (holodiskTextId >= holodisk->description + 500) { debugPrint("\nPIPBOY: #1 Holodisk text end not found!\n"); } holodiskTextId = holodisk->description; if (_view_page != 0) { int page = 0; int numberOfLines = 0; for (; holodiskTextId < holodiskTextId + 500; holodiskTextId += 1) { const char* line = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holodiskTextId); if (strcmp(line, "**END-DISK**") == 0) { debugPrint("\nPIPBOY: Premature page end in holodisk page search!\n"); break; } numberOfLines += 1; if (numberOfLines >= PIPBOY_HOLODISK_LINES_MAX) { page += 1; if (page >= _view_page) { break; } numberOfLines = 0; } } holodiskTextId += 1; if (holodiskTextId >= holodisk->description + 500) { debugPrint("\nPIPBOY: #2 Holodisk text end not found!\n"); } } else { const char* name = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holodisk->name); pipboyDrawText(name, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); } if (gPipboyHolodiskLastPage != 0) { // of const char* of = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 212); char formattedText[60]; // TODO: Size is probably wrong. sprintf(formattedText, "%d %s %d", _view_page + 1, of, gPipboyHolodiskLastPage + 1); int len = fontGetStringWidth(of); fontDrawText(gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * 47 + 616 + 604 - len, formattedText, 350, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, _colorTable[992]); } if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 3) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 3; } for (int line = 0; line < PIPBOY_HOLODISK_LINES_MAX; line += 1) { const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holodiskTextId); if (strcmp(text, "**END-DISK**") == 0) { break; } if (strcmp(text, "**END-PAR**") == 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine += 1; } else { pipboyDrawText(text, PIPBOY_TEXT_NO_INDENT, _colorTable[992]); } holodiskTextId += 1; } int moreOrDoneTextId; if (gPipboyHolodiskLastPage <= _view_page) { if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } const char* back = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(back, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } moreOrDoneTextId = 214; } else { if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } const char* back = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 201); pipboyDrawText(back, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = gPipboyLinesCount; } moreOrDoneTextId = 200; } const char* moreOrDoneText = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, moreOrDoneTextId); pipboyDrawText(moreOrDoneText, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); } // 0x498C40 static int pipboyWindowRenderHolodiskList(int a1) { if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 2) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 2; } int knownHolodisksCount = 0; for (int index = 0; index < gHolodisksCount; index++) { HolodiskDescription* holodisk = &(gHolodiskDescriptions[index]); if (gGameGlobalVars[holodisk->gvar] != 0) { int color; if ((gPipboyCurrentLine - 2) / 2 == a1) { color = _colorTable[32747]; } else { color = _colorTable[992]; } const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, holodisk->name); pipboyDrawText(text, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN, color); gPipboyCurrentLine++; knownHolodisksCount++; } } if (knownHolodisksCount != 0) { if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 211); // DATA pipboyDrawText(text, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT_COLUMN_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); } return knownHolodisksCount; } // 0x498D34 static int _qscmp(const void* a1, const void* a2) { STRUCT_664350* v1 = (STRUCT_664350*)a1; STRUCT_664350* v2 = (STRUCT_664350*)a2; return strcmp(v1->name, v2->name); } // 0x498D40 static void pipboyWindowHandleAutomaps(int a1) { if (a1 == 1024) { pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } const char* title = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 205); pipboyDrawText(title, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); _actcnt = _PrintAMList(-1); pipboyWindowCreateButtons(2, _actcnt, 0); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); _amlst_mode = 0; return; } if (_amlst_mode != 0) { if (a1 == 1025 || a1 <= -1) { pipboyWindowHandleAutomaps(1024); soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); } if (a1 >= 1 && a1 <= _actcnt + 3) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); _PrintAMelevList(a1); automapRenderInPipboyWindow(gPipboyWindow, _sortlist[a1 - 1].field_6, _sortlist[a1 - 1].field_4); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); } return; } if (a1 > 0 && a1 <= _actcnt) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); _PrintAMList(a1); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); _amcty_indx = _sortlist[a1 - 1].field_4; _actcnt = _PrintAMelevList(1); pipboyWindowCreateButtons(0, _actcnt + 2, 1); automapRenderInPipboyWindow(gPipboyWindow, _sortlist[0].field_6, _sortlist[0].field_4); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); _amlst_mode = 1; } } // 0x498F30 static int _PrintAMelevList(int a1) { AutomapHeader* automapHeader; if (automapGetHeader(&automapHeader) == -1) { return -1; } int v4 = 0; for (int elevation = 0; elevation < ELEVATION_COUNT; elevation++) { if (automapHeader->offsets[_amcty_indx][elevation] > 0) { _sortlist[v4].name = mapGetName(_amcty_indx, elevation); _sortlist[v4].field_4 = elevation; _sortlist[v4].field_6 = _amcty_indx; v4++; } } int mapCount = mapGetCount(); for (int map = 0; map < mapCount; map++) { if (map == _amcty_indx) { continue; } if (_get_map_idx_same(_amcty_indx, map) == -1) { continue; } for (int elevation = 0; elevation < ELEVATION_COUNT; elevation++) { if (automapHeader->offsets[map][elevation] > 0) { _sortlist[v4].name = mapGetName(map, elevation); _sortlist[v4].field_4 = elevation; _sortlist[v4].field_6 = map; v4++; } } } blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } const char* msg = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 205); pipboyDrawText(msg, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 2) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 2; } const char* name = _map_get_description_idx_(_amcty_indx); pipboyDrawText(name, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 4) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 4; } int selectedPipboyLine = (a1 - 1) * 2; for (int index = 0; index < v4; index++) { int color; if (gPipboyCurrentLine - 4 == selectedPipboyLine) { color = _colorTable[32747]; } else { color = _colorTable[992]; } pipboyDrawText(_sortlist[index].name, 0, color); gPipboyCurrentLine++; } pipboyDrawBackButton(_colorTable[992]); return v4; } // 0x499150 static int _PrintAMList(int a1) { AutomapHeader* automapHeader; if (automapGetHeader(&automapHeader) == -1) { return -1; } int count = 0; int index = 0; int mapCount = mapGetCount(); for (int map = 0; map < mapCount; map++) { int elevation; for (elevation = 0; elevation < ELEVATION_COUNT; elevation++) { if (automapHeader->offsets[map][elevation] > 0) { if (_automapDisplayMap(map) == 0) { break; } } } if (elevation < ELEVATION_COUNT) { int v7; if (count != 0) { v7 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (_is_map_idx_same(map, _sortlist[index].field_4)) { break; } v7++; } } else { v7 = 0; } if (v7 == count) { _sortlist[count].name = mapGetCityName(map); _sortlist[count].field_4 = map; count++; } } } if (count != 0) { if (count > 1) { qsort(_sortlist, count, sizeof(*_sortlist), _qscmp); } blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } const char* msg = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 205); pipboyDrawText(msg, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 2) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 2; } for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { int color; if (gPipboyCurrentLine - 1 == a1) { color = _colorTable[32747]; } else { color = _colorTable[992]; } pipboyDrawText(_sortlist[index].name, 0, color); gPipboyCurrentLine++; } } return count; } // 0x49932C static void pipboyHandleVideoArchive(int a1) { if (a1 == 1024) { pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); _view_page = pipboyRenderVideoArchive(-1); pipboyWindowCreateButtons(2, _view_page, false); } else if (a1 >= 0 && a1 <= _view_page) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); pipboyRenderVideoArchive(a1); int movie; for (movie = 2; movie < 16; movie++) { if (gameMovieIsSeen(movie)) { a1--; if (a1 <= 0) { break; } } } if (movie <= MOVIE_COUNT) { gameMoviePlay(movie, GAME_MOVIE_FADE_IN | GAME_MOVIE_FADE_OUT | GAME_MOVIE_PAUSE_MUSIC); } else { debugPrint("\n ** Selected movie not found in list! **\n"); } fontSetCurrent(101); gPipboyLastEventTimestamp = _get_time(); pipboyRenderVideoArchive(-1); } } // 0x4993DC static int pipboyRenderVideoArchive(int a1) { const char* text; int i; int v12; int msg_num; int v5; int v8; int v9; blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } // VIDEO ARCHIVES text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 206); pipboyDrawText(text, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 2) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 2; } v5 = 0; v12 = a1 - 1; // 502 - Elder Speech // ... // 516 - Credits msg_num = 502; for (i = 2; i < 16; i++) { if (gameMovieIsSeen(i)) { v8 = v5++; if (v8 == v12) { v9 = _colorTable[32747]; } else { v9 = _colorTable[992]; } text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, msg_num); pipboyDrawText(text, 0, v9); gPipboyCurrentLine++; } msg_num++; } windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); return v5; } // 0x499518 static void pipboyHandleAlarmClock(int a1) { if (a1 == 1024) { if (_critter_can_obj_dude_rest()) { pipboyWindowDestroyButtons(); pipboyWindowRenderRestOptions(0); pipboyWindowCreateButtons(5, gPipboyRestOptionsCount, false); } else { soundPlayFile("iisxxxx1"); // You cannot rest at this location! const char* text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 215); showDialogBox(text, NULL, 0, 192, 135, _colorTable[32328], 0, _colorTable[32328], DIALOG_BOX_LARGE); } } else if (a1 >= 4 && a1 <= 17) { soundPlayFile("ib1p1xx1"); pipboyWindowRenderRestOptions(a1 - 3); int duration = a1 - 4; int minutes = 0; int hours = 0; int v10 = 0; switch (duration) { case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_TEN_MINUTES: pipboyRest(0, 10, 0); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_THIRTY_MINUTES: pipboyRest(0, 30, 0); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_ONE_HOUR: case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_TWO_HOURS: case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_THREE_HOURS: case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_FOUR_HOURS: case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_FIVE_HOURS: case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_SIX_HOURS: pipboyRest(duration - 1, 0, 0); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_MORNING: _ClacTime(&hours, &minutes, 8); pipboyRest(hours, minutes, 0); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_NOON: _ClacTime(&hours, &minutes, 12); pipboyRest(hours, minutes, 0); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_EVENING: _ClacTime(&hours, &minutes, 18); pipboyRest(hours, minutes, 0); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_MIDNIGHT: _ClacTime(&hours, &minutes, 0); if (pipboyRest(hours, minutes, 0) == 0) { pipboyDrawNumber(0, 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); } windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); break; case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_HEALED: case PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_PARTY_HEALED: pipboyRest(0, 0, duration); break; } soundPlayFile("ib2lu1x1"); pipboyWindowRenderRestOptions(0); } } // 0x4996B4 static void pipboyWindowRenderRestOptions(int a1) { const char* text; blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 0) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 0; } // ALARM CLOCK text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 300); pipboyDrawText(text, PIPBOY_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER | PIPBOY_TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE, _colorTable[992]); if (gPipboyLinesCount >= 5) { gPipboyCurrentLine = 5; } pipboyDrawHitPoints(); // NOTE: I don't know if this +1 was a result of compiler optimization or it // was written like this in the first place. for (int option = 1; option < gPipboyRestOptionsCount + 1; option++) { // 302 - Rest for ten minutes // ... // 315 - Rest until party is healed text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 302 + option - 1); int color = option == a1 ? _colorTable[32747] : _colorTable[992]; pipboyDrawText(text, 0, color); gPipboyCurrentLine++; } windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); } // 0x4997B8 static void pipboyDrawHitPoints() { int max_hp; int cur_hp; char* text; char msg[64]; int len; blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + 66 * PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH + 254, 350, 10, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + 66 * PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH + 254, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); max_hp = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); cur_hp = critterGetHitPoints(gDude); text = getmsg(&gPipboyMessageList, &gPipboyMessageListItem, 301); // Hit Points sprintf(msg, "%s %d/%d", text, cur_hp, max_hp); len = fontGetStringWidth(msg); fontDrawText(gPipboyWindowBuffer + 66 * PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH + 254 + (350 - len) / 2, msg, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, _colorTable[992]); } // 0x4998C0 static void pipboyWindowCreateButtons(int start, int count, bool a3) { fontSetCurrent(101); int height = fontGetLineHeight(); gPipboyWindowButtonStart = start; gPipboyWindowButtonCount = count; if (count != 0) { int y = start * height + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y; int eventCode = start + 505; for (int index = start; index < 22; index++) { if (gPipboyWindowButtonCount + gPipboyWindowButtonStart <= index) { break; } _HotLines[index] = buttonCreate(gPipboyWindow, 254, y, 350, height, -1, -1, -1, eventCode, NULL, NULL, NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); y += height * 2; eventCode += 1; } } if (a3) { _button = buttonCreate(gPipboyWindow, 254, height * gPipboyLinesCount + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y, 350, height, -1, -1, -1, 528, NULL, NULL, NULL, BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT); } } // 0x4999C0 static void pipboyWindowDestroyButtons() { if (gPipboyWindowButtonCount != 0) { // NOTE: There is a buffer overread bug. In original binary it leads to // reading continuation (from 0x6644B8 onwards), which finally destroys // button in `gPipboyWindow` (id #3), which corresponds to Skilldex // button. Other buttons can be destroyed depending on the last mouse // position. I was not able to replicate this exact behaviour with MSVC. // So here is a small fix, which is an exception to "Do not fix vanilla // bugs" strategy. int end = gPipboyWindowButtonStart + gPipboyWindowButtonCount; if (end > 22) { end = 22; } for (int index = gPipboyWindowButtonStart; index < end; index++) { buttonDestroy(_HotLines[index]); } } if (_hot_back_line) { buttonDestroy(_button); } gPipboyWindowButtonCount = 0; _hot_back_line = 0; } // 0x499A24 static bool pipboyRest(int hours, int minutes, int duration) { gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_WAIT_WATCH); bool rc = false; if (duration == 0) { int hoursInMinutes = hours * 60; double v1 = (double)hoursInMinutes + (double)minutes; double v2 = v1 * (1.0 / 1440.0) * 3.5 + 0.25; double v3 = (double)minutes / v1 * v2; if (minutes != 0) { int gameTime = gameTimeGetTime(); double v4 = v3 * 20.0; int v5 = 0; for (int v5 = 0; v5 < (int)v4; v5++) { if (rc) { break; } unsigned int start = _get_time(); unsigned int v6 = (unsigned int)((double)v5 / v4 * ((double)minutes * 600.0) + (double)gameTime); unsigned int nextEventTime = queueGetNextEventTime(); if (v6 >= nextEventTime) { gameTimeSetTime(nextEventTime + 1); if (queueProcessEvents()) { rc = true; debugPrint("PIPBOY: Returning from Queue trigger...\n"); _proc_bail_flag = 1; break; } if (_game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { rc = true; } } if (!rc) { gameTimeSetTime(v6); if (_get_input() == KEY_ESCAPE || _game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { rc = true; } pipboyDrawNumber(gameTimeGetHour(), 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); pipboyDrawDate(); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); while (getTicksSince(start) < 50) { } } } if (!rc) { gameTimeSetTime(gameTime + 600 * minutes); if (_Check4Health(minutes)) { // NOTE: Uninline. _AddHealth(); } } pipboyDrawNumber(gameTimeGetHour(), 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); pipboyDrawDate(); pipboyDrawHitPoints(); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); } if (hours != 0 && !rc) { int gameTime = gameTimeGetTime(); double v7 = (v2 - v3) * 20.0; for (int hour = 0; hour < (int)v7; hour++) { if (rc) { break; } unsigned int start = _get_time(); if (_get_input() == KEY_ESCAPE || _game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { rc = true; } unsigned int v8 = (unsigned int)((double)hour / v7 * (hours * GAME_TIME_TICKS_PER_HOUR) + gameTime); unsigned int nextEventTime = queueGetNextEventTime(); if (!rc && v8 >= nextEventTime) { gameTimeSetTime(nextEventTime + 1); if (queueProcessEvents()) { rc = true; debugPrint("PIPBOY: Returning from Queue trigger...\n"); _proc_bail_flag = 1; break; } if (_game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { rc = true; } } if (!rc) { gameTimeSetTime(v8); int healthToAdd = (int)((double)hoursInMinutes / v7); if (_Check4Health(healthToAdd)) { // NOTE: Uninline. _AddHealth(); } pipboyDrawNumber(gameTimeGetHour(), 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); pipboyDrawDate(); pipboyDrawHitPoints(); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); while (getTicksSince(start) < 50) { } } } if (!rc) { gameTimeSetTime(gameTime + GAME_TIME_TICKS_PER_HOUR * hours); } pipboyDrawNumber(gameTimeGetHour(), 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); pipboyDrawDate(); pipboyDrawHitPoints(); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); } } else if (duration == PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_HEALED || duration == PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_PARTY_HEALED) { int currentHp = critterGetHitPoints(gDude); int maxHp = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); if (currentHp != maxHp || (duration == PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_PARTY_HEALED && partyIsAnyoneCanBeHealedByRest())) { // First pass - healing dude is the top priority. int hpToHeal = maxHp - currentHp; int healingRate = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_HEALING_RATE); int hoursToHeal = (int)((double)hpToHeal / (double)healingRate * 3.0); while (!rc && hoursToHeal != 0) { if (hoursToHeal <= 24) { rc = pipboyRest(hoursToHeal, 0, 0); hoursToHeal = 0; } else { rc = pipboyRest(24, 0, 0); hoursToHeal -= 24; } } // Second pass - attempt to heal delayed damage to dude (via poison // or radiation), and remaining party members. This process is // performed in 3 hour increments. currentHp = critterGetHitPoints(gDude); maxHp = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); hpToHeal = maxHp - currentHp; if (duration == PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_PARTY_HEALED) { int partyHpToHeal = partyGetMaxWoundToHealByRest(); if (partyHpToHeal > hpToHeal) { hpToHeal = partyHpToHeal; } } while (!rc && hpToHeal != 0) { currentHp = critterGetHitPoints(gDude); maxHp = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); hpToHeal = maxHp - currentHp; if (duration == PIPBOY_REST_DURATION_UNTIL_PARTY_HEALED) { int partyHpToHeal = partyGetMaxWoundToHealByRest(); if (partyHpToHeal > hpToHeal) { hpToHeal = partyHpToHeal; } } rc = pipboyRest(3, 0, 0); } } else { // No one needs healing. gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); return rc; } } int gameTime = gameTimeGetTime(); int nextEventGameTime = queueGetNextEventTime(); if (gameTime > nextEventGameTime) { if (queueProcessEvents()) { debugPrint("PIPBOY: Returning from Queue trigger...\n"); _proc_bail_flag = 1; rc = true; } } pipboyDrawNumber(gameTimeGetHour(), 4, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_TIME_Y); pipboyDrawDate(); windowRefresh(gPipboyWindow); gameMouseSetCursor(MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW); return rc; } // 0x499FCC static bool _Check4Health(int a1) { _rest_time += a1; if (_rest_time < 180) { return false; } debugPrint("\n health added!\n"); _rest_time = 0; return true; } // NOTE: Inlined. static bool _AddHealth() { _partyMemberRestingHeal(3); int currentHp = critterGetHitPoints(gDude); int maxHp = critterGetStat(gDude, STAT_MAXIMUM_HIT_POINTS); return currentHp == maxHp; } // Returns [hours] and [minutes] needed to rest until [wakeUpHour]. static void _ClacTime(int* hours, int* minutes, int wakeUpHour) { int gameTimeHour = gameTimeGetHour(); *hours = gameTimeHour / 100; *minutes = gameTimeHour % 100; if (*hours != wakeUpHour || *minutes != 0) { *hours = wakeUpHour - *hours; if (*hours < 0) { *hours += 24; if (*minutes != 0) { *hours -= 1; *minutes = 60 - *minutes; } } else { if (*minutes != 0) { *hours -= 1; *minutes = 60 - *minutes; if (*hours < 0) { *hours = 23; } } } } else { *hours = 24; } } // 0x49A0C8 static int pipboyRenderScreensaver() { PipboyBomb bombs[PIPBOY_BOMB_COUNT]; mouseGetPositionInWindow(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyPreviousMouseX, &gPipboyPreviousMouseY); for (int index = 0; index < PIPBOY_BOMB_COUNT; index += 1) { bombs[index].field_10 = 0; } _gmouse_disable(0); unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc(412 * 374); if (buf == NULL) { return -1; } blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, buf, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH); blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); int v31 = 50; while (true) { unsigned int time = _get_time(); mouseGetPositionInWindow(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyMouseX, &gPipboyMouseY); if (_get_input() != -1 || gPipboyPreviousMouseX != gPipboyMouseX || gPipboyPreviousMouseY != gPipboyMouseY) { break; } double random = randomBetween(0, RAND_MAX); // TODO: Figure out what this constant means. Probably somehow related // to RAND_MAX. if (random < 3047.3311) { int index = 0; for (; index < PIPBOY_BOMB_COUNT; index += 1) { if (bombs[index].field_10 == 0) { break; } } if (index < PIPBOY_BOMB_COUNT) { PipboyBomb* bomb = &(bombs[index]); int v27 = (350 - gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width / 4) + (406 - gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height / 4); int v5 = (int)((double)randomBetween(0, RAND_MAX) / (double)RAND_MAX * (double)v27); int v6 = gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height / 4; if (PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT - v6 >= v5) { bomb->x = 602; bomb->y = v5 + 48; } else { bomb->x = v5 - (PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT - v6) + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width / 4; bomb->y = PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y - gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height + 2; } bomb->field_10 = 1; bomb->field_8 = (float)((double)randomBetween(0, RAND_MAX) * (2.75 / RAND_MAX) + 0.15); bomb->field_C = 0; } } if (v31 == 0) { blitBufferToBuffer(gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BACKGROUND] + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); } for (int index = 0; index < PIPBOY_BOMB_COUNT; index++) { PipboyBomb* bomb = &(bombs[index]); if (bomb->field_10 != 1) { continue; } int srcWidth = gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width; int srcHeight = gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height; int destX = bomb->x; int destY = bomb->y; int srcY = 0; int srcX = 0; if (destX >= PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X) { if (destX + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width >= 604) { srcWidth = 604 - destX; if (srcWidth < 1) { bomb->field_10 = 0; } } } else { srcX = PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X - destX; if (srcX >= gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width) { bomb->field_10 = 0; } destX = PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X; srcWidth = gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width - srcX; } if (destY >= PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y) { if (destY + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height >= 452) { srcHeight = 452 - destY; if (srcHeight < 1) { bomb->field_10 = 0; } } } else { if (destY + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height < PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y) { bomb->field_10 = 0; } srcY = PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y - destY; srcHeight = gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].height - srcY; destY = PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y; } if (bomb->field_10 == 1 && v31 == 0) { blitBufferToBufferTrans( gPipboyFrmData[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB] + gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width * srcY + srcX, srcWidth, srcHeight, gPipboyFrmSizes[PIPBOY_FRM_BOMB].width, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * destY + destX, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); } bomb->field_C += bomb->field_8; if (bomb->field_C >= 1.0) { bomb->x = (int)((float)bomb->x - bomb->field_C); bomb->y = (int)((float)bomb->y + bomb->field_C); bomb->field_C = 0.0; } } if (v31 != 0) { v31 -= 1; } else { windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); while (getTicksSince(time) < 50) { } } } blitBufferToBuffer(buf, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_HEIGHT, PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_WIDTH, gPipboyWindowBuffer + PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH * PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_Y + PIPBOY_WINDOW_CONTENT_VIEW_X, PIPBOY_WINDOW_WIDTH); internal_free(buf); windowRefreshRect(gPipboyWindow, &gPipboyWindowContentRect); _gmouse_enable(); return 0; } // 0x49A5D4 static int questInit() { if (gQuestDescriptions != NULL) { internal_free(gQuestDescriptions); gQuestDescriptions = NULL; } gQuestsCount = 0; messageListFree(&gQuestsMessageList); if (!messageListInit(&gQuestsMessageList)) { return -1; } if (!messageListLoad(&gQuestsMessageList, "game\\quests.msg")) { return -1; } File* stream = fileOpen("data\\quests.txt", "rt"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } char string[256]; while (fileReadString(string, 256, stream)) { const char* delim = " \t,"; char* tok; QuestDescription entry; char* pch = string; while (isspace(*pch)) { pch++; } if (*pch == '#') { continue; } tok = strtok(pch, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.location = atoi(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.description = atoi(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.gvar = atoi(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.displayThreshold = atoi(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.completedThreshold = atoi(tok); QuestDescription* entries = (QuestDescription*)internal_realloc(gQuestDescriptions, sizeof(*gQuestDescriptions) * (gQuestsCount + 1)); if (entries == NULL) { goto err; } memcpy(&(entries[gQuestsCount]), &entry, sizeof(entry)); gQuestDescriptions = entries; gQuestsCount++; } qsort(gQuestDescriptions, gQuestsCount, sizeof(*gQuestDescriptions), questDescriptionCompare); fileClose(stream); return 0; err: fileClose(stream); return -1; } // 0x49A7E4 static void questFree() { if (gQuestDescriptions != NULL) { internal_free(gQuestDescriptions); gQuestDescriptions = NULL; } gQuestsCount = 0; messageListFree(&gQuestsMessageList); } // 0x49A818 static int questDescriptionCompare(const void* a1, const void* a2) { QuestDescription* v1 = (QuestDescription*)a1; QuestDescription* v2 = (QuestDescription*)a2; return v1->location - v2->location; } // 0x49A824 static int holodiskInit() { if (gHolodiskDescriptions != NULL) { internal_free(gHolodiskDescriptions); gHolodiskDescriptions = NULL; } gHolodisksCount = 0; File* stream = fileOpen("data\\holodisk.txt", "rt"); if (stream == NULL) { return -1; } char str[256]; while (fileReadString(str, sizeof(str), stream)) { const char* delim = " \t,"; char* tok; HolodiskDescription entry; char* ch = str; while (isspace(*ch)) { ch++; } if (*ch == '#') { continue; } tok = strtok(ch, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.gvar = atoi(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.name = atoi(tok); tok = strtok(NULL, delim); if (tok == NULL) { continue; } entry.description = atoi(tok); HolodiskDescription* entries = (HolodiskDescription*)internal_realloc(gHolodiskDescriptions, sizeof(*gHolodiskDescriptions) * (gHolodisksCount + 1)); if (entries == NULL) { goto err; } memcpy(&(entries[gHolodisksCount]), &entry, sizeof(*gHolodiskDescriptions)); gHolodiskDescriptions = entries; gHolodisksCount++; } fileClose(stream); return 0; err: fileClose(stream); return -1; } // 0x49A968 static void holodiskFree() { if (gHolodiskDescriptions != NULL) { internal_free(gHolodiskDescriptions); gHolodiskDescriptions = NULL; } gHolodisksCount = 0; }