#include "window.h" #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "datafile.h" #include "db.h" #include "draw.h" #include "game.h" #include "input.h" #include "interpreter_lib.h" #include "kb.h" #include "memory_manager.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "mouse_manager.h" #include "movie.h" #include "platform_compat.h" #include "svga.h" #include "text_font.h" #include "widget.h" #include "window_manager.h" namespace fallout { #define MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT (16) typedef struct ManagedButton { int btn; int width; int height; int x; int y; int flags; int field_18; char name[32]; Program* program; unsigned char* pressed; unsigned char* normal; unsigned char* hover; void* field_4C; void* field_50; int procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_COUNT]; int rightProcs[MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_COUNT]; ManagedButtonMouseEventCallback* mouseEventCallback; ManagedButtonMouseEventCallback* rightMouseEventCallback; void* mouseEventCallbackUserData; void* rightMouseEventCallbackUserData; } ManagedButton; typedef struct ManagedWindow { char name[32]; int window; int width; int height; Region** regions; int currentRegionIndex; int regionsLength; int field_38; ManagedButton* buttons; int buttonsLength; int field_44; int field_48; int field_4C; int field_50; float field_54; float field_58; } ManagedWindow; typedef int (*INITVIDEOFN)(); static void redrawButton(ManagedButton* managedButton); // 0x51DCAC static int _holdTime = 250; // 0x51DCB0 static int _checkRegionEnable = 1; // 0x51DCB4 static int _winTOS = -1; // 051DCB8 static int gCurrentManagedWindowIndex = -1; // 0x51DCBC static INITVIDEOFN _gfx_init[12] = { _init_mode_320_200, _init_mode_640_480, _init_mode_640_480_16, _init_mode_320_400, _init_mode_640_480_16, _init_mode_640_400, _init_mode_640_480_16, _init_mode_800_600, _init_mode_640_480_16, _init_mode_1024_768, _init_mode_640_480_16, _init_mode_1280_1024, }; // 0x51DD1C static Size _sizes_x[12] = { { 320, 200 }, { 640, 480 }, { 640, 240 }, { 320, 400 }, { 640, 200 }, { 640, 400 }, { 800, 300 }, { 800, 600 }, { 1024, 384 }, { 1024, 768 }, { 1280, 512 }, { 1280, 1024 }, }; // 0x51DD7C static int gWindowInputHandlersLength = 0; // 0x51DD80 static int _lastWin = -1; // 0x51DD84 static int _said_quit = 1; // 0x66E770 static int _winStack[MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT]; // 0x66E7B0 static char _alphaBlendTable[64 * 256]; // 0x6727B0 static ManagedWindow gManagedWindows[MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT]; // 0x672D70 static WindowInputHandler** gWindowInputHandlers; // 0x672D74 static ManagedWindowCreateCallback* off_672D74; // NOTE: This value is never set. // // 0x672D78 static void (*_selectWindowFunc)(int, ManagedWindow*); // 0x672D7C static int _xres; // 0x672D80 static DisplayInWindowCallback* gDisplayInWindowCallback; // 0x672D84 static WindowDeleteCallback* gWindowDeleteCallback; // 0x672D88 static int _yres; // Highlight color (maybe r). // // 0x672D8C static int _currentHighlightColorR; // 0x672D90 static int gWidgetFont; // 0x672D98 ButtonCallback* off_672D98; // 0x672D9C ButtonCallback* off_672D9C; // Text color (maybe g). // // 0x672DA0 static int _currentTextColorG; // text color (maybe b). // // 0x672DA4 static int _currentTextColorB; // 0x672DA8 static int gWidgetTextFlags; // Text color (maybe r) // // 0x672DAC static int _currentTextColorR; // highlight color (maybe g) // // 0x672DB0 static int _currentHighlightColorG; // Highlight color (maybe b). // // 0x672DB4 static int _currentHighlightColorB; // 0x4B6120 int windowGetFont() { return gWidgetFont; } // 0x4B6128 int windowSetFont(int a1) { gWidgetFont = a1; fontSetCurrent(a1); return 1; } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x4B6138 void windowResetTextAttributes() { // NOTE: Uninline. windowSetTextColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // NOTE: Uninline. windowSetTextFlags(0x2000000 | 0x10000); } // 0x4B6160 int windowGetTextFlags() { return gWidgetTextFlags; } // 0x4B6168 int windowSetTextFlags(int a1) { gWidgetTextFlags = a1; return 1; } // 0x4B6174 unsigned char windowGetTextColor() { return _colorTable[_currentTextColorB | (_currentTextColorG << 5) | (_currentTextColorR << 10)]; } // 0x4B6198 unsigned char windowGetHighlightColor() { return _colorTable[_currentHighlightColorB | (_currentHighlightColorG << 5) | (_currentHighlightColorR << 10)]; } // 0x4B61BC int windowSetTextColor(float r, float g, float b) { _currentTextColorR = (int)(r * 31.0); _currentTextColorG = (int)(g * 31.0); _currentTextColorB = (int)(b * 31.0); return 1; } // 0x4B6208 int windowSetHighlightColor(float r, float g, float b) { _currentHighlightColorR = (int)(r * 31.0); _currentHighlightColorG = (int)(g * 31.0); _currentHighlightColorB = (int)(b * 31.0); return 1; } // 0x4B62E4 bool _checkRegion(int windowIndex, int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseEvent) { // TODO: Incomplete. return false; } // 0x4B6858 bool _windowCheckRegion(int windowIndex, int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseEvent) { bool rc = _checkRegion(windowIndex, mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); int v1 = managedWindow->field_38; for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (region->field_6C != 0) { region->field_6C = 0; rc = true; if (region->mouseEventCallback != nullptr) { region->mouseEventCallback(region, region->mouseEventCallbackUserData, 2); if (v1 != managedWindow->field_38) { return true; } } if (region->rightMouseEventCallback != nullptr) { region->rightMouseEventCallback(region, region->rightMouseEventCallbackUserData, 2); if (v1 != managedWindow->field_38) { return true; } } if (region->program != nullptr && region->procs[2] != 0) { _executeProc(region->program, region->procs[2]); if (v1 != managedWindow->field_38) { return true; } } } } } return rc; } // 0x4B69BC bool _windowRefreshRegions() { int mouseX; int mouseY; mouseGetPosition(&mouseX, &mouseY); int win = windowGetAtPoint(mouseX, mouseY); for (int windowIndex = 0; windowIndex < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; windowIndex++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == win) { for (int regionIndex = 0; regionIndex < managedWindow->regionsLength; regionIndex++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[regionIndex]; region->rightProcs[3] = 0; } int mouseEvent = mouseGetEvent(); return _windowCheckRegion(windowIndex, mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); } } return false; } // 0x4B6A54 bool _checkAllRegions() { if (!_checkRegionEnable) { return false; } int mouseX; int mouseY; mouseGetPosition(&mouseX, &mouseY); int mouseEvent = mouseGetEvent(); int win = windowGetAtPoint(mouseX, mouseY); for (int windowIndex = 0; windowIndex < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; windowIndex++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window != -1 && managedWindow->window == win) { if (_lastWin != -1 && _lastWin != windowIndex && gManagedWindows[_lastWin].window != -1) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[_lastWin]); int v1 = managedWindow->field_38; for (int regionIndex = 0; regionIndex < managedWindow->regionsLength; regionIndex++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[regionIndex]; if (region != nullptr && region->rightProcs[3] != 0) { region->rightProcs[3] = 0; if (region->mouseEventCallback != nullptr) { region->mouseEventCallback(region, region->mouseEventCallbackUserData, 3); if (v1 != managedWindow->field_38) { return true; } } if (region->rightMouseEventCallback != nullptr) { region->rightMouseEventCallback(region, region->rightMouseEventCallbackUserData, 3); if (v1 != managedWindow->field_38) { return true; } } if (region->program != nullptr && region->procs[3] != 0) { _executeProc(region->program, region->procs[3]); if (v1 != managedWindow->field_38) { return 1; } } } } _lastWin = -1; } else { _lastWin = windowIndex; } return _windowCheckRegion(windowIndex, mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); } } return false; } // 0x4B6C48 void _windowAddInputFunc(WindowInputHandler* handler) { int index; for (index = 0; index < gWindowInputHandlersLength; index++) { if (gWindowInputHandlers[index] == nullptr) { break; } } if (index == gWindowInputHandlersLength) { if (gWindowInputHandlers != nullptr) { gWindowInputHandlers = (WindowInputHandler**)internal_realloc_safe(gWindowInputHandlers, sizeof(*gWindowInputHandlers) * (gWindowInputHandlersLength + 1), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 521 } else { gWindowInputHandlers = (WindowInputHandler**)internal_malloc_safe(sizeof(*gWindowInputHandlers), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 523 } } gWindowInputHandlers[gWindowInputHandlersLength] = handler; gWindowInputHandlersLength++; } // 0x4B6CE8 void _doRegionRightFunc(Region* region, int a2) { int v1 = gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].field_38; if (region->rightMouseEventCallback != nullptr) { region->rightMouseEventCallback(region, region->rightMouseEventCallbackUserData, a2); if (v1 != gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].field_38) { return; } } if (a2 < 4) { if (region->program != nullptr && region->rightProcs[a2] != 0) { _executeProc(region->program, region->rightProcs[a2]); } } } // 0x4B6D68 void _doRegionFunc(Region* region, int a2) { int v1 = gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].field_38; if (region->mouseEventCallback != nullptr) { region->mouseEventCallback(region, region->mouseEventCallbackUserData, a2); if (v1 != gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].field_38) { return; } } if (a2 < 4) { if (region->program != nullptr && region->rightProcs[a2] != 0) { _executeProc(region->program, region->rightProcs[a2]); } } } // 0x4B6DE8 bool _windowActivateRegion(const char* regionName, int a2) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (a2 <= 4) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (compat_stricmp(regionGetName(region), regionName) == 0) { _doRegionFunc(region, a2); return true; } } } else { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (compat_stricmp(regionGetName(region), regionName) == 0) { _doRegionRightFunc(region, a2 - 5); return true; } } } return false; } // 0x4B6ED0 int _getInput() { int keyCode = inputGetInput(); if (keyCode == KEY_CTRL_Q || keyCode == KEY_CTRL_X || keyCode == KEY_F10) { showQuitConfirmationDialog(); } if (_game_user_wants_to_quit != 0) { _said_quit = 1 - _said_quit; if (_said_quit) { return -1; } return KEY_ESCAPE; } for (int index = 0; index < gWindowInputHandlersLength; index++) { WindowInputHandler* handler = gWindowInputHandlers[index]; if (handler != nullptr) { if (handler(keyCode) != 0) { return -1; } } } return keyCode; } // 0x4B6F60 void _doButtonOn(int btn, int keyCode) { sub_4B6F68(btn, MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_ENTER); } // 0x4B6F68 void sub_4B6F68(int btn, int mouseEvent) { int win = _win_last_button_winID(); if (win == -1) { return; } for (int windowIndex = 0; windowIndex < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; windowIndex++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == win) { for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < managedWindow->buttonsLength; buttonIndex++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[buttonIndex]); if (managedButton->btn == btn) { if ((managedButton->flags & 0x02) != 0) { _win_set_button_rest_state(managedButton->btn, 0, 0); } else { if (managedButton->program != nullptr && managedButton->procs[mouseEvent] != 0) { _executeProc(managedButton->program, managedButton->procs[mouseEvent]); } if (managedButton->mouseEventCallback != nullptr) { managedButton->mouseEventCallback(managedButton->mouseEventCallbackUserData, mouseEvent); } } } } } } } // 0x4B7028 void _doButtonOff(int btn, int keyCode) { sub_4B6F68(btn, MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_EXIT); } // 0x4B7034 void _doButtonPress(int btn, int keyCode) { sub_4B6F68(btn, MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN); } // 0x4B703C void _doButtonRelease(int btn, int keyCode) { sub_4B6F68(btn, MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP); } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x4B7048 void _doRightButtonPress(int btn, int keyCode) { sub_4B704C(btn, MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN); } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x4B704C void sub_4B704C(int btn, int mouseEvent) { int win = _win_last_button_winID(); if (win == -1) { return; } for (int windowIndex = 0; windowIndex < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; windowIndex++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == win) { for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < managedWindow->buttonsLength; buttonIndex++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[buttonIndex]); if (managedButton->btn == btn) { if ((managedButton->flags & 0x02) != 0) { _win_set_button_rest_state(managedButton->btn, 0, 0); } else { if (managedButton->program != nullptr && managedButton->rightProcs[mouseEvent] != 0) { _executeProc(managedButton->program, managedButton->rightProcs[mouseEvent]); } if (managedButton->rightMouseEventCallback != nullptr) { managedButton->rightMouseEventCallback(managedButton->rightMouseEventCallbackUserData, mouseEvent); } } } } } } } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x4B710C void _doRightButtonRelease(int btn, int keyCode) { sub_4B704C(btn, MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP); } // 0x4B7118 void _setButtonGFX(int width, int height, unsigned char* normal, unsigned char* pressed, unsigned char* a5) { if (normal != nullptr) { bufferFill(normal, width, height, width, _colorTable[0]); bufferFill(normal + width + 1, width - 2, height - 2, width, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 1, 1, width - 2, 1, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 2, 2, width - 3, 2, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 1, height - 2, width - 2, height - 2, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 2, height - 3, width - 3, height - 3, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, width - 2, 1, width - 3, 2, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 1, 2, 1, height - 3, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 2, 3, 2, height - 4, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, width - 2, 2, width - 2, height - 3, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, width - 3, 3, width - 3, height - 4, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(normal, width, 1, height - 2, 2, height - 3, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); } if (pressed != nullptr) { bufferFill(pressed, width, height, width, _colorTable[0]); bufferFill(pressed + width + 1, width - 2, height - 2, width, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); bufferDrawLine(pressed, width, 1, 1, width - 2, 1, _colorTable[32767] + 44); bufferDrawLine(pressed, width, 1, 1, 1, height - 2, _colorTable[32767] + 44); } if (a5 != nullptr) { bufferFill(a5, width, height, width, _colorTable[0]); bufferFill(a5 + width + 1, width - 2, height - 2, width, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 1, 1, width - 2, 1, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 2, 2, width - 3, 2, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 1, height - 2, width - 2, height - 2, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 2, height - 3, width - 3, height - 3, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, width - 2, 1, width - 3, 2, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 1, 2, 1, height - 3, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 2, 3, 2, height - 4, _colorTable[32767]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, width - 2, 2, width - 2, height - 3, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, width - 3, 3, width - 3, height - 4, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][44]); bufferDrawLine(a5, width, 1, height - 2, 2, height - 3, intensityColorTable[_colorTable[32767]][89]); } } // 0x4B75F4 static void redrawButton(ManagedButton* managedButton) { _win_register_button_image(managedButton->btn, managedButton->normal, managedButton->pressed, managedButton->hover, false); } // 0x4B7610 bool _windowHide() { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { return false; } windowHide(managedWindow->window); return true; } // 0x4B7648 bool _windowShow() { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { return false; } windowShow(managedWindow->window); return true; } // 0x4B7734 int _windowWidth() { return gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].width; } // 0x4B7754 int _windowHeight() { return gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].height; } // 0x4B7680 bool _windowDraw() { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { return false; } windowRefresh(managedWindow->window); return true; } // 0x4B78A4 bool _deleteWindow(const char* windowName) { int index; for (index = 0; index < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; index++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedWindow->name, windowName) == 0) { break; } } if (index == MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT) { return false; } if (gWindowDeleteCallback != nullptr) { gWindowDeleteCallback(index, windowName); } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); sub_4B5998(managedWindow->window); windowDestroy(managedWindow->window); managedWindow->window = -1; managedWindow->name[0] = '\0'; if (managedWindow->buttons != nullptr) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* button = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (button->hover != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(button->hover, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 802 } if (button->field_4C != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(button->field_4C, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 804 } if (button->pressed != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(button->pressed, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 806 } if (button->normal != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(button->normal, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 808 } } internal_free_safe(managedWindow->buttons, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 810 } if (managedWindow->regions != nullptr) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { regionDelete(region); } } internal_free_safe(managedWindow->regions, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 818 managedWindow->regions = nullptr; } return true; } // 0x4B7AC4 int sub_4B7AC4(const char* windowName, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // TODO: Incomplete. return -1; } // 0x4B7E7C int sub_4B7E7C(const char* windowName, int x, int y, int width, int height) { // TODO: Incomplete. return -1; } // 0x4B7F3C int _createWindow(const char* windowName, int x, int y, int width, int height, int a6, int flags) { int windowIndex = -1; // NOTE: Original code is slightly different. for (int index = 0; index < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; index++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { windowIndex = index; break; } else { if (compat_stricmp(managedWindow->name, windowName) == 0) { _deleteWindow(windowName); windowIndex = index; break; } } } if (windowIndex == -1) { return -1; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); strncpy(managedWindow->name, windowName, 32); managedWindow->field_54 = 1.0; managedWindow->field_58 = 1.0; managedWindow->field_38 = 0; managedWindow->regions = nullptr; managedWindow->regionsLength = 0; managedWindow->width = width; managedWindow->height = height; managedWindow->buttons = nullptr; managedWindow->buttonsLength = 0; flags |= WINDOW_MANAGED | WINDOW_USE_DEFAULTS; if (off_672D74 != nullptr) { off_672D74(windowIndex, managedWindow->name, &flags); } managedWindow->window = windowCreate(x, y, width, height, a6, flags); managedWindow->field_48 = 0; managedWindow->field_44 = 0; managedWindow->field_4C = a6; managedWindow->field_50 = flags; return windowIndex; } // 0x4B80A4 int _windowOutput(char* string) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return 0; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); int x = (int)(managedWindow->field_44 * managedWindow->field_54); int y = (int)(managedWindow->field_48 * managedWindow->field_58); // NOTE: Uses `add` at 0x4B810E, not bitwise `or`. int flags = windowGetTextColor() + windowGetTextFlags(); windowDrawText(managedWindow->window, string, 0, x, y, flags); return 1; } // 0x4B814C bool _windowGotoXY(int x, int y) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); managedWindow->field_44 = (int)(x * managedWindow->field_54); managedWindow->field_48 = (int)(y * managedWindow->field_58); return true; } // 0x4B81C4 bool _selectWindowID(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { return false; } gCurrentManagedWindowIndex = index; if (_selectWindowFunc != nullptr) { _selectWindowFunc(index, managedWindow); } return true; } // 0x4B821C int _selectWindow(const char* windowName) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (compat_stricmp(managedWindow->name, windowName) == 0) { return gCurrentManagedWindowIndex; } } int index; for (index = 0; index < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; index++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (managedWindow->window != -1) { if (compat_stricmp(managedWindow->name, windowName) == 0) { break; } } } if (_selectWindowID(index)) { return index; } return -1; } // 0x4B82DC unsigned char* _windowGetBuffer() { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); return windowGetBuffer(managedWindow->window); } return nullptr; } // 0x4B8330 int _pushWindow(const char* windowName) { if (_winTOS >= MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT) { return -1; } int oldCurrentWindowIndex = gCurrentManagedWindowIndex; int windowIndex = _selectWindow(windowName); if (windowIndex == -1) { return -1; } // TODO: Check. for (int index = 0; index < _winTOS; index++) { if (_winStack[index] == oldCurrentWindowIndex) { memcpy(&(_winStack[index]), &(_winStack[index + 1]), sizeof(*_winStack) * (_winTOS - index)); break; } } _winTOS++; _winStack[_winTOS] = oldCurrentWindowIndex; return windowIndex; } // 0x4B83D4 int _popWindow() { if (_winTOS == -1) { return -1; } int windowIndex = _winStack[_winTOS]; ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[windowIndex]); _winTOS--; return _selectWindow(managedWindow->name); } // 0x4B8414 void _windowPrintBuf(int win, char* string, int stringLength, int width, int maxY, int x, int y, int flags, int textAlignment) { if (y + fontGetLineHeight() > maxY) { return; } if (stringLength > 255) { stringLength = 255; } char* stringCopy = (char*)internal_malloc_safe(stringLength + 1, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1078 strncpy(stringCopy, string, stringLength); stringCopy[stringLength] = '\0'; int stringWidth = fontGetStringWidth(stringCopy); int stringHeight = fontGetLineHeight(); if (stringWidth == 0 || stringHeight == 0) { internal_free_safe(stringCopy, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1085 return; } if ((flags & FONT_SHADOW) != 0) { stringWidth++; stringHeight++; } unsigned char* backgroundBuffer = (unsigned char*)internal_calloc_safe(stringWidth, stringHeight, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1093 unsigned char* backgroundBufferPtr = backgroundBuffer; fontDrawText(backgroundBuffer, stringCopy, stringWidth, stringWidth, flags); switch (textAlignment) { case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: if (stringWidth < width) { width = stringWidth; } break; case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: if (stringWidth <= width) { x += (width - stringWidth); width = stringWidth; } else { backgroundBufferPtr = backgroundBuffer + stringWidth - width; } break; case TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: if (stringWidth <= width) { x += (width - stringWidth) / 2; width = stringWidth; } else { backgroundBufferPtr = backgroundBuffer + (stringWidth - width) / 2; } break; } if (stringHeight + y > windowGetHeight(win)) { stringHeight = windowGetHeight(win) - y; } if ((flags & 0x2000000) != 0) { blitBufferToBufferTrans(backgroundBufferPtr, width, stringHeight, stringWidth, windowGetBuffer(win) + windowGetWidth(win) * y + x, windowGetWidth(win)); } else { blitBufferToBuffer(backgroundBufferPtr, width, stringHeight, stringWidth, windowGetBuffer(win) + windowGetWidth(win) * y + x, windowGetWidth(win)); } internal_free_safe(backgroundBuffer, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1130 internal_free_safe(stringCopy, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1131 } // 0x4B8638 char** _windowWordWrap(char* string, int maxLength, int a3, int* substringListLengthPtr) { if (string == nullptr) { *substringListLengthPtr = 0; return nullptr; } char** substringList = nullptr; int substringListLength = 0; char* start = string; char* pch = string; int v1 = a3; while (*pch != '\0') { v1 += fontGetCharacterWidth(*pch & 0xFF); if (*pch != '\n' && v1 <= maxLength) { v1 += fontGetLetterSpacing(); pch++; } else { while (v1 > maxLength) { v1 -= fontGetCharacterWidth(*pch); pch--; } if (*pch != '\n') { while (pch != start && *pch != ' ') { pch--; } } if (substringList != nullptr) { substringList = (char**)internal_realloc_safe(substringList, sizeof(*substringList) * (substringListLength + 1), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1166 } else { substringList = (char**)internal_malloc_safe(sizeof(*substringList), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1167 } char* substring = (char*)internal_malloc_safe(pch - start + 1, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1169 strncpy(substring, start, pch - start); substring[pch - start] = '\0'; substringList[substringListLength] = substring; while (*pch == ' ') { pch++; } v1 = 0; start = pch; substringListLength++; } } if (start != pch) { if (substringList != nullptr) { substringList = (char**)internal_realloc_safe(substringList, sizeof(*substringList) * (substringListLength + 1), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1184 } else { substringList = (char**)internal_malloc_safe(sizeof(*substringList), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1185 } char* substring = (char*)internal_malloc_safe(pch - start + 1, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1169 strncpy(substring, start, pch - start); substring[pch - start] = '\0'; substringList[substringListLength] = substring; substringListLength++; } *substringListLengthPtr = substringListLength; return substringList; } // 0x4B880C void _windowFreeWordList(char** substringList, int substringListLength) { if (substringList == nullptr) { return; } for (int index = 0; index < substringListLength; index++) { internal_free_safe(substringList[index], __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1200 } internal_free_safe(substringList, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1201 } // Renders multiline string in the specified bounding box. // // 0x4B8854 void _windowWrapLineWithSpacing(int win, char* string, int width, int height, int x, int y, int flags, int textAlignment, int a9) { if (string == nullptr) { return; } int substringListLength; char** substringList = _windowWordWrap(string, width, 0, &substringListLength); for (int index = 0; index < substringListLength; index++) { int v1 = y + index * (a9 + fontGetLineHeight()); _windowPrintBuf(win, substringList[index], strlen(substringList[index]), width, height + y, x, v1, flags, textAlignment); } _windowFreeWordList(substringList, substringListLength); } // Renders multiline string in the specified bounding box. // // 0x4B88FC void _windowWrapLine(int win, char* string, int width, int height, int x, int y, int flags, int textAlignment) { _windowWrapLineWithSpacing(win, string, width, height, x, y, flags, textAlignment, 0); } // 0x4B8920 bool _windowPrintRect(char* string, int a2, int textAlignment) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); int width = (int)(a2 * managedWindow->field_54); int height = windowGetHeight(managedWindow->window); int x = managedWindow->field_44; int y = managedWindow->field_48; int flags = windowGetTextColor() | 0x2000000; _windowWrapLineWithSpacing(managedWindow->window, string, width, height, x, y, flags, textAlignment, 0); return true; } // 0x4B89B0 bool _windowFormatMessage(char* string, int x, int y, int width, int height, int textAlignment) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); int flags = windowGetTextColor() | 0x2000000; _windowWrapLineWithSpacing(managedWindow->window, string, width, height, x, y, flags, textAlignment, 0); return true; } // 0x4B8A60 bool _windowPrint(char* string, int a2, int x, int y, int a5) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); x = (int)(x * managedWindow->field_54); y = (int)(y * managedWindow->field_58); windowDrawText(managedWindow->window, string, a2, x, y, a5); return true; } // 0x4B8B10 void _displayInWindow(unsigned char* data, int width, int height, int pitch) { if (gDisplayInWindowCallback != nullptr) { // NOTE: The second parameter is unclear as there is no distinction // between address of entire window struct and it's name (since it's the // first field). I bet on name since it matches WindowDeleteCallback, // which accepts window index and window name as seen at 0x4B7927). gDisplayInWindowCallback(gCurrentManagedWindowIndex, gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].name, data, width, height); } if (width == pitch) { // NOTE: Uninline. if (pitch == _windowWidth() && height == _windowHeight()) { // NOTE: Uninline. unsigned char* windowBuffer = _windowGetBuffer(); memcpy(windowBuffer, data, height * width); } else { // NOTE: Uninline. unsigned char* windowBuffer = _windowGetBuffer(); _drawScaledBuf(windowBuffer, _windowWidth(), _windowHeight(), data, width, height); } } else { // NOTE: Uninline. unsigned char* windowBuffer = _windowGetBuffer(); _drawScaled(windowBuffer, _windowWidth(), _windowHeight(), _windowWidth(), data, width, height, pitch); } } // 0x4B8C68 void _displayFile(char* fileName) { int width; int height; unsigned char* data = datafileRead(fileName, &width, &height); if (data != nullptr) { _displayInWindow(data, width, height, width); internal_free_safe(data, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1294 } } // 0x4B8CA8 void _displayFileRaw(char* fileName) { int width; int height; unsigned char* data = datafileReadRaw(fileName, &width, &height); if (data != nullptr) { _displayInWindow(data, width, height, width); internal_free_safe(data, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1305 } } // 0x4B8E50 bool _windowDisplay(char* fileName, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int imageWidth; int imageHeight; unsigned char* imageData = datafileRead(fileName, &imageWidth, &imageHeight); if (imageData == nullptr) { return false; } _windowDisplayBuf(imageData, imageWidth, imageHeight, x, y, width, height); internal_free_safe(imageData, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1376 return true; } // 0x4B8EF0 bool _windowDisplayBuf(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int destX, int destY, int destWidth, int destHeight) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); unsigned char* windowBuffer = windowGetBuffer(managedWindow->window); blitBufferToBuffer(src, destWidth, destHeight, srcWidth, windowBuffer + managedWindow->width * destY + destX, managedWindow->width); return true; } // 0x4B9048 int _windowGetXres() { return _xres; } // 0x4B9050 int _windowGetYres() { return _yres; } // 0x4B9058 void _removeProgramReferences_3(Program* program) { for (int index = 0; index < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; index++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (managedWindow->window != -1) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (program == managedButton->program) { managedButton->program = nullptr; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_ENTER] = 0; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_EXIT] = 0; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN] = 0; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP] = 0; } } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (program == region->program) { region->program = nullptr; region->procs[1] = 0; region->procs[0] = 0; region->procs[3] = 0; region->procs[2] = 0; } } } } } } // 0x4B9190 void _initWindow(int resolution, int a2) { char err[COMPAT_MAX_PATH]; int rc; int i, j; intLibRegisterProgramDeleteCallback(_removeProgramReferences_3); _currentTextColorR = 0; _currentTextColorG = 0; _currentTextColorB = 0; _currentHighlightColorR = 0; _currentHighlightColorG = 0; gWidgetTextFlags = 0x2010000; _yres = _sizes_x[resolution].height; // screen height _currentHighlightColorB = 0; _xres = _sizes_x[resolution].width; // screen width for (int i = 0; i < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; i++) { gManagedWindows[i].window = -1; } rc = windowManagerInit(_gfx_init[resolution], directDrawFree, a2); if (rc != WINDOW_MANAGER_OK) { switch (rc) { case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_INITIALIZING_VIDEO_MODE: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Error initializing video mode %dx%d\n", _xres, _yres); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_NO_MEMORY: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Not enough memory to initialize video mode\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_INITIALIZING_TEXT_FONTS: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Couldn't find/load text fonts\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_WINDOW_SYSTEM_ALREADY_INITIALIZED: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Attempt to initialize window system twice\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_WINDOW_SYSTEM_NOT_INITIALIZED: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Window system not initialized\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_CURRENT_WINDOWS_TOO_BIG: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Current windows are too big for new resolution\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_INITIALIZING_DEFAULT_DATABASE: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Error initializing default database.\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_8: exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_ALREADY_RUNNING: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Program already running.\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_TITLE_NOT_SET: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Program title not set.\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; case WINDOW_MANAGER_ERR_INITIALIZING_INPUT: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Failure initializing input devices.\n"); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; default: snprintf(err, sizeof(err), "Unknown error code %d\n", rc); showMesageBox(err); exit(1); break; } } gWidgetFont = 100; fontSetCurrent(100); mouseManagerInit(); mouseManagerSetNameMangler(_interpretMangleName); for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) { _alphaBlendTable[(i << 8) + j] = ((i * j) >> 9); } } } // 0x4B947C void _windowClose() { // TODO: Incomplete, but required for graceful exit. for (int index = 0; index < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; index++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (managedWindow->window != -1) { _deleteWindow(managedWindow->name); } } if (gWindowInputHandlers != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(gWindowInputHandlers, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1573 } mouseManagerExit(); dbExit(); windowManagerExit(); } // Deletes button with the specified name or all buttons if it's NULL. // // 0x4B9548 bool _windowDeleteButton(const char* buttonName) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttonsLength == 0) { return false; } if (buttonName == nullptr) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); buttonDestroy(managedButton->btn); if (managedButton->hover != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->hover, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1648 managedButton->hover = nullptr; } if (managedButton->field_4C != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->field_4C, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1649 managedButton->field_4C = nullptr; } if (managedButton->pressed != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->pressed, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1650 managedButton->pressed = nullptr; } if (managedButton->normal != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->normal, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1651 managedButton->normal = nullptr; } if (managedButton->field_50 != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->normal, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1652 managedButton->field_50 = nullptr; } } internal_free_safe(managedWindow->buttons, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1654 managedWindow->buttons = nullptr; managedWindow->buttonsLength = 0; return true; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { buttonDestroy(managedButton->btn); if (managedButton->hover != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->hover, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1665 managedButton->hover = nullptr; } if (managedButton->field_4C != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->field_4C, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1666 managedButton->field_4C = nullptr; } if (managedButton->pressed != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->pressed, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1667 managedButton->pressed = nullptr; } if (managedButton->normal != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->normal, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1668 managedButton->normal = nullptr; } // FIXME: Probably leaking field_50. It's freed when deleting all // buttons, but not the specific button. if (index != managedWindow->buttonsLength - 1) { // Move remaining buttons up. The last item is not reclaimed. memcpy(managedWindow->buttons + index, managedWindow->buttons + index + 1, sizeof(*(managedWindow->buttons)) * (managedWindow->buttonsLength - index - 1)); } managedWindow->buttonsLength--; if (managedWindow->buttonsLength == 0) { internal_free_safe(managedWindow->buttons, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 1672 managedWindow->buttons = nullptr; } return true; } } return false; } // 0x4B9928 bool _windowSetButtonFlag(const char* buttonName, int value) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { managedButton->flags |= value; return true; } } return false; } // 0x4B99C8 bool _windowAddButton(const char* buttonName, int x, int y, int width, int height, int flags) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); int index; for (index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { buttonDestroy(managedButton->btn); if (managedButton->hover != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->hover, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1748 managedButton->hover = nullptr; } if (managedButton->field_4C != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->field_4C, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1749 managedButton->field_4C = nullptr; } if (managedButton->pressed != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->pressed, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1750 managedButton->pressed = nullptr; } if (managedButton->normal != nullptr) { internal_free_safe(managedButton->normal, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1751 managedButton->normal = nullptr; } break; } } if (index == managedWindow->buttonsLength) { if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { managedWindow->buttons = (ManagedButton*)internal_malloc_safe(sizeof(*managedWindow->buttons), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1758 } else { managedWindow->buttons = (ManagedButton*)internal_realloc_safe(managedWindow->buttons, sizeof(*managedWindow->buttons) * (managedWindow->buttonsLength + 1), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1761 } managedWindow->buttonsLength += 1; } x = (int)(x * managedWindow->field_54); y = (int)(y * managedWindow->field_58); width = (int)(width * managedWindow->field_54); height = (int)(height * managedWindow->field_58); ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); strncpy(managedButton->name, buttonName, 31); managedButton->program = nullptr; managedButton->flags = 0; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP] = 0; managedButton->rightProcs[MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP] = 0; managedButton->mouseEventCallback = nullptr; managedButton->rightMouseEventCallback = nullptr; managedButton->field_50 = nullptr; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN] = 0; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_EXIT] = 0; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_ENTER] = 0; managedButton->rightProcs[MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN] = 0; managedButton->width = width; managedButton->height = height; managedButton->x = x; managedButton->y = y; unsigned char* normal = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc_safe(width * height, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1792 unsigned char* pressed = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc_safe(width * height, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 1793 if ((flags & BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT) != 0) { memset(normal, 0, width * height); memset(pressed, 0, width * height); } else { _setButtonGFX(width, height, normal, pressed, nullptr); } managedButton->btn = buttonCreate( managedWindow->window, x, y, width, height, -1, -1, -1, -1, normal, pressed, nullptr, flags); if (off_672D98 != nullptr || off_672D9C != nullptr) { buttonSetCallbacks(managedButton->btn, off_672D98, off_672D9C); } managedButton->hover = nullptr; managedButton->pressed = pressed; managedButton->normal = normal; managedButton->field_18 = flags; managedButton->field_4C = nullptr; buttonSetMouseCallbacks(managedButton->btn, _doButtonOn, _doButtonOff, _doButtonPress, _doButtonRelease); _windowSetButtonFlag(buttonName, 1); if ((flags & BUTTON_FLAG_TRANSPARENT) != 0) { buttonSetMask(managedButton->btn, normal); } return true; } // 0x4B9DD0 bool _windowAddButtonGfx(const char* buttonName, char* pressedFileName, char* normalFileName, char* hoverFileName) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { int width; int height; if (pressedFileName != nullptr) { unsigned char* pressed = datafileRead(pressedFileName, &width, &height); if (pressed != nullptr) { _drawScaledBuf(managedButton->pressed, managedButton->width, managedButton->height, pressed, width, height); internal_free_safe(pressed, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C, 1834 } } if (normalFileName != nullptr) { unsigned char* normal = datafileRead(normalFileName, &width, &height); if (normal != nullptr) { _drawScaledBuf(managedButton->normal, managedButton->width, managedButton->height, normal, width, height); internal_free_safe(normal, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C, 1842 } } if (hoverFileName != nullptr) { unsigned char* hover = datafileRead(normalFileName, &width, &height); if (hover != nullptr) { if (managedButton->hover == nullptr) { managedButton->hover = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc_safe(managedButton->height * managedButton->width, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C, 1849 } _drawScaledBuf(managedButton->hover, managedButton->width, managedButton->height, hover, width, height); internal_free_safe(hover, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C, 1853 } } if ((managedButton->field_18 & 0x20) != 0) { buttonSetMask(managedButton->btn, managedButton->normal); } // NOTE: Uninline. redrawButton(managedButton); return true; } } return false; } // 0x4BA11C bool _windowAddButtonProc(const char* buttonName, Program* program, int mouseEnterProc, int mouseExitProc, int mouseDownProc, int mouseUpProc) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_ENTER] = mouseEnterProc; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_EXIT] = mouseExitProc; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN] = mouseDownProc; managedButton->procs[MANAGED_BUTTON_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP] = mouseUpProc; managedButton->program = program; return true; } } return false; } // 0x4BA1B4 bool _windowAddButtonRightProc(const char* buttonName, Program* program, int rightMouseDownProc, int rightMouseUpProc) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { managedButton->rightProcs[MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_UP] = rightMouseUpProc; managedButton->rightProcs[MANAGED_BUTTON_RIGHT_MOUSE_EVENT_BUTTON_DOWN] = rightMouseDownProc; managedButton->program = program; return true; } } return false; } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x4BA238 bool _windowAddButtonCfunc(const char* buttonName, ManagedButtonMouseEventCallback* callback, void* userData) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { managedButton->mouseEventCallbackUserData = userData; managedButton->mouseEventCallback = callback; return true; } } return false; } // NOTE: Unused. // // 0x4BA2B4 bool _windowAddButtonRightCfunc(const char* buttonName, ManagedButtonMouseEventCallback* callback, void* userData) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { managedButton->rightMouseEventCallback = callback; managedButton->rightMouseEventCallbackUserData = userData; buttonSetRightMouseCallbacks(managedButton->btn, -1, -1, _doRightButtonPress, _doRightButtonRelease); return true; } } return false; } // 0x4BA34C bool _windowAddButtonText(const char* buttonName, const char* text) { return _windowAddButtonTextWithOffsets(buttonName, text, 2, 2, 0, 0); } // 0x4BA364 bool _windowAddButtonTextWithOffsets(const char* buttonName, const char* text, int pressedImageOffsetX, int pressedImageOffsetY, int normalImageOffsetX, int normalImageOffsetY) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->buttons == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->buttonsLength; index++) { ManagedButton* managedButton = &(managedWindow->buttons[index]); if (compat_stricmp(managedButton->name, buttonName) == 0) { int normalImageHeight = fontGetLineHeight() + 1; int normalImageWidth = fontGetStringWidth(text) + 1; unsigned char* buffer = (unsigned char*)internal_malloc_safe(normalImageHeight * normalImageWidth, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 2010 int normalImageX = (managedButton->width - normalImageWidth) / 2 + normalImageOffsetX; int normalImageY = (managedButton->height - normalImageHeight) / 2 + normalImageOffsetY; if (normalImageX < 0) { normalImageWidth -= normalImageX; normalImageX = 0; } if (normalImageX + normalImageWidth >= managedButton->width) { normalImageWidth = managedButton->width - normalImageX; } if (normalImageY < 0) { normalImageHeight -= normalImageY; normalImageY = 0; } if (normalImageY + normalImageHeight >= managedButton->height) { normalImageHeight = managedButton->height - normalImageY; } if (managedButton->normal != nullptr) { blitBufferToBuffer(managedButton->normal + managedButton->width * normalImageY + normalImageX, normalImageWidth, normalImageHeight, managedButton->width, buffer, normalImageWidth); } else { memset(buffer, 0, normalImageHeight * normalImageWidth); } fontDrawText(buffer, text, normalImageWidth, normalImageWidth, windowGetTextColor() + windowGetTextFlags()); blitBufferToBufferTrans(buffer, normalImageWidth, normalImageHeight, normalImageWidth, managedButton->normal + managedButton->width * normalImageY + normalImageX, managedButton->width); int pressedImageWidth = fontGetStringWidth(text) + 1; int pressedImageHeight = fontGetLineHeight() + 1; int pressedImageX = (managedButton->width - pressedImageWidth) / 2 + pressedImageOffsetX; int pressedImageY = (managedButton->height - pressedImageHeight) / 2 + pressedImageOffsetY; if (pressedImageX < 0) { pressedImageWidth -= pressedImageX; pressedImageX = 0; } if (pressedImageX + pressedImageWidth >= managedButton->width) { pressedImageWidth = managedButton->width - pressedImageX; } if (pressedImageY < 0) { pressedImageHeight -= pressedImageY; pressedImageY = 0; } if (pressedImageY + pressedImageHeight >= managedButton->height) { pressedImageHeight = managedButton->height - pressedImageY; } if (managedButton->pressed != nullptr) { blitBufferToBuffer(managedButton->pressed + managedButton->width * pressedImageY + pressedImageX, pressedImageWidth, pressedImageHeight, managedButton->width, buffer, pressedImageWidth); } else { memset(buffer, 0, pressedImageHeight * pressedImageWidth); } fontDrawText(buffer, text, pressedImageWidth, pressedImageWidth, windowGetTextColor() + windowGetTextFlags()); blitBufferToBufferTrans(buffer, pressedImageWidth, normalImageHeight, normalImageWidth, managedButton->pressed + managedButton->width * pressedImageY + pressedImageX, managedButton->width); internal_free_safe(buffer, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\\int\\WINDOW.C", 2078 if ((managedButton->field_18 & 0x20) != 0) { buttonSetMask(managedButton->btn, managedButton->normal); } // NOTE: Uninline. redrawButton(managedButton); return true; } } return false; } // 0x4BA694 bool _windowFill(float r, float g, float b) { int colorIndex = ((int)(r * 31.0) << 10) | ((int)(g * 31.0) << 5) | (int)(b * 31.0); ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); windowFill(managedWindow->window, 0, 0, _windowWidth(), _windowHeight(), _colorTable[colorIndex]); return true; } // 0x4BA738 bool _windowFillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height, float r, float g, float b) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); x = (int)(x * managedWindow->field_54); y = (int)(y * managedWindow->field_58); width = (int)(width * managedWindow->field_54); height = (int)(height * managedWindow->field_58); int colorIndex = ((int)(r * 31.0) << 10) | ((int)(g * 31.0) << 5) | (int)(b * 31.0); windowFill(managedWindow->window, x, y, width, height, _colorTable[colorIndex]); return true; } // TODO: There is a value returned, not sure which one - could be either // currentRegionIndex or points array. For now it can be safely ignored since // the only caller of this function is opAddRegion, which ignores the returned // value. // // 0x4BA844 void _windowEndRegion() { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); Region* region = managedWindow->regions[managedWindow->currentRegionIndex]; _windowAddRegionPoint(region->points->x, region->points->y, false); _regionSetBound(region); } // 0x4BA988 bool _windowCheckRegionExists(const char* regionName) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (compat_stricmp(regionGetName(region), regionName) == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } // 0x4BA9FC bool _windowStartRegion(int initialCapacity) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } int newRegionIndex; ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->regions == nullptr) { managedWindow->regions = (Region**)internal_malloc_safe(sizeof(&(managedWindow->regions)), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 2167 managedWindow->regionsLength = 1; newRegionIndex = 0; } else { newRegionIndex = 0; for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { if (managedWindow->regions[index] == nullptr) { break; } newRegionIndex++; } if (newRegionIndex == managedWindow->regionsLength) { managedWindow->regions = (Region**)internal_realloc_safe(managedWindow->regions, sizeof(&(managedWindow->regions)) * (managedWindow->regionsLength + 1), __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 2178 managedWindow->regionsLength++; } } Region* newRegion; if (initialCapacity != 0) { newRegion = regionCreate(initialCapacity + 1); } else { newRegion = nullptr; } managedWindow->regions[newRegionIndex] = newRegion; managedWindow->currentRegionIndex = newRegionIndex; return true; } // 0x4BAB68 bool _windowAddRegionPoint(int x, int y, bool a3) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); Region* region = managedWindow->regions[managedWindow->currentRegionIndex]; if (region == nullptr) { region = managedWindow->regions[managedWindow->currentRegionIndex] = regionCreate(1); } if (a3) { x = (int)(x * managedWindow->field_54); y = (int)(y * managedWindow->field_58); } regionAddPoint(region, x, y); return true; } // 0x4BADC0 bool _windowAddRegionProc(const char* regionName, Program* program, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (compat_stricmp(region->name, regionName) == 0) { region->procs[2] = a3; region->procs[3] = a4; region->procs[0] = a5; region->procs[1] = a6; region->program = program; return true; } } } return false; } // 0x4BAE8C bool _windowAddRegionRightProc(const char* regionName, Program* program, int a3, int a4) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (compat_stricmp(region->name, regionName) == 0) { region->rightProcs[0] = a3; region->rightProcs[1] = a4; region->program = program; return true; } } } return false; } // 0x4BAF2C bool _windowSetRegionFlag(const char* regionName, int value) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex != -1) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (compat_stricmp(region->name, regionName) == 0) { regionAddFlag(region, value); return true; } } } } return false; } // 0x4BAFA8 bool _windowAddRegionName(const char* regionName) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); Region* region = managedWindow->regions[managedWindow->currentRegionIndex]; if (region == nullptr) { return false; } for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { if (index != managedWindow->currentRegionIndex) { Region* other = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (other != nullptr) { if (compat_stricmp(regionGetName(other), regionName) == 0) { regionDelete(other); managedWindow->regions[index] = nullptr; break; } } } } regionSetName(region, regionName); return true; } // Delete region with the specified name or all regions if it's NULL. // // 0x4BB0A8 bool _windowDeleteRegion(const char* regionName) { if (gCurrentManagedWindowIndex == -1) { return false; } ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex]); if (managedWindow->window == -1) { return false; } if (regionName != nullptr) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { if (compat_stricmp(regionGetName(region), regionName) == 0) { regionDelete(region); managedWindow->regions[index] = nullptr; managedWindow->field_38++; return true; } } } return false; } managedWindow->field_38++; if (managedWindow->regions != nullptr) { for (int index = 0; index < managedWindow->regionsLength; index++) { Region* region = managedWindow->regions[index]; if (region != nullptr) { regionDelete(region); } } internal_free_safe(managedWindow->regions, __FILE__, __LINE__); // "..\int\WINDOW.C", 2353 managedWindow->regions = nullptr; managedWindow->regionsLength = 0; } return true; } // 0x4BB220 void _updateWindows() { _movieUpdate(); mouseManagerUpdate(); _checkAllRegions(); _update_widgets(); } // 0x4BB234 int _windowMoviePlaying() { return _moviePlaying(); } // 0x4BB23C bool _windowSetMovieFlags(int flags) { if (movieSetFlags(flags) != 0) { return false; } return true; } // 0x4BB24C bool _windowPlayMovie(char* filePath) { if (_movieRun(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].window, filePath) != 0) { return false; } return true; } // 0x4BB280 bool _windowPlayMovieRect(char* filePath, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5) { if (_movieRunRect(gManagedWindows[gCurrentManagedWindowIndex].window, filePath, a2, a3, a4, a5) != 0) { return false; } return true; } // 0x4BB2C4 void _windowStopMovie() { _movieStop(); } // 0x4BB3A8 void _drawScaled(unsigned char* dest, int destWidth, int destHeight, int destPitch, unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch) { if (destWidth == srcWidth && destHeight == srcHeight) { blitBufferToBuffer(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcPitch, dest, destPitch); return; } int incrementX = (srcWidth << 16) / destWidth; int incrementY = (srcHeight << 16) / destHeight; int stepX = incrementX >> 16; int stepY = incrementY >> 16; int destSkip = destPitch - destWidth; int srcSkip = stepY * srcPitch; if (srcSkip != 0) { // Downscaling. int srcPosY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++) { int srcPosX = 0; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++) { *dest++ = src[offset]; offset += stepX; srcPosX += incrementX; if (srcPosX >= 0x10000) { srcPosX &= 0xFFFF; } } dest += destSkip; src += srcSkip; srcPosY += stepY; if (srcPosY >= 0x10000) { srcPosY &= 0xFFFF; src += srcPitch; } } } else { // Upscaling. int y = 0; int srcPosY = 0; while (y < destHeight) { unsigned char* destPtr = dest; int srcPosX = 0; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++) { *dest++ = src[offset]; offset += stepX; srcPosX += stepX; if (srcPosX >= 0x10000) { offset++; srcPosX &= 0xFFFF; } } y++; if (y < destHeight) { dest += destSkip; srcPosY += incrementY; while (y < destHeight && srcPosY < 0x10000) { memcpy(dest, destPtr, destWidth); dest += destWidth; srcPosY += incrementY; y++; } srcPosY &= 0xFFFF; src += srcPitch; } } } } // 0x4BB5D0 void _drawScaledBuf(unsigned char* dest, int destWidth, int destHeight, unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight) { if (destWidth == srcWidth && destHeight == srcHeight) { memcpy(dest, src, srcWidth * srcHeight); return; } int incrementX = (srcWidth << 16) / destWidth; int incrementY = (srcHeight << 16) / destHeight; int stepX = incrementX >> 16; int stepY = incrementY >> 16; int srcSkip = stepY * srcWidth; if (srcSkip != 0) { // Downscaling. int srcPosY = 0; for (int y = 0; y < destHeight; y++) { int srcPosX = 0; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++) { *dest++ = src[offset]; offset += stepX; srcPosX += incrementX; if (srcPosX >= 0x10000) { srcPosX &= 0xFFFF; } } src += srcSkip; srcPosY += stepY; if (srcPosY >= 0x10000) { srcPosY &= 0xFFFF; src += srcWidth; } } } else { // Upscaling. int y = 0; int srcPosY = 0; while (y < destHeight) { unsigned char* destPtr = dest; int srcPosX = 0; int offset = 0; for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x++) { *dest++ = src[offset]; offset += stepX; srcPosX += stepX; if (srcPosX >= 0x10000) { offset++; srcPosX &= 0xFFFF; } } y++; if (y < destHeight) { srcPosY += incrementY; while (y < destHeight && srcPosY < 0x10000) { memcpy(dest, destPtr, destWidth); dest += destWidth; srcPosY += incrementY; y++; } srcPosY &= 0xFFFF; src += srcWidth; } } } } // 0x4BB7D8 void _alphaBltBuf(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch, unsigned char* alphaWindowBuffer, unsigned char* alphaBuffer, unsigned char* dest, int destPitch) { for (int y = 0; y < srcHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; x++) { int rle = (alphaBuffer[0] << 8) + alphaBuffer[1]; alphaBuffer += 2; if ((rle & 0x8000) != 0) { rle &= ~0x8000; } else if ((rle & 0x4000) != 0) { rle &= ~0x4000; memcpy(dest, src, rle); } else { unsigned char* destPtr = dest; unsigned char* srcPtr = src; unsigned char* alphaWindowBufferPtr = alphaWindowBuffer; unsigned char* alphaBufferPtr = alphaBuffer; for (int index = 0; index < rle; index++) { // TODO: Check. unsigned char* v1 = &(_cmap[*srcPtr * 3]); unsigned char* v2 = &(_cmap[*alphaWindowBufferPtr * 3]); unsigned char alpha = *alphaBufferPtr; // NOTE: Original code is slightly different. unsigned int r = _alphaBlendTable[(v1[0] << 8) | alpha] + _alphaBlendTable[(v2[0] << 8) | alpha]; unsigned int g = _alphaBlendTable[(v1[1] << 8) | alpha] + _alphaBlendTable[(v2[1] << 8) | alpha]; unsigned int b = _alphaBlendTable[(v1[2] << 8) | alpha] + _alphaBlendTable[(v2[2] << 8) | alpha]; unsigned int colorIndex = (r << 10) | (g << 5) | b; *destPtr = _colorTable[colorIndex]; destPtr++; srcPtr++; alphaWindowBufferPtr++; alphaBufferPtr++; } alphaBuffer += rle; if ((rle & 1) != 0) { alphaBuffer++; } } src += rle; dest += rle; alphaWindowBuffer += rle; } src += srcPitch - srcWidth; dest += destPitch - srcWidth; } } // 0x4BBFC4 void _fillBuf3x3(unsigned char* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, unsigned char* dest, int destWidth, int destHeight) { int chunkWidth = srcWidth / 3; int chunkHeight = srcHeight / 3; // Middle Middle unsigned char* ptr = src + srcWidth * chunkHeight + chunkWidth; for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x += chunkWidth) { for (int y = 0; y < destHeight; y += chunkHeight) { int middleWidth; if (x + chunkWidth >= destWidth) { middleWidth = destWidth - x; } else { middleWidth = chunkWidth; } int middleY = y + chunkHeight; if (middleY >= destHeight) { middleY = destHeight; } blitBufferToBuffer(ptr, middleWidth, middleY - y, srcWidth, dest + destWidth * y + x, destWidth); } } // Middle Column for (int x = 0; x < destWidth; x += chunkWidth) { // Top Middle int topMiddleX = chunkWidth + x; if (topMiddleX >= destWidth) { topMiddleX = destWidth; } int topMiddleHeight = chunkHeight; if (topMiddleHeight >= destHeight) { topMiddleHeight = destHeight; } blitBufferToBuffer(src + chunkWidth, topMiddleX - x, topMiddleHeight, srcWidth, dest + x, destWidth); // Bottom Middle int bottomMiddleX = chunkWidth + x; if (bottomMiddleX >= destWidth) { bottomMiddleX = destWidth; } blitBufferToBuffer(src + srcWidth * 2 * chunkHeight + chunkWidth, bottomMiddleX - x, destHeight - (destHeight - chunkHeight), srcWidth, dest + destWidth * (destHeight - chunkHeight) + x, destWidth); } // Middle Row for (int y = 0; y < destHeight; y += chunkHeight) { // Middle Left int middleLeftWidth = chunkWidth; if (middleLeftWidth >= destWidth) { middleLeftWidth = destWidth; } int middleLeftY = chunkHeight + y; if (middleLeftY >= destHeight) { middleLeftY = destHeight; } blitBufferToBuffer(src + srcWidth * chunkHeight, middleLeftWidth, middleLeftY - y, srcWidth, dest + destWidth * y, destWidth); // Middle Right int middleRightY = chunkHeight + y; if (middleRightY >= destHeight) { middleRightY = destHeight; } blitBufferToBuffer(src + 2 * chunkWidth + srcWidth * chunkHeight, destWidth - (destWidth - chunkWidth), middleRightY - y, srcWidth, dest + destWidth * y + destWidth - chunkWidth, destWidth); } // Top Left int topLeftWidth = chunkWidth; if (topLeftWidth >= destWidth) { topLeftWidth = destWidth; } int topLeftHeight = chunkHeight; if (topLeftHeight >= destHeight) { topLeftHeight = destHeight; } blitBufferToBuffer(src, topLeftWidth, topLeftHeight, srcWidth, dest, destWidth); // Bottom Left int bottomLeftHeight = chunkHeight; if (chunkHeight >= destHeight) { bottomLeftHeight = destHeight; } blitBufferToBuffer(src + chunkWidth * 2, destWidth - (destWidth - chunkWidth), bottomLeftHeight, srcWidth, dest + destWidth - chunkWidth, destWidth); // Top Right int topRightWidth = chunkWidth; if (chunkWidth >= destWidth) { topRightWidth = destWidth; } blitBufferToBuffer(src + srcWidth * 2 * chunkHeight, topRightWidth, destHeight - (destHeight - chunkHeight), srcWidth, dest + destWidth * (destHeight - chunkHeight), destWidth); // Bottom Right blitBufferToBuffer(src + 2 * chunkWidth + srcWidth * 2 * chunkHeight, destWidth - (destWidth - chunkWidth), destHeight - (destHeight - chunkHeight), srcWidth, dest + destWidth * (destHeight - chunkHeight) + (destWidth - chunkWidth), destWidth); } bool _windowShowNamed(const char* windowName) { for (int index = 0; index < MANAGED_WINDOW_COUNT; index++) { ManagedWindow* managedWindow = &(gManagedWindows[index]); if (managedWindow->window != -1) { if (compat_stricmp(managedWindow->name, windowName) == 0) { windowShow(managedWindow->window); return true; } } } return false; } } // namespace fallout