
999 lines
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Executable File
Raw Blame History

* A list of all symbols exported from engine.c for a game's use.
* Put together by Ryan C. Gordon (icculus@clutteredmind.org)
* Please do NOT harrass Ken Silverman about any code modifications
* (including this file) to BUILD.
* "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
* Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
* See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
* This file IS NOT A PART OF Ken Silverman's original release
/**@file engine.h
* @brief Main engine include file.
* A list of all symbols exported from engine.c for a game's use.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define SUPERBUILD /* don't touch this. */
* this must be implemented by every program that uses the BUILD engine.
* engine.c calls this function in several places.
* See Ken's test game (in game.c), and his editor (in bstub.c) for examples.
void faketimerhandler(void);
* exported engine functions, in absolutely no particular order.
* See build.txt, build2.txt...and anything else with a .txt extention for
* information on using these functions that may or may not be accurate. :)
int initmouse(void);
/**@brief Set the video mode.
* This function sets the video mode.
* If you change the mode in your program,
* you must call this again to reset the mode
* before using the build drawing functions.
* @param davidoption The video modeset to use (0-6).
* Allowed options:
* @arg \c 0 --
* @arg \c 1 -- VESA mode. Any VESA resolution is allowed.
* @arg \c 2 --
* @arg \c 3 --
* @arg \c 4 --
* @arg \c 5 --
* @arg \c 6 --
* @param daxdim The x resolution. (must be 320 if param 1 != 1.)
* @param daydim The y resolution. (must be 200 if param 1 != 1.)
int setgamemode(char davidoption, long daxdim, long daydim);
/**@brief Get the ceiling z value for a point in a sector.
* This function returns the Z value of a ceiling at a point in the sector.
* @param sectnum The sector to look in.
* @param dax The x coordinate to look in.
* @param day The y coordinate to look in.
* @return The z coordinate at that point.
int getceilzofslope(short sectnum, long dax, long day);
/**@brief Get the floor z value for a point in a sector.
* This function returns the Z value of a floor at a point in the sector.
* @param sectnum The sector to look in.
* @param dax The x coordinate to look in.
* @param day The y coordinate to look in.
* @return The z coordinate.
int getflorzofslope(short sectnum, long dax, long day);
/**@brief Get the floor and ceiling z values for a point.
* This function finds the Z value of a floor and ceiling,
* and stores the values in two pointers.
* @param sectnum The sector to look in.
* @param dax The x coordinate to look in.
* @param day The y coordinate to look in.
* @param *ceilz A pointer to write the ceiling z value to.
* @param *florz A pointer to write the floor z value to.
void getzsofslope(short sectnum, long dax, long day, long *ceilz, long *florz);
/**@brief Set aspect ratio and viewing range angle.
* This function sets the aspect ratio
* and viewing range angle of the engine.
* Used for weird video modes or special effects.
* @param daxrange Sets the viewing range angle.
* @param daaspect Sets the aspect ratio.
* @remark Ken's Notes on this function:
* \n---------------------\n
* For a standard 90<39> 320*200 screen, daxrange and daaspect are
* 65536. For square aspect ratio at 320*400, set daaspect
* to 131072. Since daxrange is actually zoom, you must
* modify the aspect ratio inversely if you only want to
* change the viewing angle.
* \n---------------------\n
* [for daaspect] you pass the Y/X aspect ratio scaled up 16 bits, so
* 65536 would be normal. You don't need to call this if you
* don't want to. By default, in setview, I call setaspect
* with these parameters:
* setaspect(divscale16(ydim*320,xdim*200));
* (also written as:)
* setaspect(((ydim*320)<<16)/(xdim*200));
* Note that in 320*200 mode the value passed would be 65536
* which is a 1:1 aspect ratio.
* \n---------------------\n
* Since drawmapview is also affect by the aspect ratio, you
* will need to make sure drawoverheadmap is affected so
* the map modes match up. Please look at and copy my updated
* drawoverheadmap function into your GAME.C if you use it.
void setaspect(long daxrange, long daaspect);
/**@brief Insert a sprite into a sector.
* This function is used to insert a sprite into a sector.
* @param sectnum The sector number to place the sprite into.
* @param statnum The sprite's status. (cstat)
* @return The number assigned to the new sprite.
int insertsprite(short sectnum, short statnum);
/**@brief Update a sector pointer, given x and y values.
* This function updates a pointer with the sector number
* occupied by an x and y value.
* @param x The x coordinate to look up.
* @param y The y coordinate to look up.
* @param *sectnum A pointer to the variable you want to
* write the result into.
* @remark Ken's Notes on this function:
* \n Be careful when you use this function with sprites because
* remember that the sprite's sector number should not be modified directly.
* If you want to update a sprite's sector, I recommend using the setsprite
* function.
void updatesector(long x, long y, short *sectnum);
/**@brief Find the wall to the left of another wall.
* Use this function as a reverse function of wall[].point2.
* @param point The wall to search with.
* @return The wall to the left of \a point.
int lastwall(short point);
/**@brief Set up the sprite lists.
* This function will initialize the doubly-linked
* sprite sector and sprite status lists.
void initspritelists(void);
/**@brief Delete a sprite from the map.
* This function will delete a sprite.
* @param spritenum The sprite number to delete.
int deletesprite(short spritenum);
int insertspritesect(short sectnum);
int deletespritesect(short deleteme);
int deletespritestat (short deleteme);
int insertspritestat(short statnum);
int changespritesect(short spritenum, short newsectnum);
int changespritestat(short spritenum, short newstatnum);
/**@brief Loads a tile into memory
* This function will ensure \a tilenume is in memory.
* @param tilenume The tile to load.
* @remark Ken's Notes on this function:
* \n A tile is not in the cache if (waloff[tilenum] == 0)
void loadtile(short tilenume);
void setmmxoverlay(int isenabled);
int getmmxoverlay(void);
/**@brief Flip to next drawing page.
* This function flips to the next drawing page. After a page is prepared,
* use this function to show the it on the screen and set up the next
* one for drawing.
void nextpage(void);
/**@brief Draw the 3D screen to the current drawing page.
* This function draws the current 3D screen to the current
* drawing page. Remember to call \a nextpage() to actually
* show the page on the screen!
* @param daposx X position of the camera.
* @param daposy Y position of the camera.
* @param daposz Z position of the camera.
* @param daang Viewing angle of the camera.
* @param dahoriz ??? fixme
* @param dacursectnum Sector camera is currently in.
void drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz,
short daang, long dahoriz, short dacursectnum);
/**@brief Loads a map from disk.
* This function loads a map from disk and stores the starting
* location in the pointers you pass.
* If no extention is given to \a filename, .MAP is assumed.
* @param filename The filename to load.
* @param *daposx A pointer for the starting X coordinate.
* @param *daposy A pointer for the starting Y coordinate.
* @param *daposz A pointer for the starting Z coordinate.
* @param *daang A pointer for the starting angle.
* @param *dacursectnum A pointer for the starting sector.
* @return -1 if the map is not found.
int loadboard(char *filename, long *daposx, long *daposy,
long *daposz, short *daang, short *dacursectnum);
/**@brief Draw the sprites and maskwalls to the current drawing page.
* This function will draw the visible sprites and masked walls
* to the current drawing page.
* @remark Ken's Notes on this function:
* \n This function draws all the sprites and masked walls to the current
* drawing page which is not yet shown. The reason I have the drawing
* split up into these 2 routines is so you can animate just the
* sprites that are about to be drawn instead of having to animate
* all the sprites on the whole board. Drawrooms() prepares these
* variables: spritex[], spritey[], spritepicnum[], thesprite[],
* and spritesortcnt. Spritesortcnt is the number of sprites about
* to be drawn to the page. To change the sprite's picnum, simply
* modify the spritepicnum array If you want to change other parts
* of the sprite structure, then you can use the thesprite array to
* get an index to the actual sprite number.
void drawmasks(void);
/**@brief Draws a text message to the screen.
* This function will draw a message to the screen
* using one of the built in fonts.
* @param xpos X position of text.
* @param ypos Y position of text.
* @param col Color of text.
* @param backcol Background color of text, or -1 for transparency.
* @param name The text to draw.
* @param fontsize The font size. Legal values: 0 -- 8x8 font. 1 -- 4x6 font.
void printext256(long xpos, long ypos, short col, short backcol,
char name[82], char fontsize);
/**@brief Draws a text message to the screen without refreshing.
* This function will draw a message to the screen
* using one of the built in fonts.
* It will also avoid refreshing the screen. See Ryan's notes below.
* @param xpos X position of text.
* @param ypos Y position of text.
* @param col Color of text.
* @param backcol Background color of text, or -1 for transparency.
* @param name The text to draw.
* @param fontsize The font size. Legal values: 0 -- 8x8 font. 1 -- 4x6 font.
* @remark Ryan's notes on this function:
* \n This is ryan's change. SDL requires me to call SDL_UpdateRect() to force
* vid updates without a SDL_Flip() call, but there's no such thing in the
* DOS version of this program, so text won't show up sometimes without
* my update call in Linux. \n However, to get a nice shadow effect on some
* text, Ken draws a string at an offset and darker, and then on top of it
* draws the actual string. \n Two SDL_UpdateRect() calls in over top of each
* other cause flicker, so I have this function here so the shadow can
* be drawn with _noupdate, and the actual string is draw with an update.
void printext256_noupdate(long xpos, long ypos, short col, short backcol,
char name[82], char fontsize);
/**@brief Initialize the Build Engine.
* This function initializes many variables for the Build Engine.
* You should call this function before using any other Build functions.
void initengine(void);
/**@brief Uninitialize the Build Engine.
* This function frees the buffers used by the build engine.
* You should call this function once before you end your program.
void uninitengine(void);
/**@brief Loads an artwork file into the engine.
* This function is used to load an artwork file into memory
* so the engine knows where to find the tiles
* referenced by the artwork file.
* If no extention is given to \a filename, .ART is assumed.
* @param *filename The name of the artwork file.
* @return -1 if the file was not found.
int loadpics(char *filename);
/**@brief Saves a map to disk.
* This function dumps the working map to disk,
* using the pointers you pass as the starting location.
* If no extention is given to \a filename, .MAP is assumed.
* @param filename The filename to save.
* @param *daposx A pointer containing the starting X coordinate.
* @param *daposy A pointer containing the starting Y coordinate.
* @param *daposz A pointer containing the starting Z coordinate.
* @param *daang A pointer containing the starting angle.
* @param *dacursectnum A pointer containing the starting sector.
int saveboard(char *filename, long *daposx, long *daposy, long *daposz,
short *daang, short *dacursectnum);
/**@brief Plots a pixel to the screen.
* This function can plot a pixel to the screen
* in any graphics mode. \n
* NOTE: This function is not designed to be fast!
* Use it in moderation.
* @param x The x coordinate of the pixel.
* @param y The y coordinate of the pixel.
* @param col The color of the pixel.
void plotpixel(long x, long y, char col);
/**@brief Returns the color of a pixel on screen.
* This function will find the color of a pixel
* in any graphics mode. \n
* NOTE: This function is not designed to be fast!
* -- Use it in moderation.
* @param x The x cordinate of the pixel.
* @param y The y coordinate of the pixel.
* @return The color of the pixel.
unsigned char getpixel(long x, long y);
/**@brief Adjust the gamma of a VGA palette.
* This function will adjust the brightness of colors in \a dapal.
* @param dabrightness The gamma level. Accepted range of 0-15,
* where 0 is the darkest and 15 is the lightest.
* @param *dapal A pointer to a standard 768 byte VGA palette.
void setbrightness(char dabrightness, unsigned char *dapal);
/**@brief Take a screenshot.
* This function will dump a picture of the current screen
* to a file. \n
* Set \a inverseit to 1 if you want the colors inverted.
* @param *filename The filename to write to.
* @param inverseit Set to 1 if you want the colors inverted.
* @remark Notes on \a filename:
* \n If you use "captxxxx.pcx" as your filename,
* Build will automatically replace the x's with
* an automatically incrementing number, starting
* from 0000.
int screencapture(char *filename, char inverseit);
/**@brief Get the current mouse location and button state.
* This function will store the current mouse position and
* the state of the mouse buttons in the pointers you give it.
* @param mousx A pointer to write the X position of the mouse to.
* @param mousy A pointer to write the Y position of the mouse to.
* @param bstatus A pointer to write the current state of the mouse buttons to.
* @remark \a bstatus is a bitmask of the mouse states:
* @arg 1 -- Left button is down.
* @arg 2 -- Right button is down.
* @arg 4 -- Middle button is down.
void getmousevalues(short *mousx, short *mousy, short *bstatus);
/**@brief Move an object using collision detection.
* This function will move any object at any velocity
* and make sure the object stays a certain distance from walls.
* @param *x A pointer to the object's X coordinate.
* @param *y A pointer to the object's Y coordinate.
* @param *z A pointer to the object's Z coordinate.
* @param *sectnum A pointer to the object's current sector.
* @param xvect The desired X velocity of movement.
* @param yvect The desired Y velocity of movement.
* @param walldist The distance the object should stay away from walls.
* @param ceildist The distance the object should stay away from the ceiling.
* @param flordist The distance the object should stay away from the floor.
* @param cliptype See description below.
* @return Status of clipping:
* @arg 0 -- Nothing was touched.
* @arg 32768+wallnum -- Wall first touched.
* @arg 49152+wallnum -- Sprite first touched.
* @remark Notes on this function:
* \n xvect and yvect are calculated with the following equations:
* @arg xvect = velocity * cos(angle)
* @arg yvect = velocity * sin(angle)
* @remark Ken uses 128 for walldist as his default.
* \n Don't suddenly increase walldist -- it may cause an object to go
* throught the wall!
* \n Cliptype is a mask that tells whether the object should be clipped
* to or not. \n The lower 16 bits are anded with wall[].cstat and the higher
* 16 bits are anded with sprite[].cstat.
int clipmove (long *x, long *y, long *z, short *sectnum, long xvect,
long yvect, long walldist, long ceildist,
long flordist, unsigned long cliptype);
/**@brief Find the highest and lowest z coordinates your clipping box can get to.
* This function finds the highest and lowest z coordinates your clipping box can get to.
* @param x X coordinate of location.
* @param y Y coordinate of location.
* @param z Z coordinate of location.
* @param sectnum Current sector.
* @param *ceilz Pointer to store Z extent of ceiling.
* @param *florz Pointer to store Z extent of floor.
* @param *ceilhit First object hit in the up direction.
* @param *florhit First object hit in the down direction.
* @param walldist Size of your clipping box.
* @param cliptype See description below.
* @remark Notes on this function: \n
* \a walldist is suggested to be 128. \n
* \a ceilhit and \a florhit will be the following after the function call: \n
* 16384+sector (sector first touched) or \n
* 49152+spritenum (sprite first touched)
void getzrange(long x, long y, long z, short sectnum,
long *ceilz, long *ceilhit, long *florz, long *florhit,
long walldist, unsigned long cliptype);
/**@brief Gets the angle of a vector.
* This function will return the angle closest to the
* vector you specify. \n
* There are 2048 possible angles, starting from the right (3 o'clock), going clockwise.
* @param xvect The x component.
* @param yvect The y component.
int getangle(long xvect, long yvect);
/**@brief Adjust the slope of a sector's ceiling to pass through a point
* This function will cause the slope of a sector to change
* and the sector plane to pass through the point specified.
* @param dasect The sector to modify.
* @param x The X coordinate to intersect.
* @param y The Y coordinate to intersect.
* @param z The Z coordinate to intersect.
* @remark Given a sector and assuming it's first wall
* is the pivot wall of the slope,
* this function makes the slope pass through the x,y,z point.
void alignceilslope(short dasect, long x, long y, long z);
/**@brief Adjust the slope of a sector's floor to pass through a point
* This function will cause the slope of a sector to change
* and the sector plane to pass through the point specified.
* @param dasect The sector to modify.
* @param x The X coordinate to intersect.
* @param y The Y coordinate to intersect.
* @param z The Z coordinate to intersect.
* @remark Given a sector and assuming it's first wall
* is the pivot wall of the slope,
* this function makes the slope pass through the x,y,z point. \n
* One use of this function is sine-wave floors.
void alignflorslope(short dasect, long x, long y, long z);
/**@brief Project a ray and report what it hit.
* This function will project a ray in the direction
* specified by a 3D vector
* and report where and what the ray hit.
* @param xs Starting X position.
* @param ys Starting Y position.
* @param zs Starting Z position.
* @param sectnum Starting sector.
* @param vx X component of 3D vector.
* @param vy Y component of 3D vector.
* @param vz Z component of 3D vector.
* @param *hitsect The sector that the intersection occured in.
* @param *hitwall The wall that got hit.
* @param *hitsprite The sprite that got hit.
* @param *hitx The X coordinate of the point that the intersection occured.
* @param *hity The Y coordinate of the point that the intersection occured.
* @param *hitz The Z coordinate of the point that the intersection occured.
* @param cliptype See description below.
* @remark Notes on this function: \n
* If the ray hits a sprite, then
* @arg hitsprite = thespritenumber.
* @arg hitwall = -1.
* @remark If the ray hits a wall, then
* @arg hitsprite = -1
* @arg hitwall = thewallnumber
* @remark If the ray hits the ceiling of a sector, then
* @arg hitsprite = -1
* @arg hitwall = -1
* @arg vectorz < 0
* @arg (If vectorz < 0 then you're shooting upward which means
* that you couldn't have hit a floor)
* @remark If the ray hits the floor of a sector, then
* @arg hitsprite = -1
* @arg hitwall = -1
* @arg vectorz > 0
* @arg (If vectorz > 0 then you're shooting downard which means
* that you couldn't have hit a ceiling)
int hitscan(long xs, long ys, long zs, short sectnum,
long vx, long vy, long vz,
short *hitsect, short *hitwall, short *hitsprite,
long *hitx, long *hity, long *hitz, unsigned long cliptype);
/**@brief Tests to see if a 2d point is in a sector.
* This function will check if a 2d point is inside a sector.
* @param x X coordinate of point.
* @param y Y coordinate of point.
* @param sectnum The sector to test against.
int inside (long x, long y, short sectnum);
/**@brief Sets the first wall of a sector.
* This function sets the first wall of a sector.
* It can be used to change the hinge wall of a slope,
* among other things.
* @param sectnum The sector to modify.
* @param newfirstwall The wall to set as the first wall.
void setfirstwall(short sectnum, short newfirstwall);
/**@brief Rotate / translate a point.
* This function is a very convenient and fast math helper function.
* Rotate points easily with this function without having to juggle your
* cosines and sines.
* @param xpivot X coordinate of point to pivot about.
* @param ypivot Y coordinate of point to pivot about.
* @param x X coordinate of point to translate.
* @param y Y coordinate of point to translate.
* @param daang Angle to rotate (CW, relative)
* @param *x2 X coordinate of the translated point.
* @param *y2 Y coordinate of the translated point.
void rotatepoint(long xpivot, long ypivot, long x, long y, short daang,
long *x2, long *y2);
/**@brief Draw the tile screen.
* This function draws the tile chooser in Build.
* (what you get when you press "v".)
* @param pictopleft The first tile to show.
* @param picbox The tile to highlight.
int drawtilescreen(long pictopleft, long picbox);
/**@brief Clear the current video page to a given color.
* This function clears the current video page to the color \a dacol.
* @param dacol The color to clear to.
void clearview(long dacol);
/**@brief Clear all video pages to a given color.
* This function clears all the video pages to the color \a dacol.
* @param dacol The color to clear to.
void clearallviews(long dacol);
/**@brief Draw a 2D grid.
* This function is used by Build to draw the grid in 2D. \n
* NOTE: This function works only in two graphics modes: \n
* 640*350*16col, 640*480*16col.
* @param posxe Left side of visible grid.
* @param posye Top side of visible grid.
* @param ange Not used.
* @param zoome Zoom factor of grid.
* @param gride The grid's scale.
* @remark Please do not use this function. It is only public
* because the build editor needs it.
void draw2dgrid(long posxe, long posye, short ange, long zoome,
short gride);
/**@brief Draw the 2D screen.
* Thus function is used by build to draw the 2d screen. \n
* See draw2dgrid for explanation.
* @remark Please do not use this function. It is only public
* because the build editor needs it.
void draw2dscreen(long posxe, long posye, short ange, long zoome,
short gride);
/**@brief A fast routine to find the sector that owns a certain wall.
* This function will find the sector that owns the wall \a theline.
* @param theline The wall to lookup.
* @return The sector the wall belongs to.
int sectorofwall(short theline);
/**@brief Puts a sprite somewhere, without checking for validity.
* This function will move a sprite to anywhere on the map,
* regardless of whether the new place is valid.
* @param spritenum The sprite to move.
* @param newx The X coordinate to move to.
* @param newy The Y coordinate to move to.
* @param newz The Z coordinate to move to.
int setsprite(short spritenum, long newx, long newy, long newz);
/**@brief Drag a wall to a new point.
* This function will reliabaly drag a point to a new location
* on the map, using a method identical to dragging the point in 2D edit mode.
* @param pointhighlight The wall to drag.
* @param dax The X coordinate to drag to.
* @param day The Y coordinate to drag to.
* @remark Ken's Notes about this function:
* Every wall of course has 2 points. When you
* pass a wall number to this function, you are actually passing 1 point,
* the left side of the wall (given that you are in the sector of that wall)
* Got it?
void dragpoint(short pointhighlight, long dax, long day);
/**@brief Integer Square Root Function
* This function will return an integer approximating
* the square root of a number.
* @param num The number to work on.
* @return The square root of \a num.
int ksqrt(long num);
/**@brief Find number of walls in sector, up to a known wall.
* This function will find the number of walls in a sector,
* up to the specified wall.
* @param sectnum The sector to work on.
* @param wallnum The wall to stop on.
* @return The number of walls in \a sectnum before \a wallnum,
* or -1 if \a wallnum does not occur in \a sectnum.
int loopnumofsector(short sectnum, short wallnum);
/**@brief Check if two points can see each other.
* This function will determine whether there is a line
* of sight between two points.
* @param x1 X coordinate of point 1.
* @param y1 Y coordinate of point 1.
* @param z1 Z coordinate of point 1.
* @param sect1 Point 1's sector.
* @param x2 X coordinate of point 2.
* @param y2 Y coordinate of point 2.
* @param z2 Z coordinate of point 2.
* @param sect2 Point 2's sector.
int cansee(long x1, long y1, long z1, short sect1,
long x2, long y2, long z2, short sect2);
int lintersect(long x1, long y1, long z1, long x2, long y2, long z2,
long x3, long y3, long x4, long y4, long *intx,
long *inty, long *intz);
int rintersect(long x1, long y1, long z1, long vx, long vy, long vz,
long x3, long y3, long x4, long y4, long *intx,
long *inty, long *intz);
/**@brief Allocate a tile permanently.
* This function allocates a place on the cache as permanent.
* @param tilenume The tile number to associate with the memory.
* @param xsiz The width to allocate.
* @param ysiz The height to allocate.
* @remark Ken's Notes on this function: \n
* Right now, I reset the cache every time you call this
* function so I would recommend calling this function
* right after loadpics.
int allocatepermanenttile(short tilenume, long xsiz, long ysiz);
/**@brief Draw a line.
* This function draws a colored, solid line.
* @param x1 X coordinate of starting point.
* @param y1 Y coordinate of starting point.
* @param x2 X coordinate of ending point.
* @param y2 Y coordinate of ending point.
* @param col Color to use.
void drawline256 (long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, unsigned char col);
/**@brief Copy a piece of a tile to another tile, skipping transparent pixels.
* This function will copy a piece of \a tilenume1 into \a tilenume2,
* skipping transparent parts. If the source coordinates are larger
* than the source tile, the texture will automatically wrap around. \n
* CALL \a allocatepermanenttile ON IT FIRST!
* @param tilenume1 The source tile
* @param sx1 X coordinate to start the copy from
* @param sy1 Y coordinate to start the copy from.
* @param xsiz The width to copy from the source.
* @param ysiz The height to copy from the source.
* @param tilenume2 The destination tile.
* @param sx2 The X coordinate to paste at.
* @param sy2 The Y coordinate to paste at.
void copytilepiece(long tilenume1, long sx1, long sy1, long xsiz, long ysiz,
long tilenume2, long sx2, long sy2);
/**@brief Find the next closest ceiling or floor in surrounding sectors.
* This function will find the next closest ceiling or floor in the sectors surrounding
* the given sector. It is useful for calculating where elevators
* should stop.
* @param sectnum The sector to test with
* @param thez The z coordinate to start the search from.
* @param topbottom Search ceilings/floors only.
* @param direction Search up/down.
* @remark Notes: \n
* \a topbottom: pass -1 to search ceilings, 1 to search floors. \n
* \a direction: pass -1 to search upwards, 1 to search downwards.
int nextsectorneighborz(short sectnum, long thez,
short topbottom, short direction);
/**@brief Find the closest objects with tags the player is pointing at.
* This function will get the nearest tagged objects. It is useful for door
* and switch activation code, among other things.
* @param xs X coordinate to search from.
* @param ys Y coordinate to search from.
* @param zs Z coordinate to search from.
* @param sectnum Sector number to search from.
* @param ange Angle to search from.
* @param *neartagsector The nearest tagged sector.
* @param *neartagwall The nearest tagged wall.
* @param *neartagsprite The nearest tagged sprite.
* @param *neartaghitdist Distance to the found object.
* @param neartagrange Maximum distance to search.
* @param tagsearch What to search for.
* @remark Notes on this function: \n
* For \a tagsearch:
* @arg 1 = search lotag only.
* @arg 2 = search hitag only.
* @arg 3 = search both lotag and hitag.
int neartag(long xs, long ys, long zs, short sectnum, short ange,
short *neartagsector, short *neartagwall, short *neartagsprite,
long *neartaghitdist, long neartagrange, char tagsearch);
/**@brief Try to keep object away from wall.
* This function checks if an object is too close to a wall.
* If it is, it attempts to push it away.
* If it tries to push 256 times, and the object is still too close,
* it returns -1.
* @param *x Object's X coordinate.
* @param *y Object's Y coordinate.
* @param *z Object's Z coordinate.
* @param *sectnum Object's sector.
* @param walldist Distance to avoid walls by.
* @param ceildist Distance to avoid ceilings by.
* @param flordist Distane to avoid floors by.
* @param cliptype See below.
* @remark Notes on this function: \n
* Cliptype is a mask that tells whether the object should be clipped
* to or not. The lower 16 bits are anded with wall[].cstat and the higher
* 16 bits are anded with sprite[].cstat.
int pushmove(long *x, long *y, long *z, short *sectnum,
long walldist, long ceildist, long flordist,
unsigned long cliptype);
/**@brief Returns a random number.
* This function returns a pseudorandom number in the range 0-65535.
* @return A random number.
int krand(void);
void flushperms(void);
/**@brief Rotate and draw a sprite on the screen.
* This function will rotate and draw a sprite onto the screen.
* See notes for proper usage.
* @param sx X center of sprite to draw.
* @param sy Y center of sprite to draw.
* @param z Zoom to draw with.
* @param a Angle to draw at.
* @param picnum The tile to draw.
* @param dashade The shade to draw with.
* @param dapalnum The palette to draw with.
* @param dastat Drawing options.
* @param cx1 Upper left of screen clipping box X.
* @param cy1 Upper left of screen clipping box Y.
* @param cx2 Lower right of screen clipping box X.
* @param cy2 Lower right of screen clipping box Y.
* @remark Ken's Notes on this function.
* @arg (sx, sy) is the center of the sprite to draw defined as
* screen coordinates shifted up by 16.
* @arg (z) is the zoom. Normal zoom is 65536.
* Ex: 131072 is zoomed in 2X and 32768 is zoomed out 2X.
* @arg (a) is the angle (0 is straight up)
* @arg (picnum) is the tile number
* @arg (dashade) is 0 normally but can be any standard shade up to 31 or 63.
* @arg (dapalnum) can be from 0-255.
* @arg if ((dastat&1) == 0) - no transluscence
* @arg if ((dastat&1) != 0) - transluscence
* @arg if ((dastat&2) == 0) - don't scale to setview's viewing window
* @arg if ((dastat&2) != 0) - scale to setview's viewing window (windowx1,etc.)
* @arg if ((dastat&4) == 0) - nuttin' special
* @arg if ((dastat&4) != 0) - y-flip image
* @arg if ((dastat&8) == 0) - clip to startumost/startdmost
* @arg if ((dastat&8) != 0) - don't clip to startumost/startdmost
* @arg if ((dastat&16) == 0) - use Editart center as point passed
* @arg if ((dastat&16) != 0) - force point passed to be top-left corner
* @arg if ((dastat&32) == 0) - nuttin' special
* @arg if ((dastat&32) != 0) - use reverse transluscence
* @arg if ((dastat&64) == 0) - masked drawing (check 255's) (slower)
* @arg if ((dastat&64) != 0) - draw everything (don't check 255's) (faster)
* @arg if ((dastat&128) == 0) - nuttin' special
* @arg if ((dastat&128) != 0) - automatically draw to all video pages
* @remark Note: As a special case, if both ((dastat&2) != 0) and ((dastat&8) != 0)
* then rotatesprite will scale to the full screen (0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1)
* rather than setview's viewing window. (windowx1,windowy1,etc.)
* This case is useful for status bars, etc.\n \n
* Ex: rotatesprite(160L<<16,100L<<16,65536,totalclock<<4,
* DEMOSIGN,2,50L,50L,270L,150L);
* This example will draw the DEMOSIGN tile in the center of the
* screen and rotate about once per second.
* The sprite will only get drawn inside the rectangle from (50,50) to (270,150).
void rotatesprite(long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum,
signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat,
long cx1, long cy1, long cx2, long cy2);
/**@brief Make a lookup table for remapping.
* Ken's description of this function:
* This function allows different shirt colors for sprites.
* First prepare \a remapbuf, which is a 256 byte buffer of chars
* with the colors to remap. \n
* Palnum can be anywhere from 1-15. \n
* Since 0 is where the normal palette is stored, it is a bad
* idea to call this function with palnum=0. \n
* In BUILD.H notice I added a new variable, spritepal[MAXSPRITES]. \n
* Usually the value of this is 0 for the default palette. \n
* But if you change it to the palnum in the code between
* drawrooms() and drawmasks then the sprite will be drawn
* with that remapped palette. \n
* The last 3 parameters are the color that the palette fades to
* as you get further away. \n
* This color is normally black (0,0,0). \n White would be (63,63,63). \n
* if ((dastat&1) == 0) then makepalookup will allocate & deallocate
* the memory block for use but will not waste the time creating a palookup
* table (it assumes you will create one yourself).
void makepalookup(long palnum, char *remapbuf, signed char r,
signed char g, signed char b, char dastat);
/**@brief Draw the overhead textured map view.
* This function is used to draw the overhead textured map view.
* @param dax The x coordinate to center on the map.
* @param day The y coordinate to center on the map.
* @param zoome The zoom to apply to the map.
* @param ang The angle to rotate the map by.
void drawmapview(long dax, long day, long zoome, short ang);
/**@brief Sets the viewing window for 3D mode.
* This function will cause the engine to draw
* the 3D view in a specified portion of the screen.
* @param x1 upper left X coordinate.
* @param y1 upper left Y coordinate.
* @param x2 lower right X coordinate.
* @param y2 lower right Y coordinate.
* @remark Example: For full screen 320*200, call like this: setview(0L,0L,319L,199L);
void setview(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
/**@brief Shows a tile on screen, saving the previous view.
* This function will show a tile on screen, saving the previous
* view. You can call this multiple times, and calling \a setviewback
* will go to the last view. If you keep calling \a setback, you
* will eventually get back to your original screen.
* All drawing starts in the top left corner.
* @param tilenume Tile to show.
* @param xsiz X size to draw.
* @param ysiz Y size to draw.
void setviewtotile(short tilenume, long xsiz, long ysiz);
/**@brief Shows the screen as it was previous to the last \a setviewtotile.
* This function will show the screen as it was before the last call to \a setviewtotile.
void setviewback(void);
/**@brief Rotates a tile's image.
* This function will rotate the graphic of a tile.
* It only works with square tiles.
* @param tilenume The tile to perform the rotation on.
void squarerotatetile(short tilenume);
void preparemirror(long dax, long day, long daz,
short daang, long dahoriz, short dawall,
short dasector, long *tposx, long *tposy,
short *tang);
void completemirror(void);
/**@brief Check if a clipping box intersects a wall
* This function will test if a box intersects a wall.\n
* It returns TRUE if an intersection ocurrs.
* @param x Center of box X.
* @param y Center of box Y.
* @param wallnum Wall to test against.
* @param walldist Radius of clipping box.
* @return TRUE if an intersection ocurred.
int clipinsidebox(long x, long y, short wallnum, long walldist);
/**@brief Load a voxel.
* This function will load a voxel that can be used to replace a sprite. \n
* See notes below.
* @param voxindex The voxel number to use.
* @param *filename The voxel file to load.
* @remark Ken's Notes on Using Voxels: \n
* To actually display the voxel, you need to set the
* (sprite[?].cstat&48) to equal 48 like this: \n
* sprite[?].cstat |= 48; \n
* I have no special collision code for voxels. They are simply
* treated as face sprites. \n \n
* You should set the sprite[?].picnum to equal the VOXEL
* index of the voxel that you passed to qloadkvx. If you don't
* do this you will see nothing. To handle this index remapping
* it is a good idea to make some array like this: \n
* short picnumtovox[MAXTILES]; \n
* and save the array in some file (or in the .GRP file) \n
* Many other fields of the sprite structure also affect voxels,
* such as: ang, shade, pal, xrepeat, yrepeat. \n \n
* Note: To view voxels in the Build editor, you will need to do
* the same qloadkvx calls in your BSTUB.C. \n
* And now a warning: Voxels tend to draw the fastest when
* they are tall and thin. \n For example, a telephone pole
* would work just great. \n They slow down very quickly as
* you add detail. \n This is why you don't see any large
* voxels in SW and Blood.
void qloadkvx(long voxindex, char *filename);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !defined _INCLUDE_ENGINE_H_ */
/* end of engine.h ... */