// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman // Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken" // See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NUMOPTIONS 8 #define NUMKEYS 19 #define NUMENUS 14 static int menuoffs[NUMENUS], menuleng[NUMENUS] = {8,9,4,11,13,15,8,7,2,3,14,6,14,19}; #define MAINMENU 0 #define GRAPHMENU 1 #define CHAINXDIMMENU 2 #define CHAINYDIMMENU 3 #define VESA2MENU 4 #define DIGIMENU 5 #define DIGIOPTIONMENU 6 #define DIGIHZMENU 7 #define MUSICMENU 8 #define INPUTMENU 9 #define COMMENU 10 #define COMSPEEDMENU 11 #define COMIRQMENU 12 #define KEYMENU 13 static unsigned char screeninfo[4000]; static unsigned char *strtable[135] = { "Graphics Mode", "Digitized Sound", "Music", "Input Devices", "Communications", "Ä", "Ignore Changes and Quit", "Save Changes and Quit", "Chain mode (Mode X) ³ VGA compatible ³ 256*200 to 400*540", "VESA mode ³ VESA 1.2 / 2.0 ³ 320*200 to 1600*1200", "Screen-Buffer mode ³ VGA compatible ³ 320*200 only", "Ä", "Specially-optimized TSENG ET4000 mode 320*200 only", "Specially-optimized Paradise WD90Cxx mode 320*200 only", "Specially-optimized S3 chipset mode 320*200 only", "Ä", "Red-Blue Stereo vision (VGA compatible) 320*200 only", "256 * X", "320 * X", "360 * X", "400 * X", "X * 200", "X * 240", "X * 256", "X * 270", "X * 300", "X * 350", "X * 360", "X * 400", "X * 480", "X * 512", "X * 540", " 320 * 200", " 360 * 200", " 320 * 240", " 360 * 240", " 320 * 400", " 360 * 400", " 640 * 350", " 640 * 400", " 640 * 480", " 800 * 600", "1024 * 768", "1280 * 1024", "1600 * 1200", "No digitized sound", "Ä", "Sound Blaster", "Pro Audio Spectrum", "Sound Man 16", "Adlib", "General Midi", "Sound Canvas", "Sound Blaster AWE32", "Wave Blaster", "Sound Scape", "Gravis Ultrasound", "Sound Source", "Tandy Sound source", "PC speaker", " Mono, 8, lo", " Mono, 8, HI", " Mono, 16, lo", " Mono, 16, HI", "Stereo, 8, lo", "Stereo, 8, HI", "Stereo, 16, lo", "Stereo, 16, HI", " 6000hz ", " 8000hz ", " 11025hz ", " 16000hz ", " 22050hz ", " 32000hz ", " 44100hz ", "Music OFF", "Music ON", "Keyboard only", "Keyboard & Mouse", "Keyboard & Spaceplayer", "None", "Ä", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "Ä", "IPX network - 2 Players", "IPX network - 3 Players", "IPX network - 4 Players", "IPX network - 5 Players", "IPX network - 6 Players", "IPX network - 7 Players", "IPX network - 8 Players", "2400 bps", "4800 bps", "9600 bps", "14400 bps", "19200 bps", "28800 bps", "IRQ2", "IRQ3", "IRQ4", "IRQ5", "IRQ6", "IRQ7", "IRQ8", "IRQ9", "IRQ10", "IRQ11", "IRQ12", "IRQ13", "IRQ14", "IRQ15", "Move FORWARD ", "Move BACKWARD ", "Turn LEFT ", "Turn RIGHT ", "RUN ", "STRAFE (walk sideways) ", "SHOOT! ", "OPEN / CLOSE / USE ", "Stand HIGH ", "Stand LOW ", "Look Up ", "Look Down ", "Strafe Left ", "Strafe Right ", "2D/3D flip ", "Player view flip ", "2D Zoom in ", "2D Zoom out ", "Message typing ", }; static unsigned char *keytable[] = { "-","ESC","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","=","BACKSPC","TAB", "Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P","[","]","ENTER","L-CTRL","A","S", "D","F","G","H","J","K","L",";","'","`","L-SHIFT","|","Z","X","C","V", "B","N","M",",",".","/","R-SHIFT","KP *","L-ALT","SPACEBAR","CAPSLOCK","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5", "F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","NUMLOCK","SCROLL","KP 7","KP 8","KP 9","KP -","KP 4","KP 5","KP 6","KP +","KP 1", "KP 2","KP 3","KP 0","KP .","-","-","-","F11","F12","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","KP ENTER","R-CTRL","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","KP /","-","-","R-ALT","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","HOME","UP","PAGEUP","-","LEFT","-","RIGHT","-","END", "DOWN","PAGEDOWN","INSERT","DELETE","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-", "-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-" }; static unsigned char defaultkey[NUMKEYS] = { 0xc8,0xd0,0xcb,0xcd,0x2a,0x9d,0x1d,0x39, 0x1e,0x2c,0xd1,0xc9,0x33,0x34, 0x9c,0x1c,0xd,0xc,0xf, }; volatile unsigned char readch, oldreadch, extended, keystatus[256]; static unsigned char option[NUMOPTIONS], keys[NUMKEYS]; void (_interrupt _far *oldkeyhandler)(); void _interrupt _far keyhandler(void); #if defined(__386__) #pragma aux printchrasm =\ "add edi, 0xb8000"\ "rep stosw"\ parm [edi][ecx][eax]\ #pragma aux savescreen =\ "mov esi, 0xb8000"\ "mov edi, offset screeninfo"\ "mov ecx, 1000"\ "rep movsd"\ modify [ecx esi edi]\ #pragma aux restorescreen =\ "mov esi, offset screeninfo"\ "mov edi, 0xb8000"\ "mov ecx, 1000"\ "rep movsd"\ modify [ecx esi edi]\ #else void printchrasm (int rdi, int rcx, int rax) { _asm { cld mov di, 0b800h mov es, di mov di, rdi mov cx, rcx mov ax, rax rep stosw } } void savescreen () { _asm { cld mov di, offset screeninfo mov cx, 2000 mov si, seg screeninfo mov es, si push ds mov si, 0b800h mov ds, si xor si, si rep movsw pop ds } } void restorescreen () { _asm { cld mov si, offset screeninfo mov cx, 2000 mov di, 0b800h mov es, di xor di, di rep movsw } } #endif void _interrupt _far keyhandler() { oldreadch = readch; _asm { in al, 60h mov readch, al in al, 61h or al, 80h out 61h, al and al, 7fh out 61h, al } if ((readch|1) == 0xe1) extended = 128; else { if (oldreadch != readch) { if ((readch&128) == 0) { if (keystatus[(readch&127)+extended] == 0) keystatus[(readch&127)+extended] = 1; } else keystatus[(readch&127)+extended] = 0; } extended = 0; } _asm { mov al, 20h out 20h, al } } main() { int i, j; unsigned char ch, col; loadsetup(); drawscreen(); savescreen(); j = 0; for(i=0;i= 0) && (i <= 4)) { restorescreen(); i = menu("Main Menu",MAINMENU,i); restorescreen(); switch(i) { case 0: if ((j = menu("Graphics Mode Selection",GRAPHMENU,option[0])) >= 0) { option[0] = j; if (option[0] == 0) { restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("Select X dimension",CHAINXDIMMENU,option[6]&15)) >= 0) option[6] = ((option[6]&0xf0)|(j&0x0f)); restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("Select Y dimension",CHAINYDIMMENU,(option[6]>>4)&15)) >= 0) option[6] = ((option[6]&0x0f)|((j<<4)&0xf0)); } else if (option[0] == 1) { restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("Select VESA2 mode",VESA2MENU,option[6]&15)) >= 0) option[6] = ((option[6]&0xf0)|(j&0x0f)); } } break; case 1: if ((j = menu("Digitized Sound Selection",DIGIMENU,option[1])) >= 0) { option[1] = j; if (option[1] != 0) { restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("Select sound options",DIGIOPTIONMENU,option[7]&15)) >= 0) option[7] = ((option[7]&0xf0)|(j&0x0f)); restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("Select playback rate",DIGIHZMENU,(option[7]>>4)&15)) >= 0) option[7] = ((option[7]&0x0f)|((j<<4)&0xf0)); } } break; case 2: if ((j = menu("Music Selection",MUSICMENU,option[2])) >= 0) option[2] = j; break; case 3: if ((j = menu("Input Device Selection",INPUTMENU,option[3])) >= 0) { option[3] = j; definekeys(); } break; case 4: if ((j = menu("Communications Selection",COMMENU,option[4])) >= 0) { option[4] = j; if ((j >= 1) && (j <= 4)) { restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("COM Speed Selection",COMSPEEDMENU,option[5]&15)) >= 0) option[5] = ((option[5]&0xf0)|(j&0x0f)); restorescreen(); if ((j = menu("COM IRQ Selection",COMIRQMENU,(option[5]>>4)&15)) >= 0) option[5] = ((option[5]&0x0f)|((j<<4)&0xf0)); } } break; case 6: savesetup(); break; } } _asm { mov ax, 3 int 10h } } loadsetup() { int fil, i, j; if ((fil = open("setup.dat",O_BINARY|O_RDONLY,S_IREAD)) == -1) { for(i=0;i numstrings) selection = numstrings-1; xdim = 0; for(i=firstring;i xdim) xdim = strlen(&strtable[i][0]); } xdim += 4; ydim = numstrings+2; x1 = 39-(xdim>>1); y1 = 12-(ydim>>1); printstr((int)39-(strlen(title)>>1),(int)y1-1,title,32); buffer[0] = 218; for(i=1;i= i-(y1+1)) selection++; } else { buffer[0] = 179; for(j=1;j= numstrings) selection = 0; } while (strtable[firstring+selection][0] == 196); } if ((ch == 59) && (firstring == menuoffs[KEYMENU])) return(-256); ch = 0; } if ((ch == 32) && (firstring == menuoffs[KEYMENU])) return(-257); } for(i=ydim-1;i>=0;i--) if (strtable[firstring+i][0] == 196) if (selection >= i) selection--; if (ch == 27) return(-1-selection); else return(selection); } definekeys() { int i, j, k, keypos; for(i=1;i<24;i++) printchr(1,i,(unsigned char)32,(unsigned char)0x40,78); printstr(1,23,"Change selected key by pressing ENTER, then the KEY. ESC returns to main menu.",71); printstr(26,24," Press F1 for default keys. ",71); keypos = 0; do { //Draw and select box j = menuoffs[KEYMENU]; for(i=0;i 0) { strtable[j][k+50] = keytable[keys[i]][k]; k++; } do { j++; } while (strtable[j][0] == 196); } i = menu("Custom Key Menu",KEYMENU,keypos); if (i == -256) //F1 - reset to defaults { for(i=0;i= 0) { keypos = i; keys[keypos] = getscancode(keys[keypos]); } } while ((i >= 0) || (i == -256)); } getscancode(unsigned char scancode) { #if defined(__386__) unsigned char *ptr; #else unsigned char far *ptr; #endif int i, j; for(j=0;j<25;j++) for(i=0;i<57;i++) { #if defined(__386__) ptr = (unsigned char *)(0xb8000+(((j*80)+i)<<1)+1); #else ptr = (unsigned char far *)(0xb8000000+(((j*80)+i)<<1)+1); #endif if (*ptr == 75) *ptr = 19; } for(i=0;i<256;i++) keystatus[i] = 0; oldkeyhandler = _dos_getvect(0x9); _disable(); _dos_setvect(0x9, keyhandler); _enable(); i = 0; while (1) { if (i != 0xaa) { if (keystatus[i] != 0) { j = i; break; } } i = ((i+1)&255); } _disable(); _dos_setvect(0x9, oldkeyhandler); _enable(); if (j > 1) return(j); else return(scancode); }