//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "types.h" #include "develop.h" #include "scriplib.h" #include "file_lib.h" #include "gamedefs.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "util_lib.h" #include "function.h" #include "control.h" #include "fx_man.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "config.h" #include "sndcards.h" #include "duke3d.h" #include #include #ifdef VOLUMEONE #define VERSION "1.4" #else #define VERSION "1.4" #endif #define HEAD "Duke Nukem 3D Unregistered Shareware v"VERSION" " #ifdef PLUTOPAK #define HEAD2 "Duke Nukem 3D v"VERSION" - Atomic Edition" #else #define HEAD2 "Duke Nukem 3D Full Version v"VERSION #endif #define HEADA "Duke Nukem 3D AUSSIE Unregistered Shareware v"VERSION #define HEAD2A "Duke Nukem 3D AUSSIE Full Version v"VERSION #define IDFSIZE 479985668 // #define IDFSIZE 9961476 // #define IDFSIZE 16384 #define IDFILENAME "DUKE3D.IDF" #define TIMERUPDATESIZ 32 /* this should be a proper prototype included from a header file */ extern int stricmp(const char *x, const char *y); long cameradist = 0, cameraclock = 0; char eightytwofifty = 0; char playerswhenstarted; char qe,cp; int32 CommandSoundToggleOff = 0; int32 CommandMusicToggleOff = 0; char demoprefix[128]; char confilename[128] = {"GAME.CON"},boardfilename[128] = {0}; char waterpal[768], slimepal[768], titlepal[768], drealms[768], endingpal[768]; char firstdemofile[80] = { '\0' }; #define patchstatusbar(x1,y1,x2,y2) \ { \ rotatesprite(0,(200-34)<<16,65536L,0,BOTTOMSTATUSBAR,4,0,10+16+64+128, \ scale(x1,xdim,320),scale(y1,ydim,200), \ scale(x2,xdim,320)-1,scale(y2,ydim,200)-1); \ } void __interrupt __far newint24( int errval, int ax, int bp, int si ); int recfilep,totalreccnt; char debug_on = 0,actor_tog = 0,*rtsptr,memorycheckoveride=0; extern char syncstate; extern int32 numlumps; FILE *frecfilep = (FILE *)NULL; void pitch_test( void ); char restorepalette,screencapt,nomorelogohack; int sendmessagecommand = -1; task *TimerPtr=NULL; extern long lastvisinc; // Build Engine port implements this. --ryan. #if PLATFORM_DOS static void timerhandler(task *unused) { totalclock++; } void inittimer() { TimerPtr = TS_ScheduleTask( timerhandler,TICRATE, 1, NULL ); TS_Dispatch(); } void uninittimer(void) { if (TimerPtr) TS_Terminate( TimerPtr ); TimerPtr = NULL; TS_Shutdown(); } #else void timerhandler(void) { totalclock++; } #endif int gametext(int x,int y,char *t,char s,short dabits) { short ac,newx; char centre, *oldt; centre = ( x == (320>>1) ); newx = 0; oldt = t; if(centre) { while(*t) { if(*t == 32) {newx+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + STARTALPHANUM; if( ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM ) break; if(*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') newx += 8; else newx += tilesizx[ac]; t++; } t = oldt; x = (320>>1)-(newx>>1); } while(*t) { if(*t == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + STARTALPHANUM; if( ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM ) break; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,0,dabits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') x += 8; else x += tilesizx[ac]; t++; } return (x); } int gametextpal(int x,int y,char *t,char s,char p) { short ac,newx; char centre, *oldt; centre = ( x == (320>>1) ); newx = 0; oldt = t; if(centre) { while(*t) { if(*t == 32) {newx+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + STARTALPHANUM; if( ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM ) break; if(*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') newx += 8; else newx += tilesizx[ac]; t++; } t = oldt; x = (320>>1)-(newx>>1); } while(*t) { if(*t == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + STARTALPHANUM; if( ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM ) break; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,p,2+8+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(*t >= '0' && *t <= '9') x += 8; else x += tilesizx[ac]; t++; } return (x); } int gametextpart(int x,int y,char *t,char s,short p) { short ac,newx, cnt; char centre, *oldt; centre = ( x == (320>>1) ); newx = 0; oldt = t; cnt = 0; if(centre) { while(*t) { if(cnt == p) break; if(*t == 32) {newx+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + STARTALPHANUM; if( ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM ) break; newx += tilesizx[ac]; t++; cnt++; } t = oldt; x = (320>>1)-(newx>>1); } cnt = 0; while(*t) { if(*t == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + STARTALPHANUM; if( ac < STARTALPHANUM || ac > ENDALPHANUM ) break; if(cnt == p) { rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,1,2+8+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } else rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,0,2+8+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x += tilesizx[ac]; t++; cnt++; } return (x); } int minitext(int x,int y,char *str,char p,char sb) { short ac; char buf[128]; char *t; strncpy (buf, str, 128); buf[127] = 0; t = buf; while(*t) { *t = toupper(*t); if(*t == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + MINIFONT; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,0,p,sb,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x += 4; // tilesizx[ac]+1; t++; } return (x); } int minitextshade(int x,int y,char *str,char s,char p,char sb) { short ac; char buf[128]; char *t; strncpy (buf, str, 128); buf[127] = 0; t = buf; while(*t) { *t = toupper(*t); if(*t == 32) {x+=5;t++;continue;} else ac = *t - '!' + MINIFONT; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,ac,s,p,sb,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); x += 4; // tilesizx[ac]+1; t++; } return (x); } void gamenumber(long x,long y,long n,char s) { char b[10]; ltoa(n,b,10); gametext(x,y,b,s,2+8+16); } char recbuf[80]; void allowtimetocorrecterrorswhenquitting(void) { long i, j, oldtotalclock; ready2send = 0; for(j=0;j<8;j++) { oldtotalclock = totalclock; while (totalclock < oldtotalclock+TICSPERFRAME) getpackets(); if(KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape)) return; packbuf[0] = 127; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,packbuf,1); } } #define MAXUSERQUOTES 4 long quotebot, quotebotgoal; short user_quote_time[MAXUSERQUOTES]; char user_quote[MAXUSERQUOTES][128]; // char typebuflen,typebuf[41]; static void adduserquote(char *daquote) { long i; for(i=MAXUSERQUOTES-1;i>0;i--) { strcpy(user_quote[i],user_quote[i-1]); user_quote_time[i] = user_quote_time[i-1]; } strcpy(user_quote[0],daquote); user_quote_time[0] = 180; pub = NUMPAGES; } void getpackets(void) { long i, j, k, l; FILE *fp; short other, packbufleng; input *osyn, *nsyn; if(qe == 0 && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftControl) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftAlt) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_Delete)) { qe = 1; gameexit("Quick Exit."); } if (numplayers < 2) return; while ((packbufleng = getpacket(&other,packbuf)) > 0) { switch(packbuf[0]) { case 125: cp = 0; break; case 126: multiflag = 2; multiwhat = 0; multiwho = other; multipos = packbuf[1]; loadplayer( multipos ); multiflag = 0; break; case 0: //[0] (receive master sync buffer) j = 1; if ((movefifoend[other]&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i] == 0) continue; if (i == myconnectindex) otherminlag = (long)((signed char)packbuf[j]); j++; } osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[connecthead]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[connecthead])&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; k = j; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) j += playerquitflag[i]; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i] == 0) continue; l = packbuf[k++]; if (i == myconnectindex) { j += ((l&1)<<1)+(l&2)+((l&4)>>2)+((l&8)>>3)+((l&16)>>4)+((l&32)>>5)+((l&64)>>6)+((l&128)>>7); continue; } copybufbyte(&osyn[i],&nsyn[i],sizeof(input)); if (l&1) nsyn[i].fvel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (l&2) nsyn[i].svel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (l&4) nsyn[i].avel = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (l&8) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0xffffff00)|((long)packbuf[j++])); if (l&16) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0xffff00ff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<8); if (l&32) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0xff00ffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<16); if (l&64) nsyn[i].bits = ((nsyn[i].bits&0x00ffffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<24); if (l&128) nsyn[i].horz = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (nsyn[i].bits&(1<<26)) playerquitflag[i] = 0; movefifoend[i]++; } while (j != packbufleng) { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) { syncval[i][syncvalhead[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = packbuf[j]; syncvalhead[i]++; } j++; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) for(j=1;j=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { resetweapons(i); resetinventory(i); } newgame(ud.volume_number,ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); ud.coop = ud.m_coop; enterlevel(MODE_GAME); break; case 6: if (packbuf[1] != BYTEVERSION) gameexit("\nYou cannot play Duke with different versions."); for (i=2;packbuf[i];i++) ud.user_name[other][i-2] = packbuf[i]; ud.user_name[other][i-2] = 0; break; case 9: for (i=1;i=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { resetweapons(i); resetinventory(i); } newgame(ud.volume_number,ud.level_number,ud.player_skill); enterlevel(MODE_GAME); break; case 16: movefifoend[other] = movefifoplc = movefifosendplc = fakemovefifoplc = 0; syncvalhead[other] = syncvaltottail = 0L; case 17: j = 1; if ((movefifoend[other]&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) if (other == connecthead) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (i == myconnectindex) otherminlag = (long)((signed char)packbuf[j]); j++; } osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[other]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[other])&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; copybufbyte(&osyn[other],&nsyn[other],sizeof(input)); k = packbuf[j++]; if (k&1) nsyn[other].fvel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (k&2) nsyn[other].svel = packbuf[j]+((short)packbuf[j+1]<<8), j += 2; if (k&4) nsyn[other].avel = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; if (k&8) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0xffffff00)|((long)packbuf[j++])); if (k&16) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0xffff00ff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<8); if (k&32) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0xff00ffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<16); if (k&64) nsyn[other].bits = ((nsyn[other].bits&0x00ffffff)|((long)packbuf[j++])<<24); if (k&128) nsyn[other].horz = (signed char)packbuf[j++]; movefifoend[other]++; for(i=1;i packbufleng) printf("INVALID GAME PACKET!!! (%ld too many bytes)\n",j-packbufleng); while (j != packbufleng) { syncval[other][syncvalhead[other]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = packbuf[j++]; syncvalhead[other]++; } break; case 127: break; case 250: playerreadyflag[other]++; break; case 255: gameexit(" "); break; } } } void faketimerhandler() { long i, j, k, l; // short who; input *osyn, *nsyn; if(qe == 0 && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftControl) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_LeftAlt) && KB_KeyPressed(sc_Delete)) { qe = 1; gameexit("Quick Exit."); } if ((totalclock < ototalclock+TICSPERFRAME) || (ready2send == 0)) return; ototalclock += TICSPERFRAME; getpackets(); if (getoutputcirclesize() >= 16) return; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) if (movefifoend[i] < movefifoend[myconnectindex]-200) return; getinput(myconnectindex); avgfvel += loc.fvel; avgsvel += loc.svel; avgavel += loc.avel; avghorz += loc.horz; avgbits |= loc.bits; if (movefifoend[myconnectindex]&(movesperpacket-1)) { copybufbyte(&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex], &inputfifo[movefifoend[myconnectindex]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex],sizeof(input)); movefifoend[myconnectindex]++; return; } nsyn = &inputfifo[movefifoend[myconnectindex]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; nsyn[0].fvel = avgfvel/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].svel = avgsvel/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].avel = avgavel/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].horz = avghorz/movesperpacket; nsyn[0].bits = avgbits; avgfvel = avgsvel = avgavel = avghorz = avgbits = 0; movefifoend[myconnectindex]++; if (numplayers < 2) { if (ud.multimode > 1) for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) { //clearbufbyte(&inputfifo[movefifoend[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i],sizeof(input),0L); if(ud.playerai) computergetinput(i,&inputfifo[movefifoend[i]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i]); movefifoend[i]++; } return; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) { k = (movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)-movefifoend[i]; myminlag[i] = min(myminlag[i],k); mymaxlag = max(mymaxlag,k); } if (((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { i = mymaxlag-bufferjitter; mymaxlag = 0; if (i > 0) bufferjitter += ((3+i)>>2); else if (i < 0) bufferjitter -= ((1-i)>>2); } if (networkmode == 1) { packbuf[0] = 17; if ((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1) == 0) packbuf[0] = 16; j = 1; //Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if (((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { if (myconnectindex != connecthead) { i = myminlag[connecthead]-otherminlag; if (klabs(i) > 8) i >>= 1; else if (klabs(i) > 2) i = ksgn(i); else i = 0; totalclock -= TICSPERFRAME*i; myminlag[connecthead] -= i; otherminlag += i; } if (myconnectindex == connecthead) for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) packbuf[j++] = min(max(myminlag[i],-128),127); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) myminlag[i] = 0x7fffffff; } osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-2)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; k = j; packbuf[j++] = 0; if (nsyn[0].fvel != osyn[0].fvel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].fvel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].fvel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 1; } if (nsyn[0].svel != osyn[0].svel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].svel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].svel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 2; } if (nsyn[0].avel != osyn[0].avel) { packbuf[j++] = (signed char)nsyn[0].avel; packbuf[k] |= 4; } if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[0].bits&255), packbuf[k] |= 8; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>8)&255), packbuf[k] |= 16; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>16)&255), packbuf[k] |= 32; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>24)&255), packbuf[k] |= 64; if (nsyn[0].horz != osyn[0].horz) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].horz; packbuf[k] |= 128; } while (syncvalhead[myconnectindex] != syncvaltail) { packbuf[j++] = syncval[myconnectindex][syncvaltail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]; syncvaltail++; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,packbuf,j); return; } if (myconnectindex != connecthead) //Slave { //Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if (((movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { i = myminlag[connecthead]-otherminlag; if (klabs(i) > 8) i >>= 1; else if (klabs(i) > 2) i = ksgn(i); else i = 0; totalclock -= TICSPERFRAME*i; myminlag[connecthead] -= i; otherminlag += i; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) myminlag[i] = 0x7fffffff; } packbuf[0] = 1; packbuf[1] = 0; j = 2; osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-2)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifoend[myconnectindex]-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; if (nsyn[0].fvel != osyn[0].fvel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].fvel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].fvel>>8); packbuf[1] |= 1; } if (nsyn[0].svel != osyn[0].svel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].svel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[0].svel>>8); packbuf[1] |= 2; } if (nsyn[0].avel != osyn[0].avel) { packbuf[j++] = (signed char)nsyn[0].avel; packbuf[1] |= 4; } if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[0].bits&255), packbuf[1] |= 8; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>8)&255), packbuf[1] |= 16; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>16)&255), packbuf[1] |= 32; if ((nsyn[0].bits^osyn[0].bits)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[0].bits>>24)&255), packbuf[1] |= 64; if (nsyn[0].horz != osyn[0].horz) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[0].horz; packbuf[1] |= 128; } while (syncvalhead[myconnectindex] != syncvaltail) { packbuf[j++] = syncval[myconnectindex][syncvaltail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]; syncvaltail++; } sendpacket(connecthead,packbuf,j); return; } //This allows allow packet-resends for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (movefifoend[i] <= movefifosendplc) { packbuf[0] = 127; for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) sendpacket(i,packbuf,1); return; } while (1) //Master { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (playerquitflag[i] && (movefifoend[i] <= movefifosendplc)) return; osyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifosendplc-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; nsyn = (input *)&inputfifo[(movefifosendplc )&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][0]; //MASTER -> SLAVE packet packbuf[0] = 0; j = 1; //Fix timers and buffer/jitter value if ((movefifosendplc&(TIMERUPDATESIZ-1)) == 0) { for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (playerquitflag[i]) packbuf[j++] = min(max(myminlag[i],-128),127); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) myminlag[i] = 0x7fffffff; } k = j; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) j += playerquitflag[i]; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if (playerquitflag[i] == 0) continue; packbuf[k] = 0; if (nsyn[i].fvel != osyn[i].fvel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[i].fvel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[i].fvel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 1; } if (nsyn[i].svel != osyn[i].svel) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[i].svel; packbuf[j++] = (char)(nsyn[i].svel>>8); packbuf[k] |= 2; } if (nsyn[i].avel != osyn[i].avel) { packbuf[j++] = (signed char)nsyn[i].avel; packbuf[k] |= 4; } if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0x000000ff) packbuf[j++] = (nsyn[i].bits&255), packbuf[k] |= 8; if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0x0000ff00) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits>>8)&255), packbuf[k] |= 16; if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0x00ff0000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits>>16)&255), packbuf[k] |= 32; if ((nsyn[i].bits^osyn[i].bits)&0xff000000) packbuf[j++] = ((nsyn[i].bits>>24)&255), packbuf[k] |= 64; if (nsyn[i].horz != osyn[i].horz) { packbuf[j++] = (char)nsyn[i].horz; packbuf[k] |= 128; } k++; } while (syncvalhead[myconnectindex] != syncvaltail) { packbuf[j++] = syncval[myconnectindex][syncvaltail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]; syncvaltail++; } for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (playerquitflag[i]) { sendpacket(i,packbuf,j); if (nsyn[i].bits&(1<<26)) playerquitflag[i] = 0; } movefifosendplc += movesperpacket; } } extern long cacnum; typedef struct { long *hand, leng; char *lock; } cactype; extern cactype cac[]; void caches(void) { short i,k; k = 0; for(i=0;i= 200) { sprintf(tempbuf,"Locked- %d: Leng:%ld, Lock:%d",i,cac[i].leng,*cac[i].lock); printext256(0L,k,31,-1,tempbuf,1); k += 6; } k += 6; for(i=1;i<11;i++) if (lumplockbyte[i] >= 200) { sprintf(tempbuf,"RTS Locked %d:",i); printext256(0L,k,31,-1,tempbuf,1); k += 6; } } void checksync(void) { long i, k; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (syncvalhead[i] == syncvaltottail) break; if (i < 0) { syncstat = 0; do { for(i=connectpoint2[connecthead];i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (syncval[i][syncvaltottail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] != syncval[connecthead][syncvaltottail&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)]) syncstat = 1; syncvaltottail++; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (syncvalhead[i] == syncvaltottail) break; } while (i < 0); } if (connectpoint2[connecthead] < 0) syncstat = 0; if (syncstat) { printext256(4L,130L,31,0,"Out Of Sync - Please restart game",0); //printext256(4L,138L,31,0,"RUN DN3DHELP.EXE for information.",0); } if (syncstate) { printext256(4L,160L,31,0,"Missed Network packet!",0); //printext256(4L,138L,31,0,"RUN DN3DHELP.EXE for information.",0); } } void check_fta_sounds(short i) { if(sprite[i].extra > 0) switch(PN) { case LIZTROOPONTOILET: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT: case LIZTROOPSHOOT: case LIZTROOPJETPACK: case LIZTROOPDUCKING: case LIZTROOPRUNNING: case LIZTROOP: spritesound(PRED_RECOG,i); break; case LIZMAN: case LIZMANSPITTING: case LIZMANFEEDING: case LIZMANJUMP: spritesound(CAPT_RECOG,i); break; case PIGCOP: case PIGCOPDIVE: spritesound(PIG_RECOG,i); break; case RECON: spritesound(RECO_RECOG,i); break; case DRONE: spritesound(DRON_RECOG,i); break; case COMMANDER: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT: spritesound(COMM_RECOG,i); break; case ORGANTIC: spritesound(TURR_RECOG,i); break; case OCTABRAIN: case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT: spritesound(OCTA_RECOG,i); break; case BOSS1: sound(BOS1_RECOG); break; case BOSS2: if(sprite[i].pal == 1) sound(BOS2_RECOG); else sound(WHIPYOURASS); break; case BOSS3: if(sprite[i].pal == 1) sound(BOS3_RECOG); else sound(RIPHEADNECK); break; case BOSS4: case BOSS4STAYPUT: if(sprite[i].pal == 1) sound(BOS4_RECOG); sound(BOSS4_FIRSTSEE); break; case GREENSLIME: spritesound(SLIM_RECOG,i); break; } } short inventory(spritetype *s) { switch(s->picnum) { case FIRSTAID: case STEROIDS: case HEATSENSOR: case BOOTS: case JETPACK: case HOLODUKE: case AIRTANK: return 1; } return 0; } short badguy(spritetype *s) { switch(s->picnum) { case SHARK: case RECON: case DRONE: case LIZTROOPONTOILET: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPSHOOT: case LIZTROOPJETPACK: case LIZTROOPDUCKING: case LIZTROOPRUNNING: case LIZTROOP: case OCTABRAIN: case COMMANDER: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT: case PIGCOP: case EGG: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT: case PIGCOPDIVE: case LIZMAN: case LIZMANSPITTING: case LIZMANFEEDING: case LIZMANJUMP: case ORGANTIC: case BOSS1: case BOSS2: case BOSS3: case BOSS4: case GREENSLIME: case GREENSLIME+1: case GREENSLIME+2: case GREENSLIME+3: case GREENSLIME+4: case GREENSLIME+5: case GREENSLIME+6: case GREENSLIME+7: case RAT: case ROTATEGUN: return 1; } if( actortype[s->picnum] ) return 1; return 0; } short badguypic(short pn) { switch(pn) { case SHARK: case RECON: case DRONE: case LIZTROOPONTOILET: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPSHOOT: case LIZTROOPJETPACK: case LIZTROOPDUCKING: case LIZTROOPRUNNING: case LIZTROOP: case OCTABRAIN: case COMMANDER: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT: case PIGCOP: case EGG: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT: case PIGCOPDIVE: case LIZMAN: case LIZMANSPITTING: case LIZMANFEEDING: case LIZMANJUMP: case ORGANTIC: case BOSS1: case BOSS2: case BOSS3: case BOSS4: case GREENSLIME: case GREENSLIME+1: case GREENSLIME+2: case GREENSLIME+3: case GREENSLIME+4: case GREENSLIME+5: case GREENSLIME+6: case GREENSLIME+7: case RAT: case ROTATEGUN: return 1; } if( actortype[pn] ) return 1; return 0; } void myos(long x, long y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation) { char p; short a; if(orientation&4) a = 1024; else a = 0; p = sector[ps[screenpeek].cursectnum].floorpal; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,a,tilenum,shade,p,2|orientation,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } void myospal(long x, long y, short tilenum, signed char shade, char orientation, char p) { char fp; short a; if(orientation&4) a = 1024; else a = 0; fp = sector[ps[screenpeek].cursectnum].floorpal; rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,a,tilenum,shade,p,2|orientation,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } void invennum(long x,long y,char num1,char ha,char sbits) { char dabuf[80] = {0}; sprintf(dabuf,"%d",num1); if(num1 > 99) { rotatesprite((x-4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[2]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if(num1 > 9) { rotatesprite((x)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,sbits,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } #ifdef VOLUMEONE void orderweaponnum(short ind,long x,long y,long num1, long num2,char ha) { rotatesprite((x-7)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+ind+1,ha-10,7,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x-3)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+10,ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); minitextshade(x+1,y-4,"ORDER",26,6,2+8+16+128); } #endif void weaponnum(short ind,long x,long y,long num1, long num2,char ha) { char dabuf[80] = {0}; rotatesprite((x-7)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+ind+1,ha-10,7,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x-3)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+10,ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+9)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+11,ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(num1 > 99) num1 = 99; if(num2 > 99) num2 = 99; sprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num1); if(num1 > 9) { rotatesprite((x)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); sprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num2); if(num2 > 9) { rotatesprite((x+13)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+17)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite((x+13)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } void weaponnum999(char ind,long x,long y,long num1, long num2,char ha) { char dabuf[80] = {0}; rotatesprite((x-7)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+ind+1,ha-10,7,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x-4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+10,ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+13)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+11,ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); sprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num1); if(num1 > 99) { rotatesprite((x)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+8)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[2]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if(num1 > 9) { rotatesprite((x+4)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+8)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite((x+8)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); sprintf(dabuf,"%ld",num2); if(num2 > 99) { rotatesprite((x+17)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+21)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+25)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[2]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if(num2 > 9) { rotatesprite((x+17)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((x+21)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[1]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else rotatesprite((x+25)<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,THREEBYFIVE+dabuf[0]-'0',ha,0,10+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } //REPLACE FULLY void weapon_amounts(struct player_struct *p,long x,long y,long u) { int cw; cw = p->curr_weapon; if (u&4) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(96,178,96+12,178+6); weaponnum999(PISTOL_WEAPON,x,y, p->ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[PISTOL_WEAPON], 12-20*(cw == PISTOL_WEAPON) ); } if (u&8) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(96,184,96+12,184+6); weaponnum999(SHOTGUN_WEAPON,x,y+6, p->ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[SHOTGUN_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[SHOTGUN_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == SHOTGUN_WEAPON) ); } if (u&16) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(96,190,96+12,190+6); weaponnum999(CHAINGUN_WEAPON,x,y+12, p->ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[CHAINGUN_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[CHAINGUN_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == CHAINGUN_WEAPON) ); } if (u&32) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(135,178,135+8,178+6); weaponnum(RPG_WEAPON,x+39,y, p->ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[RPG_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[RPG_WEAPON]*9)+12-19* (cw == RPG_WEAPON) ); } if (u&64) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(135,184,135+8,184+6); weaponnum(HANDBOMB_WEAPON,x+39,y+6, p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON], (((!p->ammo_amount[HANDBOMB_WEAPON])|(!p->gotweapon[HANDBOMB_WEAPON]))*9)+12-19* ((cw == HANDBOMB_WEAPON) || (cw == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON))); } if (u&128) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(135,190,135+8,190+6); #ifdef VOLUMEONE orderweaponnum(SHRINKER_WEAPON,x+39,y+12, p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == SHRINKER_WEAPON) ); #else if(p->subweapon&(1<ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[GROW_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == GROW_WEAPON) ); else weaponnum(SHRINKER_WEAPON,x+39,y+12, p->ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[SHRINKER_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == SHRINKER_WEAPON) ); #endif } if (u&256) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(166,178,166+8,178+6); #ifdef VOLUMEONE orderweaponnum(DEVISTATOR_WEAPON,x+70,y, p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON) ); #else weaponnum(DEVISTATOR_WEAPON,x+70,y, p->ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[DEVISTATOR_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == DEVISTATOR_WEAPON) ); #endif } if (u&512) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(166,184,166+8,184+6); #ifdef VOLUMEONE orderweaponnum(TRIPBOMB_WEAPON,x+70,y+6, p->ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON) ); #else weaponnum(TRIPBOMB_WEAPON,x+70,y+6, p->ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[TRIPBOMB_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON) ); #endif } if (u&65536L) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(166,190,166+8,190+6); #ifdef VOLUMEONE orderweaponnum(-1,x+70,y+12, p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[FREEZE_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == FREEZE_WEAPON) ); #else weaponnum(-1,x+70,y+12, p->ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON],max_ammo_amount[FREEZE_WEAPON], (!p->gotweapon[FREEZE_WEAPON]*9)+12-18* (cw == FREEZE_WEAPON) ); #endif } } void digitalnumber(long x,long y,long n,char s,char cs) { short i, j, k, p, c; char b[10]; ltoa(n,b,10); i = strlen(b); j = 0; for(k=0;k>1); j = 0; for(k=0;k= 0;i--) { overwritesprite(x-2,y,SCRATCH+4,s,0,0); x += tilesizx[SCRATCH+4]-1; } ni = n%5; if(ni) overwritesprite(x,y,SCRATCH+ni-1,s,p,0); } */ void displayinventory(struct player_struct *p) { short n, j, xoff, y; j = xoff = 0; n = (p->jetpack_amount > 0)<<3; if(n&8) j++; n |= ( p->scuba_amount > 0 )<<5; if(n&32) j++; n |= (p->steroids_amount > 0)<<1; if(n&2) j++; n |= ( p->holoduke_amount > 0)<<2; if(n&4) j++; n |= (p->firstaid_amount > 0); if(n&1) j++; n |= (p->heat_amount > 0)<<4; if(n&16) j++; n |= (p->boot_amount > 0)<<6; if(n&64) j++; xoff = 160-(j*11); j = 0; if(ud.screen_size > 4) y = 154; else y = 172; if(ud.screen_size == 4) { if(ud.multimode > 1) xoff += 56; else xoff += 65; } while( j <= 9 ) { if( n&(1<inven_icon == j+1) rotatesprite((xoff-2)<<16,(y+19)<<16,65536L,1024,ARROW,-32,0,2+16,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } j++; } } void displayfragbar(void) { short i, j; j = 0; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i > j) j = i; rotatesprite(0,0,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(j >= 4) rotatesprite(319,(8)<<16,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,10+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(j >= 8) rotatesprite(319,(16)<<16,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,10+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(j >= 12) rotatesprite(319,(24)<<16,65600L,0,FRAGBAR,0,0,10+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { minitext(21+(73*(i&3)),2+((i&28)<<1),&ud.user_name[i][0],sprite[ps[i].i].pal,2+8+16+128); sprintf(tempbuf,"%d",ps[i].frag-ps[i].fraggedself); minitext(17+50+(73*(i&3)),2+((i&28)<<1),tempbuf,sprite[ps[i].i].pal,2+8+16+128); } } void coolgaugetext(short snum) { struct player_struct *p; long i, j, o, ss, u; char c, permbit; p = &ps[snum]; if (p->invdisptime > 0) displayinventory(p); if(ps[snum].gm&MODE_MENU) if( (current_menu >= 400 && current_menu <= 405) ) return; ss = ud.screen_size; if (ss < 4) return; if ( ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1 ) { if (pus) { displayfragbar(); } else { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (ps[i].frag != sbar.frag[i]) { displayfragbar(); break; } } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i != myconnectindex) sbar.frag[i] = ps[i].frag; } if (ss == 4) //DRAW MINI STATUS BAR: { rotatesprite(5<<16,(200-28)<<16,65536L,0,HEALTHBOX,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->inven_icon) rotatesprite(69<<16,(200-30)<<16,65536L,0,INVENTORYBOX,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(sprite[p->i].pal == 1 && p->last_extra < 2) digitalnumber(20,200-17,1,-16,10+16); else digitalnumber(20,200-17,p->last_extra,-16,10+16); rotatesprite(37<<16,(200-28)<<16,65536L,0,AMMOBOX,0,21,10+16,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->curr_weapon == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) i = HANDBOMB_WEAPON; else i = p->curr_weapon; digitalnumber(53,200-17,p->ammo_amount[i],-16,10+16); o = 158; permbit = 0; if (p->inven_icon) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = FIRSTAID_ICON; break; case 2: i = STEROIDS_ICON; break; case 3: i = HOLODUKE_ICON; break; case 4: i = JETPACK_ICON; break; case 5: i = HEAT_ICON; break; case 6: i = AIRTANK_ICON; break; case 7: i = BOOT_ICON; break; default: i = -1; } if (i >= 0) rotatesprite((231-o)<<16,(200-21)<<16,65536L,0,i,0,0,10+16+permbit,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); minitext(292-30-o,190,"%",6,10+16+permbit); j = 0x80000000; switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = p->firstaid_amount; break; case 2: i = ((p->steroids_amount+3)>>2); break; case 3: i = ((p->holoduke_amount+15)/24); j = p->holoduke_on; break; case 4: i = ((p->jetpack_amount+15)>>4); j = p->jetpack_on; break; case 5: i = p->heat_amount/12; j = p->heat_on; break; case 6: i = ((p->scuba_amount+63)>>6); break; case 7: i = (p->boot_amount>>1); break; } invennum(284-30-o,200-6,(char)i,0,10+permbit); if (j > 0) minitext(288-30-o,180,"ON",0,10+16+permbit); else if ((unsigned long)j != 0x80000000) minitext(284-30-o,180,"OFF",2,10+16+permbit); if (p->inven_icon >= 6) minitext(284-35-o,180,"AUTO",2,10+16+permbit); } return; } //DRAW/UPDATE FULL STATUS BAR: if (pus) { pus = 0; u = 0xffffffff; } else u = 0; if (sbar.frag[myconnectindex] != p->frag) { sbar.frag[myconnectindex] = p->frag; u |= 32768; } if (sbar.got_access != p->got_access) { sbar.got_access = p->got_access; u |= 16384; } if (sbar.last_extra != p->last_extra) { sbar.last_extra = p->last_extra; u |= 1; } if (sbar.shield_amount != p->shield_amount) { sbar.shield_amount = p->shield_amount; u |= 2; } if (sbar.curr_weapon != p->curr_weapon) { sbar.curr_weapon = p->curr_weapon; u |= (4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+1024+65536L); } for(i=1;i < 10;i++) { if (sbar.ammo_amount[i] != p->ammo_amount[i]) { sbar.ammo_amount[i] = p->ammo_amount[i]; if(i < 9) u |= ((2<gotweapon[i]) { sbar.gotweapon[i] = p->gotweapon[i]; if(i < 9 ) u |= ((2<inven_icon) { sbar.inven_icon = p->inven_icon; u |= (2048+4096+8192); } if (sbar.holoduke_on != p->holoduke_on) { sbar.holoduke_on = p->holoduke_on; u |= (4096+8192); } if (sbar.jetpack_on != p->jetpack_on) { sbar.jetpack_on = p->jetpack_on; u |= (4096+8192); } if (sbar.heat_on != p->heat_on) { sbar.heat_on = p->heat_on; u |= (4096+8192); } if (sbar.firstaid_amount != p->firstaid_amount) { sbar.firstaid_amount = p->firstaid_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.steroids_amount != p->steroids_amount) { sbar.steroids_amount = p->steroids_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.holoduke_amount != p->holoduke_amount) { sbar.holoduke_amount = p->holoduke_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.jetpack_amount != p->jetpack_amount) { sbar.jetpack_amount = p->jetpack_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.heat_amount != p->heat_amount) { sbar.heat_amount = p->heat_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.scuba_amount != p->scuba_amount) { sbar.scuba_amount = p->scuba_amount; u |= 8192; } if (sbar.boot_amount != p->boot_amount) { sbar.boot_amount = p->boot_amount; u |= 8192; } if (u == 0) return; //0 - update health //1 - update armor //2 - update PISTOL_WEAPON ammo //3 - update SHOTGUN_WEAPON ammo //4 - update CHAINGUN_WEAPON ammo //5 - update RPG_WEAPON ammo //6 - update HANDBOMB_WEAPON ammo //7 - update SHRINKER_WEAPON ammo //8 - update DEVISTATOR_WEAPON ammo //9 - update TRIPBOMB_WEAPON ammo //10 - update ammo display //11 - update inventory icon //12 - update inventory on/off //13 - update inventory % //14 - update keys //15 - update kills //16 - update FREEZE_WEAPON ammo if ((unsigned long)u == 0xffffffff) { patchstatusbar(0,0,320,200); if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1) rotatesprite(277<<16,(200-27)<<16,65536L,0,KILLSICON,0,0,10+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1) { if (u&32768) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(276,183,299,193); digitalnumber(287,200-17,max(p->frag-p->fraggedself,0),-16,10+16+128); } } else { if (u&16384) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(275,182,299,194); if (p->got_access&4) rotatesprite(275<<16,182<<16,65536L,0,ACCESS_ICON,0,23,10+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->got_access&2) rotatesprite(288<<16,182<<16,65536L,0,ACCESS_ICON,0,21,10+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if (p->got_access&1) rotatesprite(281<<16,189<<16,65536L,0,ACCESS_ICON,0,0,10+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } } if (u&(4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+65536L)) weapon_amounts(p,96,182,u); if (u&1) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(20,183,43,193); if(sprite[p->i].pal == 1 && p->last_extra < 2) digitalnumber(32,200-17,1,-16,10+16+128); else digitalnumber(32,200-17,p->last_extra,-16,10+16+128); } if (u&2) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(52,183,75,193); digitalnumber(64,200-17,p->shield_amount,-16,10+16+128); } if (u&1024) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) patchstatusbar(196,183,219,193); if (p->curr_weapon != KNEE_WEAPON) { if (p->curr_weapon == HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) i = HANDBOMB_WEAPON; else i = p->curr_weapon; digitalnumber(230-22,200-17,p->ammo_amount[i],-16,10+16+128); } } if (u&(2048+4096+8192)) { if ((unsigned long)u != 0xffffffff) { if (u&(2048+4096)) { patchstatusbar(231,179,265,197); } else { patchstatusbar(250,190,261,195); } } if (p->inven_icon) { o = 0; permbit = 128; if (u&(2048+4096)) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = FIRSTAID_ICON; break; case 2: i = STEROIDS_ICON; break; case 3: i = HOLODUKE_ICON; break; case 4: i = JETPACK_ICON; break; case 5: i = HEAT_ICON; break; case 6: i = AIRTANK_ICON; break; case 7: i = BOOT_ICON; break; } rotatesprite((231-o)<<16,(200-21)<<16,65536L,0,i,0,0,10+16+permbit,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); minitext(292-30-o,190,"%",6,10+16+permbit); if (p->inven_icon >= 6) minitext(284-35-o,180,"AUTO",2,10+16+permbit); } if (u&(2048+4096)) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 3: j = p->holoduke_on; break; case 4: j = p->jetpack_on; break; case 5: j = p->heat_on; break; default: j = 0x80000000; } if (j > 0) minitext(288-30-o,180,"ON",0,10+16+permbit); else if ((unsigned long)j != 0x80000000) minitext(284-30-o,180,"OFF",2,10+16+permbit); } if (u&8192) { switch(p->inven_icon) { case 1: i = p->firstaid_amount; break; case 2: i = ((p->steroids_amount+3)>>2); break; case 3: i = ((p->holoduke_amount+15)/24); break; case 4: i = ((p->jetpack_amount+15)>>4); break; case 5: i = p->heat_amount/12; break; case 6: i = ((p->scuba_amount+63)>>6); break; case 7: i = (p->boot_amount>>1); break; } invennum(284-30-o,200-6,(char)i,0,10+permbit); } } } } #define AVERAGEFRAMES 16 static long frameval[AVERAGEFRAMES], framecnt = 0; void tics(void) { long i; char b[10]; i = totalclock; if (i != frameval[framecnt]) { sprintf(b,"%ld",(TICRATE*AVERAGEFRAMES)/(i-frameval[framecnt])); printext256(windowx1,windowy1,31,-21,b,1); frameval[framecnt] = i; } framecnt = ((framecnt+1)&(AVERAGEFRAMES-1)); } void coords(short snum) { short y = 0; if(ud.coop != 1) { if(ud.multimode > 1 && ud.multimode < 5) y = 8; else if(ud.multimode > 4) y = 16; } sprintf(tempbuf,"X= %ld",ps[snum].posx); printext256(250L,y,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"Y= %ld",ps[snum].posy); printext256(250L,y+7L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"Z= %ld",ps[snum].posz); printext256(250L,y+14L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"A= %d",ps[snum].ang); printext256(250L,y+21L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"ZV= %ld",ps[snum].poszv); printext256(250L,y+28L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"OG= %d",ps[snum].on_ground); printext256(250L,y+35L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"AM= %d",ps[snum].ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON]); printext256(250L,y+43L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"LFW= %d",ps[snum].last_full_weapon); printext256(250L,y+50L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"SECTL= %d",sector[ps[snum].cursectnum].lotag); printext256(250L,y+57L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"SEED= %ld",randomseed); printext256(250L,y+64L,31,-1,tempbuf,1); sprintf(tempbuf,"THOLD= %d",ps[snum].transporter_hold); printext256(250L,y+64L+7,31,-1,tempbuf,1); } void operatefta(void) { long i, j, k; if(ud.screen_size > 0) j = 200-45; else j = 200-8; quotebot = min(quotebot,j); quotebotgoal = min(quotebotgoal,j); if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) j -= 8; quotebotgoal = j; j = quotebot; for(i=0;i 4) gametext(320>>1,j,user_quote[i],0,2+8+16); else if (k > 2) gametext(320>>1,j,user_quote[i],0,2+8+16+1); else gametext(320>>1,j,user_quote[i],0,2+8+16+1+32); j -= 8; } if (ps[screenpeek].fta <= 1) return; if (ud.coop != 1 && ud.screen_size > 0 && ud.multimode > 1) { j = 0; k = 8; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (i > j) j = i; if (j >= 4 && j <= 8) k += 8; else if (j > 8 && j <= 12) k += 16; else if (j > 12) k += 24; } else k = 0; if (ps[screenpeek].ftq == 115 || ps[screenpeek].ftq == 116) { k = quotebot; for(i=0;i 4) gametext(320>>1,k,fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq],0,2+8+16); else if (j > 2) gametext(320>>1,k,fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq],0,2+8+16+1); else gametext(320>>1,k,fta_quotes[ps[screenpeek].ftq],0,2+8+16+1+32); } void FTA(short q,struct player_struct *p) { if( ud.fta_on == 1) { if( p->fta > 0 && q != 115 && q != 116 ) if( p->ftq == 115 || p->ftq == 116 ) return; p->fta = 100; if( p->ftq != q || q == 26 ) // || q == 26 || q == 115 || q ==116 || q == 117 || q == 122 ) { p->ftq = q; pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; } } } void showtwoscreens(void) { short i; #ifndef VOLUMEALL setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); flushperms(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; for(i=0;i<64;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3291,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(i=0;i<64;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3290,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); #else // CTW - REMOVED /* setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); flushperms(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; for(i=0;i<64;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); clearview(0L); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,TENSCREEN,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0; while( !KB_KeyWaiting() && totalclock < 2400) getpackets();*/ // CTW END - REMOVED #endif } void binscreen(void) { #ifdef PLATFORM_DOS long fil; #ifdef VOLUMEONE fil = kopen4load("dukesw.bin",1); #else fil = kopen4load("duke3d.bin",1); #endif if(fil == -1) return; kread(fil,(char *)0xb8000,4000); kclose(fil); #endif } void gameexit(char *msg) { short i; char t[256]; strncpy(t,msg,256); t[255] = 0; if(*t != 0) ps[myconnectindex].palette = (char *) &palette[0]; if(numplayers > 1) allowtimetocorrecterrorswhenquitting(); if(ud.recstat == 1) closedemowrite(); if(frecfilep != NULL) { fclose(frecfilep); frecfilep = NULL; } if(qe || cp) goto GOTOHERE; if(playerswhenstarted > 1 && ud.coop != 1 && *t == ' ') { dobonus(1); // CTW - MODIFICATION // setgamemode(); setgamemode(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight); // CTW END - MODIFICATION } if(playerswhenstarted > 1) uninitmultiplayers(); /* deinits network transport. */ #ifdef ONELEVELDEMO doorders(); // DDOI //t = "You have been playing a ONE LEVEL demo of Duke Nukem 3D."; strncpy(t, "You have been playing a ONE LEVEL demo of Duke Nukem 3D.", 256); t[255] = 0; // DDOI #endif // CTW - MODIFICATION /* if( *t != 0 && *(t+1) != 'V' && *(t+1) != 'Y' && playonten == 0 ) showtwoscreens();*/ if( *t != 0 && *(t+1) != 'V' && *(t+1) != 'Y' && true) showtwoscreens(); // CTW END - MODIFICATION GOTOHERE: Shutdown(); if(*t != 0) { setvmode(0x3); binscreen(); // CTW - MODIFICATION /* if(playonten == 0) { if(*t == ' ' && *(t+1) == 0) *t = 0; printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); printf("%s%s","\n",t); }*/ if(true) { if(*t == ' ' && *(t+1) == 0) *t = 0; #if PLATFORM_DOS // Is there a good reason for this? --ryan. printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); #else printf("\n\n%s",t); #endif } // CTW END - MODIFICATION } uninitgroupfile(); unlink("duke3d.tmp"); #ifdef DC platform_exit(); #endif exit(0); } short inputloc = 0; short strget(short x,short y,char *t,short dalen,short c) { short ch,sc; while(KB_KeyWaiting()) { sc = 0; ch = KB_Getch(); if (ch == 0) { sc = KB_Getch(); if( sc == 104) return(1); continue; } else { if(ch == 8) { if( inputloc > 0 ) { inputloc--; *(t+inputloc) = 0; } } else { if(ch == asc_Enter || sc == 104) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); return (1); } else if(ch == asc_Escape) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); return (-1); } else if ( ch >= 32 && inputloc < dalen && ch < 127) { ch = toupper(ch); *(t+inputloc) = ch; *(t+inputloc+1) = 0; inputloc++; } } } } if( c == 999 ) return(0); if( c == 998 ) { char b[41],ii; for(ii=0;ii>11); rotatesprite((x+8)<<16,(y+4)<<16,32768L,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON+((totalclock>>3)%7),c,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); return (0); } void typemode(void) { short ch, hitstate, i, j; if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_SENDTOWHOM ) { if(sendmessagecommand != -1 || ud.multimode < 3 || movesperpacket == 4) { tempbuf[0] = 4; tempbuf[1] = 0; recbuf[0] = 0; if(ud.multimode < 3) sendmessagecommand = 2; strcat(recbuf,ud.user_name[myconnectindex]); strcat(recbuf,": "); strcat(recbuf,typebuf); j = strlen(recbuf); recbuf[j] = 0; strcat(tempbuf+1,recbuf); if(sendmessagecommand >= ud.multimode || movesperpacket == 4) { for(ch=connecthead;ch >= 0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) if (ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,j+1); adduserquote(recbuf); quotebot += 8; quotebotgoal = quotebot; } else if(sendmessagecommand >= 0) sendpacket(sendmessagecommand,tempbuf,j+1); sendmessagecommand = -1; ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~(MODE_TYPE|MODE_SENDTOWHOM); } else if(sendmessagecommand == -1) { j = 50; gametext(320>>1,j,"SEND MESSAGE TO...",0,2+8+16); j += 8; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) // for(i=0;i>1)-40+1,j+1,"A/ENTER - ALL",26,0,2+8+16); minitext((320>>1)-40,j,"A/ENTER - ALL",0,2+8+16); j += 7; } else { sprintf(buf," %d - %s",i+1,ud.user_name[i]); minitextshade((320>>1)-40-6+1,j+1,buf,26,0,2+8+16); minitext((320>>1)-40-6,j,buf,0,2+8+16); j += 7; } } minitextshade((320>>1)-40-4+1,j+1," ESC - Abort",26,0,2+8+16); minitext((320>>1)-40-4,j," ESC - Abort",0,2+8+16); j += 7; //sprintf(buf,"PRESS 1-%ld FOR INDIVIDUAL PLAYER.",ud.multimode); //gametext(320>>1,j,buf,0,2+8+16); j += 8; //gametext(320>>1,j,"'A' OR 'ENTER' FOR ALL PLAYERS",0,2+8+16); j += 8; //gametext(320>>1,j,"ESC ABORTS",0,2+8+16); j += 8; if (ud.screen_size > 0) j = 200-45; else j = 200-8; gametext(320>>1,j,typebuf,0,2+8+16); if( KB_KeyWaiting() ) { i = KB_Getch(); if(i == 'A' || i == 'a' || i == 13) sendmessagecommand = ud.multimode; else if(i >= '1' || i <= (ud.multimode + '1') ) sendmessagecommand = i - '1'; else { sendmessagecommand = ud.multimode; if(i == 27) { ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~(MODE_TYPE|MODE_SENDTOWHOM); sendmessagecommand = -1; } else typebuf[0] = 0; } KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_1); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_2); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_3); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_4); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_5); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_6); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_7); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_8); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_A); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); } } } else { if(ud.screen_size > 0) j = 200-45; else j = 200-8; hitstate = strget(320>>1,j,typebuf,30,1); if(hitstate == 1) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_SENDTOWHOM; } else if(hitstate == -1) ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~(MODE_TYPE|MODE_SENDTOWHOM); else pub = NUMPAGES; } } void moveclouds(void) { if( totalclock > cloudtotalclock || totalclock < (cloudtotalclock-7)) { short i; cloudtotalclock = totalclock+6; for(i=0;i>9); cloudy[i] += (sintable[ps[screenpeek].ang&2047]>>9); sector[clouds[i]].ceilingxpanning = cloudx[i]>>6; sector[clouds[i]].ceilingypanning = cloudy[i]>>6; } } } void displayrest(long smoothratio) { long a, i, j; struct player_struct *pp; walltype *wal; long cposx,cposy,cang; pp = &ps[screenpeek]; if( pp->pals_time > 0 && pp->loogcnt == 0) { palto( pp->pals[0], pp->pals[1], pp->pals[2], pp->pals_time|128); restorepalette = 1; } else if( restorepalette ) { setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&pp->palette[0]); restorepalette = 0; } else if(pp->loogcnt > 0) palto(0,64,0,(pp->loogcnt>>1)+128); if(ud.show_help) { switch(ud.show_help) { case 1: rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,TEXTSTORY,0,0,10+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 2: rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,F1HELP,0,0,10+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } if ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); ud.show_help = 0; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; } vscrn(); } return; } i = pp->cursectnum; show2dsector[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); wal = &wall[sector[i].wallptr]; for(j=sector[i].wallnum;j>0;j--,wal++) { i = wal->nextsector; if (i < 0) continue; if (wal->cstat&0x0071) continue; if (wall[wal->nextwall].cstat&0x0071) continue; if (sector[i].lotag == 32767) continue; if (sector[i].ceilingz >= sector[i].floorz) continue; show2dsector[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); } if(ud.camerasprite == -1) { if( ud.overhead_on != 2 ) { if(pp->newowner >= 0) cameratext(pp->newowner); else { displayweapon(screenpeek); if(pp->over_shoulder_on == 0 ) displaymasks(screenpeek); } moveclouds(); } if( ud.overhead_on > 0 ) { smoothratio = min(max(smoothratio,0),65536); dointerpolations(smoothratio); if( ud.scrollmode == 0 ) { if(pp->newowner == -1) { if (screenpeek == myconnectindex && numplayers > 1) { cposx = omyx+mulscale16((long)(myx-omyx),smoothratio); cposy = omyy+mulscale16((long)(myy-omyy),smoothratio); cang = omyang+mulscale16((long)(((myang+1024-omyang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); } else { cposx = pp->oposx+mulscale16((long)(pp->posx-pp->oposx),smoothratio); cposy = pp->oposy+mulscale16((long)(pp->posy-pp->oposy),smoothratio); cang = pp->oang+mulscale16((long)(((pp->ang+1024-pp->oang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); } } else { cposx = pp->oposx; cposy = pp->oposy; cang = pp->oang; } } else { ud.fola += ud.folavel>>3; ud.folx += (ud.folfvel*sintable[(512+2048-ud.fola)&2047])>>14; ud.foly += (ud.folfvel*sintable[(512+1024-512-ud.fola)&2047])>>14; cposx = ud.folx; cposy = ud.foly; cang = ud.fola; } if(ud.overhead_on == 2) { clearview(0L); drawmapview(cposx,cposy,pp->zoom,cang); } drawoverheadmap( cposx,cposy,pp->zoom,cang); restoreinterpolations(); if(ud.overhead_on == 2) { if(ud.screen_size > 0) a = 147; else a = 182; minitext(1,a+6,volume_names[ud.volume_number],0,2+8+16); minitext(1,a+12,level_names[ud.volume_number*11 + ud.level_number],0,2+8+16); } } } coolgaugetext(screenpeek); operatefta(); if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) && ud.overhead_on == 0 && ud.show_help == 0 && ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1) { if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == MODE_MENU && current_menu < 51) { // out menu --eukara SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_ON); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); ps[myconnectindex].gm &= ~MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 1; totalclock = ototalclock; cameraclock = totalclock; cameradist = 65536L; } walock[MAXTILES-1] = 199; vscrn(); } else if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) != MODE_MENU && ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) != MODE_TYPE) { // in menu --eukara SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_OFF); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); intomenusounds(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) ready2send = 0; if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) cmenu(50); else cmenu(0); screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } if(ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1 && ud.overhead_on == 0 && ud.crosshair && ud.camerasprite == -1) rotatesprite((160L-(ps[myconnectindex].look_ang>>1))<<16,100L<<16,65536L,0,CROSSHAIR,0,0,2+1,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) typemode(); else menus(); if( ud.pause_on==1 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) menutext(160,100,0,0,"GAME PAUSED"); if(ud.coords) coords(screenpeek); if(ud.tickrate) tics(); } void updatesectorz(long x, long y, long z, short *sectnum) { walltype *wal; long i, j, cz, fz; getzsofslope(*sectnum,x,y,&cz,&fz); if ((z >= cz) && (z <= fz)) if (inside(x,y,*sectnum) != 0) return; if ((*sectnum >= 0) && (*sectnum < numsectors)) { wal = &wall[sector[*sectnum].wallptr]; j = sector[*sectnum].wallnum; do { i = wal->nextsector; if (i >= 0) { getzsofslope(i,x,y,&cz,&fz); if ((z >= cz) && (z <= fz)) if (inside(x,y,(short)i) == 1) { *sectnum = i; return; } } wal++; j--; } while (j != 0); } for(i=numsectors-1;i>=0;i--) { getzsofslope(i,x,y,&cz,&fz); if ((z >= cz) && (z <= fz)) if (inside(x,y,(short)i) == 1) { *sectnum = i; return; } } *sectnum = -1; } void view(struct player_struct *pp, long *vx, long *vy,long *vz,short *vsectnum, short ang, short horiz) { spritetype *sp; long i, nx, ny, nz, hx, hy, hz, hitx, hity, hitz; short bakcstat, hitsect, hitwall, hitsprite, daang; nx = (sintable[(ang+1536)&2047]>>4); ny = (sintable[(ang+1024)&2047]>>4); nz = (horiz-100)*128; sp = &sprite[pp->i]; bakcstat = sp->cstat; sp->cstat &= (short)~0x101; updatesectorz(*vx,*vy,*vz,vsectnum); hitscan(*vx,*vy,*vz,*vsectnum,nx,ny,nz,&hitsect,&hitwall,&hitsprite,&hitx,&hity,&hitz,CLIPMASK1); if(*vsectnum < 0) { sp->cstat = bakcstat; return; } hx = hitx-(*vx); hy = hity-(*vy); if (klabs(nx)+klabs(ny) > klabs(hx)+klabs(hy)) { *vsectnum = hitsect; if (hitwall >= 0) { daang = getangle(wall[wall[hitwall].point2].x-wall[hitwall].x, wall[wall[hitwall].point2].y-wall[hitwall].y); i = nx*sintable[daang]+ny*sintable[(daang+1536)&2047]; if (klabs(nx) > klabs(ny)) hx -= mulscale28(nx,i); else hy -= mulscale28(ny,i); } else if (hitsprite < 0) { if (klabs(nx) > klabs(ny)) hx -= (nx>>5); else hy -= (ny>>5); } if (klabs(nx) > klabs(ny)) i = divscale16(hx,nx); else i = divscale16(hy,ny); if (i < cameradist) cameradist = i; } *vx = (*vx)+mulscale16(nx,cameradist); *vy = (*vy)+mulscale16(ny,cameradist); *vz = (*vz)+mulscale16(nz,cameradist); cameradist = min(cameradist+((totalclock-cameraclock)<<10),65536); cameraclock = totalclock; updatesectorz(*vx,*vy,*vz,vsectnum); sp->cstat = bakcstat; } //REPLACE FULLY void drawbackground(void) { short dapicnum; long x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,topy; flushperms(); switch(ud.m_volume_number) { default:dapicnum = BIGHOLE;break; case 1:dapicnum = BIGHOLE;break; case 2:dapicnum = BIGHOLE;break; } y1 = 0; y2 = ydim; if( ready2send || ud.recstat == 2 ) { if(ud.coop != 1) { if (ud.multimode > 1) y1 += scale(ydim,8,200); if (ud.multimode > 4) y1 += scale(ydim,8,200); } if (ud.screen_size >= 8) y2 = scale(ydim,200-34,200); } for(y=y1;y 8) { y = 0; if(ud.coop != 1) { if (ud.multimode > 1) y += 8; if (ud.multimode > 4) y += 8; } x1 = max(windowx1-4,0); y1 = max(windowy1-4,y); x2 = min(windowx2+4,xdim-1); y2 = min(windowy2+4,scale(ydim,200-34,200)-1); for(y=y1+4;y>3]&(1<<(i&7)))) return; gotpic[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); floor1=spnum; if(sprite[spnum].lotag==42) fofmode=40; if(sprite[spnum].lotag==43) fofmode=41; if(sprite[spnum].lotag==44) fofmode=40; if(sprite[spnum].lotag==45) fofmode=41; // fofmode=sprite[spnum].lotag-2; // sectnum=sprite[j].sectnum; // sectnum=cursectnum; ok++; /* recursive? for(j=0;j= 0) { switch(sprite[i].lotag) { // case 40: // case 41: // SE40_Draw(i,x,y,a,smoothratio); // break; case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: if(ps[screenpeek].cursectnum == sprite[i].sectnum) SE40_Draw(i,x,y,z,a,h,smoothratio); break; } i = nextspritestat[i]; } } static long oyrepeat=-1; void displayrooms(short snum,long smoothratio) { long cposx,cposy,cposz,dst,j,fz,cz,hz,lz; short sect, cang, k, choriz,tsect; struct player_struct *p; long tposx,tposy,tposz,dx,dy,thoriz,i; short tang; p = &ps[snum]; // if(screencapt == 0 && (p->gm&MODE_MENU) && ( (current_menu/100) == 3 ) || (current_menu >= 1000 && current_menu < 2999 ) ) // return; if(pub > 0) { if(ud.screen_size > 8) drawbackground(); pub = 0; } if( ud.overhead_on == 2 || ud.show_help || p->cursectnum == -1) return; smoothratio = min(max(smoothratio,0),65536); visibility = p->visibility; if(ud.pause_on || ps[snum].on_crane > -1) smoothratio = 65536; sect = p->cursectnum; if(sect < 0 || sect >= MAXSECTORS) return; dointerpolations(smoothratio); animatecamsprite(); if(ud.camerasprite >= 0) { spritetype *s; s = &sprite[ud.camerasprite]; if(s->yvel < 0) s->yvel = -100; else if(s->yvel > 199) s->yvel = 300; cang = hittype[ud.camerasprite].tempang+mulscale16((long)(((s->ang+1024-hittype[ud.camerasprite].tempang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); se40code(s->x,s->y,s->z,cang,s->yvel,smoothratio); drawrooms(s->x,s->y,s->z-(4<<8),cang,s->yvel,s->sectnum); animatesprites(s->x,s->y,cang,smoothratio); drawmasks(); } else { i = divscale22(1,sprite[p->i].yrepeat+28); if (i != oyrepeat) { oyrepeat = i; setaspect(oyrepeat,yxaspect); } if(screencapt) { walock[MAXTILES-1] = 254; if (waloff[MAXTILES-1] == 0) allocache((long *)&waloff[MAXTILES-1],100*160,&walock[MAXTILES-1]); setviewtotile(MAXTILES-1,100L,160L); } else if( ( ud.screen_tilting && p->rotscrnang ) || ud.detail==0 ) { if (ud.screen_tilting) tang = p->rotscrnang; else tang = 0; walock[MAXTILES-2] = 255; if (waloff[MAXTILES-2] == 0) allocache(&waloff[MAXTILES-2],320L*320L,&walock[MAXTILES-2]); if ((tang&1023) == 0) setviewtotile(MAXTILES-2,200L>>(1-ud.detail),320L>>(1-ud.detail)); else setviewtotile(MAXTILES-2,320L>>(1-ud.detail),320L>>(1-ud.detail)); if ((tang&1023) == 512) { //Block off unscreen section of 90ø tilted screen j = ((320-60)>>(1-ud.detail)); for(i=(60>>(1-ud.detail))-1;i>=0;i--) { startumost[i] = 1; startumost[i+j] = 1; startdmost[i] = 0; startdmost[i+j] = 0; } } i = (tang&511); if (i > 256) i = 512-i; i = sintable[i+512]*8 + sintable[i]*5L; setaspect(i>>1,yxaspect); } if ( (snum == myconnectindex) && (numplayers > 1) ) { cposx = omyx+mulscale16((long)(myx-omyx),smoothratio); cposy = omyy+mulscale16((long)(myy-omyy),smoothratio); cposz = omyz+mulscale16((long)(myz-omyz),smoothratio); cang = omyang+mulscale16((long)(((myang+1024-omyang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); choriz = omyhoriz+omyhorizoff+mulscale16((long)(myhoriz+myhorizoff-omyhoriz-omyhorizoff),smoothratio); sect = mycursectnum; } else { cposx = p->oposx+mulscale16((long)(p->posx-p->oposx),smoothratio); cposy = p->oposy+mulscale16((long)(p->posy-p->oposy),smoothratio); cposz = p->oposz+mulscale16((long)(p->posz-p->oposz),smoothratio); cang = p->oang+mulscale16((long)(((p->ang+1024-p->oang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); choriz = p->ohoriz+p->ohorizoff+mulscale16((long)(p->horiz+p->horizoff-p->ohoriz-p->ohorizoff),smoothratio); } cang += p->look_ang; if (p->newowner >= 0) { cang = p->ang+p->look_ang; choriz = p->horiz+p->horizoff; cposx = p->posx; cposy = p->posy; cposz = p->posz; sect = sprite[p->newowner].sectnum; smoothratio = 65536L; } else if( p->over_shoulder_on == 0 ) cposz += p->opyoff+mulscale16((long)(p->pyoff-p->opyoff),smoothratio); else view(p,&cposx,&cposy,&cposz,§,cang,choriz); cz = hittype[p->i].ceilingz; fz = hittype[p->i].floorz; if(earthquaketime > 0 && p->on_ground == 1) { cposz += 256-(((earthquaketime)&1)<<9); cang += (2-((earthquaketime)&2))<<2; } if(sprite[p->i].pal == 1) cposz -= (18<<8); if(p->newowner >= 0) choriz = 100+sprite[p->newowner].shade; else if(p->spritebridge == 0) { if( cposz < ( p->truecz + (4<<8) ) ) cposz = cz + (4<<8); else if( cposz > ( p->truefz - (4<<8) ) ) cposz = fz - (4<<8); } if (sect >= 0) { getzsofslope(sect,cposx,cposy,&cz,&fz); if (cposz < cz+(4<<8)) cposz = cz+(4<<8); if (cposz > fz-(4<<8)) cposz = fz-(4<<8); } if(choriz > 299) choriz = 299; else if(choriz < -99) choriz = -99; se40code(cposx,cposy,cposz,cang,choriz,smoothratio); if ((gotpic[MIRROR>>3]&(1<<(MIRROR&7))) > 0) { dst = 0x7fffffff; i = 0; for(k=0;k>1) + (j>>2); drawrooms(tposx,tposy,cposz,tang,choriz,mirrorsector[i]+MAXSECTORS); display_mirror = 1; animatesprites(tposx,tposy,tang,smoothratio); display_mirror = 0; drawmasks(); completemirror(); //Reverse screen x-wise in this function visibility = j; } gotpic[MIRROR>>3] &= ~(1<<(MIRROR&7)); } drawrooms(cposx,cposy,cposz,cang,choriz,sect); animatesprites(cposx,cposy,cang,smoothratio); drawmasks(); if(screencapt == 1) { setviewback(); walock[MAXTILES-1] = 1; screencapt = 0; } else if( ( ud.screen_tilting && p->rotscrnang) || ud.detail==0 ) { if (ud.screen_tilting) tang = p->rotscrnang; else tang = 0; setviewback(); picanm[MAXTILES-2] &= 0xff0000ff; i = (tang&511); if (i > 256) i = 512-i; i = sintable[i+512]*8 + sintable[i]*5L; if ((1-ud.detail) == 0) i >>= 1; rotatesprite(160<<16,100<<16,i,tang+512,MAXTILES-2,0,0,4+2+64,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); walock[MAXTILES-2] = 199; } } restoreinterpolations(); if (totalclock < lastvisinc) { if (klabs(p->visibility-ud.const_visibility) > 8) p->visibility += (ud.const_visibility-p->visibility)>>2; } else p->visibility = ud.const_visibility; } short LocateTheLocator(short n,short sn) { short i; i = headspritestat[7]; while(i >= 0) { if( (sn == -1 || sn == SECT) && n == SLT ) return i; i = nextspritestat[i]; } return -1; } short EGS(short whatsect,long s_x,long s_y,long s_z,short s_pn,signed char s_s,signed char s_xr,signed char s_yr,short s_a,short s_ve,long s_zv,short s_ow,signed char s_ss) { short i; spritetype *s; i = insertsprite(whatsect,s_ss); if( i < 0 ) gameexit(" Too many sprites spawned."); hittype[i].bposx = s_x; hittype[i].bposy = s_y; hittype[i].bposz = s_z; s = &sprite[i]; s->x = s_x; s->y = s_y; s->z = s_z; s->cstat = 0; s->picnum = s_pn; s->shade = s_s; s->xrepeat = s_xr; s->yrepeat = s_yr; s->pal = 0; s->ang = s_a; s->xvel = s_ve; s->zvel = s_zv; s->owner = s_ow; s->xoffset = 0; s->yoffset = 0; s->yvel = 0; s->clipdist = 0; s->pal = 0; s->lotag = 0; hittype[i].picnum = sprite[s_ow].picnum; hittype[i].lastvx = 0; hittype[i].lastvy = 0; hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; hittype[i].actorstayput = -1; hittype[i].extra = -1; hittype[i].owner = s_ow; hittype[i].cgg = 0; hittype[i].movflag = 0; hittype[i].tempang = 0; hittype[i].dispicnum = 0; hittype[i].floorz = hittype[s_ow].floorz; hittype[i].ceilingz = hittype[s_ow].ceilingz; T1=T3=T4=T6=0; if( actorscrptr[s_pn] ) { s->extra = *actorscrptr[s_pn]; T5 = *(actorscrptr[s_pn]+1); T2 = *(actorscrptr[s_pn]+2); s->hitag = *(actorscrptr[s_pn]+3); } else { T2=T5=0; s->extra = 0; s->hitag = 0; } if (show2dsector[SECT>>3]&(1<<(SECT&7))) show2dsprite[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); else show2dsprite[i>>3] &= ~(1<<(i&7)); /* if(s->sectnum < 0) { s->xrepeat = s->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } */ return(i); } char wallswitchcheck(short i) { switch(PN) { case HANDPRINTSWITCH: case HANDPRINTSWITCH+1: case ALIENSWITCH: case ALIENSWITCH+1: case MULTISWITCH: case MULTISWITCH+1: case MULTISWITCH+2: case MULTISWITCH+3: case ACCESSSWITCH: case ACCESSSWITCH2: case PULLSWITCH: case PULLSWITCH+1: case HANDSWITCH: case HANDSWITCH+1: case SLOTDOOR: case SLOTDOOR+1: case LIGHTSWITCH: case LIGHTSWITCH+1: case SPACELIGHTSWITCH: case SPACELIGHTSWITCH+1: case SPACEDOORSWITCH: case SPACEDOORSWITCH+1: case FRANKENSTINESWITCH: case FRANKENSTINESWITCH+1: case LIGHTSWITCH2: case LIGHTSWITCH2+1: case POWERSWITCH1: case POWERSWITCH1+1: case LOCKSWITCH1: case LOCKSWITCH1+1: case POWERSWITCH2: case POWERSWITCH2+1: case DIPSWITCH: case DIPSWITCH+1: case DIPSWITCH2: case DIPSWITCH2+1: case TECHSWITCH: case TECHSWITCH+1: case DIPSWITCH3: case DIPSWITCH3+1: return 1; } return 0; } long tempwallptr; short spawn( short j, short pn ) { short i=0, s=0, startwall=0, endwall=0, sect=0, clostest=0; long x=0l, y=0l, d=0l; spritetype *sp=NULL; if(j >= 0) { i = EGS(sprite[j].sectnum,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[j].z ,pn,0,0,0,0,0,0,j,0); hittype[i].picnum = sprite[j].picnum; } else { i = pn; hittype[i].picnum = PN; hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; hittype[i].extra = -1; hittype[i].bposx = SX; hittype[i].bposy = SY; hittype[i].bposz = SZ; OW = hittype[i].owner = i; hittype[i].cgg = 0; hittype[i].movflag = 0; hittype[i].tempang = 0; hittype[i].dispicnum = 0; hittype[i].floorz = sector[SECT].floorz; hittype[i].ceilingz = sector[SECT].ceilingz; hittype[i].lastvx = 0; hittype[i].lastvy = 0; hittype[i].actorstayput = -1; T1 = T2 = T3 = T4 = T5 = T6 = 0; if( PN != SPEAKER && PN != LETTER && PN != DUCK && PN != TARGET && PN != TRIPBOMB && PN != VIEWSCREEN && PN != VIEWSCREEN2 && (CS&48) ) if( !(PN >= CRACK1 && PN <= CRACK4) ) { if(SS == 127) return i; if( wallswitchcheck(i) == 1 && (CS&16) ) { if( PN != ACCESSSWITCH && PN != ACCESSSWITCH2 && sprite[i].pal) { if( (ud.multimode < 2) || (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop==1) ) { sprite[i].xrepeat = sprite[i].yrepeat = 0; sprite[i].cstat = SLT = SHT = 0; return i; } } CS |= 257; if( sprite[i].pal && PN != ACCESSSWITCH && PN != ACCESSSWITCH2) sprite[i].pal = 0; return i; } if( SHT ) { changespritestat(i,12); CS |= 257; SH = impact_damage; return i; } } s = PN; if( CS&1 ) CS |= 256; if( actorscrptr[s] ) { SH = *(actorscrptr[s]); T5 = *(actorscrptr[s]+1); T2 = *(actorscrptr[s]+2); if( *(actorscrptr[s]+3) && SHT == 0 ) SHT = *(actorscrptr[s]+3); } else T2 = T5 = 0; } sp = &sprite[i]; sect = sp->sectnum; switch(sp->picnum) { default: if( actorscrptr[sp->picnum] ) { if( j == -1 && sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } // Init the size if(sp->xrepeat == 0 || sp->yrepeat == 0) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 1; if( actortype[sp->picnum] & 3) { if( ud.monsters_off == 1 ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } makeitfall(i); if( actortype[sp->picnum] & 2) hittype[i].actorstayput = sp->sectnum; ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; sp->clipdist = 80; if(j >= 0) { if(sprite[j].picnum == RESPAWN) hittype[i].tempang = sprite[i].pal = sprite[j].pal; changespritestat(i,1); } else changespritestat(i,2); } else { sp->clipdist = 40; sp->owner = i; changespritestat(i,1); } hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; if(j >= 0) sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; } break; case FOF: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; case WATERSPLASH2: if(j >= 0) { setsprite(i,sprite[j].x,sprite[j].y,sprite[j].z); sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 8+(TRAND&7); } else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 16+(TRAND&15); sp->shade = -16; sp->cstat |= 128; if(j >= 0) { if(sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag == 2) { sp->z = getceilzofslope(SECT,SX,SY)+(16<<8); sp->cstat |= 8; } else if( sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag == 1) sp->z = getflorzofslope(SECT,SX,SY); } if(sector[sect].floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME || sector[sect].ceilingpicnum == FLOORSLIME) sp->pal = 7; case NEON1: case NEON2: case NEON3: case NEON4: case NEON5: case NEON6: case DOMELITE: if(sp->picnum != WATERSPLASH2) sp->cstat |= 257; case NUKEBUTTON: if(sp->picnum == DOMELITE) sp->cstat |= 257; case JIBS1: case JIBS2: case JIBS3: case JIBS4: case JIBS5: case JIBS6: case HEADJIB1: case ARMJIB1: case LEGJIB1: case LIZMANHEAD1: case LIZMANARM1: case LIZMANLEG1: case DUKETORSO: case DUKEGUN: case DUKELEG: changespritestat(i,5); break; case TONGUE: if(j >= 0) sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->z -= 38<<8; sp->zvel = 256-(TRAND&511); sp->xvel = 64-(TRAND&127); changespritestat(i,4); break; case NATURALLIGHTNING: sp->cstat &= ~257; sp->cstat |= 32768; break; case TRANSPORTERSTAR: case TRANSPORTERBEAM: if(j == -1) break; if(sp->picnum == TRANSPORTERBEAM) { sp->xrepeat = 31; sp->yrepeat = 1; sp->z = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz-(40<<8); } else { if(sprite[j].statnum == 4) { sp->xrepeat = 8; sp->yrepeat = 8; } else { sp->xrepeat = 48; sp->yrepeat = 64; if(sprite[j].statnum == 10 || badguy(&sprite[j]) ) sp->z -= (32<<8); } } sp->shade = -127; sp->cstat = 128|2; sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->xvel = 128; changespritestat(i,5); ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); setsprite(i,sp->x,sp->y,sp->z); break; case FRAMEEFFECT1: if(j >= 0) { sp->xrepeat = sprite[j].xrepeat; sp->yrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat; T2 = sprite[j].picnum; } else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; case LASERLINE: sp->yrepeat = 6; sp->xrepeat = 32; if(lasermode == 1) sp->cstat = 16 + 2; else if(lasermode == 0 || lasermode == 2) sp->cstat = 16; else { sp->xrepeat = 0; sp->yrepeat = 0; } if(j >= 0) sp->ang = hittype[j].temp_data[5]+512; changespritestat(i,5); break; case FORCESPHERE: if(j == -1 ) { sp->cstat = (short) 32768; changespritestat(i,2); } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 1; changespritestat(i,5); } break; case BLOOD: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 16; sp->z -= (26<<8); if( j >= 0 && sprite[j].pal == 6 ) sp->pal = 6; changespritestat(i,5); break; case BLOODPOOL: case PUKE: { short s1; s1 = sp->sectnum; updatesector(sp->x+108,sp->y+108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-108,sp->y-108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x+108,sp->y-108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-108,sp->y+108,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz != sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } if( sector[SECT].lotag == 1 ) { changespritestat(i,5); break; } if(j >= 0 && sp->picnum != PUKE) { if( sprite[j].pal == 1) sp->pal = 1; else if( sprite[j].pal != 6 && sprite[j].picnum != NUKEBARREL && sprite[j].picnum != TIRE ) { if(sprite[j].picnum == FECES) sp->pal = 7; // Brown else sp->pal = 2; // Red } else sp->pal = 0; // green if(sprite[j].picnum == TIRE) sp->shade = 127; } sp->cstat |= 32; case FECES: if( j >= 0) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 1; changespritestat(i,5); break; case BLOODSPLAT1: case BLOODSPLAT2: case BLOODSPLAT3: case BLOODSPLAT4: sp->cstat |= 16; sp->xrepeat = 7+(TRAND&7); sp->yrepeat = 7+(TRAND&7); sp->z -= (16<<8); if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].pal == 6) sp->pal = 6; insertspriteq(i); changespritestat(i,5); break; case TRIPBOMB: if( sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->xrepeat=4; sp->yrepeat=5; sp->owner = i; sp->hitag = i; sp->xvel = 16; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); hittype[i].temp_data[0] = 17; hittype[i].temp_data[2] = 0; hittype[i].temp_data[5] = sp->ang; case SPACEMARINE: if(sp->picnum == SPACEMARINE) { sp->extra = 20; sp->cstat |= 257; } changespritestat(i,2); break; case HYDRENT: case PANNEL1: case PANNEL2: case SATELITE: case FUELPOD: case SOLARPANNEL: case ANTENNA: case GRATE1: case CHAIR1: case CHAIR2: case CHAIR3: case BOTTLE1: case BOTTLE2: case BOTTLE3: case BOTTLE4: case BOTTLE5: case BOTTLE6: case BOTTLE7: case BOTTLE8: case BOTTLE10: case BOTTLE11: case BOTTLE12: case BOTTLE13: case BOTTLE14: case BOTTLE15: case BOTTLE16: case BOTTLE17: case BOTTLE18: case BOTTLE19: case OCEANSPRITE1: case OCEANSPRITE2: case OCEANSPRITE3: case OCEANSPRITE5: case MONK: case INDY: case LUKE: case JURYGUY: case SCALE: case VACUUM: case FANSPRITE: case CACTUS: case CACTUSBROKE: case HANGLIGHT: case FETUS: case FETUSBROKE: case CAMERALIGHT: case MOVIECAMERA: case IVUNIT: case POT1: case POT2: case POT3: case TRIPODCAMERA: case SUSHIPLATE1: case SUSHIPLATE2: case SUSHIPLATE3: case SUSHIPLATE4: case SUSHIPLATE5: case WAITTOBESEATED: case VASE: case PIPE1: case PIPE2: case PIPE3: case PIPE4: case PIPE5: case PIPE6: sp->clipdist = 32; sp->cstat |= 257; case OCEANSPRITE4: changespritestat(i,0); break; case FEMMAG1: case FEMMAG2: sp->cstat &= ~257; changespritestat(i,0); break; case DUKETAG: case SIGN1: case SIGN2: if(ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } else sp->pal = 0; break; case MASKWALL1: case MASKWALL2: case MASKWALL3: case MASKWALL4: case MASKWALL5: case MASKWALL6: case MASKWALL7: case MASKWALL8: case MASKWALL9: case MASKWALL10: case MASKWALL11: case MASKWALL12: case MASKWALL13: case MASKWALL14: case MASKWALL15: j = sp->cstat&60; sp->cstat = j|1; changespritestat(i,0); break; case FOOTPRINTS: case FOOTPRINTS2: case FOOTPRINTS3: case FOOTPRINTS4: if(j >= 0) { short s1; s1 = sp->sectnum; updatesector(sp->x+84,sp->y+84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-84,sp->y-84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x+84,sp->y-84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz == sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { updatesector(sp->x-84,sp->y+84,&s1); if(s1 >= 0 && sector[s1].floorz != sector[sp->sectnum].floorz) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;changespritestat(i,5);break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;break;} } else { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0;break;} sp->cstat = 32+((ps[sprite[j].yvel].footprintcount&1)<<2); sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; } sp->z = sector[sect].floorz; if(sector[sect].lotag != 1 && sector[sect].lotag != 2) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; insertspriteq(i); changespritestat(i,5); break; case FEM1: case FEM2: case FEM3: case FEM4: case FEM5: case FEM6: case FEM7: case FEM8: case FEM9: case FEM10: case PODFEM1: case NAKED1: case STATUE: case TOUGHGAL: sp->yvel = sp->hitag; sp->hitag = -1; if(sp->picnum == PODFEM1) sp->extra <<= 1; case BLOODYPOLE: case QUEBALL: case STRIPEBALL: if(sp->picnum == QUEBALL || sp->picnum == STRIPEBALL) { sp->cstat = 256; sp->clipdist = 8; } else { sp->cstat |= 257; sp->clipdist = 32; } changespritestat(i,2); break; case DUKELYINGDEAD: if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { sp->xrepeat = sprite[j].xrepeat; sp->yrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat; sp->shade = sprite[j].shade; sp->pal = ps[sprite[j].yvel].palookup; } case DUKECAR: case HELECOPT: // if(sp->picnum == HELECOPT || sp->picnum == DUKECAR) sp->xvel = 1024; sp->cstat = 0; sp->extra = 1; sp->xvel = 292; sp->zvel = 360; case RESPAWNMARKERRED: case BLIMP: if(sp->picnum == RESPAWNMARKERRED) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 24; if(j >= 0) sp->z = hittype[j].floorz; // -(1<<4); } else { sp->cstat |= 257; sp->clipdist = 128; } case MIKE: if(sp->picnum == MIKE) sp->yvel = sp->hitag; case WEATHERWARN: changespritestat(i,1); break; case SPOTLITE: T1 = sp->x; T2 = sp->y; break; case BULLETHOLE: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 3; sp->cstat = 16+(krand()&12); insertspriteq(i); case MONEY: case MAIL: case PAPER: if( sp->picnum == MONEY || sp->picnum == MAIL || sp->picnum == PAPER ) { hittype[i].temp_data[0] = TRAND&2047; sp->cstat = TRAND&12; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 8; sp->ang = TRAND&2047; } changespritestat(i,5); break; case VIEWSCREEN: case VIEWSCREEN2: sp->owner = i; sp->lotag = 1; sp->extra = 1; changespritestat(i,6); break; case SHELL: //From the player case SHOTGUNSHELL: if( j >= 0 ) { short snum,a; if(sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) { snum = sprite[j].yvel; a = ps[snum].ang-(TRAND&63)+8; //Fine tune T1 = TRAND&1; if(sp->picnum == SHOTGUNSHELL) sp->z = (6<<8)+ps[snum].pyoff+ps[snum].posz-((ps[snum].horizoff+ps[snum].horiz-100)<<4); else sp->z = (3<<8)+ps[snum].pyoff+ps[snum].posz-((ps[snum].horizoff+ps[snum].horiz-100)<<4); sp->zvel = -(TRAND&255); } else { a = sp->ang; sp->z = sprite[j].z-PHEIGHT+(3<<8); } sp->x = sprite[j].x+(sintable[(a+512)&2047]>>7); sp->y = sprite[j].y+(sintable[a&2047]>>7); sp->shade = -8; sp->ang = a-512; sp->xvel = 20; sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=4; changespritestat(i,5); } break; case RESPAWN: sp->extra = 66-13; case MUSICANDSFX: if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal == 1) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->cstat = (short)32768; changespritestat(i,11); break; case EXPLOSION2: case EXPLOSION2BOT: case BURNING: case BURNING2: case SMALLSMOKE: case SHRINKEREXPLOSION: case COOLEXPLOSION1: if(j >= 0) { sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->shade = -64; sp->cstat = 128|(TRAND&4); } if(sp->picnum == EXPLOSION2 || sp->picnum == EXPLOSION2BOT) { sp->xrepeat = 48; sp->yrepeat = 48; sp->shade = -127; sp->cstat |= 128; } else if(sp->picnum == SHRINKEREXPLOSION ) { sp->xrepeat = 32; sp->yrepeat = 32; } else if( sp->picnum == SMALLSMOKE ) { // 64 "money" sp->xrepeat = 24; sp->yrepeat = 24; } else if(sp->picnum == BURNING || sp->picnum == BURNING2) { sp->xrepeat = 4; sp->yrepeat = 4; } if(j >= 0) { x = getflorzofslope(sp->sectnum,sp->x,sp->y); if(sp->z > x-(12<<8) ) sp->z = x-(12<<8); } changespritestat(i,5); break; case PLAYERONWATER: if(j >= 0) { sp->xrepeat = sprite[j].xrepeat; sp->yrepeat = sprite[j].yrepeat; sp->zvel = 128; if(sector[sp->sectnum].lotag != 2) sp->cstat |= 32768; } changespritestat(i,13); break; case APLAYER: sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; j = ud.coop; if(j == 2) j = 0; if( ud.multimode < 2 || (ud.multimode > 1 && j != sp->lotag) ) changespritestat(i,5); else changespritestat(i,10); break; case WATERBUBBLE: if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].picnum == APLAYER) sp->z -= (16<<8); if( sp->picnum == WATERBUBBLE) { if( j >= 0 ) sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 4; } else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; changespritestat(i,5); break; case CRANE: sp->cstat |= 64|257; sp->picnum += 2; sp->z = sector[sect].ceilingz+(48<<8); T5 = tempwallptr; msx[tempwallptr] = sp->x; msy[tempwallptr] = sp->y; msx[tempwallptr+2] = sp->z; s = headspritestat[0]; while(s >= 0) { if( sprite[s].picnum == CRANEPOLE && SHT == (sprite[s].hitag) ) { msy[tempwallptr+2] = s; T2 = sprite[s].sectnum; sprite[s].xrepeat = 48; sprite[s].yrepeat = 128; msx[tempwallptr+1] = sprite[s].x; msy[tempwallptr+1] = sprite[s].y; sprite[s].x = sp->x; sprite[s].y = sp->y; sprite[s].z = sp->z; sprite[s].shade = sp->shade; setsprite(s,sprite[s].x,sprite[s].y,sprite[s].z); break; } s = nextspritestat[s]; } tempwallptr += 3; sp->owner = -1; sp->extra = 8; changespritestat(i,6); break; case WATERDRIP: if(j >= 0 && (sprite[j].statnum == 10 || sprite[j].statnum == 1)) { sp->shade = 32; if(sprite[j].pal != 1) { sp->pal = 2; sp->z -= (18<<8); } else sp->z -= (13<<8); sp->ang = getangle(ps[connecthead].posx-sp->x,ps[connecthead].posy-sp->y); sp->xvel = 48-(TRAND&31); ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); } else if(j == -1) { sp->z += (4<<8); T1 = sp->z; T2 = TRAND&127; } case TRASH: if(sp->picnum != WATERDRIP) sp->ang = TRAND&2047; case WATERDRIPSPLASH: sp->xrepeat = 24; sp->yrepeat = 24; changespritestat(i,6); break; case PLUG: sp->lotag = 9999; changespritestat(i,6); break; case TOUCHPLATE: T3 = sector[sect].floorz; if(sector[sect].lotag != 1 && sector[sect].lotag != 2) sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; if(sp->pal && ud.multimode > 1) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } case WATERBUBBLEMAKER: sp->cstat |= 32768; changespritestat(i,6); break; case BOLT1: case BOLT1+1: case BOLT1+2: case BOLT1+3: case SIDEBOLT1: case SIDEBOLT1+1: case SIDEBOLT1+2: case SIDEBOLT1+3: T1 = sp->xrepeat; T2 = sp->yrepeat; case MASTERSWITCH: if(sp->picnum == MASTERSWITCH) sp->cstat |= 32768; sp->yvel = 0; changespritestat(i,6); break; case TARGET: case DUCK: case LETTER: sp->extra = 1; sp->cstat |= 257; changespritestat(i,1); break; case OCTABRAINSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT: case PIGCOPSTAYPUT: case LIZMANSTAYPUT: case BOSS1STAYPUT: case PIGCOPDIVE: case COMMANDERSTAYPUT: case BOSS4STAYPUT: hittype[i].actorstayput = sp->sectnum; case BOSS1: case BOSS2: case BOSS3: case BOSS4: case ROTATEGUN: case GREENSLIME: if(sp->picnum == GREENSLIME) sp->extra = 1; case DRONE: case LIZTROOPONTOILET: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT: case LIZTROOPSHOOT: case LIZTROOPJETPACK: case LIZTROOPDUCKING: case LIZTROOPRUNNING: case LIZTROOP: case OCTABRAIN: case COMMANDER: case PIGCOP: case LIZMAN: case LIZMANSPITTING: case LIZMANFEEDING: case LIZMANJUMP: case ORGANTIC: case RAT: case SHARK: if(sp->pal == 0) { switch(sp->picnum) { case LIZTROOPONTOILET: case LIZTROOPSHOOT: case LIZTROOPJETPACK: case LIZTROOPDUCKING: case LIZTROOPRUNNING: case LIZTROOPSTAYPUT: case LIZTROOPJUSTSIT: case LIZTROOP: sp->pal = 22; break; } } if( sp->picnum == BOSS4STAYPUT || sp->picnum == BOSS1 || sp->picnum == BOSS2 || sp->picnum == BOSS1STAYPUT || sp->picnum == BOSS3 || sp->picnum == BOSS4 ) { if(j >= 0 && sprite[j].picnum == RESPAWN) sp->pal = sprite[j].pal; if(sp->pal) { sp->clipdist = 80; sp->xrepeat = 40; sp->yrepeat = 40; } else { sp->xrepeat = 80; sp->yrepeat = 80; sp->clipdist = 164; } } else { if(sp->picnum != SHARK) { sp->xrepeat = 40; sp->yrepeat = 40; sp->clipdist = 80; } else { sp->xrepeat = 60; sp->yrepeat = 60; sp->clipdist = 40; } } if(j >= 0) sp->lotag = 0; if( ( sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) || ud.monsters_off == 1 ) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } else { makeitfall(i); if(sp->picnum == RAT) { sp->ang = TRAND&2047; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 48; sp->cstat = 0; } else { sp->cstat |= 257; if(sp->picnum != SHARK) ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; } if(sp->picnum == ORGANTIC) sp->cstat |= 128; if(j >= 0) { hittype[i].timetosleep = 0; check_fta_sounds(i); changespritestat(i,1); } else changespritestat(i,2); } if(sp->picnum == ROTATEGUN) sp->zvel = 0; break; case LOCATORS: sp->cstat |= 32768; changespritestat(i,7); break; case ACTIVATORLOCKED: case ACTIVATOR: sp->cstat = (short) 32768; if(sp->picnum == ACTIVATORLOCKED) sector[sp->sectnum].lotag |= 16384; changespritestat(i,8); break; case DOORSHOCK: sp->cstat |= 1+256; sp->shade = -12; changespritestat(i,6); break; case OOZ: case OOZ2: sp->shade = -12; if(j >= 0) { if( sprite[j].picnum == NUKEBARREL ) sp->pal = 8; insertspriteq(i); } changespritestat(i,1); getglobalz(i); j = (hittype[i].floorz-hittype[i].ceilingz)>>9; sp->yrepeat = j; sp->xrepeat = 25-(j>>1); sp->cstat |= (TRAND&4); break; case HEAVYHBOMB: if(j >= 0) sp->owner = j; else sp->owner = i; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 9; sp->yvel = 4; case REACTOR2: case REACTOR: case RECON: if(sp->picnum == RECON) { if( sp->lotag > ud.player_skill ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); return i; } ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed++; hittype[i].temp_data[5] = 0; if(ud.monsters_off == 1) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->extra = 130; } if(sp->picnum == REACTOR || sp->picnum == REACTOR2) sp->extra = impact_damage; CS |= 257; // Make it hitable if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->pal = 0; SS = -17; changespritestat(i,2); break; case ATOMICHEALTH: case STEROIDS: case HEATSENSOR: case SHIELD: case AIRTANK: case TRIPBOMBSPRITE: case JETPACK: case HOLODUKE: case FIRSTGUNSPRITE: case CHAINGUNSPRITE: case SHOTGUNSPRITE: case RPGSPRITE: case SHRINKERSPRITE: case FREEZESPRITE: case DEVISTATORSPRITE: case SHOTGUNAMMO: case FREEZEAMMO: case HBOMBAMMO: case CRYSTALAMMO: case GROWAMMO: case BATTERYAMMO: case DEVISTATORAMMO: case RPGAMMO: case BOOTS: case AMMO: case AMMOLOTS: case COLA: case FIRSTAID: case SIXPAK: if(j >= 0) { sp->lotag = 0; sp->z -= (32<<8); sp->zvel = -1024; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); sp->cstat = TRAND&4; } else { sp->owner = i; sp->cstat = 0; } if( ( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0) || (sp->lotag > ud.player_skill) ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->pal = 0; case ACCESSCARD: if(sp->picnum == ATOMICHEALTH) sp->cstat |= 128; if(ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop != 1 && sp->picnum == ACCESSCARD) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } else { if(sp->picnum == AMMO) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 16; else sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; } sp->shade = -17; if(j >= 0) changespritestat(i,1); else { changespritestat(i,2); makeitfall(i); } break; case WATERFOUNTAIN: SLT = 1; case TREE1: case TREE2: case TIRE: case CONE: case BOX: CS = 257; // Make it hitable sprite[i].extra = 1; changespritestat(i,6); break; case FLOORFLAME: sp->shade = -127; changespritestat(i,6); break; case BOUNCEMINE: sp->owner = i; sp->cstat |= 1+256; //Make it hitable sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 24; sp->shade = -127; sp->extra = impact_damage<<2; changespritestat(i,2); break; case CAMERA1: case CAMERA1+1: case CAMERA1+2: case CAMERA1+3: case CAMERA1+4: case CAMERAPOLE: sp->extra = 1; if(camerashitable) sp->cstat = 257; else sp->cstat = 0; case GENERICPOLE: if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0 ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } else sp->pal = 0; if(sp->picnum == CAMERAPOLE || sp->picnum == GENERICPOLE) break; sp->picnum = CAMERA1; changespritestat(i,1); break; case STEAM: if(j >= 0) { sp->ang = sprite[j].ang; sp->cstat = 16+128+2; sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=1; sp->xvel = -8; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); } case CEILINGSTEAM: changespritestat(i,6); break; case SECTOREFFECTOR: sp->yvel = sector[sect].extra; sp->cstat |= 32768; sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; switch(sp->lotag) { case 28: T6 = 65;// Delay for lightning break; case 7: // Transporters!!!! case 23:// XPTR END if(sp->lotag != 23) { for(j=0;jcstat = 0; changespritestat(i,9); return i; case 1: sp->owner = -1; T1 = 1; break; case 18: if(sp->ang == 512) { T2 = sector[sect].ceilingz; if(sp->pal) sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; } else { T2 = sector[sect].floorz; if(sp->pal) sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; } sp->hitag <<= 2; break; case 19: sp->owner = -1; break; case 25: // Pistons T4 = sector[sect].ceilingz; T5 = 1; sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; setinterpolation(§or[sect].ceilingz); break; case 35: sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; break; case 27: if(ud.recstat == 1) { sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=64; sp->cstat &= 32767; } break; case 12: T2 = sector[sect].floorshade; T3 = sector[sect].ceilingshade; break; case 13: T1 = sector[sect].ceilingz; T2 = sector[sect].floorz; if( klabs(T1-sp->z) < klabs(T2-sp->z) ) sp->owner = 1; else sp->owner = 0; if(sp->ang == 512) { if(sp->owner) sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; else sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; } else sector[sect].ceilingz = sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; if( sector[sect].ceilingstat&1 ) { sector[sect].ceilingstat ^= 1; T4 = 1; if(!sp->owner && sp->ang==512) { sector[sect].ceilingstat ^= 1; T4 = 0; } sector[sect].ceilingshade = sector[sect].floorshade; if(sp->ang==512) { startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(j=startwall;j= 0) if( !(sector[x].ceilingstat&1) ) { sector[sect].ceilingpicnum = sector[x].ceilingpicnum; sector[sect].ceilingshade = sector[x].ceilingshade; break; //Leave earily } } } } break; case 17: T3 = sector[sect].floorz; //Stopping loc j = nextsectorneighborz(sect,sector[sect].floorz,-1,-1); T4 = sector[j].ceilingz; j = nextsectorneighborz(sect,sector[sect].ceilingz,1,1); T5 = sector[j].floorz; if(numplayers < 2) { setinterpolation(§or[sect].floorz); setinterpolation(§or[sect].ceilingz); } break; case 24: sp->yvel <<= 1; case 36: break; case 20: { long q; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; //find the two most clostest wall x's and y's q = 0x7fffffff; for(s=startwall;sx-x,sp->y-y); if( d < q ) { q = d; clostest = s; } } T2 = clostest; q = 0x7fffffff; for(s=startwall;sx-x,sp->y-y); if(d < q && s != T2) { q = d; clostest = s; } } T3 = clostest; } break; case 3: T4=sector[sect].floorshade; sector[sect].floorshade = sp->shade; sector[sect].ceilingshade = sp->shade; sp->owner = sector[sect].ceilingpal<<8; sp->owner |= sector[sect].floorpal; //fix all the walls; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;sshade; if( (wall[s].cstat&2) && wall[s].nextwall >= 0) wall[wall[s].nextwall].shade = sp->shade; } break; case 31: T2 = sector[sect].floorz; // T3 = sp->hitag; if(sp->ang != 1536) sector[sect].floorz = sp->z; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;shitag; if(sp->ang != 1536) sector[sect].ceilingz = sp->z; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;sowner = sector[sect].ceilingpal<<8; sp->owner |= sector[sect].floorpal; for(s=startwall;s T4) T4 = wall[s].shade; break; case 9: if( sector[sect].lotag && labs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sp->z) > 1024) sector[sect].lotag |= 32768; //If its open case 8: //First, get the ceiling-floor shade T1 = sector[sect].floorshade; T2 = sector[sect].ceilingshade; startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; for(s=startwall;s T3) T3 = wall[s].shade; T4 = 1; //Take Out; break; case 11://Pivitor rotater if(sp->ang>1024) T4 = 2; else T4 = -2; case 0: case 2://Earthquakemakers case 5://Boss Creature case 6://Subway case 14://Caboos case 15://Subwaytype sliding door case 16://That rotating blocker reactor thing case 26://ESCELATOR case 30://No rotational subways if(sp->lotag == 0) { if( sector[sect].lotag == 30 ) { if(sp->pal) sprite[i].clipdist = 1; else sprite[i].clipdist = 0; T4 = sector[sect].floorz; sector[sect].hitag = i; } for(j = 0;j < MAXSPRITES;j++) { if( sprite[j].statnum < MAXSTATUS ) if( sprite[j].picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].lotag == 1 && sprite[j].hitag == sp->hitag) { if( sp->ang == 512 ) { sp->x = sprite[j].x; sp->y = sprite[j].y; } break; } } if(j == MAXSPRITES) { sprintf(tempbuf,"Found lonely Sector Effector (lotag 0) at (%ld,%ld)\n",sp->x,sp->y); gameexit(tempbuf); } sp->owner = j; } startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; T2 = tempwallptr; for(s=startwall;sx; msy[tempwallptr] = wall[s].y-sp->y; tempwallptr++; if(tempwallptr > 2047) { sprintf(tempbuf,"Too many moving sectors at (%ld,%ld).\n",wall[s].x,wall[s].y); gameexit(tempbuf); } } if( sp->lotag == 30 || sp->lotag == 6 || sp->lotag == 14 || sp->lotag == 5 ) { startwall = sector[sect].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sect].wallnum; if(sector[sect].hitag == -1) sp->extra = 0; else sp->extra = 1; sector[sect].hitag = i; j = 0; for(s=startwall;s= 0 && sector[ wall[ s ].nextsector].hitag == 0 && sector[ wall[ s ].nextsector].lotag < 3 ) { s = wall[s].nextsector; j = 1; break; } } if(j == 0) { sprintf(tempbuf,"Subway found no zero'd sectors with locators\nat (%ld,%ld).\n",sp->x,sp->y); gameexit(tempbuf); } sp->owner = -1; T1 = s; if(sp->lotag != 30) T4 = sp->hitag; } else if(sp->lotag == 16) T4 = sector[sect].ceilingz; else if( sp->lotag == 26 ) { T4 = sp->x; T5 = sp->y; if(sp->shade==sector[sect].floorshade) //UP sp->zvel = -256; else sp->zvel = 256; sp->shade = 0; } else if( sp->lotag == 2) { T6 = sector[sp->sectnum].floorheinum; sector[sp->sectnum].floorheinum = 0; } } switch(sp->lotag) { case 6: case 14: j = callsound(sect,i); if(j == -1) j = SUBWAY; hittype[i].lastvx = j; case 30: if(numplayers > 1) break; case 0: case 1: case 5: case 11: case 15: case 16: case 26: setsectinterpolate(i); break; } switch(sprite[i].lotag) { case 40: case 41: case 43: case 44: case 45: changespritestat(i,15); break; default: changespritestat(i,3); break; } break; case SEENINE: case OOZFILTER: sp->shade = -16; if(sp->xrepeat <= 8) { sp->cstat = (short)32768; sp->xrepeat=sp->yrepeat=0; } else sp->cstat = 1+256; sp->extra = impact_damage<<2; sp->owner = i; changespritestat(i,6); break; case CRACK1: case CRACK2: case CRACK3: case CRACK4: case FIREEXT: if(sp->picnum == FIREEXT) { sp->cstat = 257; sp->extra = impact_damage<<2; } else { sp->cstat |= 17; sp->extra = 1; } if( ud.multimode < 2 && sp->pal != 0) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); break; } sp->pal = 0; sp->owner = i; changespritestat(i,6); sp->xvel = 8; ssp(i,CLIPMASK0); break; case TOILET: case STALL: sp->lotag = 1; sp->cstat |= 257; sp->clipdist = 8; sp->owner = i; break; case CANWITHSOMETHING: case CANWITHSOMETHING2: case CANWITHSOMETHING3: case CANWITHSOMETHING4: case RUBBERCAN: sp->extra = 0; case EXPLODINGBARREL: case HORSEONSIDE: case FIREBARREL: case NUKEBARREL: case FIREVASE: case NUKEBARRELDENTED: case NUKEBARRELLEAKED: case WOODENHORSE: if(j >= 0) sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 32; sp->clipdist = 72; makeitfall(i); if(j >= 0) sp->owner = j; else sp->owner = i; case EGG: if( ud.monsters_off == 1 && sp->picnum == EGG ) { sp->xrepeat = sp->yrepeat = 0; changespritestat(i,5); } else { if(sp->picnum == EGG) sp->clipdist = 24; sp->cstat = 257|(TRAND&4); changespritestat(i,2); } break; case TOILETWATER: sp->shade = -16; changespritestat(i,6); break; } return i; } void animatesprites(long x,long y,short a,long smoothratio) { short i, j, k, p, sect; long l, t1,t3,t4; spritetype *s,*t; for(j=0;j < spritesortcnt; j++) { t = &tsprite[j]; i = t->owner; s = &sprite[t->owner]; switch(t->picnum) { case BLOODPOOL: case PUKE: case FOOTPRINTS: case FOOTPRINTS2: case FOOTPRINTS3: case FOOTPRINTS4: if(t->shade == 127) continue; break; case RESPAWNMARKERRED: case RESPAWNMARKERYELLOW: case RESPAWNMARKERGREEN: if(ud.marker == 0) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; case CHAIR3: k = (((t->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum+k; break; case BLOODSPLAT1: case BLOODSPLAT2: case BLOODSPLAT3: case BLOODSPLAT4: if(ud.lockout) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; else if(t->pal == 6) { t->shade = -127; continue; } case BULLETHOLE: case CRACK1: case CRACK2: case CRACK3: case CRACK4: t->shade = 16; continue; case NEON1: case NEON2: case NEON3: case NEON4: case NEON5: case NEON6: continue; case GREENSLIME: case GREENSLIME+1: case GREENSLIME+2: case GREENSLIME+3: case GREENSLIME+4: case GREENSLIME+5: case GREENSLIME+6: case GREENSLIME+7: break; default: if( ( (t->cstat&16) ) || ( badguy(t) && t->extra > 0) || t->statnum == 10) continue; } if (sector[t->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) l = sector[t->sectnum].ceilingshade; else l = sector[t->sectnum].floorshade; if(l < -127) l = -127; if(l > 128) l = 127; t->shade = l; } for(j=0;j < spritesortcnt; j++ ) //Between drawrooms() and drawmasks() { //is the perfect time to animate sprites t = &tsprite[j]; i = t->owner; s = &sprite[i]; switch(s->picnum) { case SECTOREFFECTOR: if(t->lotag == 27 && ud.recstat == 1) { t->picnum = 11+((totalclock>>3)&1); t->cstat |= 128; } else t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; break; case NATURALLIGHTNING: t->shade = -127; break; case FEM1: case FEM2: case FEM3: case FEM4: case FEM5: case FEM6: case FEM7: case FEM8: case FEM9: case FEM10: case MAN: case MAN2: case WOMAN: case NAKED1: case PODFEM1: case FEMMAG1: case FEMMAG2: case FEMPIC1: case FEMPIC2: case FEMPIC3: case FEMPIC4: case FEMPIC5: case FEMPIC6: case FEMPIC7: case BLOODYPOLE: case FEM6PAD: case STATUE: case STATUEFLASH: case OOZ: case OOZ2: case WALLBLOOD1: case WALLBLOOD2: case WALLBLOOD3: case WALLBLOOD4: case WALLBLOOD5: case WALLBLOOD7: case WALLBLOOD8: case SUSHIPLATE1: case SUSHIPLATE2: case SUSHIPLATE3: case SUSHIPLATE4: case FETUS: case FETUSJIB: case FETUSBROKE: case HOTMEAT: case FOODOBJECT16: case DOLPHIN1: case DOLPHIN2: case TOUGHGAL: case TAMPON: case XXXSTACY: case 4946: case 4947: case 693: case 2254: case 4560: case 4561: case 4562: case 4498: case 4957: if(ud.lockout) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } } if( t->statnum == 99 ) continue; if( s->statnum != 1 && s->picnum == APLAYER && ps[s->yvel].newowner == -1 && s->owner >= 0 ) { t->x -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,ps[s->yvel].posx-ps[s->yvel].oposx); t->y -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,ps[s->yvel].posy-ps[s->yvel].oposy); t->z = ps[s->yvel].oposz + mulscale16(smoothratio,ps[s->yvel].posz-ps[s->yvel].oposz); t->z += (40<<8); } else if( ( s->statnum == 0 && s->picnum != CRANEPOLE) || s->statnum == 10 || s->statnum == 6 || s->statnum == 4 || s->statnum == 5 || s->statnum == 1 ) { t->x -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,s->x-hittype[i].bposx); t->y -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,s->y-hittype[i].bposy); t->z -= mulscale16(65536-smoothratio,s->z-hittype[i].bposz); } sect = s->sectnum; t1 = T2;t3 = T4;t4 = T5; switch(s->picnum) { case DUKELYINGDEAD: t->z += (24<<8); break; case BLOODPOOL: case FOOTPRINTS: case FOOTPRINTS2: case FOOTPRINTS3: case FOOTPRINTS4: if(t->pal == 6) t->shade = -127; case PUKE: case MONEY: case MONEY+1: case MAIL: case MAIL+1: case PAPER: case PAPER+1: if(ud.lockout && s->pal == 2) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } break; case TRIPBOMB: continue; case FORCESPHERE: if(t->statnum == 5) { short sqa,sqb; sqa = getangle( sprite[s->owner].x-ps[screenpeek].posx, sprite[s->owner].y-ps[screenpeek].posy); sqb = getangle( sprite[s->owner].x-t->x, sprite[s->owner].y-t->y); if( klabs(getincangle(sqa,sqb)) > 512 ) if( ldist(&sprite[s->owner],t) < ldist(&sprite[ps[screenpeek].i],&sprite[s->owner]) ) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } continue; case BURNING: case BURNING2: if( sprite[s->owner].statnum == 10 ) { if( display_mirror == 0 && sprite[s->owner].yvel == screenpeek && ps[sprite[s->owner].yvel].over_shoulder_on == 0 ) t->xrepeat = 0; else { t->ang = getangle(x-t->x,y-t->y); t->x = sprite[s->owner].x; t->y = sprite[s->owner].y; t->x += sintable[(t->ang+512)&2047]>>10; t->y += sintable[t->ang&2047]>>10; } } break; case ATOMICHEALTH: t->z -= (4<<8); break; case CRYSTALAMMO: t->shade = (sintable[(totalclock<<4)&2047]>>10); continue; case VIEWSCREEN: case VIEWSCREEN2: if(camsprite >= 0 && hittype[OW].temp_data[0] == 1) { t->picnum = STATIC; t->cstat |= (rand()&12); t->xrepeat += 8; t->yrepeat += 8; } break; case SHRINKSPARK: t->picnum = SHRINKSPARK+( (totalclock>>4)&3 ); break; case GROWSPARK: t->picnum = GROWSPARK+( (totalclock>>4)&3 ); break; case RPG: k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); if(k > 6) { k = 12-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = RPG+k; break; case RECON: k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); if( T1 < 4 ) k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); else k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); if(k>6) { k = 12-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; if( klabs(t3) > 64 ) k += 7; t->picnum = RECON+k; break; case APLAYER: p = s->yvel; if(t->pal == 1) t->z -= (18<<8); if(ps[p].over_shoulder_on > 0 && ps[p].newowner < 0 ) { t->cstat |= 2; if ( screenpeek == myconnectindex && numplayers >= 2 ) { t->x = omyx+mulscale16((long)(myx-omyx),smoothratio); t->y = omyy+mulscale16((long)(myy-omyy),smoothratio); t->z = omyz+mulscale16((long)(myz-omyz),smoothratio)+(40<<8); t->ang = omyang+mulscale16((long)(((myang+1024-omyang)&2047)-1024),smoothratio); t->sectnum = mycursectnum; } } if( ( display_mirror == 1 || screenpeek != p || s->owner == -1 ) && ud.multimode > 1 && ud.showweapons && sprite[ps[p].i].extra > 0 && ps[p].curr_weapon > 0 ) { memcpy((spritetype *)&tsprite[spritesortcnt],(spritetype *)t,sizeof(spritetype)); tsprite[spritesortcnt].statnum = 99; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = ( t->yrepeat>>3 ); if(t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; tsprite[spritesortcnt].shade = t->shade; tsprite[spritesortcnt].cstat = 0; switch(ps[p].curr_weapon) { case PISTOL_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = FIRSTGUNSPRITE; break; case SHOTGUN_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = SHOTGUNSPRITE; break; case CHAINGUN_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = CHAINGUNSPRITE; break; case RPG_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = RPGSPRITE; break; case HANDREMOTE_WEAPON: case HANDBOMB_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = HEAVYHBOMB; break; case TRIPBOMB_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = TRIPBOMBSPRITE; break; case GROW_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = GROWSPRITEICON; break; case SHRINKER_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = SHRINKERSPRITE; break; case FREEZE_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = FREEZESPRITE; break; case DEVISTATOR_WEAPON: tsprite[spritesortcnt].picnum = DEVISTATORSPRITE; break; } if(s->owner >= 0) tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = ps[p].posz-(12<<8); else tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = s->z-(51<<8); if(ps[p].curr_weapon == HANDBOMB_WEAPON) { tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = 10; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = 10; } else { tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = 16; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = 16; } tsprite[spritesortcnt].pal = 0; spritesortcnt++; } if(s->owner == -1) { k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; if(sector[t->sectnum].lotag == 2) k += 1795-1405; else if( (hittype[i].floorz-s->z) > (64<<8) ) k += 60; t->picnum += k; t->pal = ps[p].palookup; goto PALONLY; } if( ps[p].on_crane == -1 && (sector[s->sectnum].lotag&0x7ff) != 1 ) { l = s->z-hittype[ps[p].i].floorz+(3<<8); if( l > 1024 && s->yrepeat > 32 && s->extra > 0 ) s->yoffset = (signed char)(l/(s->yrepeat<<2)); else s->yoffset=0; } if(ps[p].newowner > -1) { t4 = *(actorscrptr[APLAYER]+1); t3 = 0; t1 = *(actorscrptr[APLAYER]+2); } if(ud.camerasprite == -1 && ps[p].newowner == -1) if(s->owner >= 0 && display_mirror == 0 && ps[p].over_shoulder_on == 0 ) if( ud.multimode < 2 || ( ud.multimode > 1 && p == screenpeek ) ) { t->owner = -1; t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } PALONLY: if( sector[sect].floorpal ) t->pal = sector[sect].floorpal; if(s->owner == -1) continue; if( t->z > hittype[i].floorz && t->xrepeat < 32 ) t->z = hittype[i].floorz; break; case JIBS1: case JIBS2: case JIBS3: case JIBS4: case JIBS5: case JIBS6: case HEADJIB1: case LEGJIB1: case ARMJIB1: case LIZMANHEAD1: case LIZMANARM1: case LIZMANLEG1: case DUKELEG: case DUKEGUN: case DUKETORSO: if(ud.lockout) { t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; continue; } if(t->pal == 6) t->shade = -120; case SCRAP1: case SCRAP2: case SCRAP3: case SCRAP4: case SCRAP5: case SCRAP6: case SCRAP6+1: case SCRAP6+2: case SCRAP6+3: case SCRAP6+4: case SCRAP6+5: case SCRAP6+6: case SCRAP6+7: if(hittype[i].picnum == BLIMP && t->picnum == SCRAP1 && s->yvel >= 0) t->picnum = s->yvel; else t->picnum += T1; t->shade -= 6; if( sector[sect].floorpal ) t->pal = sector[sect].floorpal; break; case WATERBUBBLE: if(sector[t->sectnum].floorpicnum == FLOORSLIME) { t->pal = 7; break; } default: if( sector[sect].floorpal ) t->pal = sector[sect].floorpal; break; } if( actorscrptr[s->picnum] ) { if(t4) { l = *(long *)(t4+8); switch( l ) { case 2: k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&1; break; case 3: case 4: k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>7)&7; if(k > 3) { t->cstat |= 4; k = 7-k; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 5: k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 7: k = getangle(s->x-x,s->y-y); k = (((s->ang+3072+128-k)&2047)/170); if(k>6) { k = 12-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; break; case 8: k = (((s->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; t->cstat &= ~4; break; default: k = 0; break; } t->picnum += k + ( *(long *)t4 ) + l * t3; if(l > 0) while(tilesizx[t->picnum] == 0 && t->picnum > 0 ) t->picnum -= l; //Hack, for actors if( hittype[i].dispicnum >= 0) hittype[i].dispicnum = t->picnum; } else if(display_mirror == 1) t->cstat |= 4; } if( s->statnum == 13 || badguy(s) || (s->picnum == APLAYER && s->owner >= 0) ) if(t->statnum != 99 && s->picnum != EXPLOSION2 && s->picnum != HANGLIGHT && s->picnum != DOMELITE) if(s->picnum != HOTMEAT) { if( hittype[i].dispicnum < 0 ) { hittype[i].dispicnum++; continue; } else if( ud.shadows && spritesortcnt < (MAXSPRITESONSCREEN-2)) { long daz,xrep,yrep; if( (sector[sect].lotag&0xff) > 2 || s->statnum == 4 || s->statnum == 5 || s->picnum == DRONE || s->picnum == COMMANDER ) daz = sector[sect].floorz; else daz = hittype[i].floorz; if( (s->z-daz) < (8<<8) ) if( ps[screenpeek].posz < daz ) { memcpy((spritetype *)&tsprite[spritesortcnt],(spritetype *)t,sizeof(spritetype)); tsprite[spritesortcnt].statnum = 99; tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = ( t->yrepeat>>3 ); if(t->yrepeat < 4) t->yrepeat = 4; tsprite[spritesortcnt].shade = 127; tsprite[spritesortcnt].cstat |= 2; tsprite[spritesortcnt].z = daz; xrep = tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat;// - (klabs(daz-t->z)>>11); tsprite[spritesortcnt].xrepeat = xrep; tsprite[spritesortcnt].pal = 4; yrep = tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat;// - (klabs(daz-t->z)>>11); tsprite[spritesortcnt].yrepeat = yrep; spritesortcnt++; } } if( ps[screenpeek].heat_amount > 0 && ps[screenpeek].heat_on ) { t->pal = 6; t->shade = 0; } } switch(s->picnum) { case LASERLINE: if(sector[t->sectnum].lotag == 2) t->pal = 8; t->z = sprite[s->owner].z-(3<<8); if(lasermode == 2 && ps[screenpeek].heat_on == 0 ) t->yrepeat = 0; case EXPLOSION2: case EXPLOSION2BOT: case FREEZEBLAST: case ATOMICHEALTH: case FIRELASER: case SHRINKSPARK: case GROWSPARK: case CHAINGUN: case SHRINKEREXPLOSION: case RPG: case FLOORFLAME: if(t->picnum == EXPLOSION2) { ps[screenpeek].visibility = -127; lastvisinc = totalclock+32; restorepalette = 1; } t->shade = -127; break; case FIRE: case FIRE2: case BURNING: case BURNING2: if( sprite[s->owner].picnum != TREE1 && sprite[s->owner].picnum != TREE2 ) t->z = sector[t->sectnum].floorz; t->shade = -127; break; case COOLEXPLOSION1: t->shade = -127; t->picnum += (s->shade>>1); break; case PLAYERONWATER: k = (((t->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum+k+((T1<4)*5); t->shade = sprite[s->owner].shade; break; case WATERSPLASH2: t->picnum = WATERSPLASH2+t1; break; case REACTOR2: t->picnum = s->picnum + T3; break; case SHELL: t->picnum = s->picnum+(T1&1); case SHOTGUNSHELL: t->cstat |= 12; if(T1 > 1) t->cstat &= ~4; if(T1 > 2) t->cstat &= ~12; break; case FRAMEEFFECT1: if(s->owner >= 0 && sprite[s->owner].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { if(sprite[s->owner].picnum == APLAYER) if(ud.camerasprite == -1) if(screenpeek == sprite[s->owner].yvel && display_mirror == 0) { t->owner = -1; break; } if( (sprite[s->owner].cstat&32768) == 0 ) { t->picnum = hittype[s->owner].dispicnum; t->pal = sprite[s->owner].pal; t->shade = sprite[s->owner].shade; t->ang = sprite[s->owner].ang; t->cstat = 2|sprite[s->owner].cstat; } } break; case CAMERA1: case RAT: k = (((t->ang+3072+128-a)&2047)>>8)&7; if(k>4) { k = 8-k; t->cstat |= 4; } else t->cstat &= ~4; t->picnum = s->picnum+k; break; } hittype[i].dispicnum = t->picnum; if(sector[t->sectnum].floorpicnum == MIRROR) t->xrepeat = t->yrepeat = 0; } } #define NUMCHEATCODES 26 char cheatquotes[NUMCHEATCODES][14] = { {"cornholio"}, {"stuff"}, #ifndef VOLUMEONE {"scotty###"}, #else {"scotty##"}, #endif {"coords"}, {"view"}, {"time"}, #ifndef VOLUMEONE {"unlock"}, #else {""}, #endif {"cashman"}, {"items"}, {"rate"}, {"skill#"}, {"beta"}, {"hyper"}, {"monsters"}, // #ifndef VOLUMEONE // {"bonus"}, // #else {""}, {""}, // #endif {"todd"}, {"showmap"}, {"kroz"}, {"allen"}, {"clip"}, {"weapons"}, {"inventory"}, {"keys"}, {"debug"} // {"ending"} }; char cheatbuf[10],cheatbuflen; void cheats(void) { short ch, i, j, k, keystate, weapon; if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) || (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU)) return; #ifdef BETA return; #endif if ( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase == 1) { while (KB_KeyWaiting()) { ch = KB_Getch(); ch = tolower(ch); if( !( (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ) ) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; // FTA(46,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } cheatbuf[(int)cheatbuflen++] = ch; cheatbuf[(int)cheatbuflen] = 0; if(cheatbuflen > 11) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; } for(k = 0;k < NUMCHEATCODES;k++) { for(j = 0;j= '0' && ch <= '9') ) { if( cheatquotes[k][j+1] == 0 ) goto FOUNDCHEAT; if(j == cheatbuflen-1) return; } else break; } } ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; FOUNDCHEAT: { switch(k) { case 21: #ifdef VOLUMEONE j = 6; #else j = 0; #endif for ( weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON;weapon < MAX_WEAPONS-j;weapon++ ) { addammo( weapon, &ps[myconnectindex], max_ammo_amount[weapon] ); ps[myconnectindex].gotweapon[weapon] = 1; } KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(119,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; case 22: KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; ps[myconnectindex].steroids_amount = 400; ps[myconnectindex].heat_amount = 1200; ps[myconnectindex].boot_amount = 200; ps[myconnectindex].shield_amount = 100; ps[myconnectindex].scuba_amount = 6400; ps[myconnectindex].holoduke_amount = 2400; ps[myconnectindex].jetpack_amount = 1600; ps[myconnectindex].firstaid_amount = max_player_health; FTA(120,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; case 23: ps[myconnectindex].got_access = 7; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(121,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; case 24: debug_on = 1-debug_on; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; break; case 20: ud.clipping = 1-ud.clipping; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(112+ud.clipping,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; case 15: ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_EOL; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 19: FTA(79,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); return; case 0: case 18: ud.god = 1-ud.god; if(ud.god) { pus = 1; pub = 1; sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].cstat = 257; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].temp_data[0] = 0; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].temp_data[1] = 0; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].temp_data[2] = 0; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].temp_data[3] = 0; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].temp_data[4] = 0; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].temp_data[5] = 0; sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].hitag = 0; sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].lotag = 0; sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].pal = ps[myconnectindex].palookup; FTA(17,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { ud.god = 0; sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra = max_player_health; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra = -1; ps[myconnectindex].last_extra = max_player_health; FTA(18,&ps[myconnectindex]); } sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra = max_player_health; hittype[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra = 0; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 1: #ifdef VOLUMEONE j = 6; #else j = 0; #endif for ( weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON;weapon < MAX_WEAPONS-j;weapon++ ) ps[myconnectindex].gotweapon[weapon] = 1; for ( weapon = PISTOL_WEAPON; weapon < (MAX_WEAPONS-j); weapon++ ) addammo( weapon, &ps[myconnectindex], max_ammo_amount[weapon] ); ps[myconnectindex].ammo_amount[GROW_WEAPON] = 50; ps[myconnectindex].steroids_amount = 400; ps[myconnectindex].heat_amount = 1200; ps[myconnectindex].boot_amount = 200; ps[myconnectindex].shield_amount = 100; ps[myconnectindex].scuba_amount = 6400; ps[myconnectindex].holoduke_amount = 2400; ps[myconnectindex].jetpack_amount = 1600; ps[myconnectindex].firstaid_amount = max_player_health; ps[myconnectindex].got_access = 7; FTA(5,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; // FTA(21,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].inven_icon = 1; return; case 2: case 10: #ifdef ONELEVELDEMO ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; break; #endif if(k == 2) { short volnume,levnume; #ifdef VOLUMEALL volnume = cheatbuf[6] - '0'; levnume = (cheatbuf[7] - '0')*10+(cheatbuf[8]-'0'); #else volnume = cheatbuf[6] - '0'; levnume = cheatbuf[7] - '0'; #endif volnume--; levnume--; #ifdef VOLUMEONE if( volnume > 0 ) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; } #endif #ifdef PLUTOPAK if(volnume > 4) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; } else #else if(volnume > 3) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; } else #endif if(volnume == 0) { if(levnume > 5) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; } } else { if(levnume >= 11) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; } } ud.m_volume_number = ud.volume_number = volnume; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = levnume; } else ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = cheatbuf[5] - '1'; if(numplayers > 1 && myconnectindex == connecthead) { tempbuf[0] = 5; tempbuf[1] = ud.m_level_number; tempbuf[2] = ud.m_volume_number; tempbuf[3] = ud.m_player_skill; tempbuf[4] = ud.m_monsters_off; tempbuf[5] = ud.m_respawn_monsters; tempbuf[6] = ud.m_respawn_items; tempbuf[7] = ud.m_respawn_inventory; tempbuf[8] = ud.m_coop; tempbuf[9] = ud.m_marker; tempbuf[10] = ud.m_ffire; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) sendpacket(i,tempbuf,11); } else ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_RESTART; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 3: ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; ud.coords = 1-ud.coords; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 4: if( ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on ) ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 0; else { ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 1; cameradist = 0; cameraclock = totalclock; } FTA(22,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 5: FTA(21,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; #ifndef VOLUMEONE case 6: for(i=numsectors-1;i>=0;i--) //Unlock { j = sector[i].lotag; if(j == -1 || j == 32767) continue; if( (j & 0x7fff) > 2 ) { if( j&(0xffff-16384) ) sector[i].lotag &= (0xffff-16384); operatesectors(i,ps[myconnectindex].i); } } operateforcefields(ps[myconnectindex].i,-1); FTA(100,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; #endif case 7: ud.cashman = 1-ud.cashman; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; return; case 8: ps[myconnectindex].steroids_amount = 400; ps[myconnectindex].heat_amount = 1200; ps[myconnectindex].boot_amount = 200; ps[myconnectindex].shield_amount = 100; ps[myconnectindex].scuba_amount = 6400; ps[myconnectindex].holoduke_amount = 2400; ps[myconnectindex].jetpack_amount = 1600; ps[myconnectindex].firstaid_amount = max_player_health; ps[myconnectindex].got_access = 7; FTA(5,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 17: // SHOW ALL OF THE MAP TOGGLE; ud.showallmap = 1-ud.showallmap; if(ud.showallmap) { for(i=0;i<(MAXSECTORS>>3);i++) show2dsector[i] = 255; for(i=0;i<(MAXWALLS>>3);i++) show2dwall[i] = 255; FTA(111,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { for(i=0;i<(MAXSECTORS>>3);i++) show2dsector[i] = 0; for(i=0;i<(MAXWALLS>>3);i++) show2dwall[i] = 0; FTA(1,&ps[myconnectindex]); } ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 16: FTA(99,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 9: ud.tickrate = !ud.tickrate; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 11: FTA(105,&ps[myconnectindex]); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_H); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 12: ps[myconnectindex].steroids_amount = 399; ps[myconnectindex].heat_amount = 1200; ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; FTA(37,&ps[myconnectindex]); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 13: if(actor_tog == 3) actor_tog = 0; actor_tog++; ps[screenpeek].cheat_phase = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; case 14: case 25: ud.eog = 1; ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_EOL; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); return; } } } } else { if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_D) ) { if( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase >= 0 && numplayers < 2 && ud.recstat == 0) ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = -1; } if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_N) ) { if( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase == -1 ) { if(ud.player_skill == 4) { FTA(22,&ps[myconnectindex]); ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; } else { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 1; // FTA(25,&ps[myconnectindex]); cheatbuflen = 0; } KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } else if(ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase != 0) { ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase = 0; KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_D); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_N); } } } } long nonsharedtimer; void nonsharedkeys(void) { short i,ch, weapon; long j; if(ud.recstat == 2) { ControlInfo noshareinfo; CONTROL_GetInput( &noshareinfo ); } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F12 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F12 ); dukescreencapture("duke0000.pcx",0); FTA(103,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( !ALT_IS_PRESSED && ud.overhead_on == 0) { if( BUTTON( gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen ) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen ); if(ud.screen_size > 0) sound(THUD); ud.screen_size -= 4; vscrn(); } if( BUTTON( gamefunc_Shrink_Screen ) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_Shrink_Screen ); if(ud.screen_size < 64) sound(THUD); ud.screen_size += 4; vscrn(); } } if( ps[myconnectindex].cheat_phase == 1 || ps[myconnectindex].gm&(MODE_MENU|MODE_TYPE)) return; if( BUTTON(gamefunc_See_Coop_View) && ( ud.coop == 1 || ud.recstat == 2) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_See_Coop_View ); screenpeek = connectpoint2[screenpeek]; if(screenpeek == -1) screenpeek = connecthead; restorepalette = 1; } if( ud.multimode > 1 && BUTTON(gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon); ud.showweapons = 1-ud.showweapons; FTA(82-ud.showweapons,&ps[screenpeek]); } if( BUTTON(gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair); ud.crosshair = 1-ud.crosshair; FTA(21-ud.crosshair,&ps[screenpeek]); } if(ud.overhead_on && BUTTON(gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode); ud.scrollmode = 1-ud.scrollmode; if(ud.scrollmode) { ud.folx = ps[screenpeek].oposx; ud.foly = ps[screenpeek].oposy; ud.fola = ps[screenpeek].oang; } FTA(83+ud.scrollmode,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED || ALT_IS_PRESSED ) { i = 0; if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F1) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F1);i = 1; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F2) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F2);i = 2; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F3) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F3);i = 3; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F4) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F4);i = 4; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F5) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F5);i = 5; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F6) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F6);i = 6; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F7) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F7);i = 7; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F8) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F8);i = 8; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F9) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F9);i = 9; } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F10) ) {KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F10);i = 10; } if(i) { if(SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) { if(i == 5 && ps[myconnectindex].fta > 0 && ps[myconnectindex].ftq == 26) { music_select++; #ifdef VOLUMEALL if(music_select == 44) music_select = 0; #else if(music_select == 6) music_select = 0; #endif strcpy(&tempbuf[0],"PLAYING "); strcat(&tempbuf[0],&music_fn[0][(int)music_select][0]); playmusic(&music_fn[0][(int)music_select][0]); strcpy(&fta_quotes[26][0],&tempbuf[0]); FTA(26,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } adduserquote(ud.ridecule[i-1]); ch = 0; tempbuf[ch] = 4; tempbuf[ch+1] = 0; strcat(tempbuf+1,ud.ridecule[i-1]); i = 1+strlen(ud.ridecule[i-1]); if(ud.multimode > 1) for(ch=connecthead;ch>=0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) if (ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,i); pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; return; } if(ud.lockout == 0) if(SoundToggle && ALT_IS_PRESSED && ( RTS_NumSounds() > 0 ) && rtsplaying == 0 && VoiceToggle ) { rtsptr = (char *)RTS_GetSound (i-1); if(*rtsptr == 'C') FX_PlayVOC3D( rtsptr,0,0,0,255,-i); else FX_PlayWAV3D( rtsptr,0,0,0,255,-i); rtsplaying = 7; if(ud.multimode > 1) { tempbuf[0] = 7; tempbuf[1] = i; for(ch=connecthead;ch>=0;ch=connectpoint2[ch]) if(ch != myconnectindex) sendpacket(ch,tempbuf,2); } pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; return; } } } if(!ALT_IS_PRESSED && !SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) { if( ud.multimode > 1 && BUTTON(gamefunc_SendMessage) ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_SendMessage ); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_TYPE; typebuf[0] = 0; inputloc = 0; } if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_F1) || ( ud.show_help && ( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Space) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_Enter) || KB_KeyPressed(sc_kpad_Enter) ) ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F1); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Space); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_kpad_Enter); KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Enter); ud.show_help ++; if( ud.show_help > 2 ) { ud.show_help = 0; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) ready2send = 1; vscrn(); } else { setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } } } // if(ud.multimode < 2) { if(ud.recstat != 2 && KB_KeyPressed( sc_F2 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F2 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) return; FAKE_F2: if(sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra <= 0) { FTA(118,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } cmenu(350); screencapt = 1; displayrooms(myconnectindex,65536); savetemp("duke3d.tmp",waloff[MAXTILES-1],160*100); screencapt = 0; FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); // setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F3 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F3 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) return; cmenu(300); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); // setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } screenpeek = myconnectindex; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F4 ) && FXDevice != NumSoundCards ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F4 ); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } cmenu(700); } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F6 ) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME)) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F6 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && connecthead != myconnectindex) return; if(lastsavedpos == -1) goto FAKE_F2; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); if(sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].extra <= 0) { FTA(118,&ps[myconnectindex]); return; } screencapt = 1; displayrooms(myconnectindex,65536); savetemp("duke3d.tmp",waloff[MAXTILES-1],160*100); screencapt = 0; if( lastsavedpos >= 0 ) { inputloc = strlen(&ud.savegame[lastsavedpos][0]); current_menu = 360+lastsavedpos; probey = lastsavedpos; } FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F7 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F7); if( ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on ) ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 0; else { ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on = 1; cameradist = 0; cameraclock = totalclock; } FTA(109+ps[myconnectindex].over_shoulder_on,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F5 ) && MusicDevice != NumSoundCards ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F5 ); strcpy(&tempbuf[0],&music_fn[0][(int)music_select][0]); strcat(&tempbuf[0],". USE SHIFT-F5 TO CHANGE."); strcpy(&fta_quotes[26][0],&tempbuf[0]); FTA(26,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F8 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F8 ); ud.fta_on = !ud.fta_on; if(ud.fta_on) FTA(23,&ps[myconnectindex]); else { ud.fta_on = 1; FTA(24,&ps[myconnectindex]); ud.fta_on = 0; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F9 ) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F9 ); if(movesperpacket == 4 && myconnectindex != connecthead) return; if( lastsavedpos >= 0 ) cmenu(15001); else cmenu(25000); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F10 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F10 ); cmenu(500); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; if(ud.multimode < 2 && ud.recstat != 2) { ready2send = 0; totalclock = ototalclock; } } if( ud.overhead_on != 0) { j = totalclock-nonsharedtimer; nonsharedtimer += j; if ( BUTTON( gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen ) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom += mulscale6(j,max(ps[myconnectindex].zoom,256)); if ( BUTTON( gamefunc_Shrink_Screen ) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom -= mulscale6(j,max(ps[myconnectindex].zoom,256)); if( (ps[myconnectindex].zoom > 2048) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom = 2048; if( (ps[myconnectindex].zoom < 48) ) ps[myconnectindex].zoom = 48; } } if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape) && ud.overhead_on && ps[myconnectindex].newowner == -1 ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_Escape ); ud.last_overhead = ud.overhead_on; ud.overhead_on = 0; ud.scrollmode = 0; vscrn(); } if( BUTTON(gamefunc_AutoRun) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton(gamefunc_AutoRun); ud.auto_run = 1-ud.auto_run; FTA(85+ud.auto_run,&ps[myconnectindex]); } if( BUTTON(gamefunc_Map) ) { CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_Map ); if( ud.last_overhead != ud.overhead_on && ud.last_overhead) { ud.overhead_on = ud.last_overhead; ud.last_overhead = 0; } else { ud.overhead_on++; if(ud.overhead_on == 3 ) ud.overhead_on = 0; ud.last_overhead = ud.overhead_on; } restorepalette = 1; vscrn(); } if(KB_KeyPressed( sc_F11 )) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F11 ); if(SHIFTS_IS_PRESSED) ud.brightness-=4; else ud.brightness+=4; if (ud.brightness > (7<<2) ) ud.brightness = 0; else if(ud.brightness < 0) ud.brightness = (7<<2); setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&ps[myconnectindex].palette[0]); if(ud.brightness < 20) FTA( 29 + (ud.brightness>>2) ,&ps[myconnectindex]); else if(ud.brightness < 40) FTA( 96 + (ud.brightness>>2) - 5,&ps[myconnectindex]); } } void comlinehelp(char **argv) { printf("Command line help. %s [/flags...]\n",argv[0]); puts(" ?, /? This help message"); puts(" /l## Level (1-11)"); puts(" /v# Volume (1-4)"); puts(" /s# Skill (1-4)"); puts(" /r Record demo"); puts(" /dFILE Start to play demo FILE"); puts(" /m No monsters"); puts(" /ns No sound"); puts(" /nm No music"); puts(" /t# Respawn, 1 = Monsters, 2 = Items, 3 = Inventory, x = All"); puts(" /c# MP mode, 1 = DukeMatch(spawn), 2 = Coop, 3 = Dukematch(no spawn)"); puts(" /q# Fake multiplayer (2-8 players)"); puts(" /a Use player AI (fake multiplayer only)"); puts(" /i# Network mode (1/0) (multiplayer only) (default == 1)"); puts(" /f# Send fewer packets (1, 2, 4) (multiplayer only)"); puts(" /gFILE, /g... Use multiple group files (must be last on command line)"); puts(" /xFILE Compile FILE (default GAME.CON)"); puts(" /u######### User's favorite weapon order (default: 3425689071)"); puts(" /# Load and run a game (slot 0-9)"); puts(" /z Skip memory check"); puts(" -map FILE Use a map FILE"); puts(" -name NAME Foward NAME"); puts(" -net Net mode game"); printf("\n\n"); } void checkcommandline(int argc,char **argv) { short i, j; char *c; i = 1; ud.fta_on = 1; ud.god = 0; ud.m_respawn_items = 0; ud.m_respawn_monsters = 0; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 0; ud.warp_on = 0; ud.cashman = 0; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = 2; #ifdef BETA return; #endif if(argc > 1) { while(i < argc) { c = argv[i]; if (stricmp(c, "-net") == 0) { i += 2; // skip filename. continue; } if(*c == '-') { if( *(c+1) == '8' ) eightytwofifty = 1; i++; continue; } if(*c == '?') { comlinehelp(argv); exit(-1); } if(*c == '/') { c++; switch(*c) { default: // printf("Unknown command line parameter '%s'\n",argv[i]); case '?': comlinehelp(argv); exit(0); /* demo prefix --eukara */ case 'p': case 'P': c++; if(*c) { strcpy(demoprefix,c); printf("Using demo prefix: '%s'\n",demoprefix); } break; case 'x': case 'X': c++; if(*c) { strcpy(confilename,c); if(SafeFileExists(c) == 0) { printf("Could not find con file '%s'.\n",confilename ); exit(-1); } else printf("Using con file: '%s'\n",confilename); } break; case 'g': case 'G': c++; if(*c) { if( strchr(c,'.') == 0) strcat(c,".grp"); j = initgroupfile(c); if( j == -1 ) printf("Could not find group file %s.\n",c); else { groupfile = j; printf("Using group file %s.\n",c); } } break; case 'a': case 'A': ud.playerai = 1; puts("Other player AI."); break; case 'n': case 'N': c++; if(*c == 's' || *c == 'S') { CommandSoundToggleOff = 2; puts("Sound off."); } else if(*c == 'm' || *c == 'M') { CommandMusicToggleOff = 1; puts("Music off."); } else { comlinehelp(argv); exit(-1); } break; case 'i': case 'I': c++; if(*c == '0') networkmode = 0; if(*c == '1') networkmode = 1; printf("Network Mode %d\n",networkmode); break; case 'c': case 'C': c++; if(*c == '1' || *c == '2' || *c == '3' ) ud.m_coop = *c - '0' - 1; else ud.m_coop = 0; switch(ud.m_coop) { case 0: puts("Dukematch (spawn)."); break; case 1: puts("Cooperative play."); break; case 2: puts("Dukematch (no spawn)."); break; } break; case 'z': case 'Z': memorycheckoveride = 1; break; case 'f': case 'F': c++; if(*c == '1') movesperpacket = 1; if(*c == '2') movesperpacket = 2; if(*c == '4') { movesperpacket = 4; setpackettimeout(0x3fffffff,0x3fffffff); } break; case 't': case 'T': c++; if(*c == '1') ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; else if(*c == '2') ud.m_respawn_items = 1; else if(*c == '3') ud.m_respawn_inventory = 1; else { ud.m_respawn_monsters = 1; ud.m_respawn_items = 1; ud.m_respawn_inventory = 1; } puts("Respawn on."); break; case 'm': case 'M': if( *(c+1) != 'a' && *(c+1) != 'A' ) { ud.m_monsters_off = 1; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = 0; puts("Monsters off."); } break; case 'w': case 'W': ud.coords = 1; break; case 'q': case 'Q': puts("Fake multiplayer mode."); if( *(++c) == 0) ud.multimode = 1; else ud.multimode = atol(c)%17; ud.m_coop = ud.coop = 0; ud.m_marker = ud.marker = 1; ud.m_respawn_monsters = ud.respawn_monsters = 1; ud.m_respawn_items = ud.respawn_items = 1; ud.m_respawn_inventory = ud.respawn_inventory = 1; break; case 'r': case 'R': ud.m_recstat = 1; puts("Demo record mode on."); break; case 'd': case 'D': c++; if( strchr(c,'.') == 0) strcat(c,".dmo"); printf("Play demo %s.\n",c); strcpy(firstdemofile,c); break; case 'l': case 'L': ud.warp_on = 1; c++; ud.m_level_number = ud.level_number = (atol(c)-1)%11; break; case 'j': case 'J': #ifdef VOLUMEALL #ifdef AUSTRALIA printf("Duke Nukem 3D (AUSSIE FULL VERSION) v%s\n",VERSION); #else printf("Duke Nukem 3D (FULL VERSION) v%s\n",VERSION); #endif #else #ifdef AUSTRALIA printf("Duke Nukem 3D (AUSSIE SHAREWARE) v%s\n",VERSION); #else printf("Duke Nukem 3D (SHAREWARE) v%s\n",VERSION); #endif #endif exit(0); case 'v': case 'V': c++; ud.warp_on = 1; ud.m_volume_number = ud.volume_number = atol(c)-1; break; case 's': case 'S': c++; ud.m_player_skill = ud.player_skill = (atol(c)%5); if(ud.m_player_skill == 4) ud.m_respawn_monsters = ud.respawn_monsters = 1; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': ud.warp_on = 2 + (*c) - '0'; break; case 'u': case 'U': c++; j = 0; if(*c) { puts("Using favorite weapon order(s)."); while(*c) { ud.wchoice[0][j] = *c-'0'; c++; j++; } while(j < 10) { if(j == 9) ud.wchoice[0][9] = 1; else ud.wchoice[0][j] = 2; j++; } } else { puts("Using default weapon orders."); ud.wchoice[0][0] = 3; ud.wchoice[0][1] = 4; ud.wchoice[0][2] = 5; ud.wchoice[0][3] = 7; ud.wchoice[0][4] = 8; ud.wchoice[0][5] = 6; ud.wchoice[0][6] = 0; ud.wchoice[0][7] = 2; ud.wchoice[0][8] = 9; ud.wchoice[0][9] = 1; } break; } } i++; } } } void printstr(short x, short y, char string[81], char attribute) { char character; short i, pos; pos = (y*80+x)<<1; i = 0; while (string[i] != 0) { character = string[i]; // printchrasm(0xb8000+(long)pos,1L,((long)attribute<<8)+(long)character); printchrasm(0xb8000+(long)pos,1L,(char)(((long)attribute<<8)+(long)character)); i++; pos+=2; } } /* void cacheicon(void) { if(cachecount > 0) { if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) rotatesprite((320-7)<<16,(200-23)<<16,32768L,0,SPINNINGNUKEICON,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); cachecount = 0; } } */ void Logo(void) { short i,j,soundanm; soundanm = 0; ready2send = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); clearview(0L); palto(0,0,0,63); flushperms(); nextpage(); MUSIC_StopSong(); #ifdef VOLUMEALL if(!KB_KeyWaiting() && nomorelogohack == 0) { getpackets(); playanm("logo.anm",5); palto(0,0,0,63); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); } clearview(0L); nextpage(); #endif playmusic(&env_music_fn[0][0]); for(i=0;i<64;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); ps[myconnectindex].palette = drealms; palto(0,0,0,63); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,DREALMS,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0; while( totalclock < (120*7) && !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(i=0;i<64;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); clearview(0L); nextpage(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = titlepal; flushperms(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BETASCREEN,0,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0; while(totalclock < (860+120) && !KB_KeyWaiting()) { rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BETASCREEN,0,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if( totalclock > 120 && totalclock < (120+60) ) { if(soundanm == 0) { soundanm = 1; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } rotatesprite(160<<16,104<<16,(totalclock-120)<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if( totalclock >= (120+60) ) rotatesprite(160<<16,(104)<<16,60<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if( totalclock > 220 && totalclock < (220+30) ) { if( soundanm == 1) { soundanm = 2; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } rotatesprite(160<<16,(104)<<16,60<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(129)<<16,(totalclock - 220 )<<11,0,THREEDEE,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } else if( totalclock >= (220+30) ) rotatesprite(160<<16,(129)<<16,30<<11,0,THREEDEE,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if( totalclock >= 280 && totalclock < 395 ) { rotatesprite(160<<16,(151)<<16,(410-totalclock)<<12,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+1,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(soundanm == 2) { soundanm = 3; sound(FLY_BY); } } else if( totalclock >= 395 ) { if(soundanm == 3) { soundanm = 4; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } rotatesprite(160<<16,(151)<<16,30<<11,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+1,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } getpackets(); nextpage(); } if(ud.multimode > 1) { rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BETASCREEN,0,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(104)<<16,60<<10,0,DUKENUKEM,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(129)<<16,30<<11,0,THREEDEE,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,(151)<<16,30<<11,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+1,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); gametext(160,190,"WAITING FOR PLAYERS",14,2); nextpage(); } waitforeverybody(); flushperms(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; sound(NITEVISION_ONOFF); palto(0,0,0,0); clearview(0L); } void loadtmb(void) { char tmb[8000]; long fil, l; fil = kopen4load("d3dtimbr.tmb",0); if(fil == -1) return; l = kfilelength(fil); kread(fil,(char *)tmb,l); MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank(tmb); kclose(fil); } /* =================== = = ShutDown = =================== */ void ShutDown( void ) { SoundShutdown(); MusicShutdown(); uninittimer(); uninitengine(); CONTROL_Shutdown(); CONFIG_WriteSetup(); KB_Shutdown(); } static char todd[] = "Duke Nukem 3D(tm) Copyright 1989, 1996 Todd Replogle and 3D Realms Entertainment"; static char trees[] = "I want to make a game with trees"; static char sixteen[] = "16 Possible Dukes"; /* =================== = = Startup = =================== */ void compilecons(void) { mymembuf = (char *)&hittype[0]; labelcode = (long *)§or[0]; label = (char *)&sprite[0]; // printf("%ld %ld %ld\n",sizeof(hittype),sizeof(sector),sizeof(sprite)); // exit(0); loadefs(confilename,mymembuf); if( loadfromgrouponly ) { printf(" * Writing defaults to current directory.\n"); loadefs(confilename,mymembuf); } } void Startup(void) { int i; KB_Startup(); setup_homedir(); CONFIG_GetSetupFilename(); CONFIG_ReadSetup(); #ifdef DC /* force change mode */ ScreenWidth = 320; ScreenHeight = 240; #endif compilecons(); #ifdef AUSTRALIA ud.lockout = 1; #endif if(CommandSoundToggleOff) SoundToggle = 0; if(CommandMusicToggleOff) MusicToggle = 0; #ifdef VOLUMEONE printf("\n*** You have run Duke Nukem 3D %ld times. ***\n\n",ud.executions); if(ud.executions >= 50) puts("IT IS NOW TIME TO UPGRADE TO THE COMPLETE VERSION!!!\n"); #endif CONTROL_Startup( ControllerType, DUKE3D_GetTime, TICRATE ); // CTW - MODIFICATION // initengine(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight); initengine(); // CTW END - MODIFICATION inittimer(); puts("* Hold Esc to Abort. *"); puts("Loading art header."); loadpics("tiles000.art"); readsavenames(); tilesizx[MIRROR] = tilesizy[MIRROR] = 0; for(i=0;i 1) puts("Multiplayer initialized."); ps[myconnectindex].palette = (char *) &palette[0]; SetupGameButtons(); if(networkmode == 255) networkmode = 1; #ifdef PLATFORM_DOS puts("Checking music inits."); MusicStartup(); puts("Checking sound inits."); SoundStartup(); #else /* SBF - wasn't sure if swapping them would harm anything. */ puts("Checking sound inits."); SoundStartup(); puts("Checking music inits."); MusicStartup(); #endif loadtmb(); } void sendscore(char *s) { if(numplayers > 1) genericmultifunction(-1,s,strlen(s)+1,5); } void getnames(void) { short i,l; for(l=0;myname[l];l++) { ud.user_name[myconnectindex][l] = toupper(myname[l]); buf[l+2] = toupper(myname[l]); } if(numplayers > 1) { buf[0] = 6; buf[1] = BYTEVERSION; buf[l+2] = 0; l += 3; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if( i != myconnectindex ) sendpacket(i,&buf[0],l); // getpackets(); l = 1; buf[0] = 9; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { ud.wchoice[myconnectindex][i] = ud.wchoice[0][i]; buf[l] = (char) ud.wchoice[0][i]; l++; } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,&buf[0],11); // getpackets(); buf[0] = 10; buf[1] = ps[0].aim_mode; ps[myconnectindex].aim_mode = ps[0].aim_mode; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,buf,2); // getpackets(); if(cp == 0) { buf[0] = 125; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if(i != myconnectindex) sendpacket(i,buf,1); } getpackets(); waitforeverybody(); } if(cp == 1) gameexit("Please put Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition CD in drive."); } void writestring(long a1,long a2,long a3,short a4,long vx,long vy,long vz) { FILE *fp; fp = (FILE *)fopen("debug.txt","rt+"); fprintf(fp,"%ld %ld %ld %d %ld %ld %ld\n",a1,a2,a3,a4,vx,vy,vz); fclose(fp); } char testcd( char *fn ) { #if PLATFORM_DOS short drive_count, drive; long dalen = 0; struct find_t dafilet; int fil; union _REGS ir; union _REGS or; struct _SREGS sr; if( IDFSIZE != 9961476 ) { drive = toupper(*fn)-'A'; ir.w.ax = 0x1500; ir.w.bx = 0; /* check that MSCDEX is installed */ int386(0x2f, &ir, &or); drive_count = or.w.bx; if( drive_count == 0 ) return 1; ir.w.ax = 0x150b; ir.w.bx = 0; ir.w.cx = drive; int386(0x2f, &ir, &or); if (or.w.ax == 0 || or.w.bx != 0xadad) return 1; ir.w.ax = 0x1502; ir.w.bx = FP_OFF(buf); sr.es = FP_SEG(buf); ir.w.cx = drive; int386x(0x2f, &ir, &or, &sr); if( or.h.al == 0 || or.h.al == 30) return 1; } fil = open(fn,O_RDONLY,S_IREAD); if ( fil < 0 ) return 1; // ( DO A SEE/Byte check here.) (Not coded in this version) dalen = filelength(fil); close(fil); return( dalen != IDFSIZE ); #else STUBBED("CD detection."); return 0; #endif } void copyprotect(void) { FILE *fp; char idfile[256]; return; cp = 0; fp = (FILE *)fopen("cdrom.ini","rt"); if(fp == (FILE *) NULL) { cp = 1; return; } fscanf(fp,"%s",idfile); fclose(fp); strcat(idfile,IDFILENAME); if( testcd(idfile) ) { cp = 1; return; } } static int load_duke3d_groupfile(void) { char groupfile[] = "duke3d.grp"; FixFilePath(groupfile); return(initgroupfile(groupfile) != -1); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { long i, j, k, l; int32 tempautorun; #ifdef DC platform_init(&argc,&argv); #endif copyprotect(); setvmode(0x03); // This is needed for the icculus.org ported Build Engine. #if !PLATFORM_DOS _platform_init(argc, argv, "Duke Nukem 3D", "Duke3D"); #endif setmmxoverlay(getenv("BUILD_NOPENTIUM") == NULL); todd[0] = 'T'; sixteen[0] = 'D'; trees[0] = 'I'; #if PLATFORM_DOS printstr(0,0," ",79); #else printf(" "); #endif #ifdef VOLUMEALL #ifdef AUSTRALIA printstr(40-(strlen(HEAD2A)>>1),0,HEAD2A,79); #else printstr(40-(strlen(HEAD2)>>1),0,HEAD2,79); #endif #else #ifdef AUSTRALIA printstr(40-(strlen(HEADA)>>1),0,HEADA,79); #else printstr(40-(strlen(HEAD)>>1),0,HEAD,79); #endif #endif #if !PLATFORM_DOS printf("\n"); #endif #ifdef BETA printstr(0,1,"BETA VERSION BETA VERSION BETA VERSION BETA VERSION BETA VERSION BETA VERSION ",79); #endif #ifdef ONELEVELDEMO printstr(33,1,"ONE LEVEL DEMO",79); #endif ud.multimode = 1; printstr(0,1," Copyright (c) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment ",79); // printstr(0,2," *** DUKE NUKEM v1.4 BETA VERSION. USED FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY!!! *** ",79); printf("\n\n"); if (!load_duke3d_groupfile()) { printf("ERROR: Could not initialize group file \"duke3d.grp\"\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } checkcommandline(argc,argv); totalmemory = Z_AvailHeap(); if(memorycheckoveride == 0) { if(totalmemory < (3162000-350000)) { puts("You don't have enough free memory to run Duke Nukem 3D."); puts("The DOS \"mem\" command should report 6,800K (or 6.8 megs)"); puts("of \"total memory free\".\n"); printf("Duke Nukem 3D requires %ld more bytes to run.\n",3162000-350000-totalmemory); exit(0); } } else printf("Using %ld bytes for heap.\n",totalmemory); #ifndef ONELEVELDEMO // CTW - REMOVED /* if(movesperpacket == 4) TENtext();*/ // CTW END - REMOVED #endif RegisterShutdownFunction( ShutDown ); #ifdef VOLUMEONE puts("Distribution of shareware Duke Nukem 3D is restricted in certain ways."); puts("Please read LICENSE.DOC for more details.\n"); #endif #ifdef ONELEVELDEMO puts("DUKE NUKEM 3D SINGLE-LEVEL PROMOTIONAL EDITION\n"); puts("This single-level promotional edition of Duke Nukem 3D (tm) may not be"); puts("distributed domestically (North America) by any publication other than"); puts("Computer Gaming World, a Ziff-Davis publication. It is a promotional"); puts("version, licensed for a single month's run, and may not be redistributed"); puts("by any online service, BBS, commercial publisher, magazine or distributor."); puts("International distribution rights are reserved.\n"); puts("Please read LICENSE.DOC for further information about this special version."); puts("NOTE: DUKE NUKEM 3D CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT.\n"); puts("Press any key to continue."); getchar(); #endif Startup(); if( eightytwofifty && numplayers > 1 && (MusicDevice != NumSoundCards) ) { puts("\n========================================================================="); puts("WARNING: 8250 UART detected."); puts("Music is being disabled and lower quality sound is being set. We apologize"); puts("for this, but it is necessary to maintain high frame rates while trying to"); puts("play the game on an 8250. We suggest upgrading to a 16550 or better UART"); puts("for maximum performance. Press any key to continue."); puts("=========================================================================\n"); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); } if(numplayers > 1) { ud.multimode = numplayers; sendlogon(); } else if(boardfilename[0] != 0) { ud.m_level_number = 7; ud.m_volume_number = 0; ud.warp_on = 1; } getnames(); if(ud.multimode > 1) { playerswhenstarted = ud.multimode; if(ud.warp_on == 0) { ud.m_monsters_off = 1; ud.m_player_skill = 0; } } ud.last_level = -1; RTS_Init(ud.rtsname); if(numlumps) printf("Using .RTS file:%s\n",ud.rtsname); if (CONTROL_JoystickEnabled) CONTROL_CenterJoystick ( CenterCenter, UpperLeft, LowerRight, CenterThrottle, CenterRudder ); puts("Loading palette/lookups."); // CTW - MODIFICATION /* if( setgamemode(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight) < 0 ) { printf("\nVESA driver for ( %i * %i ) not found/supported!\n",xdim,ydim); vidoption = 2; setgamemode(vidoption,320,200); }*/ if( setgamemode(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight) < 0 ) { printf("\nVESA driver for ( %ld * %ld ) not found/supported!\n",xdim,ydim); ScreenMode = 2; ScreenWidth = 320; ScreenHeight = 200; setgamemode(ScreenMode,ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight); } // CTW END - MODIFICATION genspriteremaps(); #ifdef VOLUMEONE if(numplayers > 4 || ud.multimode > 4) gameexit(" The full version of Duke Nukem 3D supports 5 or more players."); #endif setbrightness(ud.brightness>>2,&ps[myconnectindex].palette[0]); ESCESCAPE; FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); if(ud.warp_on > 1 && ud.multimode < 2) { clearview(0L); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; palto(0,0,0,0); rotatesprite(320<<15,200<<15,65536L,0,LOADSCREEN,0,0,2+8+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,105,0,0,"LOADING SAVED GAME..."); nextpage(); j = loadplayer(ud.warp_on-2); if(j) ud.warp_on = 0; } // getpackets(); MAIN_LOOP_RESTART: if(ud.warp_on == 0) Logo(); else if(ud.warp_on == 1) { newgame(ud.m_volume_number,ud.m_level_number,ud.m_player_skill); enterlevel(MODE_GAME); } else vscrn(); tempautorun = ud.auto_run; if( ud.warp_on == 0 && playback() ) { FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); nomorelogohack = 1; goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; } ud.auto_run = tempautorun; ud.warp_on = 0; while ( !(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_END) ) //The whole loop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! { if( ud.recstat == 2 || ud.multimode > 1 || ( ud.show_help == 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) != MODE_MENU ) ) if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_GAME ) if( moveloop() ) continue; if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL || ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_RESTART ) { if( ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL ) { #ifdef ONELEVELDEMO gameexit(" "); #endif closedemowrite(); ready2send = 0; i = ud.screen_size; ud.screen_size = 0; vscrn(); ud.screen_size = i; dobonus(0); if(ud.eog) { ud.eog = 0; if(ud.multimode < 2) { #ifndef VOLUMEALL doorders(); #endif ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_MENU; cmenu(0); probey = 0; goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; } else { ud.m_level_number = 0; ud.level_number = 0; } } } ready2send = 0; if(numplayers > 1) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_GAME; enterlevel(ps[myconnectindex].gm); continue; } cheats(); nonsharedkeys(); if( (ud.show_help == 0 && ud.multimode < 2 && !(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) ) || ud.multimode > 1 || ud.recstat == 2) i = min(max((totalclock-ototalclock)*(65536L/TICSPERFRAME),0),65536); else i = 65536; displayrooms(screenpeek,i); displayrest(i); // if( KB_KeyPressed(sc_F) ) // { // KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_F); // addplayer(); // } if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_DEMO) goto MAIN_LOOP_RESTART; if(debug_on) caches(); checksync(); #ifdef VOLUMEONE if(ud.show_help == 0 && show_shareware > 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) rotatesprite((320-50)<<16,9<<16,65536L,0,BETAVERSION,0,0,2+8+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); #endif nextpage(); } gameexit(" "); return(0); } char opendemoread(char which_demo) // 0 = mine { char d[] = "demo_.dmo"; char dest[128]; char *fname = d; char ver; short i; if(which_demo == 10) d[4] = 'x'; else d[4] = '0' + which_demo; /* demo prefix support --eukara */ strcpy(dest, demoprefix); strcat(dest, d); ud.reccnt = 0; if(which_demo == 1 && firstdemofile[0] != 0) { fname = firstdemofile; if ((recfilep = kopen4load(firstdemofile,loadfromgrouponly)) == -1) return(0); } else if ((recfilep = kopen4load(dest,loadfromgrouponly)) == -1) return(0); kread32(recfilep,&ud.reccnt); kread8(recfilep,&ver); if( (ver != BYTEVERSION) ) // || (ud.reccnt < 512) ) { printf("%s is a version %d demo, but we want version %d.\n", fname, (int) ver, (int) BYTEVERSION); kclose(recfilep); return 0; } // Ugh...these are all int32 vars read as 8 and 16 bits...yuck. --ryan. ud.volume_number = 0; kread8(recfilep,(char *)&ud.volume_number); ud.volume_number = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.volume_number); ud.level_number = 0; kread8(recfilep,(char *)&ud.level_number); ud.level_number = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.level_number); ud.player_skill = 0; kread8(recfilep,(char *)&ud.player_skill); ud.player_skill = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.player_skill); ud.m_coop = 0; kread8(recfilep,(char *)&ud.m_coop); ud.m_coop = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.m_coop); ud.m_ffire = 0; kread8(recfilep,(char *)&ud.m_ffire); ud.m_ffire = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.m_ffire); ud.multimode = 0; kread(recfilep,(short *)&ud.multimode,2); ud.multimode = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.multimode); ud.m_monsters_off = 0; kread(recfilep,(short *)&ud.m_monsters_off,2); ud.m_monsters_off = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(ud.m_monsters_off); kread32(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.m_respawn_monsters); kread32(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.m_respawn_items); kread32(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.m_respawn_inventory); kread32(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.playerai); kread(recfilep,(char *)&ud.user_name[0][0],sizeof(ud.user_name)); kread32(recfilep,(int32 *)&ud.auto_run); kread(recfilep,(char *)boardfilename,sizeof(boardfilename)); if( boardfilename[0] != 0 ) { ud.m_level_number = 7; ud.m_volume_number = 0; } for(i=0;i=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { copybufbyte(&sync[i],&recsync[ud.reccnt],sizeof(input)); ud.reccnt++; totalreccnt++; if (ud.reccnt >= RECSYNCBUFSIZ) { #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN input *inptr = recsync; int i; for (i = 0; i < ud.reccnt; i++) { inptr->fvel = BUILDSWAP_INTEL16(inptr->fvel); inptr->svel = BUILDSWAP_INTEL16(inptr->svel); inptr->bits = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(inptr->bits); inptr++; } #endif dfwrite(recsync,sizeof(input)*ud.multimode,ud.reccnt/ud.multimode,frecfilep); ud.reccnt = 0; } } } void closedemowrite(void) { long val32; if (ud.recstat == 1) { if (ud.reccnt > 0) { #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN input *inptr = recsync; int i; for (i = 0; i < ud.reccnt; i++) { inptr->fvel = BUILDSWAP_INTEL16(inptr->fvel); inptr->svel = BUILDSWAP_INTEL16(inptr->svel); inptr->bits = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(inptr->bits); inptr++; } #endif dfwrite(recsync,sizeof(input)*ud.multimode,ud.reccnt/ud.multimode,frecfilep); fseek(frecfilep,SEEK_SET,0L); val32 = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(totalreccnt); fwrite(&val32,sizeof(long),1,frecfilep); ud.recstat = ud.m_recstat = 0; } fclose(frecfilep); frecfilep = NULL; } } // CTW - MODIFICATION // On my XP machine, demo playback causes the game to crash shortly in. // Only bug found so far, not sure if it's OS dependent or compiler or what. // Seems to happen when player input starts being simulated, but just guessing. // This change effectively disables it. The related code is still enabled. // (This is working on Linux, so I flipped it back to '1'. --ryan.) char which_demo = 1; // CTW END - MODIFICATION char in_menu = 0; // extern long syncs[]; long playback(void) { long i,j,k,l,t; short p; char foundemo; if( ready2send ) return 0; foundemo = 0; RECHECK: in_menu = ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU; pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; flushperms(); if(numplayers < 2) foundemo = opendemoread(which_demo); if(foundemo == 0) { if(which_demo > 1) { which_demo = 1; goto RECHECK; } for(t=0;t<63;t+=7) palto(0,0,0,t); drawbackground(); menus(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; nextpage(); for(t=63;t>0;t-=7) palto(0,0,0,t); ud.reccnt = 0; } else { ud.recstat = 2; which_demo++; if(which_demo == 10) which_demo = 1; enterlevel(MODE_DEMO); } if(foundemo == 0 || in_menu || KB_KeyWaiting() || numplayers > 1) { FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; } ready2send = 0; i = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); k = 0; while (ud.reccnt > 0 || foundemo == 0) { if(foundemo) while ( totalclock >= (lockclock+TICSPERFRAME) ) { if ((i == 0) || (i >= RECSYNCBUFSIZ)) { long cnt; l = min(ud.reccnt,RECSYNCBUFSIZ); cnt = l/ud.multimode; kdfread(recsync,sizeof(input)*ud.multimode,cnt,recfilep); #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN { input *inptr = (input *) recsync; cnt *= ud.multimode; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { inptr->fvel = BUILDSWAP_INTEL16(inptr->fvel); inptr->svel = BUILDSWAP_INTEL16(inptr->svel); inptr->bits = BUILDSWAP_INTEL32(inptr->bits); inptr++; } } #endif i = 0; } for(j=connecthead;j>=0;j=connectpoint2[j]) { copybufbyte(&recsync[i],&inputfifo[movefifoend[j]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][j],sizeof(input)); movefifoend[j]++; i++; ud.reccnt--; } domovethings(); } if(foundemo == 0) drawbackground(); else { nonsharedkeys(); j = min(max((totalclock-lockclock)*(65536/TICSPERFRAME),0),65536); displayrooms(screenpeek,j); displayrest(j); if(ud.multimode > 1 && ps[myconnectindex].gm ) getpackets(); } if( (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL) ) goto RECHECK; extern int ignore_escape; // Hacky McHack. --ryan. if ((KB_KeyPressed(sc_Escape)) && (!ignore_escape)) { KB_ClearKeyDown(sc_Escape); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); ps[myconnectindex].gm |= MODE_MENU; cmenu(0); intomenusounds(); } if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) { typemode(); if((ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_TYPE) != MODE_TYPE) ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_MENU; } else { menus(); if( ud.multimode > 1 ) { ControlInfo noshareinfo; CONTROL_GetInput( &noshareinfo ); if( BUTTON(gamefunc_SendMessage) ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); CONTROL_ClearButton( gamefunc_SendMessage ); ps[myconnectindex].gm = MODE_TYPE; typebuf[0] = 0; inputloc = 0; } } } operatefta(); if(ud.last_camsprite != ud.camerasprite) { ud.last_camsprite = ud.camerasprite; ud.camera_time = totalclock+(TICRATE*2); } #ifdef VOLUMEONE if( ud.show_help == 0 && (ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) == 0 ) rotatesprite((320-50)<<16,9<<16,65536L,0,BETAVERSION,0,0,2+8+16+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); #endif getpackets(); nextpage(); if( ps[myconnectindex].gm==MODE_END || ps[myconnectindex].gm==MODE_GAME ) { if(foundemo) kclose(recfilep); return 0; } } kclose(recfilep); if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_MENU) goto RECHECK; return 1; } char moveloop() { long i; if (numplayers > 1) while (fakemovefifoplc < movefifoend[myconnectindex]) fakedomovethings(); getpackets(); if (numplayers < 2) bufferjitter = 0; while (movefifoend[myconnectindex]-movefifoplc > bufferjitter) { for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if (movefifoplc == movefifoend[i]) break; if (i >= 0) break; if( domovethings() ) return 1; } return 0; } void fakedomovethingscorrect(void) { long i; struct player_struct *p; if (numplayers < 2) return; i = ((movefifoplc-1)&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)); p = &ps[myconnectindex]; if (p->posx == myxbak[i] && p->posy == myybak[i] && p->posz == myzbak[i] && p->horiz == myhorizbak[i] && p->ang == myangbak[i]) return; myx = p->posx; omyx = p->oposx; myxvel = p->posxv; myy = p->posy; omyy = p->oposy; myyvel = p->posyv; myz = p->posz; omyz = p->oposz; myzvel = p->poszv; myang = p->ang; omyang = p->oang; mycursectnum = p->cursectnum; myhoriz = p->horiz; omyhoriz = p->ohoriz; myhorizoff = p->horizoff; omyhorizoff = p->ohorizoff; myjumpingcounter = p->jumping_counter; myjumpingtoggle = p->jumping_toggle; myonground = p->on_ground; myhardlanding = p->hard_landing; myreturntocenter = p->return_to_center; fakemovefifoplc = movefifoplc; while (fakemovefifoplc < movefifoend[myconnectindex]) fakedomovethings(); } void fakedomovethings(void) { input *syn; struct player_struct *p; long i, j, k, doubvel, fz, cz, hz, lz, x, y; unsigned long sb_snum; short psect, psectlotag, tempsect, backcstat; char shrunk, spritebridge; syn = (input *)&inputfifo[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][myconnectindex]; p = &ps[myconnectindex]; backcstat = sprite[p->i].cstat; sprite[p->i].cstat &= ~257; sb_snum = syn->bits; psect = mycursectnum; psectlotag = sector[psect].lotag; spritebridge = 0; shrunk = (sprite[p->i].yrepeat < 32); if( ud.clipping == 0 && ( sector[psect].floorpicnum == MIRROR || psect < 0 || psect >= MAXSECTORS) ) { myx = omyx; myy = omyy; } else { omyx = myx; omyy = myy; } omyhoriz = myhoriz; omyhorizoff = myhorizoff; omyz = myz; omyang = myang; getzrange(myx,myy,myz,psect,&cz,&hz,&fz,&lz,163L,CLIPMASK0); j = getflorzofslope(psect,myx,myy); if( (lz&49152) == 16384 && psectlotag == 1 && klabs(myz-j) > PHEIGHT+(16<<8) ) psectlotag = 0; if( p->aim_mode == 0 && myonground && psectlotag != 2 && (sector[psect].floorstat&2) ) { x = myx+(sintable[(myang+512)&2047]>>5); y = myy+(sintable[myang&2047]>>5); tempsect = psect; updatesector(x,y,&tempsect); if (tempsect >= 0) { k = getflorzofslope(psect,x,y); if (psect == tempsect) myhorizoff += mulscale16(j-k,160); else if (klabs(getflorzofslope(tempsect,x,y)-k) <= (4<<8)) myhorizoff += mulscale16(j-k,160); } } if (myhorizoff > 0) myhorizoff -= ((myhorizoff>>3)+1); else if (myhorizoff < 0) myhorizoff += (((-myhorizoff)>>3)+1); if(hz >= 0 && (hz&49152) == 49152) { hz &= (MAXSPRITES-1); if (sprite[hz].statnum == 1 && sprite[hz].extra >= 0) { hz = 0; cz = getceilzofslope(psect,myx,myy); } } if(lz >= 0 && (lz&49152) == 49152) { j = lz&(MAXSPRITES-1); if ((sprite[j].cstat&33) == 33) { psectlotag = 0; spritebridge = 1; } if(badguy(&sprite[j]) && sprite[j].xrepeat > 24 && klabs(sprite[p->i].z-sprite[j].z) < (84<<8) ) { j = getangle( sprite[j].x-myx,sprite[j].y-myy); myxvel -= sintable[(j+512)&2047]<<4; myyvel -= sintable[j&2047]<<4; } } if( sprite[p->i].extra <= 0 ) { if( psectlotag == 2 ) { if(p->on_warping_sector == 0) { if( klabs(myz-fz) > (PHEIGHT>>1)) myz += 348; } clipmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,0,0,164L,(4L<<8),(4L<<8),CLIPMASK0); } updatesector(myx,myy,&mycursectnum); pushmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,128L,(4L<<8),(20L<<8),CLIPMASK0); myhoriz = 100; myhorizoff = 0; goto ENDFAKEPROCESSINPUT; } doubvel = TICSPERFRAME; if(p->on_crane >= 0) goto FAKEHORIZONLY; if(p->one_eighty_count < 0) myang += 128; i = 40; if( psectlotag == 2) { myjumpingcounter = 0; if ( sb_snum&1 ) { if(myzvel > 0) myzvel = 0; myzvel -= 348; if(myzvel < -(256*6)) myzvel = -(256*6); } else if (sb_snum&(1<<1)) { if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; myzvel += 348; if(myzvel > (256*6)) myzvel = (256*6); } else { if(myzvel < 0) { myzvel += 256; if(myzvel > 0) myzvel = 0; } if(myzvel > 0) { myzvel -= 256; if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; } } if(myzvel > 2048) myzvel >>= 1; myz += myzvel; if(myz > (fz-(15<<8)) ) myz += ((fz-(15<<8))-myz)>>1; if(myz < (cz+(4<<8)) ) { myz = cz+(4<<8); myzvel = 0; } } else if(p->jetpack_on) { myonground = 0; myjumpingcounter = 0; myhardlanding = 0; if(p->jetpack_on < 11) myz -= (p->jetpack_on<<7); //Goin up if(shrunk) j = 512; else j = 2048; if (sb_snum&1) //A myz -= j; if (sb_snum&(1<<1)) //Z myz += j; if(shrunk == 0 && ( psectlotag == 0 || psectlotag == 2 ) ) k = 32; else k = 16; if(myz > (fz-(k<<8)) ) myz += ((fz-(k<<8))-myz)>>1; if(myz < (cz+(18<<8)) ) myz = cz+(18<<8); } else if( psectlotag != 2 ) { if (psectlotag == 1 && p->spritebridge == 0) { if(shrunk == 0) i = 34; else i = 12; } if(myz < (fz-(i<<8)) && (floorspace(psect)|ceilingspace(psect)) == 0 ) //falling { if( (sb_snum&3) == 0 && myonground && (sector[psect].floorstat&2) && myz >= (fz-(i<<8)-(16<<8) ) ) myz = fz-(i<<8); else { myonground = 0; myzvel += (gc+80); if(myzvel >= (4096+2048)) myzvel = (4096+2048); } } else { if(psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && myonground == 0 && myzvel > (6144>>1)) myhardlanding = myzvel>>10; myonground = 1; if(i==40) { //Smooth on the ground k = ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1; if( klabs(k) < 256 ) k = 0; myz += k; // ((fz-(i<<8))-myz)>>1; myzvel -= 768; // 412; if(myzvel < 0) myzvel = 0; } else if(myjumpingcounter == 0) { myz += ((fz-(i<<7))-myz)>>1; //Smooth on the water if(p->on_warping_sector == 0 && myz > fz-(16<<8)) { myz = fz-(16<<8); myzvel >>= 1; } } if( sb_snum&2 ) myz += (2048+768); if( (sb_snum&1) == 0 && myjumpingtoggle == 1) myjumpingtoggle = 0; else if( (sb_snum&1) && myjumpingtoggle == 0 ) { if( myjumpingcounter == 0 ) if( (fz-cz) > (56<<8) ) { myjumpingcounter = 1; myjumpingtoggle = 1; } } if( myjumpingcounter && (sb_snum&1) == 0 ) myjumpingcounter = 0; } if(myjumpingcounter) { if( (sb_snum&1) == 0 && myjumpingtoggle == 1) myjumpingtoggle = 0; if( myjumpingcounter < (1024+256) ) { if(psectlotag == 1 && myjumpingcounter > 768) { myjumpingcounter = 0; myzvel = -512; } else { myzvel -= (sintable[(2048-128+myjumpingcounter)&2047])/12; myjumpingcounter += 180; myonground = 0; } } else { myjumpingcounter = 0; myzvel = 0; } } myz += myzvel; if(myz < (cz+(4<<8)) ) { myjumpingcounter = 0; if(myzvel < 0) myxvel = myyvel = 0; myzvel = 128; myz = cz+(4<<8); } } if ( p->fist_incs || p->transporter_hold > 2 || myhardlanding || p->access_incs > 0 || p->knee_incs > 0 || (p->curr_weapon == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 1 && p->kickback_pic < 4 ) ) { doubvel = 0; myxvel = 0; myyvel = 0; } else if ( syn->avel ) //p->ang += syncangvel * constant { //ENGINE calculates angvel for you long tempang; tempang = syn->avel<<1; if(psectlotag == 2) myang += (tempang-(tempang>>3))*sgn(doubvel); else myang += (tempang)*sgn(doubvel); myang &= 2047; } if ( myxvel || myyvel || syn->fvel || syn->svel ) { if(p->steroids_amount > 0 && p->steroids_amount < 400) doubvel <<= 1; myxvel += ((syn->fvel*doubvel)<<6); myyvel += ((syn->svel*doubvel)<<6); if( ( p->curr_weapon == KNEE_WEAPON && p->kickback_pic > 10 && myonground ) || ( myonground && (sb_snum&2) ) ) { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,dukefriction-0x2000); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,dukefriction-0x2000); } else { if(psectlotag == 2) { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,dukefriction-0x1400); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,dukefriction-0x1400); } else { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,dukefriction); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,dukefriction); } } if( abs(myxvel) < 2048 && abs(myyvel) < 2048 ) myxvel = myyvel = 0; if( shrunk ) { myxvel = mulscale16(myxvel,(dukefriction)-(dukefriction>>1)+(dukefriction>>2)); myyvel = mulscale16(myyvel,(dukefriction)-(dukefriction>>1)+(dukefriction>>2)); } } FAKEHORIZONLY: if(psectlotag == 1 || spritebridge == 1) i = (4L<<8); else i = (20L<<8); clipmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,myxvel,myyvel,164L,4L<<8,i,CLIPMASK0); pushmove(&myx,&myy,&myz,&mycursectnum,164L,4L<<8,4L<<8,CLIPMASK0); if( p->jetpack_on == 0 && psectlotag != 1 && psectlotag != 2 && shrunk) myz += 30<<8; if ((sb_snum&(1<<18)) || myhardlanding) myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<13)) { myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz += 6; myhoriz += 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<14)) { myreturntocenter = 9; if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz -= 6; myhoriz -= 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<3)) { if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz += 6; myhoriz += 6; } else if (sb_snum&(1<<4)) { if (sb_snum&(1<<5)) myhoriz -= 6; myhoriz -= 6; } if (myreturntocenter > 0) if ((sb_snum&(1<<13)) == 0 && (sb_snum&(1<<14)) == 0) { myreturntocenter--; myhoriz += 33-(myhoriz/3); } if(p->aim_mode) myhoriz += syn->horz>>1; else { if( myhoriz > 95 && myhoriz < 105) myhoriz = 100; if( myhorizoff > -5 && myhorizoff < 5) myhorizoff = 0; } if (myhardlanding > 0) { myhardlanding--; myhoriz -= (myhardlanding<<4); } if (myhoriz > 299) myhoriz = 299; else if (myhoriz < -99) myhoriz = -99; if(p->knee_incs > 0) { myhoriz -= 48; myreturntocenter = 9; } ENDFAKEPROCESSINPUT: myxbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myx; myybak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myy; myzbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myz; myangbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myang; myhorizbak[fakemovefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = myhoriz; fakemovefifoplc++; sprite[p->i].cstat = backcstat; } char domovethings(void) { short i, j; char ch; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) if( sync[i].bits&(1<<17) ) { multiflag = 2; multiwhat = (sync[i].bits>>18)&1; multipos = (unsigned) (sync[i].bits>>19)&15; multiwho = i; if( multiwhat ) { saveplayer( multipos ); multiflag = 0; if(multiwho != myconnectindex) { strcpy(fta_quotes[122],&ud.user_name[multiwho][0]); strcat(fta_quotes[122]," SAVED A MULTIPLAYER GAME"); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { strcpy(fta_quotes[122],"MULTIPLAYER GAME SAVED"); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } break; } else { // waitforeverybody(); j = loadplayer( multipos ); multiflag = 0; if(j == 0) { if(multiwho != myconnectindex) { strcpy(fta_quotes[122],&ud.user_name[multiwho][0]); strcat(fta_quotes[122]," LOADED A MULTIPLAYER GAME"); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } else { strcpy(fta_quotes[122],"MULTIPLAYER GAME LOADED"); FTA(122,&ps[myconnectindex]); } return 1; } } } ud.camerasprite = -1; lockclock += TICSPERFRAME; if(earthquaketime > 0) earthquaketime--; if(rtsplaying > 0) rtsplaying--; for(i=0;i 0 ) { show_shareware--; if(show_shareware == 0) { pus = NUMPAGES; pub = NUMPAGES; } } everyothertime++; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) copybufbyte(&inputfifo[movefifoplc&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)][i],&sync[i],sizeof(input)); movefifoplc++; updateinterpolations(); j = -1; for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { if ((sync[i].bits&(1<<26)) == 0) { j = i; continue; } closedemowrite(); if (i == myconnectindex) gameexit(" "); if (screenpeek == i) { screenpeek = connectpoint2[i]; if (screenpeek < 0) screenpeek = connecthead; } if (i == connecthead) connecthead = connectpoint2[connecthead]; else connectpoint2[j] = connectpoint2[i]; numplayers--; ud.multimode--; if (numplayers < 2) sound(GENERIC_AMBIENCE17); pub = NUMPAGES; pus = NUMPAGES; vscrn(); sprintf(buf,"%s is history!",ud.user_name[i]); quickkill(&ps[i]); deletesprite(ps[i].i); adduserquote(buf); if(j < 0 && networkmode == 0 ) gameexit( " \nThe 'MASTER/First player' just quit the game. All\nplayers are returned from the game. This only happens in 5-8\nplayer mode as a different network scheme is used."); } if ((numplayers >= 2) && ((movefifoplc&7) == 7)) { ch = (char)(randomseed&255); for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) ch += ((ps[i].posx+ps[i].posy+ps[i].posz+ps[i].ang+ps[i].horiz)&255); syncval[myconnectindex][syncvalhead[myconnectindex]&(MOVEFIFOSIZ-1)] = ch; syncvalhead[myconnectindex]++; } if(ud.recstat == 1) record(); if( ud.pause_on == 0 ) { global_random = TRAND; movedummyplayers();//ST 13 } for(i=connecthead;i>=0;i=connectpoint2[i]) { cheatkeys(i); if( ud.pause_on == 0 ) { processinput(i); checksectors(i); } } if( ud.pause_on == 0 ) { movefta();//ST 2 moveweapons(); //ST 5 (must be last) movetransports(); //ST 9 moveplayers(); //ST 10 movefallers(); //ST 12 moveexplosions(); //ST 4 moveactors(); //ST 1 moveeffectors(); //ST 3 movestandables(); //ST 6 doanimations(); movefx(); //ST 11 } fakedomovethingscorrect(); if( (everyothertime&1) == 0) { animatewalls(); movecyclers(); pan3dsound(); } return 0; } void doorders(void) { short i; setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); for(i=0;i<63;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; totalclock = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0;while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(i=0;i<63;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+1,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0;while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(i=0;i<63;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+2,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0;while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(i=0;i<63;i+=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,ORDERING+3,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(i=63;i>0;i-=7) palto(0,0,0,i); totalclock = 0;while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); } void dobonus(char bonusonly) { short t, r, tinc,gfx_offset; long i, y,xfragtotal,yfragtotal; short bonuscnt; long breathe[] = { 0, 30,VICTORY1+1,176,59, 30, 60,VICTORY1+2,176,59, 60, 90,VICTORY1+1,176,59, 90, 120,0 ,176,59 }; long bossmove[] = { 0, 120,VICTORY1+3,86,59, 220, 260,VICTORY1+4,86,59, 260, 290,VICTORY1+5,86,59, 290, 320,VICTORY1+6,86,59, 320, 350,VICTORY1+7,86,59, 350, 380,VICTORY1+8,86,59 }; bonuscnt = 0; for(t=0;t<64;t+=7) palto(0,0,0,t); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); clearview(0L); nextpage(); flushperms(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); FX_SetReverb(0L); if(bonusonly) goto FRAGBONUS; if(numplayers < 2 && ud.eog && ud.from_bonus == 0) switch(ud.volume_number) { case 0: if(ud.lockout == 0) { clearview(0L); rotatesprite(0,50<<16,65536L,0,VICTORY1,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = endingpal; for(t=63;t>=0;t--) palto(0,0,0,t); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = 0; tinc = 0; while( 1 ) { clearview(0L); rotatesprite(0,50<<16,65536L,0,VICTORY1,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); // boss if( totalclock > 390 && totalclock < 780 ) for(t=0;t<35;t+=5) if( bossmove[t+2] && (totalclock%390) > bossmove[t] && (totalclock%390) <= bossmove[t+1] ) { if(t==10 && bonuscnt == 1) { sound(SHOTGUN_FIRE);sound(SQUISHED); bonuscnt++; } rotatesprite(bossmove[t+3]<<16,bossmove[t+4]<<16,65536L,0,bossmove[t+2],0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } // Breathe if( totalclock < 450 || totalclock >= 750 ) { if(totalclock >= 750) { rotatesprite(86<<16,59<<16,65536L,0,VICTORY1+8,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if(totalclock >= 750 && bonuscnt == 2) { sound(DUKETALKTOBOSS); bonuscnt++; } } for(t=0;t<20;t+=5) if( breathe[t+2] && (totalclock%120) > breathe[t] && (totalclock%120) <= breathe[t+1] ) { if(t==5 && bonuscnt == 0) { sound(BOSSTALKTODUKE); bonuscnt++; } rotatesprite(breathe[t+3]<<16,breathe[t+4]<<16,65536L,0,breathe[t+2],0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); } } getpackets(); nextpage(); if( KB_KeyWaiting() ) break; } } for(t=0;t<64;t++) palto(0,0,0,t); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3292,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(t=63;t>0;t--) palto(0,0,0,t); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(t=0;t<64;t++) palto(0,0,0,t); MUSIC_StopSong(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); break; case 1: MUSIC_StopSong(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); if(ud.lockout == 0) { playanm("cineov2.anm",1); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); } sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); for(t=0;t<64;t++) palto(0,0,0,t); setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,3293,0,0,2+8+16+64, 0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); nextpage(); for(t=63;t>0;t--) palto(0,0,0,t); while( !KB_KeyWaiting() ) getpackets(); for(t=0;t<64;t++) palto(0,0,0,t); break; case 3: setview(0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); MUSIC_StopSong(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); if(ud.lockout == 0) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); playanm("vol4e1.anm",8); clearview(0L); nextpage(); playanm("vol4e2.anm",10); clearview(0L); nextpage(); playanm("vol4e3.anm",11); clearview(0L); nextpage(); } FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND4); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; palto(0,0,0,63); clearview(0L); menutext(160,60,0,0,"THANKS TO ALL OUR"); menutext(160,60+16,0,0,"FANS FOR GIVING"); menutext(160,60+16+16,0,0,"US BIG HEADS."); menutext(160,70+16+16+16,0,0,"LOOK FOR A DUKE NUKEM 3D"); menutext(160,70+16+16+16+16,0,0,"SEQUEL SOON."); nextpage(); for(t=63;t>0;t-=3) palto(0,0,0,t); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); while(!KB_KeyWaiting()) getpackets(); for(t=0;t<64;t+=3) palto(0,0,0,t); clearview(0L); nextpage(); playanm("DUKETEAM.ANM",4); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); while(!KB_KeyWaiting()) getpackets(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); palto(0,0,0,63); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); break; case 2: MUSIC_StopSong(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); if(ud.lockout == 0) { for(t=63;t>=0;t--) palto(0,0,0,t); playanm("cineov3.anm",2); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); ototalclock = totalclock+200; while(totalclock < ototalclock) getpackets(); clearview(0L); nextpage(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); } playanm("RADLOGO.ANM",3); if( ud.lockout == 0 && !KB_KeyWaiting() ) { sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND5); while(Sound[ENDSEQVOL3SND5].lock>=200) getpackets(); if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND6); while(Sound[ENDSEQVOL3SND6].lock>=200) getpackets(); if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND7); while(Sound[ENDSEQVOL3SND7].lock>=200) getpackets(); if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND8); while(Sound[ENDSEQVOL3SND8].lock>=200) getpackets(); if(KB_KeyWaiting()) goto ENDANM; sound(ENDSEQVOL3SND9); while(Sound[ENDSEQVOL3SND9].lock>=200) getpackets(); } KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = 0; while(!KB_KeyWaiting() && totalclock < 120) getpackets(); ENDANM: FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); clearview(0L); break; } FRAGBONUS: ps[myconnectindex].palette = palette; KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = 0; tinc = 0; bonuscnt = 0; MUSIC_StopSong(); FX_StopAllSounds(); clearsoundlocks(); if(playerswhenstarted > 1 && ud.coop != 1 ) { if(!(MusicToggle == 0 || MusicDevice == NumSoundCards)) sound(BONUSMUSIC); rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,MENUSCREEN,16,0,2+8+16+64,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite(160<<16,34<<16,65536L,0,INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE,0,0,10,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); rotatesprite((260)<<16,36<<16,65536L,0,PLUTOPAKSPRITE+2,0,0,2+8,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); gametext(160,58+2,"MULTIPLAYER TOTALS",0,2+8+16); gametext(160,58+10,level_names[(ud.volume_number*11)+ud.last_level-1],0,2+8+16); gametext(160,165,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",0,2+8+16); t = 0; minitext(23,80," NAME KILLS",8,2+8+16+128); for(i=0;i 1) return; for(t=0;t<64;t+=7) palto(0,0,0,t); } if(bonusonly || ud.multimode > 1) return; switch(ud.volume_number) { case 1: gfx_offset = 5; break; default: gfx_offset = 0; break; } rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); menutext(160,20-6,0,0,&level_names[(ud.volume_number*11)+ud.last_level-1][0]); menutext(160,36-6,0,0,"COMPLETED"); gametext(160,192,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",16,2+8+16); if(!(MusicToggle == 0 || MusicDevice == NumSoundCards)) sound(BONUSMUSIC); nextpage(); KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); for(t=0;t<64;t++) palto(0,0,0,63-t); bonuscnt = 0; totalclock = 0; tinc = 0; while( 1 ) { if(ps[myconnectindex].gm&MODE_EOL) { rotatesprite(0,0,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); if( totalclock > (1000000000L) && totalclock < (1000000320L) ) { switch( (totalclock>>4)%15 ) { case 0: if(bonuscnt == 6) { bonuscnt++; sound(SHOTGUN_COCK); switch(rand()&3) { case 0: sound(BONUS_SPEECH1); break; case 1: sound(BONUS_SPEECH2); break; case 2: sound(BONUS_SPEECH3); break; case 3: sound(BONUS_SPEECH4); break; } } case 1: case 4: case 5: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+3+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 2: case 3: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+4+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } } else if( totalclock > (10240+120L) ) break; else { switch( (totalclock>>5)&3 ) { case 1: case 3: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+1+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; case 2: rotatesprite(199<<16,31<<16,65536L,0,BONUSSCREEN+2+gfx_offset,0,0,2+8+16+64+128,0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1); break; } } menutext(160,20-6,0,0,&level_names[(ud.volume_number*11)+ud.last_level-1][0]); menutext(160,36-6,0,0,"COMPLETED"); gametext(160,192,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE",16,2+8+16); if( totalclock > (60*3) ) { gametext(10,59+9,"Your Time:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,69+9,"Par time:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,78+9,"3D Realms' Time:",0,2+8+16); if(bonuscnt == 0) bonuscnt++; if( totalclock > (60*4) ) { if(bonuscnt == 1) { bonuscnt++; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } sprintf(tempbuf,"%02ld:%02ld", (ps[myconnectindex].player_par/(26*60))%60, (ps[myconnectindex].player_par/26)%60); gametext((320>>2)+71,60+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"%02ld:%02ld", (partime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/(26*60))%60, (partime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/26)%60); gametext((320>>2)+71,69+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); sprintf(tempbuf,"%02ld:%02ld", (designertime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/(26*60))%60, (designertime[ud.volume_number*11+ud.last_level-1]/26)%60); gametext((320>>2)+71,78+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } if( totalclock > (60*6) ) { gametext(10,94+9,"Enemies Killed:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,99+4+9,"Enemies Left:",0,2+8+16); if(bonuscnt == 2) { bonuscnt++; sound(FLY_BY); } if( totalclock > (60*7) ) { if(bonuscnt == 3) { bonuscnt++; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } sprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed); gametext((320>>2)+70,93+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if(ud.player_skill > 3 ) { sprintf(tempbuf,"N/A"); gametext((320>>2)+70,99+4+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } else { if( (ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed-ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed) < 0 ) sprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",0); else sprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",ps[myconnectindex].max_actors_killed-ps[myconnectindex].actors_killed); gametext((320>>2)+70,99+4+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } } if( totalclock > (60*9) ) { gametext(10,120+9,"Secrets Found:",0,2+8+16); gametext(10,130+9,"Secrets Missed:",0,2+8+16); if(bonuscnt == 4) bonuscnt++; if( totalclock > (60*10) ) { if(bonuscnt == 5) { bonuscnt++; sound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); } sprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms); gametext((320>>2)+70,120+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); if( ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms > 0 ) sprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",(100*ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms/ps[myconnectindex].max_secret_rooms)); sprintf(tempbuf,"%-3d",ps[myconnectindex].max_secret_rooms-ps[myconnectindex].secret_rooms); gametext((320>>2)+70,130+9,tempbuf,0,2+8+16); } } if(totalclock > 10240 && totalclock < 10240+10240) totalclock = 1024; if( KB_KeyWaiting() && totalclock > (60*2) ) { if( KB_KeyPressed( sc_F12 ) ) { KB_ClearKeyDown( sc_F12 ); dukescreencapture("duke0000.pcx",0); } if( totalclock < (60*13) ) { KB_FlushKeyboardQueue(); totalclock = (60*13); } else if( totalclock < (1000000000L)) totalclock = (1000000000L); } } else break; nextpage(); } // Stop all noise after score screen, otherwise you'll get overlapping // music after beating an episode on the duke logo animation. // Not sure why this doesn't happen in the DOS version. Might be a // quirk of our newer sound code. --ryan. MUSIC_StopSong(); FX_StopAllSounds(); } void cameratext(short i) { char flipbits; long x , y; if(!T1) { rotatesprite(24<<16,33<<16,65536L,0,CAMCORNER,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); rotatesprite((320-26)<<16,34<<16,65536L,0,CAMCORNER+1,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); rotatesprite(22<<16,163<<16,65536L,512,CAMCORNER+1,0,0,2+4,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); rotatesprite((310-10)<<16,163<<16,65536L,512,CAMCORNER+1,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); if(totalclock&16) rotatesprite(46<<16,32<<16,65536L,0,CAMLIGHT,0,0,2,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } else { flipbits = (totalclock<<1)&48; for(x=0;x<394;x+=64) for(y=0;y<200;y+=64) rotatesprite(x<<16,y<<16,65536L,0,STATIC,0,0,2+flipbits,windowx1,windowy1,windowx2,windowy2); } } void vglass(long x,long y,short a,short wn,short n) { long z, zincs; short sect; sect = wall[wn].nextsector; if(sect == -1) return; zincs = ( sector[sect].floorz-sector[sect].ceilingz ) / n; for(z = sector[sect].ceilingz;z < sector[sect].floorz; z += zincs ) EGS(sect,x,y,z-(TRAND&8191),GLASSPIECES+(z&(TRAND%3)),-32,36,36,a+128-(TRAND&255),16+(TRAND&31),0,-1,5); } void lotsofglass(short i,short wallnum,short n) { long j, xv, yv, z, x1, y1; short sect, a; sect = -1; if(wallnum < 0) { for(j=n-1; j >= 0 ;j--) { a = SA-256+(TRAND&511)+1024; EGS(SECT,SX,SY,SZ,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),1024-(TRAND&1023),i,5); } return; } j = n+1; x1 = wall[wallnum].x; y1 = wall[wallnum].y; xv = wall[wall[wallnum].point2].x-x1; yv = wall[wall[wallnum].point2].y-y1; x1 -= ksgn(yv); y1 += ksgn(xv); xv /= j; yv /= j; for(j=n;j>0;j--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; updatesector(x1,y1,§); if(sect >= 0) { z = sector[sect].floorz-(TRAND&(klabs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sector[sect].floorz))); if( z < -(32<<8) || z > (32<<8) ) z = SZ-(32<<8)+(TRAND&((64<<8)-1)); a = SA-1024; EGS(SECT,x1,y1,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),-(TRAND&1023),i,5); } } } void spriteglass(short i,short n) { long j, k, a, z; for(j=n;j>0;j--) { a = TRAND&2047; z = SZ-((TRAND&16)<<8); k = EGS(SECT,SX,SY,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),TRAND&15,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),-512-(TRAND&2047),i,5); sprite[k].pal = sprite[i].pal; } } void ceilingglass(short i,short sectnum,short n) { long j, xv, yv, z, x1, y1; short a,s, startwall,endwall; startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = startwall+sector[sectnum].wallnum; for(s=startwall;s<(endwall-1);s++) { x1 = wall[s].x; y1 = wall[s].y; xv = (wall[s+1].x-x1)/(n+1); yv = (wall[s+1].y-y1)/(n+1); for(j=n;j>0;j--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; a = TRAND&2047; z = sector[sectnum].ceilingz+((TRAND&15)<<8); EGS(sectnum,x1,y1,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,(TRAND&31),0,i,5); } } } void lotsofcolourglass(short i,short wallnum,short n) { long j, xv, yv, z, x1, y1; short sect = -1, a, k; if(wallnum < 0) { for(j=n-1; j >= 0 ;j--) { a = TRAND&2047; k = EGS(SECT,SX,SY,SZ-(TRAND&(63<<8)),GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),1024-(TRAND&2047),i,5); sprite[k].pal = TRAND&15; } return; } j = n+1; x1 = wall[wallnum].x; y1 = wall[wallnum].y; xv = (wall[wall[wallnum].point2].x-wall[wallnum].x)/j; yv = (wall[wall[wallnum].point2].y-wall[wallnum].y)/j; for(j=n;j>0;j--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; updatesector(x1,y1,§); z = sector[sect].floorz-(TRAND&(klabs(sector[sect].ceilingz-sector[sect].floorz))); if( z < -(32<<8) || z > (32<<8) ) z = SZ-(32<<8)+(TRAND&((64<<8)-1)); a = SA-1024; k = EGS(SECT,x1,y1,z,GLASSPIECES+(j%3),-32,36,36,a,32+(TRAND&63),-(TRAND&2047),i,5); sprite[k].pal = TRAND&7; } } void SetupGameButtons( void ) { CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Move_Forward,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Move_Backward,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Turn_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Turn_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Strafe,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Fire,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Open,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Run,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_AutoRun,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Jump,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Crouch,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Up,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Down,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Look_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Strafe_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Strafe_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Aim_Up,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Aim_Down,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_1,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_2,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_3,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_4,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_5,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_6,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_7,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_8,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_9,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Weapon_10,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Inventory,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Inventory_Left,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Inventory_Right,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Holo_Duke,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Jetpack,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_NightVision,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_MedKit,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_TurnAround,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_SendMessage,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Map,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Shrink_Screen,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Enlarge_Screen,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Center_View,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Holster_Weapon,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Show_Opponents_Weapon,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Map_Follow_Mode,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_See_Coop_View,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Toggle_Crosshair,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Steroids,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Quick_Kick,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Next_Weapon,false); CONTROL_DefineFlag(gamefunc_Previous_Weapon,false); } /* =================== = = GetTime = =================== */ /* * (This was originally "GetTime", but that conflicts with a function in * in MacOSX's Carbon. --ryan.) */ long DUKE3D_GetTime(void) { return totalclock; } /* =================== = = CenterCenter = =================== */ void CenterCenter(void) { printf("Center the joystick and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = UpperLeft = =================== */ void UpperLeft(void) { printf("Move joystick to upper-left corner and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = LowerRight = =================== */ void LowerRight(void) { printf("Move joystick to lower-right corner and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = CenterThrottle = =================== */ void CenterThrottle(void) { printf("Center the throttle control and press a button\n"); } /* =================== = = CenterRudder = =================== */ void CenterRudder(void) { printf("Center the rudder control and press a button\n"); } // Rare Multiplayer, when dead, total screen screwup back again! // E3l1 (Coop /w monsters) sprite list corrupt 50% // Univbe exit, instead, default to screen buffer. // Check all caches bounds and memory usages // Fix enlarger weapon selections to perfection // Need sounds.c // Spawning a couple of sounds at the same time // Check Weapon Switching // FIRE and FIRE2 // Where should I flash the screen white??? // Jittery on subs in mp? // Check accurate memory amounts! // Why squish sound at hit space when dead? // Falling Counter Not reset in mp // Wierd small freezer // Double freeze on player?, still firing // Do Mouse Flip option // Save mouse aiming // Laser bounce off mirrors // GEORGE: Ten in text screen. // Alien: // Freeze: change // Press space holding player // Press space // tank broke // 2d mode fucked in fake mp mode // 207 // Mail not rolling up on conveyers // Fix all alien animations // Do episode names in .CONS // do syntak check for "{?????" // Make commline parms set approiate multiplayer flags // Check all breakables to see if they are exploding properly // Fix freezing palette on Alien // Do a demo make run overnite // Fix Super Duck // Slime Guies, use quickkick. // Make Lasers from trip bombs reflect off mirrors // Remember for lockout of sound swears // Pass sender in packed, NOT // Fatal sync give no message for TEN // Hitting TEN BUTTON(OPTION) no TEN SCreen // Check multioperateswitches for se 31,32 // Fix pal for ceilings (SE#18) // case 31: sprites up one high // E1l1 No Kill All troops in room, sleep time // Fifo for message list // Bloodsplat on conveyers // Meclanical // Increase sound // Mouse Delay at death // Wierd slowdown // Footprints on stuff floating // Ken, The inside function is called a lot in -1 sectors // No loading Univbe message rewrite // Expander must cycle with rest of weapons // Duck SHOOT PIPEBOMB, red wall // Get commit source from mark /* 1. fix pipebomb bug 2. check george maps 4. Save/Restore check (MP and SP) 5. Check TEN 6. Get Commit fixed 8. Is mail slow? 9. Cacheing 10. Blue out "PLAY ON TEN" in MULTIPLAYER 11. Eight Player test 12. Postal.voc not found. 13. All Monsters explode in arcade, check SEENINE STRENGTH, Change 28<<8 back to 16<<8 in hitradius Compare 1.3d to 1.4 14. Check sounds/gfx for for parr lock 15. Player # Loaded a game 16. Replace Crane code 1.3d to 1.4 17. Fix Greenslime 18. Small Freeze sprite,below floor 19. Vesa message auto abort in mp? 20. Fucked Palette in my skip ahead in MP 21. Load in main menu 22. Rotated frag screen no game screen 23. Jibs sounds when killed other dukes 24. Ten code and /f4 mode 25. Fix All MP Glitches!! 26. Unrem Menues anim tenbn 27. buy groc,clothes,scanner 28. Why Double Defs in global and game, is so at work 29. Check that all .objs are erased 30. Check why 1.3ds gotweapon gamedef coop code no workie 31. Heavy mods to net code 32. Make sure all commline stuff works, 33. killed all waitfor??? 34. 90k stack 35. double door probs 36: copy protection * when you start a game the duke saying that is played when you choose a skill the sound is cut off. * NEWBEASTJUMPING is not deleted at premap in multi-play if(*c == '4') no work need objs ask ken, commit { movesperpacket = 4; setpackettimeout(0x3fffffff,0x3fffffff); } remember, netcode load */ // Ai Problem in god mode. // Checkplayerhurtwall for forcefields bigforce // Nuddie, posters. IMF // Release commit.c to public? // Document Save bug with mp // Check moves per packet /f4 waitforeverybody over net? // Kill IDF OBJ // No shotguns under water @ tanker // Unrem copyprotect // Look for printf and puts // Check con rewrites // erase mmulti.c, or get newest objs // Why nomonsters screwy in load menu in mp // load last > 'y' == NOT // Check xptr oos when dead rising to surface. // diaginal warping with shotguns // Test white room. Lasertripbomb arming crash // The Bog // Run Duke Out of windows // Put Version number in con files // Test diff. version playing together // Reorganize dukecd // Put out patch w/ two weeks testing // Print draw3d // Double Klick /* Duke Nukem V Layout: Settings: Suburbs Duke inflitrating neighborhoods inf. by aliens Death Valley: Sorta like a western. Bull-skulls half buried in the sand Military compound: Aliens take over nuke-missle silo, duke must destroy. Abondend Aircraft field Vegas: Blast anything bright! Alien lights camoflauged. Alien Drug factory. The Blue Liquid Mountainal Cave: Interior cave battles. Jungle: Trees, canopee, animals, a mysterious hole in the earth with gas seaping thru. Penetencury: Good use of spotlights: Mental ward: People whom have claimed to be slowly changing into an alien species Inventory: Wood, Metal, Torch, Rope, Plastique, Cloth, Wiring, Glue, Cigars, Food, Duck Tape, Nails, Piping, Petrol, Uranium, Gold, Prism, Power Cell, Hand spikes (Limited usage, they become dull) Oxygent (Oxygen mixed with stimulant) Player Skills: R-Left,R-Right,Foward,Back Strafe, Jump, Double Flip Jump for distance Help, Escape Fire/Use Use Menu After a brief resbit, Duke decides to get back to work. Cmdr: "Duke, we've got a lot of scared people down there. Some reports even claim that people are already slowly changing into aliens." Duke: "No problem, my speciality is in croud control." Cmdr: "Croud control, my ass! Remember that incident during the war? You created nuthin' but death and destruction." Duke: "Not destruction, justice." Cmdr: "I'll take no responsibility for your actions. Your on your own! Behave your self, damnit! You got that, soldger?" Duke: "I've always been on my own... Face it, it's ass kickin' time, SIR!" Cmdr: "Get outta here...!" (Duke gives the Cmdr a hard stair, then cocks his weapon and walks out of the room) Cmdr: In a wisper: "Good luck, my friend." (Cut to a scene where aliens are injecting genetic material into an unconcious subject) Programming: ( the functions I need ) Images: Polys Actors: Multi-Object sections for change (head,arms,legs,torsoe,all change) Facial expressions. Pal lookup per poly? struct imagetype { int *itable; // AngX,AngY,AngZ,Xoff,Yoff,Zoff; int *idata; struct imagetype *prev, *next; } */ // Test frag screen name fuckup // Test all xptrs // Make Jibs stick to ceiling // Save Game menu crash // Cache len sum err // Loading in main (MP), reset totalclock? // White Room // Sound hitch with repeat bits // Rewrite saved menues so no crash // Put a getpackets after loadplayer in menus // Put "loading..." before waitfor in loadpla // No ready2send = 0 for loading // Test Joystick // Ten // Bog // Test Blimp respawn // move 1 in player???