
1457 lines
35 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* A reimplementation of Jim Dose's FX_MAN routines, using SDL_mixer 1.2.
* Whee. FX_MAN is also known as the "Apogee Sound System", or "ASS" for
* short. How strangely appropriate that seems.
* Written by Ryan C. Gordon. (icculus@clutteredmind.org)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "duke3d.h"
#include "buildengine/cache1d.h"
// Use the original Apogee Sound System libs instead. --ryan.
#error you probably should not compile this.
#if (defined __WATCOMC__)
// This is probably out of date. --ryan.
#include "dukesnd_watcom.h"
#if (!defined __WATCOMC__)
#define cdecl
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_mixer.h"
#ifdef ROTT
#include "rt_def.h" // ROTT music hack
#include "rt_cfg.h" // ROTT music hack
#include "rt_util.h" // ROTT music hack
#include "fx_man.h"
#include "music.h"
#define __FX_TRUE (1 == 1)
#define __FX_FALSE (!__FX_TRUE)
#ifndef min
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef max
#define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
typedef struct __DUKECHANINFO
int in_use; // 1 or 0.
int priority; // priority, defined by application.
Uint32 birthday; // ticks when channel was grabbed.
unsigned long callbackval; // callback value from application.
} duke_channel_info;
int MUSIC_ErrorCode = MUSIC_Ok;
static char warningMessage[80];
static char errorMessage[80];
static int fx_initialized = 0;
static int numChannels = MIX_CHANNELS;
static void (*callback)(unsigned long);
static int reverseStereo = 0;
static int reverbDelay = 256;
static int reverbLevel = 0;
static int fastReverb = 0;
static FILE *debug_file = NULL;
static int initialized_debugging = 0;
static int maxReverbDelay = 256;
static int mixerIsStereo = 1;
static duke_channel_info *chaninfo = NULL;
// This...is not ideal. --ryan.
#define CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE 128
typedef struct __DUKECHUNKCACHE
Mix_Chunk *chunk;
void *dataptr;
} duke_chunk_cache;
static duke_chunk_cache chunkCache[CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE];
#define HandleOffset 1
/* these come from the real ASS */
#define MV_MaxPanPosition 31
#define MV_NumPanPositions ( MV_MaxPanPosition + 1 )
#define MV_MaxVolume 63
#define MIX_VOLUME( volume ) \
( ( max( 0, min( ( volume ), 255 ) ) * ( MV_MaxVolume + 1 ) ) >> 8 )
typedef struct
unsigned char left;
unsigned char right;
} Pan;
static Pan MV_PanTable[ MV_NumPanPositions ][ MV_MaxVolume + 1 ];
static void MV_CalcPanTable
int level;
int angle;
int distance;
int HalfAngle;
int ramp;
HalfAngle = ( MV_NumPanPositions / 2 );
for( distance = 0; distance <= MV_MaxVolume; distance++ )
level = ( 255 * ( MV_MaxVolume - distance ) ) / MV_MaxVolume;
for( angle = 0; angle <= HalfAngle / 2; angle++ )
ramp = level - ( ( level * angle ) /
( MV_NumPanPositions / 4 ) );
MV_PanTable[ angle ][ distance ].left = ramp;
MV_PanTable[ HalfAngle - angle ][ distance ].left = ramp;
MV_PanTable[ HalfAngle + angle ][ distance ].left = level;
MV_PanTable[ MV_MaxPanPosition - angle ][ distance ].left = level;
MV_PanTable[ angle ][ distance ].right = level;
MV_PanTable[ HalfAngle - angle ][ distance ].right = level;
MV_PanTable[ HalfAngle + angle ][ distance ].right = ramp;
MV_PanTable[ MV_MaxPanPosition - angle ][ distance ].right = ramp;
/* end ASS copy-pastage */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#pragma aux (__cdecl) channelDoneCallback;
// This function is called whenever an SDL_mixer channel completes playback.
// We use this for state management and calling the application's callback.
static void channelDoneCallback(int channel)
if (callback)
chaninfo[channel].in_use = 0;
} // if
} // channelDoneCallback
// This gets called all over the place for information and debugging messages.
// If the user set the DUKESND_DEBUG environment variable, the messages
// go to the file that is specified in that variable. Otherwise, they
// are ignored for the expense of the function call. If DUKESND_DEBUG is
// set to "-" (without the quotes), then the output goes to stdout.
static void snddebug(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
if (debug_file)
fprintf(debug_file, "DUKESND: ");
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(debug_file, fmt, ap);
fprintf(debug_file, "\n");
} // if
} // snddebug
// FIXME: Consolidate this code.
// Same as snddebug(), but a different tag is put on each line.
static void musdebug(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
if (debug_file)
fprintf(debug_file, "DUKEMUS: ");
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(debug_file, fmt, ap);
fprintf(debug_file, "\n");
} // if
} // snddebug
static void init_debugging(void)
const char *envr;
if (initialized_debugging)
envr = getenv(DUKESND_DEBUG);
if (envr != NULL)
if (strcmp(envr, "-") == 0)
debug_file = stdout;
debug_file = fopen(envr, "w");
if (debug_file == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "DUKESND: -WARNING- Could not open debug file!\n");
setbuf(debug_file, NULL);
} // if
initialized_debugging = 1;
} // init_debugging
// find an available SDL_mixer channel, and reserve it.
// This would be a race condition, but hey, it's for a DOS game. :)
static int grabMixerChannel(int priority)
int replaceable = -1;
int i;
if (!fx_initialized)
for (i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
if (chaninfo[i].in_use == 0)
chaninfo[i].in_use = 1;
chaninfo[i].priority = priority;
chaninfo[i].birthday = SDL_GetTicks();
} // if
// !!! FIXME: Should this just be lower priority, or equal too?
if (chaninfo[i].priority <= priority)
if ((replaceable == -1) ||
(chaninfo[i].birthday < chaninfo[replaceable].birthday))
replaceable = i;
} // if
} // if
} // for
// if you land here, all mixer channels are playing...
if (replaceable != -1) // nothing expendable right now.
chaninfo[replaceable].in_use = 1;
chaninfo[replaceable].priority = priority;
chaninfo[replaceable].birthday = SDL_GetTicks();
} // if
} // grabMixerChannel
// !!! FIXME: Is this correct behaviour?
char *FX_ErrorString( int ErrorNumber )
switch (ErrorNumber)
case FX_Warning:
case FX_Error:
case FX_Ok:
return("OK; no error.");
case FX_ASSVersion:
return("Incorrect sound library version.");
case FX_BlasterError:
return("SoundBlaster Error.");
case FX_SoundCardError:
return("General sound card error.");
case FX_InvalidCard:
return("Invalid sound card.");
case FX_MultiVocError:
return("Multiple voc error.");
case FX_DPMI_Error:
return("DPMI error.");
return("Unknown error.");
} // switch
assert(0); // shouldn't hit this point.
} // FX_ErrorString
static void setWarningMessage(const char *msg)
strncpy(warningMessage, msg, sizeof (warningMessage));
// strncpy() doesn't add the null char if there isn't room...
warningMessage[sizeof (warningMessage) - 1] = '\0';
snddebug("Warning message set to [%s].", warningMessage);
} // setErrorMessage
static void setErrorMessage(const char *msg)
strncpy(errorMessage, msg, sizeof (errorMessage));
// strncpy() doesn't add the null char if there isn't room...
errorMessage[sizeof (errorMessage) - 1] = '\0';
snddebug("Error message set to [%s].", errorMessage);
} // setErrorMessage
int FX_GetBlasterSettings(fx_blaster_config *blaster)
setErrorMessage("No SoundBlaster cards available.");
} // FX_GetBlasterSettings
int FX_SetupSoundBlaster(fx_blaster_config blaster, int *MaxVoices,
int *MaxSampleBits, int *MaxChannels)
setErrorMessage("No SoundBlaster cards available.");
} // FX_SetupSoundBlaster
int FX_SetupCard( int SoundCard, fx_device *device )
snddebug("FX_SetupCard looking at card id #%d...", SoundCard);
if (device == NULL) // sanity check.
setErrorMessage("fx_device is NULL in FX_SetupCard!");
} // if
// Since the actual hardware is abstracted out on modern operating
// systems, we just pretend that the system's got a SoundScape.
// I always liked that card, even though Ensoniq screwed me on OS/2
// drivers back in the day. :)
if (SoundCard != SoundScape)
setErrorMessage("Card not found.");
snddebug("We pretend to be an Ensoniq SoundScape only.");
} // if
device->MaxVoices = 8;
device->MaxSampleBits = 16; // SDL_mixer downsamples if needed.
device->MaxChannels = 2; // SDL_mixer converts to mono if needed.
} // FX_SetupCard
static void output_versions(const char *libname, const SDL_version *compiled,
const SDL_version *linked)
snddebug("This program was compiled against %s %d.%d.%d,\n"
" and is dynamically linked to %d.%d.%d.\n", libname,
compiled->major, compiled->minor, compiled->patch,
linked->major, linked->minor, linked->patch);
static void output_version_info(void)
SDL_version compiled;
const SDL_version *linked;
snddebug("Library check...");
linked = SDL_Linked_Version();
output_versions("SDL", &compiled, linked);
linked = Mix_Linked_Version();
output_versions("SDL_mixer", &compiled, linked);
} // output_version_info
int FX_Init(int SoundCard, int numvoices, int numchannels,
int samplebits, unsigned mixrate)
Uint16 audio_format = 0;
int blocksize;
snddebug("INIT! card=>%d, voices=>%d, chan=>%d, bits=>%d, rate=>%du...",
SoundCard, numvoices, numchannels, samplebits, mixrate);
if (fx_initialized)
setErrorMessage("Sound system is already initialized.\n");
} // if
if (SoundCard != SoundScape) // We pretend there's a SoundScape installed.
setErrorMessage("Card not found.");
snddebug("We pretend to be an Ensoniq SoundScape only.");
} // if
// other sanity checks...
if ((numvoices < 0) || (numvoices > 8))
setErrorMessage("Invalid number of voices to mix (must be 0-8).");
} // if
if ((numchannels != MonoFx) && (numchannels != StereoFx))
setErrorMessage("Invalid number of channels (must be 1 or 2).");
} // if
if ((samplebits != 8) && (samplebits != 16))
setErrorMessage("Invalid sample size (must be 8 or 16).");
} // if
// build pan tables
if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
setErrorMessage("SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) failed!");
snddebug("SDL_GetError() reports: [%s].", SDL_GetError());
} // if
audio_format = (samplebits == 8) ? AUDIO_U8 : AUDIO_S16;
if (Mix_OpenAudio(mixrate, audio_format, numchannels, 256) < 0)
} // if
numChannels = Mix_AllocateChannels(numvoices);
if (numChannels != numvoices)
} // if
blocksize = sizeof (duke_channel_info) * numvoices;
chaninfo = malloc(blocksize);
if (chaninfo == NULL) // uhoh.
setErrorMessage("Out of memory");
} // if
memset(chaninfo, '\0', blocksize);
maxReverbDelay = (int) (((float) mixrate) * 0.5);
Mix_QuerySpec(NULL, NULL, &mixerIsStereo);
mixerIsStereo = (mixerIsStereo == 2);
memset(chunkCache, '\0', sizeof (chunkCache));
fx_initialized = 1;
} // FX_Init
void FX_CleanCache(void)
int total = 0;
int i;
snddebug("FX_CleanCache halting all channels.");
Mix_HaltChannel(-1); // stop everything.
snddebug("freeing cached chunks.");
for (i = 0; i < CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE; i++)
if (chunkCache[i].chunk != NULL)
chunkCache[i].chunk = NULL;
} // if
chunkCache[i].dataptr = NULL;
} // for
snddebug("cached chunks deallocation complete. (%d) were deleted.", total);
} // FX_CleanCache
int FX_Shutdown( void )
snddebug("shutting down sound subsystem.");
if (!fx_initialized)
setErrorMessage("Sound system is not currently initialized.\n");
} // if
FX_CleanCache(); // stops all channels and music.
callback = NULL;
chaninfo = NULL;
reverseStereo = 0;
reverbLevel = 0;
fastReverb = 0;
fx_initialized = 0;
maxReverbDelay = 256;
} // FX_Shutdown
int FX_SetCallBack(void (*func)(unsigned long))
callback = func;
} // FX_SetCallBack
void FX_SetVolume(int volume)
snddebug("setting master volume to %f.2 percent.", (volume / 255.0) * 100);
Mix_Volume(-1, volume >> 1); // it's 0-128 in SDL_mixer, not 0-255.
} // FX_SetVolume
int FX_GetVolume(void)
return(Mix_Volume(-1, -1) << 1);
} // FX_GetVolume
void FX_SetReverseStereo(int setting)
snddebug("Reverse stereo set to %s.\n", setting ? "ON" : "OFF");
Mix_SetReverseStereo(MIX_CHANNEL_POST, setting);
reverseStereo = setting;
} // FX_SetReverseStereo
int FX_GetReverseStereo(void)
} // FX_GetReverseStereo
void FX_SetReverb(int reverb)
reverbLevel = reverb;
fastReverb = 0;
#if 1
// !!! FIXME
if (reverbLevel)
setWarningMessage("reverb filter is not yet implemented!");
} // FX_SetReverb
void FX_SetFastReverb(int reverb)
reverbLevel = reverb;
fastReverb = 1;
#if 1
// !!! FIXME
if (reverbLevel)
setWarningMessage("fast reverb filter is not yet implemented!");
} // FX_SetFastReverb
int FX_GetMaxReverbDelay(void)
} // FX_GetMaxReverbDelay
int FX_GetReverbDelay(void)
} // FX_GetReverbDelay
void FX_SetReverbDelay(int delay)
// !!! FIXME: Should I be clamping these values?
if (delay < 256)
delay = 256;
if (delay > maxReverbDelay)
delay = maxReverbDelay;
reverbDelay = delay;
#if 1
// !!! FIXME
setWarningMessage("reverb delay is not yet implemented!");
} // FX_SetReverbDelay
int FX_VoiceAvailable(int priority)
int chan = grabMixerChannel(priority);
int rc = (chan != -1);
if (rc)
chaninfo[chan].in_use = 0;
} // FX_VoiceAvailable
static int doSetPan(int handle, int vol, int left,
int right, int checkIfPlaying)
int retval = FX_Warning;
if ((handle < 0) || (handle >= numChannels))
setWarningMessage("Invalid handle in doSetPan().");
else if ((checkIfPlaying) && (!Mix_Playing(handle)))
setWarningMessage("voice is no longer playing in doSetPan().");
if (mixerIsStereo)
if ((left < 0) || (left > 255) ||
(right < 0) || (right > 255))
setErrorMessage("Invalid argument to FX_SetPan().");
retval = FX_Error;
} // if
Mix_SetPanning(handle, left, right);
} // else
} // if
if ((vol < 0) || (vol > 255))
setErrorMessage("Invalid argument to FX_SetPan().");
retval = FX_Error;
} // if
// volume must be from 0-128, so the ">> 1" converts.
Mix_Volume(handle, vol >> 1);
} // else
} // else
retval = FX_Ok;
} // else
} // doSetPan
int FX_SetPan(int handle, int vol, int left, int right)
return(doSetPan(handle - HandleOffset, vol, left, right, 1));
} // FX_SetPan
int FX_SetPitch(int handle, int pitchoffset)
snddebug("FX_SetPitch() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!");
} // FX_SetPitch
int FX_SetFrequency(int handle, int frequency)
snddebug("FX_SetFrequency() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!");
} // FX_SetFrequency
static Mix_Chunk *findChunkInCache(void *ptr)
// !!! FIXME: Optimize! --ryan.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE; i++)
if (chunkCache[i].dataptr == ptr)
else if (chunkCache[i].dataptr == NULL)
} // for
} // findChunkInCache
static void addChunkToCache(Mix_Chunk *chunk, void *ptr)
// !!! FIXME: Optimize! --ryan.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < CHUNK_CACHE_SIZE; i++)
if (chunkCache[i].dataptr == NULL)
chunkCache[i].dataptr = ptr;
chunkCache[i].chunk = chunk;
} // if
} // for
snddebug("overflowed chunk cache!");
assert(0); // !!! FIXME.
} // addChunkToCache
// If this returns FX_Ok, then chunk and chan will be filled with the
// the block of audio data in the format desired by the audio device
// and the SDL_mixer channel it will play on, respectively.
// If the value is not FX_Ok, then the warning or error message is set,
// and you should bail.
// size added by SBF for ROTT
static int setupVocPlayback(char *ptr, int size, int priority, unsigned long callbackval,
int *chan, Mix_Chunk **chunk)
SDL_RWops *rw;
*chan = grabMixerChannel(priority);
if (*chan == -1)
setErrorMessage("No available channels");
} // if
*chunk = findChunkInCache(ptr);
if (*chunk == NULL)
if (size == -1) {
// !!! FIXME: This could be a problem...SDL/SDL_mixer wants a RWops, which
// !!! FIXME: is an i/o abstraction. Since we already have the VOC data
// !!! FIXME: in memory, we fake it with a memory-based RWops. None of
// !!! FIXME: this is a problem, except the RWops wants to know how big
// !!! FIXME: its memory block is (so it can do things like seek on an
// !!! FIXME: offset from the end of the block), and since we don't have
// !!! FIXME: this information, we have to give it SOMETHING. My VOC
// !!! FIXME: decoder never does seeks from EOF, nor checks for
// !!! FIXME: end-of-file, so we should be fine. However, we've got a
// !!! FIXME: limit of 10 megs for one file. I hope that'll cover it. :)
rw = SDL_RWFromMem((void *) ptr, (10 * 1024) * 1024); /* yikes. */
} else {
// A valid file size! Excellent.
rw = SDL_RWFromMem((void *) ptr, size);
*chunk = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(rw, 1);
if (*chunk == NULL)
setErrorMessage("Couldn't decode voice sample.");
chaninfo[*chan].in_use = 0;
} // if
addChunkToCache(*chunk, (void *) ptr);
} // if
chaninfo[*chan].callbackval = callbackval;
} // setupVocPlayback
static int _FX_SetPosition(int chan, int angle, int distance)
int left;
int right;
int mid;
int volume;
int status;
if ( distance < 0 ) {
distance = -distance;
angle += MV_NumPanPositions / 2;
volume = MIX_VOLUME( distance );
// Ensure angle is within 0 - 31
angle &= MV_MaxPanPosition;
left = MV_PanTable[ angle ][ volume ].left;
right = MV_PanTable[ angle ][ volume ].right;
mid = max( 0, 255 - distance );
status = doSetPan( chan, mid, left, right, 0 );
return status;
int FX_PlayVOC(char *ptr, int pitchoffset,
int vol, int left, int right,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval)
int rc;
int chan;
Mix_Chunk *chunk;
snddebug("Playing voice: mono (%d), left (%d), right (%d), priority (%d).\n",
vol, left, right, priority);
rc = setupVocPlayback(ptr, -1, priority, callbackval, &chan, &chunk);
if (rc != FX_Ok)
// !!! FIXME: Need to do something with pitchoffset.
rc = doSetPan(chan, vol, left, right, 0);
if (rc != FX_Ok)
chaninfo[chan].in_use = 0;
} // if
Mix_PlayChannel(chan, chunk, 0);
return(HandleOffset + chan);
} // FX_PlayVOC
// get the size of a single sample, in bytes.
static int getSampleSize(void)
Uint16 format;
int channels;
Mix_QuerySpec(NULL, &format, &channels);
return( ((format & 0xFF) / 8) * channels );
} // getSampleSize
int FX_PlayLoopedVOC(char *ptr, long loopstart, long loopend,
int pitchoffset, int vol, int left, int right, int priority,
unsigned long callbackval)
int rc;
int chan;
int samplesize = getSampleSize();
Uint32 totalsamples;
Mix_Chunk *chunk;
snddebug("Playing voice: mono (%d), left (%d), right (%d), priority (%d).\n",
vol, left, right, priority);
snddebug("Looping: start (%ld), end (%ld).\n", loopstart, loopend);
rc = setupVocPlayback(ptr, -1, priority, callbackval, &chan, &chunk);
if (rc != FX_Ok)
// !!! FIXME: Need to do something with pitchoffset.
totalsamples = chunk->alen / samplesize;
if ((loopstart >= 0) && ((unsigned int)loopstart < totalsamples))
if (loopend < 0) loopend = 0;
if ((unsigned int)loopend > totalsamples) loopend = totalsamples;
if (loopend < loopstart)
chaninfo[chan].in_use = 0;
setErrorMessage("Loop end is before loop start.");
} // if
chunk->alen = loopend * samplesize;
if (loopstart > 0)
loopstart *= samplesize;
memcpy(chunk->abuf, ((Uint8 *) chunk->abuf) + loopstart,
chunk->alen - loopstart);
chunk->alen -= loopstart;
} // if
} // if
Mix_PlayChannel(chan, chunk, -1); /* -1 == looping. */
return(HandleOffset + chan);
} // FX_PlayLoopedVOC
int FX_PlayVOC3D(char *ptr, int pitchoffset, int angle, int distance,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval)
int rc;
int chan;
Mix_Chunk *chunk;
snddebug("Playing voice at angle (%d), distance (%d), priority (%d).\n",
angle, distance, priority);
rc = setupVocPlayback(ptr, -1, priority, callbackval, &chan, &chunk);
if (rc != FX_Ok)
// !!! FIXME: Need to do something with pitchoffset.
_FX_SetPosition(chan, angle, distance);
Mix_PlayChannel(chan, chunk, 0);
return(HandleOffset + chan);
} // FX_PlayVOC3D
// ROTT Special - SBF
int FX_PlayVOC3D_ROTT(char *ptr, int size, int pitchoffset, int angle, int distance,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval)
int rc;
int chan;
Mix_Chunk *chunk;
snddebug("Playing voice at angle (%d), distance (%d), priority (%d).\n",
angle, distance, priority);
rc = setupVocPlayback(ptr, size, priority, callbackval, &chan, &chunk);
if (rc != FX_Ok)
// !!! FIXME: Need to do something with pitchoffset.
_FX_SetPosition(chan, angle, distance);
Mix_PlayChannel(chan, chunk, 0);
return(HandleOffset + chan);
} // FX_PlayVOC3D_ROTT
// it's all the same to SDL_mixer. :)
int FX_PlayWAV( char *ptr, int pitchoffset, int vol, int left, int right,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval )
return(FX_PlayVOC(ptr, pitchoffset, vol, left, right, priority, callbackval));
} // FX_PlayWAV
int FX_PlayLoopedWAV( char *ptr, long loopstart, long loopend,
int pitchoffset, int vol, int left, int right, int priority,
unsigned long callbackval )
return(FX_PlayLoopedVOC(ptr, loopstart, loopend, pitchoffset, vol, left,
right, priority, callbackval));
} // FX_PlayLoopedWAV
int FX_PlayWAV3D( char *ptr, int pitchoffset, int angle, int distance,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval )
return(FX_PlayVOC3D(ptr, pitchoffset, angle, distance, priority, callbackval));
} // FX_PlayWAV3D
// ROTT Special - SBF
int FX_PlayWAV3D_ROTT( char *ptr, int size, int pitchoffset, int angle, int distance,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval )
return(FX_PlayVOC3D_ROTT(ptr, size, pitchoffset, angle, distance, priority, callbackval));
} // FX_PlayWAV3D_ROTT
int FX_PlayRaw( char *ptr, unsigned long length, unsigned rate,
int pitchoffset, int vol, int left, int right, int priority,
unsigned long callbackval )
setErrorMessage("FX_PlayRaw() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED!");
} // FX_PlayRaw
int FX_PlayLoopedRaw( char *ptr, unsigned long length, char *loopstart,
char *loopend, unsigned rate, int pitchoffset, int vol, int left,
int right, int priority, unsigned long callbackval )
setErrorMessage("FX_PlayLoopedRaw() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED!");
} // FX_PlayLoopedRaw
int FX_Pan3D(int handle, int angle, int distance)
int retval = FX_Warning;
handle -= HandleOffset;
if ((handle < 0) || (handle >= numChannels))
setWarningMessage("Invalid handle in FX_Pan3D().");
else if (!Mix_Playing(handle))
setWarningMessage("voice is no longer playing in FX_Pan3D().");
_FX_SetPosition(handle, angle, distance);
retval = FX_Ok;
} // else
} // FX_Pan3D
int FX_SoundActive(int handle)
handle -= HandleOffset;
if (chaninfo == NULL)
if ((handle < 0) || (handle >= numChannels))
setWarningMessage("Invalid handle in FX_SoundActive().");
} // if
return(chaninfo[handle].in_use != 0);
} // FX_SoundActive
int FX_SoundsPlaying(void)
} // FX_SoundsPlaying
int FX_StopSound(int handle)
int retval = FX_Ok;
snddebug("explicitly halting channel (%d).", handle);
// !!! FIXME: Should the user callback fire for this?
handle -= HandleOffset;
if ((handle < 0) || (handle >= numChannels))
setWarningMessage("Invalid handle in FX_Pan3D().");
retval = FX_Warning;
} // if
} // else
} // FX_StopSound
int FX_StopAllSounds(void)
snddebug("halting all channels.");
// !!! FIXME: Should the user callback fire for this?
} // FX_StopAllSounds
int FX_StartDemandFeedPlayback( void ( *function )( char **ptr, unsigned long *length ),
int rate, int pitchoffset, int vol, int left, int right,
int priority, unsigned long callbackval )
setErrorMessage("FX_StartDemandFeedPlayback() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED!");
int FX_StartRecording(int MixRate, void (*function)(char *ptr, int length))
setErrorMessage("FX_StartRecording() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED!");
} // FX_StartRecording
void FX_StopRecord( void )
setErrorMessage("FX_StopRecord() ... NOT IMPLEMENTED!");
} // FX_StopRecord
// The music functions...
char *MUSIC_ErrorString(int ErrorNumber)
switch (ErrorNumber)
case MUSIC_Warning:
case MUSIC_Error:
case MUSIC_Ok:
return("OK; no error.");
case MUSIC_ASSVersion:
return("Incorrect sound library version.");
case MUSIC_SoundCardError:
return("General sound card error.");
case MUSIC_InvalidCard:
return("Invalid sound card.");
case MUSIC_MidiError:
return("MIDI error.");
case MUSIC_MPU401Error:
return("MPU401 error.");
case MUSIC_TaskManError:
return("Task Manager error.");
case MUSIC_FMNotDetected:
return("FM not detected error.");
case MUSIC_DPMI_Error:
return("DPMI error.");
return("Unknown error.");
} // switch
assert(0); // shouldn't hit this point.
} // MUSIC_ErrorString
static int music_initialized = 0;
static int music_context = 0;
static int music_loopflag = MUSIC_PlayOnce;
static char *music_songdata = NULL;
static Mix_Music *music_musicchunk = NULL;
int MUSIC_Init(int SoundCard, int Address)
// eukara: MIDI support.
puts("Music initialized.\n");
music_initialized = 1;
} // MUSIC_Init
int MUSIC_Shutdown(void)
musdebug("shutting down sound subsystem.");
if (!music_initialized)
setErrorMessage("Music system is not currently initialized.");
} // if
music_context = 0;
music_initialized = 0;
music_loopflag = MUSIC_PlayOnce;
} // MUSIC_Shutdown
void MUSIC_SetMaxFMMidiChannel(int channel)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetMaxFMMidiChannel(%d).\n", channel);
} // MUSIC_SetMaxFMMidiChannel
void MUSIC_SetVolume(int volume)
Mix_VolumeMusic(volume >> 1); // convert 0-255 to 0-128.
} // MUSIC_SetVolume
void MUSIC_SetMidiChannelVolume(int channel, int volume)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetMidiChannelVolume(%d, %d).\n", channel, volume);
} // MUSIC_SetMidiChannelVolume
void MUSIC_ResetMidiChannelVolumes(void)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_ResetMidiChannelVolumes().\n");
} // MUSIC_ResetMidiChannelVolumes
int MUSIC_GetVolume(void)
return(Mix_VolumeMusic(-1) << 1); // convert 0-128 to 0-255.
} // MUSIC_GetVolume
void MUSIC_SetLoopFlag(int loopflag)
music_loopflag = loopflag;
} // MUSIC_SetLoopFlag
int MUSIC_SongPlaying(void)
return((Mix_PlayingMusic()) ? __FX_TRUE : __FX_FALSE);
} // MUSIC_SongPlaying
void MUSIC_Continue(void)
if (Mix_PausedMusic())
else if (music_songdata)
MUSIC_PlaySong(music_songdata, MUSIC_PlayOnce);
} // MUSIC_Continue
void MUSIC_Pause(void)
} // MUSIC_Pause
int MUSIC_StopSong(void)
if (!fx_initialized)
setErrorMessage("Need FX system initialized, too. Sorry.");
} // if
if ( (Mix_PlayingMusic()) || (Mix_PausedMusic()) )
if (music_musicchunk)
music_songdata = NULL;
music_musicchunk = NULL;
} // MUSIC_StopSong
int MUSIC_PlaySong(unsigned char *song, int loopflag)
music_songdata = song;
// eukara: MIDI support.
Mix_PlayMusic((Mix_Music *) song, loopflag);
} // MUSIC_PlaySong
extern char ApogeePath[256];
// Duke3D-specific. --ryan.
void PlayMusic(char *_filename)
//char filename[MAX_PATH];
//strcpy(filename, _filename);
char filename[MAX_PATH];
long handle;
long size;
void *song;
long rc;
// Read from a groupfile, write it to disk so SDL_mixer can read it.
// Lame. --ryan.
handle = kopen4load(_filename, 0);
if (handle == -1)
size = kfilelength(handle);
if (size == -1)
} // if
song = malloc(size);
if (song == NULL)
} // if
rc = kread(handle, song, size);
if (rc != size)
} // if
// save the file somewhere, so SDL_mixer can load it
//GetPathFromEnvironment(filename, ApogeePath, "tmpsong.mid");
puts("Write temp midi file to homedir/.duke3d");
handle = SafeOpenWrite("tmpsong.mid", filetype_binary);
SafeWrite(handle, song, size);
//music_songdata = song;
music_musicchunk = Mix_LoadMUS("tmpsong.mid");
if (music_musicchunk != NULL)
// !!! FIXME: I set the music to loop. Hope that's okay. --ryan.
Mix_PlayMusic(music_musicchunk, -1);
} // if
#if ROTT
// ROTT Special - SBF
int MUSIC_PlaySongROTT(unsigned char *song, int size, int loopflag)
char filename[MAX_PATH];
int handle;
// save the file somewhere, so SDL_mixer can load it
GetPathFromEnvironment(filename, ApogeePath, "tmpsong.mid");
handle = SafeOpenWrite(filename);
SafeWrite(handle, song, size);
music_songdata = song;
// finally, we can load it with SDL_mixer
music_musicchunk = Mix_LoadMUS(filename);
if (music_musicchunk == NULL) {
return MUSIC_Error;
Mix_PlayMusic(music_musicchunk, (loopflag == MUSIC_PlayOnce) ? 0 : -1);
} // MUSIC_PlaySongROTT
void MUSIC_SetContext(int context)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetContext().\n");
music_context = context;
} // MUSIC_SetContext
int MUSIC_GetContext(void)
} // MUSIC_GetContext
void MUSIC_SetSongTick(unsigned long PositionInTicks)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetSongTick().\n");
} // MUSIC_SetSongTick
void MUSIC_SetSongTime(unsigned long milliseconds)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetSongTime().\n");
}// MUSIC_SetSongTime
void MUSIC_SetSongPosition(int measure, int beat, int tick)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_SetSongPosition().\n");
} // MUSIC_SetSongPosition
void MUSIC_GetSongPosition(songposition *pos)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_GetSongPosition().\n");
} // MUSIC_GetSongPosition
void MUSIC_GetSongLength(songposition *pos)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_GetSongLength().\n");
} // MUSIC_GetSongLength
int MUSIC_FadeVolume(int tovolume, int milliseconds)
} // MUSIC_FadeVolume
int MUSIC_FadeActive(void)
return((Mix_FadingMusic() == MIX_FADING_OUT) ? __FX_TRUE : __FX_FALSE);
} // MUSIC_FadeActive
void MUSIC_StopFade(void)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_StopFade().\n");
} // MUSIC_StopFade
void MUSIC_RerouteMidiChannel(int channel, int cdecl function( int event, int c1, int c2 ))
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_RerouteMidiChannel().\n");
} // MUSIC_RerouteMidiChannel
void MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank(unsigned char *timbres)
musdebug("STUB ... MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank().\n");
} // MUSIC_RegisterTimbreBank
// end of fx_man.c ...