draw from imagerep directly

This commit is contained in:
anthony 2020-11-26 20:03:15 +00:00
parent 6df756888f
commit b5e0a05292
1 changed files with 13 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -190,42 +190,40 @@ static nserror plot_bitmap(const struct redraw_context *ctx, struct bitmap *bitm
NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height );
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] init];
[image addRepresentation: bmp];
NSAffineTransform *tf = [GSCurrentContext() GSCurrentCTM];
int offset = (y + (height / 2));
[tf translateXBy: 0 yBy: offset];
[tf scaleXBy: 1.0 yBy: -1.0];
[tf translateXBy: 0 yBy: -offset];
[GSCurrentContext() GSSetCTM: tf];
[image drawRepresentation: bmp inRect: rect];
[image release];
if ([bmp isOpaque]) {
} else {
NSLog(@"Not opaque!!!");
if ([bmp hasAlpha]) {
} else {
NSLog(@"Not hasAlpha!!!");
[[NSColor redColor] set];
[GSCurrentContext() setCompositingOperation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[bmp drawInRect: rect];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
return NSERROR_OK;
void testfn(int x, int y, const char *txt, size_t len) {
NSLog(@"plot_text len %d", len);
NSLog(@"plot_text val %s", txt);
NSLayoutManager *cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( const char *bytes, size_t length, const plot_font_style_t *style );
extern NSTextStorage *cocoa_text_storage;
extern NSTextContainer *cocoa_text_container;
void test_draw_string( CGFloat x, CGFloat y, const char *bytes, size_t length, const plot_font_style_t *style )
NSLog(@"pre prep layout");
NSLog(@"plot_text val %s", bytes);
NSLayoutManager *layout = cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( bytes, length, style );
if (layout == nil) return;
NSLog(@"post prep layout");
NSFont *font = [cocoa_text_storage attribute: NSFontAttributeName atIndex: 0 effectiveRange: NULL];
NSLog(@"post font");
CGFloat baseline = [font defaultLineHeightForFont] * 3.0 / 4.0;
@ -234,11 +232,8 @@ void test_draw_string( CGFloat x, CGFloat y, const char *bytes, size_t length, c
static nserror plot_text(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, int x, int y, const char *text, size_t length) {
NSLog(@"plot_text len %d", length);
NSLog(@"plot_text val %s", text);
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSBezierPath clipRect: cocoa_plot_clip_rect];
testfn(x, y, text, length);
test_draw_string(x, y, text, length, fstyle);
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];