Pull in font.m and plot methods from cocoa port

This commit is contained in:
anthony 2020-11-22 14:54:45 +00:00
parent 4a53631c7f
commit 9636baae38
7 changed files with 366 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-(void)awakeFromNib {
plotView = [[PlotView alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)];
plotView = [[PlotView alloc] initWithFrame: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600)];
[plotView setBrowser: browser];
[[scrollView contentView] addSubview: plotView];
NSLog(@"Browser window loaded");
@ -24,16 +24,7 @@
-(id)back: (id)sender {
NSLog(@"Browser backward");
[plotView display];
bool ready = browser_window_redraw_ready(browser);
if (ready) {
NSLog(@"redraw ready!");
if (browser_window_has_content(browser)) {
NSLog(@"has content");
struct nsurl *url = browser_window_access_url(browser);
NSLog(@"url: '%s'", nsurl_access(url));
@ -51,4 +42,27 @@
[plotView setNeedsDisplayInRect: rect];
-(BOOL)control: (NSControl*)control textShouldEndEditing: (NSText*)fieldEditor {
nserror error;
struct nsurl *url;
NSString *string = [fieldEditor text];
error = nsurl_create([string cString], &url);
if (error != NSERROR_OK) {
NSLog(@"nsurl_create error");
return YES;
error = browser_window_navigate(browser, url, NULL, BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, NULL, NULL,
if (error != NSERROR_OK) {
NSLog(@"browser_window_navigate error");
} else {
return YES;

View File

@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ S_FRONTEND := \
tables/clipboard.m \
tables/download.m \
tables/fetch.m \
tables/layout.m \
tables/search.m \
tables/window.m \
tables/font.m \
# This is the final source build list

View File

@ -94,22 +94,56 @@ void cocoa_plot_render_path(NSBezierPath *path, const plot_style_t *pstyle)
static nserror plot_clip(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const struct rect *clip) {
cocoa_plot_clip_rect = NSMakeRect(clip->x0, clip->y0, clip->x1, clip->y1);
//[NSBezierPath clipRect: ];
return NSERROR_OK;
static nserror plot_arc(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *pstyle, int x, int y, int radius, int angle1, int angle2) {
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[path appendBezierPathWithArcWithCenter: NSMakePoint( x, y ) radius: radius
startAngle: angle1 endAngle: angle2 clockwise: NO];
cocoa_plot_render_path(path, pstyle);
return NSERROR_OK;
static nserror plot_disc(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *pstyle, int x, int y, int radius) {
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:
NSMakeRect( x - radius, y-radius, 2*radius, 2*radius )];
cocoa_plot_render_path( path, pstyle );
return NSERROR_OK;
static nserror plot_line(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *pstyle, const struct rect *line) {
int x0 = line->x0;
int y0 = line->y0;
int x1 = line->x1;
int y1 = line->y1;
if (pstyle->stroke_type == PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE) return NSERROR_OK;
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSBezierPath clipRect: cocoa_plot_clip_rect];
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint( x0, y0 )];
[path lineToPoint: NSMakePoint( x1, y1 )];
cocoa_plot_path_set_stroke_pattern( path, pstyle );
const bool horizontal = y0 == y1;
const bool vertical = x0 == x1;
const bool oddThickness = pstyle->stroke_width != 0 ? (pstyle->stroke_width % 2) != 0 : true;
[cocoa_convert_colour( pstyle->stroke_colour ) set];
[path stroke];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
return NSERROR_OK;
@ -125,6 +159,17 @@ static nserror plot_rectangle(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style
static nserror plot_polygon(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *pstyle, const int *p, unsigned int n) {
if (n <= 1) return NSERROR_OK;
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(p[0], p[1])];
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
[path lineToPoint: NSMakePoint(p[2*i], p[2*i+1])];
[path closePath];
cocoa_plot_render_path( path, pstyle );
return NSERROR_OK;
@ -140,6 +185,13 @@ static nserror plot_bitmap(const struct redraw_context *ctx, struct bitmap *bitm
static nserror plot_text(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, int x, int y, const char *text, size_t length) {
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSBezierPath clipRect: cocoa_plot_clip_rect];
cocoa_draw_string(x, y, text, length, fstyle);
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
return NSERROR_OK;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Copyright 2011 Sven Weidauer <sven.weidauer@gmail.com>
* This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef COCOA_FONT_H
#define COCOA_FONT_H
#import "netsurf/plot_style.h"
void cocoa_draw_string( CGFloat x, CGFloat y, const char *bytes, size_t length, const struct plot_font_style *style );
struct gui_layout_table *cocoa_layout_table;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
* Copyright 2011 Sven Weidauer <sven.weidauer@gmail.com>
* This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
* NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <AppKit/NSFont.h>
#import <AppKit/NSLayoutManager.h>
#import "utils/nsoption.h"
#import "netsurf/layout.h"
#import "netsurf/plotters.h"
#import "font.h"
#define colour_red_component( c ) (((c) >> 0) & 0xFF)
#define colour_green_component( c ) (((c) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define colour_blue_component( c ) (((c) >> 16) & 0xFF)
#define colour_alpha_component( c ) (((c) >> 24) & 0xFF)
#define colour_from_rgba( r, g, b, a) ((((colour)(r)) << 0) | \
(((colour)(g)) << 8) | \
(((colour)(b)) << 16) | \
(((colour)(a)) << 24))
#define colour_from_rgb( r, g, b ) colour_from_rgba( (r), (g), (b), 0xFF )
NSColor *cocoa_convert_colour( colour clr )
return [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: (float)colour_red_component( clr ) / 0xFF
green: (float)colour_green_component( clr ) / 0xFF
blue: (float)colour_blue_component( clr ) / 0xFF
alpha: 1.0];
static NSLayoutManager *cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( const char *string, size_t length,
const plot_font_style_t *style );
static CGFloat cocoa_layout_width( NSLayoutManager *layout );
static CGFloat cocoa_layout_width_chars( NSLayoutManager *layout, size_t characters );
static NSUInteger cocoa_glyph_for_location( NSLayoutManager *layout, CGFloat x );
static size_t cocoa_bytes_for_characters( const char *string, size_t characters );
static NSDictionary *cocoa_font_attributes( const plot_font_style_t *style );
static NSTextStorage *cocoa_text_storage = nil;
static NSTextContainer *cocoa_text_container = nil;
static nserror cocoa_font_width(const plot_font_style_t *style,
const char *string, size_t length,
int *width)
NSLayoutManager *layout;
layout = cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( string, length, style );
*width = cocoa_layout_width( layout );
return NSERROR_OK;
static nserror cocoa_font_position(const plot_font_style_t *style,
const char *string, size_t length,
int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x)
NSLayoutManager *layout = cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( string, length, style );
if (layout == nil) {
NSUInteger glyphIndex = cocoa_glyph_for_location( layout, x );
NSUInteger chars = [layout characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex: glyphIndex];
if (chars >= [cocoa_text_storage length]) *char_offset = length;
else *char_offset = cocoa_bytes_for_characters( string, chars );
*actual_x = NSMaxX([layout boundingRectForGlyphRange: NSMakeRange(glyphIndex - 1, 1)
inTextContainer: cocoa_text_container]);
return NSERROR_OK;
static nserror cocoa_font_split(const plot_font_style_t *style,
const char *string, size_t length,
int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x)
NSLayoutManager *layout = cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( string, length, style );
if (layout == nil) return NSERROR_BAD_PARAMETER;
NSUInteger glyphIndex = cocoa_glyph_for_location( layout, x );
NSUInteger chars = [layout characterIndexForGlyphAtIndex: glyphIndex];
if (chars >= [cocoa_text_storage length]) {
*char_offset = length;
*actual_x = cocoa_layout_width( layout );
return NSERROR_OK;
chars = [[cocoa_text_storage string] rangeOfString: @" " options: NSBackwardsSearch range: NSMakeRange( 0, chars + 1 )].location;
if (chars == NSNotFound) {
*char_offset = 0;
*actual_x = 0;
return NSERROR_OK;
*char_offset = cocoa_bytes_for_characters( string, chars );
*actual_x = cocoa_layout_width_chars( layout, chars );
return NSERROR_OK;
struct gui_layout_table gnustep_layout_table = {
.width = cocoa_font_width,
.position = cocoa_font_position,
.split = cocoa_font_split,
#pragma mark -
void cocoa_draw_string( CGFloat x, CGFloat y, const char *bytes, size_t length, const plot_font_style_t *style )
NSLayoutManager *layout = cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( bytes, length, style );
if (layout == nil) return;
NSFont *font = [cocoa_text_storage attribute: NSFontAttributeName atIndex: 0 effectiveRange: NULL];
CGFloat baseline = [font defaultLineHeightForFont] * 3.0 / 4.0;
NSRange glyphRange = [layout glyphRangeForTextContainer: cocoa_text_container];
[layout drawGlyphsForGlyphRange: glyphRange atPoint: NSMakePoint( x, y - baseline )];
#pragma mark -
static inline CGFloat cocoa_layout_width( NSLayoutManager *layout )
if (layout == nil) return 0.0;
return NSWidth([layout usedRectForTextContainer: cocoa_text_container]);
static inline CGFloat cocoa_layout_width_chars( NSLayoutManager *layout, size_t characters )
NSUInteger glyphIndex = [layout glyphIndexForCharacterAtIndex: characters];
return [layout locationForGlyphAtIndex: glyphIndex].x;
static inline NSUInteger cocoa_glyph_for_location( NSLayoutManager *layout, CGFloat x )
CGFloat fraction = 0.0;
NSUInteger glyphIndex = [layout glyphIndexForPoint: NSMakePoint(x, 0 )
inTextContainer: cocoa_text_container
fractionOfDistanceThroughGlyph: &fraction];
if (fraction >= 1.0) ++glyphIndex;
return glyphIndex;
static inline size_t cocoa_bytes_for_characters( const char *string, size_t chars )
size_t offset = 0;
while (chars-- > 0) {
uint8_t ch = ((uint8_t *)string)[offset];
if (0xC2 <= ch && ch <= 0xDF) offset += 2;
else if (0xE0 <= ch && ch <= 0xEF) offset += 3;
else if (0xF0 <= ch && ch <= 0xF4) offset += 4;
else offset++;
return offset;
static NSLayoutManager *cocoa_prepare_layout_manager( const char *bytes, size_t length,
const plot_font_style_t *style )
if (NULL == bytes || 0 == length) return nil;
NSString *string = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes: bytes length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
if (string == nil) return nil;
static NSLayoutManager *layout = nil;
if (nil == layout) {
cocoa_text_container = [[NSTextContainer alloc] initWithContainerSize: NSMakeSize( CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX )];
[cocoa_text_container setLineFragmentPadding: 0];
layout = [[NSLayoutManager alloc] init];
[layout addTextContainer: cocoa_text_container];
static NSString *oldString = 0;
static plot_font_style_t oldStyle = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
const bool styleChanged = memcmp( style, &oldStyle, sizeof oldStyle ) != 0;
if ([oldString isEqualToString: string] && !styleChanged) {
return layout;
[oldString release];
oldString = [string copy];
oldStyle = *style;
static NSDictionary *attributes = nil;
if (styleChanged || attributes == nil) {
[attributes release];
attributes = [cocoa_font_attributes( style ) retain];
[cocoa_text_storage release];
cocoa_text_storage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString: string attributes: attributes];
[cocoa_text_storage addLayoutManager: layout];
[layout ensureLayoutForTextContainer: cocoa_text_container];
return layout;
static NSString * const cocoa_font_families[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_COUNT] = {
[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_CURSIVE] = @"Apple Chancery",
static inline NSFont *cocoa_font_get_nsfont( const plot_font_style_t *style )
NSFont *font = [NSFont fontWithName: cocoa_font_families[style->family]
size: (CGFloat)style->size / PLOT_STYLE_SCALE];
NSFontTraitMask traits = 0;
if (style->flags & FONTF_ITALIC || style->flags & FONTF_OBLIQUE) traits |= NSItalicFontMask;
if (style->flags & FONTF_SMALLCAPS) traits |= NSSmallCapsFontMask;
if (style->weight > 400) traits |= NSBoldFontMask;
if (0 != traits) {
NSFontManager *fm = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
font = [fm convertFont: font toHaveTrait: traits];
return font;
static inline NSDictionary *cocoa_font_attributes( const plot_font_style_t *style )
return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
cocoa_font_get_nsfont( style ), NSFontAttributeName,
cocoa_convert_colour( style->foreground ), NSForegroundColorAttributeName,

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <string.h>
#import "netsurf/netsurf.h"
#import "netsurf/layout.h"
/****** Layout ******/
// Put the measured width of the string into width
static nserror gnustep_layout_width(const struct plot_font_style *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int *width) {
NSLog(@"gnustep_layout_width of %s, len %d", string, length);
if (string == NULL || length == 0) {
*width = 0;
return NSERROR_OK;
// TODO: = impl properly.
*width = 5 * length;
return NSERROR_OK;
// Put the character offset and actual x coordinate of the character for which the x
// coordinate is nearest to
static nserror gnustep_layout_position(const struct plot_font_style *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x) {
*char_offset = 0;
*actual_x = 0;
// Put the char offset and x coordinate of where to split a string so it fits in width x
static nserror gnustep_layout_split(const struct plot_font_style *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x) {
*char_offset = 0;
*actual_x = 0;
struct gui_layout_table gnustep_layout_table = {
.width = gnustep_layout_width,
.position = gnustep_layout_position,
.split = gnustep_layout_split